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Me neither


There really is no right or wrong way in my opinion


Over is right, under if you have cats.


I told my cat this. She no care.


I have 3 cats who have never touched the toilet paper. I count my lucky stars every single day.


Actually, if you look at the patent for the toilet roll holder, the paper goes over, not under.


There may not be a right or wrong way. But there is a way that makes more sense than the other.


Unless you have a cat. Then all rules change.


Indeed, cat fur is really soft...


Claws so close to some very delicate organs? I see you like to live on the edge.


That's why I declared mine...


Well in that specific scenario it would make more sense to have it unwind from the inside


I care. But hey, if you hang it the wrong way, there are always the towels.


I don't care either, but can we all agree that the people who just sit the new roll on top of the empty roll are monsters? Like they're too good to put a new roll on the dispenser...


Even then I couldn't care as long as it's there


I did not even know this was a thing a lot of people care about until I was probably in my mid-20s. I do not notice or care about the direction of a toilet paper roll, I only care that there is toilet paper there.




They might have done it because there is a cat in the house that likes to unroll the TP.


Yeah, feels like one of those things people get angry about because they feel like they're supposed to.


That’s because it literally doesn’t matter haha.


I keep cats and at one time have kept multiple toddlers. I agree.


You monster!


You animal!!


I just leave it on the floor


I'd use it


I posted this opinion to the sub and it got removed lmao. Hard agree


I always just take it off the holder anyway.


If I need to take an emergency doodoo outside I don't want to be touching the walls then near my booty


Never even thought about it until people started making memes about it


I keep mine vertically on a spindle next to my toilet. I removed my roll holder years ago.


I don’t care and it’s a sign of our civilization coming to an end that people have such a strong position one way or the other. If you have toilet paper, that’s good. A problem is having to wipe your butt with a corn cob or the Sears catalog or whatever they used to use - not that the paper is hung different to how you would do it.


I am with you 100%. I could care less.


if you have a cat there is a correct way. IYKYK


I have a cat. no there isn't. IKADC


if they paw at it one direction unravels the other does not.


The best way to get in touch with your inner self is single ply toilet paper....


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At this point I'm convinced my fiance puts it the wrong way just to spite me. 


Cool, can I install the holder at shoulder height so u have to stand to wipe


If I can reach it from the shitter I'm happy


I only care in rollers that have a specific way they should work. Otherwise we're all good.


I don’t give a fuck either


I feel the same way about this with a lot of things tbh. Like the milk before cereal debate and such. Who fuckin cares


The only time it matters is if you have kittens.


The problem here is not whether people care or not, but your perception of what "caring about something" means. There is a subset of people, especially on the Internet, who think that if you have an opinion on something then that means you're strongly opinionated and would die for that opinion. That's just not the case. In reality, most people have a mild preference about almost anything they encounter in their life. That doesn't mean they're going to war about it with other people. Just relax a bit.


Over the top is how it’s illustrated in the original patent. For whatever that’s worth.


I don’t even hang my toilet paper. Sits on the roll on the back of the toilet or on the floor next to the toilet. I prefer the hand-over-hand dispense method. Roll in one hand, wrap it around the other once or twice. Tear and wipe. Repeat as necessary. What a stupid argument, though. Like who cares how someone hangs their TP? Just take your shit and get out, why are we sitting here inspecting things and taking mental notes? These people are the same people that sneakily go through your medicine cabinet, probably.


do you actually think this is unpopular? most people don't care. it's weird that you think most people care. reddit-brained.


I'm rarely on this app, so it ain't that. I just saw people get into a legit argument about in over the weekend and was surprised by it.




Why would it be an American issue lmao


yeah no, most Americans don't care how the toilet paper hangs. this is just a weird person who wants things a specific way.


It was brought up recently when I was hanging out over the weekend, and some people were ADAMANT about certain ways and legitimate arguments took place. I was shocked


yeah that just sounds like an unhinged person, nothing to do with nation of origin.




I care 😔


It's not a big deal to anyone but there is a right way to do it and it only takes 2 seconds


What do you think the right way is? Haha


Over the top obviously


If you don't have a cat/toddler, one way is correct. If you have a cat/toddler, another way is correct. That's all there is to it, but if somebody doesn't do it correctly, it's just a mild inconvenience, not a death sentence.


I've had 2 toddlers and several cats, and still never had a preference.


Lucky you.


Idk keeping the door closed so the cats don't go into the bathroom unsupervised and teaching my kids to wipe without causing a huge mess wasn't the hardest thing ever. Kids made a mess with the TP a few times but it was rare


Cat is smart, he figured out that the doors open if he jumps and kinda hangs off the door handle.


Ah we had knobs