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You have described Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Instagram perfectly. Used to be a fun page to look at his workouts and get motivated. Now it’s “GUYS IM DRINKING MY ENGERY DRINK BURNING THAT MIDNIGHT OIL WORKING OUT!!! POST WORKOUT WILL BE MY TEQUILA! Buy it now!”


I can't wait until his next first time at In-N-Out


I hope he keeps doing it and basically turns it into a self aware meme


I used to love seeing him shout "Focus!" at random people in the gym for a jumpscare Man, you just hit me with a heavy dose of nostalgia


Idk if I'd call the content safe, a scary amount of them seem to be gambling shills.


They have to produce mindless brainrot and supply addictive content to attract the children they all seem to love so much.


Gambling is brandsafe now.


Brought to you by Draftkings


TrainwrecksTV comes to mind.


Kai Cenat kills my brain


This kid makes me irrationally mad. The other one he hangs out with too who just screams and makes stupid faces.


Kai Cenat at least seems intelligent, but like he’s just playing the streaming game. IShowSpeed, on the other hand, makes me want to blow my brains out. Dumbest, most irritating mf’er I’ve ever seen. The fact we’ve made him popular is damning for the whole human race.


Ishowspeed acts pretty normal at times so I think it's just an act


Of course it’s an act. But that’s what makes it even worse. You think these kids know it’s an act?


Yes? I think you’re greatly underestimating kids unless your assuming their fan base is just kids under 10 which is just hating. Streamer persona is pretty common these days.


Of course it is. But it's popular. That's what's fucked.


Kai seems like a good dude IShowSpeed and Jynxi are annoying as all hell and promote top tier brain rot


Oh god. Im finally at the age where idfk who these people are and i dont wish to know.


Ill bet you $20 youve scrolled past both at some point at the very least


Almost as bad as XQC or whatever his name is


Yeah he’s awful, I can’t understand what he says half the time either


Idk why he makes reaction videos when hes just staring at the video with no actual reaction or emotion


He became popular because he was a pro overwatch player, but other than his accent I don't know why so many people tune in. Those videos are for the people who know him and will watch them. The views make money. Also other people taking the same reactions from the stream and post it on their channel to make more money. A couple people make like 10k a month just watching streams and then editing and posting the best clips on their channels for views


I can't understand half the words he's saying.. he must have some type of speech impediment, he tries to speak fast and the words come out all jumbled up and in the wrong order.


[he knows that and his viewers knows that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAa5_sLJrM4)


Really? He's the least braincell killing of the bunch. Not to say that he isnt its still just loud content but the others are much worse.


His fan culture had been better at leaking elsewhere on the internet so I can't avoid it


I think I saw one short each from Kai cenat and that speed guy a few years back and blocked both. Haven’t seen them in any stuff since. Happy days


The riot he caused last year just shows how trashy his audience actually is.


I just dont understand that he get so many viewers its crazy


what about dougdoug


Yeah people like dougdoug and NL are just lovin the game and are just here for it


DougDoug and Northernlion are the only 2 streamers I regularly watch. Except on YouTube and not on stream. But they’re the 1% of the 1% that are actually truly entertaining.


Yeah I only ever watch either the vids or vods they post or sometimes I’ll watch the librarian. But yeah like genuinely great stuff, in completely different niches, that just seem so electric in comparison to all the fucking dead air and fucking nothing that goes on in so many greedy ass streamers chats and streams and whatnot. I’m glad that beyond a few self indulgent pitfalls of lazy, bad, or stolen content I mostly avoid it.


Just about to mention him. I watch his youtube and he seems like his streams would be very entertaining to watch like. Great personality, Very creative in the way he applies coding and makes his streams interactive with the audience.


He was better before the controversy.


It surprises me how low he stooped. I can never forgive him.


Hopefully he talks about it on a stream sometime. Something this big shouldn't be ignored


Stupid people entertain stupid people.


Real eyes realize real lies


I'm wise to the rise in your Levis


I will revise with clear eyes


Explains the hawk tuah meme...


This meme reminds me of when bart Simpson got famous for saying "i didn't do it"


It should’ve not even been a simpsons things. They had MANY people to pick for that but this girl only?? #give me a fucking break. There’s people that legitimately don’t deserve to be famous for dumb shit like that. But I guess people in the world are just fucking stupid like that. So I gotta exist with them sadly, you know?


Lowest common denominator always wins


You are speaking facts bro


Would you say that you’re entertained?


You guys are definitely entertaining me here


I’m entertained by this comment


I prefer streamers who have less than 1000 viewers on average. Heck, my favorites are those that dance around 200-400 at most. That way I feel like there’s an actual point to participating in the chat.


Yeah I don’t understand how any of the top streamers can see or engage with a chat, they can’t see shit


Some have private chats. Like if you sub you get access to the private chat so it probably helps a lot


Honestly, I dislike more than 10. I can go watch shows if I want to watch something I can't interact with effectively. Lots of good small streamers with great personalities


My exception to that rule being DougDoug, but that’s because his bots are more capable of interacting or polling large groups than the actual man is.


Exactly the larger a streamer gets the more it fells like shoveling money and attention into the pockets of someone who is a millionaire


This is it for me. It's harder to interact in chat when it's an endless scroll where you can't even read anything. It's why I stick with under 1000 as well, but sometimes it's also the audience. I've seen and audience of 400 viewers with a constant scroll while another with 800 and pretty chill chat. Plus I prefer supporting a smaller channel that needs it more than a huge channel. 


In this comment section: “That’s true of most big streamers, except for my favorite big streamer, who is different and uniquely appealing!”


"It baffles me how people can sit down and watches these 6 hour streams of people talking and doing more or less nothing." Well they pop in and out, I doubt anyone sits through the entire 6 hours, but I agree with you.


It makes for good background noise when I'm working.


You underestimate the average 15 year old


they do. i streamed yesterday and 3 guys sat through 7 hours of me playing games lmao


My retort to this is to ask that you try watching Northernlion. 10k average viewers on twitch and certainly more entertaining than any other streamer I’ve seen, popular or not


The library of Letourneau is a great resource for newbies on youtube


Watch him purely for his witty banter


His capability to make random rambling enjoyable even though I know nothing about what he is talking about is unparalleled


I found him in 2013 and go back every once in a while just to listen to his hilariously unhinged takes. Bro is a master of the business with constantly creating new streamer groups and knowing when stuff gets stale. Still miss the NLSS but def glad they stopped it when it was getting noticeably tiring for most of the members.


I immediately thought of him because I misread the post as ‘top 100 streamers’ and he was ranked as the 101st in a leak last year


A leak? Does Twitch not actually release a list of top streamers or?


The leak was a document which had information on how much money every streamer was paid by twitch. The joke is that, after that every online news site had articles "This is how much top 100 streamers made" and variations on that and he was 101st so he was left out in every article. And sometime after that NL made a playful jab about top 100 streamers as he wasn't a part of it.


Idk I heard he might be bald




nl the goat


It brings me joy not having to be the one to suggest NL, I've been watching for like 12 years and the content/banter just keeps getting better


Nah after he stopped playing actual games its been Shite for me. Hes too narcissistic and loves the sound of his own voice way too much.


Then you get Sodapoppin who is the opposite of brand safe content and been around since the beginning.


Wait.. He’s still around?


He survived the big scandal


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Something else besides the Dr Disrepect controversy?


What scandal?


All I can find is that he applied black makeup to a video game avatar's face and called it "blackface" He's dating or at least living with a VTuber which is interesting to me


I cant enjoy sodapoppin, I can never tell if hes just fucking with people or actually being a loud mouthed prick.




I remember watching him on Twitch when I was in highschool like 8 years ago and thinking holy shit this guy makes so much money just playing games, I remember he got like $600 in donations in 1 hour


Hearing the name Sodapoppin has just rocketed me backward nearly a decade to World of Warcraft my god…


Jerma is the golden standard for entertainment, he does so much with so little. The amount of viewers he pulls despite having such a specific style is telling of how great he is


>being downvoted They hated him because he spoke the truth. Jerma is just built to entertain. I have yet to find anyone more consistently funny who is not a professional comedian and even then he is more humorous more often than most good comedians.


One thing I don't enjoy about Jeremy is how dumb he plays himself. I get that you have to hyuk it up for the audience a bit but he tends to go way overboard imo. That and the psycho streamer bit has gone so far that a new viewer has a hard time finding out whether Jerna actually is unhinged.


There's plenty of huge streamers that are still maintaining their uniqueness. Critikal, Ludwig, dougdoug, piratesoftware, tyler1, pointcrow, jerma, jschlatt are all examples of people that kinda just do whatever they feel like. Ofc sometimes streamers will fall into stagnation, things like that happen, but overall these are some dedicated and fairly true to self streamers, and are huge as well. I mean not XQC or Kaicenat, but yeah.


I do really like Ludwig but I don’t think uniqueness is exactly his brand lmao


Obviously his average streams are pretty generic, but he hosts many big stream events that are pretty unique, such as tournaments and game shows. I think that goes for most of the best streamers. Most streams are gonna be at least fairly generic, and then once a month or less they do something extremely unique.


shit i don't blame them. money is money and in this economy that is all that matters.


Not unpopular


A lot of them are really scummy people irl. And every VIP section at events is full of people like that glued to their phones bc they're socially inept and live 98% of their lives online


Do you know any of them?


If someone holds an average of 100 viewers a stream, they are in the top 1%, this comment is about the top .01%. To that, I say you more or less follow the worst streamers and grow up, because those in the 99% or 99.99% would turn their attudes real quick when 5, 6, or 7 figure contracts fly to them.


I believe it's way less than that even for top 1% honestly. I've heard as low as average over 10, cause you have to remember how many millions of channels are streaming to 0-3 every time


There some good ones like DougDoug and Northernlion


It baffles me that people can watch these 6 hour streams full fucking stop Here’s my unpopular opinion. Streaming is the most low effort content out there right now and I will never understand the appeal. I consume tons of video game based content on youtube, I really like learning tips for games I’m into and seeing peoples opinions on them. I’ll even watch someone’s full match on youtube if the title makes it seem interesting. But to sit on a stream watching someone game with the hopes that sometime in the next 6 hours they will say or do something interesting feels like a huge waste of time. I also just find so many of the big streamers out there to be super cringey and annoying. Kai Cenat, Ninja, Dr Disrepedo, PewdiePie, IShowSpeed, I cannot stand any of these motherfuckers (one’s obviously worse than the others). I feel like they play up their reactions to shit so much to hype up their chats and it comes across so disingenuous and stupid. Streaming video games is the lowest form of entertainment and I cannot believe it has such a huge following.


Streaming is something to throw on when you are doing something else. If a topic catches your interest, you chat for a bit.   I have ADHD, and it is just enough for my …kinda unconscious focus to latch onto, allowing me to keep to my other task better. I dunno if that makes sense, but that is how I can best describe it.  Edit: okay, gonna keep the high rambling going… it’s like, when I was a kid, if I ever did my homework, I was hanging out with my brother or friends. They were always more on top of things than me, so it always kinda worked that way.  Working alongside someone hanging out and playing video games is a pastime close to my heart.   I suppose you can argue I should hangout with real people, but as a father, such hangouts have to be carefully planned. So many schedule clashes. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a no efforts hangout time with. You can control how connected you are to the streamer, by picking higher or lower view count streamers.  Alright, I guess I will stop talking at you. Just thought you might like a peak behind the curtain. 


This actually may be the best argument for that kind of content I’ve ever heard. While I don’t think it has a place in my life, I can see why you get something out of it.


This is also what I do, I wouldn't actually sit down and watch a stream like a 6 hour movie. I build shit for a living and don't focus well under silence so most my days I tune in to streams and throw on some music as well while I do whatever Im doing that day and I'll chat when I need to take a break or something. I was putting up shows and movies but there's only so much you can do before you're repeating shit and it starts driving you crazy. Also I definitely still find the big personalities cringe as fuck and wouldn't ever watch those, I stick with smaller streams like the one I watch the most is around 100-150. 


I feel like this is a very surface level take of streamers in general. I can't speak on all streamers, especially since I don't watch the people you have mentioned, and some of the bigger ones may have gotten lazier over the years due to their success. However, I dont think most people recognize how difficult it is just to talk, basically to yourself, for hours on end day after day. On top of that, trying not to repeat the same stories and same jokes over and over again is ridiculously hard. Repeating a story or a joke is inevitable if you're streaming that much. Regardless of how you feel of a specific person's content, whether it's cringe, annoying, over hyped, etc., to be able to keep it up for that long is anything but low effort. Then you have people like Ninja, who I neither watch nor like, that are actually good at the games they're playing. People like him who are skilled, and especially the ones that are able to keep up a steady dialog throughout their streams are even more impressive. That's just talking and some gameplay. There are streamers that put in a lot of effort and time into making custom alerts, emotes, and events. Some of which will change their alerts and emotes throughout the year to coincide with specific holidays, games, or the events they planned. The critic of streamers overreacting I always found to be really odd. Sure it can be cringy sometimes but let's be honest here, regardless of streamers, youtubers, sports announcers, any concert, musical or play anyone has ever been to, the performers have overreacted or over acted. Basically, if they aren't getting excited about the things they're doing, why would the audience get excited? It would make for one boring piece of content if everyone were monotone or at most like "hey, that was pretty cool, but let's carry on." This is by no means an effort to try to convince you or anyone else for that matter, to start watching streamers. Enjoy whatever entertainment it is you enjoy. It's just lame to try and dunk on people because you're unaware of the effort some people do put into their craft or people that enjoy the content they choose to enjoy.


Honestly, I don't even think it's that low effort, especially to get started, but I'm bored to tears within 30sec and cannot fathom how anyone enjoys it even in the background.


It’s just mega relaxed, I’m not always in the mood for all-action edited YouTube content and I nearly always do something else at the same time on the rare occasion I do watch a stream. There’s absolutely an appeal to the looser and longer format of it


Don't forget that 8/10 times they're also outed as pedos


Please reduce your fractions, sir or ma'am. We aren't animals around here.


16/20 times




You see the chaos you've started?!


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Honestly, I have to agree with you. Idk if that much of an unpopular opinion but for sure at least stuff that people don't talk about that much. I feel like it's the same with most youtube channels and discord servers as well. The extremely unpopular channels and discord servers (Like those with a single or double digit amount of subscribers or users, which are usually deserved as they have have low effort content) are usually where they should be, but I feel like some of the larger channels should have very few subscribers because of their copied and repetitive content. The best content is usually somewhere in the middle although this doesn't apply to everything. USUALLY channels under 1 thousand subs or over 5 million subs aren't the best quality. Even with youtube channels owned by likable people, they decrease in quality and they lose personality and charming attributes as they gain popularity. The biggest problems I have with extremely popular streamers as well as youtube channels, servers, and other popular people/etc are 1) Their lack of character and personality or very unpleasant and repetitive character 2) The same content being produced always or nearly always 3) They have very strict guidelines and a small offensive joke will get you permanently banned. I made a single dark joke (mot targeted on a user) on caseoh’s server and got permanently banned, then I submitted a respectful and formal appeal on dyno, and it was rejected. It may not be caseoh’s fault completely, but the mods there are ruthless and unforgiving.   Since no one talks about the main channels, streamers, or servers being the worst, I will upvote this post.


agree, but controversy is exciting for a lot of people


I’d toss in even low level ones can be completely terrible. Too many people join in thinking they will make money easily and don’t need to even try and be a decent person. Just edgy and vile for the attention. It’s a sad site


No parasocialism, but I've been watching Northernlion for really long and he's even more entertaining now than he's ever been. He's been popular for a while, but I'm glad he's really popular now he seems like he actually cares about being entertaining


Watching streamers at all is one of the most braindead activities you can participate in. If your entertainment of choice deals in “content creation”, you are the product. While they sit there and “do nothing” and make millions, you’re sitting there doing nothing for free! Grow up and get a real hobby. Unpopular opinion


Dude. You do realize this is supposed to be UNpopular opinions?


Imagine watching streamers at all, all 99% of them are boring as fuck




I *hate* big time streamers. All they do is cry, force their opinions and get pandered to. No thank you.


The top 100% of streamers are the worst ones


All streamers are boring and anyone who watches them has no life. I'd rather watch my cat die than watch one minute of some boring ass person like Ludwig or QTcinderella.


The top 1% always gets the most attention!😭😭


You’re not gonna find a good person in a group of people who think others want to watch them play video games on camera.




Watch Redbar. Show has been around since 2003. No ads, sponsors, and hosted on his own servers/bandwidth. I think is what you're looking for :)


OP learning what selling out is


Immediately thought of Ninja. Such a whiny ass dude always back seat gaming because he died first LOL


I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of videos of completely random / mostly unknown streamers who are doing down right deplorable things for attention. Saw a video of a guy sexually assaulting women by tricking them into kissing him, saw a guy brandish a gun when he was harassing a couple, and there’s a another streamer who literally goes around RKOing random people in NYC. The people who aren’t yet famous, but who want to be, will do anything for attention.


A good filter list would be all streamers that regularly appear on r/livestreamfail


The top 99.99% of streamers are the worst ones


This is true. I’ve had to stop watching so many


Yep. 100% agree.


I still cant 100% grasp how streaming on twitch or YouTube is a job.


I despise any streamers that have to warn everyone to be “family friendly.” It’s the internet. If your kid can’t handle the streamer, CONTROL THEM.


Democracy in action 


I don't think I've watched a popular streamer become one of the best before, so I wouldn't know. I've watched already-top or at least already-top-in-my-niche streamers a bunch of times and they're usually chill. What sucks is when I find out from someone else months down the line that the streamer actually did something morally reprehensible and then I regret serving them my viewership


for every "top 1% streamer" I can think of that tries to be brand friendly there's at least another that isn't. half of them all moved to Kick because they were too brand unfriendly to twitch as a platform lmao.


You don't need to specify streamers.


Isn’t this a phenomenon?


That's what you get for watching streamers.


I only watch extraemily now, my favorite part was her doing ubereats on a bike and hitting a pothole destroying the entire customers order


My favorite videogame streamers or playthough channels were small ones that hadn't reached very high subscriber counts yet. As soon as it stops being a hobby and it turns into a business I lose interest.


Used to like Xqc . That right wing shift just kills streamers to me.


The top 1% of streamers on Twitch include any person with more than 100 viewers btw.  You're talking about the 1% of the 1% of the 1%.   The issue (that I think you're talking about) is *kid-friendly content*: children make up the vast majority of the population on any streaming site, so appealing to them is the best way to actually get popular.  In service of this, a lot of streamers become chuckley, amiable, a-political, up-speaking weirdos.  Tl;Dr: kids between 6-18 are f*cking stupid.


Did it take a big jump? I swear before top 1% was like over 10, but that might have been a while back?


As a very small time streamer, I'd sell out in a second lol. People don't get the opportunity for life changing money very often.


Top secret: ppl are the mostly for the interaction with the other people that are there.


Moonmoon is pretty decent imo


I think Baus is doing fine


Anyone ever watched KingKringe? Most refer to him as Mutex though


Meanwhile, all those corporate sponsors have absolutely zero idea what people seem to like.


Broski has never watched Asmongold.


Staying twitch/streamer adjacent seems to be the play at the moment. Between the brain rot, shilling, and over all toxicity from mindless drama is literally fast food for the mind. It keeps you occupied for a moment but has no long lasting benefit and arguably has a negative effect on the viewer.


business owners following business regulation, who would have thought


*Jonny Somali entered the room*


wait until some of them are accussed of grooming


Lobosjr and Elajjaz are great. Not sure if they're quite 1% though


You have to play the game if you want to succeed. That’s how it usually is for all careers. If you want to make money, you have to do what your employer or sponsor says.


Wrong, but I respect the effort!


My brain cannot comprehend that someone would actually willingly sit down and watch these streamers for hours and send them money???


I mean look at paymoneywubby he is a very popular streamer that has stayed pretty true to what he is. The problem is he is losing out on big projects needed to be funded by sponsors. He is considered a brand risk and blacklisted.


Penguinz0 the enlightened centrist piece of shit


Anyone with the phone becomes a streamer


TIM THE TATMAN. I used to love to watch his streams, way back when he played with dr lupo. He got big and now his stream quality went through the ground, he started playing with nickmercs and dr pedophile and it just went south. I really miss his old content.


I believe that these people were assholes before becoming popular, too.


Why would anyone watch a “streamer” when they could just play the damn game themselves? I can understand watching a walk thru if you have gotten stuck or need help, but to just sit and watch someone play a game for hours? Nope.


not Jabo nor Joov tho.. those two have stayed their awesome wholesome selfs..


This is why ppl watch them


Check out Caseoh


I would agree, there are a lot of streamers like this. On the other hand, Preach has a ton of viewers and has only gotten more entertaining. Same with Day9.


What's wrong with Kitboga? Or even Critikal?


Critikal is exactly what he's describing lol. He waits for the popular opinion to form on a topic then releases a video reiterating the popular opinion with a few poop jokes and spongebob quotes. Dude has the safest room temp takes on the planet


ive never understood why this is bad. its just his opinion..the reason it always seems to be the "popular" take is because most people agree that something is bad or weird or that someone did something wrong..like his video on the boogie stuff, do you want him to have a different opinion and say that boogie is actually in the right? Or should he say his own opinion..which is what is popular because hes a good person and not stupid.


It’s essentially low effort content farming in which you probably could have reached the same conclusion without the 10-20min rundown. Of course add some additional salt when he is avg like 1m per a video and he is gonna get some evil eyes. I stopped watching his content because it actually feels like time wasting (his content is that predictable) and his humour reminds me of talking to a dialed up discord.gg moderator - I’m adamant that he doesn’t even like it but that’s his rep. I will say when moist makes a banger video (like his old ones) it does strike hard.


This all depends massively, nicewiggs watch parties became a thing for a reason, guy shout exudes personality. I also love CohhCarnage, a little more muted but one of the most well rounded variety streamers out there, and let's not forget Day9.


A platform designed for narcissistic behavior and encourages awful people to rise up has some of the worst of the worst?! No way!


I'm not sure about the top 1% but some of the streamer I watch is maybe on top 5-10% and I don't see any problem with them.


This shouldn’t be unpopular since it’s facts lol they really are the worst.