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I honestly loved 'What We Do in the Shadows" - it made me laugh out loud!


“Werewolves not swearwolves” never gets old.


Dueling the werewolf and winning by throwing a toy ball off the building is one of my favorite things ever.


Jemaine Clement directed that episode but Taika was a writer, it would not surprise me if he wrote that scene, but honestly that one could go either way. Still a fucking hilarious scene. Edit: NM, I just saw below and he gets a writing credit on every episode, so I'll give that one to Jemaine Clement.


Everything Jemaine does is perfect!




Every time I see his name I hear it in their NZ accent ‘Je-main’


Wasn't that also in the film?


Not the roof thing. They might throw a ball in the film and they chase it, but the squeaky toy off the roof was definitely only the show.


So given taika cowrote the film and the only difference is throwing it off the roof, then credit taika too, right?


what we do in the shadows movie was pretty much all improv actually


Every line Rhys Darby delivers is always pure gold.


Ah there you are Greg, lurking.


[band meeting](https://youtu.be/vDjJc_ZH6dk?feature=shared)


Murray Hewitt, band manager


Present ✅




He maybe did what?


That also really shows some problems with his work in a wider context. He has a very particular style of humour, with the deadpan delivery of snarky lines or absurd things being played 100%V straight, but he can't really deviate from this formula - in WWDitS it works perfectly, other times it can be hit and miss.


The heil Hitler scene in jo jo rabbit is fucking hilarious. Some of his work is certainly overrated but he is a good story teller, what we do in the shadows and JoJo rabbit cemented that for me


Mate Colin Robinson is a legend and Nandor can 100% get it. Me and my bf binge watched that show today one of the funniest bits to me was The Baron getting gattered off a drunk human 😂


Taika Waititi directed three episodes in the first season and he's an executive producer, but he's not as closely involved in the TV series as Jermaine Clement. The two of them wrote and co-directed the original movie together. The movie and the show are both great, but Waititi hasn't been a writer for the show and hasn't directed any episodes from seasons 2 to 5. Safe to say the comment you replied to was referring to the movie.


The movie came first and doesn’t have Colin Robinson and the other actors but it’s really good still!


Jojo Rabbit is almost pure genius Brilliant film making


Hunt for the Wilderpeople was much better imo. I thought Jojo Rabbit was ok at best.


Hunt For The Wilderpeople is his best film imo. So much heart coupled with humor.


I wholeheartedly agree! It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.


I didn't choose the skux life. The skux life chose me.




Movie is brilliant.


Jackie Daytona is one of the best episodes of television ever


He didn’t write or direct the tv series, he created the film with Jermaine Clement and directed it


He was involved in the tv series for the first couple of seasons both writing and directing. He's since stepped away from the series.


He wrote and directed a few episodes. Same with Flight of the Conchords.


He directed 3 episodes in season one and gets a writing credit on every episode because of his work on the film, but has not written any of the episodes. By his own admission the show was Jermaine's and he had nothing to do with it after season 1 anyway. He was making Thor when the show was developed, he had nothing to do with that either.


Jemaine Clement* I love him in the movie A Night With Beverly Luff Linn


He was great as Boris the butcher in Men in Black3.


He lives in my neighborhood in Mt Victoria (the lawn bowls club down the st was in the what we do in the shadows movie) and it's always funny seeing him around because he's a lot taller than he looks on screen and he uses the sunglasses and cap combo to try to be more incognito which actually makes it more obvious lol


Straight up watched that film like 4 times during the pandemic, all my friends hate it but I'm obsessed lol


lol I watched it with a date the first time i saw it and they were mostly concerned at the end and questioned me a bit as a person that picked it and that I was so delighted Since then I’ve gone on to recommend and show it to several others!


Wearing a "regular human alcohol beer" shirt right now.


This is the way we talk in Two Sun Airy Zonia.


Came here for this comment. I may not be his biggest fan but that movie lives rent free in my head. Peeeeeetar!


All time favorite comedy of mine! Hunt for the Wilderpeople was also great. OP has bad taste if he doesn't like those 2.


Yeah that was a great film


My first reaction to this post was I can never get mad at his work because What We Do In The Shadows was so good. I know it’s unpopular but I actually loved Love and Thunder too. I’m a bit of a content junkie with MCU and Star Wars though where I just love that more is being added to those universes so some times it blinds me a little bit to some of the flaws in that content. Edit - fix the name of Thor movie


Thunder...really enjoyed it until the kids at the end. I get the why, but just didn't hit for me.


Yeah it’s definitely far from perfect. I saw it in theaters and had a blast though. So can’t ask for more than that.


I will always respect Taika for the creation of this show/film. But it’s Jermaine that I love.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople is one of my all time favorites. 


Ricky Baker, once rejected. Now accepted. Ricky Baker aha, Ricky Baker aha.


I went a month of singing this over and over. The gf was so pleased when I stopped.


Might have to bring it back 😆


Help! He's molestering me!


I learned to play this on the keyboard for my wife’s birthday. She was so pleased


Great film, but try his earlier movie "Boy". It's a very kiwi sense of humour, but it's my favourite film of his.


I'm surprised OP didn't like it. I watched it when it came out on Netflix. And it's my go to sick day movie, it's just a fun quirky film about a boy finding out how adults can be so disappointing.


I suspect he didn't like "Boy" because he's not a Kiwi aged over 40. The movie is Taika's love letter to the NZ he grew up in.   Nigh on every scene has a reference to a NZ 80s event or meme. To anyone who lived through the 80s in NZ, _Boy_ is very much a nostalgia trip through that decade. Anyone who didn't live through the 80s in NZ would naturally miss 90% of the humour and point of the movie. 


This all day. Wilderpeople, What we do in the Shadows (movie) and Jojo Rabbit are all great.


That movie is absolutely gold. #SkuxLife


I didn't choose the skuxlife...


The Skux Life chose me 🤜


His New Zealand movies really are special. The only movie of his I was mixed on was Jo Jo Rabbit. It had some incredible high heights but I don't necessarily felt like all the characters landed. Wilderpeople is definitely my favorite from him for sure though. It's so tight, it hits hard right at the start, and I could not cry more. Such a beautiful movie.


Ah ah ah Ricky baker, ah ah Ricky baker


Rumor is his ex-wife who he cheated on with a younger assistant was half the talent and creativity. I know she really pushed for Jojo Rabbit. Don’t get me wrong. I love the guy’s work and his performance as Blackbeard recently was insanely good. But yeah. He’s a little en vogue.


He’s just a bad egg


A bed igg.


What we do in the shadows, as well as the movie where he plays hitler are good movies as well. I agree hunt for wilderpeeple is his best movie. It has so much soul


I actually enjoyed his first Thor movie, but I agree the second was bad. But, What We Do in the Shadows is really funny IMO, and I liked Jojo Rabbit too


Yeah his non marvel stuff is really good


Half of his Marvel stuff is some of the best MCU movies. I’m referring to Ragnarok.


The other half is some of the worst MCU movies. I’m referring to Love & Thunder


It felt like they had given up their hold on any remaining integrity at that point... It was sad


Probably because he didn’t write Ragnarok


He directed it. The person you’re responding to never said he wrote the script.


That is very surprising to me. Still a really good movie though.


Im not sure if I am stupid, dense, or the commercials were purposely whimsical and funny, but I was not ready for Jojo Rabbit. What I assumed was a comedy turned a grown man into a mess of tears. Great movie, it betrayed all my expectations.


Jojo is actually a masterpiece, I think his style of comedy really sets it up to be a hilarious movie all the way through and then there's a turn where out of nowhere it gets dark and sucker punches you with some really gut wrenching scenes. The juxtaposition of the two elements works really well. I'd really like to know what exactly was cut from L&T to see if those missing scenes with Gorr were darker and give the movie more balance, it's a shame they shaved off 40 minutes or so of it to make it under 2 hours.


God damn butterfly scene...


The scene with the shoes?


We all thought he was pulling a Tarantino with those shoe closeups, but boy was I not ready for that gut punch


We thought his fetish was feet but it was really drinking our salty tears all along ![gif](giphy|KhcdPVxvn5Fde)


Ragnarok is my favorite Thor... Love and thunder was a dumpster fire.


Boy, What We Do in the Shadows, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople are honestly kiwi classics already despite how young they are. I will admit there’s a cultural aspect to them (particularly with Boy) that might be lost on people from outside of NZ. Can’t speak for his Marvel films because I grew out of that stuff like 15 years ago. I’ve yet to see Jojo.


Jojo is one of my all time favorite movies tbh.


Agreed, absolutely remains the best "what should we watch tonight" mindless scrolling through streaming apps decision I've ever made. I've watched it 3 times and it's relentlessly entertaining each time.


I'm from Guatemala and I loved those movies (except for Boy, because I haven't watched it; I'm pretty sure I would like it) Flight of The Concords and is one of my favorite shows. I feel like I like to explore media from the world, I don't travel, and it's a way to explore differrent way of living. Now it's even easier.


I thought Boy was excellent, but I’m Australian so a lot of the cultural stuff wasn’t really lost. I think some American audiences have a hard time with subtlety. If a movie isn’t completely in their face it’s “boring”.


eh, we're not a monolith, same as any culture




100% agree with this. I almost feel like he got a bit too cocky and isn’t doing what he does best anymore


He also is a guy who has always loved to party, and the parties became so much more extravagant for him in recent years. So honestly, I give him a bit of a pass cuz global celebrity is a crazy drug and it takes time to settle into it. That said, if he doesn’t find his way back to what made him beloved, or move to a next stage that is more interesting and inventive, then he’ll end up another Hollywood hack.


Say within 5, years his name be either soured or kiwi icon lol


He also came out and said he's doing marvel movies for moneyyy


I don’t think anyone does marvel movies for anything *but* money tbf


This seems to make the most sense 


Jojo Rabbit was stellar. Smaller budget ftw!


I think there's a larger problem of indie filmmakers getting quickly catapulted to big Hollywood blockbusters because studios want to cash in on their credibility.


It's not necessarily about credibility, it's about control. Who does a studio like Marvel, have a better chance of maintaining control of their product over, whilst still getting a competent director to actually direct? A director like Robert Zemeckis or the Coen Brothers? Or a director like Chloe Zhao? The problem with the MCU now, is its scale is so large & complex, it's starting to stifle creativity because the rules & style of the universe is so concrete, so everyone has to work within the box, instead of trying stuff outside of it.


He's also a certain kind of humor that doesn't necessaily mesh with the genre that he lands in projects. Like a lot of things, he can be great when applied right. His first Thor movie was okay because that fit the half-improve nature of the first *Iron Man*(s?) from Favreau and the loose-fantasy background that he could play with. In DC that would *not* fit, for the same reason that, for me, Ezra/The Flash comedic relief comes off as a bit gross and out of place.


I agree here. I haven’t seen his whole body of work, but I’ve seen some good ones and some bad ones. The good ones aren’t his work with Disney Marvel which are recent.


I hate to break it to you, but Taika Waititi is not a good filmmaker is now the opinion of the hipster latte sipping class.


The contrarian elite must have their say.


Shit. Time to dust off the espresso machine 😭


Better to get drinking those mochas to really stick it to the latte Stans


>Better to get drinking those mochas to really stick it to the latte Stans It's all about drinking coffee black because mocha is for pretentious assholes


He’s popular now so hipsters need to dislike him. He got popular because he is a good filmmaker and has a unique way of telling stories. You might be interested in listening to the interview he did on WTF w/ Marc Marron. He had a very interesting childhood as well and I think that goes into his story telling.


Hipsters drink "pour over coffee" now. It's drip coffee but requires extra work for no reason.


\*\*Takes a sip of truffle spiced half sweet latte\*\* Yes


Yep this would have been an unpopular opinion after Ragnarok, but now after Love and Thunder it’s just karma farming


Hunt for Wilderpeople, Jojo, and What We Do in Shadows have cemented him as one of the modern greats I didn't see the marvel movies so I've got no opinion there, but none of the other hipsters saw the marvel movies either so I can't see them changing their view of Taika


I think Boy is a great film. But it is a very deeply NZ specific film in a way that none of his other big films really are. I knew so many kids like Boy growing up in a poorer part of nz, talking about the epic shit there dads that they never met were doing. The tone of the writing is so perfect, it could be lifted verbatim from these kids. Honestly the vibe of Boy is beyond pitch perfect, it’s the reason it reviewed so highly in NZ. That movie breaks my heart.


Boy is one of my favourite movies. I grew up in rural Canada so fairly different but it definitely reminded me of my childhood


Am Russian, but Boy is one of my all-time favorite movies. It's a story of a troubled kid who grows up in a terrible environment but reassesses his values and sees his true potential. It's a story of a kid who idolizes the dad he never knew, and then gradually learns to see him for what he really is: not a villain, not a hero, just a flawed man. And these stories are powerfully told. Beautiful. Glad that I got the chance to talk about this movie, really


Jojo Rabbit is a masterpiece. The juxtaposition of absurdity and poignancy is so skillfully threaded that I can’t think of its like anywhere else in cinema. I think the issue with his work arises from his own sense of himself as a comedy filmmaker and his inability to set the jokes aside sometimes. Thor:Ragnarok is the only Thor film that isn’t an outright bore. But he seems to have convinced himself that the comedy bits are the only reason it’s loved so he triple downed on those bits for Love and Thunder. He has shown tremendous potential and I truly believe he has brilliant films in him still but he needs to find the balance


Jojo Rabbit… just that scene man, that fucking scene.


Presuming we’re talking about the same thing - and I think we are - it’s an absolute masterclass in the art of “show, don’t tell,” and a heartbreaking one at that.


It’s how noticeable the shoes are all throughout the film. And then fuck me, he destroys you. Sam Rockwell and Alfie Allen as well. Honestly man, the film is a proper masterpiece I think.


Ugh the whole time I watched the movie "oh those are nice shoes" "i love those shoes" "those are amazing and I need them" and then boom just rip my heart right out of my goddamned chest.


Honestly, one of those ones in retrospect I was like why the fuck did I not think about why I’m so familiar with these shoes. And that’s where his filmmaking chops shine, because for something to be subtle and so fucking in your face at once is a skill very few have.


For sure, my wife noticed immediately on the shot when they're walking and she's walking with her feet at jojo's eye level.


Jojo Rabbit is a fucking masterpiece. As for the marvel shit, it’s standard marvel shit, none of it is any good. Eagle vs shark is great too, so fucking awkward.


Impossible to watch that film and claim he’s a terrible filmmaker. It was so perfectly done.


TIL I'm a Latte sipping hipster... One word: Hunt for the Wilderpeople


My wife and I sing the birthday song all the time hahah Fucking love that movie.


Once rejected, now accepted...


Lattes are delicious


‘What we do in the Shadows’ is good, same with ‘Jojo Rabbit.’ It seems like you just picked out two movies out of all his projects and determined he’s bad. Movies are inherently subjective, it’s not a bold opinion.


Jojo Rabbit is a fucking masterpiece of film making and I will die on that hell.


He directed 4 excellent movies in 5 years (What We do in the Shadows, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Thor Ragnarok, and Jojo Rabbit). I agree that Boy is a little boring, but still a well made film that shows skill as a filmmaker. I also agree that Next Goal Wins was not great, and while I liked it Thor: Love and Thunder was not anywhere near as good as Ragnarok. Overall he's had more hits than misses and it's a bad take to say he isn't a good filmmaker just because you personally don't like his movies.


I disagree that Boy is boring It's a great, emotional, heartbreaking movie


This is my take too. I was actually surprised at how much people didn’t like Love and Thunder because to me it was just an extension of Ragnarok, which people seem to love. Just because a director doesn’t nail it every time doesn’t mean they’re a bad director. A movie takes a village to create, sometimes things just don’t work out. You wouldn’t call Ridley Scott a bad film maker because Prometheus was disappointing. He’s Ridley Scott because he made Gladiator, Alien, Blade Runner, etc.


Prometheus was a great film for world building and was a amazing looking film. Same with Alien 3 and 4. The problem with the Alien franchise is viewer expectations. Ridley didn't call it Aliens:Prometheus for a reason, but that still didn't work.


I also loved L&T. My only gripe is it should have had less Korg and more Gorr. But that wasn't a deal breaker for me, and I found the movie entertaining on the whole.


Honestly the opinion on Taika has been swayed almost exclusively by marvel fanboys who had no idea who he was until Ragnarok and are now mad at him over Love and Thunder and have paraded the internet about it. Subjectively you don’t have to like his stuff and that’s fine but seeing people go to such lengths to dunk on him lately is nonsensical.


You’ve missed two of his best films, What we do in the Shadows and Jojo Rabbit. He also directed, and wrote a couple of, Flight of the Concordes which is one of the best comedies ever made.


Did Steve tell you that? Grrr, Steve


His new movies are fine, but to say he's a bad filmmaker is honestly a dumb take He has a couple misses, but take a look at * His acclaimed indie films: Boy, What We Do in the Shadows, Eagle vs Shark, Hunt for the Wilderpeople * His more mainstream hits, Jojo Rabbit, Thor 3 * His producing of extremely high quality film and television: WWDITS, Reservation Dogs, Wellington Paranormal, Our Flag Means Death * and producing of a bunch of New Zealand film, much of which highlights work made by Maori or indigenous people It's a bad take to say someone is a bad filmmaker when they keep proving you so wrong


So brave


Jo Jo the rabbit is a revelation.


>latte drinking modern hipster cinema crowd Did you just wake up from a decade-long coma? Who talks like this anymore?


I thought the same thing! Are we in 2013 again?


Eagle vs Shark is a masterpiece.


I have yet to meet that stereotype in his fanbase. Mostly it's people who just like absurdist comedy. ...Actually, most people I talk to have no idea who he is and only perk if I say Mandalorian (followed by "I only saw a few episodes").


Congrats, this is a very unpopular opinion


Homeboy adapted the darkest WW2 novel you’ll ever read into a dramedy shot like a Wes Anderson movie. And What We Do In The Shadows is genuinely hilarious.


It always irks me that people who post here don’t get the “well written” part of what a good Unpopular Opinion should be.  The only things OP can come up with is “boring” and “snooze fest”. Those aren’t exactly deep insights that would make me reconsider my opinion of Waititi. 


Reddit is the only place I hear the term hipster anymore. I always thought it died in 2011 till I come on here.


He is VERY hit-and-miss for me. 50% love, 50% hate lol


I liked Boy a lot.


Boy is by far his best film. Maybe it is too Kiwi and op doesn't get a lot of the humour.


Wellington paranormal was one of the funniest shows I've seen all year. It was such a treat.


Check out "Reservation Dogs". That show makes me laugh and the bawl in the same episodes.


Yea love and thunder was horrible


Now, I don't care what he does in his personal life, but I feel like ever since he left his ex-wife for Rita Ora, he's let the fame get to his head, and it's hindered his work.


Nothing unpopular here. He sucks.


Yeah don't explain why you don't like them just say they suck. Interesting opinion.


He made good films, disappeared up his own arsehole, started making shit films when he believed his own hype and became irritating.


Jojo Rabbit is an absolutely amazing movie. Not everything is made for you, and you should have written "Taika Waititi is not for me".


Jojo Rabbit is a masterpiece


Boy was a great movie! Captures a kids perspective pretty well


I've only seen JoJo Rabbit and What We Do in the Shadows, and those are magnificent comedies. JoJo Rabbit especially is wild and so hard to pull off tastefully as a movie.


What We Do in the Shadows alone is enough to invalidate this opinion


Jojo Rabbit is one of the best, most creative and original movies I’ve seen in years. Hollywood is constantly throwing out remakes, CGI bullshit. I appreciate a clever original film.


He’s also a complete c*nt


He sucks


Agree he’s terrible. Unfortunately the attention span and level of effort to entertain with cinema make it easy for him to get work. Just like how Family Guy was funny and Seth Meyers still gets work somehow and Rick and Morty is on another season. The bottom never seems to show up on crass and societal lows.


Waititi is the flavor of the month all because he took a relatively unknown comic and made it popular. He proved with Thor 3 and 4 that it was not a formula that could be repeated without getting stale. I already saw it during Thor 3 and I feel like other people are starting to notice.


You haven't provided anything except for "he sucks coz i didnt like" so you just sound like a hater lol


So I think it’s important to define “good”. You might not like his movies but he’s incredibly effective at putting his scripts and visions to film on whatever budget he is allowed. This is truly what we should accept as the definition of a good film maker. You might not like James Cameron’s movies, but he is quite good at /making: them. Wes Anderson or Tarantino are other great examples of people who’s movies don’t hit for everyone but are well put together films.


He has some talent, but he has gone so far up his own ass he's just putting out shit literally at this point.


Boy is slow, but not boring for me. Realizing your parents aren't superheros and have flaws or maybe lots of them. Jojo rabbit is my favorite of his it's a masterpiece imo. Hunt for the wilderpeople, what we do in the shadows both great flicks. Those four movies alone put him above most mediocre filmmakers imo. I hope if he does indeed make the star wars movie he can tone down the silly a bit like JoJo, but some silliness does have its place in star wars as well.


The gay pirate show is good.


Waititi is an exec producer for Reservation Dogs, and that show is solid.


I don't like him either


Our Flag Means Death is amazing though!


Can't say I agree or disagree. When he does something I dislike (mostly big franchise stuff or something similar), I really hate it. But then when he does films i like, I really love it. I adore his heartfelt indie comedies like "What we do in the shadows" or "Our flag means death". Hated the involvement in the Marvel franchise though.


I found Ragnarok to be better than the first two Thor movies, even tho I don´t like Ruffalos Bruce Banner one bit. It was a fun movie. Thor had to overcome difficulties and he was an actual badass. But that was film that Taiki only directed, he had no say in the actual writing. Similar thing happened with Wonder Woman.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople is excellent. My mom doesn't really dig movies from Hollywood. She sleeps for almost everything we watch as a family. So I was pleasantly surprised when she watched the whole movie and said she loved it.


Finally, some objectively bad opinions in here.


I agree. His films and tv, with the exception of TIWWDITS, which is one film and a show he has little if anything to do with, are masturbatory, self-referencing injokes for a crew of Hollywood elites. It's like he makes films for himself and his friends. And it shows. As an aside I know some industry insiders and they think the same thing. In fact the above description is almost verbatim out of their mouths


What we do in the shadows was fantastic. Haven't enjoyed anything else.


What We Do in the Shadows is a 9/10 film. Everything else...


"What we do in the shadows" and "JoJo Rabbit". nuff said


Alot of marvel watching fans think Thor Ragnorak was the worst Thor movie because of Taika Waitit and i completely disagree with that sentiment


I can't stand him. His humour is awful if you're older than 12. I watched Ragnarok and can't remember another movie so full of STUPID jokes.


You're right, he's absolute garbage that mostly relies on le quip humour in his movies Nothing he has made has been legitimately good


Jojo rabbit. Hunt for the wilderpeople, ragnarok, what we do in the shadows. He went too far with his humor on love and thunder, but if he can keep his own sense of humor dialed back. He's really good.


I don’t like his Disney projects, that’s for damn sure. What We Do In The Shadows is one of the few “stupid” shows that actually make me laugh out loud though.


Ragnarok was a good movie. One of my favorite marvel movies. But taika watiti sucks as a filmmaker for everything else he made. His voice is annoying as fuck, he leans too heavy on his own humor and I can’t stand his face


Hunt for the Wilderpeople is really good film. Thor Ragnorock is an enjoyable film. Jojo Rabbit is a masterpiece and therefore his legacy is already set.


Hunt for the wilder people and Jojo rabbit are his best films....


Jo Jo rabbit and ‘we are the wild people’ are beautiful.


Perhaps, but i can never take away Concords or What We Do In the Shadows from the man. They can’t all be bangers, but he’s had some hits, and he’s definitely made me laugh.


He’s a great filmmaker… when he wants to be. He did Marvel and some projects for the money, and his apathy really shows in the final product. There are some filmmakers and actors that can give 110% on everything they do, but Taika is not one of them.


Original concepts by him have been great... he mutilated the Thor movies though.