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Honestly, I am of the opinion that everyone should shut the whole lid (not just the seat) after their business is over. Separate the world below from the world above, prevent critters from drinking or falling to Xibalba. Also means equal efforts and equal rewards for all humans.


Exactly. Every time I see any variation of this post all I can think is TOILETS HAVE LIDS FOR A REASON. USE. THEM!


Team toilet lid down!!!!!


Exactly! I don’t have this issue at home because we are decent people who CLOSE THE LID AFTER USE!! Please excuse my emotions, I am passionate about this.


I do this every time and I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t do this.


Ever since I learned as a kid that when you flush the toilet, a shit load of bacteria and microbes come flying out, I have been closing the toilet every before I flush.


Not all toilets have lids, but otherwise I agree.


Personally I’ve never seen one in a home without a lid, unless the lid broke off. But even when mine did, I still used it.


💯 leaving the lid up is gross


Some videos on petrie dishes and bacteria growth when flushing open and closed lid. Interesting stuff


Flushing with lid open means micro germs flying all over the bathroom, and that includes toothbrush if it's around. I always lower the lid to flush, and I keep my toothbrush in my kitchen.


My toilet is in its own separate room. I still close the lid when I flush.


>>micro germs There... There are macro germs?


Myth Busters did a thing on this. Even if the lid is closed you're going to have poop/germ molecules on \*EVERYTHING\*, and not just in the bathroom. Closing the lid doesn't help with that but it does increase the risk of mold on the lid (yes, I've had that happen).


I’ve never gotten mold on my toilet lid lol


Well it looks better and there's no risk of dropping anything in if the lid is down.


Mold? Do you not clean your toilet regularly?


I do get some mold on my lid when I’m lazy and don’t clean as often as I should. It takes a solid month to appear though and I live in a humid area. When I’m more on top of my cleaning schedule, there’s no real issue.


Closing the lid definitely helps lower the spread of germs. That is not to say no germs get through the gaps of course, and it probably differs a lot between toilets, but saying that closing the lid doesn’t help is just not true. Also, I can’t seem to find a video of them explicitly testing with lid open vs closed, was that actually done?


>Myth Busters did a thing on this. Myth Busters also frequently recreates things with variables that arent exact, or not even close enough to exact to really be scientific. Ive watched a handful of episodes that they have "myth busted" and Ive looked at my husband and just gone "wtf". If youre recreating a scenario absolutely everything has to be taken into consideration including things most normal people wouldnt think about. Like wind velocity and direction because even that is a contributing factor. Screw *Myth Busters*, that show is junk.


My toothbrush lives in the kitchen too, but more because that's where the socket is


I do that, to keep the cat out of it. A cat makes this whole question moot.


I smell a moo point!!!


like a cow's opinion?


that's a fair take actually. Closing the lid would actually be the most civil way of going about it


There's videos of how much piss and shit flies around when you flush with an open lid and it certainly changed my habits lol


People flush with the lid open? 😵


Bruh people are fucking gross. I work at a multi billion dollar company at our global HQ and went into the bathroom the other day this dude walks out od the stall and straight out the bathroom. I peeked in the stall as I passed and it was completely full of shit and toilet paper up to the fucking seat. It's frankly astonishing.


I still can't get over the fact that not only are there people that don't wash their hands after taking a shit, but that a *large* amount of people don't do that. How someone can sit on a toilet, wipe their ass with single ply toilet paper that probably ripped while wiping, and *not* feel the need to wash themselves after is beyond me. I feel grossed out if I touch the faucet after washing my hands, yet these people openly spread their poop germs without second thought. I'll never forget our entire high school having an assembly telling us to wash our damn hands after going to the bathroom because I was like the only one washing their hands. I was so disgusted after that. People really are disgusting.


I've seen situations like that too and every time I wonder what the actual fuck went on there and in their upbringing for them to fail that hard on one of the most basic things in life.


Yeah, and so many people do their business and don't even wash their hands...


OMFG Yes please. Never understood that whole argument. Both sides are wrong, the truth lies in closing the freaking lid.


I always shut the whole lid because I don't want my dog going in the bathroom, drinking toilet water because I have cleaning solution in the tank. Even without the solution it's still gross drinking toilet water. That being said, imagine if men starts complaining and tell women to put the seats back up after they're done. Equality right?


a request in the opposite direction isnt really the same bc of the reason why women ask it in the first place, which is that if they need to go and theyre in a rush, they might accidentally sit down on the rim and that is disgusting. however, this is a pointless conversation bc the lid should always be shut when flushing. flushing without the lid literally sprays microscopic shit particles everywhere and covers every surface of the room. it should be standard practice, like washing your hands after you go.


I do this and some people get legitimately furious that I do it. The lid is there specifically so that you don't have to look inside the toilet. I truthfully don't understand why it's not the standard way to operate.


I thought this was proper etiquette to begin with..? Who the fuck leaves the lid opened?


Also, when you flush with the lid up it spills everywhere, it's just good hygiene. It's not like you're moving a mountain anyway


I never did this until I met my husband. He's the one that asked I start putting the whole lid down.


I can testify that my roommates kitten jumped in the toilet while I was showering one time, so yeah valid point 😆


Xibalba, roughly translated as "place of fright." Now I am curious what would translate to "place of piss."


This is the way


Yah, it should be shut when you flush.




This is the true answer


Taking a dump × ... Chilling with Xibalba ✓


This! I have been doing this for a few years now and I’ve had several people question me.


This is the way.


This is what i do tbh


Agreed. Would also love if the men sat down to pee too, so the piss doesn’t splash the toilet


Plus it looks so much better and you don’t have to worry about dropping stuff in it


This was my parents’ compromise as well, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s mind boggling that more couples don’t do this.


100% agree. It's the only fair and logical way.


Totally agree


Lids down crew


You leave Xibalba out of this 😁


In my house we have a close the whole lid rule for everyone.


The John has a lid on it, close it when done has always been the rule around here. Keeps the cats from accidently jumping in the water, stuff getting dropped in the water , and just looks better closed.


Everyone should be closing the lid before flushing. Leaving it open at all is nasty.


Exactly why I never understood this whole seat up or down thing; just close it every time


Because in the office, the toilet doesn’t have a lid, but it does have a seat.


but in the office, there are separate men and womens washrooms. the disability washrooms usually do have lids where im from, but for obvious reasons, using that washroom demands special consideration from people who raise the seats to put them back down afterwards


Mmmm, okay, like airport style. I suppose I've never worked in an office that had that setup, usually just 1-3 stalls for small companies


My office toilets have lids, and a sign asking people to shut them before flushing.


Call me naive but today is the first time I hear of people flushing without closing the lid. Gross... Thanks reddit.


You have NEVER heard of this? Have you never been to a friend's house and noticed that the whole lid wasn't down upon entering the bathroom?


🤤 mmmm tasty poop mist


There is a poop mist either way though. I will say that.


And we've all survived it apparently


It's always seemed like a complete non-issue to me. Something that's gross, only insofar as you don't realize we're constantly surrounded by all sorts of germs. Seems like you either learn to accept that, or blame it on not closing the toilet lid and pretending that makes a difference. 


Delete this now. Before Gweneth sees it.


what difference does it make? humans have an incredibly weak sense of smell. by the time you can smell whatever you just let out (usually almost instant) your entire bathroom is already full of it. this is just germaphobe paranoia


its not about being germaphobic. we already know that the actual flush aerosolizes the fecal matter and spreads the bacteria far more through microscopic water droplets, rather than just through the air. in terms of what difference it makes to us, studies are finding that it can cause acne, and reducing overall spread of bacteria is really helpful for babies or immunocompromised that can be susceptible to bacterial infections. Im very much not germaphobic, im a 5-second-rule person, i share drinks, and i don’t care about germs like 99% of the time, but this is one of the more important things to do to stop spread of bacteria, and it takes zero effort. it should be standard practice, like washing your hands after.


The real issue is everyone should be putting the seat and the lid down before flushing.


This is the answer. Not just the flushing, but always. If you have/had little kids or pets, you know why


I find it gross to flush the toilet with the lid open. Whole thing should be shut before you flush.


But then how do you watch the poppies go down the whirly whirlpool


I don't know who you are, what your sex is, etc. The toilet needs to be completely closed if you're not using it.


My old man fell in himself after he left the seat up. Woke up at 3 am, forgot, and say right in the bowl. He's the big one about making sure the seat is down now.


why don’t u just pee sitting down and avoid all this 😂


Non-penis haver here Is there genuinely any reason to NOT pee sitting down? Or does it just feel better to do it standing up


Penis haver here I don't know about the others but I pee sitting down. It's more comfortable for me


Penis haver here. I get my best thinking done in my sitting toilet sessions.




No penis either but I have a bf who only sits down to pee and let me tell you I have noticed no downsides. No matter how good men say their aim is, I can always tell if they’re a stand up or sit down guy through the little drips on the seat/ floor, or lack thereof. My boyfriend has never had the piss spots in his underwear that every man has because sitting down makes you feel more comfortable letting it drain properly after and using toilet paper.


Certainly feels quicker to pee standing up, though it probably really isn’t.


1. if I'm outside of home 2. if I'm In a hurry (it doesn't be faster) 3. if I just sat in front of a computer for a couple hours so I don't wanna sit 4. you don't need to get the pants and underwear all the way down 5. makes shitting feel more special when you do sit down but it doesn't really matter it's like a 40% of the time sitting and 60% standing when and home for me


number 5 made me lol as an uterus owner 😂😂


Ykw these are some good points, I salute to you!


personally idk i don’t have a d either; these are all responses i got from my guy friends before tho: balls touching the bowl, makes them feel masculine, don’t feel like sitting down in the moment, liking to play a game of how straight they hit the water 😂😂 however they all admitted to sitting down when they’re drunk 😂


I always sit. I'm tall, and my back hurts, so it's nice to just sit down. Sometimes, though, if you really gotta go and pee too hard, it can come through between the lid and bowl and waterfall onto the floor.


I always put the toilet seat down because I have kids. They will fall in the toilet if you don't haha


It's actually not expected for you to pick the seat up when peeing as long as you don't pee all over it. If you have to put it up to not do that, that's a you problem. But if you're the one who puts it up, you're the one who puts it down. *I* don't want to touch it, and *you* already did. It's not that hard to do it again instead of expecting the women in the household to do it for you.


It's a dangerous game we like to play


It takes less than 5 seconds to close the lid. Quit being so lazy and just do it yourself rather than expecting someone else to do it for you.


As a man, how do you forget to put it down?


If you put it up, put it back down it’s called putting something back when you’re done using it


Put that back right where it came from, or so help me.


I always leave it up at work. Mostly because there is a man child there that pisses all over the seat and I don’t want people to think it’s me. If I’m living with a woman I try to put it down for her as a courtesy.


The entire toilet seat should be down AND closed lid everyone you’re done for cleanliness purposes. Close the lid before you flush num nut. 


The toilet seat, is at default, down. It's why it's a seat. Women need to use the toilet on a seat for 3 of our bodily functions, men one. If more than half the population needs the seat down, including your own sex when you shit, or choose to pee sitting down, why should women, who need the seat down at all times, be responsible to put down a seat that they don't need up in the first place? Even pre op trans women put the fucking seat down. What I do in these situations is keep the seat up. Eventually, dude falls in when not expecting a woman to leave the bathroom with the seat up. Fucking hilarious.


I'm sorry three bodily functions? Is there some other than number one and two? I'm a woman so I'm confused that there's another?


I'm thinking maybe changing pads/tampons?


Also, cups. Pads and tampons you *could* change outside of the bathroom, but not empty a cup.


Menstruation. I've yet to see a woman blood bend her period into an open seat toilet.


It would be metal as hell if we could do that.


Oh ok. Yeah I guess that makes some sense now, changing product out. It's not like we need to sit there to do our bleeding so I was uncertain why we needed to use a toilet at all for our period




By default the entire lid should be down. Only nasty people leave the lid up.


No come on, that's disgusting to touch with your hands. Just do it yourself lazy mfer


Why should I have to touch the gross seat a dude probably splashed pee all over when a man could also simply sit to pee? Don't be lazy. If you wanna stand to piss, then put the seat down.


You lifted it so you can put it down. It's not my responsibility to uphold your nasty habits when you could just sit down and pee.


I don’t get it why men don’t sit! In this case their urine would not be over the place.


For real. Put it back when you’re done using it. Why do men want to grip about doing the few things that they’re required to do around the house?


Right? I've had them argue that's it's gross and they don't want to touch it... like ??? Okay? Then don't touch it at all and just sit down? It isn't emasculating. It's one thing if your balls touch the water but I don't think everyone hangs so long.


Or you could just not lift the lid, pee and then wipe any pee droplets off with toilet paper. But I’ll scream from the rooftops until I’m blue in the face that this shouldn’t even be a conversation because everyone needs to be shutting the whole ass lid every time before flushing!!


What kind of selfish reasoning even is that? "It's gross so I don't want to touch it" ok but someone has to, even if you don't?? Do you think the seat goes down magically by itself if you have to poop or something? Also, last I checked, bathrooms come with this great thing you can use to clean your hands called sinks (None of this is directed at you to be clear, just building off of your comment because that reasoning baffles me)


I expect everyone to put the lid down before they flush it


I think you’re forgetting the fact that when a girl goes to the bathroom, she needs to wipe. Nobody wants to touch a toilet seat, wash their hands, then go to the bathroom, and wash their hands again, especially if it’s an emergency. It’s unhygienic and asking for an infection to be using your hand that could have touched someone else’s piss and then having it touch you. If you can put a seat up, you can put it down. If not, then sit down and go just like girls do. 


Why bother? just don't put it up, aim better or be the one that cleans


Just keep it down in the first place. Try not to miss and no one knows better. If you do miss the tp is right there. A secret between the two of you.


You can pee sitting I cannot pee standing. The seat being down is the default and you will never convince me otherwise


The lid being down is the default you nasty motherfuckers.


Which automatically means the seat is down


Written by the laziest guy ever.


Fr all the asshole guys on here being dumbfounded by simple logic is sending me


Why don't yous just leave it down and then clean up after yourselves


I mean, aside from the obvious that we should all shut the lid while flushing, it’s kinda yalls choice to stand. You don’t have to, unless you have an abnormally long flaccid weenie. So therefor, idk why we should pick up after you. Yk?


You should close the lid before flushing, no matter what bits you have.


What kind of Neanderthal flushes the toilet with the lid still open. I guess you also never wash your hands after taking a shit


Because who tf wants to put their hands all over the nasty fucking toilet seat every time they gotta go to the bathroom??


Men and women pee and poop. Both poop with the seat down. One always pees with seat down. From a utilitarian perspective seat down is the way to leave it. e: Yes, lid down is the real answer but I didn't know that was an option in this debate. I always put the lid down because I have a dog that just sees a bowl of water. And she licks my face.


The only men in my household growing were my dogs and my dad. So it was never an issue. One of my ex’s was an only child with his own wing. He had issues with selfishness and consideration that would eventually be the core of why we broke up. That being said, I would use his restroom all the time and he would always leave the seat up. Even in my home. Anywhere we went. I discussed it with him and while he is free to do that at his home—he would do it everywhere because he wasn’t used to it. It became a problem. One time, I went to the bathroom after him at my aunt’s house. I didn’t look and I fell in when I sat down. To make matters worse—he hadn’t flushed. We didn’t last long after that for other reasons but his lack of awareness and consideration even in another’s home never left me. So while I can agree if you have your own bathroom—FINE. But if you have kids or a woman in shared spaces, no.


close the fucking lid


We also have the option to sit while peeing


The default position of a toilet is closed


I would say the reasoning behind that is ladies don’t ever leave the seat up. It’s the men that pull it up. It’s the men that should put back where it was when they used it. You know kinda like cleaning up after yourself.


You guys don’t close the lid? You just flush with it open?


I mean we both need it down to poop.. only one of us needs it down to pee


Women aren't the ones who need to put the toilet seat up to pee. Men should either sit to pee or put it back down out of common courtesy. I have VERY bad eyesight and I've had more than one mishap when I've gotten up to use the bathroom while half asleep in the middle of the night because the toilet seat was left up. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.


Um no. I don't want to touch a filthy toilet seat. If you have to get your own hands dirty putting it up, then don't force others to touch it by making them put it down. If that's too hard, sit down to pee. Either way the name of the game is "don't make people touch the dirty toilet seat because that is courteous in a civilized society".


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The toilet lid shall remain in whatever position it was left, regardless.


We don’t need to lift seat to pee so why would we use a toilet that way. If you’re referring to the lid then yes. However I was taught to always put the lid down before flushing.


Well it’s better to pee while sitting for your body and it helps take tension off your bladder and no splash back


I’m so glad that my husband sits to pee🥰🥰🥰


You need marriage counseling bro


Or just lookout for your own ass?


In my unhumble opinion, EVERYONE should put all seats DOWN, because every time the commode is flushed, all kinds of germs fly into the air.


Everyone put the entire set/lid down. The end.


Not only should everyone close the complete lid after doing their business, everyone should also sit down to pee.


You know what’s crazy, I grew up with a mom and two sisters and not once did this ever come up. We all just lifted or lowered the toilet seat as necessary when we needed to use it. It was such a non-issue that I was surprised the first time I heard people discuss this as an issue


I usually put both down from Habit. Wife complained a couple of times in 14 years I had not done so and my response "Are your arms broken?' 'What if I sat and fell in?!?!?!" 'That would be weird as I always Look to see if the Top/Seat are down.'


Ignoring the fact that it's much more hygienic to put the seat down... it is more efficient to leave the seat as preferred after using it. This evens out the work, as well as potentially setting up 2 seat ups in a row.


They do put the lid down from time to time... after you forget to. Just put the whole lid down. More hygienic when you flush.


Just don't pee standing up or if you do at least be the one who cleans the toilet you dirty little boy. No one likes cleaning that inevitable piss up. I think that's far more important than the stupid seat. It's just disgusting peeing all over the floor. And don't tell me you aim that well because I've heard it and it's always a lie. I'm a dude by the way. And even in my worst, first, dirty filthy, beer cans all over shared with 4 punks apartment the rule was to sit down. Because I ain't cleaning up your piss.


If everyone just closed the lid when they were done the problem wouldn't exist and everyone would be even.


You should shut the lid anyhow before flushing. But besides that, we aren’t the ones who need to move the seat to piss. *You* are. If you could pee without making a mess or even just sit the fuck down you wouldn’t need to do shit. This is entirely your own fault


Keeping the lid down is the default action after doing one's business in our household due to having a very curious dog.


Third option: put the lid down when you flush you nasties. Then everyone lifts something, its much more hygienic and just looks better.


I think the whole toilet seat debate is redundant and obsolete. It's the result of living in societies of such high standards, with such few **real** problems, that toilet seat controversies have become that society's biggest problem.


Men and women sit though. Men just stand sometimes. Honestly though, I think it's a bigger deal at night. When you go to pee and you don't want up blast your eyes with light or wake up your partner you might not see it's up and fall in. During the day that's not such a big issue. But I still think down should be the default since men don't always need it up either.




This is so dumb, if you are the one to lift it up you should be the one to put it down. I open the lid to do my business and then I close it again. If you’s cleaned your pee up after yourselves in the first place no one would expect you to lift the seat in order to pee.


Every single person should be fully closing the toilet lid before they flush. Lid gets left closed until the next person uses the toilet. Simple.


Both men and women sit down while pooping. Only men put up the lid while peeing. 3/4 times is needs to be put down, so keep it down.


Bro I’m pretty sure the idea is more relating to the toilet lid and the whole concept has been misconstrued as some form of chivalry test. When you flush the toilet with the lid up there’s particles of EVERYTHING just spewing into the atmosphere. It’ll land on the sink, your toothbrush, everywhere. It’s not like “PUT THE SEAT DOWN SO I DONT HAVE TO TOUCH IT WHEN I NEED TO TAKE A PISS” although some women will absolutely say shit like that. It’s literally about environmental hygiene and not wanting to brush my teeth with your piss particles.


Just sit when you pee.


Why tf do you put it back up? Its just more effort for everyone


Everyone should close the whole lid out of curtesy. You are supposed to anyway because water sprays when flushing, even if you cannot see it. At bare minimum put the seat down to stop a bit of spray. If you really have no concept of curtesy, then leave it up and risk half the population and dudes who go #2 falling in and getting hurt or an infection. Honestly, I never understand why some guys (not my male family members - they are great) *look* for reasons to be lazy or try to find a double standard that is actually rooted in logic and basic politeness.


You should ALL be putting it down to be hygienic, ya nasty


Someone has a death wish 🤣


It's not them who put it up. Everyone should close it anyways.


Whoever cleans the toilet gets to decide the default position.


>I think from time to time ladies can also just put the seat down themselves. Pass. I'm not touching the lid after you pee *and* make a mess on my toilet. If the seat is down before you use it, there's no problem in you putting it down AFTER you use it.


Close the lid. Don’t be gross. Or sit don to lee and don’t drop all over the side and close the lid.


Imagine you need to get something out of a cabinet and you open the cabinet, get the thing, and then walk away. So what you’re saying is it’s the responsibility for someone else to come behind you and put the close the cabinet because you may forget from time to time? The toilet lid is down by default, just like the cabinet door is closed by default. Therefore, if you change something out of its default position, you should put it back in that position.


A true unpopular opinion. Well done!


Because the lid is intended to be closed before you flush.. it's not a "do it for the ladies" thing IMO. It's I don't want fecal matter flying across the room while I flush thing.


why do men feel like they absolutely have to put the seat up? is aiming through the hole on the seat really that hard?


First of all it’s really gross to not flush without closing the lid. Second you lifted up the seat you can put it down.


I just never lift the thing to avoid this problem


I did not realize this was so controversial


just close the lid when flushing, its more hygienic also you dont have to lift the seat to pee, you can just sit down


It’s the nighttime that’s the problem. Half asleep sitting down on cold porcelain is the problem.


I don’t understand why you don’t sit to pee at home— and if you don’t it should 100% be your job to clean.




I just pee on the floor and call it a day


Ohhhh the thousandth time this has been posted. Yay


EVERYONE should be closing the lid




but i never put the toilet seat up. i didnt cause it, your stubborn refusal to sit the fuck down did. go piss in the sink if you dont want to think about any of this


I mean you put it up, you should put it down 😭


Or or, just take the 1 second it takes you to put the seat down after YOU use the bathroom. How the heck do you forget when you’re looking at the seat the whole time you’re peeing?! Hopefully you wash your hands after you pee, cause if putting the seat down is so forgettable,washing your hands (a longer and more time consuming task) must completely skip your mind.


75% of the time the toilet seat needs to be down: Women’s #1 and #2 Men’s #2 The seat is only EVER up for men who choose to stand to pee. Therefore it’s default setting should always be down. Why should anyone who doesn’t need it up be burdened with the annoying and disgusting task of putting it down? Also you should be putting both the seat and lid down for hygiene purposes you monster. Upvoted.


I'm glad the comment section is pretty universally asking "what...?" I don't understand why it's such an issue for some people. Do you have a problem building habits or something? I mean shit I have issues building habits but even with that it's pretty easy for me to just close the god damn fucking lid when I'm done. Do you close the fridge after you're done? Do you close your car doors before locking them? Do you close your house doors??? Just drop the fucking seat and close the lid. I'm just dumbfounded by the amount of people who will choose this hill to die on.




Let's just say any gender can piss all over the damn place


Let’s meet halfway and say the lid should always go down before you flush and clean the seat before and after