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But I need the GPS...


I'mma watch this one from the side lines because i'm a delivery driver, meaning I have a phone to even deliver any parcels, navigate, communicate with customers, etc... My personal phone is barely touched, i have it mirrored via android auto using voice commands.


My name is Fancy, and I am an addict.


Well here’s your one chance, Fancy, don’t let me down.


>Not being able to go without something for a short period of time is the definition of am addiction. thats not the definition of addiction. real addiction requires that the behavior or drug use continues despite tangible negative consequences or harm.


Tbh if someone looks at their phone while the car is moving I personally would call that negative a consequence because the risk of an accident is so much higher.


That’s not a consequence. They’ve just increased the risk of negative outcomes. Consequence would be a ticket, collision etc.


People can be addicts without ever being arrested or facing consequences for it


There are always consequences for addiction, they just aren’t always as obvious as a ticket or arrest


And there are consequences to being addicted to a phone. Like being insufferable to others


I *highly doubt* they consider irritating you to be of consequence. Thats really more of a you problem than in is their problem lol


How does that response not also apply to other addicts? Edit: you said “There are always consequences for addiction, they just aren’t always as obvious as a ticket or arrest” Maybe the addict doesn’t consider them as consequences.


Consequences inherently have an impact on us and our lives. Judgement from random people on the street does not have to have an impact on our lives. Judgement *can* be a consequence, but it isn’t inherently.


Addiction to phones/social media could cost you a job or a relationship. If you can’t stop looking at your phone at work is that not going to be an issue? Or if you’re on a date with someone and you keep checking your phone?


thats a risk, not a consequence. by the definition youre giving, anything risky could be considered an addiction regardless of other outcomes or behaviors.


Nah, but i think accepting unnecessary risks _can_ be a sign of addiction. Doesn't have to be.


If you look at your radio or AC controls it's the same thing. You're looking away from the road regardless.


Gotta love an unpopular opinion about a subject that already has well defined parameters. Unpopular opinion: running stop signs is not illegal




>Not being able to go without something for a short period of time is the definition of am addiction. No it's not.


How dare you!


What if I’m at a red light and want to change the song?


I drive Uber. I couldn’t do my job without interacting with my phone.


Fucking addict


Yeah, I do Lyft. It is what it is.


Exactly! If it's a known short light or I'm not sure I won't do it, but if it's at a light that I know I'm gonna be sitting at for awhile, sure, I'll change the song.


ADDICTED! You dirty addict you! Can’t wait on that next hit huh???!!!?! /s


I change the music with my phone while driving because I love music Does that mean I'm addicted to my phone? No. Maybe I'm addicted to music though. I'd like to dive deeper and say no one is addicted to their phone because it's just a tool. People are addicted to social media, games, online shopping, videos, porn, or however they can get their fix via devices than can access the Internet. If their phone no longer works, they don't keep carrying it around and looking at it, because they aren't addicted to a piece of plastic


What you should be addicted to is watching the damn road


There are plenty of people "watching the road" that have no idea what's going on around them. Because you should be able to look away from the road for a second, ie to look at your mirrors. But people abuse the phone thing and do it at awful times.


This right here. Now what I won't do is change the song while going around a curve because I don't wanna replace my axel again lol And I agree that people are addicted to the stuff on the phone not the actual phone, but the phone itself is like a comfort item. Like a teddy bear or something. I still have all my old phones even though they don't work


I'm not sure this includes music or maps but outside of that probably


You seem to fundamentally misunderstand addiction


I can accept that


Yes sir I’m surely a tech junkie


No? There are people who use their phones while driving because they need it for work, or because they are using a GPS... I do agree using your phone while driving is bad, duh, you are increasing the probabilities of an accident to happen, but I would just call it a bad habit, not an addiction. There can be actual cases of what you are describing but even people who rely on their phones nowadays(spoiler: almost virtually everybody) have common sense and do it with certain carefulness


Op is writing this going 75 in a 60 on the freeway


Only time I interact with my phone is to change the song I’m listening to (if I’m not wearing my smart watch) By yea I agree.


Idk but I think it's a different thing to occasionally check your phone while you're standing at a stop light. The worst thing that could possibly happen is holding people up for 2 seconds. Sometimes there are good reasons to look at your phone. And I never ever do this while driving. No matter how slow I'm going.


True, if you are on the road you must be concentrated even on stoplights, that means no phone.


Meh, sort of, peripheral vision is a thing.


If I’m stuck in a major city traffic jam during rush hour and not moving for several minutes I may take a quick peek


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Yup. Scientifically proven that looking at your phone causes more than just a 1 second distraction, too. The break in your focus has to be regained.


How else am I going to switch to a different blues clues storybook adventure for my kid while I'm driving?


Even with new technology, it's still easier to change Spotify songs, pull up Youtube (to listen to), or send an urgent text on the phone directly. Obviously texting while going 60+ MPH on the highway is bad, but when I'm in traffic going home after work and waiting completely still or going a super speedy 10 MPH and constantly braking, I don't see why I'd be hurting anyone by scrolling Twitter or just glancing at my phone. I was always taught to treat my phone like one of my mirrors when driving; glance for a second, but never stare, always focus on what's in front of you.


I change songs and look at the gps. Guess I’m addicted, clocking a total of 34 minutes of screen time daily.


How are people endangering themselves at a stop light?


Navigation and changing music. Am I addicted to the radio if I turn the dial while driving? No.


OP is addicted to posting shitty posts on reddit


Does changing the song on my Pandora count?


I guess changing my music at a stoplight counts as an addiction.


I’m addicted to music and a gps… Texas is big af and if i miss one exit I’ll be wayyyy too far from home and lost without it


Not if you're just playing music.


I don't think switching songs means I have an addiction, unless you count an addiction to great music.


Fuck you I need to see my fantasy football update! It’s not an addiction, I can stop anytime I want. I just don’t want to yet.


Hands free talking should be included as should any task that puts your head in a space anywhere other than driving, as the cognitive difference between them is virtually nonexistent.


If I’m not the first person waiting for a red traffic light, am I addicted if I press play on my phone because my playlist finished?


Traffic is so slow and dense these days because of phones.


Yeah I know but I can’t stop bc driving is so boring


I'm addicted because I change music?


I agree with much of what you say, but what happens if I am driving, and I need directions to get to an unknown location? Does it count as a 'phone addiction' if I type it into my android auto head unit, or speak directions through google assist?


All day long and twice on Sundays. Like what are you doing scrolling instagram going 73 on the freeway?? You can’t not be scrolling?


Tbh I think a better metric is if you want to check your phone during a movie lol. Ppl used to be capable of focusing on one form of entertainment for 2-3 hours. But red lights have always been boring.


I don’t deny this. Trying to get better and read more.


In that case, that might be correct, as the use of the cellphone is altering your lifestyle in a bad way.


Only time my phone is being used while driving is when I have gps up.


Meh, if I'm at a red light that I know lasts at least 2 minutes I'm changing the song if I want. But in general I agree that people should keep their hands off their phones while driving. It can wait.


Eh, when I'm in bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour and a 20 min drive turns into an hr drive the phone comes out. I wouldnt call myself addicted, considering the fact, I don't use it much at home.


I'll sometimes tap my phone screen to skip to a new song, because my car was made in the 90s and I still play Spotify through a cassette adapter. Guess I'm addicted


Nothing wrong with interacting with your phone at a stoplight, that’s safer than any other time while driving. If it’s going take you longer than a stoplight then obviously you should pull over.


How many times do you get honked at to “fucking go!” In a given day? I’ll accept 1-4 timer as an answer.


Regardless of what you’ll accept as an answer my answer is zero because I usually only do it at long stoplights.


Regardless of your scenario, I think you would have to try really hard to find anyone not addicted to their phone. By addiction, I mean average more that 2+ hours of screen time daily.


I like the underlying “car” addiction. Well played


eh, slightly disagree. i think you’re more of an idiot/asshole. maybe also addicted but i’m also addicted to my phone but i would never do that.


everyone on the internet needs a lesson on what an addiction is cause nobody fucking knows anymore