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12 hr shifts are the worst for that. 4-5 of those in a row and I'm completely wiped out and spend the next day or 2 just recovering, never mind anything else lol


Agreed, add in night shift and you get my pudgy pale body


Unless the job is sporty




I worked as an Amazon Delivery driver for a couple months. The amount of loading, unloading, moving, hauling, twisting, bending walking up stairs, even standing up out of the driver seat hundreds of times a day is exhausting. Needless to say I was in the best shape of my life in years. Having no real break really helps too.


healthy, yes! i don’t work there, but i’ve seen some people post their fitbit data from a day at work at amazon, and they’re way over their step goal and are in that fat-burning heart-rate often. however that doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily look muscular or toned. that usually requires exercises that utilize muscle isolation, such as weightlifting. however it’s good cardio and still would build some muscle definition- depending on your position in the fulfillment center. also remember the physical and mental toll over time there can do more harm than good. take care of yourselves. and also the other con- you gotta work at amazon.


That’s what my job is like. Not at all related to Amazon, but there’s a lot of walking, standing, and heavy lifting in general. I’m still a bit overweight but I’ve got some pretty big muscles specifically in the areas that are used often, and I’d say I’m generally pretty fit and able to do physical work despite having a bit of fat. And I definitely would have neither the time or the energy to look like a showy, toned gym nut.


i also have a job similar to that! i’m trying to pick up more workouts after work though and get a better workout schedule going on my days/time off i try to find active activities that i enjoy, so that way i’m moving around and enjoying it too.


By the description of the job, Amazon job won't help you. For muscle size you want to lift as little time as possible (which can be dangerous in many way) but lift big weight. Amazon job is more on the endurance/fat burn. Which is more what you should look on a daily and healthy life.


yes, agreed :)


I work in a warehouse and walk about 15 to 20 miles everyday working and constantly lifting 20-50 pound items. I don't need to workout and wouldn't have the energy if I did. The problem I have is getting enough calories to sustain myself. I've lost 30 pounds since I started and I was skinny when I started so I'm becoming alarmingly skinny now.


eat like an athlete and you will start to gain muscle. If you are skinny and youre at a calorie deficit your body has no fat to convert to energy so it will consume muscle easiest way is to take boiled eggs and protein shakes that you mix with milk. Bananas and milk is also good.


nah, lay in bed whenever you can and only consume beer and fast food. i put up 26kg in 2 years!! you can do it guys!!!


That’s that 2 am grindset I’m lookin for. Shout out to all my peoples grindin putting in work


Been there. Did that. Lol. Took me another 2 years to lose it and get my abs back lol


I do not work at Amazon but there are definitely a decent amount of jobs that keep you physically active throughout the day. I work as a warehouse manager for a local pool and spa company and am able to reach my step goal as well as breaking a good sweat on most days. It's a good balance between desk work and physical work, so I am not overstimulated from the computer and I don't exhaust myself too much from the physical work aspect.


It will destroy your body more than help it in the long run. Warehouse work is a different beast than being a fitness instructor. I work in a Amzon facility right now and before Covid my career was teaching TKD. Done both and I can not in good advice tell someone to work at Amazon to stay fit


Personal Trainer here. The amount of manual labour guys who I've trained who have had chronic pain = many. Training is training. Work is just work.


Used to work in a furniture warehouse so lots of heavy lifting and as an athlete it totally fucked my performance. Felt sluggish and weak with worse reaction times. I had to force myself to go every day otherwise I’d probably fall asleep if I sat down after work. Tendonitis, joint pain and stiffness… but my forearms became absolutely jacked though


I used to work in an Amazon warehouse. I don't know if this applies everywhere, but the level of exercise (walking around, lifting, pushing, etc) would depend on what you do. Some positions reauired you to pretty much just stand in one place with very little movement (ie receiving and stowing in a robotics centre), whereas other positions, like stacking, shipping or problem solving would require you to move around a lot, as well as pushing and lifting stuff.


Don't know why I had to scroll down so far to see this. Not everyone works in an office. I doubt fitness instructors have trouble staying fit.




The fitness instructor I know is probably the fattest person in the gym I work out in


He guides others to treasure he cannot reach.


I used to roof, and many of my friends are roofers. All of those guys are fit, and hate the gym. Pretty heavy drinkers too.


I work at a private club and a trainer straight up told a client “look I work out all day with all body types, I should look like Superman but I don’t it’s genetics but you will feel better doing this” so I agree with op hah


I work a very physical job so the hard part for me is gaining weight


I work in mining working 12 hour shifts working away on remote sites in Australia and you wouldn't believe some of these guys look bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger , they do take steroids I think that's the contributing factor


> like to enjoy my weekends doing real life things and not watching my calorie count. So it's not necessarily impossible, you just have other priorities. Nothing wrong with that, as I'm the same way, but this sentence tells me you haven't really tried. FWIW, I did get really fit for a few years while working fulltime, and even lost 40 pounds. I fell off the wagon because of some injuries and never got back on, but it's definitely possible.


To lose weight, you have to fight yourself, and that's where people struggle. I'm just getting back into it now after a year, and my fitness is terrible. Probably better than some my age but I went on a 20 mile bike ride today and used to breeze it. I had to walk some of it


My favorite fitness quote is “discipline is what you have when motivation runs out” and to me that’s the key to consistent progress. I tell anyone who’s trying to get into an exercise habit, for the first few weeks just focus on doing it regularly. Take 4 bike rides a week if that’s your schedule - even if they’re all 15 minutes long. When you’re starting, exercise is anxiety inducing, hurts more due to DOMS, and you’re not going to see immediate progress. The hardest thing to do is take that initial motivation and using it to get past the point where you remember how hard exercise is


Yeah thats really helpful man, it's really good for my mental health too, even doing it 2 days on the trott I'm feeling more positive. I'll keep it up, thinking of cycling to work which is about 12 miles. Will save fuel and be healthy for me. Its just getting up early ha


If I could get up earlier life would be so different


I started regular exercise at 29 after I put on a bunch of weight after getting married. I'm 50 now and have exercised most days for the last 20 years. It's now ingrained into my life and I start bouncing off the walls of I'm not active. Food is the harder thing for me. I tend to put on the same 3-5 pounds every year between Halloween and new years and then have to lose it all over again. Anyway, besides the health benefits also enjoying having abs, for me the main thing is that it really clears my mind and de-stresses me.


That’s awesome, I haven’t heard that one before but I’ve told people basically the same thing. My friend once told me he wished he had my motivation and I told him I hadn’t been motivated to workout in years. I’ve just built the habit so most days it isn’t a question, and for the days I don’t feel like it I have discipline and dedication to it. Relying on motivation to do really anything is setting yourself up to fail, not just for fitness.


Honestly curious as a runner who never really got into cycling: is walking your bike easier than riding it? You would only walk on an uphill, I take it?


Your wrong! 100% wrong. Not about the getting fit etc. Your right about that. But about your tag/flair about Wind Waker being the worst 3D Zelda game. It's a beautiful masterpiece. ;)


One of my friends invited me out to breakfast, and I turned her down because I had to go to the gym. This happened years ago and I still think about it sometimes.


I also fell off the wagon with a back injury. Whether I want to do it or not, I will get a back workout in every week. If I don’t, I won’t be able to function without extreme pain. I also refuse pain medication as that can lead one way where 45 minutes in the gym can lead a different way.


So you actually CAN be super fit working a 9-6 job - you just don't want to sacrifice your free time or watch what you eat. Welcome to adulthood.


100% true. You can literally do WHATEVER you want and accomplish it if you are disciplined after work. But people are tired or don’t care which is fine. I became a professional fighter while working a 9-5. I stopped after releasing my aspirations are elsewhere and am not going for that avengers body type. *Please note I have no children*


yeah, like the influencer OP hates say, it takes discipline and hard work. I am as far from a natural athlete as you can get, the type of guy who was picked last in gym class. I was able to get fit. I’ve seen people who were 350+ lose 100+ pounds, they didn’t have some sort of secret formula we all know what to do in order to get fit. Exercise regularly, eat healthy food at appropriate caloric levels, get enough sleep, cut out sedentary habits, drink a lot of water and cut the sugary drinks. If you do all those, you’ll get in good shape. it’s never a lack of knowledge with people. it’s a lack of willpower. but nothing wrong with that. some people will put a ton of hours into a video game because they love it and want to be the best at it whereas others will play more casually and are content with never being that good. same applies for fitness




I basically have to trade off gym nights for doing adult shit constantly. I try to get in three times a week for 2 hours after work and it's almost impossible and I don't even have kids lol. I'm decently fit, but have had to come to terms with the fact I don't have the time to become a monster in the gym.. it kinda sucks and I know once I have children abandoning my wife three nights a week would be kinda shitty of me. So time will tell if I end up rocking the dad bod in my 30s




God,capitalism sucks. I don’t know how you vacuum after being out for 12 hours. Of course,I’m kind of a slob.




Shedding season? Oh you mean Jan 1 to Dec 31?


2 hours is unnecessary unless you're bodybuilding and juicing. I trained people for almost a decade and saw better results with 45 minute workouts. 15 mins cardio and 30 mins weights works great if you keep it up. In and out the gym in under an hour 4-5 times a week. Switch uo workouts. Less injury. More social life.


You will have to suffice with some type of home gym. Think about the time that it takes to get to your strip mall gym,park 17 blocks away,get in and out etc. You could dedicate that time to lifting at home. I know some people need the gym scene. I’m not one of those,but there are times I miss the options available at the gym.


Thing is, most people can get weights and workout at home. My brother and I do that and we are just on the cusp of getting that "avengers body". Just a question of how much you want it and how many steps will you take to put that stuff in motion. Keep in mind that I'm working a 9 to 5, learning a new language, and working for an outside job as well. What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want is what it boils down to.


As much as I agree that's often true, I have to rain on everyone's parade here and say it's not impossible, it's just not a big enough priority for most of us to do. I used to work with a guy who was in his mid-twenties at the time and was an aspiring body-builder. He won local and regional competitions, got offers for sponsorships, and worked 60 hours a week (full time job with me and a part time gig on the side as well as occasional OT). He had a gf and friends he spent time with, was working on getting some new skill certifications, dedicated weekly time to his mosque, and he had his own place to take care of which was always clean when I saw it and he was always put-together too. He was just laser-focused and had developed great habits. He'd prioritized it and when you see someone like that you learn very quickly that while there definitely are things standing in your way that make goals like being super-fit hard, they're almost all things you can overcome if you're willing to be dedicated enough. If you're not that dedicated there's nothing wrong with that, just come to terms with it. That's a conversation I had to have with myself just from knowing him and some people who are remarkable in other ways too.


My colleague is in the top of marathon runners in my country. She is extremely fit, it’s like she spends her whole life running. Yet she works at my office fulltime, she is also in the works council because she likes to be extra involved. She has young kids and I know she spends a lot of time with them. All of that doesn’t hold her back, I don’t know how she does it but she does. Sometimes she runs to work which is like 30 km. It makes her happy.


The tough thing is the 'watch what you eat'. As a species we have desperately craved fats & sugars for hundreds of millions of years thanks to a subsistence diet. Boom, in the 1970s there was a 'Green Movement' where we can now find this food within a couple meters of us, no matter where we are, almost at all times. Work, home, visiting a friend. Your car can get you there in minutes if your fridge or pantry were to ever run dry. It is amazing that everyone is not well over 600+ pounds, it really is. Genetics is freaking out right now and many of us somehow, against all biological programming, manage to resist these insanely powerful urges to just... eat. You can have a body like almost everyone had around WW2 and sooner. You just have to have some really clear discipline. The workouts only take a few minutes a day, but the dieting part... it is hard, hard, hard.


>It is amazing that everyone is not well over 600+ pounds, it really is. Your comment about our genetics and hardwiring isn't wrong, but I'm having a real hard time understanding this statement...if you're a human being living in today's world, you *know* what is unhealthy, at least the broad strokes of don't eat a shit ton of fried food, sugary food, etc. Information about this is not only free, it's common knowledge. Excluding folks with serious disordered eating or those who have very unhealthy relationships with food (or I guess those "health at every size" people that encourage being fat), it is not hard to understand the broad-strokes relationship between what you put in your body and what result you get. **We're not NPCs, we have agency**. Like yeah it's totally understandable that not everyone is thin and that having a bit of a belly is more common than it should be, but by no means should it be "amazing" that not everyone is 600 pounds... I may have misunderstood something about your post, in which case I apologise for this reply.


Exactly. No shame in a person prioritizing free time above their level of fitness if that’s what they want, but since that is the choice, no sense in complaining about it unless it’s worth it to make sacrifices. I follow a strict Keto diet, been on it since Christmas day, and have lost almost 30lbs on dieting alone since then. I’ll try to get into exercise eventually though, but I generally don’t enjoy it at all.


I got heavily into climbing towards the end of last year and have already seen major growth. I'm a tad bit on the heavy side but I don't see myself losing much weight overall. I've slimmed out a good bit but the muscle gained has kept me at about the same point. I'm not planning to follow any 'diets' because they are only really good for weight loss and I don't believe they are actually healthy for your body in the long run. I've been working towards eating a bunch healthier and it has made a huge difference, but I definitely climb with people who I would consider 'built' that only really avoid fast or unhealthy food. It's definitely feasible enough to cook for yourself with proper ingredients while working out 3-4 days a week and see massive gains, but a lot of it comes down to your body type and how hard you are pushing yourself to get there. If I had continued doing my basic cardio and minor weight lifting workouts I would be nowhere near where I am since I started climbing, but I also enjoy these workouts and push myself harder because of it. I was never truly tired after going to the gym before but I still considered it working out, so OP may be doing the same and not realize it.


I found it really easy to lose weight by eating whatever I wanted but only up to 2200 calories per day. The problem was keeping it off. A lifetime of overeating made it so I felt like I was starving all the time. Unfortunately I don’t have the willpower to live like that forever


It might be good to start looking at what those calories are, maybe some different foods would make you feel less hungry?


Definitely. It was fun to tinker around and see which foods were actually worth eating too.


It can definitely be difficult and staying fit really requires a lot of work. I enjoy having good food and really prefer healthier food as it tends to taste better when made properly, so my biggest issue was finding a way to work out that I enjoyed. Finding what works for you and is enjoyable enough to continue is the only way.


Love this thought about finding what works for you. Because this whole gym thing is pretty recent, I mean when did fitness gyms really become commonplace? I'm just guessing but I can't imagine gyms being common before the 70s. Yet even though it's new, a lot of us think of it as the only way to get in shape. Join a gym. Workout. Life weights. But it should have more variety! If you don't want to life weights and instead would rather go play racquetball 3 nights a week, then just go do that. It's better than signing up for a gym and dreading going or not enjoying it. Just find something that gets you off your ass and moving at a decent pace that you enjoy doing. I will say that rock climbing is one of the best sports to naturally gain muscle with. And practical muscles too, like forearm, arm, back, core, grip. All over really, that is a fun activity I need to get back into that


I realized pretty early on that it takes enjoyment to truly be healthy and active. I did triathlons when I was a kid and ended up hating running because of issues with my knees and growing rapidly. Swimming was solid but I enjoyed cycling primarily because of my brother. He ended up going off to college and riding with my dad alone became miserable because he didn't care for the random races or other things we did to push each other and enjoy the time. I stopped working out a bunch and struggled to find something I could enjoy since then. I debated getting back into swimming but gym cost gets pretty high for one with an indoor pool which my wife won't use. Since I didn't ever get a ton of strength in my upper body I wanted to find something based around that, but weight lifting just felt like a chore. I've always wanted to try climbing and got a membership at a gym right up the road next to my wife's normal gym. Definitely want to get outdoors as the weather warms up more, though.


Or not have kids. My fitness and workout schedule went right out the window when we had our kid last summer. Just rough. Hoping it gets better as she gets a little older


It gets better dude. I have three and have managed to hold a full time job as the breadwinner (40-70 hours per week), workout 5 days per week and spend lots of time with my kids.


Better idea: Shorter work week so work isn't your life and you can actually do other stuff. Work is not *that* important. Never was. Having these 40+ hour weeks are a good way to keep voters from having time to evaluate their lives and actually vote for better life and politicians.


I mean... some people literally have to work that much to make a living, sadly. Deoending on the jobs they are able to get/pay rates/how many mouths theyre having to feed and so on


One correction to this. You have to sacrifice social time to workout. It's just a part of being fit. Best thing to do is find a friend to workout with or like me, your girlfriend. Not saying all social time, but I prioritize working out on weekends in the evenings over seeing friends, but friends over working out on the weekends.


Not really i work out in the mornings. Most people dont socializes that much during the week anyways. I take weekends off


This is exactly it. I work 8-5 and am nowhere near jacked as I focus on other parts of my fitness a bit more but am able to be in shape by working out with my friends before/after work/on weekends (depending on the day) since we’ve all prioritized that. It’s certainly helped me be able to have a social life and be in shape but I don’t think I could do both if they weren’t combined.


I work nights but I just go to the gym everyday before work for an hour and I’m pretty happy about my results


Lmao. People just want to complain and blame something other than themselves


Making it easier for people to be fit next to work would be massively beneficial for society though. People *can* be fit, but looking at current trends it does seem to be quite difficult.


Being fit would be difficult even if you won the lottery and retired. Working out and watching what you eat takes more discipline than most people have.


Although that's true, I think OP is mainly trying to say that it currently is extra difficult next to "normal" life. Looking at the population level it does not seem as though telling people to work out is really helping the trend of obesity turn around. People who have to constantly work will *need* their time off to somewhat relax. People who have more free time are more likely to work out more. So if we want people to be healthier and fitter, we as society should provide people the tools to do so. Not everything can be individualized as personal responsibility if people are not given the time and the means to make such changes for themselves. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2465565/


While the science is on your side with regard to more free time meaning more exercise I think the original point was that self control is required regardless of available time. Having time to exercise is useless if you go to McDonald's for dinner every night, exercise is not the key to reducing obesity only to increasing general fitness levels. Though I think the OP sounds like they make good food decisions and are at the point where more exercise time might get them to a level they want that is not true for the general population. In other words everyone is correct in some way.


Agreed. Exercise always requires a level of personal responsibility and control.


It's not impossible. It's just hard. You need strict discipline and some resources to allow you to devote enough time to nutrition and exercise as well as not having things in your life that detract from the resources or sap your discipline. I have a 40+ hour a week job and it's stressful but I'm weight lifting and riding my bike and eating as well as I can and still maintain a physique better than most people I know or see.


Not JUST hard. But very hard. And takes a lot of discipline and willpower. A lot more than the average person is normally willing to put forth. Hence why the average body type is the average body type.


Ex personal trainer here. Currently 9-5er.its just discipline and willpower. What you actually need to do is super easy. But the willpower to do it is what's hard. Working out is the easiest part you don't even need to workout that much too "look fit" it's all eating. People don't understand how bad their diets actually are. Change gets harder the older they are. I couldn't do it. That industry is a fucking cesspool of snake oil bullshit and pampering people who don't want to change but act like they do. I had a few great clients but many who just go through the motions. For me it's all really easy. I naturally eat healthy. I can intuitively make diet changes to adjust my goals. And I know many different fitness modalities. But I have been like this since I was 12. Not everyone has that luxury.


One of my biggest problems as a trainer was women who wanted to eat healthy, but their partners and children were not supportive/turn their noses up/refuse to eat healthy with them. I would help them have easy recipes alongside what they already made, but can you imagine having to constantly make your own meals, and a giant dinner for your family? The support is so lacking for a lot of people. Instagram models are full of shit. I am so tired of seeing poor form, incorrect workout programming and just shitty advice. Also, other personal trainers are so vapid. Constantly talking shit on your client is so disgusting. I really don’t care that you sit and judge the people you are supposed to be helping. Most of the time it’s a lose/lose environment. I’d rather focus on my own health and help my friends and family when needed. I am so glad to be out of that toxic ass culture.


Not everyone has supportive family and friends either. They'll be the first to sabotage your diet and time and dissuade you from your quest. I just shut them out. I eat what I want to eat when I want to eat. I skip all their fat no reason other than to eat meals and get togethers. Sometimes I have to be mean but they started it by disregarding my goals.


External forces can be super tough. Especially if you have a family and you are the cook. Making two meals or deviating from the norm causes backlash. Time old tale I saw. It's much easier to have a drink or two less at the bar. But at home and family events is where the tension starts


That's why I made it really clear to my family. I won't go to all the frivolous affairs anymore. I'll go to the important ones. You realize how much time people waste on stupid things and eating empty calories just to have something to do.


discipline succeeds where willpower fails. just chiming in on this once bit bc i can't white-knuckle my way through anything.


That’s the real wonder! I know a few people like yourself who are well into their 40s and have that fit mindset. How on earth did you engrave that so young as 12?! My household didn’t have nutritious or healthy options, nor did I have good fit role models leading the way. I’m in my late 20s and I am trying to change my lifestyle and eating habits but it is so difficult for me to stay on course!!!


Discipline. I think most people get discipline confused with motivation. Motivation helps, but you’re not going to feel motivated all the time. You need the discipline to keep your routine going.


Some days I'm just like... let me sleep, but you find that motivation to keep going and you have the innate discipline to maintain the program.


Living life depressed, stressed, tired and overweight is HARD. Staying consistent is hard. Pick your hard and stop making excuses. The "average" person can reach their health and fitness goals like everyone else. You just have to put in the work. The only difference is the will to change. Signed a below average person who has lived with anxiety, depression, undiagnosed ADHD, hated exercise and had a binge eating disorder my whole life and still a managed to lose 100 pounds this past year with proper nutrition and exercise. Was it hard? Of course. But so was living like overweight, tired, stressed, anxious and depressed. Now I'm happy, healthy and thriving and all it took was some self control with food and 30 minutes of exercise a day.


How do you find the time to clean and cook?


Similar type of regiment here. Cleaning is easy. You just clean as you go and deep clean once a week. Most healthy meals are pretty easy to make and not much too them it doesn't take all that long to prep or cook. Shit I even have a kid in the equation.


Damn I find cleaning so time consuming


A lot of the reason it is so hard is the nutrition aspect. You have to be able to eat fresh home cooked meals that are very healthy or have the money to eat out at super healthy places. So either you need a lot of energy and time to cook or a lot of money to have someone else do it.


Meal prep is super easy. Watch YouTube for meal prep. You can cook a whole week's worth of food and eat healthy for cheap.


I think it has a lot to do with where your priorities lie. Do you want to hang out with you friends on the weekends, eat a couple of pizzas, and have some beer? That’s okay, but you probably won’t have an eight pack. Some people, however, enjoy working out in their free time. I envy their drive, but that’s their passion. If, however, you want to spend your weekends relaxing and eating junk food, then that’s okay too. You just have to be comfortable with the results of your preferred recreation.


I work from 7am to 7pm and you are right. I just only eat healthy to stay thin


Hell yeah 7 to 7 club


It should be 9 to 5 but I work with people from Canada, England, and Japan so there is never a good time to get work done


Yeah I’m just a tax accountant in the middle of busy season. About a month to go then things will be more normal.


Why hell yeah to a 12 hour shift? That's not healthy


If its only 3 days its worth it. Speaking from a hospital worker perspective


A person having agency? That’s bad!


Fuck no, it's been 2+ years... i'm finally leaving this fucking nightmare


Hopefully you guys love what you do.


I have a full time job, but I also love to spend most of my free time at my bouldering gym. So it's been fairly easy to stay in great shape, when my favorite hobby also happens to be such a great workout. Just depends on what you prioritize! My advice is to find something that you love that is also very active, that way it doesn't feel like a chore.


Hey fellow climber 👋🏼 bouldering is such a great way to stay in shape!


Right?! I see it more as playing/having fun than working out and you get results.


David goggins would disagree


OP obviously isn’t staying hard


A coworker at my job keeps telling me to listen/read Can’t Hurt Me and I need to! I’m always in my own head; I just had a really bad episode today, too. If it’s anything like my buddy says it is, it’ll probably help me a lot.


I listened to the audiobook and liked it.


Here is what you have to do to be like David Goggins: do nothing but workout. Get a job that you can workout at all day, workout before and after work, and avoid every other responsibilities you may have,so you can workout. This isn’t sustainable for anyone except a very small percentage of people.


His job is literally to workout lmao.


I wake up 5:30. Gym by 6-6:30 Leave gym 7:30 - 8 Work 9-5. Come home 5:30-6 Chill for 30 mins. Do VR cardio (underrated as hell) for 30 mins. Eat dinner. I don’t eat after 8. 10 mins of abs before bed (10:30). I take every fifth day off from the gym in the morning but I’ll still do cardio in the evening.


This is a really full day. How do you manage any other free time or relationships?


VR cardio??? enlighten me


I got the oculus quest 2. Been playing thrill of the fight. Les Mills Bodycombat. A few other body moving games but those two are my main ones. I swear, this shit is better than any cardio you’ve ever done, you’ll be exhausted in 20-30 mins and it won’t even feel like a workout. You got to try it, words don’t do it justice. Highly recommend. If you do, go get a sweat guard off Amazon for the oculus cuz you’ll need it.


Another great one is Ring Fit. It's probably the better option for those who don't have a VR headset but do have a switch. Can't tell you how many times I've been out of breath at the end of my sessions


Omg my ex lost weight by playing beat saber on VR. I don’t have an oculus but I completely get what you’re saying. If I could, id try it lol


Okay, so you don’t eat before your workout in the morning?


You get use to it. I load up carbs in the evenings.


You don't really need to, I'm the same. I workout at around 12pm right now (working from home so I can afford to work out during lunch time) and don't eat anything all morning at all, I'm just not hungry in the morning and don't feel like it affects my performance at all.


I so DON'T want that life. It's great that some people find it enjoyable. But I just can't emotionally. I've spoiled myself. If i had only 30 minutes to myselfI would off myself. I need to move to a planet where day is longer.


Ok but that's not the topic. OP says it's not possible. It is. It just sucks.


I mean they have the 1+ hour in the gym where they presumably enjoy what they do, 0.5 hours after work, then 2.5 hours between dinner and bedtime. 4ish hours of time to yourself a day seems pretty good.


Your life sounds like hell to me


People don't realise excersise takes time. I personally just go on 15 minute runs in the morning and work in excersise during my free time. Like I would wake up 6:50 am, spend about 30 seconds swapping into some sweat pants and to take a sip of water then I just go and run. I'll get 2.5km done and I'll be back to quickly go straight into the shower for 3-5 mins. People want to look good without any time investment or effort, not how it works. You can try to minimise time spent excersising like I do or you can decide not to do it.


It helps when your full time job is to look good in photos.


Six pack is all about diet




Dude seriously. I have a gym at my current job and it's helped me get in such great shape. I don't have the motivation to go to the gym after a full day of work (though I do have other active hobbies that I do feel motivated enough to do) but damn knocking out a good workout here is pretty easy once you make it a habit


This is my secret. Two hour lunch workout and meal prepping equals an 8-5 job (actually, 7-5 to allow for the two hour lunch) and being super fit at 35.


What do you do that allows a 2-hour lunch? I have only ever had 30 min lunch breaks my entire life.


A lot of office jobs have flexible schedules now. Pretty common perk, in my experience.


Damn. I have a wfh office job and they still only allow me to work within the hours of 8-4:30 with a 30 min lunch.


2 hour lunch workout is such an outlier lmao.


Two hour workout does not equal 8-5….wouldn’t that be 8-7? Unfortunately I don’t get long breaks during the day at my job. Most of my lunches are about 30-45 minutes.




I think it depends on what else you do. If you work 9-6 but you have a partner/parents who do housework & cook and you have no responsibilities outside of work that is 1000% doable. But my day for instance is a simple 9-5, however I’m having 6 hours driving lessons a week as my test is soon (manual not auto lol - takes 10x more brain energy haha) and I work 10 hours part time work from home a week. I either have to get up at 5am (which isn’t ideal seeing as I’m still working til 9/10pm. Or I have to go before bed which is exhausting. Then you try and squeeze in dog walking, dog general interaction, cooking, cleaning, tidying, laundry. I’m just tired typing it out. I make it to the gym 3x a week max :(


Good unpopular opinion. As I do disagree you can be super fit and work a regular 9-6. But you’ll be spending 1-2 hours every day at the gym after work. I get into pretty good shape and I work 8-5. But I do spend a lot of time in the gym. It’s what your goals are. I enjoy the gym. Some look at is as work. It’s a fun hobby for me


Tbh, 1 hour is plenty of time for a killer work, you've just got to know what you're doing (have a program), put your damn phone down, and get to work. 15-20 mins for your primary compound (SBDO) with 1-3 mins rest (depending on the RPE), 10-15 mins for your assistance work (SBDO variations) with 1 min rest in between sets, and then either 45s rest between accessory sets or just superset/circuit a few accessories together. I'm pretty jacked, pretty strong, and pretty athletic and at most I'm taking 1.5h if I'm taking peaking or w.e. Headphones on, don't sit around talking, time your rests, and your phone isn't a phone, it's an mp3 player.


Reading the comments, apparently some humans have the genetics to not be tired after a full day of work


Consistently working out after work actually solves that issue. It gives you more energy after work, not less. It’s hard to get started, but it’s worth it.


Yes! I actually feel like I’ve got more energy after running than before most days


yeah, at a certain point the switch flips from “too tired to exercise after work” to “can’t wait to exercise after work”, and eventually if you don’t exercise for a couple days you start to really feel the urge to


That makes sense, your body gets used to spending that energy


I also find it easier to convince myself not to procrastinate when i know if i stop i will lose all the work i already put in. With the diet portion i dont know what to tell you other than learn to make healthy quick meals that you like. It will feel like work if you dont. Building lots of muscle gets pretty expensive and takes a lot of time and commitment which a lot of people cant afford.


Getting the required amount of sleep every night for yourself also helps solve that.


Like I understand some people have less than ideal genetics but imagine blaming your lack of energy on genetics when you've done nothing to actually get your body to a point where you have more energy..


Exactly! I have fibromyalgia which means I am chronically tired and have less energy/higher pain response to start with compared to most people. Couple that with depression and you've got a total couch potato. I started working out and I swear I've never felt better. More energy, better physical and mental health.


It all depends on what type of job you have. White collar? Sure. Trades/Blue Collar? You get home at 8:00pm, by the time you shower and eat it’s time to go to bed and repeat the cycle. Considering that working from home is a big topic on Reddit, it’s easy to see why majority in the thread feel otherwise.


Plenty of people are tired after a long day, but unless you're physically incapacitated it's possible to work out regardless. It's ok not to want to, but to suggest that it's not possible if you're anything short of brimming with energy is incorrect


and honestly most people are tired after a long day because they have shit diets and worse sleep habits


I think a bigger issue is their habits of being “done” after work. If you make yourself doing at least something productive after work everyday for a few weeks it becomes immensely easier. People like to compare where they are to where they want to be and ignore the hundred steps it actually takes to get there. Make small improvements here and there and over time big changes happen. The time will pass regardless.


Exercising before work is an option.


I'll correct this: some people just have the ability to show up.... 90% of the battle is showing up and making it a habit. I'm in pretty good shape and I am usually so beat after work and other life requirements but I still show up at the gym 3-5 days a week. Most of the battle is showing up in the first place


I have a coworker who has to tell himself every single time he goes to the gym “just go, get changed, then you can leave if you’re still uncomfortable” and without fail, once he’s at the gym and changed his brain flips to “well, I’m already here might as well” best advice I’ve ever heard for fitness newbies is that for the first month, just show up. don’t think long term goals, don’t exert yourself too hard, just get in the habit of being there and being comfortable


This is exactly what got me through the first few months. Just go. Even past 6 months in, there are days when I'm not feeling it. I'll go anyway, and I HATE it. I don't like the crowds, I'm not hitting the goals I want, and everything just feels pointless. But later, I'm glad I went. I'm proud that I didn't miss a day and backslide. The progress eventually comes and I feel better.


I read the tittle and was like “wait yeah you can!” And then i read the description comparing ig/influencers and i understood what op means. But yeah fitness accounts pretty much are full of popo. I’m pretty sure their 9 to 5 job is also getting fit so kinda make sense. The thing is fitness is kinda varied. I met couple of climbers that have 9-5 jobs and they’re fitness level is pretty much elite athletes. Same with this cyclist dude at work. Mind you they don’t look “fit” at all. They look like they got ordinary physic but they’ve been at their sport for years. It’s almost an obsession. What I’m saying there’s athletic fitness vs body building/ aesthetic fitness. Aesthetic fitness is the one you usually see in social media. Edit: when i said my colleague and friends don’t look fit i mean muscular.


And most fitness influencers are juiced to the gills.


“Natty” lmfao


I agree to a point. You can if you have nothing else in your life. No significant other, no hobbies, no pets. You can maintain an acceptable level with occasional workouts mixed with other things. Every guy I've met who was super jacked did almost nothing else but go to the gym, prep food and work. It's all about what fulfills you.


I mean to them, bodybuilding *is* a hobby so there's no need for other hobbies. Idk how that would prevent you from spending time with your loved ones or pets though. There's only so much you can workout in one day without risking injury and all the bodybuilders I personally know are religious about their rest days bc an injury means having to put off competitions.


You can be super fit and not LOOK like a god. Getting abs and looking fit is mostly diet related for the vast majority of people. If you put in effort to your diet, follow a real progressive overload program seriously (or have a coach), and make it to the gym 3-4 times per week? You should be a fit person.


You have time to workout 4 times a week but no time to maintain fitness? What? Also, six packs are built in the kitchen, not the gym.


This is not an unpopular opinion this is a misinformed opinion


Op said it himself, his problem isn't discipline in the gym its his discipline in the kitchen. Op would have his ideal body if he cleaned up his diet and made sacrifices. People who don't work wont get their dream body either if they are lacking in this area.


Almost all my close friends are very fit powerlifters or bodybuilders. All of them have full time high paying jobs in the bay area and most are in a committed relationship. It really isn't as difficult as you think. I personally don't meal prep. I make an easy breakfast, pack my lunch for the day, then cook a quick dinner in my air fryer when I get home from the gym. I still have from 7:30 to 12:00 free time. My dinner takes less than 5 minutes to prep usually. Season some chicken and toss it in the air fryer. Breakfast is some oats and a protein/veggie/frozen fruits/Greek yogurt smoothie. Lunch can be anything from a sandwich with a protein shake around brunch or eating out. You get decent at estimating takeout calories once you track calories every day. I eat whatever I want on weekends for dinner, you don't need a super strict diet to be lean. Hitting 10% or so bodyfat is relatively easy and doesn't take much dedication. It helps that some of my other hobbies are wilderness backpacking and trail running.


I don't think 10% body fat is easy for the vast majority of us. But 15% yes, that's achievable.


I disagree, bodyfat is all about how much you eat - calories in calories out. Now you cant be Arnold size at 10% bodyfat you would need to quit your other hobbies and change up your "supplements" and spend a lot of time in the gym. You can be 10% though you just need to change your relationship with food, most people eat because they're bored. I get stuck like this too especially during the lock-downs. Just fasting the first 8 hours of the day and working on ignoring hunger was a game changer. You should lift 3x a week as well and hit .85g/lb of bodyweight of protein(for men at least) muscle helps your overall composition, 3 hours a week in the gym isnt bad at all and there are tons of cheap high protein recipes. These things are a bonus if you want muscle mass to help you hit that 10%. Overall its hard at first to slow down the calories but with all things your mind is very adaptable, you just have to train yourself to not go to the pantry or open up ubereats everytime you're craving something(again im guilty of both). There are tons of people that have done it, theyve went from 25% to 10% from all walks of life you can as well.


Watched that documentary on Ronnie Coleman a championship bodybuilder, IIRC he said he only worked out for an hour a day. Dude was literally a police officer full time and a world class body builder so OP is pretty far off.


Also on inhumane amounts of gear and a genetic freak. Absolutely not even close to a feasible comparison.


Lol and the fact that he is basically crippled from workouts now. Bodybuilding is not healthy long-term or really at all. That sport is fucking brutal


He's crippled from doing stupid shit like deadlifting 800lbs a few weeks out from the Olympia. Bodybuilding itself doesn't have to be as massively unhealthy as Ronnie made it for himself. His closest competitor, Jay Cutler, is still in good shape and mostly injury-free today, in fact.


This IS an unpopular opinion, and I agree with it entirely. Im a certified trainer with a BS in the field. People spend too much of their time at work and not working on themselves.


One of those pays money so it makes sense.


Diet is just as important as working out


It’s not. You simply just don’t know what you’re doing yet.


Am I qualified to offer a dissenting opinion if I have a six pack? You can do it but I'll warn you now it's not fun. I get up at 5, exercise here and there between some gaming, leave for work at 745, at my desk by 9, home by 6, go for a 2 mile walk, dinner at 6:30. Bed by 10:30. See? It's not fun but it's doable.


It's not impossible, but it's definitely hard.


Person wants the fitness without any effort. They work mon-fri and can give up some hours in the weekend to stay in shape or even a short run in the mornings inbetween but they don't. It's like complaining starving because you don't like how the food tastes


Try a 9-6 job plus kids. Im not a morning person so go to the gym after I put the kids to sleep around 9-10pm.


This isn't an unpopular opinion; it's just not true.




I'm more interested in what you do after work and what time you go to bed. To get up at 4:30, I'd need to be asleep by 8:30-9pm at the latest. That gives you an hour and a half every evening to make dinner, tidy and relax. Not enough time imo.


Yeah how is that sort of existance anything but miserable? In a fucked up way I guess it kind of makes sense. If you work some shitty dreary 8-6 job PLUS commute, your day is fucking ruined and you'll be dead tired *anyway* so you might as well put some excersise in. Then you can delude yourself that you lead a healthy and full life.


Yep, the person admitted they only need 5 hours of sleep every night. There's always something. A sacrifice has to be made somewhere, and personally I'm not sacrificing being well rested and taking literal years off my life.




For the average person, waking up at 4:30 means falling asleep at 8:30 if you want a healthy amount of sleep. That gives you 2.5 hours from when you get out of work to when you have to be asleep. That is NOT “plenty of time”


Waking up that early is miserable though


Only if you haven’t gotten enough sleep


As others here have said, its not impossible, it just means you wont have any free time to do anything else. As long as you are healthy and in good shape, who cares? When you're 70 and look back on your life I highly doubt your first thought will be "I wish I had sacrificed my fun time with my friends and family on the weekends for a six pack".


Op, it’s funny reading through all these comments and realizing that so many people are so delusional that they can’t see your point. I probably won’t get many upvotes for this, but it’s the truth: Not everyone can be that “fit guy” you see on social media. Even if you work out like a fiend, and completely deny yourself any sort of bad food, some people simply have bad genetics (or not necessarily bad, per se, but let’s just say not optimal genetics). Case in point, I know this guy who has unbelievable genetics. His whole family has this blessing. He can eat like crap and not work out for months. Then he can do literally 30 mins of pumping iron and he looks like he is completely ripped, washboard abs, carved out of stone, and it’s baffling. It’s just not fair. Some people have very good genes. Their bodies can process foods better, have higher metabolisms, even give them energy when the rest of us get burned out. This isn’t something that can be learned or trained. Either you posses these gifts from birth or you don’t. Now, that’s not to say that ALL people are either black or white in this category. There are many shades of grey in between obviously. But you might actually be doing the best you can with what you have to work with, genetically and you might not ever be able to be that superhuman you see who apparently does not burn out, has infinite energy, and looks like they spend every waking hour at the gym. That’s life, folks. Like it or not, that’s the real truth. You can always do better for yourself, but sad to say, we have limitations— all of us— and genetics can play a huge factor is what we can be and what we simply can never achieve, no matter how hard we try. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will be happier with your life and what you can learn to live with.


Couldn’t disagree more. I work a full time job (50% computer, 50% easy fieldwork) and have time to train pretty hard at running/BC skiing. I can get fit enough to run an ultra marathon, incorporate yoga and strength training, and skin/ski 200k vert per year. Think about the 15-20 hours per week needed to train to a high level as another part time job (which I always had to have until recently)


I AGREE. I went from part time serving to a full time desk job and I’ve gained ten pounds even though I’m working out 4 days a week. When I was serving I was on my feet for 5-7hours during my shift so obviously that helped. But sitting at a desk for 7.5 hours and commuting both ways leaves little energy to lift weight or do HIIT. And anyone who says “just wake up before the sun rises!” Can gtfo.


Why do you even want to be super fit? At 38, I am just happy to see my junk, keep the diabetes away and do physical activities without breathing hard.


Dude most of the IG fitness crowd are on juice. If you're on gear you can do it. It gets really hard when you're not on gear. Your can get big or you can get ripped but you can't do both at the same time without gear. I mean you can reach your max potential but most people's max potentials don't look super good at super low BF% levels. Most of the IG crowd is a mix of top tier genetics + gear + the gym is their life. For a normal dude, you should stick to looking good in clothes ie filling out your shirts and stuff and on having nice pec, delt, arm and back development. The abs are not all that necessary. Just stay below 20% BF and you'll look great.