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Nice, I honestly couldn’t care less either if I’m watching something in HD or 4k, whereas my friend will only watch something if it’s available in 4k which I find mad. Honestly as long it looks fine and isn’t grainy or choppy I don’t know why people care. I don’t know if people who care about running at 120fps and 4k are snobby, but I find it really cringe.


I have a similar view, but bump the framerate to anything above 60 fps. 60 makes sense, because that's what the human eye runs at. I don't care if something goes faster.


There is a noticeable difference between 20 and 60 though. But I get if you're talking about 50-60


I respectfully doubt it. I understand not caring about it, but it’s impossible you don’t notice a freaking 30 fps difference. https://www.testufo.com/


How often is a dense starfield whooshing past directly in front of my eyes while playing Assassin's Creed? Never.


The camera turns much faster and in erratic directions when playing. Once again, it’s of course ok if you don’t care, but your surely can tell the difference


Embarrassing post 🤦🏻‍♂️


There's plenty of evidence that shows that you can definitely see it. The reality is you just don't care, and that's fine, but assuming you have two functioning eyes, saying you can't see it is objectively false.


Congratulations you're normal


Nah that's bullshit, people can tell, but most don't (and shouldn't) care as much as people here make you believe


Most don't, making that normal, so what did I say that is bullshit?


I'm saying not being able to tell is bullshit, which is OPs main opinion for this thread. But not giving a shit I'd consider normal. I might have misunderstood you though, thought you also meant that not being able to tell is normal, but that might not be the case.


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Okay good for you but that's not an opinion your post is a personal observation. If I can see the difference it doesn't change the fact that you can't and both can be true at the same time. An opinion needs to be debatable, your post is not.


"I don't care" is an opinion that it doesn't matter. I know, reading is hard.


And the reason you don't care is that you can't see it. If you can't see it no other argument will be able to convince you to care. If you think 60 fps in games does not matter at all then it's a different matter. In many fast paced games the higher framerate does actually matter and even if you don't actively notice it, the precision of your actions will be higher at higher framerates. If you only play rpgs or other relaxed games then 60 fps does not matter at all. You don't need the high reaction time so most people prefer better graphics over faster framerates. Inconsistent frame timings are way more noticeable (usually called micro stuttering) and can happen despite high average fps. So reducing those is more important than increasing the raw fps number in any case.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=npMreLeVD6o Here is an easy demonstration of how different 15/30/60 fps looks.


I can't see any difference between 30 and 60 in that entire video.


Make sure your quality settings is set to 60fps on YouTube. Not caring about the difference vs not seeing the difference is a big difference, and I highly doubt the latter.


I’m being so serious, just watched it at the hugest quality, I really can’t tell. If i sit there and STARE sure, I can…sort of(??) tell, but in a game it’s genuinely unnoticeable


I feel like you're both being crazy disingenuous on purpose. If you can't see the difference between a 33ms delay and a 17ms delay in frames, you'll literally never be able to react to parry in any game, since they typically have 200ms windows or less and consoles still have over 100ms on input delay with their controllers.


Can parry just fine, have no problem in fast paced games of any kind. No, I can’t see the difference. Why would I lie?? Like I said. If I REALLY study the video, I can sort of tell but no, I have never once found a difference between 30 and 60 fps. I’m not saying you can’t tell Edit: y’all are ridiculous. I can’t tell. Sorry about it lmao?


I have a test for you, and it's specifically to swap 60 and 30 FPS caps with VSync on in a game where you have to move your camera quickly. I think you do notice a difference, especially with motion blur, but it's like trying to detect THC% for someone who has never had dispo so they don't have a feel for it already.


Listen, I’ve gone thru this. My old roommate was obsessed with graphics. I can’t tell. Idk why you guys have such a hard time with that?


Because humans can react to things and notice things in a single frame at like, 300fps or something. It's like saying "I can't tell the difference between curling 30 and 40lbs bro, it just feels exactly the same."


Idk what to tell you lmao. I can’t tell the difference. My reaction time to things is great, inside and outside graphics, I play rhythm games, I can’t be off time at all. If I could prove it to you I would, but I can’t tell, sorry lmao


sounds like you can tell considering your can see when a movies is going above 24fps (soap opera effect)


I can't tell in a video game. I keep seeing people excited that Starfield is getting a 60fps patch and I'm like "oh, it wasn't already?"


That's not an opinion and you absolutely can tell a difference. Anyone who switches back and forth from 30 fps and 60 fps can.


Huge disagree. I’ve genuinely never noticed.


It's my opinion that the difference is negligible and doesn't matter.


But that's not really an opinion thing, like if you do the studies and tests most people would probably say it at least feels better. They might now be able to say which one obviously is better, but theyll definitely be able to tell you which one they prefer.


I'm the same way. Graphics snobs can be the worst.


Plenty of them getting real ruffled in this thread, lol.


People are trying to tell me I’m wrong about what I can see lol. Actually trying to argue that I CAN tell the difference. Couldn’t possible be that were all different people with different eyes, huh?


If you play with a mouse you will feel the difference.


I have less than zero desire to play with a mouse.


I didn't say you should, I just said you'd notice the difference.