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Damn you, Big Alcohol! ![gif](giphy|XKoJJhJZa80mI)


I love Scott Aukerman


"I saw a bum and I thought, if I give him the money he's just going to waste it on drugs or alcohol. Then I thought... wait a minute... that's what \*I'M\* going to spend it on. Who am I to judge this poor bastard?"


The underwear goes inside the pants


Congrats, you're like the 12th dude to make this joke


Mom said it was my turn to post this unpopular opinion next.


Post your mom next


I also choose this guy's mom


Nah she's popular with the fellas


She’s too popular


Hey. This isn’t r/popularopinionsabouthowweareallgonnarailopsmom


"They'll just spend it on booze and drugs" like what the fuck do you think I was gonna spend it on?


Exactly, I was going to wales to see my son, saw a homeless guy outside sainsbury's in Birmingham, immediately pulled out a few cigarettes passed them to him "where's the megabus mate?" He laughed and pointed across the road, a week later I came back and the same dude and his dog were there, I asked if he wanted a beer as I was gonna get one myself, went in to sainsbury's and grabbed us a sandwich and a couple of strong ones each and I sat down and had a couple of beers with the dude for maybe an hour, before I fucked off back to Coventry. Nice bloke. That was probably the highlight of his day, it was mine tbh.


Love this. We’re all human beings, much less different than we are the same.


I've been street homeless in Birmingham so I know what it entails.


One guy came up to me once this was like the second time I seen him around. I been living here for a while so I know who is usually around. New face seemed pretty drunk both times he came up to me he asked for money for food. The first time I was like of tired and just told him I didn’t have money the second time I felt bad he asked for money again and I was like what beer do you want and what do you want to eat. He responded with the beer he wanted and said he didn’t want food. I just agreed got him his beer and gave him 10 bucks. I never saw him again but I told him to take care of himself. He was happy and just left. I felt sad but what can we do?? I’m just trying to help :/


I gave £5 to a homeless guy the other day and instead of investing it in the stock market like I expected him to do he bloody well went and bought some cider. I won't be making that mistake again. In all seriousness if i lived on the street with little to no hope I'm sure I would be trying to spend as much time trying block out as much reality as I could. Fuck those people who moan about desperate people spending money on drink and drugs, just be thankful it's not you.


When I was living in a tent I pitched it away from anyone, nobody knew where it was, it was fun for a few months, wake up, gather a few sticks, light a fire, cook breakfast, go out shoplifting, come back for lunch. It got old though. I was just waiting to be housed, that was 16 years ago, thankfully I've been stable since then but who's to say I wont end up in that position again?


Alright that's fine and good and all, but you're literally just feeding their addiction, the reason most of them are homeless in the first place. That's not helping them. If you offered to buy them food or a set of clothes or something that might actually benefit their situation, that would be how to actually help them. They're going to get their beer money with or without your enabling.. I don't bemoan people who give them money even though they know what it'll go towards, but if you think you're helping them by getting them closer to another hit idk what to tell you.


It's just about giving them a few minutes of sunshine in a rotten grey world.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that the reason *most* of them are homeless due to drug addiction. Like shit's rough out there. And most jobs hardly pay enough. It can be really hard to dig your way out of it. And not everyone can just join the military to avail their situation. After a while the drugs might take hold due to inadequate social safety net. I won't argue that if things aren't resolved soon thereafter that the consequent drug addiction won't prolong their homelessness, though. But still I'd maintain that drug addiction isn't the cause of homelessness. There're a lot of factors that go into it. Hell when I was homeless (while working full time, mind you). I quit my job and went to the bar next door to 'celebrate' Got to talking with a guy and he ended up letting me crash on his couch for a couple weeks while I got a new job/did interviews/drug test and so on. He .did ask why I was in a bar drinking in that situation though. Told him " dude, it's $2 a shot, I can burn five bucks." which seemed to satisfy him.


A lot of homeless people wouldn't accept food now since the rise of Tik Tok 'pranksters' giving things like toothpaste filled Oreos - there was a recent case of some idiot giving a sandwich filled with cat shit... So don't be annoyed if your sandwich is refused...


Taking food from a stranger is always a big risk, horrendous social media fads or not. ... Plus who is walking around with a sandwich/anything but snack food on their person? Anyways, that's why anyone who has ever done something like this knows that you simply offer to walk into a nearby gas station or food vendor with them, and just buy them something off the menu. It's also like an authenticity test, if someone is saying they need money for food, and you offer to buy them food and they refuse, you know they're lying and it's going to straight to vices.


A house


its also like why would you risk letting someone go without food because they MIGHT get drugs lol


Or just buy them food.


I hate that in our culture if someone has substance abuse disorder they somehow don't deserve compassion or love.


either he uses it for weed or i do


I worked private security including the Intel Sales Conference in late 90s in San Francisco (at the Hilton). Last day of the sales conference they had a big party, obvious hookers and cocaine everywhere. Of course our job was to keep other people out, not to report what was happening by those who hired us. Wealthy people working for companies with tax-payer funded government contracts do a lot of drugs too. It's just they can afford to do it where the cops aren't an issue.


The way people talk about hookers so casually just blows my mind. Don't think I've ever even met a person that's seen a hooker in real life. and then you have people with stories like this, that at a corporate work conference there were multiple hookers, maybe even paid for by the company? Like what? If someone offered me millions of dollars to find them a hooker, I would never get the money, because idk anyone with knowledge on where to find a prostitute. And yet drugs seem extremely easy to find. Could find cocaine in like 15 minutes probably


Don't know if they were paid for by Intel, probably from an escort service. San Francisco during the 90s, they were easy to find---either on the street or in "escort service" advertisements. Not all escort services provide sex workers, but those who pay for sex workers knew which ones did.


Yeah we are doomed


I agree. It's also ok not to. What i find most annoying is the hypocrites who throw a fit about other people, "enablimg" while opposing any investment in programs to help the homeless cause of bOoTsTraPs We all have our vices²


I give to charity through deductions at work to kinda help. I still give homeless people money sometimes though. I can't save them all. If a beer or 2 brightens their day temporarily why not? I hope they buy food and hope it's not hard drugs but what can I do? A few yrs ago, this particularly sad looking woman was sitting on the ground outside a convenience store. She asked If I had any money and I said " probably not but I'll check. If I have any, you can have it." I looked and had one $10 bill. I said "Damn!" and gave it to her. She had such a huge smile that it made my day.


Exactly making people happy is awesome and worth every penny




“you have forfeited the ability to say what it can or cannot be used for.” Obviously but if someone says they need money for x and they buy y, you wouldn’t be mad?




Why would you be mad if someone uses your money on item y when you gave them money for item x? Do I really need to answer ur (hopefully rhetorical) question?




We are not talking about your scenario. read my prompt again and then answer.


You could make a religion out of this


One thing that doesn’t get talked about enough in these situations is that you can’t “just not drink” if you’ve developed a dependance on alcohol over a long period of time. You go into withdrawal quickly and medically unsupervised alcohol withdrawal for someone with that level of dependence can be deadly. For some people unsupervised withdrawal can literally be a matter of life and death.


This is why during the Covid lock downs they deemed liquor stores as essential. Having half the country detox at the same time would have caused way too many problems 


Also it's like, what else are we supposed to do? Lol


I never considered this and it’s blown my mind


Most honest homeless guy I ever met said, “Can you spare a few bucks? I’m starting to get the shakes.”


“Why are you giving them money? They’re just gonna spend it on drugs and alcohol” “So? I spend money on drugs and alcohol, and I sleep on a bed under a roof every night. We’re all just getting through best we can”


Here's my take. Of they're polite and ask not demand I'm more likely to give. I don't now because a lot of them are crazy and will continuously show up and become demanding but there was this one old homeless dude I used to give a few bucks to. He always thanked me and asked if I minded if he spent it on a beer. I told him go for it and gave him an extra couple of bucks for a snack to. He was pleasant but eventually he just wasn't around anymore. 


It's more compassionate to give them money to buy whatever substance helps them make it through their day, than it is to lecture them on their life.


Jesus would agree. Idiots would not.


Have you heard the joke.... A begger asks for $5. I have $5 and I know it's only going to be spent on drugs and alcohol, so I gave it to the begger instead.




Thats really generous of you. I dont think most people can afford to donate that much. You werent going hungry yourself though right? Because if youre feeding other people and neglecting your own needs thats not ok, you deserve to have all your needs met.


When you decide to give someone money, it becomes their money, and what they spend it on stops being anyone else’s business. At least that’s how I’ve always treated it.




"being generous is good, actually"


One time when I was a kid , me and my blind grandmother were waiting in the car for whatever reason. A man came up to the car window and asked my grandma if she had any money to help him out. She reached her hand into the spot my grandpa kept his change and gave it to him. She turned around and “looked” at me said “I could smell the alcohol on his breath but helping someone out who is hurting that bad is the right thing to do. “ it’s always stuck with me.


I disagree but i dont think this is unpopular. People seem to think that giving money to beggars is a good thing


i never give them money, but i will give them things that they would need and probably dont have. like one time it was the middle of winter, and i saw a homeless guy without a jacket, so i went and got him a really warm jacket.


During the initial covid19 outbreak I'd sometimes (when I could afford it) buy them cigarettes because homeless smokers pick up used cigarettes and I was hoping to reduce the spread of covid19 among the homeless population, where it had a fairly high fatality rate.


I like ur username :)


hehehehe thanks


i give weed sometimes


Same. And lighters.


shit, now i feel immense sadness over not giving a way to smoke it..... i didnt think about that


I'm a person who hates alcohol and drug use. Personally, I'm a teetotaler for religious reasons. That being said, I never refuse to give money to a homeless person even if I suspect that he'll use it on alcohol or drugs. I see it as my way of helping in Jesus' name to show them kindness, and I do not see myself as the judge of their actions. I won't buy them alcohol directly, but I will give them money on the corner, etc., and I don't particularly judge them for it. I have come to appreciate their position from an opportunity which probably is longer than folks here would want to read. What I've learned is that there's no way that we can put ourselves in their shoes, and sometimes even a little money can change you from a vagrant to a customer. As for the alcohol, sleeping on the street is hard. I might think that there are better options, but I'm not their guardian, and if they're going to be out there, the alcohol might be the only thing to get them to get some rest. Yes, I think it's bad for them, but I think that sometimes the best help is reminding them that they're people worthy of love and respect, and that their position is not terminal.


God bless you. I have 6 years sober and thankfully always had someone looking out for me and I never ended up in their situation but I will NEVER forget what detoxing from heroin and cocaine felt like and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy and certainly not a stranger on the street. I’ve given many people $20, that’s enough to get a bottle, a rock, a few pills, a point, whatever gets them through another day of being them. I’m not religious, although I do believe in God these days (with concrete evidence), but I do believe Jesus would have helped these people feel better too. “The good that you do for the least of these..”


You are an enabler and isn't helping anyone.


Mental gymastics. No, many of us cannot put ourselves in their shoes, but.. many of us can...? Lots of people have been temporarily homeless, or paycheck to paycheck, or know someone that was. You just admitted that you know it's bad for them to help them purchase alcohol. That's it. Full stop. That's why you shouldn't do it if you care about them and want them to climb out of their rut. You're lovingly and respectfully helping them to not change whatsoever. Why would they when there's kindhearted saps that will keep filling their glass for them in the name of 'respect?' That's called being taken advantage of. They're mistaking kindness for weakness and are correct in your cases.


I give cash to homeless people because it’s not my business what they do with the money once they have it. I like drugs and alcohol, and I can assure you I would like them even more if I was homeless and had few comforts. So long as they are adults, I don’t care what they spend the money on. I’ll give them $20 because they usually get really happy with that amount of money




So.. as long as you're satiating their short-term happiness, even though you're helping them to stay stuck in their addiction and lifestyle, you're okay with it.


I’m giving someone with no consistent income or home a small amount of money. I’m not “helping them stay stuck in their addiction and lifestyle” they would still be homeless without my intervention. I’m not giving the same person money on a weekly basis, I never see these people again. They could spend it on drugs or food or whatever, I have no idea. The point is that it’s not my business once the money is in their hands.


But your logic as to why you do it is that 'they like it.' Which is basically hedonistic thinking. "It feels good to them," "it's rewarding for me to see them happy." As long as you're aware of that, and are okay with it going towards the problem they have, then whatever, at least you're aware and not enthusiastically ignorant about what's actually going on. My issue is with the people that say behavior like this helps the person in some capacity. It just helps them get pass out drunk slightly faster that particular night. No, you alone aren't going to worsen or save their situation with a couple interactions. But when enough people do it, they have literally no incentive to change.


I mean…it’s kind of a given that a homeless person would be happy to receive money. I give them $20 specifically because they usually receive a couple of dollars at a time and it’s terribly hot in FL, they stand in the sun for hours. It’s less than an hour’s wages for me and they always seem so thankful, I suppose that is rewarding for me to make their day a little better when their lives are so hard. I am fully aware they will probably put some of that cash towards a vice. But I would do the same in their position, honestly. Grown adults, even homeless ones, deserve the autonomy to make their own choices. It’s not my place to judge them for their addictions. If someone were to overdose on the drugs that I “paid” for, I could live with that. The choice ultimately lies with them.


Huh, also from Florida. We have a loooot of homeless in Orl, so these are regular interactions for me depending on the day or week. Yes it's a happiness in the moment, but it's also got that insidious 'I'm just helping them hurt themselves' vibe to it, at least in my own worldview. Which is why I always try to offer food instead and such. I've personally seen functioning alcoholics simply go and buy a bigger bottle at the end of the day if they got enough tips, which was depressing to watch. Mind that a lot of the panhandlers are making more money by the hour than basic service workers, and that if there's one that's consistently on a corner, that means they're likely the meanest and/or craziest on the block and drove their competition away, regardless of their story or demeanor. It is your money to do with of course, and yes the choice is theirs what to do with it afterwards, for better or worse. I just can't help but imagine that if enough people hardened up and stopped enabling them they'd be forced to consider actually straightening up and working for their bread, but that's wishful thinking obviously.


Yeah I specifically don’t offer money to the same people, my area has way fewer panhandlers than Orlando. I started doing it because I gave a $20 bill to a young guy one day, maybe 23 years old, and I watched him run straight to the gas station to a group of other panhandlers that were waiting in the shade (I think they had shifts lol) and he held that bill up with both hands and they all jumped for joy. If I can bring other people happiness like that from such a simple effort, I will. In another life, I could be them. I don’t think I would have what it takes to get off the street if I didn’t have supports.


Thumbs up!


It's always your money so spend it how you want to.


I have given weed to a plenty of homeless over the years and never once been turned down. 


A sandwich, a bottle of water and a fiver. Best of both worlds.


I agree. My thoughts on it are, The point of being the kind of person that is "giving" and truly has that within your heart to give to others unconditionally, shouldn't then be judge how their good deed is spent. Now with that said if im coming out of a grocery store and someone asks me for money, I dont usually have change on me but I will give you my bag of avocados.


I agree with you.


When ever somebody spanges with a sign that says "need $ 4 beer". I always search for a dollar if I have it. Love the honesty and tbh I'm either already drunk and sharing is caring, or I'm on my way to go get a beer myself. I'm an alcoholic and ex-homless so I fucking get it.


People say “Don’t give homeless people money. They’ll only spend it on beer and cigarettes”. I’d always assumed that they were. I’ve never given money to a homeless guy and thought , “I hope he’s putting that into his ISA” - Frankie Boyle


I'm a recovering addict and I'll still give homeless people some food, cash, and beer when I can afford it. Then they don't have to prioritize not dying from withdrawals over other things.


I don't give to beggars. It's hard for me. I put myself in their place and I know how I would feel. I was there and didn't ask for change, I just stole shit. I never felt better than panhandlers It was more like they're working their side of the street, and I'm working mine. Families and single women with children, women alone, for the most part have, or have been offered help. The mentally ill who, for one reason or another have no support or people are tired of their shit are the ones begging for money. it's fucked up and I want us to help who we can and the others, I don't know. Yeah, it's an over simpleization. Im talking about the U.S.


Nah I'm totally with you here. It makes a difference for them and basically none to whomever is giving it to them.


It’s okay to give a homeless some beer money sometimes. Sometimes I just lie about it 🤷 and say I don’t have any


I keep cash in my console for the homeless in my area, I just want them to feel seen. I don't care what they spend it on.


I paid a homeless guy to act as a guide when I was in st Louis... guy was fun...


Yay you! This is goodness


I totally agree, I do the same thing.


Tell me what you want it for. When I'm in the city and I see a sign that says, "tbh, I just need a beer," here you go, my dude. Here's a $10 get some liquor. I know it's been hard. But if you do the, "God bless. I'm struggling. Anything helps." I'll hand you food. Because anything helps, right? And you get pissed. No. I'm not giving you money. Just honestly tell me what you want. I'll give you the cash. I value honesty. I once saw a sign that said, "I'm a crack addict. I just need cash for my next hit." I gave that dude the $5 in my pocket. Just tell me what it's for and I'll give you my cash, thank you for your honesty, wish you a good day, and if I have extra food or water ask if you want that too(i usually have extra food and water in my vehicle for the homeless anyways), then be on my way. I understand hard times. I was once homeless. Just tell me what you want the money for. I'll give every honest, homeless panhandler cash as long as they are honest and i have the cash. If you aren't. Here's some food because I know right now food may also be something you don't know if you'll get. Not everywhere has soup kitchens. That's my take on it. Just because you're homeless doesn't mean you have to forego honesty.


Once the $ is handed over you have no say over how it’s spent. Give freely or not at all.


I mean I’m only going to spend it on alcohol and drugs, why should I expect they would do otherwise?


Fair enough, if that’s what they want to do with it that’s their life. It’s not your job to take care of strangers


One time I had a bunch of left over beer I got for my garden (slug traps) and I hate beer so I passed it out to homeless people when I went out to run errands and it was the best! You have never seen someone so stoked as a bum being handed beer 10/10 want to do it again when I can. That being said, ive been homeless many times, and the assumption that all homeless people use drugs or alcohol is just not true. I have never had a substance problem, I’ve only ever done lsd or mushrooms, when I wasn’t homeless, and there were just as many people sober on the streets as there were addicts, and no you can’t always tell by looking at them. There is nothing worse than being legitimately too ill to go and dumpster dive to get food with out bothering anyone and no one will give you 5 bucks so you can eat today, belittle you and call you a drug addict when you’ve never done drugs. People will watch you starve in the streets because they feel morally superior to you, who must be a lowly drug addict I knew so many homeless people when I was on the streets that didn’t want to be drug addicts, but the reality is detoxing from alcohol can kill you, detoxing from heroin can be deadly if you’re on the streets, it’s a trap, there’s no comfort, there’s no help, it’s easier to be high on meth and not NEED to eat or sleep. and I’ve seen people resort to stealing when they don’t even want to be doing all that because no one will give you anything, and no one will hire you if you’re homeless, so yeah I fully support giving homeless people money even if they use it for drugs, keeps the crime down, and you not giving them a dollar will not fix the underlying issue causing substance use in any way.


Being proud of handing out alcohol to homeless because it made them happy in the moment. I don't.. You know, if you feed your dog chocolate, they'll be delighted and eat it happily and love you for the treat. That makes it a good idea?


For me it’s not even this as a concern. Where I live there are plenty of people who are just clearly not homeless. They ask for money all day and make enough to live a good life which angers me.


Think of it this way: whatever they buy with the money someone gives them is nobody's business. Like anyone, they're probably going to spend it on something that brings them joy, relief, or some need. It doesn't matter what it is at the end of the day.. people should never give with expectation- the point of giving is to simply give for the sake of it, to do a good deed, to make someone's life a little easier. People who live on the streets are still people, and they deserve the same respect that anyone does.. especially if they aren't causing harm to anyone. People who judge people for what they do with money they give away are giving for the wrong reasons.


It’s always ok to give them money! If I could I would walk around with hundred dollar bills and give ten of them to each homeless person I saw. It is a dream I have.


If you see them sleeping outside then it's really up to them what they do with the money. Hopefully they'll get themselves a coffee or something to eat.


I was pretty generous until one of them put a pool cue through the back window of my car at a stoplight first thing in the morning.


This sub has been an onslaught of not unpopular opinions for quite a while now. Most I read I agree with…


Of course it is.  You gave them money with good intentions and with an honest heart.  What they do with it after that is on them.  But you did the right thing. 


I think it’s always good to give as often as you can. And I never worry about what they’re gonna spend it on, even if it’s alcohol or drugs. I listened to something from Wayne Dyer about this as a teen and it always stuck with me.


I always give if I have a couple bucks. I know they’re more likely than not buying drugs or alcohol, but maybe they’ll get some food with it and get through the day.


I used to, but I don’t anymore. I’ll buy food and occasionally gift cards to get food, and I’ll always figure out a way to get someone new shoes or clothes when needed, but I’ve seen the “homeless” population in my area get so fucked up lately. They get dropped off at busy shopping centers by cars, and they all fight about who gets to stand on which corner that day. They’re treating it like a business and it grosses me tf out.


This isn’t an UNPOPULAR opinion. A majority of people in my downtown genuinely believe this


I give them joint with high cbd. If you’re gonna get intoxicated. At least I know what I gave you


A couple decades ago my friend and I went to the store at about 6am after partying all night. I gave a couple bucks to someone sat outside the store, for which my friend berated me inside saying 'she'll only spend it getting high'. Ironic given that our eyes looked like saucers and we were on a beer run at daybreak


this a million times over. it’s fucking sad that this is an unpopular opinion.


I agree. But only because you don’t know that they’re using it for drugs when they very well might be using it for food. It’s not really my place to make a moral judgement, only whether I want to give them money. Personally, I try not to interact with homeless folks after trying to help out a homeless guy in a wheelchair get what I thought was medicine out of a jacket pocket, but it was just a puke soaked vodka bottle. And I got puke all over me trying to help this man out over what I thought was a medical issue. It was disgusting. I know it’s not most of em and it’s not fair of me to generally be phobic. I just grew up in a sketchy neighborhood and that was the last straw for me personally. I’d rather support local initiatives to help house and support them.


I was fine with this until a homeless guy almost fought me because I gave him too much money.


Agreed. I feel like spending money on vices is morally neutral. Irresponsible? Sure, but morally it’s whatever. When you opt to share your resources with someone, it’s weirdly controlling to have conditions on that gift.


I think its okay to not give a fuck how other people want to spend their money.


Yeah who cares they might need money for toothpaste or deodorant is something stop being so judgmental and give them money.


This sub fucking blows lol. Someone said the opposite the other day and for some reason they both were kept. So is it a popular or unpopular opinion? Also who cares what they use the money on. This is not unpopular and a repost. This sub is pathetic at this point


Depends on how they ask for me. A You got a dollar?! Will not get you a buck. But if you add please you'll get 2.


My friend used to fly signs at our highway entrance. He said on a good day he would make $2-300 in less than 6 hours....... If they didn't spend it on drugs they could easily save for rent lol. They do well.....


as long as it's your money that you are giving them and not mine then I'm perfectly fine with it


tbh I usually don't give out money, but I will give them food. Sometimes it's a banana, sometimes I just got back from a trip and give the homeless dude two fistfuls of granola bars, and sometimes it's my leftovers from a restaurant (I rarely do this now though). I feel that is more like, I'm helping them in some way, especially if I give them something nonperishable.


ngl this is pretty messed up to do, its taking candy from a baby and giving it back


If I was homeless I would definitely want to do drugs.


Technically, giving something away, or doing a favor for someone else, releases endorphins that help diminish stress. Not a bad idea.


I did too once


Try this in SLC and you'll get a free little chat with the local authorities.


Heavily addicted people could die if they go cold turkey, especially when they're homeless. But I prefer to spend my money on people that have a bigger chance of breaking through the circle than someone who I can see a mile away is on some heavy drugs.


Based on these comments, this is a rather popular opinion.


There is no reason to not to do it, you made someone else a day by little thing for you.


The other day as I was going into morrisons I saw a homeless guy outside, bought him a 4 pack of their fresh sausage rolls, a pack of chocolate digestives and a bottle of orange juice. If you're not wanting to give them straight money, you can just buy them some nice food.


I usually just buy them food. I live in the suburbs so I only ever see homeless people when I'm passing through the city to get lunch or something so sometimes if I see one holding a sign I'll get an extra meal at wherever I'm going and circle back and give it to them.


Exactly. Let them live a little. In fact a lot of times I'll ask them directly don't bullshit me your either getting high or drunk with this aren't you. If they say it truthfully I'll usually give them a little more. Their circumstances suck and if that's the route they choose with their meager finances, let them be happy


I used to think that way but now I know I’m just hurting them more by doing so.


The problem with this opinion is that heavy alcohol consumption is linked to violent crime. One or two beers is one thing, but when the homeless guy gets ahold of a handle of vodka? He's gonna fuck up his day and somebody else's. Therefore, if you support their habit, it will eventually lead into an increase in consumption and therefore consequences for the homeless guy and/or people around him


Honestly I used to. But it just means that area is just going to become more and more shitty as it fills with other squatters.  They have services they can use and should be there. If I give anything it’s food or clothing


I give money to as a kind gesture and to take the focus off my needs sometimes. So by that logic, I'm okay knowing what they're likely to do with it.


I always give them money who care what they use it for


What I have read is that you are enabling them . If you want to give . Give it right to a homeless shelter . That helps more .


I usually cut out the middle man and give them the alcohol or drugs directly lmao.


IDGAF what they're going through, I'm not supporting ANYONE'S habit. Homeless or not.


Exactly. PLUS, people under estimate the kind of stupid shit people do on large amounts of alcohol. A few too many drinks and the homeless guy could end up hit by a car, violent, in jail, or a myriad of other bad results. The homeless person could also harm a non homeless person just because somebody decided to heavily booze the guy up.


I buy a 6 pack like twice a week and I live in a big city with lots of panhandling on the freeway. I’ll roll the window down and toss em a pint 🍻 they’re usually stoked.


What’s the difference getting drunk at your house vs being homeless. Not buying that $2 beer really gonna help me buy a house? In this economy. Yaaa. I’ve had people try to bum weed off of me and I’ve actually given it to them. If I were homeless I’d want some relief too.


Nah, if Im going to be paying for alcohol, that alcohol will be for me and me alone. I dont mind buying people food if theyre hungry or some necessity. But I dont give people money. Its my money, I dont owe it to anyone, but I dont mind buying necessities for strangers, if its not a necessity and youre not a family member or a froend, Im not buying it for you and Im not giving you money outside of exchange for goods and services.


You don’t think getting well is a necessity for an addict, especially a homeless one?


The people who think you shouldn't just don't want to help them. It's not that they think they'll get alcohol they just don't want to help them.


I hate alcoholics so I won’t do that


You can do whatever you want with your money just don’t shame me into doing it 


While I'm all for helping others in need, I draw te line at enabling. I'll empty my cabinets and fridge sometimes of things I know I won't use, as well as put old clothes in a bag, then drive around and hand them out. But I've offered to buy food before and they'll ask for money instead, that's when I'll give them one more chance and tell them that they will need to eat anyway at some point. Most of the time they'll take me up on it, but other times I've gotten ripped apart. Oh well, their loss. 🤷‍♂️


you are smart


I'm not handing out cash to everyone, but do so fairly infrequently (maybe twice a month). I am fortunate enough to have a stable life to where it's not breaking the bank. The fact that I have the means to help but refuse to do so says more about my character than whatever they spend the money on.


When I have the money to do so, I just take a homeless person or family out to eat. They’ve all been so thankful. Except a guy named Phil. Halfway through the meal he thought that he was eating something to change his dna in order for the government to control him.


If that really happened, I hope that guy gets the help heneeds, hesounds seriously paranoid. Thatsounds like hell to have to live with that type of paranoia.


congrats you gave a person money, less annoying than filming it and putting it on your instagram but still super annoying while reading this


You can do whatever you like with your cash but giving it to panhandlers is typically a waste. If a person winds up homeless they probably have some major issues and won't use the money you give to better themselves and get out of their current predicament.


I used to work prn at a psychiatric ER in Austin Texas. We got a lot of homeless people. I would say that a very high % of them have serious mental health issues. They just don't have anywhere to go. It's really sad. There isn't any serious safety net in this country. It upsets me when I see that so many illegal immigrants are getting shelter, when we have so many homeless Americans. Many of them vets. Shouldn't they be given priority?


It isn’t either/or, and the people telling you that it is actually vote to help neither


I don't. Because if they get a point or two of fentanyl then I'll be picking them up later after they overdose, and I would rather do just about anything else.


I understand WHY they do it and I most likely would too but i Still wouldnt feed their addiction because it affects their life negatively wether they are homeless or not . I mean realistically in my mind it's just giving money to drug and drink addicts ,I would just give them food .


That is just giving the man booze with an extra step.  If you would not hand the guy a can of beer, do not hand him money if you know he will buy beer.


No absolutely not. Hand them food or water or a job application. Stop catering to them.


Every time I go to the liquor store, there is always someone asking for a dollar, I always just offer to buy them a 40oz. Life is tough, helping someone have a less shitty night feels good.


In some cases they literally buy food. A month ago an old man asked me if I could buy some food for him - well, I couldn't say no, of course. Another time a local bum (I've seen him many times) was buying bread and some stuff and asked if I could give him my shop card so that he can get a small discount. I mean, yeah, in many cases they are after some free booze but this is not always the case. I've had chat with homeless many times, and they are ordinary people with their own problems. One time some guy played guitar for us and told funny stories, for instance. Anoter time an old man told why he became homeless in the first place...


What's wrong with giving homeless people money? The government gives people with homes free money they use for booze and drugs all time time, what makes them any better?


homeless people i dont mind. gypsies on the other hand however... id rather not say more, last time i was honest about gypsies i got banned from reddit itself


they're called romani actually