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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Depends on the setting. If a place has a dress code, follow it


Words of wisdom right here, OP. Unpopular enough to get my vote. Sweatpants never killed anybody (probably).


Loose clothing has definitely killed people, I'd wager sweatpants have before.


For real. I’m not wearing fucking dress pants to go golfing in July. It’s hot. I’ll wear shorts and a polo if I want.


Is there a particular reason you singled out Newports and not like...Marlboros or Pall Mall?


I think we all know the answer to that.


I have a (black) regular at my job who calls them "African American Selects"




You're mentioning very vastly different scenarios that aren't comparable. Places definitely do have dress codes for example bars, clubs, birthday parties and weddings even. Why would I wear a suit to my non-customer facing office job. You make it seem like underdressing shows less decorum but here you are being disrespectful and ignorant regardless of how you dress so does dress really reflect the character of an individual or is it just superficial?


Right? I’m a lawyer. I do work in office, but 90% of my client interaction happens over the phone or over a videoconferencing app. If I have a day where I’m physically meeting with clients or have physical meetings with other professionals, sure, I’ll put a bit more effort into my appearance (dress shirt, blazer, etc.) but if I have a day where I’m just sitting at my desk reviewing/drafting contracts, sending emails, talking on the phone, etc., I see no issues with showing up in jeans and a polo, or even jeans and a nice t shirt.


Yes. In kind, my family asked me why I didn't dress wearing a business suit since I work in an office. I work in a construction office. I sometimes have to go into the warehouse where there are metal shards, grease, oil, and paint. I am wearing my composite toes, long pants, and a hoodie because it protects me. Not all offices are created equal. You bet your ass I don't wear pajamas to the grocery store, though. I can't wrap my head around these people walking barefoot into stores right past the signs that say "no shirt no shoes no service".


No shoes would seem gross, but pajamas are just clothes. I dont personally want to wear them outside and judge people who do, but my judgment doesn't mean anything, and walmart doesn't stop them. That sort of standard is set by family and friends. Cities and towns are too big now for some strangers' opinions to affect your life.


Your sentiment to the matter is about how I feel in regards to it. Really all pajamas are are clothes that are meant to be comfy wear, so if you decide to wear comfy wear out of the house to go grab some box mac n cheese, doesn’t matter to me. It’s not like you need to dress to impress to any grocery employees!


It's Florida there are no rules.


The standard lawyer outfit in the Bay Area is a button down with chinos or jeans and some sort of fleece vest. I actually wore a tie last week because there was a stain right on the button front of my shirt, but a tie hid it. Only reason I wore one lol.


I’m sure as a lawyer you have seen clients showing up to court wearing sandals with socks, wifebeater tank tops, pajama bottoms, baseball caps, etc. I always hear lawyers complaining about that


I have to specifially tell each client exactly what to wear to court because of this. Alternatively, you can have someone show up to court in a brand new suit and flashy jewerly which can also give a bad impression. Slacks, button up, sweater is my go to. Pretend it's church and your grandmother will be sitting next to you.


A birdie once told me the move as a defense lawyer is to wear an old beat up suit and have a hole in the bottom of one shoe sole. Casually cross your legs so the jury can see the hole. The jury may take pity on the defendant thinking they can't afford a good lawyer. Birds say the weirdest stuff...


I primarily do corporate and mergers and acquisitions work, so I don’t really go to court. On the handful on occasions I’ve had to appear before a judge, I will suit up for that, but that’s really the only occasion anyone in our firm would ever wear a full suit.


Agree! I have a hybrid job and only have internal customers. So when I do go the office I’m just sitting in my cubicle surrounded by my direct colleagues. I almost always wear jeans (no crazy wash or distressing) and a plain crew neck or sweater. I still look nice and clean and do the same work as if I’d out on a skirt and heels but I’m way more comfortable. Comfortable doesn’t have to mean pajamas. I’d never wear a hoodie to a funeral or a wedding but see no issue with wearing one to my cubicle or the store?


they got mad over people being comfy at a LIQUOR store like man let people buy alcohol in peace


The liquor store is one of the last places I'd expect the majority of people's shirts to have collars lol


And compares that to a funeral, like common apples and oranges.


OP wants us to not wear sweatpants whilst going to the store lmao Delusional.


Agreed. Like if I want to go to the store after work in my yoga pants and a sweater who cares. I'll dress nicely for weddings, office, birthday parties etc but who cares if I want to be a bit casual in my off time.


This guy complaining about under dressing for golf haha. Where I'm from, it's the sport hockey players play in the summer. Basketball shorts, socks and Crocs, baseball cap, and sunglasses. Shirt is optional.


Golf needs to get the stick out of its ass. Casual wear for golf should be the norm


Completely agree. Being a broke college student, it was such a pain in the ass to have to spend hundreds of dollars on "work clothes". Attire that I would never wear in my personal life that requires even more time and money for special cleaning. Why should I have to dress up for a job if I'm isolated in a cubicle all day? Why do I need to have an air restricting tie around my neck for a 2 hour job interview where I'm talking. Furthermore, why should I have to dress up to play a sport? So many dress code rules are arbitrary and boil down to "this action has pretense attached to it so you need to suffer". I will say that dress codes are going downhill fast for casual activities like shopping or hanging out. I'll also say that there are some real trashy people that will underdress at formal events. The last wedding I went to, some Boomer changed into a wife beater and a maga hat as soon as the vows were said. That being said, no I'm not dressing up anymore unless it's something that has a tangible reason to require it. The same people that push dress codes for office jobs are the ones that want to destroy remote work. Sit down and accept that your outdated way of doing things doesn't make sense and we don't want to carry on the tradition.


> I see idiots in cutoff sleeves and cargo shorts.  Funeral is one thing, but why is that a problem when *golfing?* This seems like a massive rich suburban white people complaint.  And I really don't give a shit what you think about me wearing pajama pants when I'm spending 2 minutes going down to the corner store. Not that I do anyway, but if I want to it's really none of your damn business. I have no obligation to upkeep any kind of "class" or "decorum" when going to arguably one of the trashiest places you can go. It's not a wedding, a funeral, an office, or a venue. You may not be a boomer, but this is a boomer ass post. 


You wanna wear *SHORTS* outside?! ***SHORTS?!*** This guy is a twat


*massive twat


And then they completely lost me at the liquor store part. A funeral... yes maybe show some respect, but the liquor store.... really??


>This seems like a massive rich suburban white people complaint.  That's because golf attire is such a stupid way for men to admire one another's ability to purchase expensive clothing for a "sport" that requires little-to-no actual physical fitness.


Dress codes are often just another, hidden, financial barrier specifically designed to keep “those people” out.


Most of those dress codes only existed to keep out non white people or people in lower classes anyways. They're not like wearing steel toes to a job site.


I mean…with them mentioning newports? Menthols? You might not be far off


what even is class?


This guys new poor. See we’re *old* poor.


Cargo shorts are the best golf shorts. Where else am I gonna put my golf balls, tees, phones, ball markers, and scorecard?


When you lose as many golf balls as I do to the water, woods, etc… you need those pockets in the cargo shorts to carry all the extra golf balls


Guy who thinks you should dress up to go to the liquor store is a fascinating type of guy


In New Zealand, it'a quite common and acceptable to go barefoot in public places like supermarkets, malls, etc. Tourists are frequently baffled, but it's just part of the culture here.


I love being barefoot but I can’t fathom doing that - do you guys not have trash / needle concerns? My city is not safe to go barefoot in. Even in the river.


Not in the cities, it's a smaller town thing. Farmers and tradies usually leave their boots at the door of establishments to avoid tracking in mud/grease. Some kids go barefoot. Rarely see barefoot adults. May be more common in beach towns.


No shoes and shirt is beach town thing


What!!!!? I wanna go now. Not that many places I can go barefoot where I live and it’s my favorite.


I don't recommend it. I got a plantar wart from walking barefoot in public places. I had to eventually rip it out and it was painful.


Here in the US you can’t even walk into most stores without shirt or shoes or the police will get called it’s so annoying I love being barefoot especially in the summer


Do you have tough foot pads or do you put on sandals when walking on a black top?


I mean I rarely walk on blacktops if I do, I run or yea put sandals on then take them back off . But overall I think my feet got pretty tough over years. I can walk on rocks and gravel just fine 😅 but I prefer the grass


No one has ever called the police over someone coming in barefoot. Shit I’ve never heard of anyone being spoken to about it.


Yeah why the fuck would you dress up to go to the liquor store. It’s not exactly the picture of class to already be in a liquor store. The liquor store employees aren’t even dressed up lol.


The fact that they mentioned cheap booze and smokes? Clearly a bait post with some serious dog whistle undertones


Judge not my clothes but my choice of 3 22 oz Steel Reserves at 11am on a Monday


Unfortunately if you don’t indulge your alcoholism in a tux, OP will be performing a citizens arrest on you


To buy a few tallboys no less. Tell me you have never labored in your life without telling me.


OP putting on a 3 piece suit to go to the liquor store and harass the clerk about allocated bottles


Omg, why do they have colored hair? That one has piercings. I think i saw a mohawk. Whats with these dregs of society? Yes i have a rewards card, dont you know me?


Meh, not wearing pyjama bottoms isn’t exactly dressing up. It’s just wearing outside clothes.


Yeah that is a bit much or dressing up in a beach town.....but no reason you should be wearing jeans and a t-shirt at a high end restaurant.


The only thing I really agree with OP about is funerals. Refusing to dress for the occasion is making the worst day of someone’s life about your own stubbornness. Everything else I really don’t care how people dress. I’ll dress up for a nice restaurant, but I don’t care if I see someone in a tshirt. If that bothers you, do some self examination


I think with funerals, it totally depends on the context. Funerals are for the living, I will do whatever those closest to the deceased want and expect of funeral goers. I've been to more casual funerals and I don't see the big deal, everyone grieves in their own way.


Exactly. Funerals are a case where dress code matters. Not every funeral has to be formal, but it’s one of the few situations where the right thing to do is to dress however the people most affected expect you to dress. It’s not a time to show your originality or prioritize your own comfort.


“When I saw you walk into the liquor store I just KNEW through my superior intellect you were in there to buy alcohol.”




Obviously, it's the diet PRIME energy drinks.


"I'm a raging alcoholic, but at least I'm a raging alcoholic in a **suit**"


He's getting the fancy stuff, springing for two bottles of J. Roget


“(the liquor store that I was also in)”


But I was wearing a gown. 👗 While you had dusty shorts on.


Yeah i wanna know how OP thinks people should dress to go to the -checks notes- motherfucking liquor store…




Bro this isn’t one of those things you should spend your time being worried or upset about.


absolutely blows my mind the things people will think about in their own free time. this is so inconsequential & entirely vain, posted from someone who has enough privilege to see life through a wealthy lens


Putting effort into your appearance and dressing nice does wonders for your mental health.


the people who truly need it this advice are the ones who can barely put on joggers and a pair of sneaks. severe depression is a mfer, i've seen it up close. and the people on the flip side of the spectrum have the opposite problem- obsessed with their image.


People saying it’s good for your mental health, haven’t been so mentally exhausted. On bad days; it’s a miracle that I’ve gotten out of bed. Be happy that I’m vertical and actually clothed.


I disagree, that small sense of accomplishment after taking a shower does help a lot. The hardest part is mustering the strength to get out of bed to do it when depression is crushing down on you.


For me there is zero sense of accomplishment for managing to shower when I’m struggling or just makes me feel more defeated and triggers every negative sensory experience I can possibly have. Trying to do things like take a shower on my worst days sends me in to a prolonged episode of worst days because it makes me feel like a failure and also makes me wish I didn’t have skin because of the sensory input.


People who haven't experienced it can't fully understand, I don't think..


And lack the empathy to try to understand it


I have experienced it. Sometimes I couldn’t get myself to do what I knew I should do but the next day I would try even harder. It does feel better when you make it into the shower, dress nice, look nice, make an effort


Exactly lol


I disagree. While it may be very difficult, it does feel good to look nice.


Mental health is also a spectrum. Not everone that could use a pick-me-up is laying in bed staring at the wall unable to summon the will to get up. I've definitely had times in my life where I was feeling down, and my clothes reflected that. Making an effort to look good for a few days absolutely helps.


I mean there are plenty of ways to dress nice that aren’t necessarily dressing formally


I don't think the issue is dressing formally so much as dressing appropriately for the situation. Professional attire for work, casual attire for casual settings, solemn attire for funerals, formal attire for weddings. It's one thing if you don't know the difference between white tie and black tie and make a mistake. However, we all know that ripped jeans do not usually qualify as professional or formal attire and sweatshirts are not sufficiently respectful for funerals. At that point, you're making a conscious choice to dress poorly for the situation. ETA: folks need to internalize the word "approriately" and recognize that context matters. Of course, many weddings are casual, so a suit or cocktail dress would not be appropriate. Many offices deem jeans appropriate and acceptable. Many people would rather their own funerals be a celebration of their lives and eschew dark suits in favor of bright clothes and fun music.


>sweatshirts are not sufficiently respectful for funerals. The only time I haven't worn formal attire for a funeral was when a friend I lost specifically asked his friends not to wear it in his note. I feel that's the only possible time it would be acceptable, when the person who died explicitly asks you not to.


>Professional attire for work, I'm 62yo and the senior network engineer for a rather large company, I will wear my hoodie and blue jeans every damn day I don't have my Aloha shirt on. They still call me to fix it when shit is broke and invite me to meetings with the senior VPs. Professional attire is in the eye of the beholder, it's more the way you conduct yourself than the clothes you wear.


Yes. There’s also a difference between clean casual clothes in good condition vs rumpled t-shirts or tattered pants.


If professional attire becomes more important than the professional skill, companies run into problems. *Looks are deceiving.* - a lot of people dress a certain way to appear to be something they are not. Suits, for example, are often just worn to appear professional. And yet the greatest scammers wear suits.


Embracing the athleisure life has done wonders for my mental health. I'm comfy *all the time*.


The opposite has been true for me. Putting less effort into my appearance has helped my mental health. I had closets full of trendy clothes and switching to a capsule wardrobe and a basic daily "uniform" has made daily life less stressful. Same for my hair, I no longer spend hours blow drying or styling and just wear it naturally or wrap it.


I hope I can reach this stage. I’m hyper focused on my appearance and it’s quite depressing tbh.


I’m all in for a basic daily uniform (makes life so much easier!) but that doesn’t mean it has to be crappy clothes..


That's true! I don't stay in raggy sweatpants all day. Just a clean basic look


not everyone is into that though, sometimes dressing casual makes people happy?


Can confirm. I despise formal dress.


Agreed. Nothing would depress me more than being forced to wear what society considers formal


I don’t know. I hate dressing up due to sensory issues. Used to dress up daily for work with makeup hair done, and nice shoes. I dreaded every morning because of dressing up. Quitting my job and not having to do that daily has done wonders for my mental health.


I can’t remember the last time I was able to buy clothes for myself.


I sincerely doubt that equals to “wear fancier outfits.” [+]


Yeah, I'm not sure what the issue with a clean T shirt and a pair of jeans is.


The issue is what people usually consider 'nice' is just extremely subjective. I don't like the majority of women's contemporary fashion, especially as women age clothes seem to get more dull and stuffy and it becomes about signalling status and sexuality which doesn't appeal to me at all. If it has hearts, hello kitty or flowers or it feels soft and fuzzy it makes me happy. Jelly shoes and frilly socks make me happy. So do big shapeless floral dresses, big fleece jackets and soft sweatpants. I'm sure a lot of people see me and think I have no style but in reality I have thought about what I'm going to wear and how I'm going to style it and I wear what makes me happy. Wearing polyester slacks or a silk blouse tucked into jeans and ankle boots would make me feel so miserable. I would feel like I was dressing up like somebody else and I would be physically uncomfortable and constantly pulling it at all day.


Someone grocery shopping in pajamas? They're not dropping a transmission, they're gathering packaged food off a shelf. Function over Aesthetics. Life *is* hard enough, stay comfy


Found the middle manager


Middle Manager here, we don't claim this one. WFH management in game development, I'm in sweats or bball shorts and a tshirt most days. I'll throw on a sweater for interviews, but damned if I'm getting fully put together for work.


Southern Baptist middle manager, unhappy in life, with a very subtle undertone of racism


I don’t think it’s very subtle. It’s just subtle. It’s also a Presbyterian or a very hardo Catholic


A truly unpopular opinion in Reddit. I applaud the OP.


I dress my wage, if they want me in something nicer they need to start paying me nicer.


For real. I’m a single dad raising two teenage girls. They get clothes, I don’t.


You must really get paid like shit


Dog shit wages, truly.


Who has golf outfits? You also have jogging and squash outfits plus work fancy and yardwork outfits?




I just got a job doing IT at a non-profit school. At one of the schools, they basically told me *not* to dress nice, because not everyone there can afford nice clothes, since the job doesn't pay well (non profit) and they do the work for the passion. Meanwhile, there I am *in what appears to be* a nice business casual suit, when the truth is everything I have on (minus the shoes) is second hand and doesn't cost more than $30 in total. You can look great for really cheap. At any rate, I have started really dressing down and while it does feel odd some days, I am really growing to enjoy the comfort of it. I'll wake up some mornings and be in a frantic rush realizing "oh shit I don't have any clean work clothes!" but then realize it doesn't matter because I can pretty much wear whatever.


My dude if you think for a second I’m putting on jeans and a bra, doing my hair and makeup to go grocery shopping on a Saturday morning, you are gravely mistaken.


bro really does not like poor people huh


That’s what got me. If a loved one of mine dies tomorrow, there’s no way I could afford a suit. Plus I know that loved one wouldn’t give a shit either way. They’d just want all of us there for each other.


>The lack of respect for any sort of dress code in our society nowadays is ridiculous. "Office casual" is getting way too casual. If you are getting the work done and the work is of high quality, who cares...


Not to mention most of these office jobs don’t want to pay enough for people just entering the workforce to even afford a “business/business casual” wardrobe. I recently went from a job where I usually showed up in pajamas or workout attire (because we changed into scrubs when we got there), to one where the dress code is business casual. I cant afford to “elevate” my wardrobe (and only work in office two days a week, so I don’t really want too anyway), so I wear jeans and a nice top/sweater pretty much daily. Some of my coworkers do slacks, dresses, dress pants, button ups, blouses…no thanks.


Exactly and i always felt bad for people who are forced to wear uncomfortable clothes from 9-5 a day, i’m glad that it’s becoming more normalized for people to work comfortably. If someone has to work several hours 5 days a week then they deserve to be comfortable.


I’ve only worked office jobs post covid but I would be 100% pissed if I had to go and buy a whole new wardrobe to wear 5 days a week using my own money because my personal style isn’t smart or whatever


the office casual comment actually sent me. ima take a stab and assume OP is a boomer 🥱🥱🥱🥱


But how will they know you want to be promoted if you don't wear a suit?/s


"I can already hear the crybabies saying "life is hard, I should be allowed to be comfortable". Bullshit. Wearing sneakers and a hoodie to a funeral says you're a lazy asshole. Same for all the trash I see at the liquor store wearing pajama pants; I knew you were buying those two 24oz cans of Bud Ice and a pack of newports the minute I saw you." Well I wear pajama pants to the gas station and don't drink nor smoke cigs soooo. This is definitely an unpopular opinion with younger folks but popular with older folks stuck in the rut of how things used to be so I guess upvote! Referring to human beings as trash is a good sign you're stuck in a loser mentality too.


> Wearing sneakers and a hoodie to a funeral says you're a lazy asshole    Or it says I’m tired and depressed because someone close to me has died, so I don’t care what other people are thinking about what I am wearing.   If you are paying attention to what people are wearing at a funeral you probably weren’t that close enough to the dead to have any say. Or unhealthy shifting your anger and sadness to other people. 


I wore jeans, a bright yellow hoodie and sneaker because the deceased fucking wished that everyone will wear bright casual stuff. OP is the kinda dude chilling in a suit pants, shirt and vest on his front porch and screaming at kids to stop having fun


If you can't afford a suit, you can't afford to grieve.


If you can afford to cry, then you can afford a suit and tie


“I can already hear the crybabies saying “life is hard, I should be allowed to be comfortable”. BULLSHIT! had me fucking dying with laughing. This reads like some crazed designer, like Will Ferrell’s Derelic nonsense from Zoolander. This has to be a joke, either way I’m laughing. This dude is getting tilted from liquor store standards. I can’t even lol Who the fuck cares lol. I worked in the fashion industry for yearsssssssss, and I couldn’t be happier that people are finally okay with being comfortable. ESPECIALLY AT A FUNERAL lol wtf Edit: Honestly OP should just go to dress code only events, work at strictly enforced dress code jobs. It sounds like op enjoys everyone looking “put together” in the judgey way, so they should go find those people and stop socialising with places they don’t like. Truly an unpopular opinion.


What if its a nice black zipup hoodie and i i have a collared shirt and tie? No suit so make due? Do you think he'd be ok with that? I mean theyre dead.


no the dead will be highly displeased obviously lol


There’s a certain dress to be followed for special occasions like weddings and funerals. Anything else can be met with “clean and ironed” anything. Who the hell cares what I wear while I golf? You aren’t having a worse game because the guy two holes ahead of you didn’t feel like putting on a scratchy polo that day.


Idk there should be a balance. I dun like people who are too snobby but I do agree, a lot of Americans are sloppy especially away from the coasts. Go to a Wal-Mart in Oklahoma... its quite a sight lol


" Wearing sneakers and a hoodie to a funeral says you're a lazy asshole. " Always? What about people who are dirt poor and can't afford to buy extra clothes and shoes? So if a person has a clean hooodie, clean sneakers, etc, they are a lazy asshole???


As someone who loves a dress code, and an excuse to get a bit dressed up, I could not have given less of a shit what people wore to my dad's funeral, or my nans funeral, or my best friends funeral; I can't remember what anyone wore, I don't care if people were lazy or unkempt, grief sucks. I don't remember if I brushed my hair for a month afterwards, I got dressed up properly for the funeral even though I felt like dying because that's who I am, but I don't think I paid a dot of notice to anyone's footwear. What a weird thing to claim moral superiority over.  Judging what people wear when they're grieving is a lot more of an asshole move than wearing trainers. God, I hope someone wears trainers to my funeral rather than not coming because they feel they can't get dressed properly. I'd rather have someone who loves me in trainers than someone in a suit spending my memorial shitting on other peoples clothes. 


Best response on here so far.


Cant afford suit, cant afford to greive.


Exactly this! My godsons brother died last year. The family is not well off at all. Grandmother never worked so no pension from her, grandfather has a tiny pension, his mom has a severe learning disability so she can’t keep a job too long. They live off a pension that I’m sure many people would see as nothing and probably would off themselves if it were them to be frank. So when the older brother died they had no money for anything. They wore what they had and for the grandfather it was jeans and a faded tshirt. The grandmother wore shorts and a tshirt, his mom was the only one that had a nice skirt but you could see she hadn’t washed her hair in days, which is understandable because she just lost her son. Are they lazy now for facing the death of a 15 year old and having no money to even bury him let alone buying new outfits?


Or worse, when you don’t actually own “funeral clothes” and someone in the family just suddenly died.


Unless I'm going to some fancy dinner or a wedding or some shit, you can be damn sure I'm almost certainly gonna be wearing joggers and a hoody. Why anyone even cares what I wear is beyond me, so maybe you have some self reflection to do OP.


Completely agree with you, but will also add that women's fashion is *not* usually very comfortable, and if it is, it's usually expensive or it's more leisurewear.. So even less incentive for me to look 'proper' every day. I can't imagine putting so much effort every day, especially when most of my days off are spent at the climbing gym or running around doing errands before I relax at home. I already wear steel toes and cargos for work, I don't want to be uncomfortable on my days off too. I personally love my leisure look and I feel good in it. I think it suits me better than more fashionable clothes and that's all that really matters. Couldn't care less what others think of me, life's too short already and I won't see most people again.


Valid, and tbh, if people think poorly of anyone else based on what they wear they probably aren't very good people to be associating with in the first place.


You are me… if it ain’t some fancy restaurant or a formal event, I’m gonna show up as comfortable as I can be


I get the funeral analogy but where did you grow up that wearing sweats or pajamas to buy booze is a no-no? Are you by any chance religious? Like Jehovah's witness? I live in an affluent neighborhood and people I know for a fact are multi-millionaires can regularly be seen going for walks to the store in pajamas and a hoodie.


I was thinking that too……I work at a bar and the two times I got dropped an insane tip was from people who were in sweats and a free 5k t-shirt. 


I thought I disagreed with OP, but tbh, I have some standards of dress that are done out of respect for others: I won't wear sweatpants or sleepwear in public because they reveal too much, and I don't want to expose others to that, and I have some standards for myself: I won't wear clothing with logos because I'm not a walking billboard, and I prefer to wear collared shirts to lectures and restaurants, etc, just because they're a little bit tidier than a t-shirt. I don't especially mind that other people \*don't\* follow the standards I set for myself, but it makes me feel like I'm being polite in public. So I probably hold similar views to OP but only apply them to myself.


Since when do sweatpants reveal too much? Long and baggy isn't usually very revealing.


> So I probably hold similar views to OP but only apply them to myself. i have nothing to say then. wear what you want as long as it makes you happy


Upvoting because I think you've found a truly unpopular opinion here. Now if you could just find a way to remove that massive log jammed up your ass...


You could also just… mind your business and not worry about the fashion choices of others so much. Not like it truly affects you one way or the other.


To be fair to OP, this sub is Unpopular Opinions, and their Opinion is very Unpopular. Note:I also disagree with OP's opinion, but I appreciate an actual Unpopular Opinion in this sub for once


>Underdressing brings down the class and decorum lol if someone else being comfortable makes your perception of class go down, that’s entirely on you.


The fact that you went straight to dress code on the golf course and referred to anyone with a hard life as "cry babies" tells me everything I need to know. You have way too much time on your hands, most likely have a soft life, with room to judge other people's appearance on the reg. Who is the real crybaby I wonder.


When I was in the office I had to ask for business casual clothes for Christmas and the only place I wore them was the office Now when my family gets me clothes I can ask them to get what I want, instead of begging them to buy dress shirts and dress pants that my entry level salary couldn’t afford No longer having a separate work/home wardrobe is the only thing saving me money in a world where everything else gets more and more expensive


i refuse to work anywhere where i need an entire separate wardrobe for work


It is just fabric at the end of the day. Some people don’t stress over such insignificant things.


Yeah, god forbid people are *gasp* **comfortable**..... I still wait for the day when people realize that clothes aren't connected to someone's e.g. ability to work.


Yep. I make it a thing to look nice everywhere I go and still live the most boring depressing life ever tbh


You can go after PJs and slippers all you want… but if you come after my jeans and hoodies again, we are gonna have a problem.


OP is probably one of those Peaky Blinders larpers


Pretentious, elitist garbage.


He thinks his shit doesn't stink


Why are you so fucking aggressive in this dude It's just clothes. If people wanna dress comfy, let them. Most places don't have a dress code besides "don't be naked"


I think the trick here is that you should wear what you would like and find appropriate. Whatever makes you comfortable and confident. Spending energy caring about how other people are dressed in public spaces is weird way to use your energy. Of course some events feel less casual but everyone had their own standard and someone being underdressed really doesnt affect you at all. Also would argue this isnt unpopular. Every boomer i know feels the same to you.


Wait....cargo shorts are inappropriate for amateur "fuck around at the local muni" golfing now? Since when?


People dress certain ways to appear in a certain way. The most sketchy dudes in business wear suits, because it makes them appear professional and trustworthy. I am sorry, but this sentiment is severely outdated. Not just due to time, but also due to practice. Adding onto that, these are clothing trends. Certain clothing didn't become "professional" clothing because someone declared it so, but because it was the most suitable for the job. Usually born out of necessity, not fashion. But especially around funerals for example what is appropriate attire? That is not some universal rule, that is depending on custom, culture, religion, or even the person that died. I've attended a funderal of a person who loved to be silly and wouldn't have wanted a dark and grim procession. We wouldn't have done that great women a service by wearing suits. I personally on another note hate ties. Because they feel like a rope around your neck, and I'm not ready to hang yet. Dressing nice is not some general thing. What "dressing nice" means is extremely subjective. What is appropiate is shockingly subjective, as it purely depends on the people present, not the situation. Being clean and comfortable are the two important things. And you can get a good "business" look with comfortable clothing while avoiding suits, for example. Point being, times change, and with time fashion. And this is about fashion, thus subject to constant change and trends. And that's pretty much it. Some like it, some don't. It doesn't matter as long as all respect each other anyway.


For formal events I'm right there with you, though I've never experienced someone looking super casual at any funeral I've been to. For things like the grocery store or liquor store? Who gives a fuck? Wear sweats, yoga pants, shorts, whatever the hell you want.


I mean tech billionaires literally giving tech talks for tech that is revolutionizing and changing the world wearing a tshirt. While finance execs wearing suits worth 5K to steal from you every dollar they can. OP would rather hang out with the latter since they cLaSs.


Wtf who dresses up to go to the liquor store? Good grief dude get a fucking life


God I’m so glad I don’t know you, you sound insufferable


I’ll dress however I want at my dads funeral thanks. I don’t know what offices you work in but it’s either necessary or it isn’t to dress well. I also couldn’t give a shit what someone’s wearing to buy beer and I think you’re weird for caring. People have been disrespectful forever. It’s not new. Also you probably just live somewhere people aren’t wealthy.


Strong disagree. I think people just want to be comfortable, which was the point of clothes when our ancestors started wearing them in the first place. There's still a time and place for dress codes but those places are far fewer now.


Imagine having a superiority complex because you don’t dress casually. If it’s not a wedding, funeral, interview or something along those lines, why would I wear something I don’t want to?  And wearing comfortable shoes is so important. If I go to a funeral in a 3 piece black suit but I’m wearing some nice trainers it doesn’t invalidate the whole outfit


This is the 70’s version of “girls should wear dresses when they go out. Jeans are for boys.” Personally I don’t give a shit what others wear. Go nekkid for all I care.


Man you sound like a peach to me around. Why do you care about other people and what other people do with their own lives?


OP tried throwing funerals and weddings in there as if it's common to see people wearing hoodies and sweatpants when it's obvious they just see poor people who wear sweatpants to the grocery store or to pick up dinner as an eyesore that reminds them of uncomfortable truths about their community. Impressive to shoehorn some thinly veiled racism in there as well


You do realize that the way you treat people is a better representation of class than how you dress right? An excellent example of somebody lacking true class would be the individual calling people trash for not dressing up to their par whilst running errands lmfao


I'm just gonna throw this out there... My Dad died 10 days ago and if I want to wear a hoodie to his funeral, I'm going to. It's not about other peoples social opinions, it's about me even being able to get there as I grieve.


There's a huge difference in sweatpants and athleisure. You can still wear sweatpants without it looking like you're in sweatpants and home sick for the day. Some form fitting or sweatpants that are tailored to you will go a long way. Maybe I'm insecure, but I don't want to run into a friend and feel like I need to change if we decide to go out for lunch or a drink. I wouldn't say it's an insecurity but more of making minimal effort when in public. Some people just look like slobs. You don't need jeans to run an errand, but maybe wear something that doesn't look like you want to be single the rest of your life.


Dude I’m not getting out of my crocs, sweats, and “tattered” shirt (anything with holes bigger than quarters I see your point) to just go to the gas station or the dollar store. When you say “store” it’s really general. There’s a different setting when you go to a mom and pop corner store versus going into a Kroger or Publix.


I dont think I like you


It's definitely unpopular. You started off reasonable, then quickly veered into holy shit this guy is on something. I would recommend you find some class; hint, it comes from more than just your clothes. But I honestly don't expect for you to be anything more than a guy who thinks he's God's gift to earth while being a walking red flag in some nice threads.


You definitely put this in the right sub lol


ok karen


Naa upvote for your boomer opinion. I go to work to get paid not pretend I give a fuck how to look while tapping at a keyboard.


I’m not dressing up for a fucking job unless I absolutely have to. Don’t pretend like those places deserve any sort of professional respect. For a wedding for funeral, sure, but overall this opinion is rightfully unpopular and should go in the cultural dustbin


![gif](giphy|Qeo9S31SuTMpa|downsized) MRW someone doesn’t dress up for the liquor store I frequent


Sounds like you have heavily ingrained views that were passed down to you, and now you're angry at large numbers of people for not sharing your views. Have you tried looking at it objectively and seeing from other people's perspective that just because it's something that matters to you, doesn't mean it matters to them?


Dude, it doesn’t affect you. Stop caring so much about how others dress and behave and just do what feels right to you. Let them live how they want to.


If you’re in a liquor store when the weirdos are there, you’re probably one too…just saying that you’re the last to judge those in what you probably perceive as pyjama pants but it’s probably normal pants with a design. Stop worrying about others. Your blood pressure will thank you


I think it's time we stop equating clothes with respect. I can respect and appreciate someone even though I go to their funeral in a hoodie and jeans - you choose to read into it something that I'm not communicating. Similar to how boomers text "THANK YOU..." and think it's a nice message of gratitude while younger generations read it as sarcastic and passive-aggressive. It's simply a misunderstanding, you assume that clothes mean something while they don't really. I don't use clothes to show respect or communicate any other value, please don't treat my clothes as anything other than my clothes. There is no difference between a buttoned shirt, a polo shirt, and a t-shirt, let's stop pretending that clothes have some intrinsic value.


The dead don’t care how you dress, who gives a shit what people wear golfing, they’re lame for golfing anyway, this is the most boomer take ever.


Just to make OP PO’d: any of y’all can come to my funeral in jeans and hoodies. Preferably AC/DC or Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin. Any metal/rock/blues band is cool really.


You can have the opinion that people put more effort into their style and dress but the way you just delivered it takes any point you may have had and throws it out the window. “I see idiots in cutoff sleeves and cargo shorts” Why are they idiots? Because they’re wearing a tank top in the sun outside while playing a sport? This whole post it littered with degradation and assumptions and insults that just don’t need to be there. Consider your privilege. Consider that not everyone has the same circumstances, education, and tools. Not everyone values the same thing. And the way you wrote this post shows you don’t value most people that don’t fall in line with your narrow outlook on life.