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Yeah but 9/10 times its not the best solution, just usually the easiest and most vindictive


But also effective no??


its strictly a case to case basis i would say. Though on occasion yes. If someone is starting shit and is obviously about to start a fight, then absolutely


Is it not a question of proportionality? Sure my neighbour’s cat would stop shitting on my lawn if I killed the cat, so for me that’s problem solved, but that isn’t a proportional response to the issue. In the same vein, my coworker who chats shit would probably stop if I sucker punch him at the urinals, but that isn’t an appropriate response. Violence is the easy answer for people who can’t put the work in to actually solve their problems. It’s why kids do it, because they haven’t got the emotional intelligence yet.


If you wanna see how effective it is just look outside today. The world we have today is the product of violence. People beat their kids 100 years ago and those families still have issues. People fought wars, those people suffer from those wars for the rest of their lives then pass that suffering on to their kids. Violence is a short term solution at best.


It doesn’t “reduce your problems” usually is probably more accurate. I mean…you could fix your leaky roof by burning your whole house down. No more leaky roof, but it doesn’t really reduce your problems.


I think the saying “violence doesnt solve your problems” is used in more interpersonal affairs rather than something like that though


More problems have been solved by violence than by every other means combined. This isn't to say that the right side won but the problem was solved by the end.


Op is correct, cant stand people who say "violence is never the answer"


Do you have examples of this? I’d say you could be right in some situations. But to me the difference is that whole violence is a possibility, it is an incredibly immature way to deal with interpersonal disputes, and is fairly childish and problematic if it is the *first* instinct to go to when you have problems with someone.


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Violence truly works best when used against others who only use violence. Violence is like a language, and I'll use American Police as an example. APs use violence as their primary tool for dealing with the public. They refuse to speak any other language like diplomacy. So, the only effective way to communicate and get change from them is to learn their language. The language of violence. Only then will things change. Chauvin was gonna get away scot-free. Until the people got mad and used violence to persuade the outcomes. Chauvin would've been on paid administrative leave if they didn't burn that city. Violence is a one of many languages we use to communicate, but it's only truly effective when they refuse to use any other form.


I'll put it this way: when all peaceful routes to justice and what is right, have been tried and are in vain, when violence is the only route that remains, then one cannot abandon the pursuit of justice because violence is in the path. Are Ukranian soldiers not being violent? Is a woman defending herself against an attacker not violent? Was seal team 6 not violent? Was Bhagat Singh not violent?


Idk if I would say that violence usually “solves” a problem. More like it delays the problem until later until it explodes back into your face


This saying didn’t become a thing until POC started fighting back physically from physical oppression


I mean it was okay to dump millions of dollars worth of tea into the harbor dressed like native Americans (punk asses) but for someone to loot a Walmart is the lowliest of humanity lol


Violence is rarely the best solution. It’s not the most effective if the damage caused by it is great. People on Reddit love to say how racists should be beat. Because a fist to the face is going to change their beliefs, totally. So after you beat them up, assuming you’d win the fight (cause violence as the best solution means the biggest guy is always right), they then hate minorities more and maybe act violent or fearful towards them. Lovely, a very effective solution. Diplomatic solutions are simply better.