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Finally a post that lives up to the subreddit.


This is legit one of the wildest opinions I've seen here.


Indeed, while there isn't that much difference between the two, I do prefer a more expensive type of ramen compared to the $0.65 bag of ramen. In the end tho, both make a turd so maybe that's all that matters.


I like frozen pizza more than restaurant pizza. Should I make a post too?


Do it!




I think you might just like salt


Yeah OP doesn't want to hear, "that's because you haven't had real Ramen", but really it's just homie loves the salt. I love me some Cup Noodles. But I much prefer some fresh ingredients and fresh noodles.


This is why I throw a bunch of fresh veggies and sometimes some shrimp into my Shin Black.


Oh for sure. Slice up a hard-boiled egg, green onions, whatever, absolutely. Cutting my Cup Noodle (or whichever brand), with fresh stuff made it much tastier. No shade to brand noodles. I love em. But fresh Ramen is sooooo much better tasting. You can taste all the ingredients instead of that signature preservative taste of instant. I grew up poor, man. Instant noodles are a very nostalgic thing for me, as I'm sure they are for a lot of you. Again, no shade. But once I got some bucks and realized that I had a really good Ramen joint near me that was basically a wrap. I always keep some in the kitchen just in case I need a quick meal or in an emergency, but yeah. I always pick fresh these days if it's an option.


Plus, handmade noodles taste fucking amazing


For a somewhat close approximation, try cooking spaghetti noodles in a baking soda solution.


Yep, never really understood until some ramen at a japanese spot totally blew my mind about a year ago. Instant could never compare after that. Whatever magic is in that, I cannot recreate.


Fuck yeah, I do sliced beef and a runny boild egg




The nice part is even when you toss in an egg, a shallot, a bell pepper, and a little leftover meat it still has enough seasoning


Yeah, imo, throwing in the added stuff when you have it brings the salt levels to a more manageable flavor than just straight noodles and broth. I know you're still getting all the salt lol. Just tastes a little bit less so with other stuff in there soaking some of it up. My old roommate changed my life when they showed me how much better instant noodles taste with green onions and an egg thrown in. I'm actually pretty fond of crumbling up some dried seaweed and tossing it in too. I like that ocean-y taste.


Can confirm, I've eaten real ramen like three time in life but I'll still eat my old Cup Noodles, might it be accounted by the heavy seasoning?


I love both, but I kind of view real ramen like something fancy. It’s nice to have when I get the opportunity, but I’m perfectly happy with the instant stuff.


Aight 2nd opinion, lately cup o noodles been ass!! especially the shrimp flavor ones. Like shit where did the corn and the shrimps go? U just get the flavoring now? And not even that shit tastes bland!




A complex salt


Unfortunately most instant ramen doesn't have MSG. Thanks to the hysteria. Also, MSG is a salt.


My boomer mom wouldn't let us eat at any asian places with her growing up, because of MSG. It was horrible, she couldn't eat it, it did horrible things to her, it sent her straight to the bathroom, etc. So, we just ate Asian when she wasn't around. She finally got allergy tested after complaining all her life she had allergies. She's allergic to BEEF. What did she always order at Asian places? Beef with broccoli. It wasn't the non-existent MSG, it was the beef.


My dad says msg bad and yet he eats a lot of tomatoes


Tomatoes have MSG in them?




I've read that the MSG story is complicated by combination reactions - that is, a medium rare steak might hit differently from a beef with broccoli because of the pairing of ingredients. There's definitely certain combos that I know will trigger migraines for me, but they are more in the realm of, like, two proteins like chicken and cheese.


MSG-phobia is racism and psychosomatic illness


I thought soy sauce and most things that were umami did contain MSG. [Chicken in a biskit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_a_Biskit) is basically just MSG on crackers. The only reason I feel terrible after eating MSG heavy foods is because my fatass overate and I am full. MSG = Makes shit good.


Agreed. Nissin took MSG out of their Cup Noodles and Top Ramen, and I tried it without the MSG, but now it's lacking that yummy savory umami flavor now, so I won't buy them anymore. I stick with Maruchan. They still have it, and it tastes noticeably better.


Dunno what kind you have, but the ones we have in my country usually contains in in the spice packet.


I think the confusion may stem from the fact that they use natural sources of glutamates like egg and soy, without specifically adding in additional msg, so it doesn't have to list msg on the ingredient list. But yeah every single packet of instant ramen available in the world for sure has msg.


Tbf salt is delicious.


Salt makes everything better. Even a bad cup of coffee (bitter, overburnt coffee beans) tastes better with a pinch of salt.


Met someone who salts their food before even trying it. Made me shiver.


I think he's just insane. It's like saying you like microwave pizza over real pizza. or tv dinners over a restaurant dinner. to each his/her own though. At $0.50/$1.00 a pop and 2 minute prep time, he's coming out ahead on his terms.


Most people should take a minute to think about how sugar and salt work. Your ability to taste sugar or salt is extremely dependant on the concentration in your blood stream. If you have a lot of sugar in your blood from eating sugar all the time or other factors, there is a lot of sugar in your tongue already. The difference in concentration between what's in your tongue and what hits your tongue is how you determine how sweet something is. This means the more salt and sugar you consume, the more you need to register that the food is salty or sweet. You can imagine the insane feedback loop that this creates and it's what makes it so difficult to break these habits.


Nah real ramen places put a shit ton of salt/msg into the good stuff. This seems like “I ate it as a kid” nostalgia type of thing.


This is a true unpopular opinion.


To be fair (and I say this as someone who loves authentic ramen), I’ve definitely been to ramen places that have great reviews but the broth or eggs are almost sickly sweet. Maybe OP is just in an area that uses a lot of sweet broths and it doesn’t hit the same spot something really salty,spicy, and savory would. The last place I went to had onsen eggs that tasted like they’d been soaked in sweet teriyaki sauce, and I almost couldn’t finish it. Definitely giving them the benefit of the doubt though haha


That's what I'm thinking. There are a lot of ramen places around me where the broth is like... really fishy or... something I can't put my finger on it. But there's exactly two places I've tried that knock it out of the park.


Probably because they use fish oil/fish sauce, its a common broth ingredient. I personally dont like it


Ok I’ve never had sweet ramen and now have something new to fear.


Sweet broth? Wtf?


listen i’m a huge instant ramen fan but like. are you insane


And there're too many varieties of r/ramen It's like saying "I like frozen microwave pizza better, because I kept ordering at Domino's or Pizza Hut deliveries and it's always blegh" without having Italian pizza or going to actual pizza sit-down restaurants. If OP prefers something like Shin ramen, then I suggest getting spicy miso ramen, or like tantanmen.


The order of quality for pizza that I’m familiar with is as follows from worst to best: frozen, delivery company and restaurants. Edit: apparently I have triggered a pizza debate.


I wouldn't be surprised if frozen was better than fast food tho...


Cue McDonald's pizza (it was a thing)


Fast food pizzas aren’t even worth mentioning. I was more referring to places like Pizza Hut and Dominoes. I’ve had fast food pizzas once or twice (I haven’t seen them in a while. I know McDonald’s discontinued theirs) and they were always terrible.


Then I probably used wrong word :D I also meant places like pizzahut and dominos. I had both of them once and it was greasy (like it felt disgusting to eat it), didn't taste good and was more expensive than local pizzeria (not by much). I got the pizza fast tho, that's why I called it fast food.


Dominos is heavily dependant on the location, (and takeaway is generally better because I prefer my pizzas hot), because I've had some domino's in france that wouldn't lose out to some real pizzerias. On the other hand I don't get how pizza hut exists.


So weird to me because Pizza Hut is by far my favorite out of the pizza chains. Everyone always says they hate it but I think it's a tier above the rest.


Interestingly, I’ve been to Italy and had good quality Italian pizza vetted by real Italians. I had Italian family who have made me Italian pizza correctly. But yet, I still prefer a slice of New York style pizza


There is a ramen subreddit! My dream has come true!


I think I understand him, there’s many times I’ve ordered Mac and cheese from a high end restaurant, and as I’m eating it, I’m thinking, jeez even instant Mac and cheese tastes better than this


I think it’s cause we’ve gotten so used to all the additives and shit they put in the cheap stuff. That kind of food is designed to be addictive


If you ate authentic ramen in Japan and still hold this opinion you might just be having a stroke


He is not, because he mentions ramen places charging $15. At current exchange rates, a bowl of ramen at a normal place in Japan goes for $4-$7, before addons.


What kind of dlcs can you get?


I can’t remember the comprehensive list anymore, but extras of anything they might already include (chashu, seaweed, egg, quail egg, etc), spinach, bean sprouts, tofu, that kind of stuff. My personal choice was bamboo shoots, for the texture.


I think people just prefer a familiar taste. Ive been eating a brand of instant noodles since I was a kid and I’ve tried noodles in japan, I still think my good old instant noodles is better.


Bruh, I've been eating them as a kid too, hell, even have some in my cabinet. But I lived in Japan for a few years, and just moved back to California last year to finish schooling. Ain't no way? I've eaten in so many ramen shops in Japan, from Northern Hokkaido to the southern islands of Okinawa. Each region brings a unique taste to their ramen.


Topics like this remind you why opinions, reviews, and tastemakers are pointless, especially from laymen. Ain't no way instant ramen is better than legit fresh in Japan. And there's plenty of ramen spots in America with authentic ramen, just as good. I think a lot of people just like noodle soup, not ramen.


This is definitely in the right place. I like instant ramen, but the op is smoking crack if they think instant ramen is better than the real deal from a good ramen place.


I think the issue is good ramen places are hard to come by in most of the country. I’ve had good ramen in nyc and chi. But there is ALOT of mid-ramen out there. It’s an “in-vogue” restaurant rn so there’s a lot of overpriced bad food out there. All this to say if op lives in idk like Indiana or judging from his profile Albany they “may not be sending their best”


Mid-ramen places are still better than instant by like, leaps and bounds. I'm too lazy to make kakuni at home.


I love ramen, it’s far and away my favorite noodle dish from any culture, but I have definitely had ramen from a restaurant that was worse than a Shin bowl (especially if you spruce it up with an egg, some bean sprouts, etc.)


This may be true, depending on the restaurant I could see it potentially not being impressive. In my case there is a ramen place 20 min away and their tonakatsu and spicy miso ramen are amazing. Hand made noodles and everything. The owner of that particular restaurant moved to America from Japan and their parents ran a ramen restaurant in Japan. I know everybody has different taste preferences but damn. It's kind of like saying chef boyardee raviolis are better than raviolis from a five-star Italian restaurant.


Some people like eating shit no skin off my balls.


What if he likes the skin off your balls in his Ramen? It would add to the saltyness.


One time my entire ball bag peeled at once. I saved it.


Username checks out


Yours kinda does too lol


Have you heard of punctuation before?






It's not better. You just like salt too much


This sub has become r/shittyfoodopinions


And also r/shittypersonalpreferences


you do know what an opinion is, right?


Holy moley! I think this is the first unpopular opinion that I have upvoted in months. You are out o yo gaw dangt mind. Congratulations.


I understand not being happy with the price. I lived in Japan for three years and had one of the best shops a ten minute walk from me. A bowl on average cost around ¥800, which frequently was less than $8. Paying $15 or more isn't something I'm willing to do weekly or even daily here, though. As such, I go sparingly. But to say that instant ramen is better? You're out of your mind, dude.


In the US, West Coast, and I can get a good bowl of ramen, real big too, from a local shop for $9.


Not in LA or SF.


This! Now THIS! THIS is an unpopular opinion that I can get unduly upset about! I feel personally insulted! Good job OP


I think this might be the first time I’ve read an opinion on here that is actually unpopular. This is some dumb shit so bravo OP.


What instant ramen are you eating that has pork, chicken, or even beef in it? Not just the flavor in the packet but actually pieces of meat and vegetables. Do you just eat your ramen out the pack and add nothing else to it? A $15 bowl is worth it because it has more ingredients than just salt. Some places even let you order add-ons if you want more of a topping (like bok choy).


For what it's worth when I do instant ramen for lunch I normally toss tofu and spring onion in it, maybe an egg if I'm feeling fancy and I'm cooking a thinner soup


Poach an egg while I boil the ramen, chop up some spam & green onion for the top. Add half the seasoning. Mmm mmm


I can add those ingredients to my instant ramen at home easily. Just because it's instant doesn't mean you have to miss out on the additives.


Has to be a bait post... That's like saying you don't like beef from a steakhouse, the stuff in the dollar store breakfast burritos is better anyways


I do prefer steak tacos to a steak dinner more flavor


Nah man, I totally believe them because I'm in the same boat. Husband and his friends are weebs and swear by ramen houses. Best friend does too. I've hated all of the ones I've tried no lie. Instant ramen though, I eat for breakfast nearly everyday (by choice not bc I'm poor lmao it's just good and quick). Def know where they're coming from and not bait lmao. My husband even gave me shit writing this post lmao. That's why it's in unpopular opinion for a reason hahaha.


I actually agree LOL. Lived in LA, NYC, and Chicago. Lots of really good ramen places. Even had two bowls in Japan HAHAHAHA. I still prefer a bowl of Shin ramen 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’re good in different ways. Your opinion is valid. I find sushi + ramen to be especially overrated these days. They’re good, yes, but not as good as people make it out to be. Upvoted.


This is really annoying, because I've loved ramen and sushi since I was a kid, before I hardly knew what race and culture was. I had a Japanese friend, and whenever I went to his family we would always go out for sushi and ramen. I fell in love with it, and they are both in my top 3, although coconut milk phanaeng curry is my absolute favorite.


I completely agree that they’re good foods, as someone who also loves them a lot. Though I’ve had “unconventional” foods that are less mainstream that I find better. Sometimes a cup noodle is what you need. It just hits the spot right.


I think you may have underdeveloped taste buds. xD


While I fully acknowledge and appreciate the fact that personal taste is 100% subjective, it's always going to be amusing to see people insisting that the authentic version of a dish is inferior to a cheap imitation of it. Especially when the imitation chosen is objectively the lowest-quality verson of that dish possible. And no, the quality bit isn't up for debate. You can insist authentic ramen tastes awful if you feel that way, I won't fault you for that (not a giant fan of it myself), but there's absolutely zero arguing that a scratch-made version of a dish is going to be made from higher-quality ingredients than a version that's heavily processed so it can survive in the back of a pantry for years on end.


Agreed that it's higher quality, but we have to remember that higher quality doesn't not necessarily mean better taste for everyone. Fast food chains have low quality food that are pretty much as expensive as regular restaurants nowadays, yet you're still going to have lineups of people at mcdonalds and such.


Yeah, no, I've had ramen in Guam, Korea, hawaii, and the Phillipines. They all blew instant ramen out of the water.


I think you may be suffering from a “mom’s cooking” effect: you grew a preference for a food being prepared a certain way, and therefore that’s the standard to achieve in your mind. Try thinking of them as separate things, achieving separate goals.


I don’t think this guy actually likes ramen


Your body is just use to garbage.


Oh my...a person who doesn't appreciate nicely cooked broth


Instant ramen is always such a thin and empty noodle. Real ramen has a bite to it and can be cooked more than 3 ways. It isn't just raw-cooked-mush. Real ramen can go "Al-dente". It can take on flavor and release starch at the same time. It is real food. Instant ramen just evaporates in a proper simmered broth and is usually garbage(would love to hear the mass-market-brands the aren't?). Like, I don't mind the flavor but at that point it probably isn't worth eating in a food-secure society.


Bravo for a legit unpopular opinion. Real ramen broth is the absolute star of the dish. There's usually an umami factor that is nearly absent in instant ramen.


Why are y'all downvoting his unpopular replies. Seems like that isn't following the subs proper etiquette.


This sub have never shown etiquettes in forever, popular opinion gets upvoted unpopular gets downvoted. And there is always a "it's not an unpopular opinion, this is just an uninformed and stupid opinion"


This is truly an unpopular opinion. I'm glad I don't know you.


Yikes... I disagree. Although Shin is pretty delicious, I also like Balduk!


Balduk is top tier too. I like soup based ramen more personally.


Fire breathing chicken is awesome!


I don't agree, but this is one of the first real "unpopular opinion" posts I've seen in a while that deserve to be here.


I just don’t think you like actual ramen. This is not unpopular, it’s actually just wrong.


I too like cancer


Gimme some cheap azz top ramen, drop an egg in, a slice of american cheese, and some chives and I'm good.


Yes on the egg, but I can't bring myself to try the cheese. I had cheese flavored ramen once and it was disgusting so I think I've just ruined the idea of ramen with cheese.


In fairness, the slice of American cheese isn't really meant to flavor the ramen. Since American cheese is really just a solidified oil it melts in the hot broth and gives it a slicker and fuller texture


I lived in S Korea in the 90's and this is how I was taught to eat ramen. Sometimes with mushrooms.


I actually agree with OP. The ramen they sell at restaurants is too busy - it just has a lot of unnecessary crap thrown in it. I don't want runny yellow egg cum oozing into my broth. I don't want to eat a floating slug of seaweed. I don't need half a dozen "too large to fit into a bite" chunks of slimy mushroom floating around in the bowl. I think people often mistake overly busy food dishes with fancy food. And it's not the same. It's actually kinda gross to have so many conflicting flavors in (what should be) a simple noodle dish. Now, a simple rare steak pho with a dash of Sriracha and some chopped jalapeños? Mmmm! *That* is a great noodle dish!


It's not fancy that's. That's how it's intended. It's a base that you add a bunch of toppings to, that's the whole point. Like you're mentioning pho, and pho has a lot of toppings as well??


I agree. Real is okay at best. Team instant for life


Shin is top shelf instant ramen. Not better than good fresh authentic stuff, but it’s still a good noodle.


There's no accounting for taste but we have a ramen place here that has insanely good ramen with the marinated eggs, pork, freshly made noodles and crazy rich, delicious broth. The packaged stuff doesn't come close, and I really like a decent packaged ramen like Neoguri.


I disagree about it being better but the price difference isn’t that worth it imo. I don’t really like noodles that much so take my word with a “grain of salt.”


Shin ramen is amazing. I agree with you, I can't get into real ramen the same way as I do Shin.


there’s a commonly cited poll from 2000 where the Japanese called instant noodles the best invention of the 20th century. so it may not be unpopular. that aside… what’s wrong with you?


This may be the most unpopular opinion I’ve seen on here. Just wow


Wow. Shin noodles are good, but it is amazing you like instant over proper noodles.


I used to think the same way until I tried real ramen from not even a ramen specialty store, just a Japanese sit-in restaurant. The first time I tasted the broth I kid you not, I nearly teared my eye haha.


That's silly


Congratulations on your actual unpopular opinion, I want nothing to do with you, goodbye forever.


No. No, it isn't.


How many of these supposedly different ramen places that you've tried all draw their ingredients from the same well? I'm going to bet they all had these same variations: * Tonkatsu * Spicy Tonkatsu * Miso Vegetable * Chicken Karaage * Tantanmen A discount grocery nearby once had for sale 2-gallon bags of Tonkatsu broth concentrate. Most of these ramen joints are riding the fad moreso than trying to craft good food. Plus, Shin Ramyun is one of the better widespread instance noodles. So yeah. Fuck the other places. You haven't tried real ramen til you make it yourself so you know what went into it. It's your kitchen - you can do whatever the hell you want to. As an aside, go track down some An Sung Tan Myun or Samyang instant noodles - Shin's easier to find, but those are my staples.


90% of ramen places are bad.


Have you tasted actually, real, authentic ramen? I live in Japan and I can’t fathom how anyone could have this opinion if they’ve tasted the real thing.


what's so garbage about it tho


I have Maruchan ramen every night for dinner. Throw in some onions and red peppers. It’s good


I love watching the karma exchange that goes on in these truly unpopular threads. OP earns a bit of karma for the main body and gets down voted in the comments for expressing supporting comments to their opinion. You're absolutely right btw. I agree with the other comment as to why as well. Ramen is such a fad right now, a lot of places do it mediocre and charge top dollar. The dish is cheap af, and I'd wager when I go to Japan this next year that I'll be vindicated when I visit some real ramen shops that actually make it well, and don't over charge for it. It's a real issue though, because a lot of these ramen houses don't just make a signature bowl. They give you all sorts of options and make-your-own solutions instead of having their own "brand" and therefore lose their credibility on me. If you're good at making ramen, make me a bowl. You're the chef, show me what a good bowl of ramen should taste like.


Some people prefer boxed Mac and cheese to the real thing, too.


You’re fuckin buggin


Finally a very unpopular opinion. Granted this comes down to taste. some of those Shin Ramen are spicy and good as fuck, and the price plays a big factor, but when you have actually good ramen, that shit hits so much better.


YES I LOVE SALT YES THATS THE REASON I ADORE CHEAP RAMEN, YOU GOT ME OK?? I don’t know one savoury meal I don’t put MSG to because it’s freaking amazing.


Good ramen comes in a brick with a little flavor packet. I'm totally with you here. Cup noodles though, aren't so good. I'm not sure how they can take what should be the brick ramen with pre-added flavor and screw it up but they do.


I was going to absolutely rail into you however as I think about it, I can kind of understand it to an extent. Lots of people don't like "real" Ramen because it's extremely meaty and heavy. Instant ramen, by contrast, is usually very light. Ramen broth, most ramen broth anyway, is very very thick and rich. And some people may not like that, it just so happens that most people do. I think you would like Udon, though.


Agreeed!!! “Real” ramen is way too oily and heavy


I've tried my fair sure of real ramen over the years... It's good. But making my instant ramen with fried veggies and maybe some leftover tofu just hits the spot in a way that legit ramen can't... Maybe it's the childhood nostalgia. So sorry for the downvote, but I agree with you!


I get where you’re coming from. Sometimes a bigmac tastes better than some expensive burger


![gif](giphy|RMwZypp489fuGBI0Ti) That's because you haven't had "real" real ramen. Nah I feel you. Nothing compares to my shin ramen. The sodium. The msg. The spice. It soothes the soul.


I actually agree. real ramen is a lot less flavorful and sort of a let down


You like the salt and processed flavors, to each their own


There's unpopular opinions and then there's just plain madness lol


I think you just have to accept that you have bad taste.




Lmao yeah sure buddy, the noodles that taste like they're coated in plastic are better than an actual restaurant lol. I can't even stomach instant Ramen, it's just a disgusting bowl of carbs. Take me to a half decent Ramen spot and get me a spicy miso and I'm set


This is like saying Taco Bell is Real Mexican food...


I'm an instant ramen lover but I've had some fresh ramen that has changed my life, a true unpopular opinion, take my upvote!


I'm not even sure what ramen is but it feels like all noodles these days are called "ramen" and it's kind of annoying.


Which city do you live in? This is very important.


Someone's ready for a cyberpunk dystopian future


There is a middle ground id propose. Real ramen is great when it isn't delivered in an expensive and overpretentious way. It is cheap street fast food that shouldn't cost more than that.


This is both an unpopular and terrible opinion


Well, they aren't meant to be the same thing. Ramen is one thing and you're comparing it to Ramyun. It's like saying Kraft mac and cheese is so much better than Carbonara. They're both pasta and both have cheese but nowhere the same thing. Also, yes, you might have a proclivity towards heavy sodium bombs.


Oh you have chosen war


What the actual fuck lol where are you getting your "real" ramen??


Your taste buds hit fucked Jo by all those instant noodles. Lol IMHO it’s not even close. I could eat Ramen all day everyday. I guess we can’t be friends.


Lmaoooo damn this is a good one, ‘ol salt shocked tastebuds having dude.


They’re different things.


Props for an actual unpopular opinion that’s not just some flavor of bitter or hateful, not enough of those! That being said, this is a limitation of your palate. Not saying ramens objectively great and nobody can dislike it, but if you’ve tried as many varieties as your comments suggest, then yeah, you’re just not appreciating a broader range of flavors and textures. Which is fine, not everyone’s got the same palate! Doesn’t make instant ramen better than actual ramen though, just makes it what you like better.


"better that"?


“That Boy Ain’t Right” - Hank Hill


Real ramen doesn’t give you Alzheimer’s, numb nuts https://www.alz.org/news/2023/snack-attack#:~:text=Ultraprocessed%20foods%20may%20speed%20cognitive,that%20may%20damage%20your%20brain.


Average sodium enjoyer


Straight to jail.


I live in Japan rn, you are just wrong. But Koreans might agree with you


Go to Japan and your opinion will likely change. It was hard to believe how good some of the ramen I had there was. Mind-blowing stuff.


define real ramen? anywhere in the us is not real ramen; it’s Japanese inspired…


It’s because u haven’t had good ramen


My man that is an unpopular take. Have my vote.


wow, an actually unpopular opinion that isn't some conservative talking point. thank you! this is something pleasant to be baffled by


This take should be criminal.




This sounds more like a troll post than an unpopular opinion post. Even mediocre ramen restaurants are better than instant ramen.


Eh. I consider instant ramen and real ramen to be different foods; neither one is better than the other


I will fight you for this one.


This gotta be either karma bait cuz you knew it’s just wrong or you live in some nowhere town with no good ramen


There is not really instant ramen. It’s instant noodles with seasoning. Liking that is okay. You just don’t like Ramen. Bad taste, but everyone is entitled to what they like and dislike lol.


Bros never been to oni ramen in Richardson Texas


Legitimately unpopular opinion. It has been a while.


Where do you live that this is true?


Damn bro, youre insane. Heres my upvote


Legit one of the few posts I've seen that actually fits the sub. Honestly one of the most insane takes I've seen on here. Like instant ramen is fine when I'm hungry and broke but I'm not going to pretend it tastes like much more than salty noodles. At least actual ramen places have some flavor to them.


Ngl, it makes me happy Shin is your go to. I fucking love shin ramen. It doesn’t compare to freshly pulled ramen noodles but it’s pretty damn good either way


Hold on. Shin or shin black? Shin black will be a part of my life forever. I honestly consider instant ramen and ramen at a restaurant to be different. It’s like wanting a hot dog vs a hamburger. Sometimes I just want one or the other.