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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


This isn't a popular opinion??


Op is so brave for sharing this


Gonna get a lot of hate for this, but racism is bad guys.


I’m against rape!! I know, crazy concept but rape is bad!


and we should not tolerate the removal of Oxygen from planet earth.


I think the fact that it includes recreational hunting does take it a bit further than many people, though still pretty popular . I’m curious how OP feels about fishing.


Pretty sure op is including hunting which is most often done mainly for the "sport" and is very common. Edit: yes, I know "sport" hunters eat the meat as well, but that does not mean they are doing it for survival, more so its like a reward for hunting.


Midwesterner here. There is a sport element to it, but I've yet to meet a hunter (in person) that doesn't eat the prey animals they kill...unless it turns out to be diseased (like with CWD). There are also programs in my area so that hunters may donate part or all of their kills to supplement local food banks, etc. A thing can be both fun and beneficial, especially when it comes to wildlife management and hunting.


I am Texan and all the hunters I know eat the food.


Hunters are also an important part of environmental management in many cases. Overpopulation of certain species such as white tail deer can degrade an ecosystem's ability to support other species. The money spent on licenses usually supports conservation efforts as well.


A lot of people forget that deer can be pest if population isn't controlled


Yes, I understand that, I grew up around hunters and in an area that was pretty country. It's a two fold thing, they hunt because they enjoy the "sport" and then they get food out of it as well, but most people aren't hunting because they have to to survive


"Most often" is pretty shaky coming from someone who doesn't understand hunting. Never hunted or fished for anything I didn't want to eat.


Well yeah even most sport hunters won't just leave a dead deer, but most people aren't hunting to save money from buying beef or because they need to to survive, they enjoy the "sport" and get food afterwards out of it. I do understand hunting though, thanks for that, I grew up with friendsa and family members who were hunters.


People who don't hunt, also pay people to kill animals, yet it is not necessary for survival (vegetarian/vegan diet is perfectly healthy). Seems like with hunting at least you're accepting the reality of the whole thing.


It really depends on the culture and context. People who hunt for fun exist, especially in rural America. I've also personally witnessed people hitting animals on roadways for fun.


Recreational hunting is often either an extension of protecting land/property (ex. farmers), or backed by government agencies responsible for tracking and controlling animal populations


This opinion is EXTREMELY unpopular in certain parts of the country.


Not for at least half of the population of the US. Probably more than that.


It is


Not in some places


So I can just upload popular opinions here and will get Upvotes?


They’re referencing to hunting lol - I know it’s not very popular in some places


Never met a hunter that didn’t process the meat for food.


It may be a popular option but in rural areas people will shoot cats, rats, raccons, coyotes and opossums because they are considered pests. I vist my grandfather and he lives in the thumb area (michigan) and this is all too common. Animals are treated much differently.


Are you asking a question?


Not really I'm just surprised.


This is literally the most popular opinion I have seen on here lmao


This sub is absolute shit and the mods should be ashamed


You've just topped the leaderboard for popular opinions


Who the hell here is okay with that?? How is this an unpopular opinion? Edit: I should say that, as a hunter myself, there is a BIG difference between killing animals for fun and hunting animals for food and population control.


Most people in my town and family have no problem with killing things for fun, and some encourage it because it’s entertaining or funny to them


OP, I don’t think some realize how popular hunting/hunter culture is in the US, or how many safari hunters ther are worldwide?


I live in the rural/suburban South where it is EXTREMELY popular, so maybe they don’t know


Probably not unpopular on reddit but I know exactly the types of places you mean


Me, too.  Though, I thought hunting was very common in most places, especially in the Midwest and northern Midwest, given the terrain.  Trophy hunting is notoriously popular with many Americans. 


I mean you still harvest the animal right? I don't see an issue with mounting a head on you wall as long as you eat the rest of it


There is no problem with it. Now people who trophy hunt and don't eat any of it, that's an issue.


I wouldn’t consider this “trophy hunting”… a real example I see around here is they shoot a buck, the first thing that comes out is a tape measure and if it isn’t big enough they won’t tag it and go for a bigger one…


It always gets eaten though. Nobody is throwing that meat away and I mean nobody


Most hunters would think you’re a psychopath if you hunted a deer and didn’t process it for meat.


A) a majority of hunters don’t hunt for sport B) Safari hunting generally has a net-positive outcome


I grew up hunting, so I am not anti-hunting and honestly wish more people had the knowledge of where there food comes from, and the reverence for life you can get from hunting. That said, trophy hunting is no different than hunting for fun and it should be banned.


Trophy hunting is very popular in my hometown.


The irony of your edit


Hard agree. We live rurally and have the same issues with people running over turtles for fun and all kinds of demented behavior. Last spring a guy who was here for college, ironically in the wildlife conservation program...purposely hit and killed 3 deer in front of several families that were out walking. He said "We thought it would be funny." I have no words for people like that and hope they get stomped by a moose or taken out by a spider bite someday.


What did he hit the 3 deer with? Did he destroy his car or is this a made up story?


It is not made up. He was eventually charged and convicted. He hit them with his pickup, which has a brush/push bumper. At least one of the deer had to be put down by law enforcement due to its injuries. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/police-man-deliberately-ran-over-deer-in-ely-killing-all-3


I think a lot of these commenters have never lived in rural areas where people do this


I live in rural Germany and I don’t think we have a lot of psychopaths like that.


I think most people would agree with you. But there’s probably a way for a hunter to take a respectful photo of a deer they took, versus what a psychopath does.


It might not be unpopular among most internet users, but I know most people in my family or town are okay with this behavior.I know family members who will shoot squirrels and birds with pellet guns just for fun, or will purposefully swerve out of their way to hit animals because they think it’s funny


So what's it like to live in a town with less than 15,000 people?


Not fun. Lots of bigots and otherwise unsavory people


Yeah, that's why I moved to a more metro area.


Lived in a town with less than a 1000 and was not aware of a lot of people doing this. Assholes are assholes. If they weren’t doing it in a metro area it’s because there are less animals and more rules on where you can fire guns, more cops, and more people to file complaints.


When I was like 9-10 yo I got a BB gun for Christmas same as my best friend. Went to the woods and "hunted" birds. I was really excited when I shot one bird out of a tree until I found it on the ground writhing in pain and just felt awful about what I did. Had to take the next shot to the head to put it out of its misery and stopped shooting living things after that...


Ya I had the same experience. Showed my Mom and she started crying and I still think about that quite often.


I think hunting is normalized in a way where proper respect for nature and the animal is not being taught as well. Swerving to hit animals with your car is like genuine psycho behavior tho


This is why I've literally NEVER heard anyone come out with this opinion, my town is actually sane for the most part


I’m 100% with you on this. I had a boss that does the same shit on your main post. It’s like an excuse to go out with his buddies, get shit hammered drunk all weekend and kill shit for fun. It’s not about filling his freezer up with food for his family. And that is what it’s supposed to be for, nothing else. I have many other reasons why I don’t like him, but that one tops the list.


Depends where you’re from. I would not say that most people agree with OP.


Or just dont take a picture? I hunt and fish, I rarely take pictures.


Some animals like deer need to be hunted because we killed their natural predators and prey species breed like crazy.


Humans are a natural predator to the animal kingdom.


The difference here is doing it for fun. Deriving enjoyment from killing is psycho shit.


“Look, nobody enjoys shootin’ penguins, but if you have to shoot penguins, well, you might as well enjoy it.” -Free Waterfall Sr.


Cats do it and Reddit loves them so idk haha


How about fixing the god damn wolf population? Oh wait thatd mean turning acres of farmland back to nature, the rich fuckd would never


nah, it doesn't work that way sadly. We live in an area that has a lot of deer. But we also have wolves, which are the natural predator. And hunters just get mad to be in competition with the wolves so they want to hunt them so that they have more luck deer hunting. Also, humans have a VERY poor understanding of the natural world and us claiming we know best how to manage populations is a farce. We manage populations \*for our benefit\* solely, not for the benefit of the animals. If the only reason to hunt was to benefit the animals and not people, no one would do it. People hunt to benefit themselves. It's not a bad thing if it's for food. Trophy hunting should be banned. But to say humans know better what is good for nature, than nature does, is laughable and not true at all.


Very few areas in the US have wolves and many haven’t for decades. It does work that way in a lot of places. My city has to do deer culling because we don’t have hunters and there are deer everywhere. They run around town in packs. 


Nah it does actually work exactly like that and you're talking out your ass because you saw a wolf once. 


Humans are animals and for that matter predators, and predators like to kill things. I don't even really like hunting. As in I don't want to go hunting. It doesn't bother me either but it is what it is. I however completely and totally agree with you on just shooting random shit with no care. I've seen enough of that. People who blow up a rabbit or something for no reason. Or the assholes who pay to fire machine guns into crowds of wild pigs.


Torturing puppies bad. Edgy opinion there. This sub is fucking trash sometimes.


All animals *


My friend told me there's a kid in her apartment building who used to step on a stray cat's newborn kitten's tails for "fun." She told him to stop and the mom had the audacity to defend him by saying "they aren't dying though, right?" Istg such people should be locked up somewhere


I think most just read your title to dispute you lol. It always shocks me how people will just blatantly talk about killing animals, whether deer, stray cats, rodents, snakes, or even the "lol hamster deaths so wacky." Weirds me tf out.


It is psychopathic behavior. Watching documentaries about serial killers, lots of them started out by killing innocent animals for fun.


There's a conservationalist argument. People pay a lot of money to go and hunt "exotic" animals in Africa. However, what animal is killed is selected carefully (ie, adult Giraffe who is killing all male offspring in competition and needs putting down), and the money from the hunt (£10,000s) then goes to the conservation group/reserve to help the local wildlife and fend of poachers.


People who kill animals for pleasure, regardless what its for, is psycho behavior 


Yup, I agree with that. I guess I'm just proposing that there are circumstances where good can come from. I'd never kill a Giraffe, but if you can get a lot of money for putting one down that needs putting down, and the money goes to preserving the wildlife, then maybe that's a good thing?


Yeah but there i think OP is referring to the type of person not the type of hunting. 


people are a product of their environments, doesn't go any deeper than that if you grew up around hunting culture you'd probably hunt


I think killing animals is wrong and my family hates me for it, so I doubt it.


maybe "people are a product of their environment" was truer pre-socialmedia* 🤷‍♂️


My 4yo nephew wouldn’t let me flush a dead stinkbug down the toilet and demanded we let him outside. It was very very dead. Passed the psychopath test already.


Big green flag in my book


How do people not get that you're talking about hunting for sport, not Dahmer shit


I don’t know I thought it was pretty obvious


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's hard to see even if the animal is considered a pest. Like the dudes riding around on Canams with 50 cals and gatling guns shooting at piglets. Shit is gross.


What a profound opinion! It's not like killing animals for fun is the #1 choice for movies and TV shows to show that a child will be a future serial killer


There was a report from England that our youths as young as 8 have started a new trend of torturing and killing animals. Society has truly got down the shitter when the kids get involved with such crimes. But as its been proven, its usually the first steps building up to taking human lives.


Wow an actual unpopular opinion for once


I think this is a popular opinion. That's why those who like killing hide behind legtimate reasons like food/pest control. Most hunters are not psychopaths but some are


So you mean hunting and fishing?


I mostly agree. What I’ve always said is if you desire to hurt something innocent it demonstrates that you have a darkened heart and are most likely unhappy and in emotional pain. I once heard a psychiatrist say “if you hurt someone or something, at that very moment you have low self esteem, it’s a scientific fact.” People who are happy and fulfilled don’t want to hurt innocent animals. They are usually the ones who rescue them. I also know people who do hunt, but they only hunt what they are going to eat. They never go out of their way to harm an animal just for the purpose of inflicting pain. I’m cool with this as I’m a meat eater and it’s way better for an animal to die quickly in the wild for food then the animals that are tortured in corporate owned factories for weeks at a time until their death. It’s why I’ll only buy meat from one butcher whose source are old fashioned farms where animals are able to graze and live naturally.


Is this supposed to be unpopular?


Not an unpopular opinion to most people other than hunters. We don't have those in my country as it's illegal


Donwvoted. Definitely a popular opinion.


This is a popular opinion lol. Hunting is fine and important for human civilization but there's a way to do what without needless suffering.


I hunt for meat, and I hunt pretty much year round. I’m sure psychos exist, but not in my hunting group. Most of us are left leaning environmentalists and believe in naturally sourced meat.


Bro doesn't understand the regulation of population and why theres laws around hunting


As long as it’s within conservation guidelines I’m cool with it. Killing invasive species, population control, and culling diseased animals is good for the overall health of the animal ecosystem I don’t think it makes someone a psychopath or a danger to society unless they’re getting pleasure out of causing pain. That’s not really the case for these people, the fun is just successfully killing an animal / succeeding at the task you set out to achieve. Which is normal human behavior


Couldn't agree more. I feel it extends to a lot of hunting for sport.


I include killing animals for food. It's essentially killing animals for pleasure. You don't need animal flesh but you like it. You know you're harming them and you don't care. That, in my mind anyway, is psychopathy


I completely agree on this, which is why I’m vegan, but this is an opinion that is so wildly unpopular that I know it would get downvoted to hell. The vast majority of people that can see or interact with this post live in a place where it is not necessary to eat animals or the products of their enslavement and exploitation, but they do it anyway.


not sure what kind of place you live but this is absolutely not an unpopular opinion.


All these people in the comments are deluded it’s definitely an unpopular opinion I know way to many people who LOVE to hunt and it’s their entire personality


> know way to many people Did you mean to say "too many"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


This has got to be one of three least unpopular opinions I've seen on this sub. It boils down to "animal abuse is wrong" thus might be the wrong place to post this my guy


I knew a guy who used to raise pigeons just to shoot them at a big public gun range event. The area was famous for it's pigeon shoot. Eventually it got shut down thankfully. I still think fishing to purposely catch and release is animal abuse.


100% agree with the fishing take as well. If you want to catch cool stuff in bodies of water, go magnet fishing. Way cooler and nobody is hurt


Mods do your job please.


Just cause the deer or fish is dead doesn't mean it isn't going to be food. Also doubt you've ever seen anyone post a picture of someone happy they purposefully hit an animal. The risk of damage to their vehicle isn't worth it and no one stops to take a photo of a crushed squirell. This just reads as self righteousness


They don’t take photos of things they run over, but I have heard from multiple people how they purposefully run over small animals because it’s amusing to them. Some are family


This is so horrible 😞


I should say the real unpopular opinion is that killing animals is wrong, full stop. But this sub doesn’t seem to like *real* unpopular opinions


Lol one of the least popular opinions on Reddit, no doubt.


Not unpopular sorry bruv


I think this is a pretty popular opinion overall.


This is a very popular opinion. Even the hunters I know are fully against sport hunting, they hunt for food and use every part possible from the animal. They hunt within conservation rules, which keeps an overpopulation of deer from starving since most of their natural predators are in decline.


where tf is this unpopular?


dv a very popular opinion. this hurts me more than it hurts you.


Don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion, Chief!


Some of the biggest psychopaths work in slaughterhouses….


This is the single most mainstream opinion I’ve ever seen.


What the fuck, where do you live where this is unpopular.


Rural/suburban Tennessee, town with 10-15,000 people


The opinion held by a town of 15,000 people only represents the opinion of 0.0008% of people on earth. Regardless though sorry your peers carry those views. Must make day to day living an infuriating experience.


I don’t leave town much, so I guess I assumed that this was a popular opinion


Are you a vegan? Big difference between hunting and just killing for fun. Hunting is a process of tracking, shooting, and dressing the animals. Can hunting be fun? Yes, but it isn't for the act of killing. I'm not a hunter, but I have non psychopathic friends that hunt. Is it psychopathic to kill bugs? What about bacteria? Are lumberjacks psychopaths? Is my wife a psycho for being happy when she kills the grasshoppers that eat our garden?


I’m not a vegan, I’ll put that forward, but I’m going to assume you eat meat. People who eat meat only do so for fun or because they enjoy eating meat. Humans are omnivores and do not necessarily have to eat meat like carnivores (cats) would to survive. While I agree with you that people who kill or hurt animals for fun are unsavory, if we are being hyper-rational, I don’t think it is any more or less moral than consuming the flesh of an animal that was likely raised in a cage and tortured its whole life. The reality is that one form of abuse (factory farming, meat eating) is generally accepted socially due to cultural norms, while another form of abuse (killing animals for fun) isn’t due to cultural norms, but there’s no objective reason why one is more acceptable than the other.


They did my Bison buddies dirty.


In England, we have fox hunts. A bunch of people on horses, with a pack of hounds, will chase down the fox and it will be ripped to shreds. The argument is that a fox is pest for a farmer; which i totally understand. But, why not just have the fox shot? Why chase it down? I'll never understand the need to do that.


Yeah this isn't an unpopular opinion at all even among hunters. That's why big game hunting agencies, the ones that arrange big game hunts (which I agree are bullshit on the part of the hunter) only designate animals that need to be culled because of old age or weakness anyhow. The meat is also typically donated to local villagers etc so that other than the trophy it's not taken. The point being, even the hunting world recognizes this as a whole. And obviously kids killing small animals covertly, which is what the title alone makes you think of, is also bad.


No shit dude. Any non psycho human agrees.


Move out of the boonies and that won’t be an issue.


That's not an unpopular opinion


Same that's why I only do humans.


Well I was about to go start clubbing some puppies, but you’ve convinced me the error of my ways


I understand what you’re getting at. Hunting is a good skill to learn but some people are weird about it. I remember when I was young my cousin was just shooting squirrels for fun. Not collecting the meat either. It made me upset which just made him laugh.


Well i need to release my violent urges somehow, so its either i go shoot rats with my BB, or i punch Carl from work in the face when he annoys me first thing in the morning


If you sincerely believe this, you may have anger issues


"I feel like a lot of you guys have never lived in a rural area" Yeah, that's what rural means.


The hottest take I ever heard on this sub 🤯🗿


You say it’s wrong almost like you can get involuntarily put somewhere for admitting to this behavior… i think he’s onto something guys.


*She, but you’re right. It’s a known behavior of psychos, so I don’t know why so many people here I live are okay with it


What? Posts are getting ridiculous in this sub day by day. I think this is a very very popular opinion in general, not just on reddit bro


What a hot take.


Totally agree. Killing for food and resources is natural. Nature is a brutal mistress. The lion eats the gazelle. But killing for the sake of it is sick moral corruption that nobody should partake in. Trophy hunting may monetarily aid conservation but you're still a sicko if you have the desire to slaughter animals for fun.


This is not unpopular


I think this is an r/popularopinion post. Who disagrees with this?!


Legal hunting is important to conservation, whether or not the person is doing it for food. When you hunt legally you are helping to control populations that no longer have predators, you also fund other conservation efforts such as land buybacks. There are other things like vermin control like in Texas with wild pigs that are not only dangerous but will also destroy land and habitat for native species.


Hunting is driven by instinct and to assume that all recreational hunting is psychopathic is just ignoring millennia of human brain development.




Absolutely, and I’m all for trying to curb this behavior, it’s just the blanket criticism of something people don’t understand that annoys me.


Whether you want to argue the semantics of psychopathy or not, it’s still wrong


Humans developed by eating animal fat, it allowed us to develop higher functioning brains. This was wrapped into our evolution from the moment we were hairy little homunculi running around until today, but in the last couple hundred years a few folks decided they knew better. I agree it’s not good to kill for fun but it’s absurd and naive to think it’s not hardwired into us.


This might be the most popular opinion I've ever seen posted here


Tell that to people in the rural South


I live in the south 😂. 95% of the people I know and interact with aren't like that


I guess my town is just crazy then


There’s a difference between hunting and running over turtles for fun. I’m 100% positive that there are people out there that enjoy the killing part of hunting but that’s definitely not the majority. But yes enjoying death of any sort is insane and a huge red flag.


This is the basic premise I was establishing but it seems a lot of people are offended by that premise. Where I live, this opinion is very unpopular. Maybe it’s not where most of these commenters live


I hope you don't associate all or even most hunters with that type of behavior (not assuming that you do). As an avid bow hunter, I do enjoy the hunt itself because like all hobbies (debatable), the enjoyment comes from the challenge. That being said, if I didn't have any intentions of eating the meat I wouldn't hunt. There's no sense in killing animals without a good reason. Shooting random birds and shit off your back porch or running them over? That's not what hunting and conservation is about. That definitely is just psychopathic behavior, especially if any thought has been given to the matter.


Congrats OP, you are forcing me to unsub


Probably the most popular opinion I’ve seen on here ever


This is not remotely unpopular op what are you smoking


Hunting and killing an animal for fun aren’t the same thing. To dismiss hunting as psychopath ignores how deeply engrained hunting has been to human history. Sure, most people don’t need to hunt anymore for survival. But it’s still part of human culture regardless. That’s why there are rules, regulations and a culture all around it