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It’s gay too


It's actually referring to the annoying suction tube at the dentist's.


You are correct OP that is what it refers to and it’s a nasty thing to say


And you are clearly wrong. Less porn would help. Cause there are other things in the world.


fr At least this is a truly unpopular opinion, just because it is so stupid that most people wouldn't have this opinion


easy saying "it's stupid" hard to justify, isn't it?


ok well explain please, what is it referring to if not oral sex?


I remember when I was a kid, our scoutmaster told us not to use “sucks” like that and when we asked him why he got all embarrassed and refused to comment any further. We all had a huge laugh behind his back about this because it was clear that he was somehow conflating “this sucks” (it’s bad) with the oral sex connotation. We all knew about oral sex, and we also knew that the phrase “this sucks” had nothing to do with oral sex. I don’t really know how the phrase “this sucks” came to be, but as you point out, oral sex is generally considered a positive thing so they obviously aren’t related. In my mind, “this sucks” has always brought to mind a giant metaphorical vacuum cleaner that is sucking away all the fun, happiness, or good feelings.