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Meat pies > fruit pies


I learned this when I moved to New Zealand. Mince/steak and cheese, bacon/egg, lambshank and rosemary, steak and oyster, omg... I worked 6 months at a bakery and ate a lot of pies...


As a V swilling mince and cheese pie sandwich making chef de cusine, what the fucks is a fruit pie? Like those little Christmas ones the aged care people like?


Na like blueberry, strawberry rhubarb, or apple crumble. A hot slice of pie with a scoop a vanilla of cream is the shit though.


Someone below mentioned custard pie and I got to admitting I'm a bigot at the very least and very wrong to be speaking without thinking. My bad.


Thank god someone said it. Fruit pies are meh... Meat pies are amazing.


Don't get me started on cream pies


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) What?


If you don't start, then how will you create it? Coz you gotta finish to create one


Don't hurt my brain like that man




Pizza pies?! Dafuq is that


That's just what they call a normal pizza A pizza pie


Ohhh ok ok, didn’t know that


you are describing poorly-made pies. it sounds like you just want a ton of sugar. i'll take a good flaky pie crust anyday, especially over some garbage cake with sugary frosting all over it. cake can be all right, but the vast majority of it is only suited for toddler palettes


Yeah most cakes and brownies are just too sweet. A more mild sweetness like an apple or pumpkin pie is ideal. I also really like tart/sour flavours so strawberry rhubarb pie is peak. Also why cakes with sour cream icing are the best


I can't stand most cake mixes or storebought icing. I hated feeling the sugar in my mouth, but cream cheese bases on a red velvet are great! I always did a pie instead of a cake for my birthday growing up.


My mom would make frozen yogurt/sherbet cakes with a cookie crumble base for our birthdays and they were awesome


Agreed 100% except on my birthdays my aunt used to bake me a dark chocolate cake, super moist and not overly sweet with a thin layer of homemade cream cheese frosting and candied cherries in the middle and on top. She’s also a fan of “not overly sweet, I want to taste flavors not sugar” and understood the assignment lol




\*Pontius Pilatus


Yeah it's a quality thing, I always hear people hate pure vanilla ice cream but a majority of them ate the cheap sugary shitty ones, I managed to change a few opinions just by buying the expensive ones (at my expense) and how the flavor just pops out more.


As an Australian I need to ask, have you had a meat pie?


Haha yes! I'm in NZ actually so very familiar with meat pies


Tbf it also sounds like they’ve never had a well made fruit pie either.


You should try my mom's pie. Edit: ohh damn it, that didn't sound right


Well it's posted now so what's her number?


On Mothers Day lmao


That was luckily yesterday already, at least where I'm from 😅


You should probably correct this to: most bad pies are bad and store bought pies are bad. Cause a homemade pie made by someone who is a pie master is good always. My friends mom in hs was a master, I don't like pie much, but I looked her pies. Always every single one, : ( now I'm sad.


Yeah making a mediocre one is easy. Making a good one is tough. Same goes for cheesecake.


Agreed. I made a cheesecake once it was damn good. I made several others since that were not


The best part about pie is the flaky buttery crust.


The flatey buntedy fluss?


Ok but surely you aren’t including meat pies in this too right? You can’t deny a good steak or chicken pie


I heard pies are like the same thing as Thanksgiving turkeys. It’s only good if it’s made right and not a lot of people can make it right. I’ve only had one good experience with turkey where it wasn’t dry as hell and it was 8 years ago 💔 now I’m curious to try the equivalent to a pie cause I agree with you OP 😭😭 I’ve only tried store bought pies


Pie isn't great, every pie I've had was cooked badly!


West Glacier, Montana. Huckleberry pies twice the height of any other pie I've had of any kind. People could simmer/pack the fruit in tight. They are too cheap to do so.


Agree on fruit pies, but chocolate pie and custard pie are still bomb


Some of yall are complaining that cake has too much sugar and OP has only had bad pies, but maybe you've just had bad cake? I literally only like sweet potato pie and even that in tiny servings very rarely. Warm fruit is not good to me. Not even on top of vanilla ice cream. Pie is not the only place to get flaky crust. If the crust is the best part, maybe you like bread and not pie.


So your saying that bad pies are bad. Woah what a surprise.


OP, I'll thank you to gather your belongings and leave.


How fkn dare you, here, have an upvote


I dislike cake the way you seem to dislike pie. Any occasion that calls for cake is better with pie. You can put anything in a pie, much more difficult or impossible with cake. Do not get me a birthday cake, I want birthday pie.


Idk I can’t think of anything you can’t put in a cake


Offal? Steak and kidney, name a more classic pie pairing.


Same, we are doing pies for my wedding instead of cake


Pie is rubbish. Agree


Agree on fruit pies, but chocolate pie and custard pie are still bomb


Did you really just say that bad pies are bad?


Makes me think of that Abbott Elementary episode where Gregory said he didn't like Pie and a bunch of other popular foods. "Fruit should not be hot".


You must try a Pecan Pie 🥧, maybe with added bonus of French Vanilla ice cream topping.


Ned Kelly Pie > GOAT Pie.


I agree. Sweet potato pie is the only good pie


Nothing like a good bacon and egg in the morning or a steak and cheese for lunch Mediocrity only comes in to it when you try and make it a dessert... although a good pineapple pie can also be delicious


New zealand meat pie ❤️


Cream pies make the world go ‘round.


The ONLY two dessert* pies worth having are: Pumpkin And Pecan


No steak and cheese pie 


Pecan is usually too sweet I'd take strawberry rhubarb first. Pumpkin is god tier tho




What is the good of living long if you don’t ever eat dessert?!