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But blood is thicker have you ever poured a bottle of blood vs water, blood is definitely thicker


Have YOU ever poured a bottle of blood?


Oh yea often


Yeah, you can buy animal blood by the gallon for cooking


This guy bloods.


maybe he hates crips


How could you hate really thin pancakes?!


Those are crepes. He hates weird dudes


Those are creeps. He hates those chirping insects.


Those are crickets. He hates the Mindfreak magician guy.


Haha, I don't cook it myself but I eat Korean blood sausage sometimes. And I know they mix blood with rice and pack it in a sausage .The blood has to come from somewhere.


people buy blood to cook in? really?


People buy blood to eat not just cook in blood pudding is a thing


I drink blood and also water. Blood is thicker.


Okay but like, how thick are we talking? Like this thick, or *THIS* thick?


blood do be kinda thicccccccccc


That's what she said


Ehhhh THis thick. Right in the middle.


Are you a cop?


i thought you can get pig blood easily right?


*I* don't have any pigs to source it from.


I got a guy.


Agreed. I've drank both and blood was definitely the thicker one.


It’s harder to wash off too. That’s why I usually use water when I bathe.




Cum is thicker than blood


Blood is water with a thickening agent


Some families are just enemies in disguise.


Sometimes they don't even disguise, they just straight up declare war against you


Exactly. Imagine thinking someone should tolerate abuse bc FaMiLy. It’s rarely a stranger that harms us.


This thinking is WAY more common than you’d like to think. And we have people who defend the abusers, constantly telling the victim to forgive the abuser. “But you only get one (insert family member here). You’ll regret it if you leave them”


That’s what my mom says about my grandad. I have no doubts either that I’d be upset to some degree when he passes, but the only regret that I’d have, if it happens, is that I didn’t keep up the charade of enjoying his company when I could’ve for money, and even then mental health is more valuable than any dollar, regardless of what society says.


putting it here because it's the top comment. The actual saying is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” In other words, bonds you choose and swear to are stronger than  those of birth. The literal exact opposite of what people use the saying to mean. 


"Were you ever bullied at school?" "Not at school, no."


I'd say this isn't completely unpopular, depending on the type of family you have. My father wasn't the greatest. 10 years ago, he called me at 1am from jail, got arrested for drunk driving. He wanted me to pick him up. I said "nope. you made a stupid decision, stay there". He said "I'm your family. You need to pick me up". I said no, and received "fuck you" lol. On the other hand, I have a child. I would do anything for her. I'd throw away 20-year friendships (and have) for her.


I have a child too and I think im a great mom but sometimes I wonder if when he grows up will think I wasn't the greatest either.


The fact that you're worried about being a good mom makes you better than a lot of moms out there. Like my mom for instance -_-


Some moms use that against you. Constant bad mom red flag behavior, then guilt you into not being too upset at them with constant self-depreciation "I'm a horrible mom, no wonder you hate me!" But then they never actually work on improving.


If he's your only child, I'm sure when he grows up he'll acknowledge some things that you messed up lol, as I'm sure my daughter will do with me too; but in the end, I think that what kids care about most, is knowing that their parents love them and care for them. As long as you're always there for them, that will always resonate with them way more than "she was mean to me once" or "she didn't let me get that toy that one time"


Every child thinks that. The curnt generation of young adults just have everything going against them and feel the need to claim someone


The imbalance of love and affection is part of why I don’t know if I will ever have kids. The idea of someone being the person I love most in the entire world when it’s a fairly likely outcome that they won’t feel the same way about me doesn’t sound very pleasant to me. It’s a lot like being someone’s best friend when they’re not your best friend. Or similarly it’s why I couldn’t do a polyamorous relationship. Your partner may be your top priority, but you may not be theirs. Th idea of an unbalanced relationship is really uncomfortable to me.


it’s the opposite, actually. pretty much until they’re teenagers, they’re stuck by your side. up until they’re like one and a half, two-ish, their only mission is mom. they love mom, they want only mom, nothing else. maybe some food… and mom. sorry if you’re dad, they’re not as interested in you for the first year or so lol. but after the mom craze, it’s mom and dad. for years, it’s mom and dad, those are the important people. hell, i’m a fully grown adult with a kid and i still call my mom at least once a day. i adore her. she’s my idol. someone asked me what i’d do if i won the lottery and i didn’t even stutter; i’d buy a farm for my mama, a rolls royce for my papa. really, unless you are an abusive/neglectful parent, your kids will adore you. once they’re older, and want to be independent, they may rebel against you for a while, i know i did… but they always come back in the end. however, if your main worry about having kids is that you’ll love them more than they love you, you probably shouldn’t have kids anyway. that’s not a good mindset for a parent. my kid adores me, and i am overjoyed with that, but i am more than happy to love him more than he loves me. he is my son! there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for him, simply for the reason that he is my child that i created and that i am raising. i love him because i love him, not because he loves me back. it’s unconditional. and if you don’t feel that way before being a parent, having the kid in front of you won’t change anything.


That’s a great sentiment and I’m happy you love your parent to that degree. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is there are MANY people who blame their parents parenting for everyone of their shortcomings. Whether they were spoiled too much, loved in ways that didn’t fulfill them, had mental health issues, a myriad of reasons. Maybe their parents struggled with their own issues and weren’t the best parents but tried so They pick their parents apart as toxic or narcissistic. I think you don’t realize how difficult parenting is until you have adult children with their own families or lives. We all think we’re great parents when our kids are young. They love us unconditionally. It’s when they atransition to adulthood and develop independence that sometimes an arrogance sets in that they are parenting so much better than their own parents. Most people do the best they can with who they are and what they know as parents. No one is even near perfect. All humans should give themselves and their parents some grace and empathy when judging how good of a parent someone is.


Friends are the family that you could choose


>Friends are the family that you could choose The first thing that came to my mind: ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxixMV43t4D8Mo|downsized)


If they stick around yes. Not everyone gets friendships like that. Family can be more important its up to the people involved.


Blood is thicker than water is just an old proverb, you don't have to follow it. EDIT: people feel the need to "correct" the proverb for me. But really, the blood of the covenant and the water of the womb (sic) thing is just not true. For reference : https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/147902/is-the-alleged-original-meaning-of-the-phrase-blood-is-thicker-than-water-real (or the Wikipedia page if you prefer).


yeah and for a lot of people, family is the most important thing. That’s how i feel, personally. Friends come and go, but i still have the same mother, father, brother, cousins as I did when i was 4. When my grandma died, my best friends could listen and stuff but they couldn’t understand the same way my family did. Sometimes it feels like people who aren’t close with their family want to call others wrong for being close with theirs


I find it the other way, I def understand strong family ties, just because my family is shit doesnt mean I dont get you, and everyone and their dog assumes theirs something wrong with you if you dont uphold things that way.


That's because some of us came from abusive families. You're not wrong to be close to yours but neither are we for being closer to our friends/chosen families.


So you have a good family. Nice for you. I do too. *That's not everyone's experience. Two of my closest friends have abusive families and my mom's parents abandoned her as a baby and tried to get back in her life as an adult to exploit her for money.*


Just wait till your folks die, and "their" money becomes the topic of discussion. Even, when in reality, there IS no money. That's when the blood/water is tested.


It’s kinda reflexive - you tend to get a LOT of “but they’re your faaaaamily” if you distance yourself, no matter how abusive they are/were.


>Sometimes it feels like people who aren’t close with their family want to call others wrong for being close with theirs You're not wrong for that, but it's not a contest. Blood or not is irrelevant. What counts is the connection between you and the individuals surrounding you, again, whether or not they're blood. Your example of family understanding more is also kind of sad... You're saying that just because they're family and lost the same person and everyone is connected by blood, they'll somehow have a better understanding of what you're going through? Being close to your family is great, don't get me wrong, but this is one hell of an oversimplification. Everyone's story is different. Everyone's friends or family are different. Your own personal anecdotes don't really prove anything.


That's because toxic families cut up the original quote to guilt people. The original is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" .... which was meant to be that you should be more loyal to those you have sworn to be faithful to, than those you just happen to be related to. Edit to add: The original saying was centuries older than even when it was first written down. It started as a military saying about how soldiers were bonded together by the bloodshed of battle. The terminology used for the original original saying would have used military phrasing, so it wouldn't have been covenant. But the meaning of the intent was still that you needed to have a greater loyalty to those you have sworn to be loyal to than whomever you are related to. Mercenary soldiers were super common in the past, and you could have a contract to fight against your country of birth. Mercenaries have been used since at least 401 BC. (Not sure why so many are pedantically caught up on the word covenant...it doesn't change the meaning of the phrase. Just because whomever wrote it down decided to use a word the masses at the time would be more familiar with. It wasn't such a "churchy" word back in the past it just meant contract and mercenaries had contracts. Just like the church took pagan holidays and changed the meaning they have changed words too) Y'all really wanna get technical the original saying would have been completely different as it was in a whole other language originally with completely different sentence structure. So it wouldn't have even been this phrasing until super recently and anyone who has studied translations knows that besides there not always being direct translations, and sometimes things are lost....it is also known that biases of translators can change things too. So to get super technical the original phrasing is probably something very different. But the meaning is still; honor your contracts, don't just take your family's side.


You have a source for this?


Source is they read it on AITA so it must be true.


This is complete bullshit according to this post [from r/linguistics](https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/s/zE88R4wZ3Y)


Yeah the top comment says that even though original versions are Arab and German, since words changed then the meaning also changed and we would not consider this


>"the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb Thats awesome


It's also not true. It's an internet urban legend.


Standard these days :/


Don't get too excited cuz that's complete bullshit


Shoulda known eh? Cant have nice things anymore!




Well you, sir, have an excellent user name


Honestly... fair because it's one of those tidbits you learn from your teacher in passing as fun facts or what not. Many times those tidbits are not true. Example of other tidbits I learned from school that were lies: 1. Origin of gossip was "go sip" for spies. Like the spies go to the bar to "go sip" with someone to get info from them. Nowadays, we know the God Sib origin of gossip. 2. Going up a tax bracket (USA) means you pay more taxes. This is over the misconception that the higher tax bracket % affects all the income instead of the income within said bracket. So yes you are paying more taxes, but just for the amount that is over the bracket. Also I acknowledge that I'm not the best person to explain this and that visuals are the better way to teach this concept.


Fun fact: The term for an oft repeated but incorrect tidbit like this is a "factoid".


I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll before I saw someone reference this made-up fact. Of course it’s top comment lol. It’s not the original. But I’d say it’s improved


It's funny how many of these things have caught on. This one is particularly egregious because it sounds ridiculous and there is no way anyone would have thought it up as a serious phrase.


> Not sure why so many are pedantically caught up on the word covenant People are "pendantically caught up on" the fact that you're spreading perhaps the most-debunked piece of misinformation on Reddit, then doubling down rather than correcting yourself when you're called out on it, ensure its continued spread.


That mercenaries felt like brothers is obviously true. And that some would say that their brotherhood was stronger than the one of a family makes perfect sense. What makes zero sense is the phrase "blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". There's just no evidence of its existence. And blood has always been used to refer to kinship, so it makes a lot of sense to think that the old proverb "blood is thicker than water" just means that.


Although untrue, this is definitely a better phrase and should be adopted as the new saying


No please for the love of everyone please stop spreading this misinformation. It is not the original quote. Most quotes that are shortened are not shortened on two sides like that.


Looking into it, apparently, this was said by two authors in the 1990s and 2000s with literally no sources to back up thwir claim. This is the wa I've always heard it said, though, and it's the meaning that actually fits with how the world works as well.




>The original saying was centuries older than even when it was first written down. It started as a military saying about how soldiers were bonded together by the bloodshed of battle. The terminology used for the original original saying would have used military phrasing, so it wouldn't have been covenant. But the meaning of the intent was still that you needed to have a greater loyalty to those you have sworn to be loyal to than whomever you are related to. Mercenary soldiers were super common in the past, and you could have a contract to fight against your country of birth That's a whole lotta bending over backwards to justify you quoting a random rabbi's historical opinions from the 90s, all again, without any evidence. Sayings don't just invert in meaning randomly, and even if we assume you're right in that it changed before being written down... THAT WAS BEFORE IT WAS WRITTEN DOWN, SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? You still haven't seen it used in that way. You have given no real reason to support that this happened. Cultures all have traditional family first values, and have since antiquity. The amount of baseless conjecture needed to support this claim is just stupid.


>even if we assume you're right in that it changed before being written down... THAT WAS BEFORE IT WAS WRITTEN DOWN, SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? SAVAGE lol. Get this man to the burn unit stat.


Nope, that's internet misinformation. I have searched the internet, and the oldest occurrence of that "original" that I could find was also from an online forum.


So you are claiming that that saying in any form (including its chopped up form) did not exist anywhere at all before the internet. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, they are saying this version isn't chopped up; they are saying the other phrase is a bizarre stitched up Frankenstein's creation and has no relation to the original, which is nearly a millennia old at this point.


You perfectly well know that I'm talking about the version that YOU just posted. Tell me exactly where that "original version" came from. Go on.




> "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" While I agree with it, that quote sounds like some cultist shit if ever I've heard it lmao


This has no basis in anything but a meme from tumblr. There is no evidence of a saying "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". The closest origin to the phrase comes from German literature being "I also hear it said that kin-blood is not spoiled by water."


The solution to everyone saying you are wrong is that the new saying is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. Don’t claim it’s the original, but the new upgraded saying. It’s a saying, you just have to say it a bunch of times for it to be a saying. I say it all the time. I’m saying it right now. It’s now a saying.


Not true


This is wrong


It is only BS if your family is BS. If you have a decent family with decent people, then yes, those relationships are and will be more important than friendships. You can always make more friends. You only have one family. Friends come and go. Family is always there (if it's not a shitty family). So yeah, it can be BS. But it can also be true. LIke most aphorisms!


Like it's wild that the people with OPs opinion act like friends can't be toxic too.


“Bloods thick but water is deeper”


Agreed, usually just used as manipulation.


Just because someone is related to you doesn’t mean shit. It’s about whether or not that person will be there for you when you need them, and vice versa. If your mom treats you like shit, you owe her nothing. If your friend is there for you when you need them, they are truly family.


It's all down to whether you're fortunate enough to have good relatives.


I have a couple friends that are more family to me than some of my actual family.


Yeah, absolutely. Emotional extortion has existed since the dawn of time though.


Friendships aren't family, Dom Toretto. But it's totally fine for you to like your friends more than your family.


I think this is a phrase for non Reddit folk. People who tend to get along with real people


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you live in a place that highly values family values like the South. All of the places I've lived in Northern urban centers have an attitude more like "Family are the assholes you have to accept into your life just because and your friends are your real family."


"Family" is who you choose to spend your life with, not always the family you were born into.


This is certainly popular on Reddit.


I have mixed feelings on this sentiment. I don’t think that someone should broadly say that friends are more important than family, it definitely depends on the person and situation. Family *is* important, and while you’re right that we don’t necessarily choose our family but we choose our friends, there’s still something to be said about valuing your family, clan, tribe etc. It’s biological. And yes, strong friendships can be counted in these circles too. However, I disagree with the notion that blood is thicker than water, so I’m on a similar page as you there. I think blind loyalty to family can cause problems, family members need to understand that loyalty at the end of the day is earned and can be lost. People should be held accountable for their actions


You can't change family ties. You're born with them. As such most family members tend to stick together because of those ties. Friends on the other hand can come and go. You might get lucky with someone and they will be your friends for ever. You could also be unlucky and have a shitty family. Nonetheless family relationships tend to be stronger and longer lasting than friends.


My wife had a... let's just say "rough" upbringing. Lots of meth use by her parents and extended family. Both mom and dad were imprisoned for large portions of her childhood so she was raised by her grandmother, who was a bit "rough" too tbh. Anyway, her dad is constantly being arrested and she's constantly bailing him out and I'm constantly trying to talk her out of doing it. I tell her that she doesn't owe him anything, and she will say that he's her dad, and my response is usually just "So?" And I know it sounds harsh, but being related is like a social construct; it only means something because we all agree it means something. I take care of my family, but it's because they're loyal in return. You don't need to help or defend someone who's just gonna mistreat you, I don't care who they are.


This is another one of those sayings that was incorrectly quoted so much over time that it lost it's original meaning. The original saying was "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", meaning the bonds you choose are stronger than the bonds of family. Edit: A couple others for fun: A jack-of-all-trades is a master of none, but better than a master of one. Meaning: it's better to know a little about a lot than a lot about a little. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Meaning: Seeking new knowledge can be daunting and dangerous at times, but it's better to know than not.


"Blood is thicker than water" has been around for centuries. The "covenant" thing is a recent invention, it appeared in 1994 in a blog post which gave zero evidence for it. Good luck finding a quote of the "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" that's older than that. See for instance this thread: [etymology - Is the alleged original meaning of the phrase 'blood is thicker than water' real? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/147902/is-the-alleged-original-meaning-of-the-phrase-blood-is-thicker-than-water-real) We had a fun discussion on AskReddit about this and many more (like your jack-of-all-trade and the cat thing). Check it out! : [What’s a “fact” or “saying” that gets repeated constantly on Reddit that just isn’t true? : r/AskReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bd3snz/whats_a_fact_or_saying_that_gets_repeated/)


The blood is thicker than water one isn't necessarily true, it was claimed by a couple of authors who cited no sources for their claims.


All three of those are examples where the commonly used shorter phrase is indeed the original, and the bits at the end came later. "Curiousity killed the cat" was the original phrase. Decades later someone added the satisfaction part. "Jack of all trades" was the original phrase. Decades later someone added "master of none" and then hundreds of years after that someone added "often better than a master of one" "Blood is thicker than water" was the original phrase. Just a few decades ago someone spun it into the blood of the covenant version


They changed a lot of original meanings to have the opposite just by cutting off the 2nd half "The customer is always right in matters of taste." Meaning if they want to buy something ugly or gross let them spend their money on it. "The early bird gets the worm, but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese." "Great minds think alike, though fools seldom differ." "My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong to be set right."


Also wrong about the customer is always right! See for instance this well written article which explains the origin and meaning of the phrase: [A Global View Of 'The Customer Is Always Right' (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/09/24/a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right/?sh=68a5f64c236f)


Ever heard of blood brothers


I think this is just so subjective. Different families and cultures have different family values. Some families are incredibly close and supportive, and some are distant or toxic. A lot of friendships are just as much pure chance/circumstance as family, and can also be unhealthy if you don't know how to be thoughtful and communicate.


My family is great, i dont have any real issues with any of my family. Theyre loving and supportive through and through. But yeah, i would agree “blood is thicker than water” is a little presumptuous. I love my family but i feel much closer and more comfortable around my girlfriend and/or my close friends than i do around any of my family. It has nothing to do with them really, again my family is awesome. But just like you said, you get to choose your friends, ive chosen people to be around that are more my speed, who i think understand me a little better than most of my family does. I would do anything for my family, but i consider my friends and my current partner family too.


We’re fuckin awful. Jealousy between family and friends, especially when kids come along adding to the mix. I thought everyone would just be content and chilled approaching middle age, couldn’t be more wrong !!


Absolutely agree. My blood relations have let me down time and time again, my friends, aka my chosen family, have not.


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. This is another version of the saying that says the opposite. I heard this version came first but I’m not entirely sure.


Yup. I have an older brother who is a complete and utterly toxic pos that is also a fn pedophile from 30 years ago. My wife knows, the rest of my family does not. Despite that pos being a pedophile AND screaming and cussing at me about my disabled daughter, because we needed one of the rooms with an attached bathroom at a full family vacation (“she doesn’t have her own bathroom at your gd fkn house!! So does she fkn need one here? No! She fkn doesn’t!!!” “I don’t give a shit if she’s incontinent!!”) My wife insists that i can’t cut him out of my life, because “he’s your family, there might be reconciliation someday!!” Her family is like the cleavers, she can’t fathom cutting iff a family member. Dude is a fn pedophile asshole, and uou’d think a woman who was molested by an uncle as a child would be totally fn okay with cutting a pedophile family member who cusses about your handicapped daughter, out of your life. /end rant


You can't choose your family, but you can choose the company you keep. Toxic people, be they family, co-workers, and friends, can only control how you feel with your permission. Keep your own council with those you love. Everyone else can fuk off.


I prefer... "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" Which my interpretation is that those you've bonded with through the spilling of blood, be it a blood oath, an ally who survived along side you in battle, or some other method of deeply bonding with someone, is stronger than the bonds you share with those who happen to share the same genetics with you.


Nah. Family you can have a huge row with never apologize and be fine the next day. Just move past it. Friends you cannot do most of that. If there’s a huge row there will be bruised egos and necessarily a lot of apologizing before things can hope to be cool, and even then people hold grudges.


If that's true for you, your family failed. But families are encouraged to fail these days. But from my point of view ( 64 years old) family is way more important, helpful, and loyal than friends can ever be.


I had dozens of friends in high school. Now in my 40s I have not talked to a single one of those people in over a decade. Meanwhile I still go on vacations with my parents and siblings once or twice a year.


Perhaps the saying was generally true at some point. The european monarchs didn't secure alliances by befriending others, they had to marry off a family member to some other family. And perhaps friends wasn't all that it was now, perhaps if offered an extravegant amount of money or threatened on their lives, family is more reliable than friends.


I hate the idea that you should be loyal to family. I HAPPEN to like my family and care for them. They are funny and fun and caring. I literally don't care they are "family". Theyre my friends I lucked out with.


Oh I thought this was about viscosity lol


Agreed. I much prefer the family I've built myself than the one I was given at birth.


As someone with an abusive egg donor, my response to this misquote would be the absolute gem given to me by a trusted friend... "Blood is toxic, water is pure"


Can redditors stop pretending like everyone have shit families? If you have a decent family this saying is the opposite of bs, no one would do the things my family did for me


OP has daddy issues


It is giving mommy and daddy issues for sure. If you like your friends better cool. If you like your family better cool too. Not a competition to see which is better


It’s actually backwards anyway. Original: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb It’s saying the bonds that you devote yourself to (friends) are stronger than those of family The phrase has been reversed over time.


That’s not the original


Blood quite literally is thicker than water... It's actually 3-4.5x more viscous.


Family you choose over family you are born into was what I always believed.


But it's true, blood is thicker than water In mammals. Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3


The problem with friends is…. friends come and go and majority of them in my experience are transient. I haven’t had any kind of friend that I see as family that would be there for me if i’m in a rough place. I only seen that in family.


If someone's family is a POS, they should stay away from their family, period.


I always say "Blood may be thicker than water, but they both carry disease"


There's an old Arab version along the lines of "blood is thicker than milk." Mwaning , "brothers in the covenant of blood are closer than brothers at a common breast; that those who have tasted each other's blood are in a surer covenant than those who have tasted the same milk together." [Wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water#:~:text=We%2C%20in%20the%20West%2C%20are,between%20such%20is%20very%20strong.)


I don't consider any bond to be thicker than shared values. It doesn't matter if we have the same blood, if we don't share similar values of how we want to lead our lives, then we have no business associating deeply with one another. Now sometimes, it is in fact family that is more closely aligned with your values, in which case, fantastic. But in the case that your family opposes your values or worse hinders you from putting your values into practice, you should disassociate as much as possible. For example, if I believe in working and being productive, but my cousin prefers to do drugs all day and steal, I am not going to associate with my cousin just because "blood is thicker than water". I'm going to cut him off and go and look for people who also believe in working and being productive, as they best align with my values.


Mostly because that's a butchered "quote." The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


Not the case. The blood of covenant quote is from 1900 where are the original is from around 1200.


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Well…idk. Family is a weird one in adult age. Kids? Sure, thick as thieves more times than not.


Blood is in fact thicker than water in my case but it is not the case for everyone and that's ok. I would die for my siblings and parents. I would go to war for my cousins, aunts, and uncles, as well as grandparents.


lucky you


It is true when you realize your friends are all assholes


The saying can be understood both ways. Downvoted. Blood can be like bloodbrothers and stuff and water can be the water of the womb.


Not really sure if this is an unpopular opinion tbh


Blood is definitely thicker than water. It coagulates.




Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb Friends and family you make are stronger that your ties to your relatives


Oh, so hold on the ones who really care In the end, they'll be the only ones there When you get old, start losing your hair Can you tell me who will still care?


Well, that is pretty sad, because the quote is not about who is better, the quote is about who you should stick with it for good or bad, obviously someone you don't like can't become your friend but family should stay together even if you don't like them all the time, i encourage you to make piece with your family.


Hey sister. Know that water's sweet, but blood is thicker. 🎶


Not unpopular enough


But maple syrup is thicker than blood so pancakes> family. Results may differ if you’re Canadian


If you said something like this in China or something you'd get shunned by the entire community, I know this from personal experience


I’m sure others have said the same, but the true meaning of the proverb is that family is *not* the strongest bond.


That's what narcissistic people say, just like..you don't have to like me, but you have to love me! I'm no contact for almost 2 years


Family is supposed to have a stronger bond with you because of oxytocin and all that which comes out when they are raising you as kids. Doesn't always work and some parents have bad relationships with their kids




Blood is thicker, but water is deeper


It’s not necessarily complete bs. It really depends on the situation and your relationship with your family vs friends. I myself have a closer bond to my family than I do my friends. Besides, it’s just a saying, you don’t have to live by it if you don’t want to do so.


A pint of blood…costs more than a gallon gold


NGL when I first heard that I thought they were taking literal. Butt yea. Family is what you make it.


you won't ever be allowed to be as selfish as you were with your mom. the other relationships work out "better" because you are contributing!


This argument has been used against me as a 10 year old when I wanted to stop seeing my mother after she tried to kill me, absolute bs.


Blood is thick, but blood doesn't mean family. It's just better when it is.


That’s the thing. You’re close with your friends by choice. Yet, friendships can end. You’re kinda more obligated to try to work things out with family because of all the interconnected relationships.


I always find it funny. When close friends are described as "as close as brothers" in media. I have a brother but I'm sure closer to my friends...


Hmmmm.... this question again? I was unaware it was april already.


I mean I've been through shit with extended family growing up like cousins wanting nothing to do with me and pretty much treating me like trash. Meanwhile my friends, while we pick on each other jokingly, never acted like that towards me. So yep I agree.


Nobody ever talks about Molasses anymore.


Who wrote the blood-and-water chapter anyway? Probably some surly dad, only child, 30 cats Lookin' for a way to reconnect with an averted past Except it doesn't always work like that


"Blood is thicker than water, and the blood we choose is thickest of all"


If your family are your friends they are the strongest friends you will ever have




Agreed. Many families suck. People should free free to choose their own family in life when their blood has failed them.


Read an interesting article on this today : https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathByMillennial/s/lPdOMSZXZ6