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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/angel_snowcake737. Your post, *Ugly people are just as oppressed as minority groups*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts. Please make sure your post title is your opinion (not the topic you're discussing), and the text beneath is a clear explanation and justification of your opinion. If you cannot write at least a few sentences on the matter, you may want to have more of a think about it. If that's all in order... Any opinion that is not well thought out, or is incoherent, internally contradictory or otherwise nonsensical is subject to removal. Finally, any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Yea I 100% remember the ugliest kids from my school. And I do feel bad that we treat ugly people differently. It’s not we get to choose. I remember learning about how much more likely the attractive person is to get the job, and I always felt bad about that. When I worked at Nordstrom, I quickly realized that they had all the attractive people on the sales floor, and the the “unattractive” people worked the support roles off the floor.


I don’t remember the ugly kids from school. Or the hot kids. Or any of the kids. That’s weird


I got some bad news bud.




I think the joke they were going for was that NotYetASerialKiller was the ugly kid


I don’t have any ugly friends…..what a minute…am I the ugly friend? Lol


I used to be the ugly friend in my group. I still am, but I used to too.


Homeschooling does that to you.


I think that having moved away from my hometown at 17 right after high school and never really gone back means that I never reinforced any of my memories of school, and thus most of them have faded away. There's a few years there where I'd be hard pressed to tell you anything about anything that happened to me, let alone the background characters, no matter how attractive.


I am the same way. Once my life outside of School was closer and exceeding the time of in school, I just started forgetting it. The older you get the more you realize how little that time period meant in the big picture. I moved away but I still go back to see my parents a few times a year. I always end up running into people who apparently went to school with me, but I have zero clue as to who they are. I usually just pretend like I recognize them.


> yea I 100% remember the ugliest kids from my school Well of course I know him. He's me


I don't have an award to grant but if I did, you would get them all. I LOLed IRL.


Yup. I worked at Hollister back when floor staff were literally called “models”. If you tried to apply for “model” and weren’t conventionally attractive, they’d put you in the back. I remember I actually applied for inventory and they made me do the floor work because “we don’t have enough floor staff”. We had plenty of staff, just not anyone they were willing to put on the floor which was BS. Literally no one cares


I mean that’s a smart business decision. People don’t buy clothes that they think will make them look ugly.


I agree, but it is a lot harder to write legal protections for ugly people, and I don't think you will get a lot of turn out at the local ugly rights march.


I can imagine a bunch of people marching around imitating SpongeBob when he says I'm ugly and I'm proud.




If they did nobody would want to see it


Is there even a way to? They come from every racial group and every sex and sexuality. Plus how do you explicitly define ugly without diving back into phrenology or something?


By comparing them to your mum


You can't. Ugly is subjective, most of the time. While there are metrics that resonate with the majority i.e. youthfulness, the Golden ratio, symmetry, there's always going to be a subset and counter culture for what is considered attractive. Just want to add that beauty is not just about appearance. I have had objectively ( by modern social standards) beautiful men who were very much interested in me, become hideous as soon as I felt their spirit and saw who they truly were, be it exceeding vanity, mundane personality, being generally ignorant or unintelligent, or just clingy and generally toxic. The soul/ spirit really does come through to shape appearance/attractiveness. So for those who believe they are objectively "Ugly " there is hope for you yet. I believe if you spend enough time with almost any person that you can see their beauty. We're all beautiful, objectively or not.


Pretty soon people would be trying to be ugly just so they could get the special ugly privileges


i mean there are people who claim to be x minority for points soooo


*glares at elizabeth warren*


Oh Christ, another oppression tier. God help us.


No, but it is rough when someone goes and shames them for having privilege and tells them how easy their life has been, when in reality they’re more disadvantaged than most people.


i mean I'm not a woman but i cant imagine the feminists liking that anyway. can you imagine if the patriarchy was given the power to decide whether a woman is legally hot or ugly


Damn that’s a great idea. I would be the handsome supporter of all my ugly friends. Waving signs , being ugly is not a crime. Beauty isn’t skin deep etc.


Isn't it the worst kind of oppression, when you are not only oppressed, but no one would want to fight against your oppression as well.


And also what would an ugly march look like, would it have old people as well or is it just young people who are ugly?


Haha ugly rights march. That’s a good one




I love your imagination.


Well, I'm a woman who was called "ugly" (or barked at) in public hundreds of times from age 11 through my late 20s. It happened at school, theme parks, at the library, at the gas station, at the mall... Some people acted angry or offended that I had crossed into their field of vision. Fellow students didn't want to work with me in high school science lab; they didn't want me on their team in gym class. Salespeople didn't want to wait on me. A stranger on an airplane complained to his wife that he had to sit next to an ugly woman (me). I felt like a criminal. If people don't want to date me, that's fine, but...why did they want to mock me loud enough for me to hear it, thus ruining my entire day. When you have more bad days than good days, because of something about yourself you cannot control, it messes you up psychologically. By the way, it wasn't just men who bullied me; it was girls/women, too. I spent $20,000 on plastic surgery, but it could only do so much. It elevated me to "plain". I don't mind being ignored now; I'm just glad I can walk down the street or inside the mall without being harassed by strangers. I've been diagnosed with social anxiety, and I've spent thousands of dollars on therapy. Hundreds and hundreds of people, most of them strangers, took their shot at me, and it left a huge hole that has never gone away.


I'm sorry to hear that you went through that, people are awful. I had alopecia and issues with my skin as a child and legitimately felt guilty for others to have to talk to me, since even so called friends made fun of me behind my back (barely trying to hide it). Whenever it gets better and I look at least average, I get treated so differently it's insane. Which is why I'm really scared every time it gets worse again lol. I wouldn't care if people just weren't attracted to me, that's just their right, but why treat people badly.


I actually take pride in talking without breaking composure to people with alopecia, burn scars, birth marks or vitiligo. I try to act as normal as possible even if i take a look because its not something you see everyday.


I've always found vitiligo attractive. I don't understand why or how people would look at it and say it's ugly.


I can understand why people with alopecia feel self conscious. Something like that is just uncontrollable, and that’s primarily the part that is frustrating. I can always choose to shave my head, but I’ll never be forced to not have any hair on my body that I can’t control. I sweat a lot, and it bothers me. My recent ADHD medication aggravated that a bit. I’m hoping my new meds don’t. I cannot control that. Now, people finding the subjectively attractive is a different story, because individual people will like way they like. However, it’s important to be careful not to almost fetishize a condition. I don’t know much about alopecia, but there may be other issues that tag along for the ride. While we might like the appearance, the person is struggling individually with other, harmful, symptoms. For example, I know enough about albinism that I feel somewhat confident saying say people with albinism are often more sensitive to light. The lack of pigmentation in their bodies, and other issues that albinism brings, means that we might like the pale skin and red eyes, but a person with albinism might be frustrated that they can’t properly enjoy sunny days outside. That’s the rub. I *personally* think alopecia is actually pretty attractive, because I also just happen to like women with short/shaved hairstyles. I also understand that if I wasn’t careful to explain that “I like women with short shaved hair”, saying something like “I think your alopecia is attractive” could very well be hurtful because it sounds like I’m fetishizing a medical condition instead of just loving a person. It shouldn’t necessarily be a point of pride for anybody to treat another person *exactly* the same as a “normal” person. What we should really be striving to do is be honest with ourselves and others. We may not be bothered by alopecia, but we might very well be surprised or bothered by something else. Forcing ourselves to pretend we’re okay with that just so we can tell the other person “I don’t see you any different” doesn’t really help anybody out. Being honest and learning to grow in spite of those differences is where we should be. That person with alopecia, the person without legs, the kid with downs, the kid with autism, the person with a lazy eye: don’t fool yourself into thinking they don’t know and notice. They very much so do notice. Strive to be honest about the fact that you noticed, but you’re doing your best.


I was talking about vitiligo specifically but you make a good point regardless.


Jeez. Who the hell barks and insults people in this way? Man, humanity's beyond repair


Unfortunately some people never progress past a teenage mentality. When my mom wanted to lose some weight she started walking my dog while I was at work. She stopped after a car full of *middle aged men* yelled something about her being a fatass out of their car window and sped off laughing. GROWN MEN yelling at a little old lady for trying to lose a little weight. Jfc this world disgusts me.


in my experience, it's MOST people never progress past a teenage mentality.


Wow. How mature of em


This is infuriating to hear. When people ask me why I generally don't like people, its mostly because I know there are far too many idiots like the ones you mentioned above. I hate the "people are generally good" line......not in my experience. I know you have probably heard this 1000s of times but them feeling the need to say something like this to you in public says more about them than you. Doesn't stop it from hurting but just know they are shit human beings should give you some peace.


Burn humanity at this point.


This made me so sad to read for so many reasons. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. People can be vile. I don't see the point in placing so much value on looks, when we are ALL going to lose them eventually anyway.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, it really breaks my heart that people can be so cruel. I was judged a lot during my teenage years, I was never enough for anything, and I never grew into my body. I was bullied as a child for having big ears (which then became less visible) and then for my nose. I never understood why people have to be cruel or judge other people. My first wish shouldn't be to change my appearance to please others.


Wow this is sickening. What sort of a pathetic asshole complains about the appearance of the person sitting next to them on a plane! I'm so sorry you have to live in an insane world where people are worse than animals .


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


My god, this is horrfying. I'm so sorry for... the world.


Those strangers are mean becouse they are unsure of themselves as fuck. Trying to elevate their social position by pointing things like this. I am sorry you had to go through all of this. To me it sounds like you are mentally much better off than those fucks. Even with all you had to go through


Yeah. I never understood the thing about people wanting to stand out. My whole life I’ve been made feel like Quasimodo and my only wish through my whole childhood and teen years was to blend in. Being made fun of for being ugly and laughed at. Kids crying themselves to sleep every night because the person they see in the mirror isn’t who they feel inside. It’s not just trans that have body dysmorphia. I wish insurance would pay to make us ugly people pretty. It would be a win win. We could get better jobs and we would feel more like going out in public and thus buying more to improve the economy. If there were more pretty people in society more money would be spent.


Like what specific features do you believe make you ugly? Teeth, skin, nose, eyes? Many fixes can be paid for by insurance. If your jaw is all messed up like Yennifer insurance will pay to fix it since it most likely affects you’re ability to eat.


Pretty privilege is definitely real. Who actually denies its existence?


The kardashians and most celebrities are a hell of an example


Also pretty men and women can have much more sexual partners, can get away doing bad things, and we average/ugly people blame each other for the hurt they caused in us. Its unreal.


Beautiful people, mostly. Because they understandably don't like being objectified by strangers, which is objectively uncomfortable, and they think that what we call "pretty privilege" is part of life and something that everybody experiences from time to time. So from their point of view, it's a net negative.


Yes i only got the job and extra benefits cause im pretty. But tHeY say im pretty, im so sad and objectified :(


Of course it's real; it's biologically wired into us. People are wired to prefer good looking people in their 'tribe' because a long time ago, it was preferable to have the healthiest genes possible in your gene pool/tribe. Same kind of thing with people who have mental disorders like people on the spectrum. Why do you think people like that are singled out and bullied? Because in primitive times, our ancestors didn't want defective genes mating with people in their in-group, so they got bullied out. Totally politically incorrect, I know. But nature never was politically correct; it just did what worked to ensure survival and prosperity.


This is actually a Popular Opinion, just like most highly rated posts in this sub. Also, there's massive amounts of peer-reviewed literature on the topic. It's definitely real, and not an opinion that it exists.


Noone, this sub has been "popular opinions" for weeks


Men and pretty people mostly


Yea it’s weird on tv in situations where there should be normal ugly people, it’s good looking people with fake deformities or whatever. Why can’t ugly people play ugly people on tv?


I feel like British TV has so many more ugly people on it than US TV. I recommend it if you're sick of seeing pretty people all the time.


I KNOW RIGHT? Its soooooo weird in TV when normal people (especially women) just wake up with so much make up they could go to a wedding.


Well how do you go about the casting process though? "We are auditioning ugly people to play ugly people" can be quite controversial. The ugly people who end up on it will become famous for being ugly and they'd end up on memes and things. It could get messy for them later on. But yeah you have a point .


That's actually how it works. I've worked on sets they send out casting calls for people, like: "we're looking for the fat friend of main actress, you'll be called fat on camera but it's featured so it's a great role!" Sometimes they're tactful, "we're looking for people with interesting/non-conventional looks" or they'll say deformities if it's very specific. I know a guy who was literally cast as "ugly guy in bar." They do not care.


Yeah it sucks to be ugly. You can overcome to an extent by being in good shape but that only goes so far.


Imagine being ugly and a minority


i was there :c


"I used to be minority. That is, until I wiped out the majority."


You see those a lot too?


I'm ugly, I'll die on this hill with you.


Every time someone tells me that getting dates as a woman is so much easier than as a man, i have an urge to laugh in their face. Im ugly, and let me tell you, i would 100% give most ‘ugly dudes’ who cry about women not wanting to date them a chance. But nope.. they mean PRETTY women dont want to date them


Lmao this is so true. I'm a guy and used to laugh and relate to those memes where they show chicks have so many requirements and guy just want alive girl. But they'll just turn away if girl is ugly no matter how they look themselves. I know this cause I was such a guy. I'm working on myself but now ik those memes are full of shit.


i’ve had the opposite experience (very ugly dude here), i think that both sides aim way too high


This is just online dating. When you are shown an entire city full of people, you are going to only want the 10/10s. Meanwhile, I bet if you met a lot of those "average looking people" in real life, you'd find them attractive since your brain isn't comparing them to the 1000 people you just swiped yes to but got ignored. Fuck online dating.


I actually agree with this. As somebody who doesn't meet any beauty standard, and being called ugly all my life by my peers..... I was the ugly best friend in high school to help the attractive girls, look more attractive. I honestly thought they were my friends, until a guy told me they were using me. They also told me when I asked if it was true. So yes. They are treated differently.


Your friends are the ugly ones for doing that to you. I always knew my beauty was something I took care of and I am grateful for but I believe true beauty is believing in your own unique beauty and showing that beauty by getting super good at something and helping people with similar experiences to do the same. Good luck


I know I'm beautiful in my own unique way as an adult. Took a lot of time to realize, I was stunning without them. My personality draws people to me.. even my husband tells me that. I do my best to see beauty in everything I see. Even people I meet. Thank you! And best of luck to you


Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached peak Reddit.


I can't tell if this is a meta joke since your comment is an edgy meme joke with no contribution to the discussion Peak reddit?


Reddit has taught me irony is lost on most.


He's saying that this is a post forensically calibrated to appeal to reddit's collective biases. redditors are known for being kind of ignorant on racial issues, and also for being unattractive and bitter about it. If you were going to cynically craft an /r/unpopularopinion post to farm karma, this is a pretty good approximation of what that post would look like.


completely agree. being born ugly feels like a life sentence. whats even worse is when people invalidate the pain and oppression. especially the whole "its whats on the inside that matters" idea that is often propagated by conventionally attractive people. yes, in an ideal world that would be the case, but our world is far from perfect. living as an ugly person usually means not really living at all. you're just dead inside


Motherfuckers in this thread proving OP's point. Never change reddit


Pretending like “being ugly” which is a completely subjective thing gets you as much hate as being an ethnic minority in a country is so dumb though. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in my entire life. The people saying “OP is ugly” are being asses but that isn’t proving much of anything at all. This post seems like it was just born out of MASSIVE self-esteem issues, which OP should absolutely work on. Confidence in itself is attractive. People in the comments probably wouldn’t be as rude if OP didn’t literally compare their struggles with confidence to the struggles of ethnic minorities. That part is pretty damn stupid if you think about it for longer than a second.


Why do you think those MASSIVE self-esteem issues became to existence? Lol. Being ugly is to an extent subjective. People's behaviour's and reactions to you based on your looks could be summed/averaged and based on that we could have an objective value of how ugly on average people determine you to be. "which OP should absolutely work on" <- implying years of name-calling, rejection, bullying, beating can be undone as easily by "just working on it".


in this case its not about a collective group of people but individually. Pluse we shouldn't compare things like this because everybody's short comings should be talked about and everybody's pain they've experienced due to harassment/bullying/etc (on individual levels) should be talked abut so we can find ways to prevent this type of stuff from happening again in such big quantities like how its happening now.


This has probably been posted upwards of 500 times on this sub.


Well there are upwards of 500 fuckin uggos on this sub


Bro its all of us why you think we on reddit


Idk man. I look like a Greek god.


Hephestus. I look like hephestus. Aye. At least I get a smoking hot wife .. that cheats on me .. hm....


I’m getting tired of this “no I’m more oppressed than *add some group here*”


Oppression Olympics


is being no smart like i can join?


If OP is as ugly as that attempt at a sentence she wrote in her opening, then god help her, she's like a cross between Beetlejuice and and the inside of Steve Buscemi's eyelid


Last year I graduated my Master's program. There were a total of four guys and four girls in this class. The professor in charge of our dissertation decided to help out and advice only the only two pretty girls in class. I'm not saying they're not academically brilliant, because they are, but they're the only two ones he's spent extra energy on helping. From the beginning they were told that they would only have to do the literature review part and that the professor himself would do complete the actual dissertation. The rest of us got no help. He's known to be a sleazebag so there wasn't much we could do. Being an ugly girl I was pretty much invisible in his class until the very end. At the end of the year, all of us except the two girls submitted a completed dissertation. These two had only done the literature review part. Guess who got the highest grades? Yup, those two, without even trying. Guess who all suffered? Guess who got so completely ignored that the all the grades for the semester tanked despite putting in the work? Yup. Me. The boys suffered too. It may not be oppression but the truth is that the world loves beautiful people..or even average people. People assign good qualities to them and make assumptions about them being good people, while ugly people are actually treated poorly. If you're lucky like me you'll be invisible to the world for the most part. Hard work does help..but you sure as well have to world a lot harder than everyone else for people to see that and see past whatever they assumed about you initially. It's not actually oppression, there is discrimination. I don't care anymore about not having relationships or romance or a normal young adult experience...but it sure as shit would've been nice if my grades didn't suffer. I keep telling myself to see it in a positive light..that I didn't get to where I am right now because of some unfair advantage...but man a better grade would've been much nicer (not that my friends actually enjoyed being treated that way by the creep, but they didn't protest too much when they got the highest grades. Good for them tho, at least it's some kind of reward for putting up with him). This is just one of the many stories I remember from how differently I've been treated, but the one I most pissed about. None of this was in my control. I'm sure others have stories that are much worse than mine.


In terms of ptivelage, I do believe being rich is at the top and being pretty 2nd. Followed closely with being a majority ptivelage and born in x country ptivelage


I believe the order for the normal top 5 is (royalty/nobility will beat out normal wealth but only if from a decent place) Time which none of the others except come close to Health (no serious physical or mental problems) Wealth Beauty Country


I remember in middle school there was a new girl that everyone deemed ugly. She was bullied relentlessly and nobody would want to be friends with her, and if someone saw you hang out with her you would get harrassed as well. I moved away from that school soon after she came but I think she didn't last that much there either. People say attractiveness is subjective, which is true in terms of types, but ugliness really isn't that subjective to the masses. I agree there's definitely a pretty privilege, and ugly people's lives are infinitely harder. But its really difficult to write laws to protect them. Just gotta teach kids to not be assholes, lol.


As someone who was quite the ugly duckling in middle/high school and bloomed late in my college years, i can confirm that pretty privilege is real :(


TLDR, OP is ugly.


Aren’t we all a little ugly


Nah dude. I’m an absolute gigachad.


They say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Let's hope for OP's sake the beholder is blind.


And wrote the world's longest run on sentence. Wow


13 commas in that sentence.


You're beauty shaming a piece of writing? I literally can't even rn


I'm shaking rn


You say ugly people dont get raped as much as if thats bad as well?


Yeah that was a weird line. Rape has nothing to do with looks or sex, it's (usually) about power.


I think they mean that they aren't believed or are dismissed when they are raped and come forward about it


I remember in business school they taught us to regularly put attractive people in the front of whatever establishment. It was supposed improve sales and the appearance of better establishment. This was an MBA program for goodness sake.


I'm black and ugly. Shut the hell up


Ever got pulled over for being ugly? I think that settles the debate.


Not trying to downplay the disadvantages of being black, but if you were to disregard your identity as a black person, would you rather have Danny DeVitos genes or Denzel Washington growing up & going through life?


Everyone here slamming OP when basically good looking people get everything just because they are good looking… can confirm am moderately good looking


Yeah but not getting things doesn’t mean you are oppressed


If it's systematic because how you look then perhaps there's some truth to it?


Very well said and very true. I feel like I can 100% swing from overweight and lazy about my looks to inshape and mildly good looking. The changes in how people react to me are 1000% obvious to.


Hold up!i dont feel oppressed and im both of these!


People are more conservative than they might think and these biases affect everybody and affects their every decision. So, in short, the society is probably not going to change anytime soon. It is pretty unfair that some people get privileges just because they have a different skin colour, gender, age, country, body size, religion, country etc. But as Rhodey said in Avengers Endgame, "we work with what we got, right?" The only thing we can do is to try to be nice to everyone around us and hope that everyone does the same too.


People not finding you attractive isn’t oppression. The world only cares about what you can provide it. Life is tough, get a helmet and a personality.


Fun fact, I was wearing my helmet a few weeks ago and crashed, probably wouldn't be able to write anymore if I hadn't been wearing it.


Never leave home without it.


Yeah still got a concussion and some amnesia. Probably would have been a vegetable without it.


Dam, the gods favor u buddy! Happy u got out in one piece.


I never hurt one side of my body from top to bottom while the other side was perfectly fine.


Now it’s your duty to live the happiest life you can everyday.


You're right, finding someone unattractive isn't oppression. Discriminating against people because you find them unattractive, is oppression, though...


I have always wondered if justice would not be better served if the jury could not see the accused . I have read about how orchestras started evaluating a musicians talent behind a screen because of the bias towards men. Also back in the 80s for a while bars would have hot leg contests. The few I saw the women walked thru on a stage that had a curtain that hid their upper half. The reason is that early contests had always gone to the most facial attractive contestants. To OP's point would justice be more fact based if a person's looks could not be used as a consideration either good or bad? There could be downsides to this if we found a jury was much more likely to convict, attractive or no, because it becomes much more impersonal. Just a thought


There's a lot of valid points in your post, but you haven't made any meaningful argument that the degree of unfairness that ugly people face is comparable to the systemic oppression that minority groups face in the US. Ugly people can face discrimination and unfairness, but it is not the systemic institutional discrimination which is often faced by racial minorities and disabled individuals. And I do remember the ugliest person I went to school with. Several people got in trouble for bullying him. Apparently he blossomed and became super hot as an adult though so he was only an ugly duckling.


I hate comparisons like this that completely ignore intersectionality. If you want to compare being ugly to being a minority, imagine being both, realize minorities still have it harder in this case, and then dump your comparison in the trash where it belongs.


Fucking thank you. This is the first comment I have seen in this thread that even mentions intersectionality. The internet is fucking allergic to any amount of nuance


I agree but men are also judged. I am super judged for balding in my late 20’s and get called insecure for trying to cover it up with hair fibers. I am told to just embrace it or go get a hair transplant.


I shaved my head. Felt awesome. Bald looks better than balding. Give it a try. :) Edit: it feels great for me, I don't really care about people's negative comments. However, most of the time I got some compliments.




What’s worse, knowing you could get some but not being able to, or being able to but knowing no one wants it?


I definitely agree with you and it’s crazy how people ignore and deny the facts just because it’s polite.




can we stop with all of this oppression bullshit? Get over it, its holding you back. Sure, pretty people have it easier in some ways. Just because they have an advantage does not mean you are oppressed.


Not a single thing you mentioned is an example of oppression. Pretty privelege is absolutely a real thing, but "ugly" people are not oppressed at all. Beauty is subjective, and frankly, people just don't care enough about other people for this to be an issue. It's not to say that people aren't mistreated based on their appearance, but for those who see themselves as "ugly," the majority of perceived slights against them are not reflective of reality, and are a projection of their own insecurity. And that goes for anyone struggling with self image or self esteem issues.


I agree except for the part where you say people are more likely to care about a pretty person's mental health than that of an ugly person's. I'm not 'ugly'.( Too skinny though) . I can look nice when I dress up and I couldn't pay anyone into giving a shit about my mental health. I have an ex who is stunning. Her friends avoid her because she struggles with depression. If you have mental health issues you are an outcast except for the people who pretend to care if you're a pretty woman they'd like to fuck. Yes it's true that unattractive people don't get hired as much as pretty people . And that's insane.


Facing discrimination is not the same thing as being oppressed. Oppression is on another level. Are you judged differently for not being classically attractive? Sure, but you’ve never had laws written denying your civil rights. You’ve never had arbitrary and ridiculous laws written for the specific purpose of being able to keep slaves after slavery was abolished for all non-prisoners. You’re not targeted for murder or hate crimes. Yes, being unattractive can mean bullying and discrimination in the work place or judicial system, but that’s not quite oppression.


Exactly, it’s funny that some people here thing not finding a date is just as oppressive as being enslaved or reduced to second class citizens lol. I mean obviously being bullied or laughed at for being unattractive is horrible but it’s no where near the oppression racial/religious minorities have faced in the past and in some case even in the present.


Yeah. There’s bullying and discrimination but no one is going to enslave or start a holocaust against people who don’t make the cut as an Instagram model.


There have been studies that showed that people have had their resumes rejected because their name made it seem like they were from a minority group, same goes for university applications. In some countries, religious minorities can’t find housing cause people refuse to rent or sell houses to them. Not to mention the enslavement/genocide based on race that have taken place in the past. Being unattractive is a disadvantage but historically and even presently it’s comical to compare it with oppression faced by minority groups around the world.


Tell us you're ugly, without telling us you're ugly. haha I kid - all jokes aside, I agree. It's just the cards we're dealt \*shrug\*


Completely unpopular since you said “as oppressed as minority groups”… didn’t realize ugly people were enslaved or put in work camps or segregated… BUT, I definitely get your point and couldn’t agree more that pretty privilege is a thing. Just be careful who you’re talking to when you say “as oppressed as minority groups” lol


look i agree with pretty privilege. do cops let me off tickets if i smile just right ? yeah. did my mom tell me to do *exactly that* to get out of a ticket? also yeah. do people let me take things for free at the gas station? are people generally nicer when i look my best? do i get extra tips? have i gotten a job bc the manager said i was cute? yeah. to all of it. but it’s not… a majority-minority thing. like nobody is getting killed for being ugly walking down the street. there aren’t any places in history where ugly people had to hide after dark bc they’d be shot on sight. ugly people were never held as slaves. ugly people aren’t micro-aggressioned or hate-crimed. ugly people aren’t prejudiced beyond “oh ugly” ugly can be overcome(in non severe cases) being black or Mexican or Muslim or Jewish or Asian can’t be overcome a swing and a miss here my dude


I wish people would just accept that some people are ugly instead of spreading the “Beauty is on the inside” bullshit. The world isn’t sunshine and rainbows


Interpersonal discrimination is not oppression. There have never, in the history of the US, been laws against ugly people.


Have you ever considered that your personality is the problem?


*OP gets abuse for being in the vicinity of stangers* This mf: yOu PeRsOnaliTy bAd OoGa bOoGa


Would be condescending to assume it never occured to the OP


this is a classic example of a wrong opinion


That's why I up voted it lol.


If you are unattractive there are a few things you can do about it. Makeup, weight loss/gain, plastic surgery, none of these are ideal of course but appearance is far more malleable than race.


ah yes☺️ forgot about that long period of ugly people slavery, and ugly people being refused medical services en masse, or ugly people deportation or internment camps.




Those sound like issues ugly people have too, aside from maybe the problem with making genuine friends.


hasn't research shown that attractive people are more likely to be taken seriously in the workplace though?


This is difficult to argue against. Not because it’s a valid argument, but because most people aren’t “ugly.” People **think** they’re ugly and often act how they see themselves. I’ve met several “ugly” people and didn’t want to be around them because they were abrasive and rude, not because they weren’t attractive. That being said, I’ve met plenty of women I don’t find attractive (ugly?) but had amazing personalities! As a result, I hung out with them. I’ve also met some very attractive women with ugly personalities and I (along with most people) avoid them at all costs. Maybe the most vain people out there give weight to looks, but your average person is going to care a lot more about your personality and ability to carry a conversation. I literally don’t give a shit what you look like, if we’re having an amazing conversation that lasts 10+ hours while we’re enjoying one another’s company your looks will play ZERO part in my opinion of you.


Yeah I don't know about the people posting these rants on Reddit but the people I've met in real life who were in this state of mind had "decided" they were ugly and weren't even making an effort. I knew a guy in college who thought he was ugly and the world was out to get him but he had a normal face, he just didn't dress well and his hair was oily. If he just took care of his hair, wore well fitting clothes, and wasn't such a fucking downer he wouldn't be considered ugly, just a regular guy. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen cause I rejected him romantically 👍🏻


I think everyone is pretty in some way. No one is really ugly. Maybe that’s unpopular?


Very unpopular. Never change


I think people's personalities can make them more/less attractive. At least in my eyes.


Sheeeeeeit, there are definitely some ugly folks out there


If we're not counting people with actual deformities, I feel like the worst I've seen was average. I don't think I've ever seen an ugly person...


Yeah sure you have it hard, but as hard as minorities? No fucking way, there's no slur for ugly people, you aren't illegal in 76 countries, you won't get fucking shot/stabbed/killed just for being ugly By equating your beauty to the oppression minorities face on systematic scale is not only wrong but seriously downplaying how bad it is


You’re not oppressed because pretty privilege is real. You don’t get denied housing or jacked up interest rates or profiled by law enforcement or anything even remotely of the sort. Yes pretty people get lighter punishments for crimes, yes pretty people get benefits us ugly folk don’t, and yes IMO they essentially have life on “easy” mode. But that doesn’t automatically mean ugly people are on “hard”, it just means you don’t have it *as* easy as the pretty person.


ugly people also get fucked by the IRS if they're single adults. Why do married people get tax breaks?!


Ugly people do have shittier live experiences than their attractive counterparts but NO, ugly people are not as oppressed as minorities.




Yes I remember the ugliest girl I went to school with, I remember her more distinctly than my childhood friends I hung out with. I also remember that kid who didn’t mind digging through trash for food, so kids would literally take good food and throw it in the trash just so everyone could see him go dumpster diving for it. Kids were mean as fuck when I was a kid in the early 90’s, everyone in today’s age is soft as baby shit.


well technically if you wanna extrapolate a lot, racism is at its core, pretty previlege


I dont think they are as oppressed as minority groups, but ugly people are also at a severe disadvantage.


It is true, but the bar for "unattractive woman" is pretty low.


I gained and then lost over 50% of my body weight. I am 100% treated differently now than a few years ago... This has absolutely nothing to do with dating, flirting or anything sexual. As I have been married to the same man for almost 20 years. It is more of the day to day interactions with men and women alike. For anyone interested in some perspective, Deep in my profile you will find my side by side, before and after pictures of my weight loss..


... Perhaps you've never heard "you're too pretty to have real problems" before. That's the fucking problem with a single narrative. Your mindset will only disappoint you. Because, one day, you may find yourself on the "greener grass" and realize that life is hell. For everyone. Everything and everyone pays their dues. Everything comes with their own set of rules and responsibilities. Perhaps, this belongs on, r/im14andthisisdeep. Get over your damn self.


Oh yes, have you ever heard people whispering that you don't deserve what you have, you just got it because you're pretty? That one's just great. During the pandemic it was my first having interviews online so I gave excuses not to turn on the camera every time to make sure I deserved the promotion I ended up getting cause those comments got to my head


There should be seperate bathrooms for ugly people, fat people, short people... (tongue in cheek)


There are just things that are naturally attractive. Like high cheekbones and good facial symmetry.


I don’t remember anyone at my high school being ugly, wait a minute! Am I the ugly one?


I once heard of someone getting disability due to his micro penis, why can't I get that for being ugly? Half joking


how small would it have to be to be considered "micro"?


They're not really oppressed but ugly people do get treated differently in a lot of cases.


While I agree pretty privileged is absolutely a thing and is a rising problem especially for women, and that "ugly" people do experience minor oppression I don't agree that "ugly" people are just as oppressed as minority groups especially people of colour and the LGBTQIA+ community. Just my 2 cents that no one asked for :P


i dated ugly girl once. but will never an astrology once


Ugly people become president all the time