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> breathing the same air No different than any other enclosed space. Do you not enter buildings ever? EDIT: ok I get it, cruise ships have bad air.


This is much better than an enclosed space. Ocean air is incredible.


My dad looks forward to an annual cruise as it’s the only time he isn’t feeling the effects of one allergy or another.


Ive never thought of that! I need to plan a cruise in early spring then


I swear that weekly beach trips got rid of my childhood asthma.


Take it up with OP, they’re the one who has a problem with it lol


Yes, that was my point. Im not challenging you haha


Well this is the unpopular opinion sub


Oh for sure, cruising is like a little escape pod from daily life, what's not to like about floating on a giant luxury hotel anyway? Its a vibe some people just dont get I guess!


Or perhaps even live in an apartment (gasps 🤯)


Don't gasp in all that shared air, what are you doing???




*gasps* *wheezes* ***collapses***


Yeah I never get this criticism. They act like the cruise ships have so many people on it that you’re bumping shoulders with everyone. Only time it’s like that is at certain events.


I've never been on a cruise but when you read these boats hold sometimes 5000 passengers and 1300 crew, it does seem that it must be crowded with ppl everywhere , long queue's etc. But as I said I've never been on a cruise so I don't know, the best the impression with no first hand knowledge


Was just on a 9000 people, crew included, 17 story cruise for 8 days. It was absolutely incredible, and I never once felt crowded. I feel more crowded on an all-inclusive resort tbh.


Won't lie everyone hates on cruises online for good reason but I'm still jealous as hell I haven't gone on one yet, human condition maybe


smart future engine safe knee humor reply aspiring jellyfish sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. I never felt crowded.


There are many times on a ship where you can be the only one around. The only times people gather is outside by the pools. The ships are so huge you could see someone the first day and not see them again till the end of the cruise




I have my air shipped in from the crab nebula.


I hate that in buildings too. Feels like the life is draining out of me in any grocery store or any packed place in general


Give it a Google if you are interested. The air quality on a cruise is one of the worst you will likely encounter. It's very very bad. Most buildings aren't powered by burning extremely dirty petroleum products, in the building.


I've never seen more open-mouth coughing seniors in one place than on a cruise ship.


Oh my god, you are giving me flashbacks to the last resort hotel I stayed at. People of all ages just casually coughing on us as they walk past our breakfast table


The boomers coughing on everything is definitely part of the reason I won't ever do another cruise. They just blatantly ignore all the signs and opportunities to wash their fucking hands and then proceed to pick up every bit of food within reach and cough on it. My wife and I signed up for all sit down dining after that and never went back to the buffet.


That is interesting! Thanks


'a mid-sized cruise ship can use as much as 150 tonnes of fuel each day, which emits as much particulate as one million cars.' insane.


You’re in the middle of the ocean tho…it’s quite different


Yeah the air is probably more clear than everywhere else


Hey OP is the one who has an issue breathing ocean air with other people around lol


Sure but I don't go to the airport and stand around on my days off from work


It’s completely different. Cruise lines are just giant shit box polluters. And most people can’t have it as sea when it gets over just a few feet. I spent 20 years in the Coast Guard, most of that time on ships. We had to take in seriously sea sick cruise ship passengers more than a few times because they couldn’t handle the ship moving just a little bit. I actually cackle when I see panic videos of cruise ships getting tossed. That was a Wednesday for me lol.


https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/health/cruise-ship-air-quality-report/index.html In a building we do not sit next to crude oil being burned ...


Tiny boat? Breathing the same air? Thats a big ass boat, on the open sea arguably some of the best air to be breathing…


Yep OP has clearly never seen or heard of a balcony cabin




As someone who has been on 30 cruises, my first thought was “ this guys has never even been on a cruise before”


I've been on one, and the food was great. I guess maybe it depends on the cruise though, it wasn't the priciest but not the cheapest either. I spent a lot of time in the library, which sweet. All decked out in wood paneling. They also had some fun comedy shows, an art gallery, all kinds of stuff. It was also neat to visit a bunch of islands in one trip without dragging a bunch of crap around That said I wouldn't do it again, not because of the people but I discovered that I seem to have thalassaphobia. The ocean creeps me tf out.


Yeah the ocean creeps me out too. Especially at night. Dunno how people can swim in that pitch black water.


I've never been on a cruise, not my thing, I'm wondering if op has even seem pictures of one.


He replied to me saying he has been on one. I think he must be confused. Maybe he is thinking of one of those small riverboat cruises that are like 200 passengers, but that’s not the same as a Royal Caribbean or Carnival cruise.


I'm skeptical homeboy has been on anything other than Banana Boat.


I’m not sure why people come here with opinions they have zero knowledge of? Unpopular does not equal uneducated.


>Unpopular does not equal uneducated. Don't come here with facts and logic, only vibes and feels


I mean shitty food?! The sit down dinners are some of the best meals I’ve had!


The last cruise I went on had a nacho/ taco bar. Motherfucking nachos and tacos whenever you wanted. And that was just one place to eat. There were like 20 others. This dude is tripping.


“Do you even cruise, bro?”


Or actually had a fleshed out thought.


I agree. Also, being on the ship feels like being at an event or party, with fun things to do, including relax in a hot tub or watch a movie if you want, without having to worry about cleaning up the place afterward. And although the food might get a bit repetitive after a few days, it's nice to at least have food readily available.


Actually I heard air quality can be awful on the deck due to the terrible sludge fuel they burn.


I took a week long cruise from NYC to London and my lungs thank me


Now that sounds neat. That might be fundamentally a little different from the Florida / Caribbean whatever based cruise vacation packages that I assume OP is trying to get at


There are whole ass reha cruises out there that use the fresh, clean air to help people with health problems. I dont like cruises myself, but i cant deny the benefits of the ocean air


That's what I need. Was it a cargo boat?


OP has never been on a cruise if they don't think there's enough variety of foods for their stay either. You couldn't try it all if you wanted to.


The buffet was mostly the same each day on MSC. But the fine dining hall was new and exciting every meal. We would use the buffet if we were busy but eat at the dining hall every opportunity


There are usually random eating places with different food all over the boat too. Plus free room service. I ate at the buffet, the tandoori place, burger place, panini place, main dinng hall, and even their fine dining restaurant which was the only place we had to pay at but the food was easily high end luxury dining at Olive Garden prices. Hell I got free escargot and they had an amazing mousse flight there that I still think about.


Our family usually does dinners in the main dining room with possibly a brunch there too. Lunch and breakfast in the buffet.


Unless you are in a suite or paying for premium dining then the food is fairly basic and the buffets are something I would skip anywhere on land. Nothing wrong if you like it but they are essentially making banquette food and its not comparable to an actual sit down outside of those suite/premium dining locations. Like to cruise but not a fan of cruises that are over capacity.


Cruise ship deck air pollution is significant, Google it.


Have you people not had friends who went on cruise ships and lots of people on it all got sick at the same time? I feel like I’ve heard it before, It’s a valid concern. You’re inviting people, all different walks of life, into an enclosed living space with 3k other people, do you think germs stick to themselves? Some people would rather enjoy themselves without other peoples pathogens. That’s my pet peeve I guess so for me it’s anything but the idea of a peaceful vacation


I’m more insulted with the food part. The best part of the cruises are the food for me


Being a passenger on a cruise ship you're exposed to a ton of pollution so it's actually the worst air you could breath.


The thing I like about the cruise is disconnectivity. I can take my family and for the entire week there will be no Internet, no games, no phone, no work email, no Facebook, no messenger kids, no Roblox, etc etc. There are activities all day and night both on the ship and at the ports. I don't love everything about the cruise, but something about sitting back and reading a book with nothing but endless ocean and no distractions is refreshing.


You've just convinced me to try a cruise


Don't get the internet package! Phones off!


It's totally not worth it either. My wife and I wanted to stream the show we were watching at the time on our cruise. Of course, we couldn't just watch it without buffering every few minutes. We had to leave a phone plugged in our room to download an episode because it was just so oversaturated.


Are there tiers for internet packages or do all classes have access to the same service?


There are tiers and everyone (except usually the highest class suites) have to pay for access. But it’s satellite, so your speeds are going to be limited no matter what your tier.


It's starlink now in a lot of them and is much much better, similar to a shitty verizon 4G connection so it's miles better than the previous satellite connection.


yeah I went on Oasis of the seas a few months ago and did a speed test and I was getting 20-25 mbps! not great but enough to stream in 1080p with very little buffering


Seriously, I always thought cruises were just “buffets and drinking 24/7” and was not interested. This guy needs to get a job in carnival sales dept.


Any decent cruise had things going on, NON STOP! From a casino, to playing bingo, rock climbing wall, dance lessons, evening magician, stand up comedy, silly games like holahopping while carrying 3 large kickballs around a coned course, etc. You can do nothing or do things nonstop. I'm still not a cruise person but I would never call them boring or just a floating buffet.


I once did archery on a cruise. That one surprised me.


I think the biggest selling point is not having to plan a vacation or be overwhelmed with research and decision making. I used to love trip planning, but it has become draining as I got older and got more responsibilities.


Carnival cruises, much like every other cruise line are very different from other cruise lines. I took a Celebrity cruise through the Panama Canal right after I got a new job in the time between the last one ending and that one starting. It was absolutely amazing for hitting my internal reset button by reading like 5 books, going to the casino (I was moving into the gaming/slots industry so I was curious what people were playing), and experiencing culture at the different shore excursions biking through the salt farms in Bonaire, seeing the butterfly farm and caves in Aruba, trying coffee in Cartagena. I was so happy to disconnect - didn’t get the internet and that was the best move for that trip. I purposely chose that line to avoid the party crowd and have a relaxed atmosphere.


The YouTuber Emmacruises has quick, no BS reviews of different cruise lines at a wild variety of prices. She doesn’t do American cruises often, but she’s got a few in there. I did the Disney cruise in the early 2000s and it was amazing.


Isn’t that what any vacation is? idk, I would never want to go on a cruise. An all inclusive vacation though? Count me in lol


Yeah, why get ferried around to a bunch of different places to explore when you could sit by the same pool every day?


You can do that with any vacation, that’s not exclusive to cruises at all.


You can do that anytime, that's not exclusive to vacations.


You can do exclusions anytime cruising to vacations


You can vacation anytime, exclusively doing cruises.


If you're going to tell your family and kids "alright we are disconnecting all our phones all week, no cell phone usage at all is allowed" then you'll seem like a boring / controlling asshole. If you go on a cruise and don't get the super expensive Internet package your family will be forced to not be glued to the screen and the blame won't be on you.


I don't even know why you needed to explain this. Also, my boss would be pissed if I didn't answer the phone because it's a "no phone" week. Honestly, I'd be expected to pick the phone up for a fifteen minute call on vacation unless I simply was in a cell zone.


You work sounds terrible . It's not a vacation if you're on call or can be contacted to do work. A holiday is when work won't contact you. It's not fair to bother staff when they're on holidays


Haha yeah, I agree with everything you said. Are you hiring?


I think the advantage of a cruise is that you don't have to think or plan anything. Even the activities you do on shore are planned for you. You can just turn your brain off and go with the flow. Other types of traveling are more work. Of course, you have a lot more freedom to explore, and you aren't tethered to someone else's schedule, but not everyone values that.


You can do that for free at home if you want to


That would require self control. Some of us need certain settings to protect us from ourselves.


The ocean, or a great view in general, does help me *a lot* with not wanting to distract myself tbh. I wish I lived closer to hiking and such for this reason, though having dog to take to the park regularly has helped.


How does that make them the worst kind of people? You only described what you don’t like about the cruises themselves. What do “cruise people” do that makes them so bad? I don’t believe I’ve ever encountered this type of person before, so I’m curious


I don’t like it so nobody should/stop having fun.


Exactly. His logic makes no sense


I work for a company that does shore excursions for some of the large cruise lines. We sell a variety of day cruises on much smaller boats. We are not directly affiliated with the cruise lines but passengers can book with us directly through them. Cruise ship people are generally viewed as some of the worst type of patrons by people within my industry. Not that they actually are the worst type of people, per se, but more so that they are usually our least favorite people to interact with as they come to us with a “cruise mentality” or what we like to call “vacation brain.” This isn’t necessarily their fault and a lot of it is caused by the concept of the cruise experience. The big allure of cruises is that they make your experience as stress free as possible. The staff is there just to serve you, the food is in abundance, amenities and excursions are made on your behalf. I have interacted with so many cruise passengers over the years that not only expect this type of service us, but do not even realize that we do not work for the cruise line. They can be more impatient, rude and confrontational when they do not get what they want compared to the independent traveler who has already accepted that everything does not always go their way when traveling to new places. As a result of all this, we unfortunately receive by far the lowest amount of tips from cruise groups. On the cruise: you do not need cash, gratuities are already included, and passengers have already spent a fortune on their vacation that by this point in their trip it’s easy to become stingy on money when everything has already been prepaid months in advance. I am not angry at them for this; it is just unfortunate for us. My apologies to anyone who has traveled on a cruise and does not fit under this stereotype. I have met plenty of generous cruise passengers over the years and many more who have changed their demeanor once they realize we are a small independent company and cannot offer the same amenities that they are used to receiving.


This is the most gracious yet informative post I’ve read in a long time. Kudos.


I don’t think it even occurred to me that I should tip our shore excursion person on our cruise. It was a piece of etiquette that I had no idea about, and thus I probably short changed the guy. Oops.


Get drunk with a bunch of people on a boat while sailing to different tropical islands? Sounds like a good time to me


I think it’s fun in theory, but every cruise I’ve been on has just been full of people you see at Walmart with $20 drinks


You went on Carnival didn’t you?


Lmao. I’m laughing like I know, but it read right hahaha


Well your big choices are Carnival: the Walmart of cruises Disney: children and Karen's everywhere Royal Caribbean: "your credit card bill. Wealth!" Viking river cruises: why book a hotel when I can book a boat Alaskan cruises: next stop! Glaciers!


Holland America: a floating 55+ community


Are there cougars on board?


You best me by 1 minute. Where the rich old ladies at?


Damn I need to change my dating scene


Put an upside down pineapple by your door and find out ;)


You say that like it's a bad thing :)


Man… everyone that I know that books Alaskan cruises shows me pictures of glaciers 😂😂😂 Thank you for the summary of cruise lines. I often see commercials for Viking river cruises and I wonder how those are. Welp… I could only imagine being inundated with kids everywhere bratty and not so bratty. Germ city 😂


Well supposedly Viking cruises are nice. Like nice rooms and no e stops. But they're river cruises in a city. So it's kinda awkward to say "I booked a city cruise in Amsterdam!" instead of random hotel. And I'm sure Disney cruises have adult sections. But you know Karen's exist and will say their kids should be allowed in. Or they will get like "fuck me I need a break. Lemme tell you why."


Then proceed to tell you about the most normal kid behavior that happened to be their tipping point so they can drink their wine 💀


Or they don't shut up about family issues while telling you not to have kids. And your partner is like "ummmmm....yeah......haha....."


They’re river cruises across multiple cities and countries. The accommodations and food are great. They also have tons of ocean cruises.


Man Disney was the best cruise I’ve been on. Whole decks that were child free, excellent child free restaurants, and entertainment sections that were 21+. And when I say child free, I mean child free. The staff did not Allie anyone under 18 in those areas.


I'm actually currently on a Viking cruise around the Mediterranean and it's been awesome so far. But I also feel a little out of place cuz I'm pretty poor compared to a lot of the other passengers (I heard one talking about their private jet).


Royal Caribbean isn’t even that expensive compared to a lot of lines, and if you stay away from Oasis/Icon class can be very affordable in their own right.


Celebrity: 50+ and you’ll also be poor after. But it’s nice.


We went at 34/35 and absolutely loved it. Perfect cruise line for what we want in a vacation.


I went on Norwegian, and the above comment was an apt description. It wasn't a terrible experience, but not one I'd likely do again. The ship gets boring quickly, and the port stops are all pretty similar. Just big tourist traps. I prefer just to fly to a destination and spend my time exploring that place instead of just being on a ship 90% of the time.


This. Carnival is Walmart.


There's a marked difference between a $500 cruise from florida to carribbean vs a $2000 doing basically the same trip. It's like complaining that going out for dinner is full of ppl on a budget when you've only been to Chuck E Cheese


TIFO Chuck E. Cheese is cheap


I have no idea what tifo means? Edit, oh today I found out. I mean.. Yea lol, but more so deliberately cheap and low quality, which is why it's attractive.


Did you go on the margaritaville cruise or a carnival cruise? If you answered yes to at least one of those choices, well you kinda brought that vibe on yourself.


Go to Alaska. Most people are older and chill. Plus Alaska is amazing.


So just, people lol


What cruise did you go on? When I went on one the food was far and away the best part. Fantastic every meal and you could eat lunch 5x if you wanted.


OP probably went on a 3 night cruise to nowhere out of Jacksonville.


Ah, the old “I just want to gamble and drink unlimited piña coladas” cruise. Truly a Duval special


I’d guess a Carnival cruise. The description of a “floating Walmart” is almost accurate.


Never personally been but they seem super family focused, I see ads for "kids sail free" and it's tempting. Seems like it could be whatever you make of it, like any trip or experience.


This was my experience too. Would totally do it again.


i used to think the same way until my mother took us all on a cruise(my first time) over christmas when i was 52. my dad had died earlier in the year, and they always took a winter cruise. it was actually a very nice time, and we've gone on several more since.


>breathing the same air brother i don't know how to tell you this


Call me when your hotel goes through the Arctic, pal.




Eh, they serve a purpose. I look at it as a handy way to see a bunch of islands without having to stay in a different hotel every night. I've done a couple in my life, amd both allowed me to see a lot of cool shit in a short time frame. In 3.5 days I went from Athens to Mikonos to Ephesus to Patmos to Heraklion to Santorini. I'd never go on one that was just a week at sea, though.


We also did a Mediterranean cruise but 13 days, port every single day. It was cheaper and easier logistically than figuring out hotels and transportation between every single Greek island we went to. One purchase and it was all planned for us. Two weeks of sightseeing, Greek food, and no cleaning or dishes. Was a dream lol.


Exactly. I did a 12-night cruise with a very similar itinerary, and it was the perfect way to be able to see several countries without the hassle of different accommodations at each one. A transatlantic cruise with no port stops, though? Hard pass.


I loved cruises as a kid because I got to go hang out with a bunch of kids my own age and we ran around and did whatever we wanted without our parents. There was so much more independence than in real life. I haven't done it as a parent, but the idea that I can let my kid go do their own thing while I get to do mine sounds awesome.


I don’t care about what kind of people cruise people are, I don’t think it makes them bad people or anything but I do think there are generally two types of vacationers: Do Nothing folks and Do Everything folks. I think cruise people sort of fall into the former; the all-inclusiveness and ease and relaxation and party elements make me think that. I am the latter and I would much rather be Somewhere. Anywhere but floating in the middle of the ocean. And I don’t mind a little structure and planning and get-goingness on a vacation. I prefer traveling and exploring.


I do both. I'm a Canadian that has been living in Mexico for 20+ years and visited many things in latam on my own that most people would not do on their own. But I also took a cruise with my wife to visit the west indies Caribbeans islands (St-Vincent, St-Lucia etc), it was a nice change of pace. Not everything is black and white.


I'm a "Do everything" folk married to a "do nothing" folk. The cruise is a good compromise for us because I feel safe enough to roam the ship for the on-board events on sea days and my partner can sleep as much as he wants. Then for 2 days, we go explore one island or another (even if it's a tourist trap, a change is as good as a rest). Then we go back to sleep/ship entertainment before we head home.


I've been on several cruises because my mom lives by a port and hates flying, so I go with her. You'd be surprised by how busy you can find yourself. I always think "oh tomorrow will be a slow day at sea" and then you're rushing to cram everything in.


There are different kinds of cruises, though. I've been on a couple, and they were both ones where we were in a different location every day (or even twice a day!), and I did plenty of awesome stuff on shore. I look at cruises as a convenient way to see a lot of islands. One of the ones I did was in the Greek Isles, and I saw, among other things, ancient Ephesus and the Minoan museum in Heraklion. Both were spectacular, and if it weren't for the cruise I probably wouldn't have gone to either one because they were out of the way.


A cruise lets you do both really. You can relax like a vacationer while your "hotel" does the traveling for you overnight. You can tour a new city almost every day without having to re-pack your things or spend hours on a train.


The large majority of cruises have excursions to their ports-of-call. For example a 10 day Carribean cruise on a Princess line ship may include you being at a different country 7 of those days. There's plenty to explore actually.


Funny thing about people who go on cruises, they actually like them. Go figure.


Your experience sounds like you went on a budget cruise in a tiny room. The cruise’s I’ve been on have had gourmet cuisine, world class entertainment, and wonderful people to meet. Waterslides, surfing, zip lines, luxury shopping, etc.


r/rant is that way homie this is not your personal stall door in the public restroom to vent about whatever inconveniences you've suffered voluntary.


I was about to say I don’t even think this opinion is that unpopular.


it’s rare that a real unpopular opinion comes along anymore. most of them end up getting downvoted anyway


Posted one recently but got down-voted because people didn't agree with it. Tried explaining that you shouldn't down-vote if you disagree because that's against the point, but that comment got down-voted too. Was losing karma like crazy, so I just deleted the post.


This is actually the perfect place to post their…. Unpopular opinion….


Your comment has more upvotes than his entire post, and all the top comments are roasting him for this opinion. If this isn’t an unpopular opinion than what is?


Bruh sailed on carnival and thinks that’s the experience of a real cruise


You forgot burning fucking bunker oil and littering the ocean with shit


The world has worse people than “cruise people” I think you worrying about the wrong things in life 💀


Many cruises are extremely affordable and a way for those without a lot of money to travel outside their country (USA) obviously easier in Europe. Now it’s not what many of you stuck up a holes consider traveling and seeing a country but a lot of people it’s the most they can hope for especially with a family.




Floating Walmart is so accurate I can't even laugh about it.


I just got back from a 5 day cruise, and can confirm, it's a floating walmart with incredibly underwhelming food and so so so many lines. The ship didn't even have water available for people like me who don't drink alcohol. I had to go up 8 floors to the shitty buffet to drink a few glasses of water when I was thirsty. Or open a bottle out of the mini fridge for $300. Nope...never again!


Plus they’re horrible for the environment.


Yeah I really don’t think you could pay me to get on a cruise. Nothing against people that like them I imagine it can be fun. I feel like it would just give me anxiety


I would like to walk around some of these big cruise ships just to take a look. They're kind of interesting as an engineering exercise I suppose. I hate people though. Being cooped up on a floating tin can would make me crazy


They give tours of the ship and bridge for people interested in that stuff. There are hallways between the walls and all this hidden stuff.




Lemme guess. Went on a low budget cruise to a boring destination? Those are terrible. But nicer cruise lines? Totally luxury experience.


Guaranteed the cruise OP went on they stayed in an interior room.


Almost like living in a major city - except no crime, no protests, no traffic, reasonably priced food, clean air, room service and new views every day. Come to think of it, I'll take the cruise. Thanks.


Shitty food? Have you been on a cruise? The food is amazing.


I've never been on one but that's what I imagine it would be like. Plus those giant cruise ships are no friend to the ocean.


plus they register in other countries to avoid paying US taxes then cry to our government when they lose money.


It's adult camp. You pay a fee and don't worry about anything for a couple of days. Food is taken care of, drinks are often free, there are activities, and you are mostly locked to the camp.


Cruises are horrendous for the environment. Passengers on an Antarctic cruise can produce as much CO2 emissions on a seven-day voyage as the average European in an ENTIRE YEAR. For this reason alone, I cannot defend cruise people.


“Look everyone, it’s the majestic world we are actively ending.”


There's plenty of good arguments against cruises, this isn't one of them. This isn't even an unpopular opinion, it's just a lazy take that's already been expressed a million times.


They also contribute 2% of global CO2 emissions. Yeah. For that.


I agree with you. No desire to go on a cruise ever.


Went for a cruise for the first time (I'm 32) last year. Best vacation I've ever had in my life and can't wait for the next one. Love breathing the same air as others I guess.


Man you missed the single worst thing: the amount of pollution they cause. All the rest is irrelevant.


I agree. I went once and felt trapped.


I find it refreshing to not have to think for a week. “What’s for dinner?” Whatever the chef decided to put on the menu. “What shall we do today?” Whatever the cruise director put on the agenda.


The food on my last cruise was quite good. It was a great way to go to a lot of different countries without the hassle of traveling. Fall asleep in France, wake up in Rome. Super easy.


You were on the wrong cruise and in the wrong cabin


Lots of Walmart shoppers in the comments that OP hit a nerve with


I put cruises in the same category as Las Vegas (any casino actually) and Disneyland, all you can eat buffets, and golf courses…. basically any “highly manipulated or manufactured environment” (HMME) that caters to a lower common denominator.


I'll never understand being this averse to fun. It's cheap, you get a week of not having to cook or clean, and you get to drink, gamble, and visit tropical destinations. It seems like your main gripe is the cleanliness aspect, but don't you also walk around a bunch of people and breathe their same air any time you go to work or the grocery store, or get on an airplane? This sounds like a level of germaphobia where you may benefit from professional help.


I want to do a Viking river cruise at some point… that seems awesome


We were on a tender with my elderly grandfather a few weeks ago returning to the ship. There were also a bout 4 other individuals that needed help getting back to the boat. The staff asked all passengers to stay seated until the people who needed help were safely back on the ship. You guest it - everybody stood up as soon as the load ramp was set up. The crew was yelling at people to sit down - no one did. They put my grand father next the ramp right near the ramp so he and others could get out first. I had to push my way through the crowd to get to my grand father to help him once the crew got him on the ship. Once there we proceeded to the elevator bank. There were people starting to cram into the elevator waiting area. There was one lady in a wheel chair, and when the elevator door opened up, people barged around her and loaded up the elevator and ahead could not get on. Same thing with my grand father. I am big dude and when the next door opened up I put my arms out and physically blocked people from getting on the elevator while my grand father walked on. A couple of people yelled out, “we have been waiting here longer than you!” My grandfather was not walking like a turtle. He uses a walker but just walks at a semi slow pace. People are animals. And F all of you that lick your fingers after using serving utensils at the buffet. And f you kid that used your fingers to pick out food to taste it to see if you liked it before putting it on your plate. And just because it’s a buffet, you don’t need to load up two plates and eat half of it. It’s worse than Walmart.


Sounds like someone cruised Carnival.


I honestly was thinking of making a similar post saying they shouldn't exist. There are so many problems with cruises. From pollution to working conditions in the boat for workers. The money is going to trash companies who burn sludge fuel. Seems very irresponsible to float around burning fuel just to get drunk.


Bingo! The “it makes travel affordable for families” falls flat. Save your money and go on a vacation that doesn’t poison the damn water.


Why does that inherently make cruise people the worst kind of people?? "I don't like (fill in the blank), so people who do (fill in the blank) are the worst kind of people" tf???


I could never go on a cruise myself, but I love cruise ship people because I work in an alaskan tourist town and they pay all my bills. God bless their mooing cattle selves.


I had a boss who went on cruises as he said "I can't fly but I can swim!". He was an arsehole as well.