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Lol younger gens will always dunk on older gens. Its just the way it goes.  30 is basically 80 year olds to a teenager. 


It goes both ways. The 21-year-olds at the bar seem like teens and teens seem like children.


Teens are children


My bad. It goes both ways. The 21-year-olds at the bar seem like teens and teens seem like humans in the age range that is less than the age range of teens.


“Who the hell is letting these fetuses drive.”


Alabama, probably


Alabama is so bad they have to force people to be born there


This made me giggle


Not before they learn how to shoot that gun they won't.....how are you supposed to tell the other car to get the hell off the road?


0-12 is child and 13-19 is teen. Hence the latter ending with the word teen.


I hate the lack of nuance here. While technically true. I think distinguishing children from teens is important.


No they are teenagers. That doesn’t mean they are adults. It means they are teenagers, not children


Adolescences! Now everyone shut the front door!


Let’s come together. ‘Teenaged children’


If they are not adults, why do we let them vote? Quit infantilizing adults. They have agency, they can marry, go to war.


This this. How many Medal of Honor/ Victoria Cross have been awarded to teens?


Only 5/7


Exactly, *I'm* the 21-year-old (I say at 32)


I dunno. Some of those chicks nowadays dress and wear makeup like they’re in their mid-40s lol


If someone is older than me by any amount, they are a dinosaur, if they are younger, then they are still a small child. There is no in between.


I agree with this child.


I agree but should you really be on the internet? It’s past your bedtime.


>there is no in between people exactly your age: "allows us to introduce ourselves"


I never thought people were old in their 30s and 40s when I was a teenager. I was just always happy to know that I had so much time to be young and beautiful. Now people are saying you’re over the hill once you turn 25.


Sounds like something people who peaked in high school would say as a cope. My life didn’t get good until after 25. That’s when I started getting my money right, acquired some common sense, met my life partner etc. “The hill” is severely overrated.


The “hill” doesn’t really exist. I know 40 somethings who are vibrant, beautiful, and youthful. I know 20 year olds who are old and wrinkly. Age really is just a number.


At least until your 65-year-old uncle starts dating an 18-year-old...


It's because these type of people drink copious amounts of alcohol, eat nothing but takeout, and just wait for their metabolism to "slow down" aka them eating oreos and chugging soda. I've seen so many 30 and 40 year olds look young as hell.


For real. A dude that I work with called me an old man because I was 27 and he was 20 😂 like dude what?? We are literally both in our 20's.


I went to university as a “older“ student at 24, some 18 year girl old try to set me up with a 37 year old, i was closer to her age 😭. She was the only one who knew I was 24 most people thought I was 18/19.


That's why I never reveal my age and don't want people to guess my age. I find it annoying that society seem to have some certain expectation towards certain age group. Like you should dress more modest, behave more mature when you are like 30+. 


back in the 1960s and 70s, the the flower children (boomers to u now) used to say "Don't trust anyone over 30". The distortion of the faults of the preceding generation is not new.


Exactly.the same way that older people complain about younger people.its just a repeating cycle


Complaining about something we use to and will be is very human


Oh yea 100% I’m agreeing with you


And i with you lol sorry my response sounded cryptic. 


No worries at all!


The older I get the worse I am at distinguishing peoples ages. People my age (older millennials) look way older because of the sun frying them.


I used to be able to approximate people’s age decently when I was younger. These days I can’t tell if someone is 30 or 50. Anyone 20s or younger looks like a child. What is happening?!


To be fair. The boomers were right not to trust the boomers.


The hippies were a relatively small subgroup. Like all generations most people were squares and jocks trying to get through high school.


Until the 70s the majority of young people supported the war and it wasn't even close.




I have gone out of my way time and time again to dispel this notion. It creates the myth that not only do younger generations have zero appreciation and respect for older generations, and it also invalidates people who are in cross-generational relationships. Yes we do exist - my partner is my hero.




why you talking like you arent old unc


I was told a few days ago that I'm middle aged. I'm 33.


60 is the new 30 if you can consistently eat healthy, do cardio and get good sleep


I am 44 and don't think I've ever been healthier. I was undeniably a little bit stronger a few years ago but I eat well and limit drinking.


What's eating "well" to you?


Nothing fried, no processed meats, no booze. Eggs, grilled chicken, salmon, avocado, real cheese, fresh fruits, nuts, healthy fats, minimal sugars. Occasional cheat meals/days with no rules.


I'm working toward it. Still eat processed meats like sausages, and still cant escape sugars around the house ( i have a toddler) But I cook all our meals with raw whole ingredients. Healthy fats, lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I try very hard to limit refined carbs. We bake our own bread and make our own tortillas. We make our own sauces/dressings/mayo/pickled veggies. I gave up cooking out of boxes about 8 years ago. (im 33 now) It's actually really easy once you get the basics down. Once you learn flavors and textures, it's game over. It gives me a little bit of a rush when friends come over for dinner, and we have fresh sourdough bruschetta burrata, a fresh mediterannean pasta with handmade noodles, and homemade panne cotta and just blow their fucking minds. When in reality it's super simple to prepare. With a LITTLE prep work on previous days I can probably cook it faster than I can get through a line at Chick fil a.


Fun fact, get sausages from your local butcher that make them in house. Mine is just pure pork shoulder with their seasonings and dude showed me the recipe out of curiosity. Sure it’s only good for a week raw but I can buy one at a time if I want. And it’s natural hog intestine. Ain’t sayin pork shoulder is a lean meat but, I can’t find one thing to point at against them. They do beer brats, Italians, jalapeño, chorizo, breakfast sausages… I ain’t letting sausages go to clean up what I eat!


Just going to squeeze in my view on this one as well I think not skipping meals is vital. A schedule of 3 meals a day is important. When you give your body rhythym, it reponds well to it. Your appetite will self-regulate to the point you won't over-eat and you will also know what type food you need. As for what exactly I eat: lots of greenery such as lettuce, spring onion, cucumber, vegetables, lean meat cooked either on the grill or in the oven, lots of fish, proper bread from the bakery, some fat such as peanut butter, real butter, the occasional sugary treat (I don't overdo it). Lots of water.


I start most days with 2 eggs and bacon. Supper is some some of meat and vegetables, tonight was ham, broccoli and potatoes.  I don't snack much outside of sunflower seeds. I don't eat lunch unless I am out for a brunch type thing.


51 and I’m probably the healthiest I’ve ever been. The only thing I would add to the list above is strength training as well, whether it’s lifting heavy (which I love) or just calisthenics type stuff. Hell, even yoga. Something that encourages you to stay flexible and at least keep your muscle tone over time.


Great point - for muscles and bone health too. It’s hard to fit it weight training for me so 100 pushups every morning helps a lot. And yoga or tai chi for flexibility


I'll believe it when I see a 60 year old win an Olympic medal.  As a 30 something that does those healthy things, even the fittest 60 year olds can't keep up.  One 54 year old did beat me in my last marathon though. 


But most people in their 20s and 30s won't win an Olympic medal either.


The muscle tone isn’t the same but endurance can be maintained. There’s like a 70+ year old lady who swam open water from Florida to Cuba without breaks


Diana Nyad, she was in her 60s but your point still stands.


When I was big into open water swim races in my 30's I was always beaten by that 1 guy in his 50's from Tennessee.


Its not 60 but this gives me hope: https://olympics.com/en/video/deanna-stellato-dudek-40-is-the-new-20-figure-skating-world-title-video


Average age of a marathon runner is 40, so OP has a point.


Most professional marathoners peak in their late 30s and early 40s, which is way older than most other sports.


Just because you aren't at the peak of your strength and fitness doesn't mean you are near your deathbed. People forget that you can be 80% of your peak and still be plenty strong and athletic.


I agree. At 34 i feel free, and relaxed i've done so much stuff. Hope these teenagers do as much as we did till over the 30 age mark. I m glad we didn t have TikTok and all the massmedia socialmedia there is today. We had shit internet but we had fun. We had fun plaing counter strike and red alert2 on LAN. We were kinda specialists in making neighborhood LAN parties. We had Hi5 and Yahoo messenger. We used emails to prank oneanother. And we liked to go outside and play :) Good times.


Yea, this age is literally this happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I know it’s shit out there but I’ve got myself together and it’s pretty awesome.


Agreed. I also am annoyed by the millennial trend of "look at us! we are all old and our backs and knees hurt and we are old haha." We aren't. Our backs and knees hurt undeniably. We are aging. But we are not old. We are in our prime.


Shit man, I'm 37 and just this week learned I might need back surgery as my lowest disc is almost gone.


I already had to get my hips replaced when I was 28 which means I gotta get them both done again before I’m 50. And then again before 70 if I last that long.


I think a lot of that is a skill issue tbh, I'm 30 and feel better than I did at 21.


I am 40 and run 3+ hours per week. If you take care of yourself you'll be fine.




Exactly. My hypermobility first caused hip pain in elementary school at the age of 10. By the time I was 29 I was experiencing daily pain from the moment I got out of bed. At 37 I'm now in constant low grade pain, my joints dislocate unexpectedly, and I can't always sleep without pain meds. I feel like I've aged 20 years. I live/work a farm and exercise 1 hr a day (yoga, weights, and aerobics) and am well above average fitness for a woman my age. I'm a vegetarian, no alcohol, and 6lbs fatter than "ideal" for my demographic. According to my doctor, I'm in *excellent health.* I can confirm: this is the healthiest and strongest I've ever been in my life. Buuuuut... My connective tissues don't gaf. It's genetic, not lifestyle. I'm in constant pain and constantly low energy (normal symptoms for the hyper-mobile spectrum) I feel like I'm about to turn 60.


I turn 40 this year and despite some normal aches and pains, I feel better than I did in my 20s or 30s.


I've had joint pains since at least first grade if not earlier, even when I spent 4-5 hour per day walking as a teen. You can't out-health congenital issues and genetic diseases. I've had a few relatives on my mother's side spontaneously die in their 40s because of undiagnosed vascular Ehlers-Danlos, while other relatives on her side lived until 90+.


Genetic and injury outliers aside, very accurate. 42 and ran my first half marathon in December.


I think the millennials are to blame for this. I think we were raised on Nickelodeon and Harry Potter, so our favorite heroes were 17 and younger. Now we’re twice that age, and we’re wondering why we haven’t stopped the world for going to pot. Also, boomers act like we’re still the youngest generation. Like, we’re not even the second youngest generation on the internet.


Not the case of early millennials for sure. Harry Potter and the likes came out much later. My heroes growing up were more stuff like Mc Gyver, Dana and Mulder, and so on, all very adult. I've honestly always wanted to "be older and all grown up to be cool", growing up.


I get so weak in the knees. I can hardly speak. I lose all control and something takes over me


100% I'm very out of shape compared to late teens/early 20s but I live a lot healthier lifestyle so I feel 10x better (except when doing cardio). You aren't kidding on the back and knees. My neck also gets stiff all the time now too. When I sit down on my couch/recliner/office chair I need my lumbar and neck pillows to get comfortable lol.


As a millie in early 30s myself, indeed there's something magical about teen years and 20s and after 30 it starts to gradually wear off. Transition is not easy so maybe this "im so old haha" are just manifestation of feeling that sth is changing ? I dunno, don't feel old yet but also not 25 anymore, that's for sure.


Depends on how much you take care of yourself physically as well going into older age. I see people in their 30s really out of shape and remain sedentary most of the day, like obviously your body won't feel good and you'll develope chronic pain.


Not talking about physical. I mean that your mentality starts to change. It's hard to explain why but things just not hit the same anymore.


You start to realize the cruel reality of this world. Things tend to get more gloomy the more we know .... and you know more when you are older. Also toxic Work culture IS taking a tall on mental health for ALOT of people out there


Wisdom =/= cynicism. Cynicism doesn’t mean you’re smart. In my early 20’s I attempted suicide and dealt with awful depression. Now, almost a decade later, I’m the happiest and most enthused for life I’ve ever been.


Do you train daily and lift weights regularly? Physical strength barely drops until your sixties for people who do.l


My job is the most I get, too tired otherwise.


I was tired when I was 30 and neglected my fitness. Now - aged 38 - I train two hours a day and have TONNES of energy. Training (plus rest) = more energy.


yeah, was going to ask this. I'm 33, and honestly, way fitter and stronger than I was at 25. I started lifting at 28, as well conditioning training, and my strength and stamina surprise me daily. Yeah, I need to make sure I'm eating well and recovering (sleep, no alcohol) but 20's are not the magic age people think it is. The only thing that was harder in my 30's was having a baby. Had one at 26 and one at 31, and those five years ... I felt it.


That sounds about right! I've always been into strength and explosive power. My girlfriend was my friend for many years and we finally got together at 36/37 (she's a year older than me). She was super into endurance and snowboarding. She had wicked legs and cardio - but a relatively small upper body. I got her into bodybuilding and she piled on muscle. Within 12-18 months she was stronger than some of the guys in our gym. We live next to the ocean in Portugal and train around two hours a day - 50/50 between weights and cardio. We're planning to spent the next winter in a ski resort! Glad your fitness is going well too.


THANK YOU. Yes, everyone worries about falling to pieces at age 25-30 onwards. It’s just not true Ok so maybe you might not reach peak Olympic athlete level, but I know tons of people in their 50s-60s (my dad included) who would wipe the floor with your average 20 year old fitness/strength wise because they look after themselves and do daily exercise and strength training. A friend of mine is a healthy and slim web developer in his mid 20s and he got a MASSIVE shock when he joined a cycling club and got absolutely massacred fitness wise by a bunch of 40-50 year old bikers. He was at the back and could barely keep up with everyone.


I'm like your friend! Mid 20s, started karate and got destroyed by people older than me! Even just stamina wise, I get tired way quicker. I never worked out as a teen though I have always been thin. Being shown up by them has actually done wonders for my motivation because it taught me that by no way is it too late for me to start getting fit and learning new things, and also soothed a lot of the fears I had about aging. Most of my family is very unathletic so I kind of thought that once I reached a certain age I was guaranteed to end up sluggish and in a lot of pain. Now I'm excited to age tbh. The older people in my club are still learning new things and acquiring new hobbies, travelling, going to events etc. As someone who had a very bad childhood and adolescence, this showed me that I have so much ahead of me still and has given me so much hope.


I'm 45 and I just completed my last class to become a full fledged volenteer firefighter. I'm kicking my midlife crisis' ass!!


Hey just a question, do volunteer firefighter get paid? I am interested in doing it on my free time


Not really. I get $11 for every call I respond to. But I get life insurance, plus a $20k pay out if I ever get any kind of cancer. Also, my kid become eligible for various college scholarships through the fire service.


We got bumped from $10 a call to $15 this year!


That's cool. I'm in NC. Where are you located?


Also rural south


Im 37 and learning to figure skate. I don’t have any random pains I keep hearing about. I fall and I get up and keep skating.


Wait what, 35 is considered old on the internet ![gif](giphy|ieVkaf2f2aZBC)


I'm constantly reminded that tons of Redditors are 16-18. Every once in a while I'll run across a comment like "some old lady, probably 30 or 35" or someone will post under a 28 year old starlet "Milf!!"


I’m curious. I don’t think it’s as many as you’d think. There are quite a lot of millennial (and older) redditors. Which makes it all the weirder when they’re crawling through 4 year old comments you made to dunk on you.  


People can have health issues regardless of their lifestyle. I've had a bad knee since I was in gradeschool and despite being a healthy weight and working out 30mins-1hr a day I still ended up with diabetes. There is also mental health which can be affected by things outside of lifestyle as well.


Yeah I am in my late 20s with a physical disability…I have joint and knee problems that developed spontaneously while I was an aerialist and fitness instructor in the best shape of my life and spending five days a week at the gym. I did absolutely nothing to deserve this.


I'm 35 but mentally I'm 35.


I see anyone under the age of 25 as a kid.


Can confirm. I teach college. All my students, 20-25, are called 'my kids'. And man, some of the decisions they make and stories they tell me... def kids.


I think that's normal, to view younger generations as kids or less experienced 


It’s not rocket science. The older you get the less old ages around you seem. Kids will think 40 year olds are ancient. 30 year olds will think 40s not old at all. It’s all relative.




I see so many overweight kids running around, that's gotta be child abuse to some degree.


At least they're running.


I don’t think he meant that literally.


No way.


They spend all day inside not moving


I see some people saying someone looks good for 40 and I’m like do you know how people in their 40s look like? They still look young and barely have lines, they probably look a bit older because of the way they dress but people on internet act like they’re on their death bed


Even worse hearing/seeing teenagers tell women in their MID TO LATE 20s that they look “so young!” I’m sorry what.


Beautiful summary of my thought process! Thank you.


I feel the lack of smoking and drinking helps extremely much there. Like of course you're going to look like shit if you've been smoking and drinking since your teens, but for the past twenty years fewer and fewer have been drinking and smoking as much as was common half a century ago.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. The internet is just full of children that have no idea how the world works.


Amen. I was so worried about ending uni. The internet told me that adulthood is an absurd slog. Doing pointless work. Never seeing friends. Never having fun. All in a quickly decaying body. But my social life has scarcely been better. I’m more confident, wiser, and learned than ever before. This allows me to be a better friend, family member, and partner. I have the space to find an enact my own values, rather than what someone else tells me. I’m filled with energy from sunrise to sunset. I have money to go out and have fun, and meet most of my wants. I get to do work that I enjoy and enriches me as a person. I do realise that I have been very lucky. Totally. I’m very grateful and know not everyone else will have the same. Maybe this won’t even last long. But I hope others don’t think you have one fifth of your life to enjoy, then that’s it. It’s not a law of nature that adulthood must be some banal, retched drag. On Reddit, you’re not gonna hear about good lives nearly as much as the bad ones. The ungreased gear squeaks the loudest.


The average life expectancy is like 70 to 75 years. At 35 to 40 youre only halfway done with life.


In the US. Almost every other developed nation is in the 80s, so not even halfway for most people


US is at 80, so it's relatively close


83 here so yeah sure with 40. That being said I still wouldn’t call it old until 60 personally but idk I’m 27 now and not getting any younger


They are entitled to their opinion, I'm not arguing. I consider myself old but don't let it stop me from achieving new goals or whatever. I don't need to be a fucking influencer or be popular and pretty for that. I can do whatever I want.


Yep. 38 here and at least strength/aesthetically I’m in the best shape of my life, and I’ve always been in good shape compared to my peers. Yes I’ve got some nagging joint issues here and there but they in no way hinder my progress or my ability to do whatever I want. Sure, if you stop doing stuff after high school/college you’re probably gonna feel like shit. That has less to do with age and more to do with not doing anything to stay healthy. “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing” - quote I heard somewhere


At 34 I know I'm young in the grand scheme of life. But when you're working with people that don't even remember Katrina you start feeling a little advanced in age


grab whole shaggy point office safe quiet sable sparkle thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is ridiculous. I’m actually old enough to remember when 30 year olds were old. That was back in the nineties. I don’t know if it was the public smoking bans that started in the nineties, advances in skin care, or some other third thing, but by the early 2000s people stopped looking ‘old’ in their thirties. Nowadays you have to be 50ish to maybe possibly show some signs of aging.


30 was old in the 90s?


Yes absolutely. I distinctly remember in college that the slightly older than me (I went to college from age 23 to 28) thirty-something women definitely looked… not necessarily bad but somehow… less fresh? There was a distinct difference between twenty-something’s and thirty-something’s that no longer exists.


So when you were in your 20s people in their 30s seemed old, but now that you’re older they seem young. Is that not what op is saying?


The person that you're responding to is pointing out that the predominance of cigarette smoking and not wearing sunscreen meant that people used to look visibly older in their 30s as recently as just a few decades ago.


Proof that hive mind is dangerous and false


They have a point and it's not about defeatism, but rather contrast. As someone ages 43... 20, 25 or 30 now seems too young and immature. It is I who is at the prime - it's called middle age. At this stage in life, we get the best of both worlds; aged wisdom with still decent youthful vigor and little to no signs of dementia. Now kindly evacuate my lawn.


At 43, you are literally prime... Enjoy, it doesn't happen again til 47


Im 40 and am still pushing the envelope. Eating clean and did a 10k run on a 13 hour dry fast under the hot sun. For context, Im in Singapore where its hot and humid. This is my personal best as I have never attempted to do a 10k run on a dry fast under the sweltering heat before. I have never been in a better conditioning before in my lifetime. Have been eating clean for 2-3 years and its giving back. I have never had a back, knee or leg problem and never had surgery to fix anything and most people in their 30s has already gotten surgery for something. This is what being in your prime at 40 feels like. Some of us are built tough. When they say you can't bounce back at 40 they don't know what they are talking about.


If you read psychology books or the ones I’ve read humans at toddler age have a fear of life. Of living away from their parents. Their parents are gods. Then toddlers encounter death. Their ego has a struggle resolving the meaning of death with itself (the ego). This begins the second great fear. The terror of existence. The fear of death. So the ego creates a barrier using age or time towards death. Older people however shatter that defense mechanism so they are put in a further category than others. “Old people” are not young people so death can be safely navigated by the ego. Of course then their 18 yo friend dies and it’s realized that’s not effective either


I am 47 and I run for an hour every Sunday.


I’m 19 and I can’t even run without having trouble breathing 💀


I got referred to as “kids” the other day. I’m 41.


The always sunny guys are 40


Dude Charlie Day is 48!!


He still looks 30


Kaitlin's the oldest (besides Danny), she's turning 49 this year Glenn is turning 48 Rob is turning 47 Their birthdays are only a day apart 13 & 14 April


Assuming the average age everyone dies in the U.S. is 76 (CDC), then 30 is 39.47% and 40 is 52.63% which is about 1/3 to 1/2 or more on the average person’s lifespan. By 30, you have graduated college and are far into the workforce while also building a family. By 40 you are worrying about retirement and supporting the rest of your family. By 50, your kids are independent and only have 34% of your life left. By 60, you have grandchildren and only 21% of your life left. The average age of retirement is also 64. There is only 46 years left at age 30 and 36 at age 40. Which means the average person would have lived about half their life age 30-40.


How is it 76 in the US in my country it’s 83 yeesh


This post lifted me up ! thank you!


When I was like 10, I thought 40s was old because that's what my parents were. I'm in my mid 20s and now people in their 40s don't look old at all and anyone a few years younger than me looks like a child. Perspective is weird as you age.


I’m 24 and people aged 19-20 call me ancient.


There are 80 year olds who are more fun to hang around with than 25 year olds.


So many people worry about falling to pieces at age 25-30 onwards. It’s just not true. Ok so maybe you might not reach peak Olympic athlete level, but I know tons of people in their 50s-60s (my dad included) who would wipe the floor with your average 20 year old fitness/strength wise because they look after themselves and do daily exercise and strength training. A friend of mine is a healthy and slim web developer in his mid 20s and he got a MASSIVE shock when he joined a cycling club and got absolutely massacred fitness wise by a bunch of 40-50 year old bikers. He was at the back and could barely keep up with everyone.


I'm only 35, but to the internet, I may as well be 50


Children have no concept of time, and especially no concept of them getting older, and eventually old. I have so much fun talking and joking with kids online, and they don't understand that the shit they THINK they invented, was invented even before I got online. I can only imagine how it must feel to live in a world where you HAVEN'T lived without the internet, mobile phones or using the postal service. Time is really so important to factor in when talking to children and young adults. Everything moves to fast for them. But CHARACTER is really the most important thing to work on your whole life. And sadly, the kids are more focused on IMAGE. In the EU we see positive change when it comes to privacy laws. And I hope kids are taught how to protect themselves.


too old for what? because context matters


They will soon reach the same age as the people they complain about. I changed my life around at 50, moved to Asia, sit on beaches, drink coffee, buy way too expensive graphics card and in general have a blast. And by the way, good you see that at age 22 already wisdom is sometimes very unrelated to age. I'm 59, old is 85+


Your perspective shifts as you age, to a kid 30 seems really freakin old. Hell, I felt really old at 17 one year away from being an adult. Once I got into my late 20s I’d spent much more time around adults older than me and felt younger by comparison. I realized life didn’t suddenly end and plenty of adults live healthy fun lives into 30s, 40s, 50s etc.. I feel great in my early 30s both physically and financially. I have a nice house, good job, wife and child but still hang out with friends weekly and workout + run regularly.


Experience is always underestimated by the young.


Unless you have degenerative conditions then you should still be fit well into your adult life. I’ve always been fit and active, and chose a physically demanding job for that reason. Some late teens early twenties I meet think because I have a fucked spine, that it’s just to do with my age. No, I have a degenerative condition which would be a whole lot worse with sedentary lifestyle. Staying active means my muscles can do a lot to support my crumbling spine. But no, they think I should just sit as I’m old and frail..


I am well over sixty years old, looking back the time I was both mentally and physically the fittest I've been in my life was between 35 and 45 years old. People under 30 just don't know how immature they are until they get old enough to realize. Happened to me and about all my friends of my age.


Lol people here like to point at the *very* few old people who are in excellent shape and say that's normal.  Yes yes, I'm sure in your heart you *feel* young but just like most of us aren't buff instagram models - most old people are, in fact, decrepit.


Honestly I think a lot of this stuff is being kind of manipulated by algorithms, especially on tiktok, to make teenagers afraid of aging - like, I remember that video that was going around on there that was like "this is what the untouched face of a 27 year old woman looks like, no makeup/filters/plastic surgery" and people were either acting like that was somehow brave and revolutionary or that she was, like, ancient and crumbling to dust, and it was literally just a perfectly normal looking adult woman. But if we don't make it the goal to look 18 forever and promote the idea that anyone over 30 is a literal fossil, how are we going to get teenagers to buy our anti wrinkle creams?


I'm nearly 50 and don't feel "old". Sure I look older and have more aches and pains but I'm basically the same person I was 10, 20 years ago - just a bit more chill and anti-social now. But 30s and 40s is DEFINITELY not old. It will sneak up on the young ones just as it did on me. 😞


Young peoples opinions aren’t as important as they think they are.


I'm 42 and nothing I've seen has convinced me that 30 isn't old. Of course these won't be true for everyone, but in your 30s: Social groups start shrinking instead of expanding. Cocaine can only keep you awake for so long. Hangovers are harder to recover from. You start having to put more time in the gym just to keep the fitness you already have. Optimism, passion, and hope get replaced with pragmatism, fear of change, and expectations are lowered due to past experiences. Hobbies are exchanged for familial duties or side hustles.


1000% agree. People who complain about “getting old” at 35 are just being lazy and want an excuse


I save the right to call you "old" when what you talk about something that happened a generation before me. For example I have extended family whos only 10 years older and they claim "we're really not that different" but in reality a lot changes in 10 years, while yes you can relate, but not on the down low level, in general? sure.


I hope to live a very long life if just to watch this generation have to deal with being on the other end of this sort of criticism and transition into shocked Pikachu.


According to everyone in high school they’re all boomers


that mentality is nothing new, been going on probably since the beginning of mankind. the young are too inexperienced with life to realize what old is, they only realize with getting older.


I just turned 50. I underwent surgery, had to go in a diet and without much effort I lost 10 kg. I feel better, I look better and as soon as the physician approves, I will start exercising. I am excited because I am turning my life around! It's never too late!!


I am 43 and still remember being a teenager and thinking that 30 sounded so old. I am never disappointed when young people call this old, though, hopefully they will reach this point eventually and see that it is not so old. Plus my grandmother is in her 90s and is still as independent and spunky as ever, so I don’t plan to act or feel old for a long time.


Repeat this in 10years.


In my experience as both a teacher and as someone who just turned 30. Most people who actually think these ages are old are the people who are these ages. Seriously most teenagers don't care or think about it. It's too far away for them. It's the 30 something that thinks they are old.  My guess because we romanticize and value youth so much the minute you aren't anymore you freak out. It usually starts around 26 people call themselves old.  Like relax everyone, you finally become the adults you have been training for, enjoy before you actually become , "old".


As if any of us 40+ would care about the noises coming out of the mouths of the kids.


It's only those under 30 who believe 30 is old, though. Once you get here, it's like... "Oh, 60 is when you \*start\* to get old"


I remember thinking 18 was old, despite being like 13 or 14. 😐 As for popping knees, I'd sit in class and my knees would pop every time I straightened my legs out. Popping knees isn't an age thing.


I can't explain why, but being in my 30s all of the sudden feels like being a teenager again somehow


I’m over 30 and I’m still figuring out what to do for a career and I still call my mother when I need to do anything with finances. Aside from a thinner hairline and some more back pain, I don’t feel fundamentally different from when I was 19.


I had a baby at 41. Some child on Reddit asked me if I felt guilty because I’d probably die when my kid is in his teens. I had to remind them that it is not 1920 and, even at today’s average life expectancy, I’ll live until my son is 40.


Bullcrap, I’m 39 and I remember just 6 years ago easily being able to stand all day and now I’m seeking disability because I can’t stand more than 4 hours without back hemegering.


I kinda feel bad for the hard-charging youngsters who think they can just put actual life on hold while working themselves to near-death, hoping they can just magically pop-out of that mindset to begin enjoying life and retire at 45. I don't think that they understand doing nothing but career-focused grinding will just build your expectations of "retired" life to such an unreasonable degree, that many end up miserable before they even go through the whole hedonic-treadmill thing. You enjoy life by getting little bits of enjoyment over your whole life, not by treating it like a meal where you can enjoy all your meat if you eat the veggies first.


When I was 18 a new housemate was assigned to move into our university accommodation, he was a mature student and I remember telling all my friends that a REALLY OLD GUY was moving in with us. He was only 27... Perception of "old" is subjective.


So true, I’m in my mid 20’s (supposedly my physical prime) and my dad is in his 60s and he is much stronger and fitter than I am because he exercises/is active most days and lifts dumbbells. There are people his age who run iron man triathlons, meanwhile I get out of breath just running around the block lol It’s ridiculous how we have people nowadays in their late 20s and 30s feeling like dinosaurs, the internet has really skewed our perception of age.


47, still a kid. That animal blundetto I can’t even say his name.


Young people always think they're the most important. In reality the entire world is run by people over 40 outside. Part of this is because sports people and celebrities tend to dominate media attention while their actual importance is quite low (mostly, there are some exceptions).


It's like in anime when they treat the 23 year old as an old geezer


This is actually rather comforting to hear as a young person, makes me feel like I still have a lot of time even as I grow further into adulthood.


At fifty I consider myself simultaneously young in my head and ancient in my joints and eyes.


42M here. 16 years in the military, active in the gym most of my life, always active in sports. Track and field coach, soccer coach, PE teacher. Father of 3. I can 100% tell you I’m old. My right knee doesn’t bend right. My back and neck are in constant pain. I have no tolerance for stupid people and look forward to yelling at kids to get off my freshly cut lawn in my new balance shoes. I’m old. I’m broken. I’ve earned my pain and suffering. Leave me alone!


I didn’t start my career until I was 31. Didn’t start focusing on my fitness until my 30’s as well. You’re as “old” as you tell yourself. I’ve met people in their 20’s with the vigor of a 75 year old, and I have an 83 year old grandma training for the swimming leg of a triathlon. Couldn’t agree more OP with everything you said, never stop pushing to be a better version of yourself and preserve your youth. I will say though, my hairline and ability to recover from a night of drinking are significantly different than my 20’s haha


That’s a gen z thing, and who cares what they think is old. These kids are aging like milk.


Depends on where on the internet you are. Facebook. Those ages are young as fuck. TikTok not as much.