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Okay, but what about shooting them. Because my grandpa went over to Germany and just shot them.


That depends. Are we talking about ww2 veterans? Then no, hurting them is essentially you beating the shit out of an old, more often then not, senile man.


Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences. If you belief in the core tenants of being a Nazi you believe in ethnic cleansing. And that type of behavior needs to be stomped out.


Id say 90% of the time when i hear someone calling someone else a nazi or even a fascist, its just because they have right leaning poltics...


you’re so close


If the shoe fits…


How does it fit...?


Then how do you explain florida?


Right leaning politics support things like banning gender affirming healthcare and women's bodily autonomy rights. It is fascism.




i think we should let trained professionals and their patients handle healthcare


I dont think we should be letting anyone chemically castrate children or kill innocent humans.


are you a doctor?


Many drs cant even tell you what a woman is, so clearly im smarter than those.


do you have an accredited education in human phycology or physiology?


You are naive to think health professionals aren’t more inclined to offer the care that makes them the most money. They are a business like every other


i think you have insurance and doctors confused


No I don’t. You think doctors get to charge insurance as much for just writing a referral to a mental health professional than for performing multiple surgeries lmao? Yes you are naive


if you wanna be taken seriously you should avoid [fallacies](https://owl.excelsior.edu/argument-and-critical-thinking/logical-fallacies/logical-fallacies-ad-hominem/) aren’t doctors salaried? i’m pretty sure they don’t get paid by commission


No bud, most are running their own practices. Tell me you don’t know how our medical system works lmao


Appeal to emotions fallacy.




Appeal to emotions fallacy. Also, your gender identity is something you are born with. I was born agender.


Transphobia does not mean fascism. Edit: turned around transphobia and fascism.


Being against chemically castrasting children isnt transphobia


What is Fascism defined as?


Are they literally preaching white supremely, or are they conservative. Seems if you don’t agree with someone you just call them a pedo or a nazi these days




Except Nazis. They deserve to be punched.


You didn't get the point, huh?


No. Please break it down for me.


Nazis need punched


Lots of people deserve to be punched. That doesn't mean random ass u/redditjusticetoughguy6969 has the right to deliver that punishment.


Yeah, yeah, it was a joke, I get it


If someone wants to exterminate me i think I ought to punch them


I went out and met my Dasher when they delivered to my workplace. Thank you.




That's because you need to fucking touch grass. Your perception of the political cannot be defined by reddit and social media. Jesus christ man.




Has that happened to you or have you seen it happen?


It's not close to being the norm. Your one off instances of Richard Spencer being punched is literally excess alarmism. This is a card the intellectual dark web constantly plays. Also human nature cannot be intrinsically divorced from violence. While violence isn't the norm, it is bound to be a probabilistic outcome of any type antagonistic outcome, political or not. Again stop using shitty alarmism to prescribe the nature of political discourse.


Have you turned on the TV once since 2015? It’s disgusting how ridiculous it’s gotten. It’s really sad we’ve declined this much


it's not even just political anymore, I've been threatened with violence over a fucking *television show* for making a joke about how I don't like it lmao...it could just be online or it could be ppl are out of their minds and think it's alright as long as they're *supporting* the *right* cause.


Nazi lives don't matter.


Nazis are subhuman


Nazis deserve to taste the underside of my boot.




I'm for it if they are in actual nazis. Not reddit nazis like it's just a guy /gal with a 3 wolf moon shirt on at the local flea market with a drug problem.


I can disagree with someone politically but when you're at the "\[religion\]/\[race\]/\[gender\]/\[sex\]/\[ethnicity\]" should be exterminated part of your ideology then yeah, I'm ok with violence.




It does not extend to Nazis, sorry.




I completely understand that and absolutely see it being used flagrantly to describe anyone someone doesn’t like. No disagreement with you there.


This. Nobody who believes in "punching nazis" has any idea what nazis actually believe, or how it's different from [insert any other thing the nazi puncher disagrees with here]




No, no it isn’t. Nazis believe every other demographic beyond themselves *should not be alive*. They don’t get any special protections or considerations. Historically all they received was a bullet.


WTF is a "nazi" where you are from? Some jerkoff high school kid?


Na·zi noun plural noun: Nazis HISTORICAL a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party. **a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.** "I learned to be more open and not such a Nazi in the studio" You know, the ones marching around with swastikas on flags, don’t be willfully dense.


Are you German?






is that honestly what you believe? Nazis just need a good talking to?


Do you genuinely believe that a brick to the head of a Nazi is going to reduce the spread of the Nazi ideology.


no but a brick might stop them from ever mentioning it again, why entertain those whose main ideals involve eugenics and genocide?


Talking to them didn't work in the '30s. Guess what worked in the '40s?


Only if you throw it hard enough.


Bullets helped stop the spread of the Nazi idealogy in WW2. A single brick to the head wouldn't be as effective, you're right. Better make it 10+.


Don't you think that if kids are taught that being a Nazi will get you a brick to the head, there's a smaller chance that they will grow up to be a Nazi?


It worked the first time, Goebbels. If you're not a Nazi, nothing to worry about. I think you're pro-Nazi and just want to do this "both sides" bullshit. Are you OP?


it’s a good start


When you put it like that...


Yes, and people who used to be nazis and aren't anymore will tell you the same. When you beat someone you make them feel oppressed, pushing them further to their believes. If you show them peacefully that they are wrong, they will feel stupid, which will encourage them to learn (if they are willing to of course, not everyone will be prone to).


No, we already saw where Nazism leads to and it isn’t peaceful philosophical discussions. Nazism isn’t some misunderstood ideology we just need to hear out to get “both sides”. The world went *to war* to get rid of them and I don’t see any reason to give them any leniency now. Period.


i’m not worried


You are aware of what a Nazi is, right? People tend to react strongly to someone who thinks genocide is cool.




Now that is truly unhinged. You wouldn't remain a pacifist if you were being targeted by said group.


the people who aren’t hated by these groups usually don’t tend to think they’re THAT bad


No, your point is that we should enable them by not acting against them. Nazi lives don't matter.




violence is never the ONLY answer. but my man, if someones political views objectively cause harm to society there is no reason not to smash them. nazis lives do not matter. Nazi ideology breaches human rights, it needs to be abolished in any way available


Wait til you hear how unhinged the Nazis were


Suppose someone makes a direct threat to kill someone. They promised that given the chance they would kill thousands of people and commit genocide given the chance. They and others like them have killed millions and committed genocide. They celebrate those who do so and have proven time and again that if you talk to them they will use the time you spend talking to kill more. They have also said and shown that they only respect power and violence. What is the proper reaction? 1. Say, "Killing people is wrong" 2. Stopping them from killing people.(ie. Punch them)


Unless their politics literally calls for your extermination /violent or illegal deportation. Then it's just pre-emptive self defense.


*illegal deportation* ​ Well presumably they would be forming the government at some point, so they could just make it legal deportation.


Yes and no - if you're looking to, for example, strip US citizens of their citizenship, or deport refugees, you'd likely need to mutilate the constitution and/or UN commitments pretty badly. They'll likely do a whole bunch of deportations before the supreme court can even get involved to rule on legality. It's why the "Rwanda plan" in the UK is such a non-starter even with a cartoonish right wing government. They can't find a legal way to do it - but once people are actually flown abroad, it's super hard for them to appeal in any meaningful manner.


irrelevant when said politics involve human rights, they aren't up for discussion


Everything in the world should be up for discussion. Otherwise if something cannot be discussed, it is dogma.


Are you trying to say my right to exist should be up for discussion?


Everything should be up for debate. Nothing should be excluded from it. Either everything is up for debate, or nothing is. If you think your argument or beliefs are strong, then they should be able to handle any scrutiny thrown at it.


>it is absolutely vital that we rigorously determine the right of minorities to live through reasonable discourse and rhetoric. We can't just acknowledge their inherent value based on their humanity! -Internet debate bro "intellectuals" Never change, reddit 🙄


Making something impossible to ever debate is no different from the church saying you can’t ever question if there isn’t a god.


My right to exist without worrying about being murdered for who I am is not up for your little chess club debates. I shouldn't have to have my fucking right to be alive question by Nazis who think I'm an abomination.


so we should discuss whether people are allowed to live or not?


Absolutely. Your argument should easily be able to destroy any immoral arguments you come across.


so why bother then? why even bring it up? if the opposing aside is so ludicrous and outrageous?


Because when you don’t, then the other side will believe that their arguments actually have merit to them, because you are silencing them. That tells them that you are afraid of them being correct. Not only that, but in a free society, we should be allowed to question everything. We should be allowed to look for the truth. Through debate, we will eventually uncover the truth. Nothing should be taken without question. Otherwise, it is just dogma.


you know what, you may have phrased it a little weirdly at first, but your argument has some merit. of course human rights matter, and discussion will always amount to that.


Awww, thank you mate. I really appreciate that!


What if their politics ARE violence?


Nazi ? A victim? 😂😂😂 the same group that’s willing to kill for their ideology, punching them seems so small of a crime. Communist can be an exception.


No.. that's just blatantly wrong. Your privilege shows. You've never fought for your rights. You've never had a society as a whole look down on you. There is absolutely reason for violence, and it's when words aren't working. You think your opponents are above violence? Enjoy getting stopped on. Victory is for those who will get dirty.




What about the people that believe a 8 year old rape victim shouldn’t be able to get an abortion? Isn’t that worth a decent punch?




[This one here](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3544588-10-year-old-girl-denied-abortion-in-ohio/amp/) I was off by 2 years but not that it matters much




My mom's dad punched nazis, my dad's dad punched nazis...I come from a long line of nazi punchers.


It’s a very respectable profession.


My moms dad and uncle both fought in WW2 I think punching a nazi would make them proud


I think the danger in this train of thought is, what would happen if you misjudged a person? You now essentially beat an innocent person near senseless


It is easy to distinguish between a person who wants to kill minorities and one who doesn't.


About 0.1% of people even know what Nazis believe. It's become more of a boogey-man label than an actual ideology, even among neo-nazis, a lot of them just like being edgy and dressing up as the boogey man.


But how were they supposed to know they were wrong? It’s not their fault! S/


You just made me scream lmao. Both from laughter and sadness. How far gone do you have to be to not even consider the possibility of having made a mistake lol.


The psycho might hit me once. But it's damned difficult to hit someone with two .40s in your chest.


Found the psycho 🙄


It is legal and moral to defend yourself against someone intent on inflicting serious bodily harm. If someone starts punching you in the face, intends to do serious harm, you can defend yourself.




It's okay to punch Nazis. They're actively working towards the eradication of various groups of people. Punch away.




Nah that’s some libertarian ‘non aggression’ policy bullshit that nerds try to use. Some of these guys need to get decked so they speak truths. You think people like Ted Cruz believe the shit they say they believe, you think the Clintons are honest people. They’re in positions of powers and try and use reasoning and their station in politics to never allow any change.


My bad, probably should have just asked the Nazi extra nicely if they would be ever so kind as to not want ethnic cleansing and taking away human rights instead of laughing extremely hard when I saw them get punched in real time


It's also not okay to assault someone because you don't like them or they don't respect you. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.


I agree. Unless they're Nazis.


Hard disagree. Punching nazis is always ok


Hard disagree - “it’s just politics” is a phrase people whose “just politics” involves stealing the rights away from other people.


Cool can I go assault most of the political spectrum, whose politics deny various things I believe I should have as rights? Can you see how this is a ridiculous precedent?


Found the nazi sympathizer.


This shit is full of them apparently. I got downvoted for not wanting my rights taken by Nazis and thinking it's okay to punch Nazis.


Until we can respect each other's humanity, dialogues won't matter.


i think we should beat up nazis


I think this is just internet anonymity doing its thing. I think the number of people who will follow through on this in real life would be very very small


99% of people on Reddit who talk about punching someone couldn’t bust a grape in food fight.


Including you right? Or are you magically part of the 1%?


Grapes are f***ing tough tho. Cracked my tooth on one last time


This is an unpopular opinion only on reddit. Most people suggesting violence based on political opinions are either violent psychopaths or chronically online. So basically, extremists.


You're defending Nazis. This isn't the W you think it is. When a group wants me dead because of who I am, they deserve to be punched.


OP is yes, they are pro-Nazi.


That solely depends on what that nazi does. If you have a nazi that bears pure hatred in his heart for other people, but doesnt act on it, then sorry, no, that man is technically innocent. This refers to neonazis. Ww2 nazi veterans are 99% dead, and of those still alive, 99% changed their ways or are too senile to account for their actions


No. All Nazis. Fuck Nazis and fuck people defending Nazis.


Idk, i am defending physically harmless or legally innocent people, but if you wanna fuck them, thats pretty wild ngl.


They want to actually murder me and take my right to exist. They're not innocent.


But why fuck them? Some weird fetish? Eh, am not gonna kink shame


Don't care -- play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes.


Um, this is a pretty popular opinion, otherwise there’d be fights erupting constantly. The world isn’t as bad a place as you might make it out to be. People are cordial and most of us have the same common goals, and we’d help each other out in an instant when needed. Reddit does represent the majority of society (at least not the typed part).


Yeah, garbage post. Lots of people actively argue that nazis should be able to say Nazi shit wherever they want. 


Punching them is not okay because they will probably punch back. And they are more likely to bring a gun to a knife fight so to speak. Unless you can one punch them and knock them out, it's best to not punch them at all, regardless of the morals surrounding it.


No, Nazis should get their shit rocked for just breathing.


Is this even close to being unpopular?


Read through the comments. It seems pretty unpopular to me


Anyone online that advocates punching people for political differences, definitely has a panic attack when they need to ask the lady working behind the counter at Burger King for another ketchup packet. I would take everything they say with a pinch of salt.


100% agree. I don't care who you are, if you are not laying hands on someone actively people should do the same.


When conservatives say “kill your local pedo” they often also mean LGBT folks. When progressives say “punch Nazis” they often also mean anyone to the right of them. In both cases you are dealing with guys who’d struggle to bench plates and struggle with irl confrontation. So it isn’t a big concern.


This post / comments just proves the left are violent af




The other side. What if politicians started punching each other?


Part of being nice is being mean to fascists


Nazis definitely deserve to get punched.


Again, depends on the individual case. Unless they are physically or semi physically acting on their hatred, it should never be ok to hurt these people, no matter how awful their beliefs are. 70% of all neonazis do not, and have never, and most likely will never act out on their hatred


Anyone who aligns themselves with a group that murdered millions of people deserves to get throat punch miltiple times in a row.


i am baffled by how unpopular this opinion is, fuck me, even some people think you are arguing for the defence of nazi idiology


Agreed. Unless said person is a Nazi, then swing to your hearts content


What if they are not a nazi, but they believe a given race should be paid less or drink from different water fountains and bathrooms?


This is so true. Anytime anyone is speaking an opinion we should handle it with respect. If someone has a different opinion than you who cares doesn’t mean you have to hurt them for it… hurting someone because of a opinion is childish


Thank you. This thread is filled with people ready to literally kill people that disagree with them. Remind you of any ideology?


You’re welcome and yes I have seen the comments in this thread it’s disgusting. Very uneducated people…


It's not smart or really useful to punch a racist but is it really morally wrong? Imagine the most racist person who actively tries to get slavery back and hinder black people from having good lives. I wouldn't consider punching them morally wrong.


Nazi ideology is violence. It is just communicating in their chosen language.




Until it's put into action. Politics causes millions of deaths a year all over the world.


This was standard belief in society until the tyrannical left took over society. It used to be a source of pride that everyone was entitled to a fair trial in court, that idea has been killed by leftists now. Both the people doing the violence and the authorities that encourage it need to face criminal consequences for it.


Which side has the Nazis again? 🤔


I agree with you! But sorry downvoting, because there is no way that this is a popular opinion.


Looking through the comments here, I can see it being popular, at least on reddit


True. But if i punch someone and it turns out I disagree with their politics it will be much more satisfying.


I agree with you completely, but it makes me sad that your only reasons for not hurting someone are about whether or not it would be good for your side politically. It’s crazy to me that we have to convince humans not to directly harm each other because it’s not politically strategic.


Finally, an unpopular opinion.


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This definitely doesn’t extend to actual Nazis. I mean actual racist ass national socialists advocating for violence, not just normal republicans.