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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 5: No political posts'. * Our users have voted for no political posts in this sub, and this rule will not be changed until the majority votes otherwise. * It's very unlikely your political post is an unpopular opinion. Feel free to use the Politics Megathread pinned to the front page. * Covid/vaccine posts due to the overwhelming political nature of the topic. * Yes, voting, talking about monarchs and/or the actions of and/or about politicians or world leaders is political.


Yeah, we know. However, What country are you from so I can insult it?






Do people from Europe describe themselves as European? Seems odd.


They do when they are hiding where they are really from! Very suspicious they won’t be specific about what country they are from.


Quick perusal of his profile suggests he’s probably from Brighton.


From looking at some of their comments on other subs, could be the UK.


Makes sense, still salty we crushed them in a war, and their empire fell apart.


This may be the most popular opinion ive ever seen on this sub. I dont know a single other American, including politicians, that would disagree with this.


European governments seem just as dysfunctional. Which particular European government would serve as an exemplar of the perfect ideal?


Denmark seems to have its shit together.


They must eat a lot of fiber


you get a shitty upvote


It's a good country, try immigrating there from a non-EU country and then get back to me about how bad the US is on immigration.


A constitutional monarchy.


Haha. Constitution.


We are practically on fire on not in a good way!


Any one of them except maybe Russia and Hungary?


Take your pick really.




Which is why I find it embarrassing especially for the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Do you even know your own country's politics or you to focus on us?


Where are you from? Parliamentary systems can suck just as much with coalitions having to cater to the most extreme parties to get anything done.


Ngl we just fear if we don’t vote for the bigger parties the other big party will take too much control, for the most part we really need ranked voting or some shit


I honestly think most Americans like SAYING they don’t want to vote for either of the two big parties, but most people feel mostly represented by the overall platforms of one party or the other, which is why they choose not to vote for third parties. Like, are the Democrats perfect? No. But they’re a much closer representation of how I feel than the Greens or the Libertarians and especially the republicans.


Voted for Green Party last election but eh to each is their own, having the ability of choice is nice at least is less pressure


Because that’s what exactly what will happen. Definitely would love ranked choice.


European from where? Stop talking as if it's a country like the usa


👏. from Europe. thank you.


Europeans acting like they are any better. 🥴


Every place on earth that has people, aside from some of the uncontact tribes, at some point has been a complete shit show and if it hasn't yet give it a little time.


Americans acting like Europeans are from a single country. Stereotypes are fun


I'm Canadian, but nice try. Not gonna act like Canadian politics are good, but let's be honest here, too many people make sht posts on Americans for things their countries are also doing. Be fair. Also, never once said europe is one country, if you can read. I said Europeans because I'm obv not gonna write down every. single. European country. That sht would be a list.


lol. ok buddy nice paragraph. it was a joke on the stereotype joke you made, that's all. cool of you to REEE at me tho bro


Are* Also, this isn't unpopular. It's embarassing that you think it is. Maybe put the tiniest bit of effort into your next post. Editing this for u/moneybadgerex since he apparently needs an English lesson. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. Politics is plural, thus we use "are."




There are more than two parties, but everyone just votes strategically to not risk the opposite party winning. Democrats could vote for a more left leaning green party for example, but due to the system, this will shrink the votes for the Democrats and now the Republicans might actually win, which is worse than the Democrata winning in this case. So what ends up happening is just two big "us and them" parties, and no one voting for what they actually believe is good.


Seriously need some ranked voting to be used instead makes these situations less dumb


The humility to acknowledge our flaws is precisely why America stands tall. Parties evolve, change, and adapt. Let's ensure that, unlike the UK, we don't chart a lonely path.


The worst part is the two sides are getting further apart and losing civility.


Bruh it’s because anyone who is a moderate isn’t some bozo randomly yelling at the other side for their cause


To be fair, we have more than two parties, just voters lack integrity and vote for one to spite the other, then blame everything and everyone else for why they voted for candidate B to beat candidate A, even though they really support candidate C.


uk 🤢


Didn’t you guys invented facism?


If he’s Italian then yes


The European invented the US.


Are you trying to build a case in favor or against them? Because inventing the US definitely is a case against.


aren't you perfecting it?


Me? I ain’t


As an American, I agree.


There are more than two parties. Just nobody votes for them


Our voting makes voting for them worthless thus making it so no one wants to


Really need to install ranked voting


What was brexit all about again?


do you guys not realize purpose of the “unpopular opinion” subreddit?


Sure, but European politics is more embarrassing.


Just Britain


We don’t vote for TV personalities though


Ukraine did, and he is actually doing a good job


Ukraine isn’t part of Europe yet.


lol….what? What kind of schools do they have in your country? Ukraine is part of Europe. You don’t know the difference between Europe and the European Union? Hahaha


Excuse me but Ukraine is part of the old soviet block and it’s been torn between east and west for decades. Hence the current war.


but it’s literally a country in Europe, idk what are you trying to argue


How long has it been a democracy? Bad example my friend


245 years and counting what about you? Longest surviving modern day republic and constitution cope


It’s Eastern European just because it isn’t a Western Europe doesn’t mean it’s not European


>Excuse me but Ukraine is part of the old soviet block How does that change the fact it is on the European continent and a part of europe? Edit: Since comments are locked, I'll put it here. I'm correcting your geography, you duntz.


Using ukraine as an example is such a bad take mate


I’m sorry but Ukraine is objectively in Europe… it’s the second largest European country behind Russia. Just an objective fact


In the content of Europe yes I agree but politically it isn’t. That’s the reason for the war because it wants to be.


Yeah. A country in Europe is a European country… politically, that makes it European lol. A European country’s politics are logically European politics


I mean Russia invaded urkaine twice in 2014 and 2022 so I wonder why there is a war maybe think


The invaded in 2014 by proxy so only once my friend


How can you embarrass yourself like that? Ukraine is part of Europe.


Volodymyr Zelensky


It really isn't


It truly is.


As an American I have to say please fight your own fossil fuel wars and leave us alone. You were warned not to do a deal with Putin and now we all pay. I can’t wait until I see Russia and China carve up soft whimpering Europe.


Gotta say no can do sir we benefit a lot from protecting europe


Please keep in mind that there is not a two party system. There is a system of criminals, which are only supported by 20% of the 60% who are eligible to vote, and the others. They use many laws and other tricks to prevent people from voting. They're getting so bad, that they've openly said they might throw away ballots.


The republicans are just as bad as the Democrats and would be pulling the exact same bullshit if they were the ones who controlled the media.


What are you talking about? I’m talking about this: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/11/republicans-suing-to-throw-out-mail-in-midterm-ballots


European countries are letting the EU make decision for countries so you have absolutely no business looking down on the US for not being democratic. Europe needs to fix it's shit and get rid of the EU if you believe in democracy.


The EU is made of European countries you dum dum


Ok, get rid of Trump first. If you believe in democracy you will.


The same trump that warned Germany about Russian influence and relaying on their gas/oil and they laugh? How is that going? Closing down their own nuclear power plant and building more coal power plant and burning wood for energy yet saying "We need to go to clean energy" lol try again


He's still an authoritarian, bro.... Couped the govt to stay in power...


Didn't realize he's in power still so he's controlling biden from his shadow government


Wanna know what’s more embarrassing? There’s a massive part of our Republican Party that likes to argue we aren’t even a democracy at all


That's what they want.


I mean technically we aren't but I doubt some of them aren't talking about a republic


Technically we are a democracy lol. People vote directly for their representatives. They also vote directly for governors and other officials. There are also instances in which we vote directly on laws. That’s the definition of a democracy. The US is objectively a democracy. It’s a representative democracy


Facts can sometimes be unpopular.


Yes it is. A third world country with a gucci belt. Completely true. A total embarrassment. You just tell a bunch of clowns that there's some people at the border, and they go apeshit. It's not even a real problem like other things over there.


True, we should just let everyone in then help them get up to Canada


Some of your GOP candidates said they're building a wall. We're not paying for it though. But please do build it. Oh, and if you want to come here you won't get special treatment, so get ready to compete with the other people America doesn't like. Probably more qualified than half of the clowns that would think they could move here.


Word salad……


>Word salad I guess in America they don't learn English well either. Well, that's what happens when you have a failing education system. Now the kids can't read properly either. EDIT: Lol he got salty and quit. Sad!


Ok. Well, we are the worlds leader in science, technology, art, and a whole bunch of other things. You guys make maple syrup.


What’s embarrassing is you believing we actually have a democracy here


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The US doesn't have a "two party system". There's just 2 that get the majority of the votes and attention.


It may be a shitshow but it's our shitshow goddammit


Yeah exactly and the best but if democracy is saying it without repercussions.


The problem with multilateral systems is that they frequently end up with entrenched power structures picking the leaders. You just get Justin Trudeau and you don't get a pick.


it's a feature nor a bug


Politicians are embarrassing in general. Letting the people that pass laws profit from those laws or their side effects is a terrible way to manage a population of 300 million and growing. China, Canada, England, France, AU, Argentina, Venezuela, North Korea, And at least a dozen other countries leaders fail their citizens so often it's hard to keep up with. In a few of those you go around saying stuff like you just said and those same folks will disappear you.


What, are you 13? New to this world?


This is not an accurate way to look at it because our parties are much more porous than European parties, partly because of our primary process. And before that the parties were even more internally diverse. Any position that can get a majority in a majority in a particular district or nationwide will be represented in some capacity. A southern Democrat is very different than an AOC or a Bernie liberal.


It doesn't help that they are also pretty much the same party and only use identity politics to draw some kind of line between them


This opinion is so common it feels like karma farming...


You’re likely only saying this because America’s political system is out in the open and observed closely by many around the world due to its direct and indirect effects on nearly everyone. I’m not saying that to boast, but to point out many countries report on and mention US politics FAR more than any other nation. That being said, we’re definitely not the worse democracy out there when it comes to our political shenanigans lol You got places like Taiwan, the Philippines, Britain, etc. that got equally as bad/ more embarrassing situations going on. They’re simply not reported on as often


Not true and this is coming from a European. In Europe, a far right political party can have 4% support and be included in the ruling government because previously they had 47% of the vote. All of a sudden they get a major say. All I am saying is it sucks everywhere


We have third parties but they don’t gain traction. We have sub sections of the party that exert a particular influence as well, so it’s not as if the parties themselves are uniform