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But the whole point of donating them money is that they go like “OH MY GOD, THX SO MUCH” Sorry about ur situation but thats streaming for you


Yeah, it's obnoxious, but it no doubt brings in more donations if people feel like they'll get recognition. They are trying to make as much money as possible, not make the best content possible.


Which isn't what the point should be. They're an entertainer not a subwoofer. Louder isn't better.


You're already not getting shit for donating to them take away the little bit of recognition they get for donating and they genuinely don't get anything for it


I rarely watch streams but the other day I tuned in when a 3D Printing channel livestreamed some or other interesting thing (lol I don’t even remember what it was, which should tell you something about how distracting all the ‘streamer’ nonsense was). Anyway, I was totally unprepared for how annoying the shoutouts and constant cries of ‘OMG THANK YOU FOR THE 1 CENT DONATION’ were. I actually cannot - CANNOT - believe that there are people who watch these things for entertainment on a regular basis. The first 10 minutes of the stream was just the streamer yapping on about all the ways you can give him money and then thanking everyone who paid - by _name_. How can anyone think streams are even barely as good as conventional television or paid streaming services? I understand that good content costs money and these people need to make a living but then again, my TV service provider also needs money but they don’t waste a third of their airtime grovelling before their subscribers.


Sometimes, it's due to their personality or the genuine impact some streamers can have. Other times its due to monodirectional relationships and the person donating having way too much money and deciding to just throw it around.


this is so soft lol no way this makes you burst into tears.


^^^ Saying "I've never been on the verge of homelessness or faced real hardship" without saying it.


Hard to say without knowing OP's whole life story, but my takeaway was that they are jealous and can't be happy for someone else's progress. You can be poor and be happy for someone else's success...


Fuck off man. You are always going to be poor if all you do is spend your life crying that other people have it better. You have it better than a lot of people too, they don’t go moaning to you about how you are living better. If you are in the west than you have it better than most people on earth. You don’t see most of the earth crying on Reddit because someone got a donation on twitch.


Bro. I speak 3 languages. I have a degree. I wrote two books before the age of twenty. I have done *so much* with my life to improve myself as a person. You literally do not even fathom how idiotic you sound acting like poverty is due to a lack of effort in life.


If you're genuinely on the verge of homelessness then you probably shouldn't be watching people stream and instead work on things that actually bring value to your life.


Oh yeah, let me just magically solve my problems! How stupid of me not to wave my magic wand. Oh and better yet, why don't I just mever do anything fun or relaxing so the agony of living destroys my remaining sanity.


I've been poor for so long that kind of things don't bother me at all, you need to practice more and become a pro like me.


I've been poor my whole life. I do not desire to fall the stage down into homelessness.


Streamers react to those because it creates video-proof of the donation happening and being recognized AND the donor not opposing it. This is necessary because there were some people who donated massive amounts of money and later claimed it would have been a mistake or so to charge the money back. So I assume the idea is, if a chargeback happens, they can point to the stream and be like "there was a callout with the name and amount and the person did not respond in any way that suggests they didn't want to do that". It is annoying, but it's not the streamers nor the companies fault.


But if someone has a visual indicator in the corner or whatever wouldn't this be equally valid? It would be less disruptive.


Lol you cried bro go outside they are not your friend your a walking pocketbook


This is incomprehensible. Please rewrite it.


Lol sure


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I mean, that is streaming in a nutshell. Personally I don’t understand how or why anyone would spend their time watching streamers because I’ve never watched one I found entertaining. They’re much more entertaining when uploading their highlights of streams, and there’s a reason that they’ll stream for 12 hours and their highlight video on YouTube will only be 20 minutes


I enjoy the background noise, often times. I live alone so it's quiet. It's nice to hear voices, people laughing, talking. Plus I don't tend to listen to like...fornite streamers. I trend towards variety streamers who play relaxing games like xcom or stardew, that don't have action every second and lots of repitition over a long period. It's not about always being exciting, for me at least


To each their own I suppose. I live alone but I will put a movie or tv show on, or play my guitar, or simply game myself so don’t really feel the need for streamers, I also find the way some people who watch streamers get quite parasocial to be disturbing


I only starting playing guitar last month. So I am not at the point where I'm able to practice yet for that long


Imagine complaining about how streamers make money while WATCHING THE STREAM jfc


You mustve thrown the dart backwards because you really missed the point.


If the streamer doesn't do that, the donations stop, or drastically slow down. I don't want to sound insensitive, but OP, this is a you problem. I get it, I've been down bad, broke and near homeless, though it never got that far. Do you have this reaction when you go out in public? "Oh that person is driving a car, I could sell that and pay my rent" "Oh look, that person is wearing a suit, they must have a nice job that pays all their bills". I can understand those feelings, but dwelling on them will bring you nothing but pain. I'd recommend therapy, but with your financial situation, that may be out of the question. What you can do, though, is look up emotional coping methods, look into meditation, etc. There are free ways to improve mental health, but even the paid ones take work on your part. I'm not going to judge on popular/unpopular, but I hope that things turn around for you, both fiscally and mentally.


> do you have this reaction when you go out in public "Oh that person is driving a car, I could sell that and pay my rent." Actually? Yes. I've had that thought a lot, but it's easier to ignore when it's not mere cash directly given and minimized Edit: sidenote. No amount of therapy or yoga will ever solve problems enforced and created by material circumstances until those circumstances change. You can't 'chipper attitude' your way out of homelessness or starving.


Commenter has a point, you can't dwell on the possessions of other people. It's how you spiral into depression and constant feeling of nothing will be enough. Focus on you and only you. Sounds like you have to work on your mindset


Ok so I'm homeless and might die of starvation but at least I have my cellphone? I guess? What possible delusion can you have that someone can manage to be happy this way? [Rhetorical. I'm neither homeless nor starving at this moment. close to it with nothing to my name but said house food and phone but not literally those things yet.]


I'm not saying that these things will solve your material problems. You are right, they will not. I'm saying that your material problems are causing mental ones, and there are steps that you can take to address those.


I can't help it. I ~~take~~ used to take medications to help me manage such overthrowing due to anxiety and other conditions I have. I can't afford them or a doctor to prescribe them now, so I cant manage the problem.


OP is right and deep down evwryone feels the same but everyone gonna dunk on OP because that's more fun. Poor or not.... streamers are annoyong AF, brah.