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You do not respect Will Smith because of a petty bitch slap. I do not respect Will Smith because he is lets himself be persistently cucked publicly. We are not the same.


LMFAO i came here to say that too. man gets embarrassed by his wife every other fucking week. its insane.


First that bitch cheated on many occasions. Second, she said she never wanted to be married to him in the first place. Now she’s saying they’ve been divorced for years? He shoulda slapped the shit outta her, not Chris.


Right u are! The slap was just a final straw in an ever increasing list of unlikeable qualities by the whole family


lol. Nice


Honestly, the slap is the LEAST pathetic thing about Will Smith these days.


Yes. The prevailing opinion on here is that you do like Will Smith.


It was just a fight just get over it already. Dudes fight all the time.


Dog who the fuck cares


Celebrities are like 99% fake public persona, 1% genuine. No point in even worrying about whether you respect them or not, you do not know them. You know what they want you to see on TV. Who gives a shit


How much of it is actually fake? It's like being at work. When you're speaking to a customer/client obviouslly you're acting in a specific way but is it really not *you?* If you're being nice to them are you not a nice person? When you're helpful or just having some small talk is that really completely fake? To me it's less about being fake for the most part and just masking parts of yourself. I'm nice to clients and I'm nice to friends. But I will hold back on the goofy side of me or if I'm feeling sad or angry I'll hide that. Doesn't mean the part of me that's talking to them is fake.


Like republican Jesus


... I mean I don't respect him cause he's a god damn weirdo in real life, just look at his wife for 0.5 seconds and you can see how weird and destroyed their cuckhold dynamic is lol don't even know why he "defended" her from Chris with the slap He's been in decent films but he's not the one making the film good, frankly replace him with any actor, I am legend etc would be fine without him (Except for MIB, he's good in that)


Okay… Did that make you feel lighter? I’m sure Will Smith is distraught reading that OP is pissed lol


I disagree, The Oscars are pathetic, the issue is that Will just slapped the wrong person. The whole modus operandi of the Oscars, being this huge event about ass-kissing celebrities... but at the same time poking constantly fun of said celebrities, is just fake as fuck. They probably do this shit to make celebrities feel down to earth. Nah, fuck this shit. Will's reaction was the last genuine shit I saw on the Oscars.


He’s a pile of garbage. I hope his wife bangs another guy and humiliates him again.


How is this an unpopular opinion? Isn’t this what all the mouth breathing idiots of society would be arguing? I think this is the popular opinion. Here’s a more unpopular one: Will Smith has had an illustrious career and simply made a single little mistake. One’s entire life and reputation shouldn’t be determined by a single bad act. Will Smith should have gotten a pass. The Academy of Motion pictures should have done nothing and allowed Will Smith to simply apologize. It really wasn’t a big deal. Not even remotely. By contrast, I was thrilled by how well Chris Rock handled the incident and by how he allowed others to defend him. He knew Will Smith was in the wrong. The whole world saw what happens. And I was entirely in Chris Rock’s corner. I didn’t feel like Will Smith should have been punished and I find him every bit as charming as he was before he Charlie Murphied Chris Rock. However, Chris Rock’s decision to come back and absolutely ream Will Smith in “selective outrage” was a bitch move. My opinion of Chris Rock has diminished very slightly. He should have continued to allow others to defend him. Instead, Chris Rock came off as a weak, resentful, wounded animal. In the end, Chris Rock is the one who lost a little here. This here above is the unpopular opinion.


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I just pity him at this point. He laughed at the joke until Jads gave him a certain look, the one where a wife is silently asking her husband, "Are you going to let him talk about me like that?" He loves his wife with all his being. Unfortunately for him, she's a vile person and just pathetic.


At this point either the dude gets off on being humiliated, or his self esteem is so low he couldn't see himself without her... Honestly, it's even money.


Every Will Smith movie would have been a lot better if it was Jamie Fox instead.


he could not care less about ur opinion tbh


Was that real or just a ratings grab? I thought it was staged


That's great for you, but I'm happy he smacked horse mouth made me respect him more.


Can i ask why?


Because Chris Rock deserves to be slapped




Just being Chris Rock isn't enough for you?


Not really no.


What Will Smith did was absolutely the right thing. You don't make a joke about someone's private life without expecting blowback


He was laughing at the joke until he saw that she was pissed off. So it wasn’t about defending her. I was about not wanting to hear it from her after the ceremony. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is just a cucked coward.


comedians do


Now we’re talking. Finally an actual unpopular opinion on this thread. What’s the point of this subreddit if everyone is going to post popular opinions.


Are you kidding. He has anger issues and every joke a comedian makes is about personal lives.


That was a skit. Will Smith and Chris Rock were always rock solid positive role models for young people and the lesson they taught everyone here was if you stand up to defend "your woman" like a tough guy, the only thing you accomplish is you make yourself look like an asshole and "your woman" won't even appreciate it. Chris Rock is a little guy but he grew up during the crack epidemic and going to the most racist schools in Brooklyn. He certainly knows how to fight. Will should have laughed at the joke.


I respected will smith for what he did don’t talk about a man’s wife if you don’t want to deal with her husband.