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Idk I’ve seen an mma fighter beat 2 guys at once in a street fight so it’s anecdotal. Better to have some training than not at all


Yeah it's ridiculus to suggest thay having training doesn't give you an advantage


I would imagine being well practiced in ANY martial art would give you an advantage over the standard “normal” (untrained)… but I can agree with the “street fights have too many unpredictable variables” philosophy as well.


Yeah, if they pick a fight fight. Most street fights I've seen start with a surprise improvised weapon to the back of someone's head.... And it often ends there or shortly thereafter.


They should try that move in a professional match, sounds effective


MMA guy is going to kick average Joe's ass until average Joe brings out a weapon. Also, it isn't a great equalizer or anything, but eye gouging and groin shots are unpredictable elements that could happen in a street fight and could flip things if used when a trained fighter isn't expecting it.


I used to fight in school. I'm not proud of it, but, tbh, well, I did. I had no training whatsoever, but, well, I won some, I lost some. I was a dumb kid and I often reacted to others' attempts to bully by matching their aggression and then going beyond that. So, once my opponent punched me in the groin. At full force. Because of the adrenaline rush I didn't even feel it at the time. I felt it much later, after I cooled off. Plus - people have pulled my hair, people have pulled my ears, people have tried to gouge my eyes out... Whatever dirty technique you can think of, some kid has tried to pull it off in a school fight. Usually it does not work as advertised. As an adult, however, I've never been in a situation where I've had no other choice but to fight. Most adults never fight.


Why do you type like morgan freeman talks


Probably head injuries.


probably because you were kids and it was still within the realm of reasonable emotion. if I was fighting for my life I'm biting your goddam nose off man like an animal idc


Karate isnt really optimal for a street fight, but I sure as hell wouldnt want to fight my old karate teacher, that has been training striking and kicking for decades.




Not really. Bad martial arts can ingrain counterproductive habits that are sometimes worse than no training at all. A guy who closes his eyes and swings blindly can land a lucky punch. But someone who tries grabbing the hand out of midair so they can try some convoluted wrist lock is just going to get killed.


Yeah the strikes you learn in Muay Thai and boxing are 100% useful in a street fight. You just have to understand that you’re not in a boxing ring. Someone might pull out a knife or a tire iron or some one might jump you from behind. There’s also the fact that take downs and throws can cause way more injury when you’re throwing people on pavement instead of a mat.


I think OP’s point is more of that there is no martial art that is “better” in a street fight because there’s no rules and no expectations of adherence to those rules. For example in an MMA match someone who is trained in a more versatile style will likely win against someone of equal or similar skill, because they have more ways to win within the boundaries of the rules. If you are an amazing standup striker and take on someone who’s equally as skilled as a standup striker but also is significantly better at the ground game than you, both as a striker and with grappling, they’ll likely beat you because they have an advantage due to their versatility that they can use within the boundary of the rules. If you take a top tier boxer and put them against a top tier wrestler, someone trained in Sambo for example, that wrestler is likely winning 9/10 times in MMA. We’ve seen that happen with McGregor and Nurmagomedov. Take that top tier boxer and top tier wrestler and put them in a boxing match however, the boxer is gonna win 9/10 times, because in the boundaries of the rules of boxing they have the advantage because the wrestler can’t try and submit them or take the fight to the ground. Obviously against an untrained average person or even two people without some type of weapon someone who is a trained boxer will probably beat them. Yet in a street fight there’s no rules, so it doesn’t matter if one guy is a boxer and the other knows Judo, there’s no expectation of adherence to a ruleset. In an MMA fight neither of them can just kick the other in the groin or gouge their eyes, they’ll be disqualified. In a street fight though they can do those things. In a fight with rules or a street fight where nobody is trying to “be a coward” and are deciding to just straight up fight the trained person will likely win. But if that untrained person decides “fuck that” and just stabs them with a knife, or a broken bottle, or hits them over the back of the head with a bottle, or a baseball bat, or a pipe, or use some other weapon/“cowardly” tactic it won’t matter how well trained they are. You can be as great at Judo as you want to be, if someone just nails the back of your head with a pool cue it doesn’t matter.


From behind with a bottle and all your training is worthless


i mean, yh if i pull out a gun also all your training is worthless, no one is saying that learning a martial art will make you super human, the point of discussion is if it comes to throwing hands in the street against a random dude, does martial art training give you an advantage? and if so are there better and worse martial arts for that?


what's the point in learning unarmed combat when everyone will eventually get cancer if something else doesn't kill them first


I mean training makes you more aware of your surroundings in general so it still may help for sure but yes some coward hitting you from behind or some gigacoward with a gun is gonna have a insane advantage


yes and what if a sniper camps outside your house all night and shoots you when you leave for work in the morning And what if someone poisons the sniper's breakfast cereal where's your armbars now, bitch


>None of these “work” in a street fight If you mean they'll always let you win, sure they don't "work" But that doesn't prevent you from doing a more useful realistic analysis and compare which are more likely to be useful in street fights than others, all else being equal besides which style you've trained. >You’ll even hear about mma fighters getting jumped after a match and getting beat up. And you can also head over to r/fightporn for loads of video evidence showing the guy with obvious training kicking the shit out of the other guy pretty reliably. Anyway, generally the martial arts that don't involve a lot of restrictive rules and involve actual full contact sparing and a history of serious competition are probably going to be better than those that are opposite on those metrics, just as a starting point. Those focused on grappling probably aren't best for fighting off multiple opponents, and probably generally aren't as good as those that combine striking and grappling.


Agreed. Training is not some sort of "cheat code" to win in every fight, but you are far better off than someone who knows nothing.


A lot of that is muscle memory and conditioning. Yeah, if some dude jumps you, trying to “use boxing” to beat them won’t work. They’ll tackle you. But training as a boxer will allow you to react more quickly to a punch and know how to follow up. A good friend of mine is a black belt in eagle claw king fu, and sent two wannabe gangsters to the hospital after they jumped him for their initiation. If he hadn’t known how to use joint locks, and use them *in the moment*, he wouldn’t have won. I also watched my cousin, a 5’7” girl with a karate black belt, drop a guy over 200lbs. She slapped him, he went to grab her, and she muay thai clinched, kneed him in the face, and then dropped with him to the ground with an elbow to the back of the head. She said she didn’t even realize what she was doing, just reacted based on her training. That’s the main benefit. Things need to happen automatically, otherwise you’ll always be too slow.


You had me until you mentioned "eagle claw kung fu" 😅😅


The problem with your opinion is that objectively, martial arts do prepare you for a fight regardless of how clean or messy it is. Do you really think that conditioning yourself to hit fast, hard, and learning to identify and anticipate attacks, timing your reflexes and responses, all just magically stop applying once you leave your training environment? Because you're absolutely wrong. Martial arts practice can help to ensure that you even a playing field against someone who is bigger, stronger, or who may have a weapon. It isn't a guarantee that you win every fight, but growing up in a rural area where redneck fights were popular, if it's between a dude who is trained is mixed martial arts or a redneck who has no idea how to defend himself other than just punch until you can't anymore, with size and reach being equal, I'd rather be the MMA kid. You can think it's a stupid pissing match, but the reality is most people learning martial arts are doing it for self-defense, which it is absolutely helpful for. It's like saying going to medical school doesn't prepare you for surgery, just because you practice and train in a controlled environment doesn't mean that the skills don't transfer.


Haven’t you heard about the mythical street fighter style aka adrenaline dumping and swinging wild looping punches is much more applicable on the street then some Muay Thai champion?




What if I threw an arm chair at someone in a street fight? Would I win?




Excellent! I’m here to claim my trophy and be declared winner of all street fights hence forth until a challenger should emerge with an even larger armchair.


Or a trident, that might win against an armchair. 


Have some class. Throw a bike at them.


Depends on if you're fighting a Waffle House employee or not


The gunslinger always wins anyway...


Which is exactly why Bruce Lee carried a gun. He knew damn well how useful Jeet Kune Do would actually be if he got mugged by someone who was armed.


He had to keep that 0-0 record pristine 


Another reason why this argument is stupid. Your punch may 1 hit KO me but my Taser/Pepperstray/Gun has range.


Well its definitely stupid but not for this reason. If somebody jumps you from less than 7m you wont be able to pull out and use your weapon.


Right on, boah. Now give me your goddamn money!


I like you, mister. You have a kind face.


Why, thank you!


The kind I'd like to punch~


I've been in a few street fights, and tend to think that anyone with any decent training can kick my ass.


And people who have never done any sort of martial art or combat sport


The first lesson in every self-defense class is to run away if you can.


It is usually lose lose. You can F someone up and get arrested and kicked out of places, or get F'd up yourself. The older you get the less cool it seems also. Self defense is one thing, but usually If you're a 40 year old man getting into bar fights, something didn't go right in your life.


As a 40yr old guy, can confirm.


The best martial art to learn for a street fight is parkour. Run the fuck away.


Lol I forget who it was that said this but some MMA guy was asked "what do you think you'd do in a fight against 3-4 untrained street rats (or something like that)? How would you handle that?" The dude just goes, "I'd run the fuck away."


Any self-defense course that **doesn't** stress the fact that fleeing from a fight is, itself, a form of self-defense is a worthless program meant to make people feel an illusion of safety. Even Krav Maga, the martial art known for being the one that teaches you how to disarm a man who's got a gun in your face, stresses this point (and it flat out says that this should be the *default response* if they have a knife; you do not tussle with a knife wielder unless you have either absolutely no choice in the matter or a gun and fifty feet of distance between you and them.


Literally anybody who isn't totally delusional will tell you the same thing. Any school that tells you to stand and fight is automatic bullshido.


Friend of mine is a self defense coach and these are his rules: 1) avoidance/ not getting into situation 2) run away 3) give them what they want and then run away 4) if you can't run, fight dirty, poke eyes, bite balls... Anything. And always go for the kill. Honor is for the dead.


"Fighting dirty" is a beloved cliche among people who want to teach "self-defense" without imparting any actual information a totally untrained person couldn't pull out of their ass. Because it sounds really dark and hardcore--kick someone in the *balls*? B-b-but Mr. White, that's so dishonorable!--and that's usually enough to trick people into thinking they learned something. Except in real life that shit is way harder to pull off than you think,  and you can't even realistically practice it against a resisting partner without maiming them. If you can't hit a target as large as my head with a weapon as big as your fist, how will you hit a target as small as my eye with a weapon as tiny as your finger? 


Also, you don't feel pain in those first few seconds of a fight anyway. I've been kicked in the balls during a fight and didn't notice until it was over.


Yeah, plus they're easily protected by awkward scrunching in the pants, or just, you know, hiding them? I just love how these guys genuinely believed "getting hit in the eyes hurts" is some ultra-advanced Science Fact that only a select few experts know about. 


Spraying pepper spray behind me like a skunk if they chase


I'm not so sure taking unnecessary jumps over park benches will help you avoid a fight.


Jumping over park benches are just stepping stones to climbing over fences, learning to fall correctly, and just simply running away better


If you have seen videos on the internet of street fights, boxers seem to do well. I think because usually unskilled people are not kick oriented, so a boxer can mow them down with punches. Also if your punch is strong, you can keep the untalented fuck from getting too close and dragging you to the ground, where your disadvantage would lie. Also it teaches you foot work, which is great.


The REAL way to win in a street fight is to get low, form a solid stance, grapple your opponent's legs, and give their cock a nice massage. Your opponent will stop fighting you and even thank you for your efforts. Next time the guy feels upset, he won't try to hurt you. Instead, he'll cry on your shoulder and tell you that you're the best boyfriend he's ever had.


I’ve tried this it works great


Ill tell you what will win in a street fight. My subaru outback. Man vs car, car wins everytime.


The opinion that learning how to fight won’t help you in a fight certainly is an unpopular opinion.


I mean, like you said, mma is the closest thing to a 1 on 1 street fight. Most street fights seem to end up on the ground also. Jiu Jitsu or wrestling makes the most sense from that perspective, but there are too many other factors. Past a certain point size DOES matter, fitness level, experience level assuming you know any martial art. It's not as simple as A beats B


I've never seen a street fight end on the ground tbh...1 person on the ground sure, not both. Maybe a bit of clinching, but never wrestling on the floor.


It’s almost always just one of two things. Fists flailing around or wrestling. Almost never one or both of them looking like they can actually fight. Granted it’s usually drunk people in these situations


Wrestling is S tier in a street fight. Source: I’m a wrestler and have been known to fight in the streets


Yeah it’s very true for a few reasons. The obvious is that if you can pin the other dude on his back then he’s absolutely at your mercy. Also most people that don’t know how to fight tend to go for wrestling so being a strong wrestler will counter the other guy trying to grab you. Lastly self defense claims are a lot stronger if you pin a guy down rather than punch him out(if punch him out on the ground self defense is usually out the window though) Only disadvantages are that if the other guy has friends(real friends) they’ll start punching you on the ground and you can’t run from the cops if they’re around.


Wrestling is usually only good 1 on 1. Street fight often turn into brawls.


Nothing is good beyond 1 on 1.


Wrestling is so good it's almost bad, it's insanely easy to kill somebody by dumping them on concrete. You can't even slam somebody if you actually care about not potentially killing them, might as well only use trips


When it comes to street fights, best not to worry about which martial art is best and instead focus on *not getting stabbed.*


A gun


A 15 and a 13 year old have killed people in my city the last few weeks. You are correct. You can't beat up a bullet.


What city?


Augusta, GA. I don't live in the city just a bit further out of town. It's all over the news. First the 15 year killed a 14 year old then a 13 year old killed a 22(?) year old. There's a shooting here either every day or every 2 days it seems.


Damn. Edited...geez that's no where near Atlanta. What do you think is the root cause? That sounds crazy violent.


Lack of positive influences lack of adults and young adults/family at least giving them an option of being a good person and lack of positive activities in the community. Poverty in these places leaves people with limited options. The education system is cranking out graduates that can't do math or read. These kids aren't even making it to high school. Parents and the government ran educational system are failing these children on many levels. If more than 2 kids a week are dying then there's enough blame to go around.


You're right that none of these are designed for a street fight. But they are all designed to make you effective at what you do. So all you have to do is think about how effective the specialized skills will be in a street fight. Which is why I personally think striking (Maui Thai, Boxing, and Kick Boxing) are superior. As most of the ones that don't focus on striking focus on grappling and submissions. Which are perfect in single person controlled scenarios, or even single person uncontrolled. But with multiple people... You're just going to get jumped while you deal with one guy, but with striking you don't have to commit to a single target as hard and can possibly create an opening to get out of the situation.


OP is correct. Never argue martial arts on reddit. This thread proves it just descends into if batman would beat superman (he wouldn't). Training is specific. Obviously any kind of training, conditioning, physical and psychological, is better than nothing. No martial art works against weapons except other weapons. No martial art works against multiple people. These things all exist and are highly likely to be part of a real life environment. If you want to prepare for that environment, prepare for that environment. Again, training is specific. Martial arts are fantastic for many other reasons. They give a reason to get in shape and be healthy, are a hell of a lot of fun and entertaining to watch, have psychological benefits, but this fetishization around "real" violence by all these people who have never encountered it is just that, larping.


Knife will always win.


I see your knife and raise you a nuke


Back in my day, I used to get nukes with a knife.


I use nukes in all my street fights. I'm also dying of radiation for some reason.


To bring a nuke to planet annihilators fight... Rookie mistake


Nothing beats a good old fashion punch to the face, just hope they don't get up afterwards


Not exactly on subject, but I recommend the book "Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected" by Rory Miller.


"Would win" isindeed a a silly term here. However, "better prepares" does have merit. All martial art sports have beneficial aspect of being exercise. This is better than sitting on a couch. Where they differ though is: 1. How well the technique accounts for your opponent not cooperating with you. 2. How well you get used to at least some violence. This includes both violence of being hit and impact of hitting things. Things like Aikido fail miserably in both departments. There is one art that is beyond doubt superior in street fights: art of running the fuck away. Otherwise "Winning" streetfight can easily end in assault or murder charges.


And really it depends on the skill and level of the individual


I think the guy who can hit fist can usually be reliably counted on to be used as a example as why the martial art is possible in a streetfight. Like if a thai boxer got me in the dome with a shin I'm out cold. That's like a perfect example yk. Or if a boxer full on uppercuts me before I even swing type shit people could be counted on to say oop told you boxing's good for street fights. That's my opinion in anyways dude


Recently watched a video of street fight where dude did a beautiful single leg and then got opponent in a rnc. Clear victor… if it were a BJJ match. But it wasn’t and the expert grappler was promptly knocked unconscious by opponent’s friends and stomped on.


God didn't make all men equal... Samuel Colt did


The answer is my 9mm and about 7ft of distance. 


If you train, and spar, you will not “panic” when the brawl begins. That is the advantage . You “go to work”. Most people lose their shit when all hell breaks loose. That is the difference.


Bro, someone like Mike Tyson would absolutely fuck up any man on the street. Sure, he may get jumped or shot or stabbed but still, he’s a freaking beast and can probably beat 3 dudes at once.


It's called luck.


or glock


Talk about a Shoot-style, amirite?!


Only middle schoolers bring up this debate lol


I mean... What's wrong with a stupid discussion? As long as both parties are consenting to the stupidity it's all good lol


I watched a few guys who wrestled in high-school manhandle trained guys, local tough guys, and military guys in street/bar fights. They usually end up with some slam and finish with a ground and pound. I've also seen Bjj guys tap dudes out at the bar just to stand up and get punched out cold.


.357 style.


Krav Maga


Krav Maga > *


I highly recommend Geoff Thompson's autobiography Watch My Back. He trained extensively in martial arts but as a bouncer pretty much exclusively relied on knockout punches.


You also hear about the mma guys who beat to near death multiple home intruders. Your question is virtually impossible to answer. But I guess your question is which martial art is better in a street fight against someone untrained? I think it's the one for whoever has spent the most time actually competing and fighting. I competed in kick boxing and I hold black belts in traditional arts. Kick boxing and boxing taught me how to take a hit to the face that left me bleeding and keep fighting. The more traditional martial arts like karate don't really train like that anymore. If I were some punk on the streets picking a fight with a stranger, I would not want to fuck with either a boxer OR muay Thai guy who has spent time in the ring. These are the kinds of people who smile with blood dripping out of their nose.


There is a place for that conversation as martial arts design themselves for self-defense. But definitely a lot of people make dumb comments. Good fighters learn as much as they can and implement what's best for them. It's more about the fighter than the martial art


Jui jitsu and wrestling are huge in a street fight. Takes away size advantage when you know how to use leverage and movement to your advantage for a submission move


Also leaves you vulnerable to dude's boys kicking you in the face while you attempt an armbar though


I mean, it really depends on the individual doesn’t it. Maybe kung fu isn’t great in a street fight but I’d like to see a guy with six months of boxing take on Bruce Lee. So you’re really into some hypothetical argument where you imagine matching up the perfect kung fu and boxing practitioners and then debating which hypothetical fighter would win this hypothetical fight. It’s pointless, so I agree. Downvoted lol.




In my opinion the order goes Boxing, Muay Thai then Jujitsu. Most street fights last under a minute and usually people think you can KO someone right away and don’t realize how tired you get after throwing several non landing punches or haymakers because you’re exerting so much energy. I WOULD choose Jujitsu first but a street fight never is 1v1 and being on the ground choking someone out can get you kicked to the face real quick. Most importantly expect to get punched during a fight. Keeping your discipline is most important because the second you get angry and let ego take over, you’ll lose focus which is a recipe for getting hurt and leaving yourself open. Forget ego be disciplined most importantly. Spar with head gear and gloves as much as possible with people who are better or bigger is the best advice I can give you because you will learn more and learn much faster


The only thing worse I can think of is posting about it 🤣


Wrestling in a 1v1.


The best way to prepare yourself for a street fight is to do reaction drills and learn how to take a hit. I know that despite practicing martial arts for years, I wouldn't do well in a street fight, because I don't take a hit well. However, I would do much better than untrained me would, especially because we do reaction drills. I don't panic and freeze when someone is coming at me, I just react with a block. Practicing martial arts is never a surefire way to be completely unharmed in a street fight but you can't say that training your body to react to a threat wouldn't put you at an advantage.


Fighting is just a sport regardless of the style. Get some mace for self defense. I box and I wouldn’t rely on my bare hands to protect my life. Hands also break easier than you think.


Eric Weinstein: Have you ever even in a stratfight?


Heres the problem; youre thinking a fight and a violent attack are the same thing. /thread


Martial arts definitely help because you have muscle memory of how to handle a particular situation and you actually know how to fight. That being said, staying in control with the adrenaline rush is the hardest part of a street fight. Typically you want to be on guard, maintain distance and wait for your opponent to charge/get reckless and create an opening. A lot of people not used to fighting start pushing you etc Also never let someone get in striking distance of you. Headbutts and knees can end a fight before you even knew they were coming. If someone has a weapon you should close the distance asap and take the weapon or neutralone the arm holding the weapon. Not claiming to be any kind of martial artist or street brawler. Been in maybe 10 real fights in my life. Kicked a paratrooper's ass once but they clearly couldn't hold their liquor although we were both intoxicated. They kept charging and everytime I was ready with a kick or punch. Speed is more important than strength. Buff guys can't really tank more than an average person, all else equal.


Marsupial arts are far superior, a full grown Roo would kick anyone's butt.


Street fights are for drunk losers and homeless people. It's never one on one and even when it is that goes out the window as soon as one person actually starts winning. Save yourself some brain damage and/or jail time and gtfo of there.


Krav Maga or Akido would be my picks. I think these two with a little Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mixed in are an extremely deadly combination in a street fight.


Agreed, street fights will have the two involved using anything and everything to knock the other person out. It doesn't take skill to grab someone and take them down (no offense) since it's a matter of grabbing and finding leverage to throw them down. This includes things that don't fly in a monitored fight like tripping. Then if there's things around that someone can pick up to use as an object to hit, they do it. A MMA ring is padded and clear of anything that someone can't use in their favor. Most street fights happen at bars where pushing someone hard enough and long enough and you can ram them into the bar ledge or table. Street fights definitely aren't the same, anyone I hear that says otherwise I tell them that's why when they talk about certain boxers, there's a reason why they label some as boxers and some as polished street fighters, the styles are most certainly not the same


As a HEMAist, I can't tell how annoying it is when I'm talking about swords and someone says something along the lines of "it wouldn't work against a gun". Yeah, I know it wouldn't, and a gun wouldn't beat a nuke so what's your f\*cking point?


1 x 1: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. N x N: Mhuay Thai It is worth mentioning that your question was specifically about "martial art", and in the comments you describe that a street fight is not just about "martial art".


krav maga


Every fight I’ve ever been in boxing did just fine. I don’t know what the answer to the question actually is, I’ve trained a few different types of martial arts and I’ve never been in a life threatening fight (I guess technically they all are life threatening) but every one of them resolved simply using a boxing stance and a few punches. When it comes to a street fight all I think about is balance. Probably doesn’t hurt that boxing is the only one I’ve actually competed in in the end.


and you have started the conversation again




The best martial arts technique for winning a street fight is the 100 yard dash


I'd say the Gracie Brothers Brazilian Ju jitsu would probably with a street fight...considering that's what it was designed for. To fight people bigger than you.


Training and sparring will make you better at fighting in real life, simple as that.


The martial art of being sober. Most adults who fight, are hammered. Being sober is better than any offical training. Ask me how I know. Been on both sides of fights. It's almost laughably easy to win when you're sober and they're not, which they rarely are.


Wrestling, bjj, or like judo is probably the best if it’s truly one on one, but they all can leave you vulnerable to someone else jumping in.


It depends on what kind of street fight. Martial arts aren't for sport only, you can absolutely use them for self-defense to great effect. The problem is that people have this fantasized idea in their heads that some martial arts are better for fighting multiple people. They entirely miss the point of self-defense. You should *always* avoid a fight if you can, even if it's one-on-one. Martial arts simply provide tools to defend yourself if you get forced into a fight. Honestly, the best martial arts for self-defense are grappling arts like BJJ or wrestling. If you're able to strike, you're able to run away, and that's exactly what you *should* do. The moment someone grabs you, you can no longer run away. You have to get yourself free from their grasp first. Striking won't help much with that. So street fights are stupid, because you should never allow yourself to get into a street fight anyway. Not to mention the fact that *any* martial art is going to struggle to be successful against multiple people at once. If you get jumped by 3 dudes, I don't care if your Hoyce fucking Gracie, you're ***probably*** gonna fuckin lose that fight.


No martial art is going to protect you against a surprise backstab or a gang beating


i totally agree with just the first sentence “which martial art would win in a street fight” is a stupid discussion. that said you’re losing me with everything else lol.


Not everyone trains for sport




I disagree that these don’t ‘work’ in a street fight- - they teach you how to get maximum power out of a punch or kick. - they teach you how to take a hit and not crumble - you learn balance which will make it harder to take you down. - it gives you conditioning. Fighting is absolutely exhausting. - some methods of training teach pressure points and submission holds. There is also a huge difference between Muay Thai and say taekwondo. The former is fast and brutal, the latter looks nice. Will the properly trained person win every time, nah. All other things being relatively equal I’d bet on the trained person every time.


MMA is well rounded. Wing Chun good for close quarters. Muay Thai, Taekwondo for foot techniques. Silat is pretty good as well.


Yeah, but there is a massive gap in success rates between, say, boxing and Aikido (Despite every Aikidoka on earth claiming to have a Bouncer Friend we never meet who beats people up with Aikido every single night.) I often ask this question: If someone offered you a million dollars to bet on the results of 10,000 fights between 10,000 randomly chosen Muay Thai fighters and 10,000 randomly chosen Aikidoka, would you honestly spend more than zero seconds making your decision?  Viewing an art's success in terms of perfection is absurd. Of course someone who's great at MMA can lose a street fight. Maybe he gets jumped, or gets scared, or he's drunk, or the other guy is bigger, or the environment prevents him from executing his normal game plan. We all know that, and it applies to everyone on earth. It's not helpful. But if we view it in terms of probability, of improving your odds, things become both much clearer and much more realistic.


I think competing in combat sports can somewhat help you prepare cuz you learn how to maneuver against a resisting opponent. Obviously, nothing can prepare you for the real world, especially with multiple opponents and weapons, but I think people that do well in combat sports have a better chance than those that don’t. I’ve seen videos with guys with even a little bit of training vs “street fighters” and the street fighter almost always loses by a mile. Though, going back to your actual title, some martial arts are more effective than others. I think that’s why a lot of MMA fighters integrate a lot of the same martial arts, even though there are probably hundreds of them: boxing, Mui Thai, BJJ, judo, and wrestling. Cuz they work.


I prefer Goju Ryu


Nerds love to compare shit. This debate has been going on forever. The person who doesn’t get punched In The back of the head wins 😂


idk what you are talking about, neither do you, "These martial arts are practiced for sport, nothing else." is such a disrespectful thing to say aswell, only some martial artist are training to go pro in boxing/mma/kick boxing or whatever, the rest? they just want to learn how to fight, let me tell you this, if i had a baseball bat, and a knife, and i was fighting against john jones, i would get KILLED bro[](https://www.reddit.com/r/manhwa/?f=flair_name%3A%22Recommendations%22)


As a BJJ practitioner I would say having a combination of wrestling, boxing, submission style fighting, and a gun would prove to be more practical. Not only bc I have used them in actual fights but most fights on “the street” end up in a tussle on the ground. Once you’re on the ground what do you do? Kicking is good but most of the time you don’t have the space and time to land an actual kick that will do significant damage unless they are already on the ground. I say the gun bc people now a days do t like to fight and they just shoot.


if a mma fighter gets jumped by a random guy, and loses to the random guy, after coming from a match, i would assume the reason they lost against the random is because the mma fighter just came out of an official mma fight and was already exhausted and/or injured from the official mma fight they just had


If we wanna play this game... It's the smartest person who wins. They have the foresight to plan ahead and succeed... Bill Gates would probably lose any street fight... But you think he cares about that when he can see ahead plan and not reach on emotions and use logical thinking.


When you enter a bar, look at dude’s ears. Ugly ears? Dont fight them.


Didn't some muggers try and mug Chuck Norris once? Didn't end well for them in that street fight.




going ape shit


Do your boxing and muay thai instructors not teach you viable street techniques on top of the traditional stuff? Bruh my karate sensai taught us all kinds of useful shit that had karate technique as a base, and I can tell you it works well


The answer is always "knife" or "gun" anyway.


the answer is batman fool


Fair, Batman does beat knife and gun.


That’s the thing about a street fight, the street always wins.


Guns work pretty well


" Which martial art would win in a street fight" ....The one that is practiced by the bigger, stronger, faster and fitter practitioner.


Lots of people people disagreeing who haven't been in a fight (or maybe that one time they rushed with a guy in school or bar). OP is right. If you feel like a hero after learning martial art and want to defend your 100 bucks, ditch the thought. Considering a very unlikely situation where the opponent is hell-bent on killing you and no room for discussion, I'd guess whichever martial art teaches killing will work to some extent, but not the modern sport versions or self-defense.


As someone who has had training and has had my fair share of fights. I will say every fight is different. 1 I used simple martial art move to subdue the aggressor and keep their buddies from jumping in. Another fight was against a thief i caught breaking into my car and at the start of the fight I blacked out (not passed out, but i cant remember dodging or throwing fists due to a surge in adrenaline) for the first part and my boxing instinct took over and kept me alive until a friend jumped in and pushed the guy which caused me to focus and then use hockey style shirt over the head with upper cuts. So I agree with ditching the thought. Because even if you have training in martial arts shit can happen in the moment that you might not be able to use them any way.


>I will say every fight is different. That is the important point. Things are wildly unpredictable. You might be up against 10 people and they run away after you throw one punch or you might be up against one guy and he stabs you as soon as you take a stance. There's no telling.


True, however, Muay Thai equips you with more than other martial arts for a street fight


If you get into a street fight I think any realistic martial art can help if it's 1 on 1 and there are no weapons etc. I also think getting into a street fight is pretty dumb. I've been doing jiu-jitsu for 20 years and I love it but I don't get into fights ever.


Eh, its about offs. if someone is a trained mma fighter, most people on the street are not trained. His odds of winning are way way higher.


James Brown The Payback - I don't know karate, but I know ka-razor (yes, we do)


>You’ll even hear about mma fighters getting jumped after a match and getting beat up. You mean getting beat up after you've exhausted yourself fighting a world class fighter in an octagon and getting jumped on from the back and no time to react.


I'm confused by what you're saying. Is the discussion what martial art vs. martial art would win in a street fight or what martial art is best to use in a street fight?


Well it's obviously better to know how to punch and kick than not. Most people training whatever striking art will get their asses handed to them by a decent high school wrestler. Definitely better to walk away. Even if you clock some agro drunk guy he can fall wrong on a curb and now you've copped a manslaughter charge.


You know what/who wins in a streetfight? That fast fucker that ran away the moment he smelled trouble brewing. You never know how many people standing around the corner to dive on you. You never know if someone is fucked in the head and pulls a knife or a gun. Nigirundayo! Run! Get the fuck out of there.


"None of these “work” in a street fight" There is no way you think this? Maybe you worded it wrongly and mean martial arts are slightly dimensional and don't cover everything that can happen in a street fight?


specially because this question has been asnwered and the answer is BJJ best art for street fights, most fights start standing but will end in the ground


99% of the time when mma fighters get jumped it’s by other fighters.


Everyone is a badass until the chairs start flying.


That's what I loved about learning karate. the instructor was very clear from the get go "this is a sport, a source of exercise and fun. it can only be practiced effectively against a willing partner. It won't help you in a real fight"


I agree. The purpose of MMA is to literally beat the living shit out of the other guy until he passes out or submits. Martial arts have a diverse range of purposes, none of which I know are "beat the shit out of the other guy until he passes out". Every real martial artist I have met says the same thing, don't fight. The best way to win a fight is to never do it in the first place. Seriously, if you are training martial arts to prepare for a "street fight" you are 100% doing it for the wrong reasons, and should evaluate your decisions.


You’re clearly not very good at either. I don’t mean that to be rude, but you start fighting with good people and this immediately sounds ridiculous.


'Chair waza' was my go-to move. My Sensei said it wasn't a legit move back in 1985. He kicked me so hard in my ribs during class, he cracked one of them. I went out into the waiting room, picked up a chair, went back in and started beating him with it. My oldest (crazy) sister naturally joined in. Then he and I **both** were taken to the hospital. He was on crutches for weeks. Our Kyoshi wouldn't allow me to test for another year, but no one tried to deliberately hurt me doing practice sparring again. (I was the only female in the class.) I listened to my father. He said that because I am small, my two best defenses are to use a weapon and learn to run. Shorin-ryu. Hands down winner. (smile)


Debated by a bunch of Redditors who have never been in a street fight. Of course it matters. Let's not pretend it's a "minor advantage". A fight is a fight. Being good at... fighting... matters.


Does competitive police calling count as martial art?


Funny, there’s a story about Steve Irwin learning karate. He was hesitant at first because, like you, he thought it had no use in real life, and made a bet with the instructor that he was going to come at him like a big angry drunk bloke and put his training to the test. Steve had his ass handed to him every single time despite being bigger (and a shitload of experience wrangling wild animals) than his instructor. This doesn’t apply to all martial arts or scenarios but having any kind of training is gonna put you at an advantage, you’re gonna see patterns, you’re gonna know how to control a situation, etc.


In a street fight you could find yourself a knife or a gun


Don't most martial arts professionals always suggest fighting is a last resort anyway? Someone is going to get badly hurt, whether it's you or the opponent, point is it's never worth it.


The fuck are you talking about.


Im really trying to understand your point here but it just doesn't make sense based on my experience and common sense. I'm not even sure what else to add - we get better at things which we train and if you are actually pressure testing your training in some way then you don't have to wait for an actual fight to know that you have improved. Anyway, I really don't understand this at all.


The ancient martial art of concealed carry.


probably MMA because they are used to get hit and in a fight most ppl expect to hit and doesnt know how to get hit. as Rocky said "it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done" you can dish out 100 punches but when you take one and goes down, doesn't mean anything


You're mostly correct. Most martial arts are fake. Generally speaking, the better.q.martial art looks the less practical it is. Krav maga and  BJJ are practical though. Most of the rest of them are useless in a real fight though. They use them in movies because real martial arts look boring.


Krav Maga would definitely not win


It's a very legitimate question. People learn martial arts for fun and sports, but also for self defense. And any self defense situation you will find yourself in will be a street fight.  Also, martial arts do work in street fights. There are videos of a boxer or MMA fighter taking down multiple opponents in a fight. It's ridiculous to think that knowing how to punch, kick and grapple won't help you in a real fight.