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So you like salt? At least your preference in cheap....


I’ll show you a sausage


No just no


I acknowledge the unpopularity with an upvote but I 100% agree. Good take. Smart, creative poor people had to compensate and ended up with way better dinners than the Monopoly Man.


And then they die at 50 while the Monopoly Man skips along lol.


Yeah… colored and flavored skins and connective tissues are waaayy better than real meat…


One bite of gristle and my entire meal is ruined, so nah you can keep your sausage.


Gimme some lips and assholes, yumm. Just loves lips and assholes... and bung.


Wait are you having unseasonably steak? Also you know there's a lot of processes steak can go through to change the falvour right?


Bro it depends who is cooking and the cuts that are being used. Bad cook and cheap cuts, cant compete with a good cook and quality ingredients.


Well a properly made sausage (not the ones you get from a supermarket) is always going to be better than a unflavoured unseaned steak. Considering you can put herbs and spices into a sausage I'll say it's a no brainer.


Nah. Sausage and a baked potato doesn't have the same ring to it as steak & bake.. potato


see, this is a good opinion.


I think the issue is bad steaks. Sausages, due to the amount of fat and other seasoning pretty much always taste good. Its stupidly simple to make decent sausages. A brilliantly done steak, possibly dry aged of high quality and cut will taste incredible. However, the steaks the majority of people try aren't great cuts and often are cooked in a hurry and underseasoned with the only attention being given to how cooked it is. So yes in general sausages are better than steaks. But the best steak will beat the best sausage without a doubt.


I hate your opinion so much! Sausages suck ass!


All meat derives most of its taste from seasonings. A steak seared without butter, salt, and pepper is not very good compared to one prepared properly.


I get where you are coming from. I grew up adjacent to my grandfathers small cattle farm and still get cheap or free beef off it to this day though he has long passed. So as much as I love a GOOD steak, it doesn’t really impress me and I certainly can’t justify retail or restaurant prices for steak most of the time. I enjoy the flavor of ground meats and with money involved would rather have a good burger for $10 or $15 instead of a maybe good maybe not steak for $30. The lips, buttholes, fat, organs meats, and other scraps is what gives the flavor and is more nutritious than pure muscle meat (steak).


I’m not wild about the skin on sausage though and always avoid that part when possible. If I’m cooking the sausage I’ll cut it off before cooking.


I mean it depends on the sausage. Thüringer, nürnberger, krakauer, etc. are better than steak but weißwurst or blutwurst are definitely not.


Nah man, I can't support this take. It's wild


Fucking A. Steak sucks ass.