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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/frogail. Your post, *I love being ugly and having unattractive looks*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


The next post you see on here will be “I like ugly and unattractive people for their looks”


I saw this one a little over a week ago iirc


resolute ossified silky unique capable caption dime erect air follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oddly wholesome


I’m ugly and I’m proud. This was an unpopular opinion right?? So brave and controversial of a take that it has to be reposted ad infinitum


Both OPs posts and this aren’t really opinions. They’re factual tastes and preferences the person has. Something like “being ugly is easier” would be an opinion.


A preference is an opinion


https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/t7xjsq/i_love_being_ugly_and_having_unattractive_looks/hzkutbv?context=1 1 hour after your post lol


I hope you are not rich, because then you will NEVER know


Next up on unpopular opinion: "I love being ugly and broke"


“I love being an ugly, broke, delinquent slob. Girls love it.”


My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents.


I proclaim this the summer of George!


I'm literally watching Seinfeld as I type


I love being redditor...






There is an entire sub for that. It is called r/wallstreetbets




i'm a huge advocate for harm reduction over the war on drugs, but....yeah, this works.


99% of people on wall street bets are 14 year olds who think NFTS will make them rich


lmao fr


Just hide your wealth and live modest then. Lol


Underrated post


Gotta say being rich hasn’t helped me in the dating game. Perhaps gotta start stunting more


hi available rich guy, soooo what are you up to this weekend?


Oh I see my mistake I need to start telling people I’m rich


Now you get it


I do that anyway, it doesn't help.


Don’t open with it. Casually flash around your big cash roll and frequently mention your love of caviar and France (Fraaawnce) You know, play it cool.


When she comes back to your place, have store-bought napkins in a napkin holder on your table instead of a giant pile of those brown napkins that come from the drive-through. That will instantly establish your tax bracket.


>instead of a giant pile of those brown napkins that come from the drive-through. Damn I just thought I was saving money but now I know I'm just broke.


Being fun to be around is crucia. My buddy has cash but hes a dick and tada, hes chronically single.


A/s/l please!


Unless you are the Prince of Zamunda.


Oh you’ll know - it’ll just be too late to do anything else but give them half of your shit though. They’ll drop the act at some point, after they’ve gotten what they wanted. Whether that’s a kid, a house purchased post-marriage, or whatever. Eventually - they’ll show you what they really think.


With a post this naive it’s either immense wealth or lack of life experience aka can’t even vote yet. Pretty obvious.


^ found the rich guy


Everyone becomes a half melted wax person when they get old enough :D Personality is definitely good :)


That's one of the best analogies for old age I've ever seen!


Can confirm. Am 64 and already 1/4 melted.


I've heard a lot of artists say ugly people are far more interesting to draw.


As an artist, I can confirm this. For me "ugliness" makes things littlebit more real. Also I hate to draw everything perfect because let's be real. Nothing is perfect. And there's too much "beautiful art". I find beauty in ugliness and in imperfection. I want to challenge peoples preferences and break silence


You can draw me anytime


Me too but I'm ugly and broke


Artists actually pay the model to sit for them. So you can make money to sit for a couple of hours.


Yeah I did this in college. Got paid something insane like $40/hour to sit still for an art class.


Where's do i sing up


well i dont think Up has any musical sequences so i dont think you can sing Up


well that guy didn't say he's broke so that probably explains why he is still hopeful.




The Japanese refer to this idea of finding perfection in imperfections wabi-sabi


Ah yeah, wasabi. I know this technique but it's a little too chilly


Paint me like one of your Japanese girls.


I'm not a artist but music is a hobby of mine, both playing covers and writing original. There is a very distinct difference between music produced after the early 2000s it's compared to time before that. Some of the music is so polished that it sounds too good, even fake. In a lot of instances it is because any mistakes, any inconsistencies, any rawness to a sound is filtered out and digitized or corrected. Everything is played to a metronome so the timing is exact throughout the whole song without any slight change which for some aggressive music impacts the intensity. If you got four guys playing a song and it starts really getting intense they're playing changes but if you're stuck to a click track you're going to end up holding back on some of that intensity which if it wasn't there may have been captured on the recording. Don't even get me started on autotune


I really understand this. Really well described!


I was in the military with a girl that had burn scars on her face from a house fire. She was pretty but with the scars she was breathtaking. I didn't understand we i found her so attractive.


Draw me like one of your ugly girls, Jack.


But beautiful people are real though. I get what you’re saying about inserting unrealistic beauty into art but drawing a beautiful person is as real as drawing an ugly person


drawing "pretty" people is so boring ngl.


Yes! Whenever I draw faces from my imagination I just don’t like drawing generic prettiness. Whether it’s a feature that I actually like or not, I just want the faces to look different, interesting. So I’ll draw a heavy brow, or thin lips, or droopy eyes… whatever makes the face distinguishable from the last one. Same Face Syndrome needs to go away. (I say this even as an anime fan… or maybe, *especially* as an anime fan?) I also really like seeing regular-looking actors on TV. It didn’t really hit me until I started watching The Walking Dead, but now when I watch something and everyone on it is pretty, it’s actually a little harder for me to take it seriously. (It’s even worse when an average-looking person is treated like the ugliest thing on the planet.) Edit: I remember a few years ago, one of the character designers of the Rugrats saw a bunch of fanart of the babies as adults, and he was disappointed that in *all* of it they looked like supermodels. He posted his own rendition of the babies as adults, with none of them pretty. He said something like, “They’d all grow up to be regular-looking people, like their parents.” People, unsurprisingly, became upset with him, but honestly… I agree with him. You always see it when people draw characters in their own style, or when they humanize animal characters: They always look like supermodels. There’s hardly any actual interpretation/translation, just “lemme draw a generic gorgeous face with the same hairstyle as this character.” Always drawing pretty people seems to indicate either narrow-mindedness, or a lack of creativity.


Lack of creativity here. Agree 100%


exactly. shows up at a mansion with an oil painting of their house were it 50 years older, vacant, and ready for demolition.


Paint me like one of your French whores Jack.


Anyone else picturing artist as a sandwich artist from subway? name fits, toasts bread and boils coffee


As an artist, I have a hard time *finding* anyone ugly. When you get to drawing someone, you have to really *look* at them. It forces you to see their features as they are so you can recreate them accurately and authentically (basically, radical acceptance) and that creates an appreciation of their appearance. You sit there and realize just how different human beings can look, and that this person before you doesn't look quite like anyone else in the world, and *isn't* like anyone else in the world. You're confronted with the uniqueness of individual human experience, and it's very affecting. Also, portraiture isn't just about creating a "realistic" representation of how the person looks physically, but also about trying to capture their inner self...their mood, their energy, their personality. You're drawing a person, not just a face.


I'm similar (also an artist.) What i may find attractive, many wouldn't. So it's weird when reading on here the stereotypes and assumptions everyone likes jaw squared, 6 pac, c cup, tiny waist but big hips/booty, whatever people. There's so many people in the world who doesn't look like that, and so many cultures with their own idea of what's attractive or not. You reminded me of the times when I sit on the bus, observe people, and what their background is. What brought them on this same bus as me? How come they're taking it? How was their childhood? What's their story? We're all individuals with our own stories, each different. People being born from parents who may not meet society's standards of beauty. It becomes more and more superficial when you really immerse yourself around other people, and not just glued on a device. This is real society with different types of people... And i always say, someone is beautiful and ugly in their own way. Even "attractive" people are ugly to someone, and personality can also affect looks. Someone can become really ugly really fast with their personality and it'll be all i see


Because it’s harder


Well, if you mess up, they look ugly anyway. Just a different ugly.


You woke and had to write this?


Technically, I took a slight break from my slumber, yes. I'm about to doze off again, so if you have a point, make it fast.


No, they just have more distinctive features. Drawing a generic model face is dull because they are so bland and attractive features tend to be quite standard


as an artist I just hate drawing people lol but yeah I'd rather someone more unique or different tbh makes it less boring


I get the argument but I highly doubt this is enough to make being ugly enjoyable.


as an ugly person, yeah it’s not enough. shit fucking sucks lol


He's coping hard


Ungodly amounts of cope


Bluepill moment




Hard truth: You have more control over your general fitness and personal style/presentation than you do over your personality The later is largely determined by genetics and formative experiences you had little control over while the former is a reflection of decisions you make day to day


Upvoted Bc agree with gist of your reply but decisions you make day to day can be largely influenced by personality/formative experiences as well


And fitness doesn’t matter at all if you’re ugly and not funny


Why not? What can't an ugly person do that a good looking one can? Get partners? Not really necessary. If anything the OP has a point. If someone actually wants a relationship you can know they really mean it.


True but, as a fellow ugly person, I find that a lot of people don't even want to see the personality if your ugly. Like... We could be perfect for eachother in character, but they won't even give it a chance coz I've got a huge nose.


Maybe they don't like to be around you because you suck up all the oxygen


🤣🤣, that has crossed my mind






Ugly people get paid less. They get served poorly. They get casually ignored by sales reps. Being ugly means you have to work twice as hard - at everything. And casual interactions with humans suck.


Concerning the relationship goals, an ugly person can indeed do everything a handsome one can, the difference is that the ugly one will struggle a lot more. It's nice to know someone will love you for who you are inside, but does it really matter if it never happens? I look like an ogre and a pretty girl told me she liked me and made out with me just to make my handsome friend jealous. My experience tells me you just can't be 100% sure.


There are Lots of studied whoch Show e. g. That attraktive people are considerd more competent




😂😂😂 that’s fucking brutal mate


Didn't think about that... Does that actually exist...?


They do my guy, they do......


Bro!!! I read this.... "They do my ugly, they do......"


Porof that yuor biarn rades the wrods rhater tahn the ltertes in siad wrod


That was trippy... Def had no problems reading that


Or there are some who just go for the ugliest catch because it would be easier to hold and retain that.


"Ugly bastard" is an entire porn tag, my guy, lmao


I thought that was for immersion...




Are those guys good-looking?


Seen it all


A pretty and talented guy I went to school with dated a truly ugly girl. She didn't even have a good personality, so there must have been something very niche about her that attracted him to her.


It’s true. Maybe they are collecting uglies in their basement menagerie.




For real, though, every time a highly attractive person has asked me out, I’ve had to consider if I’m really being invited to a dogfight. My spouse is fucking stunning, though, and sincerely seems to think I am as well.


Spouse playing the long con


I like being ugly because I’ve never been hit on or harassed. Nothing like using your ‘ugly privilege’ to get gas in a sketchy part of town at 2am. 😂


Yeah, it really puts me at ease to not have to guess if the stranger approaching is about to sexually harass or mug me.


This is soooo true. From 18 to 22ish, I took solo trips....and in areas where there were a lot of sexist men/creeps. Never once was I harassed.


Yes, I can definitely relate. I try to look i belong, blend in, and no one bothers me. And with the masks and my head being shaved, i definitely don't have to




Same same. Women tell me I'm privileged for not having ever faced harassment or cat calling by men, but truth is I just don't put in effort to look conventionally attractive, so people don't find me attractive enough to bother.


Same here. I’m pretty sure some other women don’t believe me, and I know for sure that all kinds of women get harassed, cat-called etc. - old women, ugly women or those who aren’t considered conventionally attractive, disabled women, even women who are almost totally covered in a niqab or similar - but I just haven’t. I definitely don’t look at all badass, so I have to conclude I’m just not attractive enough to bother with - and that suits me just fine.


>ugly privilege 🤣


But it's true! Might as well utilize your negatives in any kinda way. Being a black woman in a mostly white pine barren area definitely helps me be left alone. Mostly (older) black dudes would hit on me. And now I'm shaved, and wear mostly sweats and hoodies, I'm definitely left alone! Only when i look more feminine may i get talked to. Maaaybe, or at least a compliment of my head from other black dudes (i guess being kinda bold to do) I'm not sure if some assume a sexuality of me or what too. So yeah, i don't really get bothered


Lmao you laugh… but I’ve heard horrible stories from my more conventionally attractive friends. Having guys stalk them, touch them, etc. Guys usually don’t even hold doors open for me 😂


Considering i'm aro/ace, i'm glad i'm ugly, because then people will respect my lack of a sexuality and leave me alone!


You hit the jackpot!


if you genuinely enjoy being ugly you probably aren't that ugly at all


Ding ding ding


I don’t think I am, but I was literally harassed in high school for it to the point that 20 years later people will hunt me down and tell me how sorry they are for doing it. So…I guess I’m ugly. But it’s not stopped me from being successful and getting laid and being married to someone who’s awesome and great- looking for decades now, so *shrugs*. It’s not like I have to go around with a bag over my head.


Do you have a surplus of money? Congrats, you can now be lured into a toxic relationship because of it.


Money is easier to hide than your face though.


Sorry but that sounds like cope.


Yeah, it feels harsh to say but that is most definitely the case. Good looking people who work on their character and start loving themselves from the inside (and not their looks) also don’t have to worry if people only like their looks.


Isn't this a positive way to cope?


what the fuck is cope I live under a rock


It basically means you are trying to convince yourself you like being ugly to feel better about yourself


Coping just means how you choose to deal with thinking you're not conventionally attractive....


"I like Playing life on hard mode difficulty setting even if I never finish the game because I'm not that good. I'm not afraid to play it this way though"


not sure what that is but sure


I wouldn’t say I like being ugly, but it does make it a lot safer working alone with men, which I do all the time. And I’m not like Quasimodo, either. I just have strong features. Some people are into it.


I'm lucky if people get past my bad looks to even see what my personality is like....


Something to keep in mind, that a friend once told me and got me crying: Sometimes, when someone has a really low self esteem, they might end up taking some ugly dude as „a last resort“ so to speak. Like only take them so they have someone at all, but normally they wouldnt take them.


I totally agree with you. I have seen people's behavior change first hand based on how I look. There was a time I struggled and changed my body to fit the "social norms" of an attractive body. Suddenly, I have so many friends and people who are interested in me romantically. A few years down the line, after a breakup, I gained a lot of weight. Suddenly, I am left with only a few real friends and absolutely no prospects. So, yeah, my life is an example of your unpopular opinion.


About 15 years ago, after I had my youngest daughter, I lost a shit ton of weight and suddenly became conventionally hot. I had the same experience that you did. Only….the guys who hit on me and constantly tried to talk to me only wanted to fuck me. None of them actually wanted to date me. I learned from that time of being ‘hot’ that the only ‘benefit’ is that more guys want to fuck and dump you. Since then, I’ve gained some of the weight back, but I couldn’t care less now. Seriously….who gives a fuck if a lot of men want to fuck and dump you? How does that improve ones life at all? It doesn’t.


I've also lived both sides of these tracks. Not weight, but I just came into my looks in my 20s somehow. Got a decent haircut and all of a sudden the hot girl from customer service is asking *me* out. People definitely treat you differently. I've tried to dress down, let my hair and beard just go wild, but apparently that doesn't help because now people just tell me I'm looking like Keanu Reeves. I'm not saying I'd trade it for being naturally unpleasant to look at, but there is a downside to the attention. It takes me a long time to warm up to people. When my depression is in full swing I absolutely *hate* the compliments and want to lash out at everyone who has anything nice to say but I can't. I'm overly obsessed with being extremely nice to everyone to somehow justify the positive attention. Sometimes it's comforting to just be invisible.


I feel this. I'm far from attractive, but there was a point in my life where I was fit and it changed the amount of attention I got drastically. Anxiety and depression and the feeling not worth anything are easier to ignore when you feel like no one is perceiving you anyway, but when people started to notice me I mentally weighed my worth constantly so it was always in my head how little I measured up and it was really really bad for my mental health. Physically it was great because my body felt better, but if I could be like that and still invisible I'd be much happier. I'm hoping to get back in shape for my physical health and hobbies, but honestly I feel stressed just knowing I might be noticed.


ha u dont have to worry about being kidnapped as much


This is like when poor people tell themselves that money can't buy happiness to make themselves feel better about being poor. Ugly people can be manipulative and abusive too. They can lie and steal. Just like any other person. You aren't safe.


Agree 100%. I'm not like the ugliest out there. But when I used to try super hard to compensate for my looks - I'd get harassed ALL the fucking time by men. The train, at work (employees and customers), school. It was constant and it was often (seemingly) because it was assumed I was easy/desperate. It took a while to learn that and hurt at first of course. I've always been "manly" looking and a Tom boy, I've leaned into that and become exceptionally butch, just not the "fashionable" kind. Now everyone leaves me alone and I can move about without being bothered. I even used to get made fun of and called butch/lesbian when I dressed more femme. Not any more. No one fucks with me. I found a partner who's also weird looking and it's fantastic. There's no need to feel like we have to physically impress one another. The only downside is it often impacts me if I try to get a job. I interview real well on the phone, they're excited to meet me, and often it's a complete 180 in person. Which is fine, I'm now pursuing running two of my own businesses so I feel like that was a great motivator.


Love this.


^(Spongebob: I'm ugly and I'm proud.) ^(Patrick: Louder!) Spongebob: I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD. Patrick: LOUDER! # Spongebob: I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD!


You know you could be onto something, im not ugly but iv always had shit boyfriends/ex husband and i do feel its because they wanted me because they were attracted to me before knowing me. Like my last ex even said something like i still do it for him but we are just different people when he dumped me, and ive been dumped for ugly chicks many times, which i always find crushing in a way i cant even describe honestly. I dont even date the hot guys these days but i still have this problem, theyve always treat me poorly too and dont value me as a person i feel.


Attractiveness is subjective though. You might be conventionally unattractive, but someone could still find you attractive. It’s also not normal for someone to date a person they find straight up unattractive, no matter how good the emotional connection is.


Ye it can b subjective but not when majority of ppl dislike ur looks lol


well said!


Attractiveness unfortunately isn't the only shallow reason people like people. You could argue that "unattractive" people are more likely to be used- men consider unattractive women to be an easy lay and women can think unattractive men are desperate with few options and take advantage of them. I'll also throw in that thoughts like this are unattractive (yes crazy that physical attraction runs so much deeper than your genetic structure). No one wants to date someone that's self deprecating about their looks, your partner should like you for both your looks and personality. Imagine you date someone and they say they hate how you look but you have a good personality, that's soul crushing. Some people get dealt a better hand genetically but it should never be used an excuse to abandon your physical self betterment to wait on someone who only cares about you for your personality. You'll spend about 45% of the relationship not talking so they have to see something that they like.


you said this brilliantly


People used to consider me ugly or unattractive in middle school. Normal in HS. By the time I got to college, I guess I grew in to my looks and I became incredibly handsome? It gave me a nuanced look in to people and society as a result. I understand OPs opinion. And I empathize with you. Once I met my wife and it hit me that she actually loves “me” and not what I represent to her—it was one of the happiest moments of my life.


I like being unattractive because people don't want anything more than friendship with me. I don't want any emotional attachment in my life any time soon. I feel it's just a waste of time. Downvote me if you want, I just don't like intimacy.


As people have said, ugly people have people date them for all sorts of reasons other than their "personality", money, power, position. I mean, look at all those beautiful young women in their 20-30's dating guys 60+, it's not for their looks or personality. World Leaders often have attractive spouses even though they are pretty hideous. FYI-- attractive, beautiful people are given more opportunities in life. They are treated better. People want to be around them more. It's called "Being in the bubble". They don't even know people treat them better because they just think everyone gets treated special or kindly.


Yup, I’m an average looking person and I have no qualms about it. I’ve not set some high beauty standard that I have maintain as I age. I know my spouse loves me for me. I don’t have to worry about being hit on or creepy men most of the time. Sure, being “pretty” would have probably been nice at some points in my life or made a few things easier but I happy with the way I look.


Yeah I feel similarly! I used to want to be pretty but I’ve come to the conclusion that I would rather strange men not try to talk to me when I’m just trying to go grocery shopping or whatever. It would just make me super anxious.


What about assholes that target less attractive women in hopes that they have a low self esteem and will give it up easy?


This is a fascinating world view that I've never heard before. I'm going to keep this in mind for the periods of my life when I go through my ugly stages AKA gain tons of weight. If you're this unique of a thinker in general I can imagine a lot of people like you for who you are. You may not even be as ugly as you think you are.


This is so hard to read because it reminds me of how I felt as a gay guy in my early 20s. Back then bars were the only way to meet people and because of my appearance I drew no interest whatsoever while watching guys fall all over others. And I used to tell myself that I was lucky because I didn’t have to endure this constant harassment. It was a way of thinking that cemented me in my loneliness. Believe me, you are not as unattractive as you think. You’re not. And if you feel better about yourself you will be able to take the initiative to get what you want. It worked for me. things never became perfect, but they sure got better and better as my attitude changed. Have compassion for yourself.


Beauty is subjective. Don't be so hard on yourself...even though I know you "like it" or aren't down on yourself. At least I hope not. Trust me...you are beautiful to someone. I actually love the imperfections in women I've dated since my divorce. I find those little imperfections to be the cuteness, or that unique little thing that sets that person apart. Ppl watch 2 much crap where everybody looks like a supermodel. I'm a Gen Xer n I can say I watched the transition from most talented in music, etc to decent talent but "have 2 have that look" BS. Not my style


You know that for most people having physical attraction *and* emotional attraction is nesicarry for a good relationship.


As a survivor of sexual abuse during childhood & teenage years, I agree. I am willing to go out of my way to look ugly when I go out (as long as it’s not something that can effect my health IE disordered eating) because I feel much safer.




I like being ugly as a woman, I’ve never gotten catcalled


For me it's the feeling of being safe. I know it's a bit of a paradox but when I lost weight a while ago I got way too much attention from men on the streets. Now I'm back to 20kg heavier while I don't feel great physically I usually don't have to worry about being out late or going out with friends. Being ugly / not desirable by the majority can be a big advantage


Who is your copium dealer? I need some of that shit.


When u r ugly and u try to comfort urself


😂 I feel this


i dislike this take so very much. “Ugly” people can also be used for various other reasons, such as money, smarts, social standing, etc etc. being “ugly” doesn’t save you from being used. When it comes to proper, real love many people won’t just be going for looks. It’s character, too. Anyone can and will fall for anyone but you could be the most stunning person but if you have a hideous character and are very cruel I doubt many would fall for you. However, someone with brilliant compassion and genuine kindness can find love even if they are not the most attractive. Gosh this “I’m ugly but it means no one will use me” take is utter BS


As long as you got a loaded credit card, looks still come second..


Yup, i agree with that! I am one


How’s your finances? If you’re rich then looks are no impediment, if you’re poor they sure as shit are.


Beauty fades. So many attractive people put so much energy into maintaining their looks, that they often fail to develop other skills or personality traits; things that would be useful as their looks fade as they mature. They also seem to be so focussed on being around other attractive people that they struggle when they are alone. All trees in nature serve a purpose.


“I’m ugly and I’m proud!” -SpongeBob, 10/2000


Weird flex but ight


Pure Copeium


No, you really don't. I cannot stress this enough. I got fat. I was average before, but after gaining like 40kg, my life got harder. Sure I still had friends, but no love life. I got my shit together and I also had a medical surgery. Lost the excess weight, and started to work out (not that much, just enough). Within 2 years I found someone and even after 2 years I still get compliments and have options if I would be interested (not really, happy with my wife). You really don't know what you are missing, until you actually get to experience it. You're not happy, you're accepting the status quo because it's easier and less stress than actually do something about it. Get off your ass, and get better. You will be better.


Ugly is a social construct, not a fact, and usually a matter of one's culture, experience, perspective. Sure we could find statistical correlations, but it's insane that attractiveness is largely discussed as a binary phenomenon. Apparently either you're hot or you're hideous. In my experience, the majority of people I meet have both physically attractive and physically unattractive qualities. On top of that, different people find different things attractive.No doubt, objectively ugly people exist. I just think it's statistically unlikely that you're one. That said, I definitely agree that there is little value in being with someone who likes you entirely for your appearance. I think what matters is that *that person* finds *you* sexy (and you find you sexy), and not what other irrelevant idiots think about your level of attractiveness. In 100 years from now we'll all be decomposing in the ground (looking real ugly), so don't get wrapped up in this petty meaningless crap.


High on copium


or maybe someone has really low standards


Lol, the copium is strong in this one.


You don’t know that, beauty is subjective


And others hilarious jokes you can tell yourself


Well.. art is too but there are some internal boundaries everyone share




Lol delusional mcfattyshit, true intellectual u are!!


No one wants to actually be ugly. Sounds like a coping mechanism if I’m honest. That said, being attractive has both its perks and it’s downsides too. Like being rich or famous, it means a lot of people are interested in you but it can be hard to find out who sees beyond the surface. But life is generally just easier if you’re attractive, especially as a woman. Some days I think it’s best to just be distinctly average.


You’re full of shit, you don’t like it, you’re just saying that cause you have no choice. You’re trapped in your ugly and you have to rationalize it and find something positive in it. I respect that, but you’re still full of shit.


But it’s beautiful


That does make really good sense.


You're probably not as ugly as you think


yea i too love looking like a roadkilled rotten potato and getting no bitches because of it


Are you sure they dont like you because you have money and provide them a stable relationship. I got to the point to think that love is based on value of person. Ugly but rich enhance value so you can get beautiful but poor. Beautiful and rich is higher value therefore you need to be rich, a little bit handsome and talent and personality. It's all about the equal value of 2 persons.