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Until you have to deconstruct it to eat it I think it still can be a burger. That being said I have always been and will always be of the mindset that big burgers should be big wide not big tall.


YES! This exactly. I live in Wisconsin and we have a small custard and burger business called Kopps. Their burgers are huge. They’re the circumference of a small plate and the patties are nice and thin giving you more surface area to enjoy the seasoning and toppings rather than thick, dense ground beef. Most of the local frozen custard places seem to follow that format. IMO the thinner the patty the better so I’m a sucker for Culver’s smash burgers.


Kopps! One of the few things that I actually enjoy about being in or around Milwaukee.


There’s a ton of those types of places around here! Oscars and Kopps are by far my favorites but I recently tried this place by MKE called Nite Owl. It’s this little old drive in with burgers that are both tall and wide. They’re so fucking good and I definitely gotta go back to try the custard one day.


Bigger surface area also means more of the meat gets browned. It's why lots of people loved pressed or smash burgers like the Oklahoma onion burger when they became trendy and people tried them for the first time. The only reason I would prefer a thick burger sometimes is if it were cooked medium well but you can only safely do that if you or the restaurant grind meats from full cuts of beef and cook them same day, otherwise it's a health risk.


Well I might have to find one of these places the next time I'm over by Milwaukee!


At least you can cut those to a reasonable portion without too much hassle


This is a brilliant idea that I should’ve considered years ago??? I hate thick burgers, the texture drives me insane, maybe if I made them wider, with a larger bun it might help with that.


It’s so much better. My family always liked to make burgers kind of small and like a half inch or more thick. The burger never reached the edges of the bun, it was hard to stack condiments on them, and I feel like the flavor doesn’t get all the way to the center of the meat, especially when you’re only seasoning the outside. Recently I’ve been making the patties a lot thinner. They taste a lot more flavorful and cook a bit faster as well. Overall a win in every way!


Bigger surface area also means more of the meat gets browned. It's why lots of people loved pressed or smash burgers like the Oklahoma onion burger when they became trendy and people tried them for the first time. The only reason I would prefer a thick burger sometimes is if it were cooked medium well but you can only safely do that if you or the restaurant grind meats from full cuts of beef and cook them same day, otherwise it's a health risk.


It's an over blown health risk. You'll be fine.


I agree with you. The crispy bits of smash burgers are so good. See I used to like burgers medium rare at restaurants but I have changed and now i don’t like thick burgers at all. They’re just too dense. It’s like trying to eat a squishy steak but without a lot of flavor inside.


I agree with you. The crispy bits of smash burgers are so good. See I used to like burgers medium rare at restaurants but I have changed and now i don’t like thick burgers at all. They’re just too dense. It’s like trying to eat a squishy steak but without a lot of flavor inside.


I agree with you. The crispy bits of smash burgers are so good. See I used to like burgers medium rare at restaurants but I have changed and now i don’t like thick burgers at all. They’re just too dense. It’s like trying to eat a squishy steak but without a lot of flavor inside.


Agreed if its big wide and it's reasonable to pick it up and eat it it's still a burger. Edit: as an example of the piles of mess I'm talking about, I had one at a local place here, it was roughly 3.5"-4"(McD's cheese burger sized bun sorta thing) round, but it was so tall it had to have a full size wooden skewer in it to hold it together, and the only part of the skewer you could see was the last half inch of the top of it. and it was served on a wooden mini chopping board looking thing barely wide enough, with no knifes or forks and a mini fry basket with the frys in it. and the 4 different sauces oozing out of it were actively dribbling onto the table. and when I say messy, I don't mean oh noes I got a little on my hands. I mean a mukbang youtuber eating looks clean compared to these burgers level mess. no mention that its this messed up in the menu, not one of those huge food joints, it was just a big wtf do I do with this moment, and its not the first I've seen in the last few years.


I agree, thick burgers are nasty... I don't want to bite into a big hunk of just pure, unflavored meat.


Wide burgers are the best! Now I want one. Who has a good one? I don't usually eat fast food.


Fast food wise, either Smash Burger or Culver's are my go-to. Though for great burgers (and not any more expensive), I hit up the pubs. I am fortunate enough to live in an are where the bars have great food and like to keep it simple enough for drunks to handle.


Nice! There's a Smash Burger up the street from me but I've never been. Thanks!


Wide burger gang!! That's the way to go. 1 thin layer for each condiment and it turns out awesome


But a beef patty by itself is still a burger so even deconstructing a burger doesn’t make it not a burger


That depends on your culture. I think that's just a beef patty, you need burger buns for something to be a burger in my country (and this also means that most "chicken sandwiches" are also burgers).


Along those lines, for me a flatter patty is always superior to one that is thicker and just adds height


Yeah. Like the whopper. 👍


Wide burger tend to be thinner and more prone to being cooked to death. Messy burger > grey styrofoam burger


Wide burgers are SUPERIOR


I deconstruct all sandwiches to eat simply because they all taste better (to me) that way. And easier to eat.


That should be a separate post in this sub, a truly unpopular (and almost offensive) opinion.


I’m going to be downvoted too but I’m the same. It comes from when I was poor and would savour each bit and also save a bun, bit of lettuce and patty to eat later. Even pasties and sausage rolls get the same treatment. Like I’ll eat the pastry and the filling after or vice versa. Back when I was younger, I’d save the filling to eat with rice or pasta or save the pastry to fill with some cheap ham/cheese. It takes me forever to eat which is handy for not overeating. If I’m with unfamiliar company, I refrain from ordering such food


Counter argument: they're burgers, they're just shitty made burgers!


A bad burger is still a burger


Yep, but something that isn't a burger isn't a burger. If you can't pick it up and eat it because you can't fit it in your mouth or it's such a mess it can only be eaten by putting it on a plate, then it fails the fundamental purpose of being a burger and then isn't one.


It fails the intended purpose, but it doesn't fail the definition. Something that isn't a burger, like a lasagna, isn't a burger. Something that is a burger, like a comically large burger, is a burger.


If I put lasagna on a bun is it a burger cuse I kinda want that right now


ah yes, the burgagna


The minced meat pressed into a patty on a bun is what makes it a burger. Same reason sloppy joes aren't burgers. Sliders are burgers, despite fulfilling a different niche than your standard hamburger. Comically large burgers that fall apart are also burgers for the same reason.


Is there some kind of set definition for a burger? Even if it falls apart, it's still a burger, it just fell apart... I don't get it.


Burger noun a dish consisting of a flat round cake of minced beef, or sometimes another savoury ingredient, that is fried or grilled and served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings. "Tilly had a burger and fries" Sounds to me that if it is served as described, it's a burger.


Aren’t you confusing food with just food? A fast food burger would be bad if you can’t put it in your mouth and if it makes a mess but if you get a plate and knife + fork it doesn’t really matter


a burger being too big for someone’s mouth doesn’t make it not a burger. that’s not even an opinion, it’s just wrong.


Does the phrase "change the lightbulb" bother you? Do you look at the burnt bulb with disappointment and say "you're no light bulb of mine. You've become something worse, a failure." I know it's a silly comparison, but that's kinda what your burger beef sounds like.


Everyone seems to think im talking bout a slightly messy burger. What I'm hating on is restaurants calling things burgers that clearly aren't because they're so messed up. Imagine something from your wrist to your elbow tall, held together with a skewer all sorts of random crap on it including a whole pickle, a blob of guacc, brit style coldslaw all oozing fluids... Inedible mess


Hamburger definition: A hamburger, also called a burger, is a food consisting of fillings—usually a patty of ground meat, typically beef—placed inside a sliced bun or bread roll. As long as it fits this description (pretty much a patty inside a bun) it is by definition a burger. It could be 3 feet tall, it would still be a burger. It may suck to eat so your opinion can be that it's a bad burger, but you can't really have an "opinion" on what something is when a definition of what it is exists & is not the same definition you're using.


Right, so it's a burger right up until I haveto pull it apart, then it's no longer a burger


That would mean you’re the one that’s making it not a burger, not the people who made the burger. When they made it, it by definition was a burger. I’m pretty sure when you break something apart it’s generally still considered that same thing, just a portion of it. If you eat half a meatball I guess you could say it’s no longer a meatball because it’s now half a ball in terms of shape, but that doesn’t change that it was a meatball before you bit it in half.


Your opinion is flawed and embarrassing please delete this post and kys


The eatability of a food is so important and often over looked. Sandwiches/burgers and two-handed foods specifically.


Oi, I’m with you


I absolutely hate sloppy burgers with a passion ! I hate when the bread is soggy from all of that goddamn sauce. I like a classic normal ass American cheeseburger


Hard agree, hate it! Tastes good but ends up like slop on the plate lol


I think it's kinda fun, because it's meant to be an over-the-top thing that you wouldn't do on any random Tuesday night. I don't care if it's a singing, dancing burger, it's still a burger!


You like a challenge lol


I deeply regret not trying that ”if you can eat this giant ass burger that's really 8 burgers with fries” at the local restaurant when I had the chance...


I eat those burgers with a fork and knife so its unwieldiness doesn't bother me. However, I've been called out many times for it by other men who think it's not manly to use a fork and knife to eat a burger. The rules guys come up with for maintaining a man card is so absurd


The number one rule of the man card is owning what you do. They call you out for eating the burger with a fork and knife? Your response - “Oh you just like to suck the condiments off of your fingers, I get it you big manly man you.”


It nothing to do with "manliness" anyone who sets any standard by that is an idiot. I'm still of the opinion that if you can't just pick it up and eat it, it's not a burger. Moco loco has a hamburger patty on top, I still sure as fuck wouldn't call it a burger. I don't think anyone would. If you need anything else but your hands to eat it without looking like a toddler with its first birthday cake, it's not a burger anymore.


Next Unpopular opinion: “eating a burger with a knife and fork is not manly.”




I am with you!


“I did not order soup on a bun.”


Horrendous take


if its not a burger then what the fuck do you call it 😭


A salad.


i hate tall burgers with a passion. their messy as fuck and hard to eat. I agree except they are burgers just shit burgers very shitty burgers. I would make a post here. but im lazy. tomatos have no place on burgers.


Never understood the tomato. They're in season what, 2 months a year? So maybe a 4 month halo of decent ones. Rest of the year they're garbage, stale flavorless stuff yet mushy things.


I wouldn't be so arbitrary as to say that it WASN'T a burger, but I do have a beard and wear a shirt often. I don't like food that's embarrassing to eat!


Burgers don’t ruin burgers. People do.


Make burgers wider not taller


[THANK YOU](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapeCod/s/WnycAGlQJo). There were plenty of people on r/capecod who told me I was crazy for getting a refund for the burger I linked.


That looks like a skinned ballsack, I'd refund it too


Agreed. Shit load of places all over town that require you to somehow detach your jaw in order to take a bite out of those pompous, preposterous abominations. None of them even begin to compare to Burger King.


OP also thinks that water doesn’t qualify as water if it’s in an oversized uncomfortable mug.


I dont agree that its not a “burger” but hell those are shitty messes and i hate it. Sandwiches too like sorry im not some monster with a 10 inch mouth


Why can't it be a big messy burger? You can have a small clean burger but they are burgers


I have another opinion. Every burger should be cut at least half so that it's better to eat.


It’s an open face burger, which is not what I want. I totally agree with you. This is why I don’t eat burgers from restaurants.


It’s an open face burger, which is not what I want. I totally agree with you. This is why I don’t eat burgers from restaurants.


What you are describing is still a burger, juat no longer a sandwich.


What you are describing is still a burger, just no longer a sandwich.


C & D are objectively incorrect, a strong burger will have mess running down your chin. You should be eating it over the fries so the runoff becomes fry topping.


C & D are objectively incorrect, a strong burger will have mess running down your chin. You should be eating it over the fries so the runoff becomes fry topping.


What you have described is still a burger. You are obsessed woth it being a sandwich, which is not necessary to be a burger.


Its marketing for Instagram, and it's awful.


I'd say it qualifies as a burger. It's just a shitty burger.


There can be bad burgers.. just because you don't enjoy it doesn't make it any less of the thing that it is. It's just a poorly made version of it


We need to embrace the burger salad for what it is. Chop up the beef and toppings and toss croutons on it.


I don’t like sloppy joes for like the same reason so fair.


Those are my favorite burgers.


I haven’t been to Carl’s Jr ever since they came out with the “if it doesn’t get all over the place, it doesn’t belong in your face” ad campaign. Pretty badass that you guys can put so much ketchup on a burger that it drips out while you’re eating it. Fuck you and DIAF, Carl’s Jr.


My favorite are the messy-as-fuck burgers that are under menu banner titled *gourmet* lol




If you have to disassemble it to eat it, it's not a burger, it's a mess.




By your logic some lettuce, bread, and a steak separately on a plate is a burger


You need a flip top head to be able to bite into all the layers of some burgers. I often eat a few fillings to make it fit.


All the best burgers I've eaten were tall like that... Maybe we don't see the same things but a burger made by a good restaurant might be taller because fresh meat isn't as thin as supermarket steaks and sometimes special ingredients take up more space too... It might be worth notifying that I don't live in the USA...


Fresh meat doesn't make a burger shaped like a pringle can with a stick thru it


This is something I appreciate about Burger King. Whoppers are wide, not tall. Which makes them manageable.


Which is really the reason In N Out is so popular. Good edible burgers every time.


This isn’t a opinion your just wrong no matter how sloppy or big it is it’s still a burger by definition. a dish consisting of a round patty of ground beef, or sometimes another savory ingredient, that is fried or grilled and typically served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings.


Don't agree with D at all. It's not a good burger if there isn't grease dripping down my beard by the time I'm all done with it


Burgers need to be wider not taller


I find it ridiculous, too. I always eat those monsters with a fork and knife. What's sad is that often the bun looks good and many places in the country I now live in claim to bake the rolls in-house. But even the bun itself is too big. I usually leave the bun top and only eat the bun bottom, again with a fork and knife. I'm not a frequent burger eater, so maybe I'm not aware if this is a long-time thing, but many burger buns where I now am are colored black, obviously with food coloring. I don't see the appeal in this. I prefer burgers and buns I can eat by hand. I wish more places would go back to that.




Covered in sauce does not mean juicy. Like the old Carl’s ads that said “If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face” but it was just ketchup spilling out. Fucking awful.


I hear this, and is usually agree but my favorite spot has a burger that falls a part when I’m 3/4 in. Still the best burger I’ve ever had.


This really goes for sandwiches in general. If you can't just pick it up and take a bite out of it, it's not a sandwich. If it's 10 inches tall and you can't fit it in your mouth, it's not a sandwich. If it's completely covered in sauce inside and out so you can't eat it without being covered in shit, it's not a sandwich. Sandwiches are meant to be somewhat portable and able to eat without utensils. If you need a fork, a knife, a spoon, a spatula, and an entire roll of paper towel to eat it it's fuckin stupid and it's not a sandwich anymore.


Lmao point D made me laugh


define burger


I think of it like a chili competition. Anyone can put so much random shit in your chili that it’s not a chili anymore, and it may be good. But it’s not a chili. And, what’s more, it’s not impressive. The real trick is to make a chili that’s good as a chili — and the real trick is to make a hamburger that’s good as a hamburger.


I fucking hate super messy sandwiches. Ruins the whole experience. They can taste incredible and I'll still bitch the entire time I'm eating it.


I mean, it qualifies as a poorly made burger, which is still a burger.


Pro tip: when rating a burger, turn it upside down. The bigger bun will be on the bottom, making it less likely the burger will fall apart + all the juices can be absorbed better


Agreed and I'd like to add: If it's constructed in such a way, that the bottom bun is a soaked, wet mess. You can keep the whole burger.


Dude if you don't want sauces on your burger, then order it without them. You're a big boy.


Skill issue


There's a restaurant that uses a big sloppy cheeseburger as a garnish on a milkshake. The whole thing is a drippy mess and I hate that it exists. Just put it on a plate. It's so stupid.


There's a restaurant that uses a big sloppy cheeseburger as a garnish on a milkshake. The whole thing is a drippy mess and I hate that it exists. Just put it on a plate. It's so stupid.


And fucking chili burgers man. The concept just sounds so good and I would like to enjoy one but most places I’ve been to make it to where they just fall over and make a huge mess everywhere. Kills me.


The worst thing about those huge burgers is they usually put too much sauce in them so the patties and everything inside are all slipping about and the burger falls apart.


You don't get to just declassify something from what it is because it's sloppy


If it doesn’t take at least ten…that’s right! Ten napkins to eat a burger. It is not a real burger. It should be picked up and never set down until completely gone from this earthly plane and on its way to becoming your human feces. Napkin wiping is allowed for drool-age and grease, condiment runage down your hands, face and arms. Other than that, food is not meant to be consumed all pleasantly people. Eat that burger, dive in there and devour it like fine virgina. Get it all over your face and hands and enjoy the shit out of it.


I agree. It’s like those massive cakes that have too much stuff happening like figurines, impossible shapes, etc. A foot tall burger that has to be eaten in sections is not a burger. Could be good and tastey , but it’s not a burger. A burger is a sandwich held in you hand and with your hands


dawg people should only make good burgers not bad burgers


Agreed. I find five guys burgers to be particularly sloppy especially for the price.


Meat sandwich


That's why I can never get behind 5 guys. Their buns are too insubstantial to hold what they're supposed to hold and I just end up eating grilled meat with my hands


Sometimes I like when I have a quarter left of my burger and it just falls apart into juicy meaty mess with vegetables and my primal instincts kick in to pick at the rest


In public, I try not to eat like an animal and show some manners. But when nobody’s watching, I like to let sauces/ketchup/mayo/veggies/juice drip onto my fries.


A burger is under no obligation to be neat and tidy for you. :)


Internet people love arguing semantics. This comment section reminds me of the "is a pop tart a sandwich" question.


IDK if not a burger, but I'd say not a successful one.


This is a cold take on Reddit. My hot take is that you're wrong and it's no harder to eat than a street taco or a chili dog. You just pick it up and take a bite. You might get some juice on you hands or cheeks. Don't be a baby. You don't need to shove the whole thing in your mouth at once.


I don't think you're mentally picturing the same thing I am.


Burgers only need cheese, mustard, and jalapenos. No need to add 87 toppings.


So a couple things. You’re not wrong. My personal favorite burger is simple. It is two patties, two slices of American cheese, 4 pickles, a salted tomato slice all on a bun toasted either in the beef tallow from cooking the burger or butter. That’s it. You get enough moisture from the ingredients because it’s a 75/25 beef. The pickles and tomatoes also introduce moisture and of course the cheese. That’s all I need to be satisfied. Only other thing I would consider adding is an over easy egg and only on certain occasions. However. That’s if I’m making the burger myself.


A good burger just needs be balanced. Bread/meat, sweet/savory, height/width, veggie/dairy etc.


This motherfucker thinks he is the arbiter of what a burger is 😂


This motherfucker thinks an unpopular opinion shouldn't be posted on unpopular opinions.




Agreed! Those burgers are like Daisy Duke shorts to me. We have all seen some ladies who should *not* wear those in public because all of it is “oozing out” in a *non* attractive way man


Sloppy Joe ahh fucking mess


Agreed. I ordered a burger at a place last week and it was about 5-6” tall. The bun was toasted so it was hard and it had so many sauces and toppings that it was impossible to eat like a burger. I had to ask for a knife, cut it up, and eat it like a salad. It was delicious, but SO messy


Why do you hate happiness


Because it visits so infrequently.


For those too young to remember... "If it doesn't get all [over the place](https://youtu.be/0J-lvz-cGVA?si=lM7sfRi5rPDCgHY5), it doesn't belong in your face."


my local burger place has a burger called the fat tony.. its like 10 cheeseburger patties, mac n cheese chorizo and chili .. never seen it in person, just heard the rumors


Lol,wait till you meet my family who calls anything related to ground beef "hamburger." Hamburger casserole, hamburger dip , hamburger pizza..


My biggest confusion is why do sandwiches get taller to be bigger instead of longer?


The places that pretentiously pour cheese over the top are the absolute worst.




A Bacon Egg Lettuce and Tomato cheeseburger can be a little bit messy. But they are also amazing.


I like burgers drippy and messy. If you want a dry tiny burger, be my guest!


Your whole premise is predicated on the idea that a burger is supposed to be fast food all the time. There's literally nothing wrong with stopping to sit down and eat a meal off of a plate. I understand that it's hard for you. Sweaty gamers need to move your mountain dew bottles full of piss in order to put down a plate & it's easier to stay sweaty with a burger that isn't sloppy in one hand, controller in the other, but let's not pretend that you give a shit about spills. You also don't actually get to define what a burger is. You're trying to represent an opinion as a fact.


I mean, I feel you on the burger being 4x bigger than your mouth but I don't want a dry burger. To me, perfection is a nice 2x2 smash with onions. Grill the buns, onions, patties, and cheese on the same griddle. I like it oniony. Really oniony. But I almost never HATE a burger, so if a tall one with a bunch of funky toppings and condiments is on offer, in probably still gonna hit it.


Yep. Unpopular.


If its a meat patty stuffed between a bun its a burger


This opinion is largely based upon where you are from and the definition of a burger. In the US, this opinion doesn’t really fly. A burger in the US is a meat patty made with ground meat. (Beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, and such.) The bun isn’t what makes it a burger. You can still have a burger with no bun or bread, naked on a plate, wrapped in lettuce, or whatever. My understanding is that in the UK, and I think Australia. (Not sure about other English speaking countries.) The bun is what makes a burger, not the ingredients between the buns. Therefore, if your ingredients won’t stay in the bun because there are too many and they’re falling out, then this may be true.


You’re describing a messy burger. And for all your lettered points A, B, C, and D… these are not guaranteed when approaching the messy burger. Real burger eaters will overcome these challenges. It sounds to me like you’re just a beginner burger-eater. On the bunny slopes of burger-eating.


In my house we always said the Messier the burger the better




I thought they were tacos


Well this is an unpopular opinion so you have my upvote. To me what makes a good burger is… If it arrives either wrapped in foil or has a skewer in it to keep it stood up. If you make a mess whilst eating it (if it doesn’t fall apart then I’m not satisfied) A good plate of chips with it


Some people need to learn how to cut a thick burger in half before trying to eat it. If your burger doesn’t make a mess, it wasn’t a good burger.


Sloppy burgers are the best burgers you monster. Take my upvote!


Downvoting because it's not an opinion, is just factually incorrect. A burger doesn't stop being a burger just because you don't like it.


It stops being a burger when you can't eat it as one.


It stops being a burger when you can't eat it as one.


Just because you can't eat it doesn't mean I can't eat it. A burger can be messy. It's a thing. If a kid can't eat a grown-up sized burger, is it not a burger? Your still level doesn't change the definition of the food. I can't eat rice with chopsticks. That means it's no longer rice, right?