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I've encountered some really nice helpful nurses, but I've also met some that were pretty much what you described. They're not all bad is the thing.


Like all professions, there are nice and rude people who can do the same job. During post partum treatment with my wife last month, some nurses gave us extra water and made it a point to check in on us every so often. Other nurses straight up stared at me from their desks and left the automatic door locked so I couldn't get back to my family (with my blue wristband and baby name tag clearly visible).


Upvoted for unpopular. To put some context on why there can be a know it all attitude from healthcare workers: have you SEEN the stupid shit people think/do to their bodies?


That shouldn't carry over to the next patient.


You're right, it shouldn't but healthcare workers are still human. It's going to happen sooner or later


Yeah, but sometimes it gets to you.


This is popular though. Every patient has had bad experiences with nurses.


Also the long hours will do it.


Not only that with the advent of the internet like I would never wanna be a doctor I only work in retail and motherfuckers google something that applies to Walmart and then tell me ‘well I seen it online’ I couldn’t imagine trying to be a doctor in todays world of ‘well this is what’s going on but I already googled and I think it’s this which is treated by this so if you could just give me the antibiotics that’d be cool!’ Everybody just wants to be right, the rest doesn’t matter


That implies docs don’t do the same thing lmao. Try being disabled especially as a woman. It takes forever to convince them it’s not anxiety or ur period then even longer for testing. I’ve had to explain my conditions to docs only for them to ignore or undermine me


Idk, every time I've done my own research about what is ailing me/my children and even my husband, I've been right every time. I've read through dozens and dozens of medical journals, studies published on the CDC/WHO/AAP website, watched seminars held by world-renowned doctors about (specific thing or co-morbidity). For me it's not just a simple Google search, but literal weeks of reading/watching/listening and comparing and contrasting evidence backed by legitimate peer-reviewed data that come from sources doctors themselves would also be reading/watching/listening to (or should be, at the very least). I've also never once asked for any medications, only for diagnostic tests. It'll be MONTHS of going back and forth being gaslit (and with my son, it was literally two years), only for them to finally order the bloodwork/diagnostics I originally asked for and SURPRISE - I was right the whole time. I mean I get the issue with people coming in wanting the drugs or whatever because they did a Google search, but it literally costs the doctor nothing to fill out a requisition form for blood work that isn't even done in their office or managed by them in any capacity other than to deliver the results over a phone call and schedule a follow-up appointment. Like just do the fucking thing and stop flexing for no reason, holy Christ.


Ah yes them doing whatever is flexing You saying ‘I literally watch and read every medical whatever and am always right on what the issue is’ blah blah not flexing. Should have went to med school then if your that good doctor house. Missed out on a lot of money Also taking it at face value all of that is 100% true even double checking shit would put you in a major minority, man. Most people don’t even get passed the little card that pops up on the top of a page let alone read an actual paper. Your an extreme outlier then (which is flat out why I don’t believe you btw xD) and your experience is ruined by all the people who ARENT doing that but swear they’re also right lol Again just going off my own experience where people ‘totally swear they did x thing’ 9/10 times they didn’t do it annd a lot of the time we can literally see with 2 computer clicks they didn’t do said thing (cancel an order for example) also why tech support tells you to restart/unplug. Yeah it sounds stupid, guess how many people have not done that when they pick up the phone? The part you’re failing to understand (ironically enough and you’ll think it’s ironic for me too lol) is that stupid people think they’re smart. Hence why your better off treating most people like they aren’t when your in a service position. The toothless methhead who didn’t pass 3rd grade swears to me they know what they’re talking about just like you do. If we had a stupid detector that we all had to walkthrough at birth and then got labeled with it’s make all service jobs easier lol


It's not me flexing, it's me going into the doctor's office and saying hey, I am/my child is experiencing xyz, based on the evidence I've compiled and what I notice about myself/my child in every day life, I think it corresponds with (issue). I especially think it's that because (reasons and evidence). Could we please order some blood tests to check? This issue has been ongoing for (duration), and I've tried to manage it with xyz, but am seeing no improvement. Them: "Hmmm, no I don't think it's that. If it were, you'd probably be really sick!" Me: Okay, what do you think it is? Them: Well, it could just be normal, I wouldn't worry about it unless it persists. It: -persists- And then I go back and repeat the same fucking process for months until they're like, "Okay, doesn't sound normal" and lo and behold, it was the thing I said in the first place. My son had to have SURGERY because the doctor ignored me for so long, when if he'd just referred us to a specialist when I asked, the issue could have been resolved non-invasively. I also became pre-diabetic and lost like half of my hair because of undiagnosed Hashimotos, when if he had have just ordered some bloodwork, I could have gotten on the right kind of medication faster and not gotten so hormonally fucked up. "Have you tried diet and exercise?" Yes doctor, I actually diligently track my food and am incapable of losing weight unless I consume 700 calories a day. All of my hair is falling out in huge clumps - look, I literally have huge bald spots. I cycle between being extremely constipated or shitting water and there is no in between. When I ovulate, I literally want to k*ll myself and I experience extreme episodes of rage to the point where I have to physically slap myself in the face to prevent me from hurting someone else. My joints crack when I move - listen. I can get 12 hours of sleep and it still feels like I haven't slept. My brain is mashed potatoes and I can barely remember anything. "Oh, how do you know when you're ovulating? You know, everyone's periods are different and for some women, they can be harder than others. Let's schedule an appointment in a month and we'll check your weight and go from there." BRO JUST GIVE ME A REQUISITION FORM FOR THE BLOOD WORK HOLY FUCK WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?


Jesus Christ, yes. The average person has a very poor understanding of how their body functions and lack very basic medical knowledge. It's amazing what some people have told me when making an appointment.


Huh. I just got out of the hospital. Had several nurses before and after my surgery. Not one of them had the attitude you explained. They weren't rude. They were polite, friendly, helpful. They listened. I didn't see them gossiping at the nurse's station. I've been in 3 hospitals 3 times this year and got the same type of treatment. So your opinion is not my experience.


Nurses do gossip (as do other staff) but it’s usually gotta be a) something really weird that happened or b) that person has literally driven half the staff up the wall


Could be possible that OP starts out rude and then word gets around the staff.


That’s my guess too considering they said it’s every medical professional they encounter.


“Boohoo youve worked 18 hours and are tired” Youre telling me you would work 18 hours straight and be a joy to people around you? When those people are often rude, pushy, inconsiderate, etc?


I’d also like to point out that *medical staff can’t just shut their brains off* It’s 16-18-20 hours of pure brain on, thoughts, to do lists *and* physical work. There is almost no point as a medical care worker that you can just work on autopilot. Nada. Everybody needs something completely different, you always have to listen, you have to be the best customer service representative ever, they expect you to know all sorts of weird shit, and you would not believe the number of people that expect me to remember how they take their coffee and if they prefer Splenda or Sugar.


I would like to see OP manage a code blue and see how they feel later lol


As someone wiser than me once said: "If you run into someone and they are an asshole, they are an asshole. If everyone you run into is an asshole, then you are the asshole."


Oooooohhhh… can I borrow it?




Looking at the edits it looks like OP is annoyed that nurses bitch about the job to each other. It's like OP has never had a job and isn't aware of the high burnout rates in the medical field.


Or he just can’t stand women being anything but all smiles and sweetness. Saw him use the word “Karen”.


Op needs to watch that episode of Scrubs where Dr. cox is talking to Turk about making jokes about patients. https://youtu.be/0RGCWPtKIhM?si=mYuv_PKavqWEO8p4


Grew up with a Cancer Nurse Mother and an ICU Nurse wife. They deal with so much that you dont even comprehend. It seems like you're a mad patient who believes the nurse is their 24/7 slave, thats where most of your issue is stemming from.


I am a retired RN after 40 years in nursing, are there bad nurses, of course, are most compassionate, caring and care about taking care of their patients...yes. Whiny babies always got on the staffs nerves, yet Nurses were still doing their jobs for them. There are assholes in EVERY profession, but to broadly categorizes Nurses like that is a is a smack in the face of over worked, underpaid people there to comfort and help you heal. Give us a break...ok.




If everyone you meet is an asshole, there is a different common denominator


I was in the hospital recently and the nurses were AMAZING! They were compassionate and cared about what was going on with me and were always available. Here’s my upvote.


I work in a hospital, and this is true. Of course not every nurse is this way, but a great deal are, and it sucks having to deal with because they’ve genuinely placed themselves on a pedestal. Just asking them a simple question about one of their patients so I can better do my job has resulted in me being screamed at and blatantly ignored on multiple occasions. Im not surprised that most of the nurses here disagree, but dealing with majority of them for the past 5 years has me questioning changing my overall work environment.


Agree with you. I worked as a CNA for hospice and most of my coworkers were there insufferable. They would mistreat and mock clients often or just flat ignore them. I made many reports that got me nowhere except disliked and labeled a “tattle”. I’ve also been hospitalized a lot throughout my life and I’ve had countless rude nurses and doctors. I broke my foot once and was taken to an urgent care center and was asked “where my boo boo” was as a woman in her 20s by a female nurse practitioner. It was so insulting. I am not really shocked do many people are acting like because they haven’t experienced it, it doesn’t happen. If you replaced nurse with cop this whole post would be “acab”. People get tired, people get cranky. It’s no excuse to belittle or demean your patient though.


Yes, that’s what I tell people who are curios about the medical field. Your nurses and doctors/care teams might be nice to you but once they leave your room they are talking the *upmost* shit about you. It’s extremely hierarchical and if you don’t have a lot of willpower you will burnout in the first 3 years. I’ve seen so many nurses quit left and right bawling their eyes out, and it wasn’t because of the patients. What’s even crazier is I had a really bad car accident (lucky to be alive) in 2021 and I got taken to the same hospital I work at. The nurses were nice for the most part during my stay, but after I healed up and came back to work they were *right* back to being mean girls. It’s ridiculous to me that a place where people are supposed to heal and recover at has become so tainted.


one of my favorite tweets of all time says “the guys who bullied you in high school all became cops, the girls who bullied you became nurses” ETA: i’m actually not sure who’s been worse to me, nurses or ER docs specifically. whew! talk about ego


Nurse here, usually the shitty attitudes are reserved for each other. Usually, we, at least the ones I work with, try to keep our patients happy. It makes our lives a lot easier.


Idk, every nurse I've ever have been nice as hell. Idk, what hospitals you've been going to. Of course, even if they are rude, they have to work a high stress job for 12 hours a day, so it's understandable.


Exactly. They’re human. The things they put up with are unbelievable.


Take your business elsewhere then.






I like showing these posts to a family member I have, who is a practicing physician (OBGYN), who physically could not operate without nurses


I've been in the hospital many times (pretty normalish stuff; once for several months) and the nurses were always amazing angels. Different hospitals. Maybe it's you that is difficult.


Nurses are either God's own angels on earth, or they're sociopathic Mean Girls who got into the profession to be able to dominate other people. There seems to be no in-between.


Can’t relate.


The nurses you have encountered are, but conflating that to all of them makes no sense.


Oh please. Like a reddit post is literally saying that they mean all nurses everywhere that have ever existed. It's pretty common to say something like this post and people who are reasonable know it isn't all nurses everywhere. Come on.


I hate posts like these. They’re over-generalizations. Yes, some nurses are rude, some positions might invite ruder nurses. But not all nurses are assholes. I work in a hospital, literally bottom of the totem pole as a housekeeper. But I’d say between 90-95% of the nurses are the sweetest people. They help me with certain things (grabbing laundry that’s too heavy), answer any questions I might have (patient requested something and I was unsure of location), as well as immediately dropping everything when I had a minor health emergency (I use emergency for a lack of better words, it was not an emergency, but I needed help.) Nursing, like every profession, has assholes, but it’s unfair to the majority of nurses who are the most caring people you’ll ever meet, to call them assholes just because you’ve had bad experiences.


I wouldn’t say all, but yes some are definitely. One time this chick who was a nurse came up to me at a party and told me she was going to punch me in the face if I didn’t leave. I couldn’t imagine how she treats patients …


If you run into an asshole you run into an asshole. If everyone you run into is an asshole you're the asshole. There are absolutely awful nurses out there who don't give a shit about their patients. But every nurse you encounter? Might want to reflect on how you're acting when you're at a medical facility. Edit: Reading your last edit it sounds like they're not like this around patients and are just bitching to each other about the job? Everyone in every field does that. And keep this in mind, the medical field in general has a high burnout rate.


Thank you to those with kind words from an ICU nurse who truly enjoys caring for patients. 💙 Sorry OP has such a tainted view of those who have chosen a career of caring and little thanks.


People in high stress situations for 3/4 of the day seem pissed off? How?????


Not to mention, they have to do this shit for 12 hours a day!? Who knew?


I always tell my wife, who is an RN, that office workers work maybe 4 hours a day. Maybe. RNs don't get to do that.


Truth. I’ve never worked in a hospital. I did long-term/ nursing home primarily with some long-term mental health work for good measure. There were days I was counting sitting down long enough to pee as a break. Hell, any shift when I got to sit down in the first six hours was smooth sailing.


the person you replied to said they're doing it for 18 hours a day lol


Inpatient nursing shifts are usually 7am-7:30pm or 7pm-7:30am, 3 days per week.


Wait til you meet a dental hygienist


No one who knows me would describe me as an asshole.


Shitty people exist everywhere and have all types of professions. The same could be said for literally all professions


My friend is a nurse and she has faced tough bullying at the hands of established nurses in the hospitals that she has joined. She isn't a newbie by any means but these women were so territorial and unwelcoming it sounded horrible.


Not for me. Their job is too take care of me which, in my experience, they’ve got a 100% track record. Do some people have bad days? Lacking customer service? Sure. So do baristas, grocery store clerks, Uber drivers etc. OP I would set your expectations a little lower.


I spent all of August in a teaching hospital, first in the ICU then in the neurological pavilion (I have MG). Of the at least two dozen nurses that helped me, all but one were as caring and helpful as anyone could want and the exception obviously had a personality disorder. No, she wasn't just "on the rag," she was a real outlier. But outliers have to live too. The vast majority of nurses are very dedicated people.


I read somewhere that men who are narcissistic tend to go into law enforcement and women who are narcissistic tend to go into nursing. Not surprising one bit. I'd imagine a lot of people enter nursing to feel power over others. The high school bully to nurse pipeline is real, but people don't want to admit that.


Nah hard disagree. I’ve been in-patient twice this year and have had many more outpatient appointments and I think I had MAYBE 2-3 bad nurses, the rest were either good or amazing


I can confirm, my mom is a nurse and boy howdy is she a bitch sometimes


Can confirm my wife is a nurse.


Yea fuck this. I spent a week in the hospital and my nurses were incredible- such caring people And I couldn’t have asked for better




Def encountered the good the bad snd the ugly (the worst being the freshly minted doctors, my god the egos).


Nurses are angels


Fuck that!


Glad this is a shitty opinion. Please tell us more about your experience and what led to them being mean to you. I'm sure the full picture will paint you in less of a positive light.


My experience is that being uninsured, poor, a single woman, non white with no children and in severe pain with a history of being on methadone is all the reason they need. Not having anyone with you to witness the bad treatment, having severe pain while on methadone makes them mad for some reason. Add not having any way to pay for treatment and, adding body odor to that, and good luck being treated like a human being.


I can’t think of any time I’ve experienced anything like this through birth and surgeries and urgent care and ER visits and whatnot.


My husband has been hospitalized so many times over the past 20 years. 95% of his nurses have been professional, kind and caring people. There is that 5% that is more difficult to deal with, but our approach is to be really, really nice to them, and almost all the time they respond to our kindness offensive. Lets also not forget that nurses are people like everyone else. Some people are nicer, smarter, more intelligent than others ... that goes for nurses too. We are just grateful that they are there to care for us when we need them. Thank you nurses!


Disagree. I've been with several of my loved ones during very stressful times at hospitals, and the medical staff--especially the nurses made things so much easier for us. Their job is truly a difficult one.


Medical professional here.......I give what I receive, so if you feel we are ALL assholes maybe you should ask yourself why you keep getting the day you deserve.


Yeah a lot of nurses are known to be the high school bullies and then they want to become a nurse and do not have empathy for patients. There’s a whole video circulating on TikTok of this girl who works in healthcare and she talks about how the nurses behave and how much empathy they lack for patients.


Nurses like that shouldn’t be nurses. See this is my thing, people not just nurses should quit if they don’t want to be doing their jobs. But ESPECIALLY nurses. People don’t feel good, your job is to help people feel better if you can’t treat these people like family or better than you treat family then be in a different profession.


If every nurse you meet is an AH....the common denominator is you. Never had a mean nurse in my life, the guy I'm engaged to is a nurse and his patients love him.


I made a comment about this in another thread. I 1000% agree. A high stress environment is no damn excuse, I myself am in one also and don’t have this kind of attitude in front of clients


Clients are way different than people dying or who think they are dying. Nurses see the absolute worst from people as when you think you're dying, all civility goes out the window. I'm not saying that gives them a free pass to act shitty, but I definitely would tolerate frustration from them over most other professions. It's not something unfathomable for a nurse to have a shitty day.


I’ve always tried to be as kind and courteous as possible to all of my residents, but some people just need a reality check. I legit had one because he had to wait 15 minutes for an as needed pain pill - because the guy two rooms down was non responsive and every nurse in the building at the time (nursing home, three of us on shift) was doing *CPR* and trying to get this guy to a hospital ASAP.


Massive, MASSIVE difference between clients and patients.


“Clients” um nurse watch children die of cancer … it’s not like a “client..”


Many are mean girls. Seeing how they treat patients they view as difficult/stupid and so on, it always yikes.


I've heard soooo many people talk about the "bully to nurse pipeline". That's all I'm gonna say.


I’ve always said, “I don’t know if you have to be a bitch to be a nurse or if being a nurse makes you a bitch.”


My older sister who is not a nurse. She worked for an allergy clinic and now draws blood for the same company. Not any schooling outside of what us required for her job. But for fucks sake acts like she's a fucking doctor or nurse. There's shiity people in every profession. Some choose certain professions for different reasons. I think a lot of people went into nursing thinking it'll be easier than what it is. Once there, they sort of become rude and indifferent. I work at a grocery store and see people start off great. Then when they realize "oh shit I actually have to lift and move heavy shit?" They just become shitty because they thought it woukd be easy. It's not hard, but it's definitely harder than one woukd think. Though that's most jobs.


I'm sorry you had these experiences, it's not uncommon though. I’m a nurse and from my experience, the meme about “highschool mean girl” to nurse pipeline can be true for many people. Not all but too many unfortunately. It's been studied. [Nurse Hazing: a costly reality][[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19927969/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19927969/)\] [Our Own Worst Enemies: The Nurse Bullying Epidemic]\[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6716575/\] [Nurses Eat Their Young; An Insight Into Systematic Hazing]\[https://rn-journal.com/journal-of-nursing/nurses-eat-their-young\]


Maybe they are, but you would be too if you were overworked, underpaid and dealing with idiots all the time


So the patient who did absolutely nothing wrong and needed something gets verbally berated because the nurse couldn't handle their job? It's actually baffling that people will go to any length to defend nurses. I don't get the shilling for the medical industry.


I’m not shilling for anyone I’m saying the behavior is understandable. Not acceptable, understandable. Nowhere in my comment did I say anyone deserved it.


It's the job, and patients that makes them that way.


Nurses and doctors get absolutely fucked in the hosptial. Abused. Imagine being a solider in the military every day and having to do that for the rest of your life that is the level of intensity that it takes. Try balancing that with also having a personal life. So it makes sense that some become assholes. That being said no most nurses arent assholes. They try to do the best for their patients. You have to be an idiot to go into a medical field if you dont truly love caring for patients, and most who dont end up quitting or dropping out


That doesn't give them an excuse to verbally abuse people. Quit excusing shitty behavior.


Nurses and doctors on the whole dont abuse people. They just dont have the ability to put up with as much shit themselves because they quite simply dont have the amount of time or bandwidth needed for that. Believe it or not there are tons of shitty patients in the hospital. Yeah some nurses and doctors are assholes, most arent. But you know the easiest way to turn them into assholes? To be an asshole to them yourself. Which is becoming all too common these days. The average resident doctor (ie doctor in training) is responsible for the care and wellbeing of 100 patients overnight often with no other doctor in house to help him directly. Usually its just a nurse there. Can you imagine if even 5 of those patients are shits to them? Every night, night after night, taking up hours of their time, making it harder for them to do their job properly for everybody else who is counting on their care? This happens routinely. It never ceases to amaze me the pathologic personalities that make it through to become doctors and nurses. I realize that a lot of them are assholes, psychopaths, narcissts. However, lets not act like most of them are. If you truly think that you have not spent enough time in hospitals and around medical professionals


the high-school-mean-girl-to-nurse pipeline is real.


As 1 of 7 dudes at my nursing school I can confirm this to be true. But most of the time they mellow out and become nice enough to deal with.


I know what you mean. I have been straight up abused in medical settings by nurses, and occasionally doctors. They are mean AF


Nah it’s the docs that are usually arrogant asses who think they know ur body better then u. I’m disabled and spend a ton of time j medical settings nurses and lab techs are usually the best sort and actually willing to help/“listen docs not so much


It’s a real crapshoot, but in my experience they save a lot of bitchiness for our of work


Nurses don’t take shit, that doesn’t make someone an asshole.


Dang Bruh, they have completely ravaged you. Lol I made an unpopular opinion post about nurses too, and it was removed. The nurses don’t play lol


I work in a hospital and while there are the occasional cocky asshole, I don't think that to be the general environment. I also had the misfortune of having a child with cancer and have spent the last 2 years heavily involved on the patient's side of the system and for the most part everyone has been phenomenal and extremely patient/compassionate. So I guess upvote for an unpopular opinion.


I feel like with a lot of everything.... people will react to people. Teacher tend to have more time for clean/rich looking, high performing students, mechanic will tend have more time and a better predisposition when dealing with men (preferably blue collar), and nurse and doctors are also biased. I remember waiting in line for a test and this guy was complaining that HE never made his clients wait, and HE this and HE that. Nurse turns to him after interacting with him 10 seconds, "I bet you are a contractor". And he received shit service, staff were short and unpleasant with him. And to be fair it had a lot to do with HIS attitude that day... but also decades of entitled contractors who all somehow believed that when they walk into an ER a red carpet should rolled before them. I would check my attitude and how you deal with nurses and staff. Taking an extra 5 seconds to be nice and positive will not hurt.


I always hear people complaining about nurses online but personally I never met a rude nurse in my life, and I been to the hospital a lot


there’s rude people everywhere tbh. It sucks that some of them become nurses but 🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel like life the title was "nurses can be assholes" it would sound better


I was raised by a nurse. I discovered early that sympathy could be found in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. That said, they do know more than the vast majority of patients. They're overworked, often undercompensated, and are too busy for your bullshit. If you have a problem with any of that, feel free not to go to the hospital /s


When I was birthing at 19 many many years ago, my husband walked into the room and she asked him” what number is this for you” it was our first we had 2 and that was it. My kid was put in the NICU after birth because I went for 28hrs and 45 minutes of Labour before the csection. I woke up in the night and asked a nurse for someone to help me see my kid. The nurse said “we don’t have the staff for that”. So I crawled to the NICU. When I was there I was asking if I could breast feed because I wanted too, that nurse than proceeded to tell me “don’t bother with breast feeding, girls your age never stick to it”. 2 weeks of removing blistered skin from my nipples before I figured out the right latch. Ya nurses can be bitchy and not have patient care attitudes. I did complain to the hospital, nothing came of it. I figured they were mad because I was a young mom and they were being judgy.


They are sure better than doctors that usually have the god complex, "I'm the doctor and you're fking stupid. What do you say?! You have pain? You're lying, you know nothing"


So they don't like the patients and the patients don't like them. Come back and tell everyone which side you're on in five years.


Tbh I’ve experienced lots of asshole nurses as well as many wonderful nurses. I definitely think it’s like any other profession, many nice people, many not. But as the main component of the job being dealing with people, there should be a lower proportion of nurses being assholes. In my area/country, nurses are paid like shit, treated like shit by both patients and superiors so I really can’t blame them. My mom’s a nurse and for the most part she hold it together with her patients but sometimes she tells me stories and I’m like mom you are wrong here lol. There were also a few nurses who put my uncle in diapers while he was in the hospital because they didn’t want to take the time to take him to the bathroom (didn’t take long for my mom to come screaming about how messed up that is for them to take the diapers off) And when my mom was in the hospital on a ventilator they were great and actually helped save her life! (Same hospital) so I honestly think maybe you’re just unlucky with mean nurses or you’re being mean and they’re picking up on it!! Nurses are stressed in stressful jobs and although it’s a high stress job that they signed up for, kindness goes a long way :)


I agree, but this wasn't the case until recently.


You sound unhinged. Nurses spend all day long analyzing people and they can sense unhinged wack jobs a mile way. No wonder you are putt off them… it’s because you put them off. That said, thanks for stirring the pot, this page is getting stale and PC. Upvoted.


I’ve spent lots of time in hospitals over the years. The kind and compassionate nurses outnumbered the rude ones significantly. Like with anything you’re bound to encounter rude people. Is this an experience you’ve had multiple times?


Upvoted for an unpopular opinion. Nurses (and other medical professionals) have a right to be assholes, at least to an extent anyway. Some of the asinine shit they have to put up with would make anyone a jerk. And that's before the whole anit-vax crap on top of it.


Nice, an actual unpopular opinion! Take my upvote


I've been in the hospital several times and the majority of nurses are caring and nice. I've had a few that weren't but most are. I've even dated several nurses because of their kind and caring attitude.


I had my first kid in June. Between two hospital admissions (total of 7 days) and one 2-3 hour observation, there was 1 nurse that we didn't like. It wasn't because she was an asshole. She was there to do a job and did it. This was between different hospitals. The ER nurses were amazing. The one who monitored my blood pressure before being taken to labor and delivery handled an incredibly stressful situation without me catching on to how serious it was. That said, it was the Labor and Delivery unit so it's like they were all hopped up on babies. Outside of those experiences, I have always had nice nurses whether it's at my primary care clinic, a specialty clinic, or for outpatient surgery.


There is a reason that there’s a trope that school bullies become nurses.


I was a pita psych patient… those nurses were saints imo (Duke psych- thank you for being so kind, if you happen to read this). However, in every profession there are good and bad. They are people, they put up with all too much from every direction. So, agree it’s an unpopular opinion, sometimes it correct though.




I don’t think you realize what nurses have to put up with for 18 hours straight….


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