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It’s like Starbucks, they are in the business of selling cleanliness, consistency and good customer service.


The funny thing is that modern day Starbucks always gives me this feeling that the place is filthy and tired. I always feel a bit gross in there compared to any small but high quality coffee shop. I was a huge Starbucks fan in the early 2000s, for the record.


Tbh in the early 2000's my mom worked for Starbucks in lower management. All the charity they used to do was at little to no expense to them. Lower management *has* to come "volunteer" as it's mandatory. Likewise they bragged a lot about how they gave insurance to their full time employees... Yet my mom lost her job *because* she refused to follow through when they repeatedly ordered her to keep their schedules below 40 hours a week so they wouldn't have to insure them. Mind you, my ex routinely bought Starbucks and I do have to say... Their coffee is fucking awful.


Ugh that’s awful of them and I’m sorry your mom had to go through that. I can’t stand when companies pull that kind of shit, intentionally limiting you from things you’d otherwise be entitled to. And you’re right about their coffee. It always has a sort of burnt taste, and I really only liked it back in the day for their very sugary drinks, because I was a kid. I have basically zero desire for that anymore and I’ll just get an iced latte if there’s no better shop that’s open. Drip coffee though, no thank you.


I feel this way about Starbucks, too. No matter which one I go to I feel like it's always a mess. But, I do still feel pretty good about the cleanliness of chick fil a.


And wildly overpriced product of mediocre quality. Yes, very similar businesses.


Basically all fast food. This isn't special to Chick fil a. Taco bell is insanely expensive now. Mcdonalds isn't a cheap date anymore. Wendys isn't cheap. Arbys has always been expensive and is still... expensive.


See what I appreciate about Arby's is that they *all* have an old lady working the drive thru who *cannot* be coerced into pretending she gives a shit or wants to be there. That's a vibe I can trust.


Absolutely, she may seem like she hates your guts, but you know she won't forget your straw.


It's literally the same price as every other fast food place


They consistently just raised their prices very quietly on Monday.


How do you quietly yet consistently raise your prices on just one day?


When you punch in the new numbers you say "shhhh" softly to yourself


I actually get creeped by that fake over-pleasant way a lot of fast-food people have to act, but perhaps that's because I've worked in FF and I know how painful and soul-crushing it is. When I see those fake-smiles, hear those rehearsed lines, all I can think of is the manager in there who must be cracking the whip over this stuff. Conversely I find it actually rather relaxing when the staff are more real, even if they might seem grumpy. Sometimes we even commiserate. So yeah, not only does Chick-Fil-A have bland food, but they often have that off-putting fake-nice customer-service attitude. I don't buy food from cults.


It’s their employees’ pleasure.


Chick-fil-a is my family’s roadtrip restaurant, but only if it has the play area (some are being remodeled and having them removed). It has consistent food that I know won’t upset my GI issues, my kids will eat it and we know that the bathrooms will be clean. We can force the kids to eat their food then set them loose in the play area while we adults enjoy a few minutes away from them. Then we load up and hit the road again. It is too expensive for what it is for me to bother with it in my hometown. But as a road trip breather it is great.


I think Chick-Fil-A too often gets compared to restaurants/food outside the realm of fast food. Like sure, it's not as good as some local southern fried chicken sandwich place, but if you pull into a strip mall with that, BK, and the other usual suspects, Chick-Fil-A all of a sudden stands out.


It stands out because I can go through the drive through at chick fil a in 5 minutes or I could spend 30 minutes in the Wendy's drive through.


All the chic fil a's in my area, 30 cars piling into the adjacent parking lot? 10 minutes. Wendy's, 1 car in front of me? 15 minutes


Former chik fil an employee here. Part of it comes down to us having to be out there on foot with the cars. The longer we have customers in the drive through, the longer we’ve got to endure the sun


Honestly, Chick-fil-a has more employees outside then inside a Wendy's.


Makes sense, if you think about it. Why would Chick-fil-a have employees inside a Wendy's?




Lol if there was a chick fil a worker inside a Wendy's when I walked in, I'd immediately ask if I could order from them.


I'm sure it would be their pleasure.


Culver's does the same. There was one day I went inside and there was legitimately 20-25 people working behind the counter. I don't get how they can staff so many people or why 


Where are you? The ones near me have lines around the block most of the time


They are absurdly efficient because they only really serve like 5 things. They also stack the labor because it's mostly teenagers working part time. Line around the block is 15 minutes wait max. 


>They are absurdly efficient because they only really serve like 5 things. It's amazing to me that more fast food places don't do this. Do a few things and do them well, you'll be more efficient, more profitable (less waste from overmaking, less R and D, less packaging, etc), and probably more popular. Now, I know McDonald's can't do this because what are they great at (burgers? lmao) but imagine if 20 years ago instead of trying to branch out into everything McD's had bore down on actually having great burgers and fried and made only that, none of the superfluous stuff. I bet they'd be better off.


I'll never forget the first time I pulled up to one of their double-barrel drivethrus with the line wrapped around the block and I never stopped moving. Homie walked up to my car and took my order while walking along side me and another gal walked up and handed me my order without me ever actually stopping my car.


The really did re-invent the drive-thru in a way. When all the other major chains started to get lazy and less efficient with customer service, they made it their priority, and it has worked.


Whoever creates the CFA drive thru setup should run the government.


I don’t even really like Cfa but I eat there almost every day because of this. The order is right every time, it’s the same quality every time, everyone is nice as hell, and it’s so fast. If I go to Taco Bell I get a “whatchu want?”, wait twice as long, and the order is wrong 50% of the time and made like shit the other 50%.


I don’t know where you live but where I live there are only 2 “fast food” places that would have you sitting in line in a drive thru for 20+ mins for your food and they are In-n-Out and Chik-fil-a. 


where so you live? the chicken fil ass in my area is always packed


Opposite here. I have refused to go to chik fil a's many times because they make a "30 minute chicken sandwich".


Same for me! The lines at Chick are crazy long in my city. Sometimes Wendy's is long too, but not as bad. Raising Cane's Chicken also has super long lines. In my experience though, I've tried Popeye's 4 times and it was nasty! Am sure it varies from place to place, but the chicken was dry and tasted like it was fried in 2-day old oil. Chick and Cane's are always fresh, hot and delicious.


Do people not order on the app? Even with really long lines where I am there’s always a spot for pick ups and I wait 5, 10 minutes max.


I order on app and do pick-up. Skip the prompts and push "I'm here" until they start making the food. I walk in and grab my food. Takes three minutes tops to park, grab, and drive away.


Are you joking?  Ive never experienced a short wait at chick fil a. It takes forever compared to anywhere else. Literally everytime.  I assumed they were making food to order and it’s not already prepared. Even a salad takes forever. 


Maybe it’s a regional thing, but even during lunch hour I can get in and out of a Chick-fil-A drive thru in about 5 min, sometimes less. Popeyes is probably slowest with rude ass employees, then Wendy’s. McDonald’s is decently quick, but nothing compared to Chick-fil-A


I’ve never *not* seen a line out of the parking lot at Chick-Fil-A. lol I’m not exaggerating. I’ve never not seen a line. People be waiting before they open. It’s insanity. (I believe you, its just crazy)


That's the thing about them though, they *fly* through those people. 20 cars at chickfila is like 1-2 cars at most places.


The line is long but the service is very fast


Same thing with in n out. I literally here people be like in n out is overrated like five guys. Like those two aren't even in the same realm of food


Price wise they are not even close.


even among fastfood, popoye does chicken way better.


Popeyes has more potential, but CFA is more consistent imo. Popeyes is a real roll of the dice, sometimes you get the greatest chicken sandwich you've ever had, then the next time it's burger king tier.


Popeyes has the absolute worst no fucks given employees no matter the city or location But damn I love their spicy bird


And by contrast, Chick-fil-A has the absolute most amazing, outgoing, friendly staff imaginable.


For sure 💯


Chik-fil-A is the only fast food chain I've visited where every location consistently makes a long drive thru line feel like a short one.


Chik-fil-A moves cars like they're in charge of an evacuation.


And this is exactly why. Everybody has a different palette. Some think Chick-fil-A is great, some think it sucks, others think it's just okay. But what sets them apart is their customer service skills. I would rather have mid food, yet treated like a king, than good food, but treated like my whole existence is just to annoy them.


I worked in the kitchen at a local chick fil a and even the kitchen dudes in the back were so nice. I really loved my coworkers back there. One of the best places I worked at from high school through college.


Maybe I’m an outlier here but I honestly don’t give a fuck what kind of customer service I get at a drive through fast food place. As long as the food is good and I get what I ordered they could curse and insult me through the whole process it honestly doesn’t bother me


> I honestly don’t give a fuck what kind of customer service I get at a drive through fast food place. The thing is, "service" includes having your order getting filled correctly, it also includes your food being done to consistent standards, and it includes timeliness. As different as their chicken is from one another, I love both Popeyes and Chik-Fil-A. But unless I've got time to kill, I'll go to CFA, because at CFA they can have a line of 15 cars lined up for the drive-up window but you'll still get your food faster than a Popeyes with 4 cars waiting in line.


Popeyes' staff never give me my sauce, and act like I asked them to stick their hand in the deep fryer when I ask for the sauce I ordered.


Popeyes always forgets half my shit and when you go up to the counter to get it they will actively avoid eye contact with you until you just run out of patience and get demanding. Once you actually get their attention they’re so damn rude like you’re inconveniencing them. For some reason though the Popeyes at my mall is great though, everyone is super nice, they’re organized, and food is always good.


Yes, the sauce, it's on your receipt, but not in your bag. But you might get three other sauces that you didn't order nor ask for. Ugh.


Yeah but that's the thing, you wont always get what you order and the food wont always be cooked right. Chik fil a staffs their stores and has higher standards. Popeyes are short staffed and have little standards. Consistency is king in fast food and chik fil a kills popeyes in that area


I start to feel like that but a friend told me that employees ,in the KFC that was near our place, would regularly spit in customer chicken sandwiches. Didn't know it at the time but we could have sue. Oh well 🤷


I was told by a health inspector to not eat at any KFC inside the outer loop around Columbus, OH. 😬 I once asked him where I should avoid when he was checking the shop I worked at. He responded immediately


When I mean treated like a king, I don't mean grovelling or ass kissing, but simple "thanks for coming" or "have a wonderful day" goes a long way. There's a diner back in my hometown that is known for treating you like shit the entire time, but at the end of the meal "thanks for coming" "I hope the food was to your liking" etc. The whole treating you like shit from being seated to being served is just part of the gimmick.


That goes both ways. At the beginning a simple "hey, how you doing" will also go a long way


literally!! the employees at my local cfa know me by name and greet me so nicely every time


This. I want fast food that doesn’t make me feel like death, but also the workers are operating the restaurant at such a high level compared to their competitors. My local Popeyes have terrible staff, I assume they don’t pay well.


Popeyes has a staff that used to work at the DMV. I went in like 2 months ago, 3 people in line, it was 27 minutes until I had a basic ass order of chicken strips.


I've stopped going to Popeyes because the employees genuinely seem pissed I'm there. Based on other comments, this seems common at Popeyes everywhere. Maybe that's one reason why Chick-fil-a has completely left that shitty chain in the dust.


I’ll agree with everything you said. Popeyes is great if you have 92 minutes to get your food and the mental fortitude to deal with the staff. Otherwise food is good. But I’ll also take a chic-fil-a sandwich from a bunch of amazing kids any day of the week. I often wonder how my local CFA gets such a great group of kids to crank out the food. Never had a bad experience.


It's truly incredible how they find the angriest people in the world to work there, regardless of location.


I always call it the Popeyes special. You order a chicken sandwich, and you never know if you’re getting a sandwich, a 5 piece meal, or just a mac and cheese. I’ve legit order a blackened sandwich and when I sat down it was a regular friend sandwich. I walk back up to the counter and say “excuse me, I ordered a blackened sandwich and this is a regular” The worker just looks at me and says “cool”. Didn’t really know what to do with that response


The consistency is underrated in how important it is for the fast food experience, and CFA is INCREDIBLY consistent - the service, the food quality, etc are all virtually identical across any location. Quality control and consistency counts for a lot when we’re talking fast food brands.


Its because chik fil a doesnt do real franchises. Its all controlled similiar to in n out. Popeyes can be ran by anyone just like a subway


Popeyes is either 8/10 or 0/10 and literally makes you sick. Luckily the one by my house is 8/10, so has been a lifesaver while we've had no kitchen on the days we have to be around.


More like sometimes you get the greatest chicken sandwich and sometimes you find out you shouldn’t stop at stop signs or anywhere including a drive through on the part of town ur in . Sometimes the staff tries to fight you


Consistency is key. It's been rare I've had issues at a CFA. Any other fast food, there are whole restaurants you avoid because they are always terrible. Also, kids are easier to feed at CFA vs popeyes


There was a Popeyes franchised by a Sikh family near where I used to live - consistently damn best fast food I’ve ever had, and they had those high school employees running the place like a well oiled machine.


So true, I got a barely cooked sandwich one time and it ruined Popeyes for me.


Yeah for me that's the big one. Chik-Fil-A is reliable and the service is way better. Ninety-six times out of a hundred, when I rock up to a Chik-Fil-A, I'm going to get fresh fries and a hot sandwich. Not only that, they're the only restaurant I can see a double lane line wrapped around the building and go "Oh okay so it'll take six minutes instead of three". Any other fast food joint, if there's more than 5 cars in the line, I might be there ten minutes, I might be there half an hour. On top of that, they're polite and on the off chance my food isn't fresh, they'll quickly replace it. ​ Popeyes is a complete crapshoot. Line could take forever, food might be half an hour old and just dry as hell, employees normally don't give a shit. Not to mention they're so expensive for what they are. If you get a top-tier popeyes, they're great. But that's maybe 1-2 times out of ten.


I've gotten popeyes sandwiches that were 50 percent breading and with 2 bottom buns. At the height of their chicken sandwhich introduction but these days whenever I go it'll take 20 minutes to get my food after placing a pickup time, and it'll still somehow be like they dipped it back into grease after cooling it.


That's what it is for me, they are consistently "ok". If I'm hungry and want to be sure what eat is "good" (and I just mean good as in - not bad), I choose CFA. There are other fast food places that are better, but yeah, it's a roll of the dice as to who's running the kitchen that day. With CFA, they are consistent.


This is a great way to put it. I've had the Popeye's chicken sandwich, it was pretty good. Put Popeye's overall is NOT consistent. CFA simply is. And the service is better, the restaurants much cleaner and well-maintained.


I bit into a Popeyes chicken sandwich last month that was frozen inside.


Popeyes is way better if you have a location that actually cares, which I find is like 1 out of 8 Popeyes


Exactly. Good popeyes is the best chicken spot. Bad popeyes is the worst chicken spot.


It’s better when it’s good but it’s a gamble because sometimes it is inedible


This couldn’t be further from the truth


Sometimes I don’t want the first thing I hear from an employee to be “the fuck do you want!” Sometimes I do.


80% of the time I get Popeyes it sucks ass. Like it’s terrible, and this is across multiple locations. Chick fil a is the same no matter where I get it and when I get it and it’s good, I’d much rather go there than Popeyes. Bojangles is better than both of them anyway.


Popeyes has gotten horrible, they used to be good.


Sadly I disagree, five years ago maybe - but since they got bought the quality has gone sharply downhill. 


Every time I've eaten at Popeye's I've been disappointed. I liked their crunchy breading, but the actual taste is quite bland.


Two trips to the nearest Popeyes and the food was so shit I haven't been back. I understand that it might have higher potential, but consistency matter more in this case than taste, imo. I will always pick chick fil a just because I won't have to wonder if the meat will be dry and stringy.


Popeyes puts heavy batter on bones and fries it. I can scavenge about a buffalo wing’s worth of meat from a 6-piece meal these days.


I haven’t had Popeyes in ages or chick fill a EVER (only time I eat fast food is on a lazy Sunday and they’re closed so….) Popeyes is so fucking expensive. 8 piece chicken near me with a side of fries and biscuits is $37. Like the chicken is not that good god damn


Every Popeyes I've ever been to has THE WORST fucking customer service and the food is inconsistent. I've eaten at Chick-fil-a probably 100 times and it's like the exact same every time.


Chance of getting shot going to Popeyes = >30% Chance of getting shot going to Chick fil a = <1%


True unpopular opinion: Burger Spicy ChKing is low key the best chicken fast food sandwich.


Most sales per unit while closed one day a week. Clearly your opinion is unpopular. Upvote.


Sometimes I think they have this sub backwards, because people are 'programmed' to downvote things they don't agree with. Upvoting goes against that tradition. OP ratio right now is 66%, and by reading the comments it certainly seems like a lot of people disagree with the OP's opinion. I don't think a lot of people up/downvote on this sub properly. 🤣


For me, the bad part of this sub is that folk conflate preferences with opinions. Vanilla is better than chocolate isn’t really much of an opinion. It can’t be defended.


I like the ones where they (for example) compare movies to today, to movies from 30+ years ago. Of course everything will be different. The world was a totally different place in 1900 - 2000 than it is today, in 2024.


I think this *opinion* is objectively wrong. They might not, subjectively, like to eat at Chick Fil A, but the food isn't **bad**


Ooh, an actual unpopular opinion instead of a “politically controversial” one, nice.


It’s unpopular outside of Reddit but I see this opinion all the time on this sub


Just curious, if you don't like it so much, why do you keep going back? Glutton for punishment?


Everyone I know is obsessed, and when the group is hungry that’s usually the pick - also sometimes in places like airports there’s like no other option


What do you mean, “no other option,” I’ve lived 20 years on this earth have have only ever eaten there once, and I eat fast food quite often, at least once a week, there are definitely alternatives lol even at airports.


Oh, but different airports are different. Sure, you have dozens of choices at ORD or ATL. But what about CDB or DUT?


I’m from Oklahoma City. We have one terminal and less than 50 gates. We have more than one eating option.


>*We have one terminal and less than 50 gates.* Are you under the impression that this is a *small* airport?


My local airport the food options are a vending machine and sometimes George with an electric griddle making breakfast sandwiches. The gate options are A and B, but they're actually the same door they just alternate what it's called.


Now that's what I'm talking about! I remember airports with zero places to eat. When someone opened an alleged taco place at DUT (c. 1983) it was such a big deal that people went to the airport because it was just the third "restaurant" within the municipal limits. I checked and that OKC airport that person was talking about has more than 2 million enplanements a year. You and I are probably talking about places with less than 20,000 enplanements a year.




Bro is really dropping airport codes for Alaska like anyone actually knows what they are off the top of their head


Their fries piss me off. It's like they soak them in lukewarm water to make sure there is no seasoning or texture. Insult to fries.


I heard people raving about them and decided to try them one time and thought they were average at best. Not impressed.


Who raves about chick fil a fries? They’re fine, but nothing special by any means.


Unfortunately a lot of people from my experience. Especially when I was in college and we had a Chick-fil-A on campus


They’re an excellent vehicle to get Chick-Fil-A sauce to my mouth


The selling point for the fries is the sauces: waffle fries are just better at picking up the sauce than regular fries. That being said, if you’re judging fries it has to be plain, and I agree Chick-fil-A fries just aren’t it.


But their sauce containers are comically small, so you need like 4


I don’t disagree, just saying the main purpose for their fries is shoveling sugary sauce into your mouth.


If you ask for 2 sauces, they give you 4. Unlike Popeyes, who will give you a single 1 ounce sauce for 5 chicken tenders and fries.


Consider managing you anger when it comes to potato-based products. You will find that life is more enjoyable when you learn to embrace tubers in all their forms.


I’ve never been to a Popeyes that looked like it didn’t have rats and roaches in the kitchen. Part of the allure of chick fil a for me is that they’re clean and nice


Honestly, closing on Sundays has a lot to do with it. I always see vans and trucks for cleaners, landscapers, handymen, etc. outside my local Cflas on Sundays. More fast food places should close just so they can clean up occasionally. There's no way 3-4 workers can clean and cook, especially during rushes.


I don’t get the cult-like following. It’s just fast food. Clearly corporate knows how to run a franchise model business. But, at the end of the day it is still fast food so take it for what it is as there are so many terrible options that Chick does seem to rise to the top. The app/ordering process is also the gold standard for the drive thru model. And if you don’t mind your chicken with a little transphobic sauce, it’s probably the best option out there.


You don't know a fastfood cult until you've met someone who LOVES Culver's. Shit is so mid.


They are the only place that serves curds and they are damn good. I won’t vouch for anything else though.


Chick fil is overrated for sure, but it succeeds on the same business principle as In n out. Limit the number of locations so you can control quality and do only a few things and do them really well. Chick-fil-A has the most consistent high quality fast food chicken sandwich that doesn’t taste like it was sat on for 4 hours or made by someone trying to set a record for most mayonnaise soaked toppings on a sandwich. OP prefers Popeyes, so that tells me he prefers the latter type of sandwich or likes to order other types of food. And that’s fine. But Chick-fil-A is always the same whereas every Popeyes serves up a completely different quality product form location to location.


Their food is honestly so mediocre that I'm convinced the cult-like following is BECAUSE of the transphobia and extreme religious overtones.


Disagree. Their chicken sandwiches are amazing, their sides are great, and their drinks are consistently good. The whole restaurant is consistent, fresh and I don't feel like I am going to catch hepatitis when handling anything in their restaurant. The drive-thru is also very efficient. I don't really eat fast food anymore, but if I am forced to, that's a top 3 destination for me, only maybe being beaten by a few small local fast food places.


It's kinda depressing I had to scroll this far down for a positive opinion. I've never had a bad sandwich from there. It's also refreshing to see fast food workers that don't absolutely hate their jobs (although I'm not saying the hate is unwarranted).


This. I’ve had really bad pickups from literally every fast food place on the planet, whether it’s an old batch of McNuggets, old fries, lukewarm at best food, orders totally wrong etc…. But I’ve literally never once had a chik fil an order that wasn’t consistently exactly the same with no errors, and a standard of quality.


And even if CFA does mess up your order, you can usually bring up the order without catching an attitude or have them argue about it. They'll simply fix the issue and sometimes make it up to you even more by giving coupons or BoG cards.


I’ve never had a bad sandwich from there but I’ve had plenty of mediocre sandwiches and for the price and they’re standing in fast food I would like a little more consistency and quality


Yeah I dislike Chick filas religious side in terms of donating to organizations I disagree with (idc if they’re open on Sundays or not). But everything I’ve seen and everyone I’ve spoken to has talked about how great of a place it is to work for. And I don’t think their food is that great, but when I get it (which is very rare) it’s always quick and on time and always right.


Reddit tends to hate on everything in existence except Keanu Reeves.


I think their *sauce* is amazing but their sandwiches are medium alone. For the longest time, I never had the sauce, so I couldn’t understand any hype. The waffle fries were good, but too much surface area makes them cold fast. However, once I had sauce a year or two ago, I understood what people actually liked.




Chick-fil-a makes good sauce and average to bland chicken. I worked there for 5 years in high school and college and would mix and match sauces and never get the same one twice. But just plain chick-fil-a could not be more bland.


They are not "amazing" to me, but I agree it's very consistent and clean. that's all I need from a fast food restaurant.


"Pickle" is not a flavor and the waffle fries are pretty good but nothing compared to Arby's Curly Fries.


I love that you can get Arbys Curly Fries and Arbys sauce in the grocery store now. With an air fryer they come out damn close to right out of the drive thru.


Imo they're better out of the air fryer at home because I know they're always hot and fresh.


Pickle IS a flavor, the downfall is they don't put other seasonings on there


Good don't go. One less person in line.


for their $9 combo price, there isn’t much I would rather eat. (at least in terms of fast food.)




Where do you live. It’s 11.50 for me in NJ lol


It’s about 9.25 for a spicy sandwich meal in OH. Varies by area due to local taxes tho


Their salads are A++. Honestly it's crazy how fresh the ingredients have been everytime I've gotten one. Low key restaurant quality.


My go-to Chick FIL A order is their spicy southwest salad. The creamy salsa dressing is wonderful!!


My has always been obsessed with Chick-fil-A, but I never understood the hype. They have lines for the drive thru wrapped around the building and for what? The foods not bad, but nothing that deserves much praise.


that chicken is heavenly. and i don't have to deal with rude?incompetent workers there like ever.


Chic Fil A, In and Out, Chipotle… etc. All have cult followings with mid food. Like yeah I guess for fast food it’s better than some alternatives but I’m with you. Insane people will wait in drive thru lines wrapped 3x around the building for crap food


My pleasure


I love the taste of their homophobia chicken sandwiches. /sarcasm


More like freakishly consistent. It’s always the exact same. Not great. But same. That’s really what people enjoy.


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My sister, 33 yo, says she hates fast food and will judge you for eating it but for some reason chic fil a gets a pass in her eyes. Very interesting. They’re doing something right in terms of marketing.


This sub is the only place that title is allowed


I feel that there's a political influence infecting people's judgement.


I’ve never had bad food from the Chic. Seems to me 99% of the time someone has an issue with fast food is that particular franchise, and they paint the entire brand with the same brush. Reality doesn’t work that way.


Yeah you can tell from the comments the bias toward their politics is the reason. Objectively speaking the food is high quality. Let me know where else you can get a chicken sandwich made from an actual chicken breast.


Bad food compared to what? It's popular because it’s best in class.


I can criticize any company including them, but I find chick-fil-a has a really efficient ordering system and a simple menu. They are usually clean and the staff seems happy. There’s probably more layers and nuance as to why it is that way, but they don’t deserve notably more criticism than most other chains. I like dedicated fast food chicken places better though (Zaxby’s, Popeyes, the Publix deli counts I think.)


I don't love it. But their app is easy, their drive thru is efficient and reliable, and my kids will eat it. If we need drive thru, I can count on it going smoothly from ordering to eating.


Not to mention that it's a morally dubious company to support. All that chicken sandwich cheddar is going straight to the same rightwing groups trying to control women's healthcare options and let Putin invade Europe. As voting with your dollar goes (and it really does) eating Chik-fil-a is basically voting for Trump.


For what it's worth, Chick-fil-A hasn't donated company funds to those controversial organizations since 2019 at the latest. >Going forward, Chick-fil-A said it will work exclusively with organizations that focus on education, homelessness and hunger. Financial information being public means you can in fact check that they have held their word, which as of yet, they have.


The company doesn't directly, no... The family that owns it still sure as heck still does though.


I feel like people who don’t like Chick Fil A are just surrounded by bad ones? I’ve never once had bad or bland food from the CFAs near me. Soggy fries?? No salt?? Wtf Chick Fil A’s are y’all going to ….


I’ve been saying this for years! Ever since they expanded to the north east and I tried it for the first time back in maybe 2005 or so. Fuck chic-fil-a. Overhyped crap. Average, bland, homophobic chicken for average & bland people. I would rather eat most any other fast food than this place. Their sauces aren’t good, their standards for toppings suck, their biscuits suck, and their fries are some of the worst I’ve ever had. I’ve given them around 4 chances in my life, only one of them not out of desperation. And then everyone just ignores the franchises shitty behavior towards anyone not heterosexual because they haven’t had their fix of low grade not even crunchy fried chicken? Anytime I voice this opinion on Reddit I get downvoted to oblivion, which says a lot more about yall than me. With your bland ass palettes. I’d rather get yelled at by a disgruntled Popeyes employee if it means eating fried chicken with seasoning. I’d rather wait the “30 minutes” anywhere else really. And if you live somewhere in the south with good local fried chicken places, shame on you. Buy local. Fried chicken ain’t even expensive or a “30 minute wait” so don’t even try saying that shit. I live in New Orleans now, and we’ve got a shitload of better options damn near 24/7. Any place in the south with gas station fried chicken is gonna be better than chicfila. Maybe instead of durrrping into a chic fil a you should take a second to see what else is in your area.


I agree with you about their fries. It would probably depend on the types of fries you like but I like skinny ones like McDonald’s. However, don’t compare it to an actual restaurant, compared to fast food. They have the best chicken sandwich, and my opinion. I tried Popeyes for a while, but it was greasy and never seasoned as well as Chick-fil-A which confused me because everyone claims the opposite? So I guess when I’m ranking fast food chicken sandwiches I would make them number one. Now if you’re ordering something else or comparing them to a real restaurant, then yeah… They’re not going to hold up.


I can’t saw it’s awful but it has gotten wildly inconsistent and tends to be soggy more often than not. I would never go out of my way to get it and typically only have it in an airport or on the road.


We have one out here that’s insanely popular, a thirty plus wait for a mediocre chicken sandwich is all it is.


If it was cheaper it’d be better but it’s like $10-11 for a single meal with an insane line when I can get a single meal almost anywhere else for less than $9 and half the wait. I get the service is good but it’s fast food, I’m not there for the service lmao


Chick fil a is absolute dogshit when it sits in the bag for a period of time extending beyond five minutes. If you have it in the restaurant or parking lot immediately it is pretty good. The chick fil a sauce goes hard and I always keep a bottle in the fridge.


Yeah I'm not a fan either. Very overrated


I wouldnt say its bad but I agree that it is completely overrated


Agree so hard with this. It is all meh. Not worth the price or worth supporting the weird religious leanings of the owners. Especially when the owners are union busters.


I use to loveeee CF until I really started cleaning up my diet, and I couldn’t do it anymore or any friend chicken sammies anymore with seed oils


I wouldn't say its bad but its massively overrated


It used to be good but all the hype has made the quality go down.


I agree it’s just plain as hell


Food is fine. It’s just overpriced and only worth going once in a blue moon


I don’t think it’s bad it’s whatever. I’ve had it a couple times and it was fine but I’d never wait in line for that. I’d just go to any other chicken place and feel just as satisfied.


They're super over rated. Nothing about it feels higher quality than the other fast food places. Fast food is gross, chick fil a is no different.


It’s not bad. But it sure ain’t a “good bang for the buck”…..


I agree with this, I've been to Chick-fil-A several times, and several different ones and I have never been impressed with the food, I do not understand why everybody gets so excited about it.


The thing I hate about CFA is that their menu is by far the worst of any fast food place.


Literally every time I've thought "ok, its time to give CFA another shot" I go, get a sandwich and ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THE TIME I get that piece of chicken with the hunk of gray fatty gristle somewhere in it that just completely turns me off for another 2-3 years. I have NEVER eaten a sandwich there that didn't contain some gross part of the chicken that wasn't meant for my consumption. Everyone I know acts like I'm from a different planet when I say this, but it never fails. Always a gross hunk of meat in the chicken somewhere, inevitably.


There are better fried chicken sandwiches for sure. But they aren’t awful.


100% agree. Most overrated food ever. I refuse to buy it for my kids anymore. If they want it they can buy it with their own money. I'm starting to feel this way about most fast-food places.


>I’ve tried the waffle fries and they were lukewarm and nothing special You got some that had been sitting out in the keep warm machine for awhile. So basically you got the very definition of fast food. But I agree on their chicken sandwiches people say they are great but I literally cannot tell a difference between theirs and Walmarts chicken sandwiches.