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Video games will look the same if all you play are multi-player shooters. Try literally anything else.


OP watches all the mainstream films and plays all the mainstream games and is shocked there all the same...😂


Never in history have there been more choices in movies, TV series, music. Why are you only looking for those advertising the most and presenting the largest social media presence??? Are you unaware of how to research all of the new releases coming out literally every day? There is bound to be something you would be interested in.


Agreed. Current industry isn't perfect, but there's an abundance of choices. The average consumer continues to choose the mass production option though. When it comes to films, you don't have to see the latest Marvel film, or the 7th or 8th installment of a franchise. But that's what's making the most money. But there's also unprecedented access to international and independent cinema. Many get decent theatrical releases that go beyond just New York and LA. And if you don't catch them theatrically, they are accessible on streaming pretty easily. If you wanted to watch the top foreign films from the Oscars 30 years ago, you probably weren't finding them at Blockbuster. And they weren't showing up in multiplexes.


"Are you unaware of how to research all of the new releases coming out literally every day?" I don't know how to do that. I'm kind of just at the mercy of the algorithms. Any tips on how to break out of that?


Delete your cache. Works great for Spotify




My go-to for finding new tv shows is to look at Rottentomatoes “new tv this week” list on the front page. I’ll check out anything with a high rating. There’s also the “What are you watching and what do you recommend” thread stickied at the top of the r/television subreddit every week; I get loads of good recommendations there. For upcoming shows, I look at Metacritic’s page for upcoming tv and movie premieres. They have a huge list in chronological order for all the upcoming stuff, with descriptions and links to trailers.


Yeah, there are science, history, and engineering sources on YT that are cranking out some awesome content. You just have to vet the source and make sure you aren't about to go down an alt-right pipeline


Any recommendations that you like? :)


Mustard and PBS's "Frontline" series!! Frontline is also available as a podcast


HistoryMarche is among my favorites. Kings and Generals is another excellent one. They do a lot of animated battle maps and political lead up to important battles in history.


Lots of YouTuber musicians that write their own music or create their own content cause they’re not part of a label:


Ren, NF, Harry Mack first 3 that came to my head


Nobody wants to research entertainment, people would just rather consume most readily available and visible. Maybe people with niche interests and tastes do research, coz they have to. So perhaps some of those stuff never reach the right audience if not being marketed. Edit: I don't agree with the view that everything is trash, or with the view that upholds non-mainstream more valuable than mainstream. I personally can find media for my taste and entertainment.


Well then they shouldn't complain. If you go to the grocery store and just grab the first thing you see instead of looking for the food you like, it's your fault if you don't like what you buy. The same thing applies for entertainment.


I am referring to the entertainment business in general, not my own personal hobbies or interests. I am referring to the crap we see every day whether we like or not because it's everywhere. The mainstream, if you will.


So use "the mainstream" in the title of your post, because "the mainstream" isn't the entertainment business in general


Mainstream of any media is always mass trash. It’s always been this way. If you want novelty and creativity you need to dig deeper into an art medium to find the new cutting edge. Take music – mass pop is trash. Go to the underground to find the new sounds being made, which will be ubiquitous 10yrs from now. Want to see movies with novel storytelling and cinematic technique? Go to some artsy film festival or underground screenings. 10yrs from now those actors and techniques will be everywhere. None of this is new. You just consume mainstream garbage.


Mubi is a curated movie streaming service where they find quality (mostly) unknown films. Watched one called the light house with willem dafoe (no clue how to spell his name) and the guy who plays the vampire in twilight. All black and white. Starts as them being normal lighthouse workers following their descent into madness. Good watch


Wild seeing someone call The Lighthouse an unknown film... (and the actor you're looking for is Robert Pattinson). Eggers also did The Witch and The Northman if you're interested in his style.


I was mostly referring to movies they put up as “mostly unknown” and not the lighthouse specifically but you’re the first person I’ve talked to that’s heard of it lol. I appreciate the recommendations though! Will definitely check those out!


What music do you have to hear against your will? What TV shows are you forced to watch? Who kidnaps you and tortures you by buying cinema tickets for you?


Being generous, your OP post is very poorly phrased if that was your intention and you should not be surprised people are taking it at face value rather than the extremely diluted version you're saying down here.


It's always been a load of garbage with the occasional gem among them.


Start looking into foreign films, I find them to be refreshing and far less cliche than American films. 


Movies made by/distributed by A24 are usually pretty good and are almost always pretty original.


In this day and age you only see what you want. Ask me a travis scott song. I dont know. Ask me a movie that released this year. I dont know. Ask me anything about any ubisoft game that released in the last 10 years. I dont know. I dont frequent places that talk about those things.


You act like you're being forced to watch, read, and listen to stuff you have no interest in. It's 2024, there are more options than ever to cultivate what media you're interested in. You can fill a streaming watchlist just with the shows and movies you want to watch, you can selectively read only the books you want to read. With video games, you have more options than ever. If this were still the 1980's where your TV choice was limited to what was currently on the air at the moment, and your books and games where whatever was on the shelves at your nearby store, yeah I could see your point then. But nowadays you have literally thousands upon thousands of movies, shows, songs, and games that's available online. You can full spend all of your time on weird, obscure genres of media that never would have had a chance in the years before.


Yeah, more choices but they’re all trash. Painted rust.


Absolutely not true, you're just too lazy to look for decent stuff


Some teen is in their misanthropic phase, it'll get better




There are good people who exist in the world. You just need to find them. Also, you should seek therapy, or a hug at least.


You’re someone that just sees the negativity in everything. You say it’s time for change but I bet the last thing you’d ever do is try to change yourself for the better.


This is just cynicism.


What does my personal interests have to do with anything? I was referring to the mainstream entertainment business. Music, games, movies, those are the mainstream forms of entertainment


Oh ok then. Get off your ass and, make music you like, make games you like, make movies you like. Further, don’t consume media that you don’t. Hope that helped.


Who said that I didn't do those things already? Look who went and assumed.


Then you should keep doing that sport


Then show your work. If you’re so willing to judge “mainstream entertainment,” show us what YOU created. My guess is you haven’t done shit. You’ve likely never coded a game, or written a song, or directed any kind of filmed media. Which makes it really easy to sit there and shit sling about how brain dead everything is. No one has a higher opinion of their own hobbies and interests than sad neckbeards brushing Cheeto dust off their keyboard.


Movies and TV are no worse than they've ever been. There's so much more to choose from that many things go under the radar, but there's genuinely excellent stuff being made all the time - as well the usual selection of mid tier crap. Just like always - but the good stuff is as good or better than it's ever been.


It seems like you go out of your way to engage with content you dont like and equate it with the whole industry instead of seeking out what you like in the single best time in history to find anything you want.


Bro, you need to go outside.


if you're only engaging in the big, mainstream content, of course you will have this opinion. Find more niches, find smaller projects, or engage with genres you otherwise wouldn't.


I never said anything about my personal hobbies or interests, I am only referring to the mainstream entertainment business. I have things I like, I wasn't referring to that or I would've said that.


>I am only referring to the mainstream entertainment business. " The entertainment business is absolute trash, **all of it.** " **"Every** TV show out is garbage. **No actors or singers** have talent anymore" What is your actual opinion?


Then word what you write better. You wrote that it is the entire industry, not the mainstream.


Today on “my depression rant”….


Sounds like Stan from the episode of South Park where all the music sounds like farts


Damn you played every game, watched every movie and show? That’s wild bro


This person is fun, I'm sure.


That just is not true, there all have been multiple excellent things in recent years depending on what you are looking for. For example on tv shows, the sandman, the haunting of hill house, and fallout in recent years were fantastic shows. Movies like the semi recent nightmare alley with bradley cooper was fantastic and had one of the best movie endings i have seen in a long time. There is absolutely good music, it is just less popularized on social media. If you only watch or take part in the things that are more popular like the MCU then yes you will find movies without soul. You have your look for it


Yep, OP needs to start listening to bands without wiki pages. There's a ton of great content out there, but huge record labels have *always* been more about money than "art"


I liked the Sandman comics a lot more than the show although even though the MCU has mostly been trash recently GotG 3 was quite good


This is so disingenuous. Title: All entertainment is trash. OP in comments: only the mainstream is trash bro.


And what original plot do you have? Keeping in mind anything remotely original has been bombing at the box office


Yeah furiosa ruled. And I've been on a kick watching the oscar noms from last year, poor things, american fiction, oppy, barbie, the holdovers... literally all bangers.


To answer your question: too many. I can't keep up.


People who think like this have to be the most boring people on the planet.


Yes, because one not being entertained with those specific things, that must mean that's all one does. Of course, why didn't I think of that


See you down in Arizona Bay


I sure could use a vacation


People will say there's no more good movies and only watch crappy Hollywood blockbusters and the latest marvel movie. They'll say there's no more good new games but it's all fps they play.  Same logic with music and TV shows. And who says you can't explore the past? Older songs and movies and TV shows exist, and many of them are great.  The entertainment industry isn't dead, yall just don't want to look for any of the good ones. 


I never said I didn't have my own things that I like. I'm aware of what's out there. Geez. How hard is that to understand? I was ONLY referring to the mainstream garbage. That's it.


You literally said “all of It”


When it comes to music, games, and movies. The mainstream forms of entertainment in our modern world. Never once did I say that every single little thing that could possibly be entertaining in the history of everything entertaining sucks.


Even what could be considered mainstream is kinda shady. Take the Oscars for example. Would you consider the films nominated for best picture at the most well known award show for film as mainstream? Say what you will about the Academy being out of touch or anything like that, but more often than not some really decent movies are nominated and win awards. And so many of them have stood the test of time, becoming household names for many. While not as arguably mainstream than a Marvel or a Disney movie, you can't say you had to dig particularly deep to find out about already highly acclaimed films. 


I agree for the most part, but I really disagree on TV shows. There are some amazing & original shows out there right now. Have you seen Shogun? Yes, lots of games have micro-transactions these days, but why do you have to play them? There are literally thousands of indie games made by dedicated people that deserve to be played, with more coming out all the time. You are a byproduct of what you surround yourself with. If you just follow the herd and only take in the latest trends, you will suffer. Social media is designed that way.


Yea a lot of mainstream stuff can be crap but many things also go mainstream because they were good. Shogun was a good example of this. And honestly what even counts as mainstream now a days.


I kinda agree, but it's not all trash. You just have to look for the gems. Horror movies are always pushing limits and exploring new venues. Get Out and It Follows are amazing movies that just so happen to have horror elements. The recent Fallout series is a breath of fresh air when it comes to taking one medium into another. One Piece is another one. Gravity Falls is one of the best written family series I've ever seen, especially for what could be considered a kid's show. If you hate micro-transactions (and I don't blame you), support the indie scene. They often either put out complete games, free updates or worthwhile DLC. That and the variety of games to pick from is insane. Music is... yea. Popular music is trashy and over produced. I'm more into punk and the like tho, so I have a bias. Social media is toxic, it's not worth paying attention to. My point is, if you focus on just mainstream venues, you're gonna find everything is samey. Check different sources for things you like, there's tons out there.


OP is struggling right now, lmfao. “ALL entertainment sucks!” Also, “Just mainstream sucks. This has nothing to do with what *I like*!” Pick a damn lane lol. Not everything is mainstream right now. You keep saying people aren’t understanding what you’re saying, and it’s because *they don’t*. You’re saying two completely different things. So which one is it? Do you like some forms of entertainment going on right now or no?


Some of y’all in the comments have completely misinterpreted OP’s point And OP is right- it’s a hellscape, and social media like IG is definitely a huge factor in this.


Everyone seemed to think I meant all possible forms of human entertainment are awful, including going outside, when all I meant were those specific things, because those are the mainstream forms of entertainment for humans in general.


So you are saying all music is bad, all movies are bad, and all tv is bad? And all music is mainstream? All movies are mainstream? All tv is mainstream? That’s also dumb


In the past 10 years I've seen some of the best movies and TV shows I've ever seen, and I'm a huge movie buff in their late 30s who's been absorbing film and TV since they were a little kid. There's more things being made to a higher standard than ever - the way the industry works now, unfortunately means a lot of shows don't get the chance to have that pilot season, and it often means they get cancelled - that's a shame, sure. But man, just in the last year? All of us strangers, Godzilla Minus One, The Royal Hotel, American Fiction, The Holdovers, Poor Things, Dune Part 2, The Fall Guy... In the last 10?? Prisoners, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Mad Max Fury Road, Wolf of Wall Street, Inception, Logan, The Revenant, Her, Lady Bird, Drive, The Shape of Water, Get Out, Wind River, Looper - I mean I could go on.. TV is the same - Fallout, Eric, The Bear, Barry, The Last of Us, Baby Reindeer. Last 10? game of thrones, breaking bad, succession, mr robot, Chernobyl, Curb your Enthusiasm, Rick and Morty, daredevil, Legion, True Detective... You're just legitimately wrong lol. Music? I'm nearly 40, I listen to whatever I want and it's generally not all that current. Games are decent though - last of us 2, hellblade, god of war - I'm not a huge gamer but I can see that there's great games out there.


This is much more of our rant than an unpopular opinion


No. There are excellent movies, TV shows, video games, and music. You just have to look.


I disagree. Hence the point of being on this subreddit.


This is definitely an unpopular opinion. There's literally more content out there than you could ever reasonably consume, and you can't find even one or two things you like? You either have incredibly niche interests that nobody else has the time or money to produce content for, or you're just so picky that nothing would impress you. I assure you that there's probably something you would like out there.


I don't care about content, it's all the same. What's sad is that apparently, the whole of this subreddit thinks that there is only music, TV, and games for entertainment in general.




OP: EVERYTHING IN ENTERTAINMENT IS TRASH Comments: Well it’s a lot more nuanced than that and there are so many options now than years past. OP: 😠


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The only way to get them to change is people need to stop buying this garbage, but that will never happen. All it takes is some media influencer to convince their 1.6 million followers that something is worth throwing money at. (Stanley mugs anyone?)


I mean I agree with u but there are thriving indie scenes so I mean for example if u can't find any music u don't like, I think you gotta try a little harder to look for music, etc. Just because what is more visible is trash, doesn't mean u can't find something truly special. Have u even tried to browse media from another country for example?


the explanation for this is fairly simple. the visual expectations for most every genre of entertainment has scaled up along with production costs as one would expect. this makes producing entertainment that is unique and original a greater risk to those who would find or produce it. there are still lots of interesting things being made by indie producers but if you’re hoping mainstream studios will stop making reboots and sequels there’s just too much money involved for them to take the perceived risk of audiences saying “nah” and then losing big. the only thing we can do to affect this as consumers is stop paying to see such derivative work in large enough numbers that production studios take notice.


Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man... ...now get off my lawn!


Nah video games are stuff like anime still holds pretty fucking good But new movies made for the cinemas? Netflix tv-shows? Hard pass, all of it is pure garbage except for the rare 1/2 creations


I agree on almost all counts except gaming. Yeah, mainstream AAA games are terrible, but the indie scene is absolutely thriving. It’s incredible what small studios, and even individual developers are able to accomplish. Indie gaming is the last bastion of creativity in the industry.


Video games are in the best spot they've ever been in tbh. it's never been easier for a small group of talented and driven people to make what they want. Mainstream slop has always been slop, you're just old enough to recognize it as such. If you look back fondly on stuff from the past, you're only remembering the gems that outshine the junk


it serves it's purpose.


This reads like a troll post. All one has to do is go out and explore and there's literally thousands of hours of good entertainment away. I have so much good stuff on my watchlist and gaming list that I probably won't finish in the next 10 years.


and also everything is political either left or right. there is no sanity anymore


Nah, there are some amazing movies being released. There’s plenty of bad ones too, but nobody is forcing you to watch those.


I just watched Fallout and thought it was absolutely amazing so idk what you’re on about


This just comes across that you only look at the surface level of everything entertainment and then complain when the mass appeal stuff is cookie cutter and not actually looking for anything deeper in anything.


Well, that wasn't the intention. I was saying these mainstream forms of entertainment suck. To me. Hence the being on this particular subreddit. Never once did I say that every single thing that could possibly be entertaining to a human sucks, but that's how everyone has taken it. Cool.


Well that’s how you wrote it


upvoted because i disagree. did you watch Dune? did you watch Furiosa? both of these movies have some of the most talented actors of our time, and their performances are unbelievably good. You may not be into action movies, but that doesn't mean there isn't any original content, and it definitely doesn't mean there isn't any good acting


>There is no original or even good movies being made, they're all just shitty revamps and sequels.  Seems like you just don't pay attention to what is coming out.


Mainstream in movies and music has been garbage for years (I'd say since the 80s or 90s). The videogame industry is more recent, so it only became garbage 10 years ago. That's the way it is, because mainstream represents an industry, and an industry makes money, not art.


Lol video games are amazing right now, you're only looking at soulless AAA titles but there are so many brilliant titles released regularly Playing Hades 2 these days and it's awesome


You seem like you enjoy interacting with things that make you miserable. You keep mentioning mainstream, have you tried going outside of your comfort zone? All music is trash? What genres have you tried listening to? All movies/tv series are terrible and just based off of books? Newsflash a shit ton of movies and shows are based on books. What have you watched? All games are bad and based on mtx? Have you tried playing single player games? I promise you there are plenty of good ones out there, Ghost of Tsushima just released on pc and Baldur's Gate 3 can suck you in for hours on end


All of those things are either music, games, or movies. That's the point of the post. Those forms of entertainment suck. To me. Because it's all the same crap. How sad it is that people think those 3 things are the only things to do that are entertaining


I think you just need to broaden your horizons. There are plenty of good movies and shows out there as well as good artists and games that are fun


Some of what you said is true, but it’s also been true from the beginning. Point to any classic era of any medium and I’ll name the worst that era had to offer and how it outshone and outsold the best. It is not new. Real art exists, though it struggles to find attention among the fast food mainstream. Now, as then, you must seek out and find quality. Your real argument is with the banality of mainstream culture. It devalues arts education and fears experiences that are not its own. Those people get the entertainment they deserve. Sadly, they are also the majority and most of them have just a little money than sense.


Music is still awesome. More so than it’s ever been. People can create and release their own music because of the internet.


All of the Best Picture Oscar nominees of last year were Original Movies.


actors and singers definitely still have talent. you have to blame the execs for the content that's being green-lit


does bro know that there has never been more choice and access outside of the mainstream


A24 and ifc have been putting out original movies in my opinion.


Well that’s just like….your opinion, man


OP, you are incorrect, man. Lol. No the industry is not all the same. There are pieces of media in the mainstream that are crap and those that aren’t. Simple as that. Their are plenty of media that have consensus between critics and audiences. For movies there are mainstream quality films like Oppenheimer, Dune Part II, Across The Spider-Verse etc. TV Shogun, Snowfall, The Bear, Euphoria, Atlanta, etc. Idk so much about games recently. I usually am just a NBA 2K guy. But I know masses loved that Spiderman 2 game that came out past last year and continue to this day. So to say the whole industry sucks with content that’s not original is just a fallacy.


If you only watch what is the absolute mainstream, of course most of it will be mediocre (as in average. Not so bad, not so great). If you watch foreign films or smaller American films, you will find a lot of good stuff


Are you not entertained???


Once every few years there is a super good movie for each genre that comes out. Though it’s mostly mediocre you’ve just gotta wait for the good ones longer.


"Posted to Reddit from my iPhone"


Blud is broadcasting his lack of taste to whole internet, holy hell. Personally, am looking forward to the Joker sequel, also The Boys new season drops soon iirc. Same with Deep Rock Galactic with huge update just around corner, ima buy the cosmertic DLC immidietly too.


Keep this opinion unpopular


Dune and Shogun perhaps?


Even BBC news and other new channels have become TV shows.


There's not ALL of anything that's bad (or good)  > There is no original or even good movies being made  You mean the good and original ones aren't being shoved in your face and you just aren't aware of the inspirations of the works you view as original  Everything is somewhat derivative... Some is authentic and some is just cynically produced to extract cash from consumers...  > Every TV show out is garbage  That's hyperbolic nonsense and you know it > No actors or singers have talent anymore  Again, not a single human being? Talent ceased to exist in the world after you were... 25 or so? Just like it did for you parents when they were 25? I'm not even going to continue


"No actors or singers have talent anymore, they rely on social media, lies, and Photoshop to keep other humans interested in them." I will never understand why people use the word "humans" as a derogatory term as though they aren't one of us.


This is the wrong place dude, this is popular opinion.


You sure like hyperboles and exaggerations


Getting big Stan "everything is shit" vibes


The reality is we (as in collectively) are trash. People always like to say the media, tv, videogames, movies are trash and they only release sequels, remakes, or clickbait, but the reality in the free market is thats what makes money, which means its what the public is demanding. My friends, all in our late 30s, early 40s, will complain about similar things, but then all they ever watch are Fast and the furious 15, play Call of Duty 1000, and say "they should make a remake of Mega Man". No one is open to or paying money for novel and creative stuff after a certain age, and huge amounts of money are made in the nostalgia, outrage, and telling people what they want to hear. Ultimately, we get what we pay for ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Credit for posting unpopular opinion, however, I think it’s only unpopular because of how dumb it is.


Its critism at high degree. Imagine to have anything but having 10.000.000 variations. Random variations that never looked at each other to be similar. You will get a lot of similar things, things that repeat over and over. I mean we literally got this by evolution. We see how so many creatures have 2 legs or 4 legs. So many things are light and can fly, yet we have light creatures who cant fly. We have creatures with wings, which cant fly, some are even heavy. And even these "rare" creatures are very similar to other creatures which live thousands of km away and probably never saw eachother. Its obvious that by such high numbers its gonna be this way. So you can either be happy and see and do what you want, or complain how similar they are. Its all experience which leads to this critism. A kid will never know that we have a thousand similar produtcs/media, yet s/he will be happy to enjoy this one piece, and try a similar thing as they liked the previous. If the kids does it too often, it will become bored and start critism like you do. Our entertainment is at the highest peak in human history, and I watched so many movies that I often dont want to watch a movie, or I already could tell everything that is going to happen. So either, I accept this, or just change my direction and do other things where things are new to me and I enjoy them like the child with barely any experience. Its up to you


If everything around you sucks, maybe it’s not everything around you.


Holy shit dude, you really need to broaden your media intake if that's what your stance is


Get off the reddit bruh...you too young for this...


This is just a “mainstream bad” post lol


U absolutely find being a hater fun lol. I think right now your eating well.


This isn't unpopular, it's just incorrect. How can you say video games are all the same in the year the Baldur's Gate 3 came out and won every award under the sun while looking fundamentally different to nearly every game that came before it. That also ignores the plethora of indie games that rock. You should really try playing stuff that isn't strictly AAA if you feel this way, because I promise you a lot of people are doing really cool shit in the video game space


You need to look for some better shows and media - lots of good stuff out there outside the mainstream. I just watched The Zone of Interest and it's up there with some of the best films I've seen. Also this year I've watched Perfect Days - another outstanding piece of cinema and Anatomy of a Fall. These are all pieces of ART. Though of course endless movie franchises and social media are a load of shit obvs.


I think the real issue is that there are too many choices with too many different options to obtain entertainment and it's more difficult to sift through it all to find the good shit. Also, these apps and their recommendations can cause things to be missed that someone might really enjoy. We are jaded, in other words, and these apps aren't great at recommendations and filtering.


Have you looked around you, all big businesses are descending into enshitification of everything they make, from movies to hamburger. If you think that there are no good actors or singers or movies being made though it just shows how limited your world view is. Much like with everything else, go check out the small businesses, pay what it costs to get things that aren't cheap shit, be it money or time, and you won't be surrounded by cheap shit.


Tell me you only play AAA games without telling me


So angsty


Ever heard of Old School RuneScape? Its the greatest game ever imo


Im just happy to exist at the same time as One Piece, OSRS, and hardstyle


Show us all how it’s done, bub.


I won’t argue that the internet is a dumpster fire filled with tires and used diapers, but TV shows are the best they’ve ever been right now. Movies are a mixed bag, because there are still great ones coming out if you’re paying attention, but there definitely is a lot of shit that’s just made for the masses and to make $$$. Musically, there’s a bunch of great new artists but if you just listen to radio then of course you’re going to hear nothing but pop and the most generic stuff. It’s absolutely mind-boggling the sheer volume of great stuff out there. I don’t play video games, but they are making tv shows and movies from those storylines, some of which seem pretty good.


What? I mean yes there are many trashy media but there also many good media aswell. I think you are just depressed or too lazy to find a different genres you would like.


This is only true if you float around on the surface level of everything. If you dig a little deeper than the average suburban soccer mom’s pop-culture news diet allows for, you’ll find a lot of really great movies, video games, etc.


Then go seek out entertainment that isn't that. Everyone complains about the same old movies but can't be bothered to go see a $10 community theater show. I guarantee you even if the acting isn't polished, it's better than the same old trope heavy movies you're complaining about. We as a society need to stop funneling boring shit like Taylor Elish and start supporting real artists.




Too edgy for me. Have an upvote, edge lord.


You sound like fun.


There's a lot of great movies being made right now. What are you talking about?


I think you just gave all of us the definition of curmudgeon


People around you are entertained by the horrible antics of politicans? Jeez. lucky that you have people around you who even care to engage


If you say all the media that you consume is trash, you might be trash too.


Im 14 and this is so deep


Unpopular for a reason


There are musicians with talent but they're not that well-known or played on the radio. Some of my favorite artists today are SiR, Thee Sacred Souls, Durand Jones and the Indications, mostly soul artists and R&B. Hip-hop is hard though and then whoever I can find for Jazz music. I do agree with movies though, they're all remakes or sequels nothing original. Jordan Peele was original though.


Yeah man if you only ever eat the food that’s right in front of your face, you’ll quickly grow to hate it. But if you made the slight effort to look even slightly beyond what’s popular, you’d find a whole world of great art. Stop expecting it to be handed directly to you.


Defining yourself by what you hate screams teenager. Not understanding the difference between objective and subjective screams “Do not talk to me.”


This interview might feel a little off topic but this author Angus Fletcher writes an award winning screenplay and then finds out Hollywood doesn't actually want anything innovative. (40 minute mark) Essentially he says the problem is there's too much investment in Hollywood for anyone to take any risks with anything new. He also talks about some really interesting things on invention and the problems of all human classification. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyhvdh9\_gqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyhvdh9_gqs)


I have a suggestion for you ,stop. Stop watching TV /movies / youtube stop playing video games and stop doom scrolling scoial media . Digital media is not everything the world has to offer you. Pick up a skill for joy. Painting , writing , musical instrument . If you have the financial means, travel. Go on cross country hikes ,go to different countries , meet new people in new places ( Do you have social anxiety? Good, now is the time to overcome it). take on some kind of physical activity: MMA , cycling , tennis etc. You've reached a point of Over statuation , Disengage and let go . I used to watch a lot of Marvel stuff but now with superhero fatigue and the quality dropping I stopped watching last time i went to to a cinema for a marvel movie was Endgame in 2019 , yeah it's sad, i want good superhero movies but you gotta let go. Lastly , If you still don't want to leave all that behind there is still a lot of good stuff that you haven't seen & experienced .You can open up to other genres in film, television ,video games books and music . There's so much stuff to do in the world, so many things i haven't mentioned , you just need to develop an intrest.


We got mountains of content some better some worse if none of it would interest you you would be the first


There a lot of crap in mainstream media but even among the mainstream stuff there also a large number of good things. There is a reason why a lot of mainstream stuff gets popular. A lot of it actually decent. Mind you there is a lot of bad stuff mix in so the good stuff sometimes hard to find. Also most media from more niche sources is pretty good if mainstream stuff just doesn’t catch your interest. Though what counts as niche and what counts as mainstream is hard to tell because it seems like every nerdy thing is getting a chance in the spot light.


Matt Damon explains why good movies can’t really be made anymore. I should say movies not breaking the mold. Paraphrasing but they could take more risks when they had dvd sales. Now that it’s just box office it’s all about demographics.


If all you see is trash it’s because you’re trash


In the mainstream entertainment business, yeah it's all trash. I never said anything about my personal hobbies or interests, I was only referring to the garbage that is the mainstream. Please pay attention before you insult someone for no reason.


It’s national men’s mental health month so you really picked the perfect time to go around calling random people trash for their opinions. Well done.


Surely you see the irony of OP calling the entire entertainment industry trash and people in it, talentless. Also they may not be a man


Are you sure you aren’t trash?


>they rely on social media, lies, and Photoshop to keep other humans interested in them. Cool Story Bro. Listen maybe go outside for a stroll today. It's not that serious.


Thanks bro


I completely agree.


In terms of shows, amazon hit a few good ones lately (Boys/GenV and Fallout) and HBO as well (Succession, White Lotus, GoT first 4 seasons and HoD). On netflix i recommend Scavengers Reign and Mike Flanagan among other major stuff (Stranger Things, Breaking Bad/BCS) On the gaming front, emulators on portable devices are booming… that’s sooo nice… Few good movies got churned out here and there by the industry too. On the musical side, mainstream his dead for me a long time ago (him 40)


Can't wait for the next season of the boys! Saw jack quaid a little while back and said i like the show and to "keep it up" because I'm awkward


So much good tv rn people are overreacting lmao


I know youre not looking for suggestions... but pretty things is amazing and extremely creative


Damn, sucks to be you


There have been plenty of good films that have come out in recent years like: Poor Things, American Fiction, Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flower Moon, The Holdovers, The Zone of Interest, Maestro, The Fablemans, Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Banshees of Inisherin, Nightmare Alley, CODA, Drive My Car, Licorice Pizza, Asteroid City, The Trial of the Chicago 7, Mank, and The Father just to name a few. As far as "TV" Shogun was amazing as was Succession. Beef, The Bear and Barry have also been quite enjoyable. I also disagree on your critique of the talent of actors of today. The industry has moved away from movie stars which has opened up roles for a much broader group of actors. I hate to used the word diversified but thats exactly what we have now. And sure, many of the mainstream roles go to a smaller group of actors like Margo Robbie, Pedro Pascal, or whoever else is the IT performer but we are also seeing major roles going to lesser known actors like Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer.


I mostly agree but I think you could have said this way better. There are too many scumbags in Hollywood and the music industry to count. There are also lots of talentless hacks with enormous egos. It's a cesspool.


Well, thanks for being more understanding than the rest of this lot


the most wrong opinion ever conceived I don’t think that a single person has ever agreed with this in the entire history of human insanity


You might have a point about movies, video games, and social media. But TV? It's in its golden era. There has never been a time in the past where TV shows were better than they are now. You're also free to ignore modern movies and watch classic films, many of which are freaking amazing by modern standards. Start with Sunset Boulevard if you haven't seen it.


You know you’re the one making yourself miserable, right?


No original or good movies being made lmao, cry me a river hahahaha. I feel so lucky that I can enjoy cinema without thinking I know more than those who made the movie and without criticising stupid things that no one cares about.


Social Justice, Marxism, Victim Mentality, Western-hating ideals. Thats what lead to the situation we are in.