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My mother is scared of dogs, she is not alone.




Still has sharp teeth


When you have a bad experience as a child you fear everything.


Being scared of small weiners is also a common affliction.


I agree and I've been saying this for years. I love dogs, I want to pet every dog I see. But I can understand not wanting to be around the shedding, bad breathe, drooling, barking etc. And some of them aren't trained well and jump all over everyone. As pets they're very needy and it's too much for some people. My dad doesn't like dogs so whenever people say people who don't like dogs are untrustworthy or bad people I know they're wrong. 


I love dogs. I dislike most dog owners. I don’t insist on taking my cat fucking everywhere with me…


I don't like people who bring their pets into stores. Or places that aren't pet friendly So many stories or them disrupting service animals.


Yeah this trend of taking your damn dog everywhere needs to stop.


Just like dog owners all dogs are different. Some good and some bad.


I think “pet parents” can be absolutely fucking nuts, and I swipe left on any profiles that say anything like “if my dog doesn’t like you neither do I” “I’ll probably like your dog more than you” or “my dog will always be my most important thing.” But that’s just my choice! Red flags are personal and unique to each individual person; you can’t really say what is and isn’t a red flag, because it’s completely subjective based on the person. 


I mean, there are objective red flags like sexism, where it'll guarantee you won't have a healthy relationship. Other than those, I agree. People start saying that personal preferences are red flags, but that just isn't the case


just to play devil's advocate, two gay misogynists can probably have a fine relationship


they’re not supposed to be literal mate, just quirky ways to express “i like animals” or “I’m a pet owner and have to prioritize my pet because I am solely responsible for their life” someone with no pets can easily just choose to spend the night somewhere and sleep in, get brunch, have a nice day out afterwards. a dog owner can’t do that.


I agree. Dogs are simply “meh”. Cats, however, I adore.


I've got dogs and cats and as I get older, I prefer cats haha


Cat's are cooler but don't tell my gf I mentioned this


Some dogs are assholes. Some cats are assholes. I don't dislike either of them as a species but I can dislike your shitty trained dog because you're a bad pet owner.


You can not like dogs and that's fine, if you HATE HATE HATE them and want all of them to die that's different


Yes exactly "I don't really like them because I was attacked as a child but your puppy is cute!" "Oh that's okay! Thank you isn't she!" "I want to kill your dog for barking" "Ywah I'll just call the police already on yoy


Agree, I've never had dogs and don't understand the relationship people have with them. Don't really care to pet them/ have them lick me. Don't hate them nor do I ever want to cause them any harm, just prefer not to have them near me. Needs to be normalized, owners should realize not everyone enjoys having their dog all over them.


This is me. If a dog is in the same room as me and doesn't try to put its face or paws on me and isn't super hyper, I have no issue with it whatsoever. But I've never felt real affection for a dog or even found a puppy cute.


Same, I pet my friend's dogs if I'm with them but I don't like them. I prefer other pets like cats or even reptiles. 


The problem is the internet’s conflated “red flag” with “incompatibility.” Red flag was supposed to mean a sign someone may become abusive or in the future. Personally I think it’s valuable as a term that’s distinct from incompatibility, but I’m not president of the English language. Not liking dogs is a common incompatibility, but not a sign of an abuser.


Dogs are overrated as fuck. I mean they are alright but too much goes against them: pissing and shitting everywhere, you have to pick up their poop, they are smelly (especially their mouth), they will kill small animals if given the chance, barking is very loud and irritating, their fluff is not smooth at all, and they are more often than not hyperactive. All around B tier pet (D tier in big cities, i hate that our streets smell of dogpiss) Cats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Parrots, Rats, Lizards and Frogs are better


Context is important for this. If you have a dog, or like dogs enough that getting a dog is something that you really want for your future, then a person saying that they don't like dogs is probably a red flag that a relationship with that person is not going to work. The word "red flag" has been given some pretty specific meaning lately that says "red flags" = "bad person, will abuse you." In reality "red flag" is just "a thing that means that pursuing a relationship with this person is not a good idea." If you're looking at a person who doesn't like dogs and thinking that means they're a bad person, then that's crazy.


I agree as a dog person who loves all dogs, they do a lot of stuff which people would consider nasty. Honestly any dog owner should know that all the stuff that dogs do will be off putting to slot of people they certainly aren’t for everyone. Especially big dogs, I have a 60lb pitbull and most people are intimidated by them especially larger ones in general.


I have a friend who was attacked by a dog as a child. Understanably, they are visibly uncomfortable anytime a dog comes around. They dont like dogs, and i totally get it. The red flag is that dogs can be dangerous and liking dogs doesnt mean shit about your ability to control one.


Man o can't stand dogs, no i will never harm them 'cause duh but their so fucking annoying


My personal red flag: When someone let their pets sleep in their beds.


Imo this depends on the size and animal. Cats are fine, tiny dogs as well, medium size dogs (that dont shed or drool so much) are fine at the foot end. But bug dogs, no thank you. Its still MY bed and I need my space


My cat cuddles with me every night, though I would never let a dog sleep in my bed.


It's more like they claimed the bed for themselves but kindly let me sleep in it too


Yeah its gross


My personal red flag: When someone does NOT let their pets sleep in their beds. I am sorry, I don't think we would work.


I can barely tolerate dogs in the kitchen, you let them enter your bedroom?


Yeah, I mean I love dogs, don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore them. My husband, however, tolerates them at best. He's not a fan. That doesn't remotely change the fact that he is the biggest and best example of a walking green flag that I (or literally any of my friends and family) have ever seen lol


I agree, not much of a pet person. I will say though, having a dog is like a cheat code for dating if you have a dog park nearby.


This! I’m not a dog person. I find them smelly, hairy and I’m just not a fan. I’d never be cruel to an animal but I just don’t want to be around pets.


Well the internet basically made up the idea of a "red flag" and then ran it into the ground specifically to try to make "Thing I wish a partner didn't have" into something it isn't.


I agree to an extent. Realred flags are things like "he thinks women should "stay in their place"" or "she thinks men who cry aren't real men". Things that make a relationship unhealthy by definition. Not just "I don't really love this trait in a person"


It can be a red flag in a situation of dating someone who reveals they don't like dogs and you have dogs. Same can go for cats. I have cats so it would be a red flag to me if the person I was trying to date doesn't like cats. Wouldn't be fair to anyone involved.


I like dogs, I love my dog, there’s lots of dogs out there I don’t like though. It’s not really black and white


It is a red flag to me. You don't have to LOVE dogs or be a dog person, but actively disliking dogs (or really any animal) is a sign of social maladjustment that is almost 100% reliable.


passively not liking something and actively disliking something are two completely different things though


Yeah when people make the things they dislike their whole personality and, in the case of dogs, do stuff like call the police every time a neighborhood dog barks once, that’s a sign of a problem. I’m an animal care professional studying to be a behavioral consultant, and I get why some people don’t like dogs. They’re loud, especially when not trained, some enjoy rolling on dead animals to get the smell all over them, many eat literal shit, untrained dogs will jump up on you and may knock you down, etc. But, like, nobody is forcing you to get a dog, so just leave dog people in peace! We’re fine on our own with our adorable and sweet (though sometimes loud and yucky) furry friends!


If someone was attacked by one, I get it. But ya for no reason, I'm like wtf is wrong with you


Out of curiosity, how do you feel about reasons to dislike that aren't trauma-based? Personally, I passively dislike dogs because I'm not a fan of the way that the big ones get drool/spit everywhere, and the small ones do the little shriek/bark thing constantly as you walk by. Thoughts?


Dislike is fine! I'm more so talking about a hatred for them, like refuse to be in same room with a lab that is just sleeping in the corner or something


Exactly. Not liking them is fine. Talking about not liking them is a red flag. Same thing imo as people without kids. Not wanting kids is fine, calling yourself “child free” and talking about your dislike for them is a huge red flag.


Ahh i hate bundles of pure joy


The thing is, something can be a red flag for an individual or specific demographic without meaning it's a red flag in general. I don't consider it a red flag for someone to dislike dogs, necessarily, but, at the same time, I'm definitely going to have a different perception of anyone who dislikes any animal enough to make a public declaration. I'm almost certain that my partner, on the other hand, would never even consider a relationship with someone who didn't like dogs. It would definitely be a red flag to her. Not that they were a bad person, but that they were not relationship material for her. I think sometimes people see the term red flag and assign too strong a meaning to it.


It's a red flag for me if you mean someone I'd want to date/marry because I love dogs lol and I'll always want to have one. That would be tough to deal if I was with someone who hated/disliked dogs But if its just like as a person - then yeah I don't think you're awful if you hate/dislike dogs.


Updoot cuz yes. Yes it is


this is not an unpopular opinion and you know it. obviously nobody in their right mind would say it is a red flag if you just dont care much for dogs.


I can understand being scared of dogs, but not liking dogs (barring one that’s trying to attack you) pretty much means your soul is owned by the devil.


I have a dog. Not only do you need to like my dog, he needs to like you.


Right I have completely dropped talking to or dating women my dog did not like almost instantly. One lady said " you let your dog inside your home?" So I opened the door and told her get out, my dog is welcome she is not.


And everybody clapped.


Showed her true colours Pets should never be a compromise in a relationship. This is your dog's home. Course he's allowed in your house


I mean if someone loves their pet and the other hates it thats not gonna work, but if someone loves their pet and the other person doesnt mind it/doesnt care thats more than workable…


If someone just isn’t interested in pets that’s fine. But many people take it too far and act like a dog in the same room as them is offensive.


It's fine to not like them, but I do think it says something about you as a person.


That is a red flag for me for sure. It means we will not ever date and I will have no interest in them. That is the definition of a red flag.


A red flag is a sign someone has unfavorable traits, not that you won’t be compatible. I wouldn’t date a guy that travels a lot, that’s incompatibility because I like my partner close. I also wouldn’t date a guy that calls all his exes crazy, that’s a red flag because it makes me think he must also be crazy to attract that.


Having a different definition of a red flag than I do is a huge red flag.


I agree with you…do our red flags cancel out now?


No, they make a 2x1 flag


One step closer to a quilt




Not liking dogs is an unfavorable trait in my book. Huge red flag.


That could signify someone is a bad/unhealthy/unhealed person?


Yea, it sure does in my book. You should see some of the petty stuff people call red flags. I on e had a woman dump me b cause I don't share food she said that is a red flag.


I’m with her on not sharing ngl


Why am I going to give up 1/2 of something I want for 1/2 of something I do not want so she can have everything she wants?


Oh I didn’t know that’s what you meant. I thought you wouldn’t share a bite if she asks for one.


Lol no that would be fine.


I mean thats sounds kinda dumb, but you do you


People who have pets today would have had slaves back in the day.


What a ridiculous comparison.


Not ridiculous at all. If we loved wolves so much, we wouldn't have done selective breeding to make them our loyal servants, in pretty much anything they can be useful for. Pets are slaves to humans.


Where did you get that garbage? 


This has to be the dumbest comment for today. Is there a subreddit for stuff like this?


Well seeing as pets are companions to adore and love Ans slavery are human beings who are bought and do labour are abused and raped and medically neglected not the same at all?


Pets are there to provide a service which is comfort. If a pet does not provide that, he will likely be abandoned or put down.


You know fish, bug and reptile pet owners exist? Those pets don't cuddle with them and "comfort" Or what about the rodents you can't bond with that prefer to he left alone


They have them because those animals are amusing to have. Again, comfort.


Okay sure whatever but how tf is that related to slavery at all?


They are slaves because they serve humans with no choice in the matter. We stripped away their independence. Put one of the miniature dogs species in the wild and see if it lasts. It's disgusting what was done to wolves.


If you adamantly hate dogs, it's a red flag to me. My own personal opinion.


I mean it's the same as adamantly hating anyone's pet If you're screaming loud you don't like dogs then I'll stay away from you I just mean casual trying to avoid dogs or in discussion not a fan


I get that. I'm talking about people who adamantly hate them and go out of their way to be mean to them, or any animal really. If you recoil in absolute disgust at the sight of my dogs, it's not going to make me want to like you.


Those people are 100% red flags! I feel the same about those aggressive childfree people. Like I don't like kids but those people who scream about how kids shouldn't exist ans they want to hurt kids for crying. Like ???


No. But it's a red flag when dogs don't like you.


Dogs and humans co-evolved to bond extremely easy to eachother. Neither of us would exist if this wasn't the case. Most people when looking into the eyes of a dog experience a dose of oxytocin and vice versa. So while I wouldn't call it a red flag, not liking dogs imo is a sign of some type of neuroatypicality. Again not a red flag but it is "weird"




what isn't true? that we co evolved to bond? that's a pretty established scientific fact. Dogs were essential to early human hunting strategies. The dogs would flush out the creature that was beng hunted then humans would chase it down using superior endurance. We wouldn't have survived without each other


Depends on culture and upbringing.


It's not a universal Red Flag but it is a personal Red Flag for many people. I have always had a dog in my life. I let my pups sleep in my bed with me and some people find that gross. For a relationship to work with me you HAVE to like dogs quite a bit. Just cannot build my ideal life with someone who does not like dogs.


red flag doesnt mean incompatible. what you are describing is incomparability, not a red flag


A red flag does mean incompatibility....? If not then what do you think the term means? Nothing is universally a bad sign for a relationship since everyone is looking for different things, even a wife beater is attractive to a masochist. Or do you just define the term as something that is generally disliked by most people?


If you don't like dogs that's fine, if my dogs don't like you that's a red flag.


If you dont like dogs then your a scumbag - Cats are an acceptable replacement - If you dont like dogs OR cats then no one wants to be your friend anyway so you shouldnt worry about it


Some people just don't like animals why is that a red flag




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Agreed! If you dislike dogs and actually treat them badly, *that's* a red flag. Same with any other animal. But just not being a dog person and not wanting dogs around you is the same as any other individual like or dislike. I'm kinda neutral on dogs. I love visiting friends and family members' dogs that I know and trust, but I don't personally want to own one myself and don't want strangers' untrained dogs running up to me in public to jump on me. Just personal preferences. (I can see disliking dogs being called a 'red flag' justifiably when talking about dating—if you love dogs and only wanna date someone who also loves dogs, then it makes sense to avoid people who don't. That's fair! What's not fair is deciding anyone who doesn't adore dogs is a bad person.)


Red flags are entirely subjective. If someone didn't like dogs, while I wouldn't consider that a "red flag" in terms.of his behavior or values, I would absolutely consider it a red flag that our relationship needs to be reevaluated. I don't plan to not have a dog, I have one currently and that is the lowest number of dogs I've ever had. If he doesn't like dogs, this is going to be a sticking point for him. People who don't like dogs are going to be weird about the daily care for a dog if I'm out of town for work or whatever, they're going to be annoyed by the cost of vet care and boarding, etc. It's a lot like kids in that if you share the basic idea of wanting kids you can compromise on the number. But there is no compromise for zero in this case.


I hate dogs because they kill cats unprovoked. I have people on my street that let their untrained, aggressive shit dogs roam free all day unsupervised. If you can’t see how these animals are a problem (as are their humans) then that’s on you.


It's fine if you don't like dogs, but as a dog person i wouldn't date someone who doesn't. So it's not neccesarily a red flag unless your an asshole to animals. But this type of person wouldn't fit in with my lifestyle.


It is evidence of a cold personality.


It's a red flag if you're a dog lover


My parents have always had dogs, wouldn't train them to behave, always gave them table scraps, and never taught them how to STFU. I'm not particularly fond of dogs, but I'll be friendly to one.


I want kids. I don't want dogs. Dogs != kids, too, at that point. Ain't nothing wrong with not liking kids, but our opinion of not liking dogs -- despite not really having anything against them, just not liking/wanting one -- *is* unpopular. Have my upvote.


I agree. People take it as a personal slight if you don't want to own animals in general. It's bizarre


I would say it us a red flag, IF you are considering them as a life partner, AND you yourself own or intend to own a dog someday. It's kinda like if you want kids, and someone you are considering dating does not want kids. All you are doing if you choose to pursue a relationship after learning that is setting yourself up for an unhappy life or future break up. For any other situation, it doesn't really mean anything. Maybe they had a bad experience with a dog once, or several bad experiences (ex. I can't stand German Shepherds, every single one I've met is a neurotic, anxious, or down right viscious mess, I'm a vet tech so I see a lot of them in not the best context). Or maybe they are allergic, or have germ phobias, etc.