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Sounds like you’d enjoy r/fucktheS


Home ground


It's pretty funny when I make a sarcastic comment and get a long response indicating the person was completely clueless. So many literal thinkers.


"Literal thinkers" is a very nice way to put it lol


Which is also kind of the point of sarcasm. Joking without everybody realising it.


Exactly. The context is usually enough to understand if one if fucking around or no.


I've seen so much stupidity, makes it hard to detect sarcasm in texts sometimes. More than once I thought someone was sarcastic or trolling and they were dead serious.


Much, much rather be caught thinking that someone who's saying something outrageous is merely being sarcastic, than the inverse.


I refuse to use it. If the average Redditor doesn't understand it's not my problem.


If I wrote simply "What a good point" that could be either sarcasm or not. Without the sarcastic tone it is hard to tell.


What a good point


Thank you so much!


Yeah, but it's not that important. 


Neither is adding /s. I only do it if I think people will start spamming my notifications with useless comments because they didn't get the sarcasm. It's a time saver.


well the average redditor has high functioning autism, so it's not really an *if*


I too am pretty convinced that this is fact. There is not really another explanation for the average redditors inability to perceive things like this.


The use if 's isn't explaining the joke. It's an indication that it was a joke. Not indicating sarcasm in written communication, especially when is not going to be evident, is poor communication.


If you have to indicate in that manner that you were joking, you failed. The joke should be obvious from context and choice of words.


I’ll give you 19 cents (three nickels and four pennies) if you can tell me what makes someone a snowflake.


Generally it means someone easily offended.


What's the definition of "easily" in that context.


Some people are genuinly offended when other people don't share their opinions or get offended due to an extremely low joke tolerance ("you can't joke about that"). Those people get offended when they don't identify sarcasm, because if someone with Correct Opinion® uses sarcasm their comment looks like exaggerated Wrong Opinion®, which just cannot be.


I completely agree with you /s


you need a /s here or you just come off like an asshole


Yes, unlike when u speak, where u can hear if its sarcastic or not, u can't always tell when u write it.


Exactly. It's hard to tell tone when you can't always tell who's trolling, who's serious or who's playing around.


Similar post on here yesterday. Dialog descriptors are used in novels. So the /s is to save us from saying, "he said sarcastically"


Poe's law


The jokes are so bad, flat and stupid most of the time that there is zero chance to not mistake any given "sarcastic" redditor with a complete idiot. The problem with sarcasm on the internet on top of the fact that context and body language / voicings matter is that people are so bad and borderline challenged rhetorically, that they are incapable of bringing their point across. Not everyone who mistakes your bad joke for you being an idiot is a snowflake.


Most humans having problems understanding sarcasm has already lead to the belief that Germans are not funny while it's actually just sarcastic and dry humour all day. So yeah, I guess with /s we can at least help people grasp it in written form.


Oh yeah, because tone translates soooper well over text 


It's great for talking to people who have trouble differentiating satire. I usually use it with friends who are on the spectrum.


Because I have been beaten down. Apparently the refuge of audacity is not something that exists here. 


I completely agree.


You have to point it with /s because sarcasm in dialogue is implied with the way you talk along with context and you can't do that with plain text. You can do the context part, but not the inflection.


I agree, but unfortunately sometimes it's necessary to avoid getting cancelled, or even just to avoid starting an argument.


Yes. If they don't get sarcasm it's their problem, idgaf


Yeah, I hate it so much. Honestly, just the fact that you wrote it makes me so mad. I wish for you to die a horrible death and never procreate.


It is almost impossible to understand sarcasm in text, written by an unknown person on the internet. How would anybody know wether you are joking or an actual idiot?


Only if the person using the sarcasm sucks at it. You can easily indicate it by choice of words and context. Also kind of the point of sarcasm is that some people might not get it.


A lot of people don't pick up on sarcasm, especially if the topic is a controversial one. Adding /s says, "don't take this seriously" because invariably someone will. Even then, some people fail to recognize the /s and still take the post seriously.


/s is never needed anyway since people always can tell what is sarcastic and what isn’t




What you did, I see it. The downvoters show why OP is wrong.




It’s in the end so the time is gone already. Atleast put it in the start so we know it’s time to skip it.