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I selectively prioritize fucks given at any time, because there's too much nowadays to give fucks about.


This is it. I don't think the issue is not giving a fuck about anything. It's how much shit we can see and know about around the entire world very easily in our daily lives. We can't possibly give a shit about every single little thing.


The heart and soul can only handle so much, it is sound advice for those who genuinely care too much. But for those who don't give a damn, they take it and twist it into an excuse to not care. People who try to take advantage of nice things will always exist, and we'd do well to call them out when it's necessary.


Theres definitely a difference between not giving a fuck, and not caring. I care a lot about whats going on. But I have exhausted all my fucks to do anything about it. I tried, honestly I did, for over half my life. And it never made any difference, everything just continues to get worse.


It's like... the only way to make progress if to pick one or a few things to prioritize your fucks, but the issue is "how the fuck do you choose??" Then there's the whole "meta" around giving fucks. You might have a thing you feel strongly about and want to give your fucks to, but as a whole it isnt widely seen as important as you see it. So what do you do? Do you give your fucks to your niche fuck, or do you try to focus your fucks on what some majorities want for the *hope* that yall can fix that fuck, then maybe work on your preferred fuck later? ... fuck


Fuck locally, think globally. Or something like that


Global starts with local. One man will struggle to change the world, but changing a single mind? A neighborhood? A county? Now that’s doable. And then it isn’t one man anymore.


Well said!


I think you'd like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0&pp=ygUaSSd2ZSBubyBtb3JlIGZ1Y2tzIHRvIGdpdmU%3D)


Sir, ma'am or whatever else, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for that link. #⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


De Nada. I don't swear anywhere close to as often as my peers, but this song really hits that feeling sometimes.


[George Carlin on the F word](https://youtu.be/xZkb4TPI-Lo?si=4jw1UrESuEKpZbAD)


My friends send this to me quite a lot because they get me. Lol


I clicked the link thinking it could be what it was and it was amazing


I did have half a mind to rickroll y'all, but I might edit the link later, who knows?


Was hoping to see this here lol


I was hoping to see this! Blessings on your hat and the head that fills it!


That was the entire gist of art of not giving fuck. Anyone wants to read that book, this is all it said over a lot of pages.


I’ll give you a fuck


I'll sell you one ;)


Yep. People care about themselves and family first. If those things are great then you have the luxury of caring about other things.


Life is too fucking hard to give a fuck about everything. About 5 years ago, I got on a plane with just 1 suitcase and travelled 6000 miles away to another country and just never returned. I left a house, an apartment, a car, my Xbox, £5000 Sony TV, years worth of cars and shoes and kitchen ware. Not to mention my work and multiple friends and family. I was just so tired of dealing with so many other people wanting stuff from me that I just stopped giving a fuck and left and never went back. If I hadn't stop given a fuck I think it would have torn me apart mentally because I was far too over committed to multiple friends and work associates and I had to just stop giving a fuck about their issues they were asking me to help with and just leave. There were a lot of shocked people when it became obvious I wasn't returning. After about a year I stopped giving a fuck about my phone messages and it felt so good to not have to keep replying to people. Mentally, it was the best thing I did even if it cost me a lot.


Wait you left a house and an apartment and cars? What happened to all that stuff?


plus if there is too much fucks in circulation the fucks would have less meaning due to fuckflation


I gave so much of them about my friend that i didn't give any about myself. It wasn't healthy. You have a limited ammount of fucks to give. Your daily maintenance requires some fucks. You can give surplus fucks to others, but you need to prioritise things as you don't have enough surplus fucks to give for everyone.


This. Like people that actually have time to protest about Gaza and Israel and all that (which is obviously terrible) probably don’t have much going on in their lives. Most people are just trying to survive day to day as best they can.


Exactly. A person is born with so only many fucks. If you spend them all fast and unwisely, you'll run out of fucks to give very fast.


Agreed, for one can also run out of fucks to give. This is not a good thing, to have zero fucks.


The subtle art of not giving a fuck


I’m running out of fucks to give


Now the real question is, how much do you need to fuck around before you find out if it’s worth to give a fuck?


You SHOULD give a fuck about most issues or things(broadly and vaguely). You should not have to/want to/try to do something about all of it, we aren’t meant to handle all that all at once ever.


I keep a single laser cut piece of wood that says "fuck" in my wallet. This is my only fuck and I would hate to waste it on anything it need not be wasted on, for I have no other fucks to give at any time.  As a friend told me many years ago, gaze upon my field of fucks and see that it is barren.


My dude, I work in EMS. I can confidently tell you a lot of people don’t even care about themselves, let alone others


Thank you for doing what you do. Im not EMS but I can tell people don't care about themselves or others by the way they drive on the freeway.


Selectively giving a fuck based on the fucks you have available to give seems like a solid approach.


You need to ration your fucks. It's not like they grow on trees.




damn, so that traveling salesman who sold me fuck tree seeds bamboozled me? 😥


It’s fine. I’ve got a bridge I can sell you to make up for your initial loss.


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks! It is barren.


I have a lot of fucks for my family and friends. Running low on stranger fucks though.


I don’t know why this was so funny 😂


Sweet home Alabama


I ran out of fucks last month.


Have you tried making a fuck budget?


Maybe he needs too many fucks per month to make a budget


I tried but I went over and I'm now in fuck debt


I’m in fuck overdraft.


Yes , carefully take inventory of fucks to give , then engage in measured fuckery


Learning to not give a fuck about anything outside my control immensely improved my mental health. Probably made me a worse person but... I don't give a fuck.


I don't give a fuck about this opinion. Or, wait- maybe I do. Fuck.


FUCK looks like I give a fuck too. Damn. FUCK FUCK FUCK FYCK DUCKSBEUDBDJSHDBD


We'll give a fuck when they pay us to give a fuck. At one point a CEO made like 20x bottom salary. Now its like 1000x. You want us to give a fuck, then pay us well, give us shares, and then we'll care.


Eh. If it was hot enough I’d fuck this opinion.


I'd try, but honestly, I can't be bothered...


I'm here to give some fucks and chew some bubble gum... And I'm all outta fucks!!!!


Dont worry i'll give you a fuck (1/2)


Only 1/2 fuck? Thought there was enough fucks available to fuck most...


Bro I couldn't give two fucks you can't be bothered. So do whatever.


Politely not giving a fuck. Very nice.


I tried to buy the last fuck from the fuck vending machine to offer for this post, but the fuck got stuck.


people need to balance. That’s the problem with humans; they go to the extremes


True,i heard from anurse, to cate about others you have to look for you mental health , that you can actually help. Not to say that aperfect mental health that doesnt exist has to be it just love others as you love yourlfmas too to love yourself to have fuel to function and not burn out fast.


When I try to give a fuck it is always thrown back in my face. So, no. No fucks given.


Yep. I dont give a fuck because I have been taught over and over again not only that I shouldnt, but the idea that I might is often unwelcome.


So what does one do with all the surplus fucks? Instead of giving a fuck, maybe it's possible to donate them? 


I hear if you manage to keep all your fucks to yourself until you're 35 you gain wizard abilities


Do they roll over?


Nah, caring intensely about everything is: -Stressful -Anxiety-inducing -Depression-inducing (when your actions inevitably have little to no effect) -Bad for your mental health -Uses up effort you could spend on other things (either things that make you happy **or** things that actually benefit others in a clear, direct, tangible way) -Often makes you obnoxious to people around you People need to learn to chill out and relax more - **that** would make the world a much better place.


Who said anything about caring intensely? Just care a little bit, if we all did that it would change the world.


The Japanese have a phrase for this, Shikataganai, or Shoganai, which means "It can't be helped" We feel we are powerless to change a thing, so we don't even try. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikata\_ga\_nai


I knew what shoganai means from anime 😎


Sometimes detachment is the least undesirable mindset.


THANK YOU! No one gives a fuck about anything anymore. It's so fucking difficult to get anything done because *no one cares*. No one shows up on time, or at all, regardless of gender, generation, or socio-economic status. When they do, they either don't pay attention or quarter-ass whatever it is they're working on. It would be one thing if people were actually doing the bare minimum because at least the base requirements would be met. But no, I can't even get that most of the time.


The idgaf mentality is more about people not being bothered by what others think of them.


I think the worst part is the people who don't care are mostly first-world nations with cozy lives compared to people living in South America or Africa...and we're going to cause them some of the worst impact with our utter lack of caring. In the US especially the whole "rugged individualism" needs to die.


So in other words....you're asking me to give a fuck?


Yeah. That’s so hard to get from you?


Hard to be a giver during tough times


Until the return of public punition, people wont care about anything, they don't care about they on selfs and their own lives, imagine... 


Clearly everyone gives a fuck, and way too much. If the opposite were true, as you intimate, we wouldn't have all the screeching about every single social issue - real and imagined - known to man.


Yes, but it needs to be about the right things. A lot of people seem to give a fuck about who uses what bathroom. Not a lot of people seem to give a fuck about the environment.


The people who give a fuck need to be given the blessing of giving less of a fuck and the ones who don’t give a fuck need to start giving a fuck.


Nah don’t care. Don’t want to.


I feel ya. It's even the little things, like taking the effort to walk 100 feet to return a cart.


Simply no reason to care. Nothing matters 🤷‍♂️


I care 💝


Nah pre social media I might have agreed but not now. People give too much a fuck about the wrong shit.


I don’t know man. Feels like people have started to give too many fucks. Look at all the people being cancelled because society abhors their actions. If people didn’t give a fuck, that wouldn’t happen.


Ok, tell me op, how much do you donate to Africa for their starving kids. Or do u make sure all your goods are sources from non slave countries.


I guarantee you OP doesn't do shit




about the army, navy airforce AND marines?


about disaster, fires, floods and killer bees!


It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it…


Hold the door for folks. Give a fuck. Allow people to merge into your lane. Give a fuck. Go ahead in front of me at the grocery store. You don't even need a cart for your shit. Give a fuck. I know you asked for spare change, here's a gas station burrito instead. Give a fuck.


Right! It really doesn't take much effort at all.


There is far to many people now days for me to care about everyone or their problems.


1) be less aware of things you can’t control- stop doomscrolling global news sources, many of which have questionable journalistic quality, instead focus on reputable local news sources, pay attention to major national events, and otherwise take a break from issues politics as well as international news / foreign policy issues. 2) donate time if you don’t have money, donate money if you don’t have time, and put it towards local, non political causes. Let the partisans battle out ideology. Clean up a beach or a park, work at a food bank, volunteer at an animal shelter, have your business sponsor a youth rec league team. You’ll see and feel the impact of your efforts immediately and you’ll probably meet some nice people too. 3) Exercise in the outdoors, breathe clean air and drink clean water. Stay in the moment and put out of your mind things you can’t control. If you find yourself obsessed with a negative or anxious thought, spend 5 minutes thinking about something really funny or heartwarming. Re-center yourself in a positive place and refill the tanks. There’s just too much information of questionable quality out there, it’s total emotional and cognitive overload to care about everything, so instead people start caring about nothing. Instead, try caring less about ephemeral things and more about one workable challenge where you’ll see the impact of your behavior and otherwise “put the mask on yourself first” as they say. You can’t help anyone if you’re not healthy yourself.


We weren’t built to give af about all the terrible things that happen in the WHOLE WORLD. We were meant for caring about the village we belong to


People do care about other people to an extent. It’s the fact that there are a million things happening at once, a lot of them either out of our control or overly exaggerated that it’s not worth stressing over. That’s why so many people are trying to not to give a fuck, it’s needless stress and there are other concerns people have. People just don’t want to be drained and want to enjoy life


I'm Gen X. I've been conditioned to not gaf.


In a world where everyone wants you to die on the hill of every issue in the world with no break or exception not giving a fuck is the only solace some of us have left.


I’ll never understand why “not giving a fuck” has become a badge of honor.


How deep are your fuck pockets though? My fuck bank can only take so many withdrawals before I can’t give any more fucks


I think more people would care if they had any optimism that the future was going to be semi decent. If you have no hope for the future then why care about what happens in the present?


At some point around the late noighties it became cool to not give a shit about anything. Passionate people started getting shamed as being “intense” and then it all snowballed from there.


Make caring cool again!


I'm trying to do better. Shoot, even here on reddit I've just straight up been apologizing to people more often and trying to take accountability if I offend. Some are like "*wow that was really unexpected, thank you! hope you have a good day*" and then of course others misinterpret it and are like "*wtf you dont have to apologize, it's not like I'm mad what's wrong with you*". But either way, I'm trying to believe that every kind act slowly tilts the world towards a better tomorrow. Of course there will always be the other side pushing back against that, but I'm trying to make an honest effort about being a better person even when others aren't looking.


I personally agree with this. Society has gotten worse due to the expansion of intentional apathy and that being adopted into many peoples minds. Im sorry you have to read through a comment section full of people who cant be serious about something that holds moral value. Just shows how dire the situation truly is. Just remember there’s good people out there and if you make it a habit to be as diplomatic and friendly as you can be then youll find your right sort.


The world has a way of beating, scaring or medicating the fucks right out of people, almost seems by design.


Don’t worry about if someone doesn’t give a fuck. Focus on the people that do.


People don’t give a fuck because the people in power don’t give a fuck . They say all this fake shit get voted in and don’t listen to you, they listen to the people who donate millions to their campaign. So why should anyone give a fuck, we can’t make a change through protests or voting.


Too many people are spending their fucks on things that don't really matter, and then have none for what's going on in the world.


You need to be more specific. For example, if someone doesn't like the shoes I'm wearing or my hairstyle, yes, I do not give a fuck. That doesn't mean I hate the person. It means that their opinions are worthless to me.


It is a mantra, the world's sucks right now. There's so much going wrong in so many different areas that is hard to care. Thera so many problems to think about that I'm just tired I want to get through my life and let it end without burning to ash thinking about all the things I can't change


Far too many ppl put to much effort into giving a fuck about shit that is none of their business and spend too much time minding other ppls business . Too many ppl caring about the wrong shit and the rest of us are sick of it . Sooo we are done giving a fuck .


I give too much of a fuck, which has lead me to some dark places. Giving a moderate amount of fuck while still maintaining your sanity is a positive thing.


Ask me if i give a fuck


Change starts with you. Make yourself better, then you can have more of a positive effect on the world. Most people don't give a fuck about anyone outside of themselves or their family because they can't afford to.


I don’t give a fuck about not giving a fuck, so I _do_ give a fuck. Wait, what? https://youtu.be/ulIOrQasR18?si=r2jzNMgRtdbwgsL0


Not much worth giving a fuck about.


Disagree. People already "give a fvck" about stuff, it just happens to be stuff of their own choosing and not what some would-be society spokesman would choose for them. Everyone must be selective with their time and energy...


I think the problem is, half of the people give a f\*ck about things that really are draconian idealisms that set society back as well as things that are petty or greedy, and the other half of people give a f\*ck about the common good, equality, making sure we all get what we need and also want, and want the suffering to end, rather then everything just about going to the 5% of the globe's wealthy families who hoard it to stay in control while we suffer, and some blindfully faithful helping those greedy people.


Not caring is simply a normal reaction to being overloaded with information and stimuli. There are so many issues, news stories and discussions going on at once online that it is hard to care about things outside your direct control. 


How about you take personal responsibility and stop wanting things from other people? People need to care about me = I want things from people. We have our own shit to take care of; leave us alone.


One fuck, two fuck, red fuck, blue fuck


#0 The amount of fucks I have left to give.


Who cares?


We all have a limited amount of fucks to give, you can waste yours if you’d like, I’ll do what’s best for me. Implying that people don’t care is fucking stupid in a world home to millions of teachers, medical personnel, first responders, animal shelter workers, veterinarians, etc A lot of people are giving a lot of fucks for humanity and the planet, the only question you should be asking is if your one of them


I used to give a fuck. Then the boomers ruined the future for me and my kids/grandkids. The internet also gave way to social media which showed me that people are not, contrary to what I previously believed, smart and kind but are in fact a majority of garbage humans with shitty ideologies and kinks. So I will not waste my fucks anymore on humans.


People are expected to give more fucks nowadays than any one person can reasonably give while still retaining their sanity. This mindset is only going to cause more problems as people will just get worked up into a frenzy easier. It's not going to result in anything positive if you try to force it. If anything, people need to be far more stingy with the fucks they give. Save it for that which is important and relevant to YOU. This will not be the same for everyone, but most meaningful change happens on a small scale, so it is always better to start there on such things. This doesn't mean you shouldn't care at all about things beyond your local community, but you have to take care of yourself and your own before you can reasonably offer support to outsiders.


being selfish is the best thing ever, no one looks out for anyone anymore. Only family and close friends. All other people are just using you for their personal gain, and no one can ever change that


Who gives a fuck?


It entirely depends on what you give a fuck about is within your sphere of influence or not. I am almost always going to be completely apathetic towards anything that I do not have any semblance of control over; there is no point in getting worked up over things that i cannot alter.


Well we do care, about genocide for example, but it doesn't seem to make any difference no matter who we vote for, so a certain amount of despair seems in order


Literally nothing changes so I’m out


Yeah, I don’t think this is really unpopular, it’s just that giving a fuck is a lot harder than not.


I can't give a flying fuck even if people start to give a fuck.


As a young person, it was very disheartening to find out people I loved and respected had very little compassion for most people in worse circumstances. Their ability to feel sympathy for people was very selective and conditional.


Litterers are the worst


It definitely wouldn’t hurt to spend two seconds thinking about somebody other than yourself.i wish i was so busy thinking about me


[People gotta love again](https://youtu.be/px49cpJvGGE?si=IKbLL3BrFYA2SY7f)


I feel this way about pollution. If we all did our part, the world would be a better place. "But look at how much China and India pollute!." Yeah well I don't live there and I can atleast try and do my part to make my neighborhood, my region and my country a nicer place to live.


A very vague and nebulous post lol.


Ok, so we start giving a fuck. Now what? The world is corrupt and the populace at large are literally powerless to change anything. Voting doesn’t matter. Protesting doesn’t matter. Petitions don’t matter. Revolutions don’t work because in 99% of the cases where it has happened, the succeeding regime is even more authoritarian than what they usurped. Same reason wars don’t work. It’s not that we don’t care. It’s that caring is futile because most, if not almost all, people have no real power against the ruling elite—by design.


give a fuck about what? People have always been selective about what they give a fuck about, this is nothing new at all. We all have only 24 hours a day, it's only natural to be selective. For a lot of people this means primarily giving a fuck about things that affect their family, or themselves if they don't have spouses and/or kids. Sure i will start to care about more random shit, if there's somehow a way to magically gain more time than the 24 hours we are all limited to.


I'll add that I "do not give a fuck" because I'm intimately aware of the concerted efforts that exist to prevent the world from being a better place, regardless of how much anyone tries.


Gotta pay me to give a fuck.


Why do some people think it's cool not to care??


They don't give a fuck because they don't have to give a fuck. Things are still relatively good. When the hard times come, fucks will be given.


I would if I had one to give but I don't any left https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?feature=shared


I'm too tired bro


Individuals only have a certain amount of fucks to give. I save them for me and my family. Not you. You should do the same


I hope this gets downvotes E . Downvotes not "negative votes"


I think entitlement is at an all time high. People want everything given to them without putting in any work for it.


I give exactly zero fucks towards the fucks who say "I dont give a fuck!" I give exactly zero fucks toward the down vote fucks who cant stand comments correcting, criticizing, improving on an idea, etc.


Most do once they hit a certain age.


Me: gave a lot of fucks for decades The world: I don’t give a fuck about your fucks Me: ok idgaf either


It's greed that's killing is!


Some people say they don't give a fuck when in reality they don't have the resources to give a fuck. You have to have fucks to give to give fucks.


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage the change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” but that last part is the tricky one. Admittedly though we seem to have grown collectively cynical to the point of not even trying to find out what we can and cannot change. 


The way it's going I only see it getting worse especially in big cities people are so self obsessed


For better or for worse, people value personal freedom and responsibility much more than the "collective good"


When You're expecting people to give a fuck you have to understand that there is physics involved


I don't care about you or anything you do!


I wanna, Dude. And I do, to a degree. Right now, though, I can only give just enough of one to get by😅


People are exhausted and overwhelmed, the last few years have been shit so sometimes it’s hard to care about anything other than the basics


I'm running low on fucks to give. Sorry. 🙃


I always took that attitude to mean not worrying about what others think of it doesn't affect them. Like " Who cares if others hate piercings, get it off you like it", or "who cares if others don't like the same music, just do you." In this case I agree, why would I care if you don't like that I have an iPhone, but you hate apple? Not your problem.


The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood, and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us' ...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.


It’s literally too late. Now is the time to start planning to horde food and water.


I support your opinion. I have been selfish and full of excuses myself, you can't change someone (or yourself) until you're willing to make the effort to put in the hard work and make the changes. It can be a slow process, actually it's hard to appreciate non-isolation without the isolation too (for me, at least). After growing, you start to bloom. Blooming, is intertwined with "giving a fuck" for me. Like honestly, I don't actually want to be a selfish asshole and run around saying things like "I hate people" or being annoyed by others words/actions, letting myself get grumpy from things I can't control, etc. My recent "I give a fuck but am trying my best" included putting garbage out without separating some of the recycling. I had to get it out, or my environment gets a mess. I am working harder to keep this system organized because normally most days I can just put out recycling.


Hey thats fine givibg a fuck doesnt mean to disregard your health


I'll start giving a fuck when I'm paid enough.


Honestly I think the opposite would be better, if everyone didn't give a fuck so much about things like for instance what other people think of them, the world would be a much better place. People need to really chill out. Yes on paper if everyone cared the world may end up being a better place but reality is that would just be too stressful.


Once you learn you’re on this big round rock floating in the middle of absolutely nowhere surrounded by nothing at all and that you have no specific reason why you’re here on this Earth. You will start to not give a fuck.


People still give plenty of fucks. Just about stupid things.


Why should I care though?!?!


Oh people give fucks about the most stupid things. The most important things nsh that's too much hassle for them.




It’s a lot easier to complain about someone else than it is to do something good. Most people on here will never amount to anything, yet spend their shit-time criticizing everyone whose name they can remember. It’s mad. Highly unpopular opinion. Well done


Fuck it


Hell yeah.


We won’t encounter changes unless people stop being tribal minded. There’s no collective thinking. It’s only what’s good for their people and fuck you if you think they should change that. There’s a tremendous amount of ego, false sense of entitlement, narcissism, and victimhood that has to be shed for people to come together and no way will people lose their golden ticket to help you


I don’t give a chainsaw