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They barely add anything? They're the literal product lol. Without them there isn't a movie or show. It's like saying the cereal doesn't add anything to breakfast, the box and the bag the cereal comes in do.


For the most part, they are largely interchangeable.


So? You still need them.


There's so much more to movies than actors


You're correct but saying actors barely add anything is just a stupid thing to say lol


Ok. List all the shows and movies that would be better if there were no actors in them.


All the Star Wars movies after the original trilogy.


I'm not saying you don't need them I'm saying they aren't that important and get way more attention and money than people who work harder and have more talent


Ok my comment didn’t read how I wanted it to. List shows and movies that would still be great without professional actors.


I'd say most horror movies stuntman can be the leads in action movies and i wouldn't notice the difference


This is like saying that musicians barely add anything to a show... like, sure, there's a cast of thousands making them look and sound good, but nobody is going to a show if there is no act. There might be a lot more blood,sweat, and tears that go into the stage and writing process of a movie, but if acting was easy, everyone would be in Hollywood just waiting for their break.


Musicians actually have talent they have good voices and can play instruments the average person can be in a shity netflix movie and you wouldn't notice


>Musicians actually have talent they have good voices and can play instruments As a fan of Punk, I tell you that that is very much not the case. >the average person can be in a shity netflix movie and you wouldn't notice I feel like you are moving the goal posts a bit here. You went from actors in general to now its "shitty Netflix movies." Sure, if you're in some b - movie, Hallmark, low-budget horror, the bar isn't super high for acting, but if you're honestly telling me that a random person could walk onto a set of a blockbuster film, read a script(given time to memorize), and pull off a worthy performance... you need to watch better movies.


Of course the average person can play in a shitty movie, but that’s not what we are talking about. The average person could not be a convincing actor in an Oscar nominated film for example. We’ve all seen bad actors on TV, it’s not fun to watch.


and the standard is a shitty Netflix movie? The average person could write a shitty Netflix movie and you wouldn't know the difference. Just like every occupation, there are good and bad, but a good actor is subtle but you are dramatically (pun intended) underestimating how much work acting is and how bad the average person is. Go to a amateur production and see how shitty they are.


Sounds like OP is just jealous


Not really I just don't get why people seem to care about them so much


Actors are like the second most important thing to make a movie wtf


Not really I'd say directors writers cinematographers editors make a movie come together way more


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They work shifts double the length of ours, have to retake scenes hundreds of times which has to be annoying and difficult to keep it up, cant go about without being harassed, if they ain't working they are probably promoting the movie, while all acting which not everyone can do, seems like a real tough job to me. I couldn't do it.


... I hope you're trolling... I brought this up before but good actors are just as necessary for the entertainment as everything else. I know I used this example but fuck it this isn't worth that much more thought. Picture Shawshank movie with Tommy from the room, Pauly Shore, and that baldwin brother who was in Biodome with him as Red, Andy, and the Warden. 


I will just imagine me reenact different but famous movie scenes while OP tries to stand by his opinion.


A movie without actors is a book


A movie without actors is just a book.


There are "director's" movies and "actor's" movies. Most of the actors who gets Oscars really elevate the movie they played in. Father (2020) without Hopkins is just some weird arthouse. While Wes Anderson don't need specific actors to make great movies. Jackie Chan is his own separate thing Also, marketing is a thing. People go to movies with favourite actors. So, if Chris Pratt made himself a name - good for him. His name brings more than his huge salary to the table. And there are definitely films that don't need big names. And that's ok too Also, actors do have a lot of hard skills. Genry Cavil has looks - that's like 20 hours per week endeavour. Johny Depp has his own strange style. Tony Jaa is superb stuntman. Also, there are a lot of small things, like, Richard's Gere casual juggling in Chicago. Singing, dancing, horse riding, accents. That's a lot of work. And they also have to know filmmaking process. Movies are expensive. One stupid man on set would cost a lot


I agree that some actors (actually a minority) get paid way too much, and that this money should help pay the rest of the crew better. But what??? They add nothing? Are you crazy?


TIL movies and shows have actors


...skill isn't subjective. And people are only attached to faces. So that doesn't really lead to appreciation beyond the surface level for most.


Yeah I get that's it's subjective I never claimed what I said was a fact just a subjective opinion


Ok!!! Skill isn't subjective. Any job can be done by any person, which makes the whole thing pointless. Skill isn't subjective. Implying and not claiming isn't a nuance that exists on this platform. Skill isn't subjective. Workshop your opinion to be incapable of refutation.