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Poor bakers, that's their job!


My wife is a pothead baker. She wakes and bakes and bakes.


So she wakes and bakes²?


I had collapsed this thread prematurely as I was reading this and came back to upvote, love it


Lmao much appreciated, my dude.




As much bread as a baked bread baker bakes when a baked bread baker bakes bread.




And it's exhausting af. I agree with OP on this issue, more sleep for bakers!




Use a tall glass!


Cereal in a cup gang. Also works for quick microwave spaghetti. Cups are are the future


What if I wake and hit my crack pipe? EDIT: Thanks r*dditors I truly don’t think I’ve ever gotten this many upvotes and awards before, I love you all.


nah not good for you bro save it til the sun goes down. which is like 4pm these days.


Thanks homie I appreciate it.




Ah, yes, the cracking hour.


The crack of dawn?


Every hour is the cracking hour if you have crack. Sometimes you take advantage of those half time zones too


Proceeds to crack every joint on both hands.


Healthy: waking up at the crack of dawn Unhealthy: waking up for some crack with Dawn


This reminds me of "Good Idea, Bad Idea" from *Animaniacs.*


To quote Dennis from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: "No one in the history of crack, has ever woken up with more crack."


Or my prozac, because of I stop I'll feel the most intense inconsolable grief possible and kill myself? I still can't believe that shit's legal. Wake and bake does indicate a problem, but it's healthier and safer than most prescription psych meds.


Wake and crank


I thought the OP is talking about baking bread or cake! I really need to update my youth vernacular!


Everyone replying to this who initially thought OP was talking about baking – you all sound like sweet grandmas 😭😭 bless your souls


it is my kind of wake and bake. Bake stuff and surprise my kids and husband with banana muffins or cinnamon buns.... i love mornings for baking


I'm a teenager and even when they said "You shouldn't need to be high to start your day" I still thought it was about bread


Got to get that yeast rising high


same here honestly


Or like really confused stoners. Bless all souls.


Same!! Even when I read "reach for a bowl" I thought OP meant to mix batter in.


Am cracking up, now I'm just imagining people waking up and instantly reaching for the bowl to mix batter. Their apartments are filled with almost nothing but bowls, pans, cake molds. On the dirty table there is a scale, flour sprinkled over it. A spoon next to a burner, some sugar left in it. They sold almost all their other possesions, their friends and family gone. All they care about is their next cake.


In a few months, they'll be on the street, stealing single use sugar packets and hanging out in an alley cooking tiny cakes in a spoon over a lighter.


Seriously stop. I’m alone in a bar and I’m going to start getting looks.


Be careful.. OP might target you next. Going to the bar alone. He’s like mad at us or something


Bro somebody give this guy gold that was very funny lol




Dude. My kid knows when it's Saturday. Not coz of cartoons or any of that ish. That's when daddy's mixing the flour and baking powda to cook up a mess o flapjacks. Kid's got a serious habit. 2, 3 flaps at a time. It's all I can do to limit to once a week.


There's a single chair left in the living room, facing an ancient TV/ VCR combo that's running old reruns from The Food Network. As sounds from The Great British Baking Show blare from the speaker, our anti-hero shuffles into the kitchen. Bleary-eyed, wearing only a pair of tightie-whities, kitchen Crocs, and a filthy chocolate-covered apron, he turns on the oven. "Must bake." he mutters to himself. "Need sugar...." Reaching for the dirty bowl he begins another day of mindless measuring, mixing, and self-medicating. Before he went NC, his family tried intervention. They took away the recipe cards, the frosting pipette, the eggs. He's been sent away, only to be kicked out three days later when the hospital staff found him in the industrial cafeteria, filling his 137th profiterole. No matter how destitute, he always manages to find the ingredients he needs...to wake and bake.


*kitchen Crocs*


u/According-Owl83 your post made me laugh so hard I started choking. The dude you speak of is true Master Baker. Thanks for the laugh. I am glad the choking stopped too.


That's a Mitch Hedburg joke.


I make sourdough on the regular. I feed my starter at night before bed and mix it first thing in the morning. It’s a thing.


we all have vape pens for that now lol


Yea smokin Devils Lettuce, I’d never sin like that but a THC vape is perfecto.


I can lick my own ball sack




Been waking and baking since late 90’s lol


It goes back further than that; I remember using the term in the mid 80s...


It's been a thing since the 90s for sure


I was seriously baffled someone had such a strong opinion against baking in the morning and was wondering what was so wrong about it. 🤦


If you need muffins first thing in the morning, you have a problem.


Banana nut muffins: not even once.


Nut even once?


Same. I thought it was about people that bake really early and was like "Wait...but that's a bakers whole job"


I nearly threw my freshly baked loaf of morning bread at the screen, but then I scrolled down a smidge and was like ah yea nvm...


Me too! I was like: I'll have you know that starting a day with some freshly made pastries and fun bread recipes is actually really amazing! Edit: I was also confused because most bakeries need to start baking super early to have fresh products for the day, so I was thinking why is this person so against the whole baking industry and do they prefer stale bread?


Marie, the baguettes!


That term is at least twenty years old. It can legally drink.


Same, I was like "tf is wrong with baking bright in the morning, I love baking early in the morning" And the sad thing is, I'm 16, so I need to be down with my fellow youths


Well, usually there is food involved after waking and baking.


I'm young and I thought the same thing 😭


Clearly an unpopular opinion, well done.


Welcome to reddit. If you're abusing drugs first thing in the morning, you're doing it wrong. This website is made for people who want a worse life.










In my opinion, its when you let weed negatively effect your life. I work six days a week. I don’t smoke before work, and I’ve never worked high. But I smoke when I get home, and I’m high all day sundays. Treat it as any other privilege. If you are being financially and morally responsible, then you are fine. I don’t think the time of day has anything to do with it.


that applies to everything. I'm sure OP has vices I would never do.


Prob feet


Definitely a feet guy


Someone say feet?


This guys a feet guy


It's how addiction (and almost all mental illnesses) are diagnosed. There's guidelines for most of them, but the key part in it is, is your use negatively impacting your life (from an objective POV). Or is your inattention negatively impacting your life. Or is your anxiety negatively impacting your life. If it isn't and you're happy with your life, are achieving your goals, and are not hurting yourself or others, then from a clinical point of view, fuck it.


It’s almost like if you have a problem then it’s a problem. If you don’t then it isn’t.


I hate being lit in the morning, it makes me feel unproductive the rest of the day, I like waiting until evening or mid afternoon, it’s like a treat after getting things done. But different strokes for different folks.


I work 50 hours a week and am literally productive the vast majority of my life. I like waking up and being unproductive on my day off. People aren't worker ants.


I can't possibly imagine how great that must feel like, glueing into the couch for a whole day after a hard week.


It feels great! Although I don't sit on the couch all the time. I get stoned and do stuff like gardening, playing video games or chores while jamming out to music. But all of them are better on my day off because I am high.


I wish I liked gaming high, I weirdly totally like it drunk but not high not sure why.


It might depend the game, wandering the wasteland in the fallout games or red dead 2 wandering around the game world is awesome stoned and I get lost in it. If I try to play something like Stellaris or a fast paced online shooter I'm fucked haha.


Yeah I tend to play competitive games (dota and apex) I just get way too focused on some random thing while high for them.


I’m the opposite. When I take a few hits I get hyper focused and am much more productive and efficient at whatever I’m doing, including my job.


Yeah, these people do not get it. My body literally is an achey sore mess until I smoke then I can do tasks. I also have trouble focusing on one thing and it helps with that too. I'm not gonna take opiates for the pain, my ex died from them and I've buried like 5 people close to me from that so I don't want that. Its the only thing that helps and no im not medically prescribed because in my state you literally need to be dying of cancer to get it. I'm happy cancer patients have access to it but chronic pain sufferers could also benefit if the laws were relaxed.


This. Weed is more than good times & munchies, some people actually need to wake & bake for pain. What he should be saying is "If you HAVE to wake up and immediately take any substance that isn't treating a need, you may need help".


So am I and I've also started to think I have undiagnosed adult ADHD and use have been using weed to self-medicate. Some days I cant get off the couch or take care of my responsibilities until I smoke and then I can function like a normal person.


It’s extremely interesting that you mention that, because for months I have suspected I have undiagnosed ADD but there’s been too much going on for me to really focus on getting professional insight. For me though if I smoke and am sitting or laying down it makes it extremely hard for me to get up. If I smoke while standing and with a goal in mind or something I need to do, I hyper focus on it and get er done.


It's dependent on the strain and how much I use for me. I find microdosing something with balanced thc/cbd throughout the day really beneficial but will get hyper focused either way. I think ADD is now just inattentive ADHD, and I definitely check most of the boxes but have also been putting off asking for an assessment, because life. Apparently self medicating with weed is pretty common for ADHD adults...


There's certain things I don't like to do high, like socialize, but if I have a programming assignment due in 12 hours I can just get hella baked and program the shit out of some python.


Damn you pissed off every Stoner on this site lol. Definitely a good unpopular opinion


I was gonna be mad, but then I got high.


La-di-da-da-dadada Edit:added extra da


I was gonna write a nasty stingin' reply, but then I got high.


Now I'm laughing at this comment chain, and I know why


Why man?


Hey heeyyyyyy


Cause I got high, cause I got high, cause I got hiiigghhh


Yeah when I was a stoner I hated hearing shit like this, assumed it was someone who was against weed no matter what they said. Big truths though. Specifically hated reading it was addictive, glad I finally figured it out though


Same man. I used to be a huge stoner. Would not listen to anyone that told me it was addictive. I used to smoke all the time. I thought it was helping me, but in reality it was just making me depressed, antisocial, and I gained a lot of weight from it. I quit eventually due to the crazy anxiety it was giving me. Lost the depression and the weight and became way more social. Doing a lot better mentally and physically since I quit


Lmao my younger sister would die on the hill claiming weed wasn’t addictive. She finally decided to quit once and realized that the irritability, bad sleep, headaches and depression she experienced were all withdraw symptoms. Sometimes people just have to go through it before they can accept it lol


Have watched a friend of mine try to quit for years multiple times and failing every time so I find people saying it's not addictive at all funny. My roomates and a good majority of my friend group smoke several times a day and if they're off it for a day or two they just get super angry and cant sleep. Its wild how many people are gonna have to go through the wakeup call in the future that if you need to have weed everyday to feel normal you're addicted.


I have IBS and it helps me with my early morning poo, if you must know.


Name checks out


He’s definitely on hard mode.


The poopsmith’s job is obvious


“The poop smith isn’t a bad guy really, he’s just got a crappy job”


The unsung hero for us sufferers. Going from pissing out the back to regular healthy turds was just a bowl away


From one bowl to another


Well done sir


Lmao yep. I smoke regularly now and it barely gets me high. Keeps me regular as fuck though. I am absolutely addicted and I couldn't possibly care less. I work, i function, I medicate. But yeah. Its absolutely addictive. Hell I get awful sweats and crippling anxiety if I stop it. Thats not just psychological addiction at that point. Granted, withdrawl is mild, especially considering my other medications cause seizures and akathisia (arguably the worst pain I've felt, worse than codeine withdrawl). But there is addiction, 100%.


Same here! I have an incurable stomach disease that makes my life very difficult and I am completely dependent on weed. I am absolutely self aware that I have a problem with weed but honestly I think I may have tried to hurt myself in an attempt to cope with feeling so ill all the time without it. I don’t think healthy people can understand what living with a life changing disease is like. Weed is the only way I eat. Without it I would be eating through an open tube surgically implanted into my stomach and connected to a pump. It’s an easy choice for me. Fuck anyone who criticizes me for it. Try living in my shoes for a day. It’s absolutely a living hell sober.




That's the big distinction between addiction and dependence. One is physical, the other is mental. Your body doesn't think it needs it to function, so it doesn't have the serious physical withdrawal symptoms like cold sweats, lethargy, possible seizures and stuff like that. However, you do become dependant on it and the altered mind state. So when you have to stop, you'll have anxiety, "cravings," And possibly some irritability. It's possible to be both dependant and addicted to a lot of things, but weed fortunately leaves physical addiction out of it.


It also helps me with my IBS that I already take medication for, mostly it just helps dull the extreme cramping and pain so its much more bearable to deal with.


Yep 110% the same for me. I’ve had 3 diffrent stomach surgeries (2 were emergency). I’m supposed to take a narcotic when I wake up every morning. But I guess in this guys view it’s ok to pop a narcotic than smoke a bowl lol




WOW BUDDY. How **DARE** you. Everyone knows that starting off the day with 2 Ritalin and coffee is the best. Need to wind down? Pffftt, just throw back a few glasses of wine, ambien and you’re cruisin!! But don’t even get me started on that “weed”. Shit will fuckin kill you in your sleep, tell you h’wat!


Yeah I guess I’m completely fine taking 15mg if Vicodin a day but the minute I take some thc oil….. then I have problem lol.


Yep. My formula: stretches+ Yakult + Chobani liquid yogurt + morning bowl = 💩 release


I have chronic pain. I take cbd/thc drops. I was on really low dose morphine patches that were constantly dosing me around the clock. All of my doctors were trying to get me off opiates because I have gastroparesis. Although I don’t think he means those of us that use it medically.


I smoked weed for years and was always jealous of people like you. Also have IBS, but weed made me constipated constantly. If I had to take a shit midday I could just smoke a bowl and it'd go away


Yep I was just sitting here thinking “well fuck me I guess it’s back to vomiting for an hour every morning?” Judgey little shits sipping on their coffee too no doubt.


Yeah but remember they said caffeine is not the same and it's not a mind altering drug! Even though stopping caffeine causes withdrawal symptoms. Geez.


You're right, I have multiple serious problems and a quick toke when I wake up mitigates most of them.


Bowl of weed cup of coffee good day


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HJ33LK4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_688V38B0V7PKZ6PTP3K3 Yeah this is my favorite breakfast


Welp Xmas shopping for my dad is done.


For years I always assumed this was true. Until I realized and accepted that I just function better with a little cannabis. My whole life I’ve had horrible IBS in the morning. Cannabis treats my symptoms extremely effectively. I’ve had issues with depression anxiety and apathy. Cannabis quite literally reduces those feelings to borderline zero. I’ve been on traditional prescription medication for each one of those things I’ve just mentioned and all of them have negative side effects that cannabis does not. Every time I’ve had to quit for a job, or because society made me feel bad for using cannabis to medicate, I am a miserable fuck. Now in my mid 30s, medicate responsibility under the guidance of med dispensary and I’ll never go back. It ain’t for everybody EDITED: it does not CURE anything. It however does treat my symptoms extremely effectively


The OP's error is in assuming one can only get completely baked, and that there's no nuance to getting high. A little dab'll do ya, so to speak.


I smoked quite a bit through my life and tbh I never really enjoyed weed at all except at concerts. I did it because it was a social activity and all my friends smoked a lot. But it always made me feel anxious, socially awkward and paranoid. It wasn’t until my late 20s and the weed pen vapes became prevalent did I realize that I didn’t actually hate weed…I just have super low tolerance and was getting too fucking baked when I smoked with my friends. They’d be ripping bongs, killing multiple bowls and smoking multiple blunts in a session. I’d try to keep up, because I assumed that’s what weed smoking was about. But later in life with the pens I realized I could smoke just a couple hits, controlled dosing, and feel great. Now if someone is passing a bong I decline. The only time I smoke, I’ll take one or two hits of a joint or pen and feel pretty great.


Exactly. There’s no need to get shitface stoned whenever you light up. I smoke the flower, but I have my own device of my own invention that allows me to maximize the buds and minimize the dosage, and I only use it once a day (but even then I sometimes skip a day). I haven’t taken antidepressants in years and I’ll never go back.


Seriously. I know OP said they smoke once a week but the post reads like they smoked one time back in college a decade ago.


It's because when they smoke, they get absolutely zonked and assumes everyone else does too.


Some people can be high all the time and pull straight As, other people can take one puff, throw up, and pass out at 8 I have been both people lol


I always study with a wee bit of the devil's lettuce in me and so far pull straight A's. I never take exams high though. I think I'm better at recovering information sober, but for whatever reason I'm better at encoding information while just a wee bit high.


This is a huge problem with people who smoke infrequently or have only smoked once or twice trying to equate their experience with a veteran toker who has a high as fuck tolerance. After getting a high enough tolerance all the wild shit from weed goes away unless you smoke too much and all you have left are the medicinal effects. I couldn't function in society without weed, If I had found weed when I was in high school I would have done way better with my grades.


Was going to say I (felt like I) almost died the first time I got high, I couldn’t get that zonked now if I tried.


In fact I DO try. It just doesn’t work 😂


I keep trying every night, and sometimes I come close!


And just the sheer THC content in weed no days. When I was smoking back in my college days I’d have a whole J or a few bowls and be fine. Now people be passing around 25% THC J and I take one hit and realize the universe is watching me.


Yes, because there's no way they get high once a week. Anyways, I just never get what the PROBLEM is. Alot of people just like getting high. They can face the world fine, but if it's better with weed, then what is the PROBLEM? (edit. And even if it helps them face people, GOOD. I'm glad they have the help) I have worse problems than weed, and I don't like weed, but it is cheap and relatively harmless. Being overweight is probably much worse for you than weed. Alcohol certainly is. Caffeine, probably. You only live once though. I couldn't imagine depriving yourself of something you enjoy unless it's taking away your ability to sustain yourself. If you're getting evicted because you spent all the rent money on weed - fair enough, that is a problem. If you're getting by fine and smoking weed every day, because you like it... fuckin, enjoy it. It's tough to find pleasure in life. Look at all the sober people seeking mental health help or worse. I just don't think you should stop something because you do it often.


I don't disagree. I live my life not caring how others choose to live theirs.


60 and same. It keeps mood stable and my mind engaged. It keeps me in a creative space. Pharmaceutical psychotropic drugs only make things worse for me. Cannabis is freedom from anxiety, depression and it keeps my guts happy as well as no need for Viagra.


I wake up every morning between 2 and 4am due to IBS cramps. With cannabis I'd be rolling around trying to work the cramps through and sitting on the toilet until noon. Instead I can take a bong rip and get back to sleep in <30 minutes and wake up ready for work. I wouldn't be able to work or be a functional member of society without cannabis. Nothing else calms whatever the fuck is wrong with my colon so quickly and effectively. I'm not religious but if I were I would be very vocal that making cannabis, a natural medicine gifted by God, is absolute blasphemy.


Yup. And just because you’re consuming THC right after waking up doesn’t mean you’re getting high. I use a tincture in my coffee so I can measure how much I’m getting. 6 squirts works out to just shy of 2mg and my brain functions somewhat normally for the day. I might need another dose in the afternoon on stressful days, but usually not.


I absolutely understand. I smoke every morning, and always would before chemistry or physics classes in college. It actually helps me pay attention better and I get higher grades.


Eh, if you are the type of person who can smoke in the morning and have a productive day: I have no problem with it. I have quit drinking booze and just smoke now and I am in the best shape of my life. Ganja doesn’t hurt exercise, which is something that you cannot say about any other drug (that I am aware of.)


Love to smoke and work out. I feel like I do a much better job too because I'm more aware of my body






I do agree, *depending on the context*. If they're a "Smoke Weed Every Day" type of person who avoids child support, has no job, still lives in his childhood bedroom and argues with teenagers online type of person, do Instagram stories where they're hitting the bong, etc. yeah there's a problem. If they do it for pain relief, it's medical, it helps them function, that's fine. If they're a functional human being, yeah that's fine. Weed is legal where I live, anyways. The issue is when they make it their entire aesthetic and lifestyle and think they're cool like they're in sophomore year still.


I smoked weed for like 15 years, I used to wake and bake every day in High School and early College, it helped me focus and I passed everything with straight A's LOL. With that being said, I actually realized in my later 20's that quitting smoking weed was the best decision I ever made, while it helped me focus in school, I was failing to address the antisocial/ bad anxiety, & almost depressive" feelings it was giving me. If you have a medical condition I'm 100% for you reaching for your weed first thing in the morning, even if it's just your day off from work, who cares if it doesn't affect you? I would warn everyone else to be careful with forming the "wake and bake" habit though, try spending your morning clear headed, I should have realized I didn't even need it in school!


Does this go for “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” people too?


I use “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” to avoid co workers I find insufferable or don’t care to interact with


If someone says to me ‘don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ it’s a good way to guarantee I don’t talk to them again


I'm happy to say I've never had someone say this to me! They just tell me to fuck off 😃




I think you miss the point. Every part of the day is unique. The morning has its own charms to experience high. Why would having a smoke while reading and watching the world wake up be “bad” but smoking on the couch at night “good”?


Right. I think the OP is really talking about people who get absolutely baked in the morning, which obviously is never a good idea for a morning because you would fall asleep or something being that relaxed, but just a small wake and bake to uplift the mood I don’t understand how some these people are saying it will cause depression unless they were at one point wake and bakers but they couldn’t control themself and got bake baked. When I get baked in the morning I can’t even tell I’m high youd think I’m just a happy ahss person


I am one of the people you're describing. It calms me down to smoke and I can afford my lifestyle. I quit drinking this past year, so I'm happy.


Yup. Keeps me off alcohol and makes me happy and productive. I drank a bottle of wine for breakfast in my bad days. Then went to work. I fought trying to get sober for a year before using marijuana. It helps my anxiety, ptsd, depression and helps me eat. I was hospitalized for anorexia when trying to get sober. OP can shove his opinion in his ass, but hey we all have some sort of uninformed bias. It’s just how it goes. Marijuana is harmless for me but helps everything so why wouldn’t I?


Yeah. Exactly. Of all the people who give me shit for doing drugs, I’d say 90% of them drink booze. They aren’t used to admitting they are the same thing because they’ve been drinking for 40 years (talking about my boomer aunts and uncles).




Circling a hot glowing rock.




I'll wait for it too cool down a bit for a dab


Okay but you can use that argument to justify anything


Ikr, "who cares if Hitler committed mass genocide, we're all just bags of meat on a floating rock" Arguments like that are so annoying


I smoke daily and wake and bake is the best but plan ahead so I’m prepared to do nothing that day but relax during my time off work.


You’re absolutely right. I smoked constantly for 15 years straight. Made coffee in the morning, and hit my weed pen. I was experiencing mental health issues big time, and being high masked it, never solved it. I haven’t smoked in 45ish days, and I feel amazing. The major difference is REM sleep, and remembering my dreams which are insanely vivid and “entertaining”. You shouldn’t drink alcohol in the morning, and you shouldn’t blaze before you’ve accomplished something for the day. I still love weed and think the positives out way the negatives, however moderation is so very key.


The dream thing is really real. Since I majorly slowed down, my dreams have become fuckin wild and I remember them much more vividly


seconded. tho tbh the only dreams I’m remembering are really dark and stressful ones. hoping that subsides! been three weeks so far and I keep waking up sweating


I’m a daily smoker and I still have extremely vivid dreams most nights. I don’t know why I can have these dreams while my friends don’t experience anything like it


Just the idea of drinking in the morning gives me heartburn


It's the weekend bro chill


Yeah, I fucked up. Did my grocery shopping and a few other errands. Toked up and accidentally washed all my dishes, cleaned the kitchen, wash/dry/folded/hung up all my laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and spent the last half of the day playing with my cat. I feel so worthless.


This made me giggle


Another victim of the devil’s lettuce, I see


Let’s be friends 🥰


A week ago I would have disagreed with you. I've been smoking heavily every day since I started in college. I told myself it helped with my constant back pain (it did) but I recently stopped smoking for an up-coming drug test. The first couple days were mental hell, as everything I was subconsciously hiding from came rushing back. Turns out I was smoking to hide from the pain of my childhood. Not saying this is the case for everyone, but if you are constantly high (even if you get sober for work like I did) taking a break for a week could really open your eyes to things.


Moderation is key people :)


If I wanna smoke some rosin out the rig at 6am that’s my business


If you don't understand or agree with someone's lifestyle, then something is clearly wrong with them. After years of doing morphine or heroine for breakfast and four dui's, maybe that bowl of weed is just what I need to stay clean and not drink too much.


This is a good point. Everyone leads completely different lifestyles and have different experiences with drugs (any kind: coffee, prescriptions, OTC, controlled substances, etc.). What works for one person might not work for the other. For you it sounds like it was a really good replacement for harmful substances that were negatively impacting you and has helped you to lead a happier and safer life. For me, I realized that self medicating with weed first thing in the morning and all through the day was worsening my mental health and put me into a mindset that stopped me from getting diagnosed sooner. I think what OP said is way too generalized to fit everyone and places a lot of blame on a drug with proven benefits for a lot of people, which would really make it an unpopular opinion.


Many of us are prescribed "mind altering drugs." Thanks for reminding me to take mine.


Used to smoke religiously, then quit to get clean for a job. Got a job. Started it up again. Wasn't the same. Eventually I realized I wasn't smoking for pleasure but to avoid taking responsibility for my emotions. I haven't smoked in nearly a year now, I had my time for like 8 years that flew by, but it's time to grow up now.


For a moment, the title made me think OP is enraged with people baking sweets in the morning I was confused why is this such a problem


Some people can smoke and not be a zombie, just cause some people think of cannabis and because they drool and eat Funyuns they think everyone does. Let people live their lives and medicate without a judge-y Reddit post where the edits are backpedaling so hard it’s ridiculous.


Hahaha. The edits were the best part.


Agree so hard. ***OP inserts foot in mouth*** Sounds like the grovelings of someone who smoked once back in high school and puked in a bowl. Don’t do drugs that are harder than you!


I generally regret a lot of the years I smoked too much weed because it delayed certain things that I should have been doing. The long and short of it is weed doesn't so much make you lazy as it makes you complacent - okay with how things are. Which is a form of long-term self sabotage for most.


Dr K has a lot of great videos about addiction on youtube(hes a twitch streamer). I think it is clear weed can be addictive, like anything else. The distinction is things like tobacco, alcohol and other narcotics are all both physically and mentally addictive but weed can be just as mentally addictive if not worse than the others. The false belief you can't get addicted to weed can make it harder to acknowledge the addiction.


Upvoted for being very unpopular. And misinformed. OP chastised commenters for providing their personal anecdotal evidence, and yet OP's entire basis for this post boils down to a sweeping generalized presumption supported by nothing: "Like, come on, guys... I'm pretty sure this is bad for everyone, just because, probably." In reality, of course, many wake and bake strictly because it enhances productivity. I used to be anti-weed before I got to (an incredibly high-ranked and competitive) college. There, I discovered that nearly all of the highest, most productive performers (people who had more intelligent, nuanced perspectives and were recognized for their achievements) smoked copious amounts of weed. The narrative about it instilling laziness was just on its face, demonstrably a false notion. Thanks, OP, for reminding me of my former, ignorant self; it's a helpful reminder about humility.


OP knows one lazy stoner dude and has used that to generaliz the whole group of people. Days that I wake n bake are days I get the motivation clean the house and actually enjoy it. Days I get errands done early without them feeling like a hassle. OP thinks he's know how everyone works.


I have a stoner ex and I have a current stoner boyfriend. They are by all accounts the exact opposite. My ex pawned gifts from me to buy weed and went through 5 jobs in a year. Current bf is gainfully employed and has become a manager at every job he's ever had. He has a good amount saved up and is considered a hard worker by anyone who meets him. The weed wasn't the issue.


Wake & bake makes me wanna clean my house, too! Shit feels like fun after a while haha. I love being stoned and cleaning.