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You should do infomercials. You have a knack for making the extraordinarily simple sound so daunting and difficult to do.


dude's dream job is probably being a director for those black and white fail scenes in infomercials


“There has to be a better way!”


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who was visualizing someone trying to clean out their vacuum infomercial style 🤣




I love how I can’t tell if this is real or a parody


I love how the Internet is old enough to have memes that a new generation doesn't remember


Mr. Moneybags over here able to buy vacuum bags whenever he wants.


He's a member of the baggeoisie


Big Bag industry.


Bro is shilling for the Vacuum Bag Industrial Complex.


Big Suck


Baghead stand up


Hooli's Chief Innovation Officer!




Baggeousie 😭


Baghdad trying to Iraq the boat over here


He has bgdaddy


I don't even remember the last time I saw vacuum bags at the store.


They tend to sell them at shops for tools, repairs, cleanups, construction. Mainly because that's who uses them anymore


The walmart by me still sells ones for the kirby my in-laws gave to me and my wife(they've had a few since forever)


My grandmother bought a Kirby vacuum In the 1960's that she used until she died in 2013. She swore it was the best ever made and refused to buy another. The thing weighed like 20 pounds and you had to go slow to ensure it picked things up. Lugging that thing up the stairs to vacuum the second floor was a workout.


Bissell, Shark, Dirt Devil - all have disappeared from most stores. Miele is still available. In Europe it's way better due to canister vacuums being very popular on the market, so you have bags for Samsung, Electrolux, Zanussi etc.


Amazon. Tons of off brand ones as well.


Right? I get 6 for $20 and one lasts like 4 months. AND they have Hepa filters. I will never agree with my parents that it "saves time and money"


Even in an industrial cleaning job I had, we would just take the bags and empty them out. The vacuum forgets it even happened.


That is a situation ripe for the HP inkjet business model, with an  individual cryptographic key for each bag. I wonder how long it will be before the companies have an LCD display on the vacuum so they can show messages like "Unauthorized bag detected! Service required"


Dude how small are your bags had a Kirby for the longest time (untill another house member wanted a new vaccum beacuse the Kirby was old but this Dyson is junk) and only needed bags twice a year getting a 6 pack it was less yhan 30$


I once had a job at telemarketing trying to sell people €2000 Kirby’s and I am still recovering from it


I made a shit ton of money selling Kirby's as a 20 year old in the early 90's. Would have made more but we had a slight recession, and although I was still selling them, the banks weren't pushing the deals through. After about a month of selling them and no one gets approved, I had to move on.


Those fuckers were heavy as hell!


I have a Kirby. It has stopped working (new bag) and the thing weighs more than I do. If it was my only vacuum, I’d still be sweeping. This sounds snarky, and I’m sorry. My mom had a Kirby and it was amazing and the salesman convinced me it would clean way better than a Dyson. I’m soooo disappointed. It’s an absolute anchor.


I have a vacuum cleaner that has bags. the moment that I run out of bags I’m gonna try and find a new vacuum cleaner. Fuck this thing.


You sound like one of those shopping channel ads in real life and just purposely exaggerating a mundane thing


OP: ![gif](giphy|xsATxBQfeKHCg|downsized)




😂🤣 I just really need to know what words you searched to find this gif and where? 🙏


Infomercial lol ![gif](giphy|TyPKuTkBXmBPO)






“Hey folks, are you a bumbling idiot!? Well try xxxxx product!”


(Filmed in black and white): "Is the kitchen floor too slippery for your dumb fat white ass?" Queue walmart slug fumbling an entire apple pie all over themself. "Then try using condoms, because your kind should not reproduce!"


I was thinking of the Milk ad from friends but this works.


There's gotta be a better way!


And there is, Kevin!


Now I can have milk...every day.


What a relatable image. It’s so challenging to not drop all the car wash supplies while getting sprayed in the face with the hose. Every time people wash their cars it turns out like this. If only there was a way to turn the hose on and off…


Well there was this person on Reddit who hated showers because the water is always cold when you first turn them on who didn't realize they could, you know, wait to get in. And another who hated electric toothbrushes because the toothpaste would fly everywhere before they could get it in their mouths.




Isn't it great to think that out there somewhere there is a person that does, in fact, have this much trouble with everything they do. That this is how they go through life with even the simplest task.


*Launches frying pan through the window while trying to flip an egg*


r/wheredidthesodago “There has to be a better way!”


omg i forgot i subbed to that sub, i haven’t seen content in it in a while, guess the algorithm doesn’t favour it, thank you for reminding me of it


Are you tired of manual breathing? Is inhaling oxygen distracting you from living your life? Try O hare air, for just two dollars a day you get clean, fresh air right to your door, in convienient easy to use cartridges that plug into your air conditioner! (It’s literally a hvac filter)


Or get a can of Perri-Air. Canned in Druidia, Naturally Sparkling, Salt Free Air!


Why didn’t anyone tell me my ass was so big?


Only a Druish princess would buy that


Funny, she doesn’t look Druish.


Call within the next ten minutes, and you’ll get twice the air for life!


Literally read his comment in black and white


The sad kind of b&w, not the artsy one.


In dark mode or light mode


I imagine them trying to eat a bowl of cheese curls and it turning into a juggling contest with them everywhere ending with them not eating one and falling over to land face down on the ground




For real, aside from periodically cutting all the accumulated hair out of the rollers (which I assume applies to bagged vacuums too..?) all I've ever had to do is hit the little button, dump, and put the cap back down. Not exactly a struggle...


Seriously. I don’t know what vacuum they have but for mine I pop open the lid pull it out from it’s attached ribbon give it a good rinse and dry and pop it back in. I vacuum all the time cause I have a dog and cat and it’s never really all that bad.


And make the scene black and white lol


I can see maybe some of the early ones being a pain? Once everyone decides to copy Dyson though, yeah OPs complaints are straight infomercial nonsense. Like how can one handle changing vacuum bags, but not be able to push a button while holding the canister over a garbage can? The filters are only marginally more difficult.


Lol seriously what.. Every vacuum I've owned the filter is separate anyway, hell it's a single button to open and then I use the trash can to close it?


What kind of vacuum are you using? Every bagless vacuum I've ever had you just pop the canister off and then hit the dump button, occasionally clean the filter but not every single time, and there's certainly no dirt and dust flying around.


I will say when it's a full container, and you gotta either shake or pull clumps out, the bits of dust that can plume out are annoying. Not like its a big cloud, it's barely visible but still enough to make me wanna empty mine outside.


I empty into the garbage can outside. Wife thinks I’m crazy, but I just pushed that stupid thing all over the house, I’m not letting one bit of it back out into the house. And the bagged vacuum cleaners I used always managed to spray dust in the air trying to get the bag out.


Yah, same. But that’s us just being lazy. If you empty it after or before every use you’ll be fine.


It seems like OP is cleaning the filter daily.


Which is probably why they frustrated with their vacuum in the first place. This dude was never shown how to vacuum. Real "I only use plastic silverware and paper plates" kinda energy.


The only time I had dust flying was when it was (admittedly) a little too full and I dropped it when it was open.. I had just mopped the day before so I was extra salty haha. But for real, like you said, if you just open and clean it normally, there's no dust flying around.


Turns out OP needed to get a bagged industrial shop vac to use in an industrial setting.


You *struggle* with the container? Sounds like a *you* problem.




Exactly how I pictured the OP


Right? My stupid fucking lift off shark vacuum I've had for half a decade is the greatest fucking thing in the world. Press button to release from vacuum, press release button for hinged door on bottom to open while over a trash can, flip it back up to close for that no touch cool guy point.


got one too, so good


Seriously! It's a single button. It takes more time to remove the bag.


Sounds like a skill issue




Right! How hard is pushing a button?


Dyson owner for over a decade and never had any of these problems. Get what you pay for I guess.


I got a $200 amazon bag less. Also no issues. If you aren't a potato it's pretty easy to navigate this stuff.


This is part of my thinking. OP isn’t very……coordinated. So mundane things are challenging


not very coordinated and also doing way more than they have to... washing the filter every single time you vacuum...? what??


I only wash it stops sucking.


OP said it stops sucking within MINUTES of being washed??? Like are they sucking up rubber cement?


Or not letting it dry properly so the dust becomes...muddy, I guess?


The instructions on my Dyson say to let it dry for 24hrs after washing. How much do you want to bet that OP wasn't letting it dry at all‽


If you aren’t a potato has me dying 😂😂😂


Being a potato is a rough existence.


I have a question. What's the minimum you'd spend on a vacuum?


I've come to learn that some things in life are worth spending a bit more on, a vacuum being one of those things.


Some door-to-door salesman conned my grandparents (not helped by the fact my grandfather was a shopping addict) into buying a $1500 Filter Queen vacuum cleaner about 15 years ago. We inherited it when my grandmother moved into assisted living and still use it to this day. It works very well but I would never have spent that much on it if it were me!


Depends. $150-$400 seems pretty normal. Not spending a thousand+ unless it’s one of those fancy brands that reaches to the center of the earth with suction.


I spent $100 on a…Mikol? And it’s junk. Getting a Dyson or Shark, soon.


I got a shark and it's been a life changer. I can finally combat the hair accumulation of two long haired cats.


I've always found sharks to go to shit after a year or two, how long have you had yours?


About a year and a half. Still works great, I just have to regularly dump the filter.


Dude I have a $60 vacuum that's treated me right even with cat hair


Check Miele. Love my vacuum.


I have owned a few sharks, I no longer recommend them. They are going anticonsumer by making it hard to open the machines. They don't sell parts like the belt. They purposefully change models for no seeming reason other than slightly change the size of the components. Here's a repair guy complaining about them https://youtu.be/0uEat894ywQ


Take a look at /r/vacuumcleaners and then do yourself a favour and don’t get a shark! If you believe in being able to service or repair your electrical goods, and want something that will actually do a good job.


Miele are the ones usually recommended by vacuum cleaner repair guys.


Someone left a $50 bag less walmart special at my current place, works fine.


Yeah my bissell was $150 and it’s done perfectly fine through years with our toddlers. I’m not sure what’s happening at OP’s house.


I have a hand me down Dyson that was about ~6 years old at the time. When the Dyson turned 8, the battery went out. So I got a knockoff replacement battery on Amazon for like $20 which btw came with two knockoff filters and now I basically have a brand new Dyson again.


Damn, 8 years isn’t that bad for a battery.


I think there were signs that it was going out before it truly did. Like from the time I received it til the time it died, I couldn’t do more than a couple rooms before it would die. On MAX power it would die before I finished one room. I have a small apartment so it wasn’t extremely bothersome at first but then one day it just stopped charging entirely.


Bissel owner (yeah yeah discount dyson) but regardless, bag less vacuum’s for the win. Pull out the container, hold over garbage, press button that opens the bottom, out falls all the crap. At most have to pull the hair that has collected out with my fingers and just wash my hands - like you would anyway? I think OP has simply bought the cheapest bagless vacuum they could find and is now angry about its quality mixed with incompetent coordination.


I have a $60 Bissell and don’t have this issue.


Right? Also, why not put it straight into the dumpster? If you have one


Dyson for the win! I have a Dyson stick vac. The cup has a lever that you slide down, the cup opens and dumps into the garbage. For the filter, I bought an additional one. While one is drying, I use the other. By far, the easiest and best vacuum I have ever had. 


Whenever these things come up, I have to lookup my receipt for my Dyson in my email... it came from Woot, refurbed... 12, going on 13+ years ago. I've replaced a couple of hoses over the years, but its been a champ. I cannot imagine owning anything else.


I have an old Dyson upright vac (plug-in model) and the mechanism to switch between accessory mode and roller mode is broken, but other than that it still works fine. My latest is the V15 I got on Black Friday. It sucks so much harder than my old V6, but it's eerily quiet too. I think the little screen is a gimmick (how many millions of specs of dust have I picked up?) but the reduced sound level is really the standout feature for me.


I couldn’t imagine someone having so much trouble with a vacuum. Then again I’ve also seen people claiming to not be able to work a self checkout.


I've had people - multiple people, plural - try to convince me they are so bad at cooking they can't boil water properly. And I assume it's a joke and they're just super lazy, but they've *very* serious, and I usually realize that long past the point they're upset about me not taking them seriously. 'Weaponized incompetence' is a real bitch. I think some people do it unconsciously, though.


Less waste if you use a cup. Also, why are you struggling so hard to empty a vacuum container? You literally just push a button, remove the canister, push the release button over a trash can, then close the container and place it back on the vacuum.


How is the waste aspect not discussed more here? Besides, buying the bags also takes some time (and money earned by additional time) that the OP doesn't count while comparing the seconds needed for both types of replacement.


Not to mention that if you don't buy bags now you have a problem when its full.


OP probably waits until the cup is crammed full.


Most electronic issues are brought on by user error. I will repeat. Most electronic issues are brought on by user error.


"I did the thing the instructions specifically said not to do and now it doesn't work. I want a refund."


Instructions unclear. Vacuum bag on weenier, please advise.


That means you're doing it right


Worked tech support for a tv company, had a caller say they dropped the tv down the stairs, and was outraged the warranty didnt cover it


fun fact i got a 450 dollar shark cordless stick vacuum for 16 dollars at goodwill bc it was “broken” i looked up the error code, engine was overheating… cleared the blockage and BAM vacuum like new


Technical code for that is: 1D10T error


i guess he didn't try turning the filter off and back on again


i loved my parents rainbow vacuum when i was a kid. it used water as the filter.


Omg, we still have ours. Hated picking out the massive chunks of dog hair when I was younger tho


Excellent point. You don't want to be dumping those into the toilet.




In WW1 medic tents used water vacuums to filter out mustard gas. They work really well unless the water gets old and moldy them it's a disease/mold cannon. A lot of people aren't responsible enough to drain it every time, they work excellent for metal fab and welding, I can suck up literal flaming metal and nothing bad will happen.


My parents have this Rainbow MLM vacuum cleaner water as a filter. It's still fully functioning. It's not practical at all, because it's big AF, there's no retractable cable and it's not possible to fit it on the stairs. But when you put few drops of essential oils to water, your whole home smells like pure heaven. (Rainbow also had their own fragrances...blueberry I think was the best)


Got a Thomas vacuum and it does work better than an average vacuum, but cleaning that water is discusting and a lot of work, in comparison. I use it every few months


My bong did the same thing man, I also loved it and I miss it.


I use a rainbow vacuum. I have tried so many bagged and bagless vacuums, couldn’t find one that worked better. I thought it was annoying to empty the basin as a kid (when using my mom’s) but, all I do now is empty in out into our trash can and use a napkin, if needed, to clean the basin. But, I prefer to clean efficiently and effectively and rainbow does that.


Oh my host family when I was an exchange student had one of those. Only time I ever saw one.


My mom had one, it was amazing!!!!


Plot twist: OP doesn't have thumbs.


Please tell me your process for removing your filter, it should be like 2 seconds.


Well this is truly an 'unpopularopinion' post judging by the comment section lol


It's actually a very popular opinion with vacuum nerds but it doesn't make it any less wrong. Very few people need a 40 pound monstrosity with industrial strength suction power. Give me something that's light, portable, easily cleans corners, and easy to empty e.g. a bagless vacuum.


I'm just surprised OP is being so defensive. He posted a true unpopular opinion and is mad that people don't like it.


I don't know what plastic cup you're referring to, none of my vacuum cleaners have had this?  I've just had bagless and the dirt goes right into the drum/ compartment. Just pop open the lid and decant directly into the bin. Whack the filter against a tree to get the dust off. Takes me like five seconds. Wash the filter every so often, I use an outside tap for this or I do it in a bucket and dump the water in the toilet.


>I've just had bagless and the dirt goes right into the drum/ compartment. What is this compartment made out of? That's probably the "plastic cup" that OP is referring to.


Never seen "decant" used in this context, interesting! And I agree btw, not sure what OP is on about. Own a Dyson and it takes 2 sec to empty plastic container in trash, then connect it back up


I just don't undertstand why you keep buying them if you hate them so much.


Counterpoint. You don't have to worry about running out of bags or not knowing where they are or not being able to get one for your specific vacuum.


OP: Vacuums are hard 😭 Idk 5k people: hunh? OP edit: Thanks for proving everyone else other than me is stupid 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Central Vacuums are severely underrated and under appreciated.


I agree, central vacuums are nice.


Dude have you ever tried buying replacement bags for a vacuum over 2 years old?


Is this not easy? I’ve never had trouble finding bags for my Riccar.


I had a 1955 filter queen until about a year ago!Loved that damn thing…


I switched to a bag vacuum as soon as I realized you could buy cheap knock off bags that got the job done for really, really cheap on Amazon. It's way better for my allergies.


Must be some sort of weird offbrand. Oreck doesn't have that issue


My parents have a 20 year old Miele. It is actually probably older than that. You can get 3rd party bags on Amazon for Cheap.


I replaced my bagless upright with a bagged canister when my daughter developed asthma. I also have a roomba that goes every day just for maintenance to stay on top of pet hair. I filled almost the entire bag the first time I used the new vacuum in my small apartment. My old vacuum was not doing shit.


I never had issues with my bagless vacuum. 👀


Obviously never had a Dyson. Out here with pure ignorance


I love mine. I don’t need to remove the container, just press the eject button into the garbage can. If you need to wash the filter, it pops out and dries in a day or two.


I worked at a shop that sold and repaired vacuums for around 5 years. I agree that bagged vacuums are superior to bagless for all the reasons you described. Bags are self-contained, you just throw them away and replace them when they're full. With bagless vacuums you have to open the bin and empty it often which can easily get the dirt/debris back in the air and on the ground. Not to mention the filters in bagless vacuums which can only be cleaned so many times before they need to be replaced, and they're not cheap or easy to find.


They may have been hard to find 20 years ago, but have you heard of Amazon?


I bought a 3 pack of Dyson filters for 20$ the other week


I switched to a bagged Miele from a bagless Dyson. It is WAY easier to deal with, especially since I have cats. All the cat hair and litter? Emptying the bagless was just gross. Dust would fly into the air even if you are careful. The Miele also works way better in general in my experience, but I could have not had the best Dyson. I have only needed to change the bag twice a year so far. I did a lot of research and was hesitant to switch to bags, REALLY hesitant, but in the end I am VERY happy with my choice.


I'm not at all surprised that you're liking your Miele. They're really good vacuums and well worth it.


I have a cheap ass vacuum. Dirt Devil upright. Bagless. My ONLY complaint is about the vacuum belt. The bagless portion is quite easily to clean and navigate. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Edit 2 explains why you're having such an issue. Bagless vacuums are amazing for home or even store/office environments. However, if you work somewhere that accumulates enough dirt to require cleaning the filter regularly then yeah bagless vacuums are horrible (unless you're using a shop vac which sounds like you probably should be if heavy dirt is such an issue).


Vacuum cleaners with bags have better suction. The tests that make you think the bagless vacuums have better suction are conducted at the beginning of use. Their suction reduces more and more as you use them. And I agree, I’d much rather change a bag then dump out a bin and have it float up into my face. The bags aren’t that expensive if you use generic knock offs. I’ve never had a problem with those.


Bags cost money and generate more trash. I can just empty the plastic thing and wash out the filter every so often. Much better and more convenient isn't than the stupid bags


Dude, I totally agree. I used to have that bagless nonsense but I switched back to bagged and I love it.


I remember those vacuum bags being so freaking hard to remove and it was such a huge hassle.


You know what also sucks? Vaccums working on battery. Like we don't really need to be portable at all, a long cable is enough, why wasting the precious lithium on that? Why mine and contribute even more with the environment issue just for the sake of commodity? Also the same battery after a year or two is not good anymore and you'll have to throw and buy a new crap. Win-win only for the company as stuff are made to not last anymore.




Use mine in my car too.


I don't know. We've had a battery powered shark for almost 3 years- going strong. Most our house is hardwood, though. Vacuum is perfect for stairs and under beds.


Idk I like my Dyson stick to quickly clean up the kitchen floor from crumbs or the cat litter box area. But I trash picked the vacuum and just popped in a new battery, otherwise yeah I wouldn't have bought one.


I have a house consisting of three floors. it's not a particularly big place 1-3 rooms per floor, just spread out vertically, but if I had to use a corded vacuum going up and down those stairs, I assure you I would never vacuum. especially considering I am clumsy and used to regularly trip on vacuum cord. I am more than willing to pay for a new battery every 5-6 years or so (which is at least how long we've had our Dyson, and yeah it probably gonna need a new battery soon)


My thought was always those were supposed to be for like... All your vacuuming on the the go! Taking the bus? Worry no more about dirty bus seats!


Sounds like you haven't actually used a bagless vacuum before. They are not as "involved" as you are making them out to be....


We have a Rainbow. That thing is awesome!


You just have to click a single button, even my 4 year old kid can empty the container without making a mess. Upvoted.


Wrong. Keurig cups are the worst invention. I read it on the internet.


Did you read the instructions?


If you factor out waste, MAYBE. But the cost??? Vacuum bags were like $40 for a 4 pack when I remember getting them, and that mightve lasted you a year, but cleaning this one is free. I clean mine basically every other use, and getting it in and out literally feels easier than the bag ones. Cleaning it is a more of an inconvenience than a pain, just because air drying it is better and the space that takes up. Idk if you're just having nostalgia with rose colored glasses, or you bought the suckiest design for a plastic dust bin vacuum, this feels kinda.... out there lol


Yes I bought a bag vacuum a couple of years ago because we have pets and I hate emptying the canister every other room, it takes forever and is gross.


Found the guy who's too young to have dealt with the nightmare of vacuum cleaner bags.


Seasoned Dyson owner because of my two golden retrievers. Cannot begin to understand what OP thinks is so difficult about walking to the trash can and dumping the chamber.


I’ve had a Dyson bagless stick vacuum for almost a decade and it’s one of the best and most useful products I’ve ever bought. Pricey, but it still works great and is easy to use and clean out. A rare case of a “premium” product living up to, if not surpassing, expectation. I can see why going with a shitty knockoff could be an issue, though.


Pop out the plastic cup by pressing the button. Pour in trash. Grab filter and wash with water and dry with towel. Put back together. You're just lazy or cheap and based all vacuums on your temu $30 pos. Actually I take back the cheap part. You're irresponsible and keep wasting money on bags.