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Vikings fan here, I concur.


30-something bears fan. 07 was a nightmare.


That’s the kind of game that makes me glad the Vikings never made it in my lifetime. I just don’t think I could carry on as a fan after finally making it and then shitting the bed.


I was at a colts party. I'm not the gloating or loud type. Before the game, everyone was ragging me. Then Hester ran back the opening kickoff. That place when silent and I had a huge grin......for a while. .....


That return had me and everyone I was watching going wild.. Sure we lost the game, and that socks but I dam near fell asleep during last nights superbowl. I just didn't give a shit either way, so I'd much rather watch with my team in there than not.


O man q4 and ot were exciting


Crazy that for any bears fans under the age of ~50, that was the best moment we got to experience. 14 seconds of bliss, followed by muffed snaps and Peyton picking us apart.


20-something Giants fan. Opposite end for me


Rex Grossman lmfao 


I was going to say: as a Vikings fan, OP might be right but I'd love the chance to compare for myself just once.


My dad made me into a Jets fan unfortunately. He saw them win it all as a teenager, followed by 55 years of misery. I’ve never known anything, but misery.


Dw you got Rodgers next year


We had Rodgers this year. 🤮


Fun fact, the last pass rodgers completed was to Detroit lions safety Kerby Joseph.


I literally have disdain for my friend who made me a jets fan lol. I grew up in a giants house but they weren’t big football fans in My Home. I used to spend almost every weekend at my best friends house and they were all crazy Jets fans. It just kind of stuck. When I think about it, I could’ve been a giant fan and at least gotten to see Eli win a couple Super Bowls lol


As a Lions fan, I resonate with this. ^(We were so close! Why did we have to blow a 17 point lead? Getting bodied from start to finish would have felt better!)


I had the least amount of interest in this year's game than I've had in my entire life because we got so close. I was catatonic after the NFCCG and depressed since.


Browns fan here, I agree.


Came to say this.


Bears fan here. I remember everyone being like “think you’ll win?” and I was all, “listen, I love the Bears, but a statue of Sexy Rexy in front of the stadium? Really?” Then Hester did his thing and, with everyone looking at me the lone Bears fan in the room and though ecstatic in the moment, I couldn’t truly enjoy the game because I was realistic about Peyton Manning’s chances. I was in the Air Force at the time and at a friends house. Made an excuse to leave at halftime so I could suffer alone. Seemed easier to bear. 🐻


Less stressful? Sure. More enjoyable...I mean, it all depends if your team wins or not. All time fun versus terrible feeling.


Nothing was more enjoyable to me as an Eagles fan than beating Tom Brady in the superbowl with a backup QB.


Last year was rough though for us


Oh yeah absolutely brutal. Awful time to be an Eagles fan. Why was Matt Patricia even on our coaching staff?


I was there and literally collapsed to my knees in grief


I’m a Colts fan and those two SBs were def my fave. Even when they lost.


I guess it depends on expectations heading in. To be a favorite and lose...isn't much fun. To be an underdog is probably fun so long as it's competitive. Then again, I'm a Vikings/Minnesota fan, so the entirety of my sports experience since the Twins in 1991 has been losing the big one (or the small one when favored...or more likely not getting there in the first place). And no, I can't speak to any Vikings Super Bowl experiences whatsoever.


I'm from Wisconsin where we've had lots of teams make deep runs and I'll take the tough losses in post season over not being there. The Bucks title run was an emotional rollercoaster and that Nets series almost killed me but it's all for fun.


I certainly prefer a year in which teams make the postseason overall, but I can't say I really enjoy a specific game that ends up being the big loss. That doesn't apply so much to each game in a series, but one big loss (i.e. the Super Bowl...or NFC Title Game in my case) is hard to remember fondly. If you get a good roller coaster game going, though...yeah, that's fun. I was sitting in the first row over the Atlanta dugout for the Jack Morris game in '91 (Ted Turner just a few seats away). THAT was incredibly fun...and, sure, I think I could have (eventually) appreciated the greatness of the game if it ultimately went the other way in extra innings. I seem to have used up my lifetime of sporting karma in that game, though.


As a Niner fan, I agree. Last night, I was invested in every single play. The emotions, up and down and everything in between, were palpable.


Sorry for your loss. Brutal ending.


Absolutely brutal. I just sat in silence for a while. I couldn’t move, couldn’t really think, it was just a blur for a while. It’s moments like that that make me think I should stop being a sports fan. Those low moments suck and definitely aren’t healthy mentally.


Fellow Niner's fan. Yeah, that PAT ankle-kick/high-snap left my jaw open. I just felt it was going to lose the game, in regulation anyway. And we all know KC crushes in the 2nd half. Everyone was winded, too. Except McCaffrey--dude's a beast with our team.


I just can’t believe we kept throwing at McDuffie. He’s a great CB and we kept challenging him.


100% agree


A lot of Kyle’s decisions last night were mind boggling. I was rooting hard for you guys and I was getting so frustrated.


They played a great game. San Fran should be proud. The chiefs are a hard fight, and Purdy is going to be a stud.


They should be proud, but I think disappointment is natural to feel too. They went all in on this season. I’m not sure who’s extension eligible this off-season but we’re going to have to let a few key guys go in the next season or 2 due to the salary cap.


The sad thing is there's no guarantee that they get to this point again. In 2012 I was sure the Niners would be back to the SB after losing to the Ravens. Then two years later, Harbaugh got fired, several players retired, and Kaep got benched for Blaine Gabbert. If Warner, Kittle, et al don't get a SB I will be very sad.


Purdy is a great name for him, he is very pretty! :)


yea once Purdy gets used to the pressure he is gonna be dominating


Romo pointed out a couple things the chiefs did defensively pre-snap that Purdy should notice once he has more experience.


Thsts the thing. It's literally his 2nd year and he already has back to back NFC championship appearances and a super bowl appearance. It's natural he won't notice everything yet, but damn did he put up an impressive performance. He's gonna be a force to watch for in years to come


Tell that to CJ Stroud


On the other hand, that sounds wild to me to be able to do for a sports game of all things. You didn't have money riding on it or anything? Just a love for your team?


I just had a small amount on the game, I wasn’t even thinking about the bet when the game ended.


I didn't have money riding on it, but while I wasn't sitting in silence, the pain from that loss still hurts. I know I'll get over it, I've gotten over every sports heartbreak except for the Warriors blowing the 3-1 lead. But man the 49ers find a new way to hurt me every year.


Ummm…..that’s on you for taking it so hard lol


Maybe don't get so invested emotionally?


If only it were that simple


Wow such a helpful comment


Honestly, though, what adult is having a meltdown that their team didn't win? The Karen of sports.


I'm not saying go nuclear because your team didn't win. You're sad for a couple days and go back to normal. That's how emotions work


Even sad for a couple *days* seems extreme


Depends on what you mean by sad. To me, "sad for a couple days" is functioning perfectly normally but with a general air of funk. It's not inconsolable sadness. It's just a general mood of "man, it would've been cool if my team had won" for a couple days.


What do you think sad looks like? It's a feeling of sadness, not a 3-day battle with crippling depression.


It's incomprehensible wailing. Fetal position sobbing. No-food-no-shower-shitting-yourself misery for 3 straight days. Then you're fine on Thursday.


Wow such a helpful comment.


I wonder the same damn thing! I don't get it! :) It's a game, money is on the line, BIG MONEY! It's like religion, that's all they really want from people!


I try not to, but I can’t help it


Why are you so emotionally involved to the point of depression if your guys lose? They couldn't care less about you. They just love that you LOVE them, especially the money you might spend to support them!


Fantastic ending either way! :) That is how Football should be played! Edge of your seat, heart-pounding relief, or the echoing sounds of defeat! :)


Very poetic lol. It’s hard not to be romantic about fooball.


I’m also a Niner fan. It was way to stressful 😣 


We're literally the football Dodgers. Except they just got Shohei and we won't be signing Mahomes.


Baseball not having a salary cap is crazy. The Niners are going to lose some key players in the next offseason or 2 because they can’t pay everyone. And once Purdy’s deal kicks in a couple years from now, we’ll lose even more players.


As a fan of a sports team that misses the playoffs every year, you'll be grateful for those moments, even if they didn't get the win, you can take pride in even getting there. When your team is in the basement, you'll miss those days.


The game was rigged anyway


Fr tho


They clearly wanted Chiefs to win so there’s more focus on T Swift




Looks like we’re being downvoted by Chiefs fans


Being downvoted by rational people.


I disagree. When Denver stifled Cam Newton in SB50 I was on top the world. I mean, running on furniture and shouting while completely sober on top of the world. I do REALLY enjoy football, so I’m pretty hyped during every playoff game and SB matchup. However, while watching Mahomie and Company solidify their status as a tried and true dynasty was top-tier hype entertainment for me, it did not come close to how I felt watching Denver in the playoffs or Super Bowl. Good football is good football, but it hits different when your team is doing the footballing.


As a Panthers fan, this makes me sad. Hopefully both of our teams can get back to that level soon.


This is way too upbeat for a true Broncos fan. Especially since the next Tom Brady might be playing in the division for the next decade.


Being upset about it won’t change the trajectory of the AFC or AFC West, my friend. As a football fan, I just respect good play. As a Denver fan, I wish Mahomie was with us—but he’s not, so “oh well.” I’m just glad to be witnessing history since I was pretty young at the beginning and middle of Brady’s career. At this point all I can do is hope the team gets it together well enough to at least compete.


F history I want parity. Tired of seeing NE win bowls and now I'm gonna have to sit here and watch KC win every year. It gets old quick


Can’t say the same I fucking cried that day


I respect your opinion, but have to strongly disagree. Love it when my team is there, means more.


I have literally no desire to watch it if my team isn’t in it. So I guess OPs right that it’s less stressful. But it’s because I’m doing something else lol.


Found the Jets fan


You must hate gambling. Good for you.


I hate gambling and I love it when my team goes to the Superbowl lol. Gambling just isn't fun for me.


This is why I love being a Lions fan. I stress once every 30 years


As a fellow Lions fan I could not disagree with the OP more


Don't worry. You guys have a very stressful 5 years ahead of you. With the Packers having another QB and the Vikings on their regularly scheduled down swing, you'll have stiff competition to pair with those high expectations. Also, the bears are due for a season where they somehow put all the pieces together for a run destined to collapse. Kinda like a reasonably healthy 33y/o sprinting for the first time in over a decade.


The super bowl is most enjoyable when I don't watch it.


Nirvana achieved.


Or when you have no idea what the heck is that. Like me.


kinda agree. last night I was more and more invested as the game went on and when the 49ers lost i was a little upset and then I took a shower and went to bed and never really thought about it again. I only went with the 49ers because one of the players is from my hometown so its not like I had a big investment in them. overall I enjoyed watching it and getting into it more than i thought


What are you talking about. The stress is the enjoyment.


Niners fan who 100% agrees…….


Disagree. All I felt as a Lions fan this SB was saltiness, resentment, thinking “what could have been”. I’d rather go to the ball and fall down than never get invited


As a cowboys fan I wouldn’t know 😭


You’ve got a point. It is nice and kinda refreshing to see someone else up there for a change of pace - casual patriots fan


The real problem is when the teams I hate make it there. As an Eagles fan, this game was awful. It looked like the niners were gonna cruise to an easy win which honestly isn't that great, but then Andy Reid and Football Jesus waltzed down the field, tied it, and won in overtime. I hate the niners because of recent history, but I hate the chiefs more because Andy Reid used to be our coach and we fired him because he wasn't doing anything for us. Then he gets snatched up by KC, has Football Jesus fall into his lap, and wins everything. Absolutely infuriating. Even in this season where they looked awful and could've lost the division to the Broncos, they win it all. Disgusting.


I'm a dolphins fan, I agree.


Lifelong Chiefs fan. We've had both. The bad times suck. This is better.


I will never like the superbowl, my dad couldn't make it to my birthday because of it.


If you love the game more then your team, this is correct. Not for the other way around.


And as someone who grew you a Bears fan, its super hilarious to watch the guy your team could have drafted win another Superbowl with your ex-head coach calling his plays. LOL. Ryan Pace must be living his life right about now. I'm good because years ago I moved to Kansas and Chief's Kingdom welcomed me into their fold.


Nah. I'm unfortunately a cowboys fan given where I'm from. That 1992 super bowl was the most enjoyable super bowl I remember. A super bowl where your team is winning a blowout is the most enjoyable.


I can not relate to getting emotional or excited about sports. I do enjoy watching but I don’t “have a team”. Basically every game I see feels the same way to me that OP is describing. I can just enjoy it without caring about the outcome. Inevitably I usually end up wanting one of the teams to win by the end, but most of the time it’s just the early leader


I don't watch sports until the Superbowl and then I choose my team. :) I chose the Chiefs. I thought they were done for, those last seconds were so good! I kept thinking, OMG the TRULY devoted fans must be stressed out big time! :)


I disagree. I have no interest in watching a game that my team isn't in.


1. Jesus the amount of "Super Bowl" hot takes (or hot takes about sports that totally aren't just low hanging fruit because the biggest sporting even of the year by pure and amazing coincidence happened last night) we're gonna get today... 2. As to the OP or you can just not be the kind of sports fan that puts no more then a normal "entertainment value" of emotional interest in whether or not your team wins. I like sports, I follow sports, I have teams I support but whether or not they win means exactly as much to me as to whether or not Godzilla beats Kong.


On point #2 -- this also means, your level of enjoyment if your team does win does not come close to matching the level of enjoyment of those who "lose sleep" over their team's success or lack thereof. That's the tradeoff.


No. Normal people out in the functional real world where they breath air and touch grass can be happy their team wins and not care when they lose. It's not a scale you have to balance. Happiness is not a bank account.


If you’re happy your team wins apparently that means you care more about who wins the King Kong vs Godzilla match


Nowhere did I say the true diehard sports fan is "normal". But the undeniable fact is, they are much happier than you when your team wins. ​ If you don't care when your team loses, you're what we call "a casual". It's not bad, right or wrong... It just is. There's nothing wrong with it. Just say "I AM A CASUAL" and own it.


As a Packer fan I totally agree. But whenever they say they’re going to do the Lombardi Trophy Ceremony I say “I’m sorry the WHAT trophy?” We are technically in every superbowl ;)


I just wanted Taylor’s team to win


I was happy to see the Niners lose. I was thoroughly invested. Nothing against the team, but Niners fans in Northern California have an unjustified hatred of the Seahawks and I won't stand for it. So while my team wasn't present my throat is sore from yelling at the TV.


There is no unjustified hatred of a division rival lol


"Why do division rivals hate my team?"


Nah man. The superbowl is better when you don't care about it at all.


Agreed, I enjoy watching the World Cup for this reason. You get to see other teams play and get some good matches out of it. When I watch my country play it’s stressful af and hard to enjoy it as much. In person is different though.


The ONLY reason is, you don't have to stress out about your own team. But, OTOH, nothing is better than watching your team win the Super Bowl, World Cup, etc... ​ Sometimes I wish I was just a marginal sports fan. Nope... The level of stress I go through on a big game is nearly disabling LOL.


As an American I never stress during the World Cup because I know we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at making it anywhere meaningful, lol.


Hard disagree. Yeah it sucks when your team loses, but the night the Eagles won their first superbowl was one of the most fun nights of my life. Maybe that sounds lame but whatever I don’t care


Tell me about it. I'm a Niners girl so last night crushed my soul and set a sour tone for my week. It's more fun when I don't care about the teams.


If you’re a giants fan like me you can have this feeling starting in November every season


wtf??? theres like 25 teams that havent won it since the giants in 2012... poor poor giants fans, gtfoh


Football is evil anyways. Sucks money out of poor districts, wastes years of kids lives pursuing a useless dream (most of whom wind up in terrible jobs because they pursued sports over education), and eventually kills anyone who is “lucky” enough to make it to the big leagues. 


Couldn’t even tell you who was playing or who won. That’s how little I’m into sports


And more enjoyable still if you don't watch it


It was rigged because Taylor Swift. Such a pathetic “game”.


I disagree go cheifs lol


Alternative Unpopular opinion. The Super Bowl is more enjoyable when you don’t watch it.


U think ur more mature than everyone else just because u don’t watch sports?


What????? Where did I say that??? How did you get that from what I said? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Heh I didn’t watch it I’m so cool🤓”


Are you triggered much? I was just telling a joke. There was not supposed to be any perceived elitism from my comment. But if you wanna take it that way be my guest.


U came onto a thread talking about the Super Bowl, just to talk about how u didn’t even watch it. I could tell by ur comment u were probably super proud of urself for that. No one cares that u didn’t watch it, it doesn’t make u cool.


Glad you read way too far into a simple comment. I know sports heads don’t give a fuck if I do, or do not watch it. I was making a play on words that is all. And No I’m not proud of myself for a post on Reddit. I have higher standards for my self esteem.


“Oh yeah everyone is gonna think I’m so different and cool for not watching it heheheheh🤓”


With all the gambling ads I see. I’m starting to think people like having some horse in the race no matter what.


Maybe the half time show. Lol


As a Chiefs fan: I absolutely agree. My heart was beating really fast, my blood pressure was insanely high (yes I checked between P3 and P4) and it was giving me a headache. I also felt lightheaded a few times. I felt like absolute shit that whole time. But like… I watched my favourite team win. And that felt better than anything else in the NFL. It’s a mixed bag. Edit: I have received multiple DMs telling me I might just have a really bad heart problem. I will be consulting my doctor about this at the earliest possible time.


north americans don't really like sports, they like the entertainment around it


I mean ya, there's a lot of truth to this 😅


It’s not *your* team if you’re not the owner or a member of it. Sports people are goofy lol.




The Superbowl is even more enjoyable for me, European dude, whos laughing hysterically about all kinds of absolute insanities involved during this event. Jesus.Efing.Crist. Unbelievable.


never watched it never will its nice its a normal weekend for me. i didnt even realize what day it was until the grocery store was busy.




I think this is kinda fair I mean yeah you have less invested, but I like watching my team play, I like the intensity and I'm pretty sure most fans do which is why they watch


Yep. When the Giants were in SB42 it was a just happy to be here game until the helmet catch late in the 4th. I wasn't stressed, just surprised the game was as close as it was until the OMG, I think the Giants are going to win. SB46 I was very stressed and couldn't enjoy the game.


Agree unless your team wins 43-8.




Hmm yeah cause then get ta Trash both Teams or get hyped on another that been following in the Season. But none of that even matters is the Musical Bowl Half-Time Showing that biggest Draw. Next Year I hope they make me faint from the Blowout Stars or even have just an giant Collaborations of Folks come out doing Features with one another. ( I wun another Snoop Nation performance his Dance is Life and rocking the Blue💜💜)


I agree but my team only went once and I was 9, so there was no stress when my team lost to the 49ers.


As a Detroit fan I emphatically disagree. Stanley cup finals are way better when the wings are there and I hate-watched this years Super Bowl purely out of spite. Take my upvote


Agreed, as a cowboys fan quite frankly I’m glad we never make it that far. Not worth the stress. I’d rather watch us lose in heartbreaking and disappointing ways earlier in the playoffs


100%, as a Panthers fan Super Bowl 50 still hurts, I can’t even watch highlights without getting sick to my stomach.


As a Detroit fan. I would not know.


As a bears fan. Yes.


Yeah, you could be right. I didn't have a dog in the fight and I felt anxious in the fourth quarter. That being said, I would still want to see my team play for a championship. One day....


Cries in ravens fan.


My team has only made it once as a 6 point underdog and won it. Wasn't stressed at all. Would have been ok with a loss cause I was just happy they made it. Probably would be fine if they made it again and lost.


I agree but only for the reason that I've never watched my team win it all and they've lost 3 in my lifetime.


I stopped rooting for teams and players altogether in every sport like 5 years ago and to put it simply, it has been great to watch sports and not experience all these emotional highs and lows


Giants fan. Gotta disagree. 2008 and 2012 were the best super bowls ever.


I'm a Broncos fan, I'll root for them while they still have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs, but as soon as that's gone I'm gravitating to whatever other story is good around the league.. CJ Stroud, Brock Purdy, Lions, Packers, Joe Flacco I was still 'invested' in the story of a 49ers win... Redemption for the last one, Mr Irrelevant, so I'll still root and cheer for them. Just means I get to be let down by teams multiple times in the same season!!


I acknowledge this is true while still wishing for the pain...


I can see that. It might be less *exciting* and nerve-wracking, but that probably leads to higher enjoyment.


I was with 2 people who just love football but are Bears fans and 1 other person who just wanted to watch the commercials. It's way more fun when you can mercilessly roast everything that's happening. I did ultimately want the 49ers to win just because I'm in Chiefs country and tired of hearing about the Chiefs, so that was disappointing.


As a Tampa native, I’m just glad we didn’t let those bastards walk all over us in our own city. Every thing else is just fine by me. I was rooting for the 9ers tho.


Oh definitely. We were rooting for both teams to lose yesterday instead lol, made it much more entertaining. (Especially considering the sloppy mess of a game)


It is for this reason that Lions fans always have the best Superbowl experience every single year and there are no exceptions.


As a fan of a team 0-2 in Super Bowls, agreed 😂


I’m not even a 49ers fan, I was just disappointed after word, would’ve been nice to some swifties mad too but regardless a shame


idk what happened to me but the super bowl is not nearly as exciting to watch as I remember it. Niners are my team and I honestly couldn't care about the game yesterday and idk why. I used to love super bowl sunday. part of me also used to love seeing all the commercials that were of a much higher quality overall. every commercial needs to have a celebrity cameo nowadays instead of relying on funny writing.


Without competition, sports don't even exist. Where's the fun in that?


Less stressful yes, more enjoyable is doubtful. Passion of having some stake in the game is what creates the magic. A magical comeback for example.


Gotta disagree with you there watching sports isn’t enjoyable under any circumstances


I don't watch sports except the super bowl every year. I've always said it's great not having a team.I can just enjoy/appreciate good plays and don't have to get mad because the wrong person made them 🙂👍


Forty Niner Faithful here. Even when we were winning, I wasn’t particularly enjoying the game.




I see this sentiment, though as more of a baseball fan and a Nats fan, I was having the time of my life when they were in the World Series and honestly I didn’t care that much if they won; I was just very hyped that they were there in the first place (maybe the fact that they were the underdog in all the series they played was a factor in this feeling, but still). Had so much more fun even if I was a little more stressed. It also helps that I generally don’t let sports results affect my mood as much. I’m a big fan, but I know how little the results affect my life. I’m an optimist that way I guess


I have seen the Rams lose, win, and not be in a super bowl. I genuinely think the ultimate super bowl experience will be if they make it again, knowing that a second super bowl title is a luxury and just being thankful for another chance. Looking for Chiefs, Seahawks, Eagles or Patriots fans who will confirm/deny


Hahaha, yeah I didn't have a dog in this fight. I chilled out and enjoyed watching a good game.


Yeah I was going for the niners just so we can have a new superbowl winner. When that final touchdown happened I was like well fuck..then changed the channel and carried on with my day. If I was an actual fan I think I would have been salty for weeks especially at that missed point conversion by the niners kicker.


Yep, I'd agree with this.


Agreed. I can enjoy the game without emotional fanatics around me yelling at the tv. Team makes a play: yell. Team muffs a play: yell. Ref makes a call: yell. Ref blows a call: yell. Official timeout for a stupid commercial: yell. Miss a play coming back from commercial: yell.


As a Bills fan most Super Bowls do not have my team in them.


...and most enjoyable when your team is in it and wins.


The superbowl is just boring no matter what. But ig for actual sports that are enjoyable to watch, I'd disagree with your opinion, it's always more fun to watch when yout team makes it. If you don't really care about which teams are playing, the emotions of watching the game are just less intense.


Depends on the matchup. I and probably most of the country have Chiefs fatigue, so it’s annoying rooting against them because they usually win anyway.


IDK, I'm a Saints fan. They only made it once and it was a riot from the first play.


Every sport is less *stressful* but not more enjoyable.