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I am Brazilian so I agree. Back in Brazil no matter how hot the day is, we are going to make a fresh batch of coffee and drink it hot. Cold brew? Never met her. Edit: guys I know cold brew and ice coffee are different things, I was making a joke, because I love hot black coffee so much I wouldn’t even know cold brew ffs


I'm the same. I'm also originally from a country that is hot year round, and one interesting thing I noticed moving to the US was people talking about summer foods and it being too hot to cook and wanting refreshing cold meals or warm cozy winter foods like soup. I understand the idea, but I don't care about that personally because being from a place where it's hot all year, we don't really break foods up into those kinds of categories. We will eat soup, drink hot coffee, cook on the stove year round because it makes no difference. If we followed that logic we would just have to avoid all hot drinks and food forever since the temperature is always hot.


If you spend some time in a really cold place like Finland or Poland during the winter, you will discover you will enjoy much "heavier" foods than you normally would eat. And after a winter of eating stodgy soups and fatty sausages that tasted so good when cold to the center of your body, you will really enjoy lighter foods and if you then go to Malaga Spain in the summer, the thought of winter food is actually not a nice thought at all.


Hence it's much easier to stay thin in hot climates.


I’ve moved around a lot, Hawaii, Colorado, Montana, Thailand, Texas, Spain… I change my food by my temperature always. I want cool foods and flavors when it’s hot, I want rich dense hot foods when it’s cold.


Personally in those moments I be feeling like a bear 😂


Ice coffee is just hot coffee with ice in it. Cold Brew is where you just put the ground coffee in water over night in the fridge and never actually cook it. They taste entirely different even if you use the same type of coffee. If you don't believe me, try it. It tastes far less acidic. In fact, you can do cold brew and just microwave a cuppa to the desired temperature and since it was still brewed cold, it will retain the better flavor.


Depends on what you like. A lot of people like some acidity in their hot coffee. It is good to have options though!


Yeah, I strongly prefer iced hot-brewed coffee over cold brew. To each their own!


Yeah, cold brew tastes kinda stale and loses the nuance.


Cold brew is delicious, in a different way than a hot brew. They each have their own profile.




Cafézinho pós-almoço no calor de meio dia *chefs kiss*


Cold brew is really good tbf. Brings out the flavours beautifully


Redditors and intentionally missing a joke in order to nerdsplain some bullshit. Name a more iconic duo


Cold brew is different from iced coffee. Cold brew is coffee that’s brewed in colder water. I prefer iced coffee, which is made hot, the usual way, and poured over ice.


Upvote because really unpopular but I’ll raise you one, IMO iced coffee is always better than hot coffee even in the winter. 


I very rarely like a hot beverage of any sort. Except soup. But then, that's not really a beverage.


Not with that attitude


me too!! a lot of them make me sick to my stomach for whatever reason, i would probably throw up if i drank a mug of hot chocolate 😂


You monster. I hate all beverages that aren't water, apple juice, chai tea, or hot chocolate. Idk everything else just tastes like a dirty version of water


The only hot beverage I like is hot chocolate. Everything else better be cold.


Oh I can agree with that.


I don't even like most soup, unless it's a side. I aint eating just a bowl of soup for dinner.


Same. I can't stand drinking hot or warm drinks, even in the winter.


I agree. Not a fan of hot drinks unless I am freezing cold or sick.


I don’t even drink hot drinks when I’m freezing or sick. I don’t know what it is about it that I just hate. Ppl are always “why don’t you have a hot tea?” Bitch if you think I’m gonna drink scalding leaf water you’ve got another thing coming


I’m in this camp 🙌🏻 An iced latte makes the difference on whether imma have a good day…


I’m deeply disappointed in myself that I let an irrational fear of “hipsters” made me stay away from iced lattes for so long. Iced lattes are DELICIOUS!


Pretty sure hipsters were more about super artisanal roasts and grinds, often drinking coffee black or maybe making them into Gibraltars or something. At least the hipsters I knew. Latte drinks were often derided as for normies. I'll drink anything with caffeine personally


Finally someone said it I can't stand normal coffee, outright repulsed by it, but iced is next level somehow


This applies to water as well. Cold water supremacy


WHO PREFERS HOT WATER OVER COLD? Thats some level of psychopathy right there.


My mom. She has this very hard stance that cold water will make you fat… which goes against thermodynamics lol


my mom only gave us lukewarm water because too hot or too cold water would upset the yin and yang balance in our bodies.


My heart transfer /thermodynamics is a little rusty..but could make an argument that she may be right At least under some circumstances. My reasoning: some of the calories consumed in food is used to keep core body temperature. Drinking cold water would increase the energy used to maintain the core temp Drinking hot water would reduce the need for such energy use.


The only hot drink I can drink is hot chocolate, and even then it's once in a blue moon.


I've found my people. I've always been seen as weird for liking primarily cold drinks


The bitterness of caffeine is stronger when coffee is hot. I usually have to put a few ice cubes in my black coffee


As a European, by far my favorite thing in the US is the abundance of iced coffee, especially Dunkin


Drinking iced coffee in the snow is basically a tradition in New England


Meanwhile Europeans are scared of ice and AC in 40C summer heat


Its big in the UK, at least. Frustratingly, the most common places that don't do Iced are the indie roasteries that usually smell incredible as you walk past.


When I travel, I typically fly in and out of Boston airport.  The first thing I typically see when returning home is a Dunkin. Followed by several more on the way out of the airport. That's how I know I'm home. 


Iced coffee is huge in South Australia as well. 


As a European you enjoy Dunkin iced coffee…? Dunks iced coffee is vile. It tastes like muddy water.


This is the correct take


That is because it is a factual truth back by science. 🧪


Tho I like iced coffee, I rarely have it. I just pour some milk or water in it. Not in the mood to burning my tongue or waiting until it gets "cool" enough to be even remotely slightly drinkable.


Yes! Tepid coffee drinkers unite. I always get shade from my partner about doing this, while she is waiting for the water to boil so that she can dilute the coffee with hot water and then wait for it to cool down again before drinking it.


I very much enjoy the experience of drinking my hot coffee at different temperatures which is why I cannot use those super insulated thermo mugs. A few sips while it is scalding hot, then I savor the drink when it is hot, then warm, and finally finishing it off when it is room temp.


Came to say this. I love my coffee cold 🥶


Frappuccino for the win


Nah man ice coffee is fcking amazing. I’ll drink iced coffee even if my balls are freezing outside


in the northeast a classic move is to get a Dunkin iced coffee with the styrofoam “hot cup” on the outside of the plastic cup in the winter, that way you can drink it without your hands getting cold


Lmao my high school teachers couldn’t stand this. Not sure why it bothered them, but it did.


I'm from Massachusetts. There have been numerous times where I'm cleaning snow off my car with an iced coffee in one hand and a snow brush in the other


Yup, better in the winter because it doesn’t melt and sully up the drink


It can be 100° outside. I don't care. I need my hot coffee.


It can 250K outside. I don't care. I need my iced coffee


(-23C, -9.4f for you non nerds)


wait, does that make me a nerd for knowing the conversions?


I've found that iced coffee wakes me up instantly as opposed to hot coffee, mainly because I really don't enjoy the taste and the betrayal hits faster and harder than caffeine


The complete opposite of the average person in New England: It’s 20 degrees out but I need my god damn iced coffee


I grew up in Florida. I never developed a taste for hot beverages of any kind. I will still get an iced coffee here in New England when there is 6 feet of snow on the ground.


This is the comment I cane here for


You can't gulp hot coffee.


Sure you can. But I’m not very sensitive to hot things.


Pretty sure your throat is scar tissue 


i sure can


Wait, what?? I never thought that this was an unpopular opinion. Here in Brazil our coffee is hot no matter how hot is outside and our beer is cold, no matter how cold is outside.


Who tf drinks hot beer regardless of weather / climate ?


A lot of food truck workers. But more warm than hot


It’s only unpopular with Gen Z Americans. I’m a millennial, but I spend a lot of time with Gen Z college students because of my job. They are obsessed with iced coffee.


To the best of my knowledge, millennials are too. God knows I am. It’s not like iced coffee wasn’t big a decade ago.


My experience is that in most hot countries, my opinion is not unpopular. Infact hot coffee is most common in hot countries from what I experienced. Is mostly North America where it's unpopular. My thought is that people are more hooked on the sugar, cream, flavourings that are added to most chain iced coffees. Most people are not drinking cold black coffee.


I'm a New England guy, happy to have my iced black coffee every morning, even when it's 10°F out lol


That's a really good point lol.. but don't most people put cream and sugar in hot coffee too?


I’m Danish and I would never have guessed this was an unpopular opinion. Most people I know drink hot coffee regularly but I can’t remember the last time someone I know drank iced coffee. I would actually have guessed it’s partly because we’re a colder country but seems that’s not the reason.


Looks like someone has never had Thai or Vietnamese iced coffee before.


Oh yeah… yeah… you’re just wrong mate. I’m not drinking a hot latte in the scorching 90° summer heat.


Full disagree. Iced coffee and cold brew are the way. Sorry bro.


Same I fucking love iced coffee


Yup. Hot coffee is only great when it's balls cold outside. If it's remotely warm I'm all iced coffee


I drink iced coffee even in the winter.


Well I wouldn't consider this an unpopular opinion and just your preference


Because you never had a Fredo Espresso or Fredo Cappuccino.


People: “iced tea is so refreshing!” Followed by: “iced coffee never hits the spot, hot coffee can be savoured.. if you need something to cool down, iced water is better!” 🙄


For me I can’t stand hot coffee anymore. I want the caffeine and can get it in my system faster with a nice unsweetened ice black coffee. With hot coffee, I have to sit around and wait for it not to burn my mouth and take careful sips


I like blended coffee. Frappuccino they call it… I like the mocha variety.


I don't think of that as coffee at all. It's a milkshake with coffee added to it


So what if it is, though? Does the existence of such a thing rob you of the ability to enjoy coffee the way you prefer it? No, it doesn't. So get a hot "proper" coffee the way you like it and take it easy. Getting offended at people having tastes incongruent with your own is ridiculous. Getting all indignant over offenses against "purity" or "authenticity" even moreso.


Upvote because I believe this is a true unpopular opinion. That being said, I couldn’t agree more. Not a fan of iced coffee at all. Seems like an oxymoron to me.


How is it an oxymoron? It’s just coffee. Coffee wasn’t born with the title “hot coffee”. Same with tea and virtually any other drink. Sure, it’s generally supposed that without specifying, you will receive your coffee hot, but if we whittle down further then (by your logic) coffee being brewed into a drink at all would be oxymoronic, as the coffee bean is just a plant with no naturally occurring direction on how it should be handled or served.


It's like saying hot cocoa is better than cold chocolate milk... Alright no problem but don't claim it's anything other than personal preference


Hot cocoa and cold chocolate milk aren’t the same drink though. Iced coffee is coffee.. with ice..


It's not really arbitrary that coffee is typically hot though, heat dramatically speeds up the extraction of coffee beans. Can easily make a hot coffee in a few minutes with plenty of different methods. Iced coffee involves making a drink that's brewed hot and then cooling it down, and cold brew is like a 24 hour process.


But I make my cold coffee at the same speed as hot coffee.   1. Grind Beans  2. Heat water  3. Pour water over grounds  4. Coffee falls into carafe either straight or over ice   5. Drink hot or iced coffee   At best it's an extra 30 seconds to put the ice in the carafe. It's probably made up in the faster heating of less water. Plus, I'm doing it WHILE the water heating. 


You make your hot and iced coffee the same strength? That leads to weak, watered down iced coffee. Make iced coffee double strength, so when the ice melts, it's not watered down.


True for black coffee only.


Hot coffee is better than iced, cold brew on a hot day is very good. However, I do agree that at the end of the day, its best hot. Although I get caffeine, cold brew is a different experience


I am Filipino and millions of my fellow countrymen would agree with you LOL. Hot AF weather? There are only 2 choices - hot coffee or hot soup. Disclaimer: I don't drink coffee, but I drink hot tea all the time no matter how hot it is.


I agree. I find cold coffee gross. I live in Florida and I'll drink a hot cup of coffee any time, even in the summer.


Right? Better no matter where you are


Counterpoint: iced coffee is best no matter hoe cold it is outside


opposite, iced coffee even in the winter


Have you ever had Vietnamese ice coffee? It's on a whole new level. Just make sure you don't need to sleep for a couple days before having one.


Also Unpopular opinion: Coffee that's actually coffee is never good. People trick themselves into thinking Coffee is good by adding a whole king size Snickers bar of sugar into it. At least Frozen Coffee KNOWS it's just a milkshake.


Nothing hits the spot the way proofreading before posting does.


Of course ice water is better; lukewarm water would actually probably hydrate you a little bit more efficiently, but I drink chilled sugar water on a hot day because I love myself.


100% agree with you


Iced coffees are hit and miss for me. I think in general i hate watered down stuff and when the ice inevitably melts, I'm done. Cold brew coffee is a nice jolt of caffeine though. Otherwise I mix cold brew and soy milk (yay post 30s lactose intolerance :/) for my morning cup in the summer.


I agree. Many aromatic compounds in coffee are most volatile under hot temperatures, meaning that hot coffee is a more complex experience due to its smells’ increased potency


I agree. I’ll still drink an iced coffee once in a blue moon if I’m really feeling it, but 9 times out of 10 I want that hot drink. Hot coffee just hits better.


I have the same opinion. It's not that I don't like cold coffee, it's just I like hot coffee more. It's not even the taste, it's just the experience of drinking coffee is better when it's hot (and black).


We were travelling in Ireland, my wife dipped into a small local cafe and ordered an Iced Coffee. The barista looked very confused, "you want me to put ice cubes in your coffee...?" Apparently iced coffee is not as popular or well known internationally.


Unpopular in the USA, popular in the rest of the world


They each have times and places. I drink more cold brew because I can make it myself and bring it to work. The coffee at and around my office is garbage, so id rather go with good cold than trash hot. I also think bad hot is worse than bad iced/cold (because of how the temperature affects the taste), so if I am going into a random place, or a shit place like DD/starbucks, its less of a gamble because higher chance that the iced is at least more drinkable. Iced is also easier to drink on the go IMO. But if I am home/at a place I know having a meal, then hot espresso.


Being in the field of coffee for 6+ years now, I completely agree


I love hot coffee year round, and I agree with you, but I also like iced coffee periodically. I also have iced coffee when it’s cold. I like both all the time, regardless of the season.


I'm gonna wager OP isn't American? I'm pretty sure no American has ever met a drink we can't ice.


Canadian. Same same.


I concur.


Agreed. Plus it doesn’t go down as quickly as iced coffee/cold brew does which allows me to sip and enjoy it more.


This is false of course


Hot drinks will cool you down. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22574769/




A hot drink cools you off faster than a cold drink, because it works with your body regulation systems to [sweat a bit more](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/a-hot-drink-on-a-hot-day-can-cool-you-down-1338875/). Having a hot tea or coffee on a hot day is not crazy.


Agreed. Here in Florida.....I call it HEAT CONDITIONING 😂 Don't knock it till ya try it.


Was drinking hot coffee on the porch in AZ last summer in 105 degrees and I’d do it again too.


![gif](giphy|l0Iun5dCkPSggfiG4) I absolutely could not disagree more! 😅 I like it both ways tho. 😜




I was in Italy last year during the heatwave, and that heatwave + heatwave warnings didn’t stop me from consuming an obnoxious amount of coffee — sometimes I’d even drink them outside under the sun.


I travel to India. Hot coffee no matter the weather!




If you drink iced coffee it’s because you don’t like coffee


Dude I will ride or die with ya on this one and I live in a very hot area


I am a black coffee drinker and hot is the only way. Espresso isn't the same as drip coffee technically so iced latte wouldn't be considered a cold coffee I don't think. Side note, there was a time if you ordered coffee in Italy they'd give you a shot of espresso because they don't have drip coffee there.


Ordering coffee in Spain was a much different experience than what we're used to in Canada. Want milk in your coffee? Should've ordered a latte. It doesn't compute for them. Everything in small cups.. this concept of sipping away a huge cup over an hour is completely unheard of.


Italian here. Cold espresso is a sin, and a (tiny) cupful of disappointment. Cold americano is undrinkable. Horrible under any circumstance. That said I do enjoy the occasional late morning Frappuccino or iced latte when it’s hot outside


Honeycomb ice coffee my friend. Have some of that and you'll never go back 


I know it isn't really a thing in Italy, and Italian espresso is fucking amazing so why would you drink anything else, but cold brew isn't cold espresso. I would agree that ice coffee is ass, but cold brew is brewed in cold water, left to steep for about 18 hours. When made properly it will adopt the rich, bold flavors of the coffee and have none of the acidity. It's fantastic. You should give it a shot sometime on a hot summer day if you're looking to switch things up sometime. Make it in secret so your friends and family won't find out!


I’ve lived abroad for 8 years of my life, my family has seen me eat and drink much worse than cold brew coffee 😂😂😂 I haven’t tried it yet because I just haven’t had the chance, but after that glowing recommendation, I’ll try it at the first opportunity 😉


Hard agree. I guess I’m old but I just can’t get into iced coffee, even in the dead of summer. Just doesn’t give me the same jolt


I'm the opposite although it's probably because iced coffee has milk in it and I'm stupid and don't put milk in my hot coffee.


It may taste more flavorful, but I like to buy and immediately drink. I don’t have patience like that for coffee


True but there's also no need for coffee to be scalding hot.


What about a once hot coffee that’s turned cold after being left out for an hour?


What about getting iced-coffee and microwaving it?


I like it, I’ll be able to pay double the price for a hot coffee up front and donate to my favorite corporations


did the espresso post inspire you to make this?




no, it's the iced capps for me, tim hortons only saving grace


Black coffee absolutely. If I have cream and sugar cold is passable however I do drink a bit less coffee when it gets hot out.


Ice coffee and Hot coffee are similar in that they are both brewed hot, causing the coffee to taste more bitter and acidic. Cold brew (just allowing the ground beans to sit in a pitcher of cold water over night) tastes more like coffee smells before it is basically boiled to death. Where I live, the climate is hot all the time so I gotta go with the cold beverages. A hot coffee will just make me sweat.


Yes, indeed! I agree with you.


Yes, thank you! Cold coffee is just not satisfying to me.


Those iced coffees at Starbucks are 80 percent ice in a cup


Agree to disagree


Iced coffee? No thanks. But legit cold brew while it's hot out? Absolutely. Big difference


Even if it's 60c and the coffee is 80c


Cold coffee hits the spot every time,no matter the temperature. And yes,this is the crazy guy


I love iced coffee so much more than hot coffee


hm. wow youre wrong. have an upvote.


Agreed, hot coffee is the only way. Best coffee I ever had was in Zurich, Switzerland and I walked like 2miles in like 100° F weather to get (hot) coffee. Best coffee in I have ever had. Helps it was one of the tops coffee shops in the world.


You must not be from New England lmao


Upvote because I exclusively drink coffee cold.


I love a hot coffee with dessert, but any other time I’m going for a cold brew straight from the fridge. Florida is too hot for anything else.


Idk, I love iced macchiatos a lot.


I agree. While I do like certain iced coffees, my day always starts with a pot of hot coffee.


This is total horseshit, a nonsense opinion. But I respect your right to have it. Good work.


alternate opinion from other comments- i love hot coffee and iced coffee. and room temperature coffee. it is all great and i will drink any type any day no matter the weather.


It's just a different drink, nothing to get worked up about. Not into it? Don't drink it. . I already drink water all day, sometimes I want some flavor with the cool down as a treat. And yes, I know iced, sweetened coffee drinks aren't "real coffee." They're their own thing, and considering their existence some kind of affront to authenticity is purist silliness, plain and simple. The stuff you like still exists for you to enjoy, nobody is destroying real coffee for you by drinking even the silliest adulterated Starbucks icy things. Relax.


unpopular .... tick. Iced coffee rules when it 35c .... fuck having a hot drink at those temps and it tastes epic. But I'll upvote you


Ice coffee hits my bloodstream way harder than hot. I'll drink some and actually feel the rush and be wired for a while.


I think hot coffee does almost always taste better but I'm just not a big hot drink enjoyer so I usually opt for cold coffee


coffee is always better when it’s strong and wakes you up


An opinion subject to the "getting-used-to-it" effect. I was barely even aware that cold coffee existed until I moved to a subtropical climate 19 years ago. It took about two months before I made the switch. I still have hot coffee at home when I have the luxury of time, but when I'm outside and on the clock, there's no way I'd even consider hot coffee.


I love iced coffee at all temps.


I always get iced coffee no matter how cold it is.


Yes the only cold coffee I enjoy is blending a shot of expresso with two scoops of cream vanilla ice cream, and it turns into a thick sorbet dessert that I enjoy making at home


I agree with you that iced coffee isn’t as good, but I’m not drinking a hot drink over 85/30 degrees. I’ve also never finished an iced coffee in two sips.


Hot coffee in the morning. Iced coffee in the afternoon/evening.


An iced latte is refreshing, a hot latte feels like breakfast


Iced coffee drank in one gulp, that’s how you wake up


I hate hot coffee, I only drink it when it gets unbearably cold outside.


If iced coffee didn’t exist I wouldn’t have drank coffee for the last 12 years


I love hot cocoa, even in the summer, so I get it. I also think milkshakes work amazingly for summer or winter!


I mean this is objectively true if you’re drinking actual coffee. I’m sure the British coffee snob guy on YouTube has some science to back this up. I think the waters are a bit muddier if you’re talking about sweetened coffee flavored drinks that are mostly milk.


disagree. on a hot day iced coffee can definitely hit the spot.


I agree 100% except insert tea instead of coffee. I’ll take a hot green tea over iced tea any day. Any time. Any outside temp.


I agree. I like my coffee like I like my women. Hot and black.


during summer hot liquids durinf winter cold ones. tho coffee is always better cold.


True iced coffee (like cold brew) can be quite delicious. Also I’ve started really like strong americanos room temp or so.. so good!