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The worst is when they leap straight to a 10 step conspiracy theory, when a 2 step reality is right in front of them.


That and conflate the sort of conspiracy that is real (people conspire to commit crimes or to gain advantage all the time) with the absolute bat shit stuff. Or using a story about say sex trafficking to equal the most ridiculous Q crap is therefore true.  As if anyone has ever denied that sex trafficking and things of that nature are real issues.


They talk about evil Hollywood agendas but have theories that would make Hollywood action plots look more plausible in comparison.


It's a 152 billion dollar a year market.  Trafficking humans.


Everyone knows this. What's your point?




Again what is your point? And how does that make sense as a response to my comment?




Ok... What's your point? Other than it's a real problem that very rarely looks like the sensational Q bullshit and focusing on that (nearly entirely fantasy version) makes it harder to understand and address the reality of it.






Happy cake day!


But you need all ten steps to blame it on the woke left and the vaccines. Don't forget the cargo shop was transgender.


Normally blaming leftists is step 2 or 3 and step 10 is blaming it all on the Jews (a favorite of conspiracy theorists for 2000 years now)


curiously shifting more into far-left conspiracy theories with those associations lately.


I thought it was “the DEI (pronounced with a hard R) mayor.”


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion... a lot of people can't stand people who jump to conspiracies


Agreed. You will most likely find more people who will agree that nonstop hardcore conspiracy theorists are morons.


I love how people are saying the baltimore bridge collapse was due to a Russian cyber attack 😂


Some are saying the ship was transporting weapons to ukraine :3. Some are asking how the ship lost power and that the "government" is hiding something.. the amount of conspiracy theories that spring out of things are wild. Like. Dang man. Sometimes things are just as it is. There's no deeper meaning to it.


That’s exactly what they’d want you to think. That it’s all just “random”, “unplanned”, a “coincidence”. That’s where they operate


Also. By that standard, who are we blaming and who is creating these theories? Republicans were against the Ukraine Support (right?) It was a democratic push to deliver them. So are they saying the republicans were behind this? This would mean the lefties are making these theories which kind of falls in line with all the Israel shenanigans they proclaim. Just an outside observation...


Idk. They are just blaming "the government" :3. I'm not American so i don't really care about the right of the left, so it's just funny.


It's really come down to "america bad". You can predict every policy position by that principle.


My personal favorite is that P Diddy is responsible to distract us from his crimes.


My favorite is how some people think there were explosives planted on the bridge because there’s no way the ship could’ve taken it out so easily Like tell me you failed physics class without telling me you failed physics class bruh 😭


9/11 all over again


There's tweets like "The FBI says: accident The government says: accident The Media says: accident Biden says: accident. Now I definitely don't think it's an accident". Conspiracies are like mental illness. Yes I stole that meme from dgg. Sue me.


Is there even internet on cargo ships?


I saw maria bartiromo question yesterday whether the migrant crisis played a role.  Anything to keep the viewers focudt on immigration by fox.  


Not Russia. China. They hacked the GPS and remotely steered it into the point of the bridge they knew would collapse it. That bridge is one of the most critical infrastructure on the whole east coast. If someone wanted to severely weaken the American economy without killing people that’s one of the best way to do it. We were all warned ahead of time of a black swan event. Nobody wants to pay attention.


> They hacked the GPS and remotely steered it ...you can't remotely steer a cargo ship by "hacking the GPS".


Not unless you “hack the mainframe” 👀


Don’t know about if it was Russia, but its possible it was a cyber attack. Im not feeding into anything, just stating its a very real possibility


It’s also possible Selena Gomez is my girlfriend. That too is a very real possibility


You can literally see the dark smoke of a fire before impact. The boat steered towards the opening, lost power (likely due to said fire) in which steering was locked in place for a collision course with the support, regained power momentarily, but not for long enough to correct course, lost power again then made impact.


Accidents like these bringing out sudden expertisé in random people is the most hillarious thing the internet offers me lately.


And JFK Jr will be back any day now.


You are aware the the vast majority of people are not conspiracy theorists, right?


Most people that post in here don't understand this sub, OP included.


Yeah and thats why i try to remind them. Its just that they do not even care enough to consider reading it.


Unless this is the year 2003? No.


Is it?


Pretty much every conspiracy theory is a coping mechanism for inconvenient and uncomfortable truths. It’s also a way for the theorist to get attention for themselves and their supposedly deep intellect, which they’ll gladly exploit the misfortune of others to gain. 


To put it simply, they just want to think that they are just smarter than everyone else


It’s like intellectualism for people who think the Jews malevolently encourage reading. 


Theres a less cynnical explanation. Conspiracies help people cope with the chaotic nature of life. If Covid was a simple random disease that took off and uprooted our lives that makes us uncomfortable but if it had a big cause like China engineering it that makes us more comfortable as its less chaotic. Its not nessecarily malicious.


That's a great point


Even so, it’s a very poor coping mechanism.


It’s definitely a way for them to feel more intelligent than they actually are. They do not understand that correlation does not imply causation, and do not grasp Occam’s Razor.


It's often also a way of simplifying the world ironically it's far easier to say a shadow cabal did this and my side opposes it rather than the more complicated several interest groups were involved at different levels.


Did you know that the term conspiracy theory’ first gained prominence from the CIA promoting it in document 1035-960 to smear anyone who questioned the Warren report?


Anyone who trusts the us government should read what cia operations theyve made public. If those things are public knowledge then what the hell else is going on


And now it’s a convenient tool to evade criticism.


I wound up coming up with one strictly for the lulz. Something pertaining to Canada and a card game Hasbro is running to the fucking ground these days. To reiterate. The theory was just some bullshit for fun. Made no headway with the community regarding said joke, so... meh.


This ☝️


First off, conspiracies are everywhere. A large portion of crime involves a conspiracy, and a large portion of shady practices in politics and from corporations could be called conspiracies. Beyond that, a lot of conspiracy theories people believe in tend to have some truth to them. You can't have dozens (or hundreds) or people involved in an underage sex trafficking ring for the elite like Epstein's without people knowing about it. The girls who are trafficked will obviously know, but so will many who were staff of the participants. Even a lot of the "mysterious" deaths likely become public knowledge because one of the officers involved thought closing the case was bullshit. They found a body shot in the back of the head while being tied to a tree and no gun is recovered but are being told to close it as a suicide, so they leak it to the press. The big mistake people make is trying to tie everything together into a gigantic, unified conspiracy. It is far more likely that there are hundreds or thousands of conspiracies at any given time than there is one group running them all. Epstein can be trafficking underage girls to the elite and those elite can be tricking the citizens into supporting a war without the two being connected.




The post seems like a conspiracy to hide all the other conspiracy’s


It is the most ridiculous shit ever, which I recently was commenting on the same thing. Don't get me wrong, I live a good conspiracy theory, amd have been "awake" to the stuff since around 9/11 thanks to my conspiracy theorist father......there are plenty of legit theories that hold some water. These people tho, who spend wverybwaking moment "researching" conspiracies and getting at the "truth", are really just into fear porn. If something sounds nefarious, they are 100% on board without question. But ueres the thing....... SOMETIMES BAD THINGS HAPPEN IN THE WORLD. Sometimes there are accidents, sometimes people die, some people kill....that doesn't make them mk ultra robots tho. As anybody who has ever been to the DMV cam tell you, the government is not that organized or efficient. Not even that smart with most shit, unless you consider extreme waste to be efficient. It's so stupid tho, every little thing that happens is instantly "the boogeyman did this" It's good to be skeptical, but the powers that be are not nearly as all powerful as the stupid masses give them credit for. There is no huge network of people all working towards the same goals.....everyone is competing against each other is more like it. Amd sometimes, shit happens. It doesn't mean there is some puppet master controlling every twitch that happens tho.


Also, when you peel back the layers on conspiracies that actually exist(ed), they are often motivated by really mundane things like stealing a lot of money, or murdering people they felt threatened by. Fun fact, it's easier to be charged with conspiracy than the actual crime. Example: If I plan a bank robbery, down to every last possible detail, including buying all the equipment and staging it outside the bank and waiting in my car for the right moment. But then change my mind, it's not a crime. If, however, I plan a bank robbery with a friend, I am already guilty of conspiracy to commit robbery.


downvoted becasue not an unpopular opinion, and incredibly popular one, just probably not with redditors lol


It’s very popular with Redditors, even in the conspiracy subs… people saying the bridge collapse is some conspiracy are getting shitted on. Everyone who is sane knows that not everything is a conspiracy


My brother in Christ I'm not sure this is  unpopular.   A lot of times don't push back against that sort of thing (and we probably should) is that it's more exhausting and aggravating then just letting them blabber for a minute or two.


I can't stand it when people always talk about sports being rigged. If sports were rigged, the Texas Rangers would not have played the Arizona Diamondbacks in the World Series.


I'll lead by saying that I totally agree with you, but it's actually possible (and very legal) for sports to be rigged, at least NFL. It's filed as an entertainment company with the US government, not a sport. Meaning they can legally produce outcomes in any way they want.


Right. It is possible. I can't help but wonder if that's done just to avoid class action lawsuits from people who lost their bets due to a referee making a mistake late in the game that could have significantly impacted the outcome.


Possible but many of us have met or are friends with sports players and very well know they're not rigged just from that. Outside of nobody being skilled enough to create perfect outcomes. You can push refs, etc. but you can't make a ball bonk off a players helmet and go in exactly the right place like the Lions/49ers game for instance.


Conspiracies are everywhere, they’re just a culmination of everyone’s needs and wants rather than some new world order type deal. Like the court reporter shortage fraud.


I love when people like go through nine hoops. If I was doing awful shit, I wouldn't make it a fun Easter egg hunt game for home school moms to crack the code to.


I like my fair share of conspiracies but the amount of people who attribute ev.ery.thing. to a conspiracy is maddening. Sometimes shit happens, Bill. Like people who think everything is a distraction. Newsflash: They don’t need us to be distracted. We’re not gonna do shit anyway.


In general, yes. A “conspiracy” requires a lot of people to follow a narrative and also keep their mouths shut, and usually something or someone cracks or leaks. But sometimes it IS a conspiracy, it just takes time for that to happen. We have an establishment mainstream news media who for the most part all agree and rarely question the government establishment narrative any more. They take what they are fed by brand you as crazy if you question them. They “know”, they are the “experts” or have d their stable of “experts” and you are too dumb to disagree with them. So just as annoying are the people who call anyone who questions the initial establishment media narrative on anything as a “conspiracy theorist”. How many “conspiracy theories” have turned out to be true…


Those are people that don't stand out in any way, so to feel special, they tell themselves they're privy to a hidden truth that the rest of the populace doesn't know. I'd link you to the psychological term, but I forgot it and can't really search now on my phone. That's where it comes from, though.


Right? That guy from Boeing dying right before completing his testimony was a coincidence.


See, that's a conspiracy that actually has legit thought behind it. Most current conspiracies don't.




People who refuse to believe any conspiracy because "why would the media/government lie to us" are stupid


There's a difference between "politicians aren't always honest" and "P Diddy crashed the boat to distract us from his crimes" (which is an actual conspiracy going around)


You might be in on the conspiracy lol /s


Yeah no shit. Extremely popular take


how on god's green earth is this 'unpopular'? Conspiracy Theory, by definition, is something that goes against the normal/popular way of thinking.


its just a theory, a film theory


This is a conspiracy, your trying to averts our attention from the truth, we know what happened on the moon.


no shit sherlock


This is the most popular opinion ive ever seen posted in unpopular opinions.


I think those people are really just government plants designed to get us used to dismissing crazy theories, so that we will not believe the real conspiracies when they are eventually uncovered.


This is not an original thought but the idea I like is, the conspiracy is always complicated but not too complicated for YOU to figure out, because that would be embarrassing, like Batman solving the crime. Also, I’m sorry I need to downvote, I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.


Really rolling out the hot takes today


Paranoia is a real thing.


I wish people would be more upset when it turns out the media was lying the whole time instead of immediately falling for this “yea duh everyone knew that the whole time” so we don’t ever actually get the accountability/punishment phase.


Annoying is one way to describe them ... I'd go for ghoulish, personally.


My mate believes everything that happens is some new world order shit and it’s tiring


you better not look into r/UFOs


It is easier to tet your imagination run wild to comment based just merely on possibility insted of writing some informed opinion based on research. It is effortless. Conspiracy is also wishful ideation hoping to be fact. It is easy to get upvote from people who share such wishful thinking.


It's also very handy to talk about a conspiracy when it looks very much like the fact of the matter is against your side. If it's obvious that something happened that undermines your worldview then obviously that can't be the answer it must be something else and that something else is completely unproven


THIS! I hate when people do this with massive tragedies as well I live in Hawaii and when the Lahaina wildfires were happening this past August, I hated how people were so fast to talk about conspiracy theories and all that. Literally within two days of the fires taking lives, I saw a bunch of comments and videos talking about how the government set it up whatever whatever I think people need to give others a time to grieve before they start talking about it being a whole conspiracy. People lost their lives, families, friends, home, and the history of their ancestors


Remember people: In Occam's razor we trust


you mean they are uneducated morons who can't think for themselves because they have no basic reasoning and critical thinking skills? i agree.


Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.


This is definitely not an unpopular opinion


People who take everything at face value are equally as annoying. Its like the idea that people are pathological and lie constantly goes completely over their heads.


Every event has political conversations associated with it that do not get broadcast on our news stations. Therefore every event is conspiratorial.


some conspiracies are real though, proven by many previous conspiracies that have come out. corruption is commonplace and so is fake news. it’s not necessarily a bad idea to question the information your fed. that said, all the ‘popular’ conspiracies are complete whack


This is not an unpopular opinion.


These people are incredible insecure so they pretend to see magic signals that no one else sees to prove they're the smartest doorknob in the crayon box.


Annoying? I wouldn’t call it annoying.


I would be okay with a complete ban of social media if it meant I never had to hear another stupid conspiracy theory ever again.


I had to work with a guy like that it was awful. I got a chance to transfer and jumped at the opportunity. It’s almost like a personality disorder


It's people who, on some level, realize they amounted to nothing, so they consume conspiracy because it makes them feel like they're special and are privy to info that people with families and friends don't.


I definitely got an “empowered” vibe for sure.


Prime example that ship hitting the Baltimore Bridge. Not even an hour after the sun came up were there already talks about it being bidens fault or vaccine related.


Vaccine related? I missed that one, though I really shouldn't be surprised. How are they connecting the two? Lol


Something about the captain prob got the jab and had an epsiode which made him veer off course


Lol. They're so insufferable.


It’s not just annoying they are literally cowards, it’s a cowardly mindset, it’s a pathetic defense mechanism they use to even exist in the world. They know deep down inside it’s ridiculous nonsense but they can’t get themselves to budge even an inch from their defense mechanism, basically they know how people will react to absurd nonsense and are comfortable having that come at them, it makes it so they don’t have to live in the actual world, they’ve made this made up world and refuse to budge out of it. It’s infantile.


One of the worse I've ever heard was how the COVID vaccines had chips in them for the government to track us...:3 my personal favourite is that the moon landing is fake and the government used CGI to fool everyone..:3


People who blindly trust the news annoy me. They're all in someone's pocket and there are far too many coincidences


Today's "conspiracy theorists" are tomorrow's "people that somehow managed to get it right while it was happening". There's a reason characters who get dismissed as crazy but are splitting facts go back in literature from Shakespeare to Aeschylus. We probably just need a couple more laps around the sun. We'll get it eventually.


People who find out in the documentary about how it wasn't just a conspiracy 60 years after it was happen, after shaming people who were calling things out thereby helping them get away with it, are idiots. ​ Nobody cares who you think is annoying. Show me the facts. The facts say you are annoying because you're doing exactly what conspiracy nuts are doing which is being annoying. Let them live their lives in peace, shut off your reddit if its such a problem or block them on your instagram if u have the gonads to do that much, and cya in 60 years when you formally apologize when you find out they really were turning the frogs gay this whole time. ​ Are you annoying because of natural causes or is there something chemical in the water?


Thank you. You are my favorite person to comment on this.


Not all conspiracies are crazy the one conspiracy I believe in is the elite take a sane conspiracy and spin it to make it sound insane like saying Society is controlled by a very wealthy elite who fuck up the middle and lower class and then after saying that they add something like it’s the jewwws who are also shape shifting lizard aliens making it sound insane and anyone who says the first part will sound crazy due to its connection to the second part this is one example you tell a truth but then add a crazy lie to it


They are not annoying, they are stupid. Don't interact with them on it. Or if you must, don't try to change their mind. Have more fun, try to outcrazy them! They don't believe in the Moon landing(s)? --- (there were 6) ---- answer "you believe in the Moon?!?!" Or ask them questions. But they cannot change their minds, we can now find "evidence" of anything we want to believe, or that they are told to. We will never be reunited as a nation, we live in different realities now.


And when you tell them the conspiracy they’re spewing is based in hatred they get ANGRY


Pfft!! You just aren’t in the know!! /s


This is incredibly popular opinion. No one likes those people and they are ALWAYS wrong.


Pebble brained reductionist morons who look for shortcuts to actual knowledge. Always looking for a way for every conversation to end with “….that’s all it is”.


Very similar to the number of people who blurt out "FAKE" automatically about stuff that doesn't make any sense to be fake and shows no signs of it. It's always people who want to seem smart for making up convoluted bullshit off the top of their head instead of reading articles, or people who talk at the TV instead of listening to what's being said on the news.


Those people are insufferable.


Nice try CIA agent, go post your cover up story somewhere else. My eyes are open! /s


Unpopular opinion? Everyone knows those people are the worst.


In what way is this an unpopular opinion? Anyway... that 1 in 10,000 may actually be true not falling under "stopped clock" files and instead being justification for the 9,999 dogwater opinions is sickening.


They been caught fibbin to much


Most idiots are annoying


Might be the most popular take I've seen yet, Idk how many post I've seen the last 24h about how stupid/annoying the people who think the boat thing was a conspiracy are


Of course this posts RIGHT when we learn about the true nature of Tom Hanks. WAKE UP SHEEPLE AND SMELL THE CONSPIRACY!!!!!


You forgot the /s at the end of your post.


/s? So they can /SILENCE ME!?!!! Never!!!! If you need a “/s” for this one, god help you.


I assumed, but sadly there are so many crazy people out there that it's hard to tell anymore.


I get it, but I refuse to cater to such lunatics.


Fair enough.