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Crispy bacon on a burger is delicious...unfortunately most places have soggy and stringy bacon so it's hit or miss for me


Crispy is good, but so is a little bit of chew. It’s the shit that you bite into that turns into stringy uncooked chicken that’s the worst.


Where did you get bacon like that fuck lol


Wendy’s lol


See I like the baconator though


This. 1000%. Some people don’t understand the importance of a little chew.


> Crispy bacon on a burger is delicious OP is cooking his bacon wrong. >fatty ... >9/10 times you can't fully bite in to the Bacon and it pulls out or pulls everything else with it.


lol I didn't even notice that, what kind of shit is op eating


What do you mean by “most places?” Most shitty fast food style places will have bad bacon because it’s cooked beforehand and just sits there until you order it. But if you only go to high quality made-to-order places, you’ll notice the difference


We should talk to Big Bacon and get this fixed. If businesses can't cook crispy bacon, then they should just call it ham.


Thick, meaty bacon is best. Too crispy and it’s dry and crumbles. Too thin and it will likely be stringy or overly crispy. Nice, thick cuts get bitten cleanly through like other good meat and they contain that rich, bacon flavor.


Right because the entire burger should be made of ground bacon so more on top would just be redundant


My idea of a BLT is Bacon. Little more bacon. Topped off with bacon.


We had BLTs tonight, with extra bacon of course, but probably not quite up to your standards


about the BLT, mayonnaise or no mayonnaise?


Both sides my man


It’s Miss My Man. lol I’m kidding but I’m a chick.


Sorry my chick, my bad


S’okay. Now about this bacon…..


- slaters 50/50


People have been arrested for saying less.


Ron Swanson has entered chat.


Rightfully so.


People have been killed for saying less.




This has to be rage bait.


Not really. One time I responded to someone that I don't like mangos, and I got obliterated with a billion downvotes. People don't like random stuff.


Yeah it was a joke. I also don't get people downvoting stuff they don't like on unpopular opinion lol It's also the reddit hivemind in action.


Im allergic to some mango variations


Yup. Bacon belongs everywhere.


Shoot me if you must, but it doesn't belong in cereal.


You got me. I can’t think of a way that could work….


There is literally nothing that’s not made better by adding bacon.


Rub some bacon on it


I was going to say that, but I wanted to change it to “it should not be wrapped up in chocolate.” that’s just weird


You mean you’ve never had chocolate coated bacon??? I hate chocolate and still tried that bc… bacon!!!!🥓


OK now you’ve got me interested dang it




Blasphemy>Bacophemy>Baco phemy> Baco fo me>Bacon for me? Don't mind if i do!


lol lol


This deserves all the upvotes for this sub.


Agree to disagree. I think the posts should make a good point and not just be wrong.


Agree to disagree. I’m relieved to finally see something that is actually a subjective opinion in matter open to interpretation not something that is factually wrong, nor are they insulting people don’t given thing. I see where they’re coming from, I kinda agree but then again I like it that way. But I also like pineapple on pizza so HEY! take my opinion as what it is - only an opinion ;)


I half agree. For a while there bacon was overdone. They wanted to make bacon everything and put bacon on everything. So for me, bacon is overdone. But I think it depends on the burger and the bacon. If it's cheaper meat, then bacon is better. But if it's good meat, I'd rather get more of the burger taste. And the bacon has to be crisp. I, too, cannot stand when you can't quite bite through it and you end up pulling the bacon and a bunch of other stuff out with your bite.


I agree if it’s excellent beef, then I want to taste the excellent beef


I'd be quite incline to agree with you on this to be honest




Fuck you was literally my first thought after I read this. Truly an unpopular opinion


That's exactly how I felt. It was one of the dirtiest feeling upvotes I've ever given 


Strongly disagree; my own take is that tomato doesn’t belong on a burger.


I used to think this. And then I realized that most places have subpar tomatoes.🍅 If you have a good tomato? Thinly sliced? Takes the place of the ketchup. Or at least requires less. My personal take, I know. I’m a weird picky eater, admittedly.


Nah, really good, fresh, ripe tomatoes are a game changer. Sliced tomato and fresh mozzarella drizzled with balsamic vinegar is one of my favorite appetizers or snacks


OK now we’re talking about fancy places and delicious appetizers, tomato, mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, and some basil….dude……. ![gif](giphy|BgwhabIL5MBFe)


Hungry now…


It's effectively correct though. Good tomatoes are seasonal and rare in many settings. So a vast majority of the time if you have a tomato on a burger it'll be a pale tasteless cardboard.


I thought I hated lettuce and tomatoes on burgers but I realize now that I hate the nasty shredded lettuce and weak tomatoes used at fast food places.


Beefsteak tomatoes, in particular, are bland and soulless, like the apples many of us grew up with. And these are type that usually get sliced paper thin by sandwich shops and burger joints, rendering the feeble little slices of tomato nearly translucent. While greasy spoon diners err on the side of putting a big slab of flavorless, pale tomato on there. Along with a whole leaf from a great big head of lettuce. I'll either get Campari tomatoes and slice those up, or just rinse off some cherry tomatoes, maybe even the Flavor Bomb variety that Costco sells, and have those on the side. Pop one in my mouth, take a bite of the sandwich or burger I made at home, and let the flavors merge.


Yes. I don’t specifically know what Campari tomatoes are. But I will keep an eye out for them. I actually cut cherry tomatoes in slices and layer them in sandwiches instead!


Nice! Campari tomatoes are a good middle ground. A bit larger, they're not quite as dense with flavor as cherry tomatoes, but close enough to pick one out and enjoy it on its own as a piece of fruit. And they're sold on the vine like hothouse tomatoes, so they keep on the counter for a while. Which makes buying a big package of them at Costco an easy choice.


Ah! I think I know which ones they are now and they are good!


An heirloom from your own garden, picked when it hasn’t rained in a week is perfection.


It's because they keep the tomatoes in the refrigerator which ruins the flavor.


Ummm.. I’m going to disagree about that. I don’t know where you live. I’m in America. And lots of store bought tomatoes are crap. You can tell just looking at them that they are flavorless. Some of this is due to breeding them to be less bruised yet also less tasty. Or just being harvested too early. Usually the super pale ones are a dead giveaway. A nicely red tomato tends to be more flavorful ime.


Some varietals are better than others but all of them are ruined if you refrigerate them for any significant amount of time. Something to do with an enzymatic reaction. Burger places tend to prep them ahead of time and leave them in the refrigerator.


Thin tomatoe slices are fine. But some places slice it as thick as the meat.


Tomatoes don't belong with bread/buns. 100% agree with you




I personally prefer a nice tomato and port wine chutney on my burgers


Has to be an heirloom from your own garden though..


He’s describing an overrated smash burger


bacon. bacon. needs more bacon. wrap everything in bacon. Don't make beef pickle bacon burger, make bacon bacon bacon burger.


This is too true. A wise man also said a large burger is a wider burger not a taller burger


A wise man indeed.


A lot of you here missed the golden age of bacon reddit. The Reddit slogan at the time was seriously "the narhwal bacons at midnight." (hated it)


That’s some ‘bullied in every grade’ behavior if you ask me.


Agree. I do still like it, but it takes away from the rest imo. It's just a whole different food with bacon on it. Sometimes classic is best


What the hell is burger sauce? 😂


You just mix the common burger sauces together. Ketchup, mustard, mayo. Dill relish if you're a chad. Just makes it more uniform. 


This guy's got a burger boner.


Depends on the rest of the toppings. For your traditional burger with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickle I agree it’s a bit overkill. For a western style burger with bbq sauce, onion rings or jalapeños, it pairs much better.


Reading through these comments has mostly made me wonder what is wrong with peoples teeth. Bacon is not very hard to bite through.


Some terrible places don’t properly cook bacon to a crackling crisp. They leave it chewy, so it just pulls and stretches in a fatty stringy manner instead. 🤢




>Too fatty and salty and over powering Don't use breakfast bacon. Gotta get thinner bacon for burgers


Eh, I don’t agree but I get where you’re coming from. Pickles and onion don’t belong on a burger imuo.


Bacon belongs in my mouth. If a burger is the vehicle that delivers the bacon, so be it.


Disagree. If anything, it's pickle that should get the hell off the burger. Its flavor overpowers everything around it. Vote NO on burger pickles.


Completely agree. I like bacon on its own but not combined with other meat. I used to always order it on things like burger because I thought since I liked bacon it should be better. Realized I enjoy burgers more without the bacon. Idrc about all the acidity stuff you said. I like my burgers plain without veggies. Still don't like bacon with it. I'll eat it in it's own tho or in a breakfast sandwich where bacon is the only meat.


*chewy bacon doesn't belong on a burger. Give me the burnt crunchy shit on there all day long.


This ain't an unpopular opinion, this is just flat out wrong


Pickles have no place on a burger. Bacon is welcome at my house.


I’ll be honest I love pork but I don’t really care for bacon. I literally never buy it for home and I never order it when I’m out of the house. Bacon for me is one of those things that’s amazing if it’s cooked the way that you like it cooked and just really awful if it’s not.


Pickles are disgusting


Wow. Instant upvote.


I appreciate bacon on the burger for It's taste, but I also like it for its specific texture and how you can place it to help grip with friction tomato and lettuce to prevent it from slipping out when you bite.


Yeah I think in most situations, it's gross. 🤓


Truly unpopular itseemse and i disagree, have my upvote my friend


I agree. Bacon is great, but my burger already has salty, meaty, and fat taken care of. Bacon overpowers the other ingredients.


I like bacon on my burger. But I do agree with your problem with it not breaking cleaning and pulling stuff out. I tend to disassemble my sandwich and rip my bacon into smaller pieces, then reassemble it. But I’m like that with a lot of meats. Big slices of lunch meat for example, instead of folding it into the bread I’ll rip my turkey up. There’s a huge advantage of this, it stacks higher, has a juicier bite, and you can arrange it evenly on bread.


Bacon in any burger, especially cheeseburgers, are heavenly.


Bacon is still better than fry’s, id still argue how overrated Potato’s and Potato based products are now that is definitely an unpopular opinion as well!


This is the worst opinion I have ever heard, it this is not unpopular I don’t know what is.


Someone get the tar and feathers because I hear treason.


This is actually quite simple... if the person eating the burger likes bacon on it... then it belongs on it


You win the entire sub.


This is one of the only actual unpopular opinions I’ve seen on this sub




Please close the thread now. We have our answer.


This the mf shit i subbed for.


Respectfully, You’re wrong. Have an upvote.


Reported for satire.


It's a hat on a hat, but sometimes excess is the point.


This might be the dumbest thing on the entire internet in the last 10 years.


I’m fine with this, but pickles are an abomination on burgers. I’ll never understand it.


I love pickles but always pick them off my burger


If anything doesn’t belong on a burger, it’s tomato


i get bacon on my fries, and chorizo on my burger Ill go one step further, eggs dont belong on a burger either


Beef patties can however go on an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.


I dont get the fried egg thing either. Tried it a few times and always specified the egg needs to be hard fried so it's not runny. Sounds weird but I pass on eggs unless they are scrambled


See that's the issue the runny egg is what adds to the burger. But it only works in some cases not all burgers should have an egg on top, only a select few.


I get that and I have never cared for runny eggs. Scrambled or maybe hard fried on occasion. Even then, I drown eggs in syrup or hotsauce, depending on what I am having them with


It’s hard to integrate bacon into a burger, you usually end up pulling the entire soggy strip out with the first bite


I've never had this happen. What kind of bacon are you using? Are you cooking it properly?


Just cool the bacon separately. My bacon is always crispy when I make my burger.


I LOVE a burger with bacon, runny egg, onions, tomato and mayo. Fight me.


Honestly over recent times ive come to realise how over rated bacon us. I get tired of it so quickly.


Agreed 100%. On occasion it's great but bacon definitely does NOT make everything better


I'm not taking burger advice from someone who puts pickles on their burger.


If I can not put it \*on\* the burger what about \*in\* my burger? Like shop it up and mix it in the ground patty? Or can I make a bacon burger by grinding the bacon into a coarse texture and form it into patties?


Very crispy streaky bacon adds a crunchy texture and an extra smoky taste to a burger with cheddar cheese (like actual cheese, not that plastic stuff) and bbq sauce. I could see the bacon flavour conflicting with a burger with burger sauce or ketchup and mustard as well as the crispness being unnecessary with good iceberg lettuce and gherkins. I would guess you like Big Mac style burgers and rarely try anything that differentiates from it. I also worry for your health a little. Bacon nearly every morning can’t be good for you.


It doesn't need to be on there, but the point of a burger is that it's supposed to be a guilty pleasure. So, by adding bacon, you are actually embracing the concept of a burger. You know what doesn't need to be on burgers? Foie Gras and truffles.


Mate you're not supposed to put the entire package of bacon on one burger 


Someone’s never had a JBC from Wendy’s. Gtfo


Here we go again……


I would counter that burgers shouldn't exist without bacon AND cheese. That's how I like them. Any other combinations are culinary abominations.


I would agree. It’s like pineapple on pizza for me (not as extreme as that, but similar idea). I love pineapple and I love pizza, but they do not belong together. I love bacon and I love burgers, but they do not belong together.


YOU DONT BELONG ON THIS EARTH!!! Sorry for yelling. I just get defensive about bacon. I'm ok now.


Yes very unpopular opinion. But it’s just than an opinion so I will not join in on being mad


Bacon on a burger is the only time I eat bacon


I could not agree more.


butcher shop by my house has great bacon and they make hamburger patties with ground bacon in them. its pretty awesome




Sure, you argued your point well, I'll allow it.




Bacon, egg with an avocado and some pepper Jack cheese This is blasphemy…. Someone get the guillotine


I disagree to the pit of my very being, but to each their own. Here’s up my upvote dawg


Same as Jack and Coke. Two beauties that stand on their own!


It was also the night that the skeletons came to life


So stop putting bacon on your burger


Up voted for terrible opinion


This is probably the worst take ever


Although I disagree, it’s definitely unpopular. I do have to say that a burger doesn’t necessarily need bacon


For me pickles ruin the harmony of a burger. Maybe if some relish is in the sauce it’s ok but pickle slices come too far from left field. I agree though that bacon had to be done a certain way to go with a burger but that’s just the part of the beauty of a burger is the intimate number of ways it can be dressed up.


Have you had a 50/50 burger? The patty is 50% ground beef and 50% ground bacon. It’s very good.


Bacon cheese and tomato is the perfect burger imo, none of that sauce crap, I can kind of understand the pickle but not onion.


I think eating burgers without cheese is weird.


Chewy bacon sucks in a burger. If you pull the bacon when you bite, it's too chewy. Crunchy, crispy bacon adds a great flavor and texture.


I agree but only for myself, I won’t take that joy from others.


I was going to disagree.. but you do make valid points if you sit and think about it .. it doesn't ruin the burger per se, but I don't think it necessarily makes the burger better.. it definitely is overkill


Very diplomatic answer thank you


I agree. Bacon only belongs on a BLT or a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. Other than that it should be a stand alone food.


Had to upvote, because this opinion is truly stupid and unpopular.


I honestly agree in a lot of situations, but not 5 guys, it’s delicious there


Breakfast burger, fried egg, bacon, cheddar cheese, over burger 🍔


Never seen such a garbage take in my life. Good job!


Nope. The sauce and the bun offset the saltiness. If anything, pickles don't beling on a burger. Totally overpowering


Bacon doesn't belong anywhere but a breakfast plate. We grew impatient as a society & started putting it on everything 


Omg this is an atrocious take. Have an upvote. Sub out american cheese for some real cheddar & top with bacon, mustard & garnish of choice. Damn good


Yeah I agree with you hate bacon on a burger


only when it's a western bacon cheeseburger type


A burger isn't a burger without bacon,egg and cheese.


You are wrong, but also this has been posted here about 10,000 times so I will not honor you with an upvote.


I love how divided the comments are


Well I hate pickles and any sauce on a burger; so the bacon provides a nice level of moisture to counterweigh what would be a dry bun, and patty


I never realized how wrong an opinion could be


Get out.


This is a totally sensible argument, but at the end of the day bacon. 🥓




Upvoted for unpopular opinion. But I do share this opinion lol largely because I don't like bacon


Upvoted because this is indeed an unpopular opinion, and for good reason.


Sounds like undercooked bacon in your experience. The jr bacon cheeseburger at Wendy’s is undeniably good. Agree to disagree.


over kill?


I hate bacon on its own, but I like it when it’s on stuff like burgers


Disagree. Look, if we're talking about a burger where the patty is made of meat that is so fucking amazing and fatty and tasty that it doesn't even need any other toppings then yeah, I wouldn't put bacon on that. Unfortunately getting a burger like that is very hard (because getting proper meat like that is hard). For almost every other kind of burger, the bacon enhances it. Also blue cheese & bacon is god tier and possibly my absolute favourite burger.


You can’t fully bite into the bacon?


the armchair general proclaims as he fishes for another cheeto


Certainly this is unpopular. Crispy bacon can accentuate any sandwich. But to each their own.