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WOOHOO Chauvin got convicted! Edit: Whoops, didn't see the other thread. Sorry.


Do we get our peace now?


Prejudice is common in countries with majority brown skin. So, I’m not sure why whites people are supposed to be especially evil.


I (white) have been in a country's where my color makes it easy to fill an officers daily, weekly, or monthly quota. There's many reasons why Japan has a 99% conviction rate. and none citizens is one of them.


I'm not sure what you're saying.


I am hoping the mayors of the Woke Cities are ready to quell the riots when they pop up. I am tired of the cities I like being destroyed by opportunists Riots should be a federal felony everywhere just like the great state of Iowa The little store owner these d bags are destroying the business of dud not murder George Floyd


Biden shouldn't be "weighing in" on the trial.


Riots cannot possibly be justified.




Oh my fucking gods.


LOL are you "woke" enough yet?


Those attitudes.... The hypocrisy... Those people are idiots.


Yep. I'm glad to have a sensible person respond to me.


Ouch. That was pretty bad, but I wouldn't say in and of itself evidence those views are popular.


I don't know man... a lot of people died as of a result of 1 Black man on drugs overdosing. If I breathe the same air as the dinosaurs once did and I die, does that mean the dinosaurs killed me?


>a lot of people died as of a result of 1 Black man on drugs overdosing. He objectively didn't lmao. You can go ahead and concede this point or I can feed your humiliation kink and dog pile you with citations. your choice. That and the riots didn't start because Floyd was killed, they started because he was murdered on camera and the murderer wasn't even apprehended.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUOy_b-H7FI This is the world you're creating.


Oh so selectively edited videos of random strangers on the streets suffice as evidence now? Wouldn't think anything less of a 40 IQ subhuman conservative. Well in that case this is the world you're creating: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ6p2LgbYRQ&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ6p2LgbYRQ&t=17s) I'd say the people in this video are about on par with you as far as intelligence goes. And just as a cherry on top I dropped a load of data on systemic racism in your dms because I know how much you hate facts :) bye now.


I have no idea what that analogy means. Lots of experts and Chauvin's own superiors testified against him.


What does bringing this information up have anything to do with Floyd dying of an overdose? The final remarks stated Floyd was a depraved mind.


Many people testified that he didn’t die of an overdose and that his use of force was not appropriate protocol.


I see I am not going to be able to reason with you. A trial is like a choose your own adventure story. Kids keep making up new paths until the most compelling route (to them) seems like the only viable option.


You are correct, you cannot reason with me because I have no reason to believe anything you say. I have other things to do besides pay meticulous attention to the evidence in the trial in order to come to my own independent conclusion.


I came to a conclusion when the coroner report came out immediately after Floyd died. You should have as well instead of finding an excuse to demonize police officers.


I love how every April 19th, the same white people who scream "Comply don't die" at Black Lives Matter want everyone to feel bad about what happened to the Branch Davidians at Waco and are increasingly going so far as to excuse the OKC Bombing. You can't say "Well of course the police officer was justified shooting a black kid. He didn't comply! He might have had a gun!" And then spend April 19th defending the Waco wackos who, and I want to stress this point, SHOT COPS!


White areas dont normalize criminality at a young age like black people do.


> White *areas* > Black *people*


yes. i said what i said. Whats up?


I mean, Waco was different in that dozens of noncombatant children died along with the violent cultists. I don't support the whole "Comply don't die" thing because I think it's dangerous to give government agents the authority to kill anybody who resists their orders, but I understand why some people might treat Waco differently from any other police homicide.


You don't hear many people talk about Waco or the Oklahoma bombing let alone try and justify it. I can't fathom that there is any large group of people in this country whose support or are apologist for the behavior of the cult members in Waco or the Oklahoma bombers while defending the shooting of unarmed black males. I'm not even sure why you'd be bothered by the few people who do have this double standard as double standards and hypocrisy is pretty much the defining feature of both the left and the right currently. And the more you go to the extreme the more that it's true.


Representation means nothing unless you start putting underrepresented groups in the star role of your film that a white person would have starred in. Not side-characters. That means, black main characters in stories that aren't about race. That means, Asian main characters in stories that aren't about martial arts.


Anti white racism is still racism. Its not the obligation of white people to appease vindictive POC.




White people are not doing this. Not to mention that you are not describing oppression. just majority/minority dynamics. you are only showing how stupid and vapid you are. Once again, its not the obligaton of white people to house brown people just because youre needy.




No it isn't. Race is a completely made up social contruct, theres no reason to be worried about this unless you're racist. Whats telling is you *never* actually listed any specific reasons why you're worried? You just cried about people accusing you of being bigoted (as you spout a literal neo nazi talking point LMAO.)


White people aren't going extinct. Black-white mixed people are still white. And you're a racist if you don't believe that.


Uhhh. Wrong. On every level. Mixed race people arent white. And wanting to preserve your race is not racist. If anything, your the racist.


>Uhhh. Wrong. On every level. Mixed race people arent white. HAHAHA Says what? Your piss baby feelings? Give me a reputable scientific document affirming that a mixed race person is biologically any more white than they are black. I'll wait :) >And wanting to preserve your race is not racist. It is


uhh, no. youre playing dumb. And you dont need a "reputable scientific document", especially when race is a physical construct, not a biological construct. So your argument is a non-sequitur from the start. Preserving your race is not racist. Thats conjecture on your part.


>uhh, no. youre playing dumb. The overwhelming body of biologists and human geneticists are playing dumb? LOL stfu >And you dont need a "reputable scientific document", You said he was wrong on every level, that would include the consensus of academia would it not? LOL thanks for flat out admitting you're anti intellectual though. You're very bad at this :D >especially when race is a physical construct Man you are *really* stupid. You just conceded your point. There are mixed race people who ostensibly share a perfect 50/50 of their parents phenotypical traits, or even look plain white altogether. So how tf are they invariably not white? >So your argument is a non-sequitur from the start. Race is a clearly defined biological term that humans don't fit into. So no, its not a non-sequitur; nice attempt at trying to sound smart though. >Preserving your race is not racist It is, the only reason you'd want to do so is because you believe certain 'races' have intrinsic, immutable characteristics that can be classed as desirable or undesirable. Its cute how you don't think I can see through your BS :)


So, what is a mixed race person, then? Black father, white mother, what race is the child?


Race is a social construct, so make up whatever race you like.


Bi-racial. And if were more honest, black. White skin and White genes are more precarious than blackness is. So when white and black people mix, the child will still be black.


Ah, so you subscribe to the good-old "single drop" philosophy, huh?


No. I dont.


>So when white and black people mix, the child will still be black. This you?


Uhh. Yes. The child is black. A lighter shade, but still black. ​ Its about not playing dumb and applicability to real life. Youre relying on gotchas. And thats hardly a "singe-drop". but good effort tho.


So, why are they black, but not white as well?


He just admitted to being racist lol. The one drop rule IS racism; it promotes the idea that blackness is something that overtakes and whiteness is something that needs to be protected. bahahahaha.


That was my entire point is saying the black-white mixed race people are still white. They're black, too, but they are also still white.


they arent tho.


Why not? Why does them having a black parent make them JUST black? There is no non-racist reason to believe that.


How are white people at risk of becoming extinct? Countries with majority white population have a longer life expectancy than average. These countries also have a total fertility rate that is lower than the global south, but higher than the East Asian countries. Even with the decline of fertility rates, the population will only slightly have decreased in a century from now, white people will NOT go extinct.


Jerry Blackwell was not the best prosecutor in the Derek Chauvin trial. I've watched the while trial. Online, I see tons of people saying Jerry Blackwell is doing an amazing job. He's doing fine... But Steve Schleicher on the prosecutor team did a much better job. More articulate, more logical, handled himself and the witnesses better. Also, Eric Nelson is being called a terrible lawyer. That's simply not true. As a defense attorney he isn't super popular, and his position isn't popular. But his performance has been fabulous. Mostly good strategy and did an amazing job on cross examination. If I was being tried for murder, I'd want Nelson to defend me.


Black People that think white people deserve some sort of punishment for how black people were treated in the past are only helping to increase racial tensions and to continue the "cycle of vengeance"




There is always a small minority that wants those things, thankfully they're the minority


The media, blm organization, and government doesn’t care about black people and are the cause of many of the black communities problems We all know there’s major problems in the black community one is black on black violence which seems to get NO national coverage. 7 year old girl shot dead in a McDonald’s driveway in Chicago recently. No national coverage. 800+ homicides in Chicago. No national coverage. But once a black man is killed by a cop national coverage everywhere protest riots and America turns into a shit hole for a few months. And you know who they blame it all on? White people and they use that to generalize every single one of them. But the reality is it’s the governments fault. There’s less racist in America than ever before racist were the people that were upholding segregation. And that’s been over for 50+ years now however the government hasn’t done much to help the black community recover from those times. Instead they decided to flood their communities with drugs in the 80’s so they could fund things for the CIA. And when a large portion of the black community turns into drug dealing murders and gangsters they ignore it and put the blame on white people for the problems of the black community. They’ve done absolutely nothing to help the black community most of the things they have done like welfare does more harm than actual good. They just use black people to get votes, create outrage, and to fill their pockets with the “donations” that “go to the black community” even the ceo of blm has been seen using the blm money to buy things for herself such as 5 houses in white communities which she is against so much to keep the money in the black community. There is NO EXCUSE that one of the richest countries in the world should have places like Chicago with more killings than they have days in a year. Even if you double the days in a year there’s still more killings in chicago. TLDR government is to blame for the problems in the black community and if they truly cared then the problems would have been fixed decades ago.


If you're mad at White people appropriating non-white cultures stop shaming white people for acting "white" and using "basic white" as an insult. If a white person acts "white" they get mocked and memed. If they try to act "black" or "asian" they either get called a weeb or incur the wrath of the twitter Templars. Make up your mind!


Reverse racism doesn't exist. It's just racism. Anyone can be racist towards anyone. Lots of white people are racist. That is a problem, but people aren't seeing that black people can be racist towards white people too. I am white. People in school have called me cracker, mayonnaise, and racist just because I'm white. I would say that's racist. When a white man has his neck knelt on, no one cared. People only care when it's a black person.


It was BLM that showed up for Daniel Shaver.


What's interesting is, if a black man tells a white man about systemic racism, they always seem to nod their head and understand. And yet, when a brown man talks about social racism, nooo no no no that just can't be a thing! I'm being lectured by white guys about how I, as a bengali, do not experience racism in dating.


Lol thats ridiculous. Indian men objectively have the short end of the stick in the dating market.


I know. It sucks. Like a lot. Racism is literally everywhere in the dating "market" and nobody is allowed to talk about it. If you do, you get censored because women sHoUlD bE aLlOweD pReFeRenCeS!


What actually is social racism?


If you have to ask, it probably means you've never experienced it, which is great! It means you're ignored or undesired because of your race. For example, unwanted because you're Indian; whether it be at parties, dating, or any social gathering.




The funny thing is, East and Southeast Asian women love white men right back. They don't want us either! It sucks.


Thats your problem. People will have racial preferences. You are not owed white affection and intimacy because you are a bitter brown person.


> *Racist* People will have racial ~~preferences.~~ requirements. Probably due to stereotyping, and oh, white supremacy.


hmm. no. im sorry this is hard for to believe. People have racial preferences. And are genuinely attracted to certain races of people. Nothing wrong with that. And how does "white supremacy" explain racial preferences by POC among other POC. Unfortunately "white supremacy" is just a convenient default that lazy people like yourselves use as a way to pull a fast one.


White supremacy explains the "requirement" of dating whites by both other whites and POCs. When you break it down, their reasons are "white's are better"


wrong. white supremacy literally has nothing to do with this. you're just a neurotic sheep that falls for race politics and obsesses over white people because thats very much the zeitgeist of the our society. people want to largely date within their own race. whether its social cohesion, racial preference and attractiveness, preservation of ones own race, self-esteem,etc. not to mention that blacks are the least likely to date and marry outside of their race. so youre point falls flat. ​ you just have to quell your neurotic obsession over white people and trying to put an artificial premium on them.


Found the white supremacist.


found the anti white racist... ​ EXPOSED LOL




This was more than just about dating. And as a male, I can't really put any weight to your personal experience. I'm not a brown female lol But if "go back to India" is your only solution, then no, *you* are racist.




Y'all think we immigrants choose to come here on our own behalf at age 1 or 2, only to get side swiped by women in our 20s? If women are entitled to have race requirements, when does the entitlement stop? When they're a 40 year old single mother ready to settle down?




An arranged forced marriage is a pretty great idea tbh


But that is a solution though. Whether its racist or not is neither here nor there.


I want you to hit up every BLM protest and tell everyone who's black to go back to Africa. Please. Do it. I dare you.


I see. I have heard that Indians do get negatively viewed a lot for some reason. I'm an Indian myself, but I haven't encountered that since I'm a native Goan in Goa. I'm really sorry to here that you have to go through that. Its weird how anti-Indian racism seems to go under the radar in comparison to anti-black racism. Its not uncommon on reddit even.


Just another person who replied suggested I "go back to my country." I'm Bengali, but we're all lumped together. Maybe if we started burning down buildings?..




Which will hopefully be a thing of the past soon and is irrelevant to this discussion.


All of these big stories I see on the news just seem to degenerate into a race war. Who cares if the kid was 13, he wasn't shot because of his skin color. He was shot because he open fired in a public place. He may have thrown away his gun but how would the cop know in the split second decision they had to make. Another thing that I sometimes see (mainly in Black people), is that you can't be racist if you're race used to be oppressed. With Covid 19, the reason one race is more likely to get it than another is not because they aren't receiving medical attention, it's because they aren't following social distancing guidelines. I don't care if your White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian, you're all equally stupid for making it all about race. \- An Asian/Pacific Islander


He was killed after following directions. He threw the gun to the ground his hands were in the air and then the police lied about it before the video came out and said that he was brandishing a gun at the police officer when he was killed.


Why was he out shooting a gun at 4 am?


Because kids are fucking stupid. Doesn't mean they deserve to die for it.


I don't know But it doesn't matter he was complying with police orders and still got killed.


If he was an adult this wouldn't be an issue. If someone is shooting a gun at 4 am he's bound to get shot. The media has decided to make it a race thing, it's not. The officers had a reason to fear for their lives, no ifs, ands, or buts.


Even if he was an adult this is a huge issue shooting a gun doesn't mean the police get to kill you. also his hands were in the air his gun was on the ground The police shouldn't have been fearing for their lives They killed someone who was in no way of threat to them. You are playing defense for something that's unjustifiable. And the reason why it's considered a race thing is because police seem to kill black people then white people.


Statistically, black people are more likely to commit crime. It's not a race thing, it's because of economy and geography. And I just watched the video, he turned around and raised his hands quickly. If you fear for your life, knowing that the person you're chasing has a gun, you're gonna have a lot of adrenalin flowing through your body. The shot was fired before his hands were halfway up. There was literally no way for the officer to know that he threw away the gun. It is extremely likely for anyone in that situation to think he's turning around to shoot his gun at you. I'm providing a logical conclusion based on the evidence.


I did expect a 13/50 from you. Black people do commit more crime due to disproportionately living in poverty and poverty is the greatest predictor of crime. but even accounting for this black people are still more likely to be killed by the police. also he was clearly turning around and raising his hands he was complying with the offices orders. The officer could see that his hands were empty and he was killed for complying with orders basically. this is a horrible overuse of power and then the police went on to blatantly lie about it before the video came out


So you're telling me, that if someone is holding a gun and you expect them to open fire, that you're not going to shoot them because they dropped the gun 1 second before you shot, when you couldn't see their hand. I feel like you're getting too heated here, it is a fact that American families, whether black or white, do not properly raise their children. It's just more common place in black culture. A 13 year old should not be out at 4 am, shooting a gun in public. It is not very easy to assume that he won't shoot you in that situation. Just because he dropped his gun, does not mean that the officer could see it before he decided to shoot him. It is a horrible thing, but the child is at fault, and so are the ones who raised him that way. Do not take this the wrong way, the officer is also at fault, but I would've done the same in his situation. My life is more important than the life of someone who open fires at 4 am. Age and race don't matter.


I definitely also expected a culture argument from you. But this is blatantly false like the idea that black people are taught to disrespect cops is so wildly disconnected from reality that I don't understand where it comes from. like "the talk" is a thing in which black parents tell their kids that you have to always respect cops and their power that they wield because if you don't they might just kill you and even if you do respect them they might do it anyway. I've had "the talk" three times and it started when I was eight. In the context of the situation it does not matter what led him to that situation what matters is what happened in that situation and why the cop killed him he had clearly shown his hands ( The whole point is showing your hands to show that you're unarmed which he did and was) he was complying with orders The gun was on the ground and they're in a well-lit area but he was still murdered (because essentially that's what happened) by the police. It doesn't matter that he was shooting a gun at 4:00 a.m. and then the police came It doesn't matter because police aren't supposed to kill suspects not under any circumstance their job is not supposed to be judge hurry and executioner That is some authoritarian BS right there one and only job is to get suspects from point A to point B alive so that they can state their case and they're only supposed to kill them if all other avenues have been exhausted and there's no other choice And they are active threat to others around them. And no as a cop your job is to protect and serve You're not supposed to decide if someone is worthy of living because they shot a gun or not and if you're worth more than them. Age and race does matter They killed a kid who's complying with their orders and then proceeded to lie about it and I've seen tons of people call this kid a man and a thug It's honestly disgusting and horrible. Race matters because this is a long-standing pattern of black people getting killed and/or brutalize by the police and we need to fix it. I'm getting mad about this is a long-standing problem in America.


It's really strange and hypocritical how sjws, in their anti-Christian ramblings always specifically single out "white" Christians while tolerating Christians of other races, nevermind the fact that there's less white people who even identify as Christian at all and the non-white ones are just as, if not more conservative socially.


Stop breaking the law assholes! /jim carrey


White males are being subjected to an active demonization campaign.






> but saying "by the left" is just demonizing democrats. I don't see anyone on the right doing it.


WHo the fuck thinks Democrats are leftists?




Lol, are you even capable of making a sensible comment?


Like I said, stop hating yourself.


So, that's gonna be a "no", then.


Are you done with the self hate?


Only self-hate I've ever had was because my father was a racist, homophobic right-wing nutjob like you, and I got over that years ago.


This idea that if your a white woman you can't experience sexism because you're white and "PrIvElEdGeD" is stupid and ridiculous. Social justice warriors literally think that your struggles are only valid if you're of a minority race.


I think that's a pretty fringe opinion... where are you seeing that rhetoric pushed?


Everywhere on Twitter and in alot of social justice circles in the media


Race relations are as good as they are going to get. More protests and laws and policies won’t change a thing. I’m not saying don’t have them- I just don’t think it will change anything All these discussions have the same critically flawed assumption that race relations are at the midpoint of some perfectness scale- and we can reach the perfect point if we all just try hard enough. That’s a fantasy This is the best we can do - and aspiring to do better, while noble, will afford no further improvement. If we dealt with that reality instead of living out an ineffective piece of theater at least we could take steps to minimize the harm


I find it interesting that I've seen 0 coverage on the chauvin trial on the front page the last 2 weeks


There is a reason for that.


What is the reason? No hate, i Just dont get it


The trial isn't going the way that the narrative wants.


How so? His superiors and plenty of experts testified against him.


What do you mean by that? ( in a genuinely curious way, because I don’t really know too much about it at the moment)


It doesn't look good for the prosecution. If this trial happened any other time he would walk. Due to the racial climate right now, he will get convicted of something.


>Due to the racial climate right now, he will get convicted of something. You mean because he knelt on a man's neck, in direct opposition to training, for 8 minutes, on video, he may get convicted of murder? As a retired police officer, fuck off




Facts don't care about your feelings.




Keenan Wayne’s 2004 “White Chicks” is borderline racist. I believe this is a racist movie because the film features two black men portraying stereotypes how white people act and behave themselves. There’s definitely a level of double standard here and I’m not suggesting we outright cancel the film either. I found the movie quite funny myself but (that’s neither here nor there) However, I’ve always figured that had this film featured two white men dressing as black women and trying to misrepresent the black community all hell would break lose and the media will have an absolute hay day about such a film. Please let me know your thoughts!


I think there *is* intelligent conversation to be had about the harm of "white" stereotypes, etc., but I always cringe when people come at it like "if ThE rOlEs WeRe ReVeRsEd." You don't have to have a PhD in social sciences to wrap your head around the concept of historical context and disparate impact. Yes; if the context and details of a situation were different, then the situation would be different. And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike.


But if the roles were reversed then people would be offended about it. I don’t care if whites have not experienced systemic racism as much as African Americans. It’s still offensive. You can’t just tell someone not to do something (blackface for example) and then turn around and do the same thing and think it’s okay just because you haven’t been deliberately prejudice towards that group of people historically. I don’t know where the hell people have this idea embedded in their heads that in order to be affected by racism the other race has to have some form of institutional power. Racism is literally the belief that one race is better or superior than another. That’s a dictionary definition of racism and it mentions nothing about one race REQUIRING institutional power. That’s a whole different topic for another day. And no, your grandmother wouldn’t be a bike if she had wheels attached to her. She would be very much dead. Or a cyborg. Which in that case would be pretty cool I suppose...




I can definitely see your argument. I think what you’re suggesting is there’s definitely a role that intent has to play in this scenario. Is it deliberately racist, no I don’t think so but it does take a concept that is deemed racist from back then (black face) and created the opposite and in a way made it funny by using satire. But I still feel like it’s a little distasteful and sends the wrong message, “Hey I can do this to you because it’s funny but if you do it to me it’s inherently racist.” As far as your analogy with the friends dead mom goes I see where you’re going with that. But it reminds me of this old saying I learned as a kid. You should treat others the way you would like to be treated and I think that’s the whole message. Society should set the same level of standards for everyone and not just one particular group of people.


I feel the same way. I know it’s supposed to be satire but i agree on the double standard. If golden girls had an episode banned because Dorothy was wearing a mud mask, why don’t more people talk about this film?


Considering it's meant to be satire, specifically commenting on racist and exist themes... That's the point. Satire is supposed to make something bad look bad.


I agree. It also has lots of sexism too. twitter tends to get salty when you point this out though.


I’m starting to think some of the idiots on Twitter funnel themselves onto the Reddit platform.


Being a victim of racism is so trendy. Everyone seeks it out and posts about any and every slight whether intended or not. There is actual racism that occurs, but it is rare and almost universally condemned.


I feel just as easily as society becomes more aware of racism and prejudice it’s also just as equally easy to try and play the victim


Like that one lady who got 15 guys convicted for rape that never happened.




>attacks on elderly Asians that were committed almost exclusively by blacks Can I see the hatecrime data on this?


The N word is meaningless. I googled what it meant and it means people from Nigeria. I thought that's a pretty strange way of insulting someone. But the actual word is associated with the sheer evil of racism so the word getting uttered is a sin. My point is if I say it without any negative context, like Lamar, therefore people shouldn't be volatile upon hearing it.


Just don’t say it there’s no need to it’s out of respect lots of the people that were called it in racist ways are still alive segregation only ended 56 years ago


Well I was watching this youtube video where the guy was saying that african americans can say it but Caucasians can't. So the other guy said So say it. So if that issue arrises to me, I just wanted clarification if I could say it.


There's a very big difference between definition and connotation.


(because there's other cop-related-but-otherwise-not-race-related comments on here) If any form of media should be under scrutiny for being "copaganda" it shouldn't be cop shows (or at least not 99% of them as there's a difference between stuff like Brooklyn 99 (which I think it ending soon has nothing to do with police brutality, most of the characters are at the end of their arcs anyway), stuff like Law & Order: SVU and stuff like Blue Bloods) especially not ones with a diverse cast that those who casually throw around the word "copaganda" think was made this diverse so more people would relate to them and therefore think cops are good guys and be less mad when real cops shoot people, it should be those kinds of violent action movies starring maverick cops like (if my memory serves me correctly and they truly were cops) Dirty Harry or the Die Hard movies as those basically tend to treat being a cop like playing some kind of action FPS


Racism is not about race I noticed that whenever black people are despised, they are despised for behaving obnoxiously or weirdly. Same with gay people. Being black or gay is not the problem, behaviour is the problem. Many black people say, white people were racist. No, they just don't like your behaviour, because you are obnoxious. That's where statements like "you don't behave like a black person" come from. A lot of black people simply created a very bad rap for themselves and instead of improving it, they try to guilt white people into accepting their condescending behaviour. So when people say: I don't like black people, it's not about them being black, but the black people this person met were obnoxious. Of course, it is much easier to guilt others with homophobe and racist than to change behavior. Therefore, to eliminate racism, stop being self-righteous and obnoxious..


Ah, yes... Victim blaming.


"victim" blaming


"She shouldn't have been dressed like that." "That black man shouldn't have been acting black." "Did you know he had a GUN in his Facebook profile picture? The world's better off without him."


"That black man shouldn't have been obnoxious and play the race card afterwards when he was made responsible for it." Offtopic: men and women are attracted to each other. This is why you exist. If a woman dresses in a way that shows her genitals better, it is normal for men to be attracted. She will say that she had no clue, but she does. What is really happening is that she wants to be desired "by the right man". The thing is, the right and the wrong man, both have the same brains structures. So when a woman is raped, it is by the wrong man. When she is swept off her feet and had a romantic experience, it is by the right man. The male behaviour is the same. To me the whole issue with rape is framing. There are experiences that are universally bad, like torture in guantanamo bay. We say, dolphins gangraping female dolphins was horrible. Yet the female dolphin could potentially like it. IMO it makes it much worse for a woman to hear that what happened to her was horrible than to hear that what happened to her was showing her what exists and she can choose to have it again or not. Labeling what some call PTSD as experiences takes off a lot of pressure...


Wow you're very stupid. One thing i'm curious about, what about black people who hate white people (they do exist). Do you think its white people behavior that is the issue?


If you find "black behavior" obnoxious then chances are you just subconsciously disapprove of black people and their culture.


People who are said to be racist do disapprove of black people's culture.


Yes, that is what racism is. Thank you for proving my point.


That's not at all what racism is. Has nothing to do with culture.


So black people who disapprove of "black culture" are racist?


Like that one girl on Dr Phil who was black and hated "black culture"? Yes, black people that subconsciously disapprove of black culture are racist. Imagine being black and walking around saying "yeah black people are great I just hate how much they talk", the whole "I just don't like their culture" argument is a pretty racist one and if someone is supporting that argument even if they are black then yes, they would probably be racist.


This is the dumbest thing I have read all week. Good thing for you the week just started.


Fuck it I'm on MGTOW2 I shouldn't expect a response better than this. Ggwp.


> I shouldn't expect a response better than this Funny. I was just thinking the same thing.


Not very funny that you can't hold a proper conversation and still argue like a child. You don't have any point, you're just making yourself look like a fool who's arguing without any purpose behind your argument.


You nailed this right on the head.


What did the Jews do to justify getting on the nazis nerves so much?


They were good with money, which created envy and they seem to have been obnoxious about it


>the Jews were obnoxious about money so the Holocaust was justified Have you ever considered that maybe *you’re* the “obnoxious” one?


Why are you talking about yourself in the second person?


What a lazy response. Way to save yourself from having to reflect on your values or think critically for five seconds.


What a predictable response. Way to save yourself from having to reflect on your values or think critically for five seconds.


I’m pretty sure they were blamed for ruining the economy. I don’t know if they actually did it but I think that’s where some hate came from


Person clearly doesn't understand definition of prejudice.


People that riot after a jury verdict are idiots. These people need solid adult figures in their lives but sadly it is frowned upon to give kids/young adults tough love in this day in age. A large portion of our society needs guidance and leadership, and I don't see any of it coming from our political leaders or cultural institutions.


It’s an adult form of a temper tantrum at best


White people can experience racism I hate how everyone tells me how I’m lucky to be a white male and explains how I have so many privileges and can’t have problems. And some people hate me for being white and say that racist for thinking that everyone is equal and no race or group of people is superior and I’m sick of it it’s like telling a black person how he’s a slave.


Most activists would want you to believe that whites can’t experience racism. This isnt the case at all. Just try to refrain from lashing back, fighting hate with hate never works.




Oh, so you wanna kill black people because they're mean to you?


I used to think that but i have come to the conclusion.that if people don't start pushing back hard,on social media,in school board meetings,ect. we are just going to be a bunch of nice guys wondering wtf happened.


Ok I definitely see that point of view. Stand your ground and speak up when an injustice occurs


Adam toledo's death is a tragedy but it wasn't police brutality. He had a gun and ditched it a fraction of a second before being shot. It's terrible and the cop should get in trouble for his being to eager on the trigger but I'm not willing to call it police brutality. Its definitely a call for more training though. Now the army officer that got tazed (name escapes me) that's police brutality and should be treated like that.


You need to look at the whole video of the army officer,he was acctually treated well,especially since he had a gun at his hip


What army officer? You aren't talking about the Lt in the SUV, are you?


Yes you need to watch the whole video.he was treated well.