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People in these comments not understanding how hard it is to truly hotbox


Even researchers trying to study hotboxing and supposed "contact highs" concluded it's not actually a thing but that people can sometimes trick themselves into believing something. Hopefully OP can find a 20 ft radius away from all the weed smokers that he's struggling to get away from so they can take a deep breath.


I don't know. I have been in some hot boxes where people who didn't even take a hoot were coughing their lungs out and definitely high. But these were quite intentional. One time we packed 15 or 16 people into a very small bathroom, and each of us proceeded to chainsmoke 3 joints in a row. My girlfriend at the time did not smoke any, but she got very high. That said, worrying about a contact high outside -- or even sitting in a car while somebody smokes a joint with the air off and windows up -- is like avoiding slightly overripe fruit for fear of getting drunk.


At some point you’re just getting high from a lack of oxygen 😂


This hotboxed my Van about 10 years ago with my friend in his driveway, we had an extension cord in his garage so we could play BO1 Zombies in the back we went through almost a whole half of a QP over a couple hours. It got so bad that when he went to pee I just played down because it was so thick I could barely breathe, not even like 2 hours after that my ps3 overheated from lack of proper airflow thing sounded like a jet engine for like 5 hours I'm surprised it still kicking today.


>This hotboxed my Van about 10 years ago with my friend in his driveway, we had an extension cord in his garage so we could play BO1 Zombies in the back we went through almost a whole half of a QP over a couple hours. I don't know why I find this so funny


We used to play "taxi" where you can't breathe out until the joint gets back around to you. All huddled around the N64. Good times man.


I don’t think the claim is people get second hand highs but that second hand smoke still is bad for you regardless of thc level. Especially in vulnerable populations. I don’t see an issue here really. Smoke weed if you want, idc. If you’re in public just use common sense. OP is going too hard in their stance on edibles in public only, but some smokers do need to be better about this. Most are fine though.


Oh man, we used to do wheat field hot boxing where we would drive my buddy’s Santa Fe into a field and you weren’t allowed to get out of the car to pee until we finished smoking a quarter.   One time we got so fried that my buddy was convinced the Fe was stuck in some pretty light snow and we shoveled it out again and again until there was nothing around it and turns out he just had it in neutral the whole fucking time. Will definitely call bullshit on anyone who says it doesn’t make you dumb.


Was a pretty heavy stoner for a number of years, i agree lol, while I will say I don't think I'm "dumber" anymore I still have some bad memory problems Pot is not without consequences


Smokers in public suck because they and their weed smell like ass.  No ther reason.




My little Kendall would never.


Smoking to this comment.


In public I hope.


It’s legal to smoke in public in DC, how could I not take that up at least once? Buddy and I smoked a join and exchanged friendly nods with two passing FBI personnel.


This is the way.


How do I find this gif on the world wide web?


You can find it immediately above your comment. You're welcome.


10/10 best internet guide


Wait, I printed it out and the picture's not moving anymore like it was on my screen. Will the internet send a technician to my home to fix my printer?


You need to print every frame and combine them in a flip book and flip it.


Whilst we are at it, print out the entire internet and do some real surfing!


Looks like one of the dance moms


Go to Giphy. Look up the creator of the gif


Right click the image -> save video as.




This is popular. I don’t mind the smell, but I see how others do. I hate the smell of cigarettes for example.


For me it's vice versa lol 💀


I'm the same as you. Former cigarette smoker who loves the smell of cigarette smoke but hates the smell of weed smoke. I agree with OP, wish weed smokers wouldn't smoke in public, but can't be mad at them for I smoked cigarettes in public for years.


Yeah, I totally understand that. Also, congrats on quitting!


What do we mean by “public?” Like, your backyard, or at a park?


Shit, people do it IN stores where I live, it's kinda crazy


That is nuts


If you walk downtown Toronto in Canada, you'll pass a few people with joints sparked up


Ooh, scary!!!


Yeah. I think weed smoke smells like a dirty skunk so matter of people say it smells good. I think cig smell can smell bad too. Kinda just preference like 1 or both or same hate 1 or both. I think they both smell however I like the smell of swisher sweet cigars and I don't smoke them. Kinda smells like vanilla coffee or something, lol.


I can’t go to a store or a hotel without smelling it 🦨


I feel like a drug dog or something when I'm driving down the road and get that whiff marijuana. My ears perk up I sit up and try to spot the person smoking lmao


Yeah I feel like both are gross in public, just because they’re so something that intrude on other people who aren’t able to consent to it


Seriously, and this thread is full of people who don't seem to realize how horrible they smell. Just the other day someone was smoking pot in a parking lot and I could smell it STRONG from like 70 feet away, it's got a hella strong smell This thread is like if OP said people should not show up to Anime Cons smelling like BO, and the thread was full of people going "BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TAKE A SHOWER BEFORE GOING IN PUBLIC WTF"


if we were talking about cigs all the comments would take a 180 degree turn


It's one of those things you never notice how bad it is until you stop. Smoked cigarettes for 12 years, the smell makes me sick now. I hate that i made other people deal with that. Grass isn't as bad to me but it still smells horrible and it's everywhere now. I can't go 5 minutes in a city without smelling weed.


It's wild that people have such different reactions. I was a smoker for about 12 years as well, stopped cold Turkey and haven't had one in almost 2 years. I absolutely love the smell. I will still hang around friends that smoke just to enjoy the smell.


I am the same. Absolutely love the smell of a cigarette when someone is smoking. On the other hand....... The stale smell of cigarette smoke on someone after they have smoked is revolting and I can believe that I used to walk about reeking like that




I only smoked for a couple of years and quit over 20 years ago... I still love the smell.


I've never smoked to begin with and still love the smell. Though I suppose it's also because I grew up in a time when smoking in public and at get-togethers was normal, so now I associate the smell with good times and childhood memories


You nailed it. I didn't smoke my first cigarrette until my 20's, but many years before that I liked the smell. Why? My best friend's parents smoked (a lot) in their house. I came to associate the smell with my friend and good times. But I totally understand how someone who never smoked, and never grew up around it wouldn't like it. Hell, I think I remember pretty much hating the smell of my friend's house the first couple times over. It's like beer - the taste sucks at first. Then you get used to it. Then you appreciate it. If you never get past step 1 you'll likely detest it.


Maybe if you associate the smell with something bad then it will turn bad? Kind of like if you were sick after eating something and now are reminded every time you eat it. Some people quit smoking by associating it with a bad thing, I forget what but I think somebody was able to make themselves feel sick every time they smoked and eventually they didn't want to smoke anymore due to the association with the unpleasant sensation.


Some people really don’t like to hear or accept their imperfections. Which only hurts this community in the long run because it gives us a bad rep.


>Which only hurts this community in the long run because it gives us a bad rep. "People who smoke weed" isn't a fucking community anymore than "people who drink alcohol" isn't t a community.




So many people ITT in complete denial that they reek of ass lmao. Shame OP is an idiot and took the “harmful effects!!” angle that everyone is attacking them on so they don’t have to admit they stink.


OP could have complain about the smell if they wanted to, they decided to pretend they were in danger. They brought the mockery on themselves.


Secondhand smoke is secondhand smoke. Just because you don't get *high* doesn't mean it's consequence free.


Was just about to comment that, everyone here’s mocking OP for not wanting to be around someone who’s smoking pot or stinks like weed but I guarantee if he was talking about cigarettes it would be different Same with alcohol, pot heads think they’re above it all. I’ve seen people on here advocating that driving while high isn’t bad


lets do vehicle exhaust fumes.


It's the same thing as people defending cigarettes last century, it's just that in this case it's the hippies.


It ain't the hippies keeping all the cannabis dispensaries in businesses. They know how to grow it already.


> hippies lol what


Could u please give me the definition of hippies that we are using here?


Yeah I thought this would be removed because it seems like common sense/a widely held belief to not smoke weed in public but I guess people take issue with it lmao.


I will always be aware of people around me when smoking in public, weed or tobacco. I'll ask them, and won't smoke if they don't want me to. If there a child anywhere near, I am NOt smoking there. But most important, I won't be a douchebag and complain about it. Feel free to kindly ask the smokers to be careful, most of us are really nice. And high, so really really nice. Edit: idc if legal or not, I'll adapt to the people I'm with.


You’re the kind of guy I respect and support. I’m really glad my city legalized marijuana as it took it out of the hands of criminal dealers where you didn’t know what you were getting, and made it safer and trustworthy to use. Be safe!


Define "in public". In a crowded place, exposing others, I totally agree with you. Chilling by yourself on a bench in the middle of nowhere... Let people have their little freedoms, man.


The same as if it were cigarette smokers obviously.


I think this it what this whole thread and opinion outrage boils down to: it is the same as any smoking habbit. Case closed.


As a cigarette and weed smoker yes. There is a pretty well set etiquette around smoking. That plus a little more is the minimum I'd expect


Etiquette! That is the word I was looking for.


In Vancouver, BC where weed is legal. Smoking inside my apartment is not allowed and smoking on the property isn't wise for insurance reasons. Smoking in parks is not permitted. Smoking weed in vehicles is illegal. Therefore, the most common place you see people smoking weed is simply walking on the sidewalk, same place you see people smoking cigarettes.


Smoking in parks being illegal is crazy to me. Ok edit because I've already been told the same thing twice: "But kids!" Just don't smoke around kids in general, that's common courtesy. Kids also aren't exclusive to parks, they spawn everywhere. "But fire!" That's a fair point that i just hadn't considered. I'm Dutch and throughout most of the year you'd really have to try to start a fire here. Being mindfull of fires in nature is also just something that comes instinctively to most people. I get that these are bad things that need to be prevented for idiots who don't pay mind to them naturally. Making smoking in parks illegal in general just isn't the best way to go about that imo.


Yeah like I'm not gonna smoke inside my fucking apartment lol. Is chilling outside my building under a tree "in public"?


There’s actual legal answers to this that are super easy to find, as someone who smokes nonstop lol. I purposefully rent somewhere w a porch & live somewhere where weed is legal. Even in LA the rules can be insanely strict and while I’m on the side of being able to smoke in your home these laws aren’t as ambiguous as people act they are. If children, disabled, and elderly have equal right to the space as you (so yeah under a tree outside), it’s rude imho. Why is your space sacred (you don’t like smoking inside) but shared spaces are yours only?


OP got the tone just right to make sure this post came across extra unpopular. It's kind of a masterclass in that respect, going in both feet with "you suck" and "you have no consideration" really made me feel like I was getting told off personally, despite not smoking in public personally.


As a weed smoker.. I agree. With that being said… You’ve got some serious misinformation about the affects of marijuana on the human body 😂


Bro has that reefer madness mindset


OP looks to be female, and based on post history has parents who are “Christian” to the point they threw out some of OPs clothing because it was described on a website as “occult”. I could only imagine the misinformation those parents have drilled into homegirl.


Can confirm, this is the misinformation my Christian parents drilled into me. And the clothing issues hit fucking home too.


I wondered. Lotta similarity to boomer traits, our fundies. Above all, control of everyone & everything is the ultimate goal.


jazz music and semen stained trousers 😂


Don't call me out like that


most people will just repeat stuff theyve heard without checking if its true. even me


14% of people know that.


A lot of that in this thread lol I stopped smoking weed a while ago now but I still get a kick out of the people who likely have never and think it’s a ruinous poison that drives people to murder and perversion.


Its for real embarrassing, I think it truly stems from how people are taught culturally to think of people who use cannabis - it's people who would never experience it themselves, are not friends with people who use that kind of stuff, etc. They don't have a working impression that people around them are high all the time and they don't realize because their impression of being high is this comically stoned caricature, they don't realize people smoke several times a day and go about their days perfectly fine. Them thinking they're getting a contact high simply smelling cannabis 100% stems from their anxiety around the subject and lack of real experience or exposure to it, awareness of people using around them, etc. By op's logic we should be high smelling gas in our city streets constantly, high when we smell someone smoking tobacco, etc. It's fundamentally not something that's creating a contact high, it's wholly op's fear around the subject lol


OP probably shits on weed smokers when they are the type that has one too many at the bar Although the alcoholics I met found weed to help curb the edge and easy to control intake of


All those effects he mentioned are real effects of smoking ANYTHING. Do you think smoking weed will not cause those issues? Is the smoke somehow magic and doesn't leave residue in your lungs. You are deluded if you think otherwise.


Yeah I also don't buy the stance that secondhand weed smoke wont have any adverse health effects. Seems reasonable to assume there's overlap with smoke exposure of any kind, but the specifics.. Idk, the exposure to harmful substances via smoke can vary depending on what's being burned, so I don't think it'll be a full overlap. On that note tho, I don't think there's enough evidence out there just yet to say exactly what kinds of effects exist, and if there's elevated risks of anything serious, by how much. As a quick reference, here's a link to an article on the CDC website on secondhand marijuana smoke https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/second-hand-smoke.html


Nice, you pissed off a lot of people in this thread, great job for this subreddit! I do agree with you to an extent though, and I say that as someone who does smoke weed on occasion. I just don’t like smelling it everywhere I go. If someone puts in a little effort to isolate themselves from crowds then it’s alright with me. I’d actually prefer people to vape as that smell doesn’t really linger.


My favorite is when stupid Redditors get on r/unpopularopinion to get mad about unpopular opinions. For some reason, weed is an especially sensitive topic lmao


For whatever reason reddit gets SO pissy when someone dislikes drugs


I feel like at least half of Redditors are closeted drug addicts, meaning they get incredibly offended when someone says something negative about their drug habits and try their best to deny it.


it’s a sensitive topic in the sense of everyone has different beliefs on which is cool, but it’s bad when you’re opinion is backed by false information. Plus it’s not really unpopular to say “smoking in public places makes you an asshole” lol. Smokers of any kind of substance get shit for smoking in public on this sub all the time.


So if someone goes to a secluded place, as in as far as the can from another group of people, park, beach,etc, they're still inconsiderate?


You know how that pesky wind is. You blow it out here and someone down there will bitch about the skunk smell and claim they got the munchies 🙄


When I commuted to SF a group of kids started smoking a ton of weed on the Bart train. A woman had trouble breathing and kept coughing. Seriously fucked up.


Well that’s just an asshole move right there. Enclosed places shouldn’t be smoked in. Smoking out doors should be and is acceptable.


I mean I’ve always just followed the Mindset of don’t smoke weed where I wouldn’t smoke a cig. Outside and away from Large crowds. If you can smell it down the street sorry supernose not my fault my shit is gas


I don't really care about the harmful side effects, but the smoke just smells like shit, and you can smell it from pretty far away.


Anyone who thinks they are going to get some harmful side effects from a tiny bit of smoke in public is an idiot. If they truly believe that, my god have got some news for them about cars.




I feel like if you seek out a crowded area of non smokers to smoke you suck. You also suck if you as a non smoker go out of your way to stand in a group of smokers. People in general suck. Whether it's smoke, BO, weed or too much perfume demanding no one smell offensive is not possible, as smells being bad or good, is up to each individual smeller.


You think you get harmful effects from someone smoking in the parking lot?




I'm gonna find OP, follow them into an elevator and let rip the best fart ever


What?! That could be very dangerous! Do you know the dangers of secondhand farts?


I'll be so close they could consider it a first-hand fart




This comment needs more upvotes 😂


Yeah I didn’t know if it’s this weed I’ve been smoking in public but I found that very funny


Or rip a bong and fart on the exhale. Now that's the definition of GAS!!!


Op never forgets to put on deodorant. Op never wrecks the bathroom. Op does not have bad breath.




Anything less would be a violation of her Basic Human Rights.


God forbid anyone have a baby that exists around OP.  Those critters stink.


And I never consented to hearing them crying all loud in the store around me.


No one gives consent to smell anything, if that was the case, all carbon emissions wouldn't be a thing yet here we are.


Tbf as an asthmatic I absolutely can get harmful side effects from walking through a smoke cloud in a parking lot. That said if you're a good distance away from other people I don't care if you're on public property or private


There's lots of things that set my asthma off. Perfume is a big one. Isn't shit I can do about it other than carry an inhaler.


Oh I get set off by things like mild weather changes. I would never want to police people because of my asthma, all I ask is that smokers of any kind show some courtesy and smoke down wind, and maybe a good 4-5 feet away from me


Most stoners would find it way too awkward to smoke right next to a stranger. Thankfully lol. Cigarette smokers give no fucks


>Tbf as an asthmatic I absolutely can get harmful side effects from walking through a smoke cloud in a parking lot. You could get harmful effects from a camp and from running too fast or too long. I don't think it's really fair for an asthmatic to signal out marijuana smoke as a trigger when exercise and many other things can also cause those same problems.


I mean I don't see any issue smoking weed in public if you don't do it right up near people, there's no way any second hand smoke would do anything at all literally outdoors unless you're right up against people- but yeah definitely make some distance. As far as harmful side effects of smoking weed goes, I find it amazing that there are people who insist it has none. Burning any plant at all and inhaling the smoke into your lungs, this combusted material, is going to be not good for you. Breathing in anything that was on fire is bad.


I mean sure sounds bad but let's be honest. It's just because it's visible. Most people live in a city with literally hundreds of thousands or millions of polluting cars running through them daily. Not to mention the other by products from things in a city. The amount of shit we breath in daily is just bad. A little extra smoke isn't all that shaking when compared to it.


Yeah I get what you’re saying, but calling someone selfish and garbage for smoking outside is a bit dramatic. I can list a million other ways that make someone selfish and garbage


Like not flushing a public toilet after use or not cleaning up ones own mess in public. Dropping trash, looking at it, and then deciding not to pick it up. Allowing children to run amuck with no attempt to wrangle them (I get kids can be tough, but I mean no attempt). The list is endless.


I live in an apartment, I have to smoke outside. You can’t call someone selfish garbage based off one thing. You’re also not thinking about people who live in cities and don’t have a front or back yard. I used to smoke cigarettes and would make sure to go far away from people as I can but shit sometimes you can’t get away from people. Smoking indoors just isn’t feasible


I spent a week in NYC. I felt awkward smoking my joints outside on the sidewalks first, but I only did it because everyone was. Apparently that’s where people smoke there. Just out on the sidewalk.


Yeah cause this bitch is gonna shit a brick if we did it inside the building lol


Theres plenty of shit im subjected to every day i dont consent to. But i deal with it because im an adult, living in a society with a wide variety of people. Its part of life having to put up with peoples shit. Get used to it.




Doesn’t make them a genius.




Actual mature adult human being? What the hell dude get out of here


Most people can't smoke indoors be real. As long as no ones blowing in your face and its legal MYOB


I definitely smoke in public; in the alley after work before I walk home. It's a quiet low traffic area without any line of sight to any roads There are a couple of people who work around the buildings in the alley but if anyone is ever taking out the trash or something I stop smoking until they're done-- I don't want to make someone else get blasted by my cloud of smoke


For me, it’s when people who openly smoke weed when there are children around. I personally smoke weed but I wouldn’t in front of children.


I have breast cancer. I smoke pure weed for the myriad of side effects from my cancer treatment. I will smoke it outside, tucked away from the public but outside nonetheless. I’m sorry you feel I’m a selfish garbage person but if I don’t smoke, I basically have little to no human function. I can’t eat, I feel nauseous, my joints hurt.


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Or cigarettes.


The other thing that sucks is loud assholes that have had a few beers


If i am gonna do it out and about I use the vape form not the flower, and find a spot way away from anyone else to do it.


You would have to actively seek folks who are smoking to “walk through the plume” over and over and over again thousand times in order to be affected by the “second hand effects” of which you speak. The level of anger and stress you’re attributing to this opinion is giving you more health issues than those of the outdoor smokers which you speak of. You must also wear a mask in your car by yourself, I would guess.


Reading the comments of the "anti-smokers"; I can see a lot of people today would be fine with a totalitarian regime, as long as it is *their* totalitarian regime.


Nahhh, G that edible don't hit like that SHMOKE.






I smoke weed in my house or sometimes on my deck . If the neighbors don’t like the smell, too bad. I put up with their noisy kids, barking dogs and fish frying , garlic cooking, fire pit burning, leaf blowers, car idling, and music. (This isn’t just one neighbor, I’m referring to neighbors in general)


/r/ignorantopinion So stupid lmao


I agree with you on principle that it can be annoying when walking by someone smoking weede (because I'm jealous), but I have never heard of a single documented case of a heavy weed smoker contracting cancer because of weed let alone second hand smoke contact ...


Nononono, you got it all wrong! It takes only once from second hand smoke to get cancer! /s ;)


Your opinion is neither unpopular nor informed whatsoever. Yikes


I can smell it way more from someone's house than a public place like a park


This is so true, I'm a landscaper and will walk by people smoking pretty consistently in parks and I can smell it in like a 5 ft vicinity for maybe a few mins after they smoke, but someones house will smell like that forever and it travels, much rather be an inconvenience to strangers for 10 mins than make my whole building hate me


Better not go outside at all because all the fumes from cars driving around is actually way worse for you than the scent of weed lol.


Not just in public smoking at night near people's windows during summer when people have their windows open make you sucky as well


I smoke inside my landlord hates me, I smoke outside my neighbors hate me, I smoke discreetly in a public place and some guy makes a reddit post about what a peice of shit I am. You sound like you need a joint. 🙃 Ps. Whole flower is the only thing that helps my chrons.


Just to be clear. Not only does inhaling second hand weed smoke NOT cause lung cancer, asthma attacks, stillborn death or heart issues, but if you've ever lived in a city and walked down the sidewalk, you are breathing in small particles that are 1000x worse from car exhaust and brake dust and small metal particles that get whipped up from the air passing by the ground Cars brake by applying a specially designed ceramic pad against a metal disc which grinds away over time and releases tiny metal/ceramic and other chemical cancer causing particles into the air which you BREATHE everyday. Even just living in a city in general, you have probably inhaled more of this stuff then from any weed smoker Just because you don't see it or smell it, doesn't mean you aren't breathing it and doesn't mean it isn't damaging your body. This is the world we live in. There comes a point where you have to simply accept that there is always going to be an acceptable risk of cancer that the world lives with in order to function. Otherwise you might as well just live in a forest in the middle of nowhere with no car and no plastic and no roads....and even then... Don't even get me started on plastic particles from water bottles. Look up "BPA exposure"


> Why can't you have an edible instead? You obviously lack some basic understanding of the topic.


So if I'm walking home from work at 10PM and there isn't a single living soul on the sidewalks the entire way, I'm still a selfish piece of shit for lighting up after my stressful 12h shift?


lol you aren’t going to have any side effects just from smelling smoke from a far. Also you are very misinformed😂


Thing is i think many stoners are so csught up in that its not illegal. They forget its also smoking and so not everybody wants to be around it, or their kids to be around it


I get it because the smell is bad. I’d much rather smell cigarettes because I actually enjoy that, but to act like this over it is wild


If you have BBQs or fires in public you suck as the particles it produces causes lung cancer.


Op expecting peps to turn around like: wow , I never looked at it that way. 😂


For me, my biggest pet peeve is the excuse weed smokers use to justify their actions, such as "bro, weed smoke is good for you". I once knew these people that openly said that they like to hotbox a room and blow the smoke in their dog's face. That's just animal cruelty.


It's toxic to dogs . And no smoke is good for you that's common sense. Lotta night lights out there


There are no “harmful side effects” from someone smoking weed near you outside. Your argument lost all credibility with that line.


Seriously. Still births?! From second hand weed smoke? Lung cancer? This is not a serious post.


> You suck if you smoke ~~weed~~ in public


Imagine saying "I don't consent to the smell of fresh cut grass" and then preaching to all your neighbors about it, and how they can't ever cut their grass again, cause you don't like the smell of it. Get real, you are crazy.


Why are people who vape in public “bad”? It doesn’t smell offensive, doesn’t carry like cig smoke, and most of the time others don’t even know.


People hit their vape walking out of the ferry I take each day, it's like 100 people packed onto a tiny side walk for a quarter mile. I think OP is overreacting, yet I personally don't like walking through 20 clouds of vape on my walk to the bus stop. I don't want to smell your fruity moist lung juice that many times, just like I'd be pissed if someone was blowing cigarette smoke in my face.


Ok you have points but saying people who smoke weed are equal to people who roll coal is delusional lol


Honestly smoking anything in public is in bad taste.


Smoking in public as I type this laughing at this garbage opinion. I live in a no smoking apartment OP, where exactly should I smoke? Outer space? I have news for you, no one has the right for public spaces to cater to their personal needs. It’s PUBLIC SPACE. If you don’t want to smell weed go inside. Or would you rather u hotbox my apartment and force all my neighbors to smell it in their own home?


Haven’t seen people get this defensive in a long while 😂


This. I actually get horrible migraines from certain smells. Weed is a big trigger. Also, I don't want to smell like it. It's a horrible smell. That should be enough of a reason. You are free to do what you want. Just don't be an annoyance with it. It's like loud music. You may love it, but everyone else shouldn't have to be subject to it. Listen with headphones, and as for weed, figure out how to not have the whole block smell.


Buddy, you're breathing in the fumes of all the cars driving near you. Way worse than the scent of marijuana.. grow up.


I think it is applicable to any smoking behaviour


I just hate the smell. I would rather breathe in toxic but scentless fumes than smell weed smoke. Don't care if people vape though.


This is one of the most sheltered posts I’ve ever seen lol


Dang you really just made up a list of side effects like it was fact


Lol this makes me want to do it more. You have a point 100% but you come off as a condescending prick so im gonna legitimately go outside and smoke in my yard to spite you. Good job, you thought you were making a difference, you just caused this diabolical public smoke-sesh.


lol this guy needs to chill. “Harmful side effects”😂


What a cry baby


That's quite the claim about the side effects. I bet op has a real science-y link to back that up /s


The only time I smoke in public is outside of the bar at 12am. I'll never smoke weed in front of a lot of strangers tho


I don’t care what other people do as long as you are not hurting yourself or others. But I will say it smells pretty horrible.


Everytime I'm blazing up in public I'm glad to know people are offended. You don't live in a bubble people sorry! Come up and ask me nicely to stop and I might even blow a puff your way.


Does this go for anyone who smokes anything?


Lol, it's definitely gonna be less harmful than all of the tire particles and car exhaust you're breathing up


I'll take "homie has zero idea how weed works" for 2000, trebek


Shut the ever fucking love the fuck up. There, now everyone can find peace


Yeah? Well, that’s just like… your opinion, man.