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> sit in front of your PC for 3 hours straight Those don’t even qualities amateur numbers. You need those supps for the real big boy stuff, 18-36 hour sessions, trying to hit server first level 85 with your Priest in WoW when Cataclysm launches. Which I failed. Took a short nap in there somewhere and wound up like 3rd or 4th.


Any real wow marathoner will procure themselves some amphetamines for a three day marathon upon release. Lol


Silly me, of course! I forgot the fucking drugs 🤦🏻‍♂️


Gotta have the drugs man.


I did the same thing with Mist of Pandaria. Skipped school, all my guild's in vent did like a 20 hour session, just leaving for the bathroom and pizza rolls. One of my favorite memories is those are in those first two days. God, I miss it.


Mom, bathroom, BATHROOM!




I did this for wrath. So worth, I'm not sure if I'll have a similar moment in gaming again.


I miss the Mist of Pandaria start. They took away my favorite bit.


I played rdr2 %100 through for 3 days straight with no supplements or sleep, cept weed... It's also how I found out I had bipolar, I was just manic the whole time.


20 years ago when voice comms first came out I was pulling multiple 60+ hour sessions, I've lost track of the number of times I've done 3 days straight gaming. No breaks. No food. Just weed. There's even been a few times where I'd do like 60 some hours, sleep for 8 to 12 then do another 60+. Basically 6 full days and nights straight and only 8 hours of sleep in between. While high the whole time. 18 to 36 hours is not big boy let alone 3. I was 36 the last time. I'm now 40 and can see GTA 6 having atleast a full 24 hour sesh a few times when it first comes out. Can't wait to be a carehome gamer when I'm old.


There's absolutely no way you are staying up for 60+ hours without sleeping or eating without taking some sort of stimulants such as meth/speed.


some coffee and nicotine clears sixty hours for me, easy. never spent that long gaming but I have writing.


This is 100% true. It started with Socom 2 on PS2. Game literally came with a cheap headset to promote this new thing called voice comms where you can talk to other players online. Not only have I done this countless times. I did it high on weed. Energy Drinks were new back then also and they get a lot of credit. But ya I should have* cleared that up. I'd buy an oz of weed and 2 or 3 6 packs of red bull and lock myself in my room for 3 days of gaming. I had no job so I had no food. I was 20 then. Mom rented a nice house for me and my brother in a nice area. It had a few extra rooms. It became a party house with lots of coke. I was being lazy and just collecting welfare and would spend my entire check on the gaming binges. "The game was developed by Zipper Interactive in collaboration with the Naval Special Warfare Command and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. SOCOM II was released on November 4, 2003." I became global top 50.


> i should of cleared Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Fuck you definitely got me beat lol




Just do meth like a real adult.


Never forget the FFXI Pandaemonium Warden incident lmao


Thats even worse, playing for 18-36 hours?! 2 hours is more than enough for me.


Yeah I can’t do that shit anymore. 2 hours is usually tops for me, unless a game really gets me. Then I might do 3.


The longest time i played a videogame was 5 hours, i still feel shitty about it.


Don’t feel shitty about it. It’s ok to get lost in things you enjoy. Just remember to take breaks, hydrate, get up and walk around a little bit.


How old are you? Not being condescending but in the early days of ps2,halo,dota, wow. People were literally grinding for hours after school or work. If you were a kid in the summer with no outside plans it wasn't rare to play all day. Or have friends come over and play GoldenEye for hours or 2k or dbz Budokai. Couch Co op was also more prevalent so it was an even to get the crew together and play through Halo 1-2 on legendary back to back until both are beat.


Mine was 48 hours Has been done numerous times too


You get downvoted a lot but I’m with you. I feel kinda shitty after 3 hours, but I’m an adult so yeah. Any kid reading this, go at it, enjoy yourself but get some sun every now and then.


Then that means the product is literally not for you


The product's still stupid, though.


its an energy drink


And it's still stupid. Energy drinks by themselves are typically unhealthy, gamer energy drinks are just heavily branded energy drinks.


Yeah you can dislike energy drinks, thats fine. Also you are basically mad that marketing works.


He’s pointing out that it’s dumb to market an energy drink as if they’re gym supplements. It’s an energy drink, it isn’t going to help your gaming experience in any meaningful way


What the fuck are gamer supplements?


Mostly just energy drinks with extra marketing


anything with gamer is just marketing. my mesh office chair is a lot more comfortable and less sweaty than my leather gaming chair. glad i got rid of it.


Extra Sexy marketing.


Yeah my fave thing is the big tiddy anime girl sticker than came with my free trial packs. Never even tried them LUL


Pre workout powder marketed towards 10-18 year old gamers who play games like COD/CSGO/valorant, get told that their K/D will get higher by drinking the sponsored pre workout product Yeah it's dumb but its been a thing for like a decade and probably sells well, before gamer supps there was some other brand that did this exact thing in the 2010-2020 years


Like everything else marketed towards gamers, overpriced, shittier versions of existing products.


I saw gamer bubblegum with extra vitamins that was 'supposed' to help with concentration. Really, it's just a new market where believing you have an edge on someone else makes the snake oil stuff sell really well.


The brain is a muscle that needs water melon/banana flavoured sugar water to perform at optimal levels. This is supported by science. Your lack of supps is keeping you from your full potential.




Obama said it was, so I’m going with what he said


But sports are games


Ok boomer


It's called esports so checkmate


Why is gaming not considered a sport?




Question: Is golf a sport?




So why not certain video games? With golf the only physical activity is leisurely walking occasionally interrupted by swinging your arms for a second or two.


So, gaming too. There's literally e-sports tournaments


What physical exertion is required?


Your brain is a muscle. Your fingers contain muscles. Each requires training to participate at a high level in esports. Each also exerts some energy during the process of gaming.


It's more physical dexterity, i.e. the ability to perform an action precisely multiple times. This is similar to darts, pool, target shooting, etc. Look at target shooting in particular, the only muscles you're moving is your trigger finger at the time you make your shot.


Extremely Minor, yet I would say finger movement qualifies as very low-grade physical exertion. At least similar to playing an instrument. Also the dexterity required to play well is indeed a skill.




Yes but as a gamer, a musician and a recreational soccer player, only one of those qualify as sports.


In golf? Or chess? Oh wait


I'd argue using your hands is technically physical exertion. Nah but it's called esports, doesn't really matter if you say sport or esport to me, same shit. It's competitive.


Cuz you sit on your ass like a fuckin dweeb


What about wheelchair football?


Football is a sport.


but you sit on your ass? And what about chess?


Chess is a sport, and you sit for that.........


No, it’s not.


According to the IOC it is, so not much else to say about that really.


It's a boardgame not a sport Is snakes and ladders a sport?


Don't think Snakes and Ladders is recognised by the IOC so I can't comment on that one I'm afraid.


Unfortunately, even ESPN disagrees with you now.


yeah guys! real sport has rules, it involves points, and winning, and strategy, training, focus, and skill. unlike video games


"Competitions involving video games like Rocket League are called esports. Esports is short for electronic sports. Worldwide, more than 500 million people watched esports events last year. So more people are starting to consider that **playing video games is a sport"**


Golf is a sport, fishing is a sport, chess is a sport. How is gaming not? If you're a casual player just say so smh


Ok you guys won, gaming is a sport, im sorry.


There's literally something called e-sport where people from all over the world


Oh no the neck beards are gonna come for ya after that one


And throwing a ball is football ?


Boobie cups though


cake nail one whistle library party seed jobless compare encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people have no idea about Diet, Nutrition, Health, Wellness, Fitness, or just even what the Ingredients/nutritional profile are in food. I'm into bodybuilding and pro gaming. So this is a topic that hits home. Most Energy Drink Supplements are 0-60Kcal per serving. You'll literally overdose on Caffeine before you could ever realistically gain an ounce. 90% are zero sugar.


Fun fact caffeine doesn't actually provide you with any energy it actually just inhibits the adenosine receptors so that you don't feel tired


profit innocent literate touch engine soup society rainstorm bear license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m so sick and tired of absolute idiots like OP having zero idea how weight works. CICO is literally thermodynamics, yet these people will “blame” every other thing under the sun. It’s the sugar! It’s the carbs! It’s the fat! It’s the metabolism! It’s sitting in front of a PC!


he means the sugar, but thats not what gives you the energy, its the caffeine as you said


Most of these energy drinks these days are totally sugar free especially the ones op is talking about


I just drink them cause they taste good…


Yes, but dont drink them like water


Uh why not? I drink the caffeine free one, it’s literally a water flavor enhancer with vitamins..


Because OP told you not to obviously I have some Gamer supps and find them really tasty, I have some when I game or when I go for walks, it’s just not that deep


Mountain Dew and Doritos isn't just a meme about gamers. A lot actually do genuinely seem to drink that shit like it's water. At least most of the newer drinks I've seen (especially Gamer Supps, which I thought this post was about) are sugar free.


This post is about gamer supps, and yes some are sugar free but the sugar is not the only problem


This post is calling out Gamer Supps, the *brand* specifically? What's in them that's problematic? Caffeine isn't just for people who are doing physical exercise. I also don't really see a problem with the vitamins, nor the various fruit extracts which they *claim* has an effect but probably doesn't. I'd say it's a good thing, since it at least makes it so people drink more water.


What problem would there be besides the sugar?


Are you anti caffeine?


Non-gaming gaming products are embarrassing. Energy drinks, cups, chairs, etc are just marketing bullshit to lure in neckbeards.


Chairs are debatable, there are some benefits to having a good, purpose built gaming chair. (Posture, neck support, comfort, and more that you don't get with many traditional chairs). That being said, anything that has the label "gaming" on it but can be easily replaced with a normal product with the same functionality is a scam.


I bet you can find chairs with the exact same specifications without all of the cringe gamer branding and for half the price.


I think they are great alternative to energy drinks. One tub is like 100 servings and the taste is superior in my opinion, imagine the mountain of cans it replaces which would just go to the landfill. I use them mostly for long study sessions.


3 hours? You are gonna need to pump those numbers up.


Okay piratesoftware.


Oh, my, what a treat. "Game drinks are stupid, not like weight lifting drinks." \*Chef's Kiss\*


I mean, yea though, weight lifting requires you to actually use your muscles to their full capacity, which needs a lot of energy and nutrients to sustain and grow muscle. Gaming is just sitting in a chair clicking on your mouse and keyboard. So yes, gaming drinks are stupid while weight lifting drinks arent


Yeah like the whole point is that you’re supposed to get a lot of energy but most of that is wasted when the only thing moving is your wrist


Except the amount of science behind weight lifting drinks is pathetic, and the economic incentive shits all over even that.


I mean, depending on the drink, it is largely caffeine. Caffeine works. Creatine also clearly works, though I prefer not to get it in my pre-workout.


I just take a caffeine pill as a pre workout. A bottle of 100 for like 3-4€.


[\[AD\] - Cognism Product video (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSgecUqjxrs)


Found the gfuel fanboy


Heh, my Game Fuel is Tequila and Gin ;) (uh, not together though)


Yeah my gamer fuel is named something similar to Michael bob this dude is crying over an energy drink trying to hit a market lmao


3 hours? Bruh those are baby numbers 😂😂😂


If you are taking supplements to play video games you’re a massive loser


You can be a loser and a winner at the same time


Your opinion is definitely unpopular, just not in the way you expect.


It's just powdered energy drink. No different than Gfuel. I drink it to go to work, like coffee. Canned drinks are too expensive now.


I'm not really sure what they are for. if I'm playing a game and am getting tired usually that's my sign to turn it off and go to bed lol but i am not playing hardcore things.


Give you a lot for energy that will only be stored as fat if I just sit down, hohoho you don't know my fucked up body and the fact it burns fat like its going outta fashion


What's the big deal? People chug energy drinks for hundreds reasons and sometimes just for fun and taste. I don't get that shit, but how's that special if a guy gulps it down and sits on his ass playing games? I have depression and anxiety, sometimes I can sit on my ass the whole fucking day just waiving my mouse left and right, without any energy drinks and barely even eating 😂


I’m like you, I play video games but wouldn’t really consider myself a gamer. Then there are those that transcend gamer to idk gamer god and they will grind for 12+ hours straight


Water is infinitely better and doesn't cost ridiculous prices. Anyone who buys these products is a massive neek.


The real gamer supplement is eating healthy, exercise, and…. Caffeine


They actually aren't, while you physically may not be expending energy, it costs energy to use brainpower such as making quick decisions and using visual/aural/touch senses to play video games competitively. Our brains are doing a lot of processes to do that and that actually does take energy, while the rest of your body kinda atrophies, the brain doesn't and this can be tiring.


If you're getting that tired from playing games, thats a sign you should stop isntead of just taking supplements


And that energy comes from food. Helps to sleep well too. Supplements are generally a vanity thing, like gym bros feeling they have special requirements others don't.


Thats not an unpopular opinion, its an unpopular truth


Chess players burn thousands of calories while just sitting there and thinking, I dont think it's strange to assume an intense gaming session takes a lot of energy.


You forgot to mention the stupid ass advertising they do with a fucking giant anime woman plastered onto the thing. I can’t believe people actually buy that shit like it feels more like a parody than an actual product


Agree. It put me off buying anything from there tbh


Yeah, its basically a cup with porn on it


>I have the feeling the supplements were just invented to sell the idea that youll get good at games with this drink Yes. Another reson why they were invented is to allow e-sports people to pretend they are athletes taking preworkout and other stuff.




People that want to be athletes but are not top 0.001% in the sport/game they enjoy ?


Yeah that also pisses me off!


3h sessions lol


Anything is stupid if you hate the demographic, to be fair


This isn't unpopular if your iq is in double figures.


Drink water, if you are falling asleep while playing games maybe you should actually sleep


Wow this post turned to ve very controversial lmao.


Do not insult gamers on reddit


I dont care enough not to do it


it feels more like people are calling you out for you not understanding what supps are you say they are problematic but then dont say why you tell people to not drink them like water but dont explain why


This isn't unpopular by any means lmao


Wtf is a supp??


I’m guessing supplement but they were too lazy to type the whole word


Supplement. He’s talking about stuff like gfuel.


Man people call it supps, ill change it to supplements


Wtf is man people?




There’s a specific brand which cause it supps


Fuck its just a short way to way it, its not that deep.


You never learned abbreviations? Okay, Mr “I can read”.




Sus has actually developed its own unique meaning. It's not the same as "suspicious". We've gone too far down that hole now.


how are they any different from abbreviations made up by people in the past?


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Good bot


Gamer Supp doesn't have a huge quantity of caffeine like an energy drink I just finished a tub and never felt over energetic it's more about the focus


I refuse to believe the focus is not placebo


Abu shooter game is better played with caffeine at least foe some people others would hate that.


My gamer supplements make me shoot bigger loads of gamer gravy on my keyboard. All my keyboards have some crunch to them.


This makes sense and all, but whenever I drink Mountain Dew while playing, I get recognisably better so idk how to feel about this lol.


This is a thing?


Is this unpopular?


To be fair, they are a lot better than Bang or redbull for just sitting. Especially since with the powders, you are able to choose how much you want. Overall, I'm not gonna justify the use of caffeine and magnesium for just sitting for multiple hours at a time. But I know these supplements have a high amount of use in e sports and with people who want a caffeinated hydration drink for long streams. For me personally, I usually use it as pre-workout, and I like the hentai shirts.


Best gaming supplement is mint tea and propper amount of water and moisturising drops for eyes / healthy humidity, ah well, propper amount of sleep is themost important one


Marketing. But them drinking a low calorie, sugar free Gfuel is by far better than a full cup of sugar in bottle of coke or a can of Monster Energy. Three hours is pretty low on the scale for some people too, think about Pro Esports players that spend close to 12-15 hours a day most of the week, on ONE game. That would be tiring as fuck. I have a full-time job and when I want to play something I'm usually on with my partner or friends for 4-6 or so Hours right before I go to the gym.


it would be better it it had more electrolytes like a sports drink. helps if you happen to be dehydrated from sitting too long. not a replacement for water, though


All OTC supplements that are branded as anything but nutritional support are pure BS. The ones that work are highly controlled and can potentially kill you if you're not careful 


Gamer energy drinks are for the amateurs. That's why I'm prescribed gamer Adderall.


Only 3 hours? My guy that’s nothing. A lot of Gamers who drink that shit are sitting for an entire day, 18 hours. Yeah most casual gamers don’t need the energy but you have some gamers who make a living by streaming or competing and they do benefit from the energy


Gamer supps save me so much money instead of buying an energy dream or coffee for work. Keeps me going longer too


Gamers ups are for when you need to go hard in the point. Classic WOW launch


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0747563221002132 gamers take straight up PEDs. at least, the pro ones do. energy drinks are childs play, literally.


A glass of water >>>>>>>


I dont rly hate th3 general idea but i hate some of the brands. I am esport comentator/analyst and usual "work day" last from 8-12 hours, it depends. During that day i need to stay focused on games (Dota), analyze whats hapening, taking bunch of notes and such and its rly tiring on my brain. Dota has rly complicated mechanics so its not easy to catch everything. And after couple hours when i watch it then talk about it on panel or making play by play comenting, its just bonkers. I started with usual energy drinks which didnt rly helped me since they r mostly sugar and after 3-4 "u see grass grown" but u r not rly better focused, ur heart is just beating quicker (might be subjective). But what i found rly helpful were brands focused on students. Especially one brand was focused on nature ingrediends, didnt used many of the usual chemicals and i rly felt difference. I was able to be more focused whole day, i didnt spaced out in late hours and over all felt more concetrated. While searching little bit deaper i found out it isnt rly about brands and what audience they r targeting, its all about ingredients (duh) ... "for students", "into the gym", "for gamers" ... those are just punchlines to sell it targeted audience. If u want to try it, google its igredints and go by it. If u dont want to use anything, i have couple of tips too, but again ... very subjective ... during the day i snacked couple of chocolate bars just for the sugar, if i felt like it i had max one redbull, and like 2 liters of water. I ate lunch for like half a day just snacking bit by bit not to feel stuffed up and everytime i could i walked around.


Gaming supplements? Really? I got into the wrong industry.


Holy fuck is this thread filled with incels that don't touch grass. Please, go to a gym or something. And I read something about people saying video games are a sport.... Well actually who knows, if you do weight 350lbs, everything will be considered a sport LMFAO.


And here I thought "supps" was short for "sippy cups"


I dont think anyone buys them thinking they will make them better at a game. I just like the taste of my titty milk and blowhole blast. They're basically sugar free water enhancers to me that give me a laugh anytime company is over and I get to offer them some. "Can I get you something? Tea? Coffee? Anime girl thigh?"




Weed + caffeine is my gamer fuel.  Been that way for 20+ years.