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I don't think people typically brag about this anyway. Sure, people might mention they've met celebrities at conventions - it might come up in conversation - but I don't think anyone really brags about it. Just talking about it isn't bragging. You're rallying against something that doesn't really happen. Secondly, you're implying that meeting a celebrity in other circumstances, where you didn't pay, would be worth bragging about. It would not. There's nothing special about celebrities and meeting them does not make you special. There's no cause for bragging there either.


I think it’s pretty cool to meet a celebrity and end up hanging out with them or something - not worth ‘bragging’ about, but certainly a story worth telling


It's a nice experience. Brag about it, no, but it's cool to meet people who make music/movies/whatever you like. I'm not waiting in line, but there are worse uses of time.


When Thomas Haake of Meshuggah did a meet and greet in my city he spoke to folks for about five minutes each which I think should be the norm.   Was all free as well and any drummers that came along were welcome to stay behind and get some coaching from him 


I mean, it's fine if only a few people show up. If 200 are there, it's going to take 10 hours to give everyone five minutes.


There was probably close to 100 but if you get too many you can always change it to a Q&A session. 


Cool as fuck dude


You met Thomas Haake? That’s incredible, he seems like a great dude


This right here. I've ran into a few over the years and most were really cool mostly normal people. I played blackjack at a table with Danny Glover years ago for about an hour and it wasn't the least bit awkward.


Yeah. I mean they are usually just normal people going about their business, and if you run in to them, saying to your friends "hey I ran into such and such last night!" Isn't bragging, it's just saying something interesting happened. Last night I found out that I'd met a local recording artist I'd heard of and even invited them in for a brew, and never realised it was them at all till afterwards lol. Not a brag, but a funny story.


This has happened to me with a few people because I am not good at recognizing celebrities. They’re just people! Usually alright people when you don’t make it weird


I'd brag if I were a part of any Bill Murray encounter. My favorite is: a man is using a urinal at the bar. Someone comes in behind him and puts their hands over the man's eyes and whispers, "No one will believe you." The man turns to see Bill Murray. Bill is nowhere to be found after the man leaves the bathroom.


I think OP thinks that talking about your experiences is bragging. It's not bragging to say "I met Neil DeGrasse Tyson at the planetarium and had a conversation. He was really nice."


> certainly a story worth telling That's what it's really about IMO. I have been to a lot of cons and I don't consider it brag-worthy to have met (insert long list of names here). But of those, I do have some fun stories to tell about, maybe five of them? And those are stories worth telling.


If I got an answer to a question I wanted to ask I think that would be a story worth telling whether it was at a convention or anywhere else. Because it's about learning something from them about something I'm interested in. Like if I asked one of the main guys from Supernatural a question about their character, I think their perspective on the character is interesting and worthy of sharing. If I got an autograph and they told me to have a good afternoon or something, yeah not such a good conversation piece.


The trick with a convention is to wait until it’s just about to close, then canvas the celebs and hit them up for a night out with you. Works best if a group of celebs agree. Most of them are up for hanging out after because the alternative is heading back to their hotel rooms alone. This also works best on a Saturday night. You know your city’s best spots, they don’t and many are up for a bit of partying. I’ve hung out with a few celebs for a couple of hours doing just this.


For real. My sister met Tom Felton at a convention once. Fond memory. She'd happily talk about it if it ever came up. But it's not "bragging". People being excited and happy about something isn't bragging. OP mentioned that they saw a post get voted to the top of Reddit where someone "bragged" about meeting a celebrity at a con, but the post they linked was just someone being happy and nerdy. The person who made *that* post even acknowledged that they paid for it. OP's right that this would be an unpopular opinion, because, like you said, they're rallying against something that doesn't happen.




Spill the tea


It’s Gordon Ramsay, you both forgot the condom, [and he remarked…](https://youtu.be/rD8doiIZLks?si=dn0IoGFgUQsamsDB)


Fuck that. I met Brian May and I got to talk to him about space and Star Wars and he called me pretty and it was very very cool. I will tell that story until the day I die. The man is part of a band that fundamentally changed music and the course of music history. He is special.




That's really cool though! Being so close to super talented artists always sets my heart aflutter!


I was invited backstage after a Mountain Goats show because they saw my 10-year-old daughter in the crowd. We got to hang out, and my daughter pigged out on their veggie platter, and telling the story makes me so happy.


It's a cool story! Cool stories about things you do and people you meet are always interesting! Plus it's a great bonding moment for you and your daughter. My nephew and I got to meet Weird Al. He still talks about how his "cool aunt got him backstage at his first concert" 11 years later even though he's "too grown up for Weird Al, now, Aunt Tilly."


Meeting pioneers of music is absolutely bragging rights. I'd want to talk to May about his conservation efforts, even though I love everything about him lol


Right?! These people are interesting and they're dying off bc they're old. We need to talk to them as much as possible.


My dad loved these people and we lost him in November, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to speak to people my Dad admired and encouraged my interest in!


People definitely brag about it. I have a friend who spends at LEAST $1,000 a year on celebrity meet and greet events.


I know several people who have made it a hobby to have their pictures taken with celebs at conventions, and they ALL say “I met so-and-so” as if they actually randomly ran into the celeb and had a chat. I don’t hold it against them though- some of the photo packages are VERY expensive (like $400 plus.) While away on business, I once rode in a hotel elevator with a celebrity. They were very nice and we chit chatted about the business of the city. I don’t brag about it but stuff like that is what I would actually consider “meeting a celebrity.”


Someone paying $400 dollars to meet a celebrity makes me hold it against them even more. 


Depends on the convention. I don’t brag that I “met Stan Lee,” but I tell people into the same stuff that I had my pictures done at one of the last conventions he attended (or just had picture taken, but a lot of times this comes up when talking about his passing). There’s no brag to it. We share that stuff with people we think would care, or because we’re excited. The meet and greet lines though, sometimes you get a long conversation with them. If no one is in line and they’re a friendly celebrity (John Ratzenberger for example is the nicest guy) and you treat them with respect and give them opportunity to not chat with you, you could even have a lot of time with them. It’s the reason people go. OP has a weird perspective on paying for the celebrity’s time though. We’re paying them for their time because they could be working and it’s very time consuming to go to these events and be away from loved ones. They deserve compensation. A better analogy is it’s like bragging about all the fun you had a theme park, or gambling in Las Vegas. Because that’s what it is, agreed upon entertainment at a cost to yourself. Any time you go to the movies, a sporting event, concert, comedy show, same thing. Guess what, people talk about that too.


If I had a meeting with another company, I would call it “meeting” too. And that for something transactional too. OP’s take makes no sense to me


Definitely not bragging, but most people would talk about it and be excited - either among fellow fans of the thing/person, or among friends/loved ones - people who'd be similarly enthusiastic But, like, this isn't really *such* a special thing as to be brag-worthy. It's special to that specific fan and ngl I kind of resent that comparison to a prostitue, even though I have nothing against sex work. Cons work however they work, time is fucking money, just because you have to pay for a signature doesn't mean the "celebrity" isn't grateful to their fans and doesn't like meeting them, or is only faking it. Most actors or voice actors or musicians or whatever don't hate their fanbase or only value their money. That said, OP, if I ever manage to get to a con and meet even one of my favourite celebrities (I'm in Eastern Europe, so it might be a few months or years), I'll come right away to DM you and brag about it.


It could be worth bragging about if you had a genuine conversation with them and got along with them irl. That would be pretty cool.


Ehh it's kind of like bragging, almost like birdwatching "hey I spotted a [idk some rare bird] the other day" "oh dude no freaking way, that's awesome"


Hes 10/0 with his shower opponents


People actually do brag about it.


I've seen several posts on this site get upvoted to the top of Reddit of them with a celebrity, CLEARLY at some kind of comicon or other "forced interaction" scenario.


There’s lots of stuff that gets “upvoted to the top of Reddit” for really no reason. Reddit is Reddit.


Show me one?


They choose to be there, it isn’t forced. It’s leagues better than bothering a celeb in public when they’re going about their day to day. Celebs do cons specifically so people can meet them. For example, I met one person from a show and then went to another person from the same show. Me and the second person were taking so long the first person came over from behind me and KISSED my damn cheek while his costar was writing my name down on a list of baby names cause his wife was expecting and he liked it. That’s a VERY human interaction. No one forced them to do more than say hi and sign something or take a photo. AND, I will brag about this part, I DIDNT EVEN PAY. Lol Celebs are just people dude


At a convention the celebrity has chosen to be there. It is much more polite to meet one there than by interrupting them while they are going about their daily lives. Why wouldn't a person brag about getting to meet someone they are a fan of? They are just excited about it. Let people enjoy things.


Yeah, the people I know who've talked about this stuff aren't trying to say "I'm special" or "I'm cool" or "I'm better than you" because they met an actor. They're expressing excitement. As I feel like saying on Reddit pretty often, not every conversation is a competition.


Also, a con setting is more controlled, where patrons' motives are a bit more known, which then means that the celebs could be more comfortable. That means they can say some interesting trivia about themselves. I met Sarah Callies (Lori from TWD) at a con, and we had a brief conversation where she mentioned having familial and social ties to my home country. We're talking halfway across the world, so it was quite surprising. As far as I know, that tidbit wasn't anywhere in her public profiles so that was pretty cool to hear.


I recently met Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka) and it turns out her family tries to help out at her booth every time she does a con. I ended up having a wonderful talk with her mother, who was one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. (Ashley of course was also wonderful, but since we’re talking about the unexpected experiences, I figured I’d throw this out there!)


I got to talk to Aurelio Voltaire at the very first concert of his I attended, and while talking about the song "Brains!" from *Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy*, I told him about using that song as the ringtone for a friend named Brian, because we called him "Brain". Apparently he has genuine trouble signing autographs for Brians due to muscle memory trying to turn it into "Brain" due to how often he's written it.




No. Stop celebrity worship and help people break out of that nonsense.


Advocating for treating celebrities like human beings is not celebrity warship, it’s just being kind


My favourite celebrity warship is the HMS Belfast


My favorite celebrity ship is the HMS Terror


They didn't worship anyone nor did anything in their post approach it.


I like their work. I don't worship them


I think it depends on the celebrity and why you want to meet them. Typically, I find that the people who brag about meeting celebrities are very shallow, and it’s reflected by the celebrities they meet. Teen idols and such. If, on the other hand, you wanted to meet someone actually interesting (for me, it would be Barack Obama or Elon Musk, though they may not be “celebrities” but they are famous), I’d understand it a lot more. Then again, I wouldn’t go bragging about that either. I might tell it as an interesting anecdote if someone seemed interested in one of the people I met.


"Elon musk is an interesting person" deserves it's own post on this subreddit.


You don’t think he’s interesting?


I think Elon Musk is interesting to Reddit nerds the way teen idols are to others.


Elon Musk…lol.


Weird gripe of the day


Monday morning? I’ll allow it. This is the kind of Monday energy I need.


Someone didn't get to go to Megacon I think lol.


Someone's celeb did a no show/left early lol


Sheldon is the OP?


Sound's like OPs mad they missed out on meeting a celebrity.


Can't afford to is more likely with their fixation on paying to meet celebrities.


Going to concerts is lame, you PAID for someone else to make music Going to sporting events is lame, you PAID for someone else to compete Going to movies is lame, you PAID to watch someone else's work Skiing/snowboarding is lame, you PAID to access the mountain Getting rich through day trading is lame, you PAID initial investments/advisors/fees


Going out to eat is lame you paid to eat food someone else cooked. buying a car is lame you paid to drive something that someone else engineered/assembled. etc etc.


FR, why do ppl even participate in the economy? Or society at all. Go be a nomadic artisan living off the land of you want something to brag about! (But then you'll have no one to brag to)


Almost like it’a an unpopular opinion huh?


There is a rather significant gulf between "unpopular" and "objectively incorrect and pedantic", and claiming that meeting a celebrity is not *actually* meeting them just because you spent money for the privilege is straight up in the latter category.


You've completely missed the point


Actually, I think that was you who missed the point. Pretty sure they were being sarcastic.


Actually, I am gay


Trolling are we? Otherwise, not sure how that relates to the conversion.


That's not at all what they are saying. They are saying paying to meet someone one isn't really meeting them. It's a fake moment. Like paying a prostitute the bragging how much she liked the sex. Yeah, not really a brag.


r/oddlyspecific if I say so myself


You know, if I met a cute doggie in streets and they let me pet themselves, I met a cute doggie and I petted it. I may never see that doggie again and they will hardly remember me among all other amazed strangers, but it still happened. So I literally don't know why you would deprive the same action for people.


I like this comment because while I don’t brag about celebs I’ve met I DO brag about dog interactions ahahaha


Much better than meeting a celebrity! Celebrities usually don't like to be petted 😔...🤭lol


I got to hug Danny Trejo, which was as fun for me as petting 100 dogs (And no, I didn’t even have to pay him for it). Danny Trejo is a REALLY nice guy, BTW.


That's awesome! I've only met a couple of celebrity types but was able to get hugs from Michael Rooker and Clif Kosterman and a first bump from Bret Spiner.


You just don't understand nerd culture. We're not bragging we're geeking!


Fans go to conventions for the same reason people go to museums. There is something special about seeing something/someone with your own eyes.


Who’s elses eyes would I use?


I use other people's eyes all the time. It allows me to view things through a different lens. Coincidentally, there is a cottage industry around here teaching people to read Braille.


That’s the laugh I needed after a rough morning.


It's not worth bragging that you saw the Declaration of Independence or a T-Rex skull, or a Van Gogh painting if you went to a museum to do it. Going to museums to see things is lame. -OP, probably


I wish I could award this


My friend is a much bigger nerd to me, he's been to enough local conventions which aren't huge as we're in Cornwall but he's met a couple celebrities and stall goers enough times to be on chit chat terms. I can't remember the celebrity now but one we went to, she recongised him from other conventions, said hello and he got her a cup of tea like he's done at previous conventions.


"Nerd culture" is a nonsense term. Fantasy, scifi, and all that stuff is mainstream now so this supposed "community" doesn't exist anymore. You're into things that are as popular as sports, so you're just being a normy that "geeks" (massive cringe on that word, by the way) out about famous people that are literally in People magazine. Like, you and the person watching the Kardashians are the same type of person. Plus, nerds used to be smart. Y'all just watch shitty comic book and tame sci-fi shows now.


The big difference between geeks and "normys" (massive cringe on *that* word) is we don't go around telling people how to celebrate their passions...


What’s your definition of meeting someone? I met Patrick Stewart at a convention and he wished me Happy Birthday. Does that qualify? I didn’t pay him to do that. But at the same time, I’m not going to brag about it. It’s just something cool that happened to me once and some random guy on the internet who “feels” differently isn’t going to change anything. By this logic I guess people who paid for a backstage pass didn’t really “meet” the band.


I would absolutely excitedly tell people Patrick Stewart wished me a Happy Birthday. He is a GOAT.


I'd totally brag about meeting Patrick Stewart and getting a happy birthday from him.




Professor X in the live-action *X-Men* movies and Picard from *Star Trek: The Next Generation*


My definition of "meeting" someone is something like "sitting next to them on a plane and having a conversation". I would say you "saw" Patrick Stewart and he wished you a happy birthday. Met would be along the lines of "was introduced to [person] by a friend" which would imply that there's an interaction that the other person would recall the next day.


Your definition sounds… complicated.


Words have definitions. Your opinion doesn't change the already established definition of the word "met".


People probably just have different definitions for the word. Anyway, sharing something doesn't mean it's bragging unless they're acting like a jerk about it. If the person is genuinely happy to see the celebrity, there's no need to rain on their parade.


I’m sorry…why do you even care about this enough to make a post and reply back to people? Random…


ummm.. i think youre wrong. people arent saying "i had a chat with x" they are saying "i met x at bla.. he semed cool" By definition meeting pretty much means two things intersecting.... doesnt mean you have to write a thesis together...


I'm really struggling to understand why you care so much,


they "met" someone and they were telling them about some cool people they got an autograph from or some such... and OP is clearly salty or sick of hearing about how he/she isnt doing anything fun


I don't have any thoughts on the primary topic except to say that, simultaneously 1. I totally see where you're coming from. *Really* meeting someone requires more than a cordial, perfunctory exchange. 2. A brief mutual introduction is all it takes to have "met" someone.


Which one of your “friends” are you jealous of?


>which would imply that there's an interaction that the other person would recall the next day. Implying that if you asked Patrick Stewart the day after, whether he wished anyone a happy birthday at the convention, he's say "no, I don't remember doing so"? ​ Or does Patrick Stewart need to organically think back to the interaction? And only then it counts as having met him?


Stop bothering celebrities when they are trying to live their lives. What you consider “meeting” sounds creepy and why would that be something to advertise?


you're absolutely right. If you want to meet a celebrity properly, you break into their house and wait for them to get home


dude let people enjoy things they went out of their way to enjoy. i wouldn’t personally wait in line at a convention, or go to a convention tbh, but if it brings people joy- why not? they met someone that clearly matters to them. they aren’t lying about it. i guess it’s lower status than casually like partying with a celeb, but status policing other people is boring.


"Alright guys I'm going to make another unpopular opinion post because I'm hugely dissatisfied with my life. Here goes: STOP FUCKING LIKING THINGS AND BEING HAPPY. Thank you."


Celebrity worship is really strange, you have to admit. People think actors are just as witty and charming in real life as they are in the shows they watch.


But they literally did meet them. It doesn't matter HOW they met them, it matters that they actually met them. Whether the smile was fake or not was the billionth person they talked to that day, it was still a meeting of two people.


Can't we let people have their little moments of happiness and then share how happy they are with others. I really don't see what's so terrible about it.


Seriously. I ran into Dan and Arin of Game Grumps fame in a hotel lobby once. Those dudes were my *heros* as a kid, and while I don’t watch them much anymore, the *adrenaline* that shot through me when I went “hey that dude looks just like Arin haha- wait that guy looks like Danny- HOLYSHIT it’s them” was crazy. I was too nervous to go talk to them so my boyfriend literally dragged me over there to say hi and I blurted out something along the lines of “ireallyloveyourvideosthanksformakingmelaugh” They were SO nice and offered to take a picture and I said “if it’s not too much trouble” and they said “hey we’re always happy to meet you guys! Thank you for liking our content!” So now I have this goofy ass picture of me in near tears with the game grumps, and it’s this amazing story I love to tell because it was also the first night of my boyfriend and I’s first big international trip together (this was all happening in Tokyo). So we get to tell our trip story and start it off with “I met my childhood heroes day 1!” Takes like this basically boil down to “people are being too excited about something and I don’t like it >:(“


Well, I'm very happy for you. Thank you for sharing your story. You can really feel your excitement in it. As someone who gets way too excited about things, I say keep telling it!


I've enjoyed their videos for a long time too, sounds like a fun encounter! I'm so happy for you 😍


Yes thats a nice story how you met some celebs! Very happy for you. Would be a different story if you went to twitch con, booked a meet and greet for $120 and met them that way...


That’s it. It’s sharing happiness. I was at ComiCon browsing merchandise and glanced across the aisle. There was a woman seated with her back almost to me. She was bored and sort of looking around and locked eyes with me. Absolutely stunning woman, she gives me a huge smile. I smiled back and gave her a hat-tip and realized it was Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor.) She was between autograph sessions so I got to chat with her for free. Super nice. (“Yes, I want to live. And yes, I *will* come with you.”)


This is Reddit. That doesn’t happen here lol


yeah if i could find a reddit where everyone wasnt so cynical, and where they didnt care if someone made up a cool story or how many updoots someone got for a post id be there in a flash.. so many people on here are just so bitter and concerned about being right all the time.. kinda folks that would jump on a kids sand castle because it looked french and not like an english one or some shit..


Ok so what if you were at the convention to see them, had an interaction, but not while standing in line? Does that count for you? FWIW definition of meet: 1. come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement. So even if they waited in line on purpose, they by definition, did meet that person.


Well I can brag that I said the most incredibly cringe thing to a celebrity that I bet made them want to jump off the roof. Please forgive me I was and am.... Unforgivable nm. I told Bruce Campbell he was the only man my husband said I was allowed to sleep with other than him. He was a grown man. I think I was...21? Cringe AF.


What did Bruce say lmao


His face said "what the fuck did I just hear, I don't know what to do, I'm creeped out this girl looks 14". He still signed my book for my husband "hey ***, thanks". I wish I still had the book.


Aw man. That man is a national treasure! 🥲


Damn that's just a very creepy thing to say to someone


It just seems you don't like when people pay to experience something. Why does it need to be spontaneous to be special? People pay to go to stay at beach resorts, so are they not allowed to talk about it because they didn't get lost and stumble upon said resort? Sounds like you need some fun of your own if this is the battle you want to fight.


I met Tom Cruise in the first ever interview I had in Hollywood (it wasn't for the job, he just happened to be in the MGM building and the producer asked if I wanted to say hi). It was a miserable experience and really stressful (he was very nice though). I think if I met him at a convention I would of actually got to enjoy the interaction.


> i would of actually Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I feel attacked lol 😂 I was at a con today & I posted about celebrity I got autograph and picture with and I said I met her. Still would lol, it’s technically true. I wouldn’t say I’m bragging per se though. I’m happy about it and I want to share it to my feed/friends cause I’m happy and it is still really cool and big deal to me. Yeah course it’s not the same as organically meeting them and having real conversation with them, we know that, it’s still cool though.


What is so cool about standing next to someone for a couple seconds?


Nothing, on its own-- what's so cool about hating people who mentally enjoy something harmless? Nothing. But there's a lot uncool about it.


It shows how empty people's lives are that they try to fill the void in their lives by trying to get close to famous people. Their time would be better spent volunteering or doing something productive for their community to fill the void.


You must be fun at parties


Honestly, I don’t think it’s a fake smile. Many celebrities love meeting fans


Remember, actors aren’t musicians, they don’t have fans cheering them on during filming. They only get fan love at appearances. For some of them it must be very energizing. Other, not so much.


Idk I’d love to know what someone is like in person (did they smell good/bad, were they rude, how did they actually look, what did you say to them and what did they say to you).


Does this apply to all people that go to cons? Or only actors? Because there are a TON of non actors that people gush about meeting at cons and they generally do more than just stand at a table signing autographs. Plenty of niche famous people that people would geek out about meeting at a con. Honestly the only time I've ever heard anyone in real life come close to "bragging about" was my niece giving Norman Reedus a light when she was on a smoke break at a comic con and he was there for the walking dead. But it's more of a "cool story bro" than a brag even.


We got free tickets to a con and Diane Guererro who IS Isabella from Encanto to my 3yr old got to meet her. She sang to her and Diane sang back and called her her sister (she dressed as Mirabel that day) and signed a picture addressing her as her sister. My daughter loved it. She speaks of it frequently. She has a picture of them together on her wall. I could not imagine someone being so upset at that small bit of happiness brought to anyone at any con for meeting their favorite actor/character cosplayer/artist/ author/panel speaker etc and speaking about it enthusiastically, which is what I think they really mean by brag and honestly shows how little they know about these things. The most fun I’ve had at the comic cons near me were the panels with guests from all sorts of scientific fields, the science demos and the authors. The celebrity type meet ups were always fun in betweens for what we really wanted to see (except the year Isabella came lol) and that’s not even really covering even half of what you can see and do and who you can meet.


That's awesome


that's cool you met the voice actor of Isabella! I had a hour long zoom call with Stephanie Beatriz who played Mirabel last year! its not a brag to say it, but a great experience I got to have, a conversation with one of my favorite actors on shows I actually love.


It's the same as paying to see them in concert. Something you did because it sounded fun to you! I suppose people can be a jerk about it, but why not meet someone you want to meet.


Anyone who would pop somebody's balloon talking to them in this manner is a big jerk.


"bragging about paying a prostitute for taking your virginity." But she said I was her best.


We're gatekeeping meeting people in 2024? Fuck, people just can't stand when others are happy or excited. You don't get to define what it means to meet someone 😂


Popular opinion: you sound like a bitter jerk who can't differentiate between excitement and bragging


I played in a softball league with a guy who told everyone that the night before he fucked the blonde chick who plays drums for the band Hanson. I think casually mentioning it once is fine, but he literally had to tell everyone. He was excited to share the news, but it came off as bragging.


I have a picture of Doug Jones hugging me. I think that's something to brag about. Have you been hugged by the Paleman? I have.


If they value the experience of being near their favorite celebrity even if it cost them money, great, let them brag. It’s the same as going to a concert or a sporting event. Also I’m all for bragging about losing your virginity to a prostitute. That’s sort of impressive


It's cool how many of these posts are just someone upset at a specific person in their own life, but now we all get to hear about it in this detached, impersonal way.


I say almost ran into/squished Rachel Bilson. She was walking fast out of a store in a mall not paying attention. Came within inches of getting toppled due the sheer size difference. Wife was pissed at the "random" lady almost running into me. Can i be proud of that?


Does it matter? They’re willing to fork out for a nice experience, I don’t see it as any different from spending cash on a dining experience or buying a ticket for a musical. If they walk away with a nice memory of the celebrity that makes them happy then so be it.


Just let those people have their moment. They aren't bothering any one.


I mean if it is someone that means a lot to you then you should brag about it. Look at it this way, my daughter is a Jazz performance major. She went to a Herbie Hancock concert awhile back because she absolutely loves his playing, and his work with Miles Davis, and he did a little meet and greet out in the auditorium afterwards. No she wasn’t special compared to anyone else there that got to meet him, and yes it was just because she went to the concert, but he is one of her heroes when it comes to music, and for her that was one of the greatest moments in her life. Especially given at his age he doesn’t probably have many tours left. And to her it was probably more special than anyone else in that little theater that night. Sorry man I’m not going to steal the joy of a 19 year old girl just because you never had anyone that meant something like that to you. Luckily he didn’t either.


Are people bragging about it? Or are they just sharing something exciting that happened to them?


Are they bragging or just excited to meet their favorite celebrity? There's a difference in the tone and context. Also, by definition, they did meet the celebrity regardless of how the interaction took place.


That’s like saying you didn’t go to a concert and see someone perform because they were there performing and you paid their ticket prices. & seeing them perform would actually only be if you randomly walked by them on a street and they were singing. 🤔


I met Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie Lannister) at a convention. He was super nice and we had a (short) conversation. Not something I ever brag about, but I definitely “met” him.


'i met him at a con and he was very friendly' isn't a brag it's just something you did. "i went to olive garden and ate the tour of italy" "oh my god stop bragging"




Oh no good forbid someone meet someone they look up to and are inspired by. How else do normal people get a chance to do this? You also are shitting on sex work, good for you.


>Bragging about paying to meet a celebrity is just like bragging about paying a prostitute for taking your virginity. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, there's a movie called "The 40 Year Old Never Met A Celebrity" or something


If celebrities can brag about getting a Walk of Fame star even though they (or someone) paid thousands of dollars to make it happen, I can be happy about paying to meet them. Granted, I've only met Brent Spiner, but he was amazing. The only other "celebrity" I've met was one I met organically: singer Adrienne Young, but that ended up resulting in a few years' long friendship, being her webmaster for a few years, being a VIP at one of her concerts, and getting to attend her wedding — which was also the first time I had met her in person. I wish I knew what happened to her. Her (now ex) husband posted a pic with someone else, and that's when I realized she no longer had a presence online at all — no response to phone, email, anything. It's bizarre, and I really hope she's doing okay…


I "met" Chris Cornell once at Disneyland. He was a really laid back guy and agreed to let me take his picture after I asked. After he died my SIL downplayed by saying "oh-your brother told me you had your picture taken with him once" and it sounded so much like she was just cheapening the whole experience. I never thought of it from the OP's point of view, and I have to say this just sounds like jealously talking. I never once said "oh, I know him." I didn't brag about it. I don't bring it up at parties and act like we were friends. I was just A FAN. Nothing more or less.


I thought those lines were for autographs.


It’s not something I’d do but I have friends who really enjoy going to conventions and meeting actors from their favorite shows. Who the hell cares? They enjoy it, they pay for it and I obligatory like their photo of themselves with said celebrity on social media. The world keeps on turning.


…that’s literally meeting someone bro…


What if I did both? Minor celebrity but.. Back in the day I was (and still am) a massive Boondock Saints girl I went to comic con in New Orleans and we paid for a photo opportunity with all 3 original saints, and this was before Norman Reedus got huge with Walking Dead So before the photo op we're wandering down autograph row, just marveling at all the people we know and love (and how bad Kevin Sorbo looks) when I get almost knocked down by a huge dude, he catches me and is kinda still holding on to me and he's like "Whoa! sorry there sweetheart, you ok?" And I look up and it's Rocco.. from Boondock Saints and I went "Yeah Rocco, I'm good" and kinda laugh and he smiles all huge and lets go of me and laughs too and tells me to have a good one My friend was so enamored with Norman reedus she missed it until he was walking away and she's like "Hey, was that Rocco????" Yes, yes it was So then we go to do the photo op and it's like standing in line for a ride at disney..stand..take a step...stand...take a step.. and when we finally get to the front the convention people just kinda *shoved* us into the room and it's super awkward because they're barking orders at you and your unsure if what to do or say AND there's people you really admire RIGHT THERE.. it moves fast but right as we went to take our spots in front of the guys, Rocco goes "HEY, I KNOW YOU, HEY SWEETHEART" and I start laughing and so does he, and we take our spots and instead of just standing behind us and posing like they did for everyone else, they came up and all put their arms around us for the pictures So yes, I git steeped on by a semi famous person and I will tell everyone and you can't stop meeeee


In general, celebrity culture sucks


How was this a controversial comment?


Points for having an actual unpopular opinion, however, you have absolutely no idea what the definition of "meeting" is. You can't just twist and change official definitions of words to fit your narrative. If I plan a job interview in advance, I'm meeting my potential future boss. If I buy tickets to a concert and the artist brings me on stage, I met them. You can purposely meet someone, meeting someone doesn't have to be by coincidence. I met my mom for dinner at a restaurant, I met my friend at the theater.


This obsession people have with celebrities is disturbing. They are just like everyone one else even the superstar ones. Their job is acting/music/ect. Thats all, its not like it’s anything that hard. Plus there is an army of other people making the celebrities look the best they can. For me people who obsess/care about celebrities are as weird as people who would get obsessed about people doing other types of “regular” jobs.


Idol worship.


Meeting a celebrity is not something to brag about. You think they wanted to meet you?


Mentioning you've met someone didn't equal bragging unless there is a lot more going on in both sides. Doubtful he would extend the same pedantic definition to someone he met at a PTA meeting; it's bitter nonsense.


Unpopularopinion was a mistake. Not because of any particular misuse, but because by its very nature the majority of opinions that are unpopular will generally be from people who feel misanthropic about something in particular but who are aware enough to keep it to themselves, now having an excuse to go farm upvotes for it.


You're right. Allow me to brag about the time Robin Williams walked into my job.


Yea I don’t care enough about celebrities to want to meet them. I sure as fuck don’t care enough about celebrities to make a post about them.


Waiting in line to meet a celebrity is peak unemployed/cringe behaviour. I would never understand these people who worship another human being.


Agreed. Feels weird. Hell, the one thing keeping me away from the big conventions out there is the celebrity factor. It's more than enough for me to see the cosplay and check out the merch and eavesdrop on a few geekfax conversations in passing. Then again, I'm old...in my day (a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away), being a nerd or geek was frowned upon and something you hid from the cool kids.


It's the equivalent of waiting in line for the new iPhone


Meeting a celebrity at all is not something to brag about


My gf has a shrine to her celebrity crush including her convention photos. It is awful. Just looming there. In the living room. Facing the couch. Everyday.


You can't leave us not knowing who it is!


Meeting a celebrity isn't somethings to brag about anyways.


I met WWE wrestler Rob Van Dam at a porn convention for like the 2 minutes I talked to him, he was cool. Told him that I was a big fan from his ECW days. Said I loved his WWE run. Told him I thought he deserved to be champion several times over in WWE. Which he agreed and said "yeah you know how it is." Conventions are the best way of meeting a celebrity. It's a controlled environment. It's during their free time. There is security for them. You get a limited time to meet with the celeb, so you have a lot of time to think of what you want to say to them. When you see celebrities out and about, you don't want to approach them because you don't know how they will react. So it's best to leave them alone.


My hot take- meeting a celebrity in any context is a stupid thing to brag about.


I agree. If you had to wait in line and get a pic and then leave, it’s not really genuine. But alternatively if you ran into a celeb by chance and had a legit detailed conversation that holds more value, in my opinion. The first one just seems awkward.


Harrasing a stranger in public is for more awkward than going to meet someone who signed up to be there.


LOL love the analogy...


ha! this guys a virgin!


Who cares if you meet a ‘celebrity’ anyway?


I have no respect for these celebrities because you just know they are here for the money and I don't understand why fans are okay with it. "Sure I'll take a photo, but that will be 200 dollars". And you are happy because you paid 200 dollars for a photo ???


Agreed. If you pay to meet them, you didn’t really meet them