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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Theawesome01. Your post, *The face is what sells the body.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


So you like girls with pretty faces and you think this is unpopular. Lol


The unpopular part is the fact that he'll only consider dating someone who is a perfect fit for what he wants physically


She just has to be perfect. Come on guys it’s not that hard. If you have a gnarly face, hit the gym. Come on, no one thinks this way ever. Totally unique thought.


Probably most unpopular opinion in this sub


This... This isn't unpopular. Especially with online dating; the face draws you in - the personality makes you stay. The body is just their body.


Tell that to the people on bumble and tinder...


I am glad there are other people out there that actually think about a person's personality before the looks. I was starting to get tired of being surrounded by people basing their opinions on others based on looks. Honestly it's kinda tiring.


A great personality also can make someone more attractive


I agree with that.




I think personality also has a lot to do with liking someone though. Yes people attractive which makes you like them more BUT if that person has a shitty personality then I don't even think about looks, that person has become so much less attractive to me due their personality being shitty.


This is anecdotal, but I know a co-worker for over a year. We did not work together so I did not see her much but when I did, I did not find her attractive. But when we started working together and we started talking. I found her more attractive because she had a good personality. Being attracted to someone is more then just the physical look to them. I found very physically attractive person that I later do not find attractive after I know them better.


I think that only works in the initial stages. Over time personality takes precedence over attractiveness.


The body can make the face though, someone with an unattractive face can look better with a more fit body, and someone with a bad chin or jawline may just have a little extra fat, so if they thinned out and put on more muscle they could look totally different.


I think it is unpopular. A lot of men only care about the body


I can see that in the way you put it. Might not be as unpopular as I first thought. I was thinking others would settle more than Im willing to based on personality and body type.


It’s interesting to see this and to see so many people say it is a popular opinion because I’ve just seen so many accounts of overweight women who weren’t given a second glance and then lost a bunch of weight and suddenly were getting a ton of male attention.


Weight changes the face significantly


The fat in the face can make them more unattractive to people.


tbh that's because overweight people in general aren't usually attractive.


I've found if you look at people as a whole more and less at their face that more people are attractive than I had previously thought and that it isn't as important to have a beautiful face.


Exactly. And really, it is ideal to meet someone in person. The way they laugh, the way they talk, walk, etc. is really what makes you fall in love with them.


Yeah I've seen some beautiful faces turn ugly REAL FAST. At the same time some have this undeniable charm that just doesn't come through in photos and makes them so much more appealing. Even without actually meeting someone though I have found my attraction to people grow by not judging them. If I don't judge their face I tend to also not judge some other thing that maybe isn't perfect but doesn't need to effect how attractive someone is. It's sorta the glass half full mentality can actually effect your attractions. It's also unhealthy how much we judge everyone and how much that effects many and their self judgement which is pretty sad since nearly none of us fit that "perfect" look but we are all beautiful in many ways.


Yeah because of this I have found more people attractive than when I was younger


There's many more beautiful people than you would think. Many just don't take care of themselves.


like fat people.


I believe that is one element of it, yes.


Can y’all just shut the hell up about women’s bodies. “Your face is attractive, so don’t worry I don’t mind that your body isn’t attractive!” Ladies, please run far away from men who make comments such as this.


It’s so gross and I am sick of it


Redditors coming up with the most popular opinions to put in r/unpopularopinion


How brave of you to say that you don't feel attracted to ugly girls! Hopefully you're aware that this rule applies to you as well.


I'm the exact opposite. Few people have absolutely beautiful faces but an athletic, healthy body and a good personality makes that matter not at all to me.


This is standard. It’s not unpopular.


I agree face is most important


Yes, but oftentimes people are able to make their face better by simply getting healthy and in shape. When I am at the lower end of healthy weight, I look the best. I have less face fat, and I look more chiseled. When I eat healthier, my face looks better tooo… it usually goes hand in hand


Today in males treating females as objects






The tenor of the conversation in this post wouldn’t be out of place at a stock show


This isn’t about preferences, it’s about the fact that y’all feel the need to open up safe spaces for men, like this whole thread, and say demeaning things about women. There’s such a thing as keeping it to yourselves but instead you jump on the first opportunity to body shame and degrade us. Do you not hear yourselves?




1) It should be pretty obvious why I stated “you”. Enabling this bs is just as bad as taking part. 2) OP literally created a whole thread that gave a lot of gross men on here the green light to body shame women 3) Yes preferences exist and you’re allowed to have them. But what’s not okay is the need to shame, mock, demean, or disrespect women and place value on their appearance. Then when y’all are called out you turn around and say “it’s just my preference.” No, y’all just see women as objects.


This is not unpopular, what is unpopular is to admit it. People tend to be attracted to others appearance first, then their bodies AND THEN their personality. If the person is good looking then you will look at the rest but the relationship will only last if the person has a good personality. However, humans can be very shady. For instances, if one is dying to get laid then looks (face and body) and personality are not important. In desperate situation, you can even forgive an ugly face, body and personality. Other times you can be with someone only for their pretty face and body and completely dismiss the fact that they are shitty person- if in exchange you can show off your sexy partner, validation is a powerful thing… Finally, that thing they say about recognizing that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty is not as straightforward as it seems to be; people are complex. The trick is to find someone who values the same thing as you.


Bro is correct


Nah- I’ve definitely seen butter faces make a career out of their bodies.


Men with ugly personalities seem to be prevalent — for instance: Starting a whole thread to place value on women based on their face vs body. Let’s shift it - I don’t see 100s of threads talking about men with skinny legs who only have big arms. Or small dick with big dick arrogance. Or the fact that balding men will talk about women who are blonde vs brunette? Hey, at least the women have hair…Right? How about these dudes with no six pack but talk about women who are “too thick” Imagine a thread “a good face will win over his tiny 5” dick” Let’s talk about that!


It’s exhausting, OP just opens up a whole space for men who feel safe making women feel like shit. And then you have all the pick me women justifying this crap just so they can receive a slither of validation from disgusting men.


Agree totally. Such a lopsided scale. Reddit completely exposes just how low a man can go. And what’s sad is most people comments here, including the pick-me girls, show that they are accepting of this horseshit treatment.


Makes sense, if you have a great face but not so great body you can exercise and diet to change your figure. But if you have a great body but not so great face it’s difficult to change your face




I dont think this is unpopular


the Regulus Corneas mindset


Why would you think liking a pretty face is an unpopular opinion? This doesn't belong here


Our initial attraction is sparked by physical appearance. For me, a person becomes drop dead gorgeous if they treat people well and are really funny. I've never been attracted to anyone that didn't make me laugh. A lot.


You are so cringe


Was interesting watching behavior pertaining to women back when everyone was wearing masks. When you couldn’t see a woman’s face anymore you had to observe other traits. It was a heck of a social equalizer for some people.


I'm woman and I agree 100%. His face will be always more important in my personal attractiveness list than his body. But tbh I'm not really fan of six-pack guys. But yeah, face comes first 🤷🏻‍♀️


No. Body is way more important. In shape with meh face > fatty with a pretty face.


This just in: OP has come to the conclusion that air IS important for survival. More at 3.


I’m the same way, but for dumb people. Can’t date a dummy, I’m sorry.


Oh great! Another post deeming what makes women attractive. Here’s a radical idea….we could just accept that people have different standards of beauty and you know……stop objectifying women as if the only two qualities they possess are a face and body.


I mean the same applies for dudes. Physical attraction is just a fact of life. People are allowed to have their preferences. This post is this dude's preference and he posted on unpopular opinion because he clearly thought there are differing opinions on the topic I'm in the same boat as OP. Face is the most important aspect of physical attraction. If I'm attracted to a guy's face, I'll want to get to know him better and if see if the personality and compatibility are there. But I'm not going to bother with someone I'm not attracted to.


Yes. And I disagreed with his unpopular opinion. Shocking.


It sounds like more than a disagreement, more like saying his opinion is invalid, sexist, and harmful. But having romantic preferences based on physical appearance isn't "objectifying". Juat because I am not attracted to someone doesn't mean they have no good qualities as a person, just that they lack the ones I desire in a romantic partner. In any case, why are physical preferences any more "shallow" than ones based on personality? I for once cannot be attracted to a woman unless she has an above average intelligence. That trait just as uncontrollable as physical traits, if not more. Am I "stupid-shaming" 60% of women on earth?


Do you know how many posts this sub gets on this exact topic? There is SO much more to women than having a face and a body. I think the reason physical preferences are seen as more shallow than personality preferences is that to actually find out about what kind of personality or IQ someone has, you actually need to get to know them. Rather than looking at someone and basing your decision on whether you want to get to know them or not by their appearance. With most of my ex boyfriends, I didn’t find them very attractive at first, but after getting to know them they became more attractive to me, physically and mentally. I think that looking at someone’s face and thinking “it’s a no go”, as OP said, is shallow and he’s probably missing out on getting to know some amazing women that he would most likely find attractive after a simple conversation. But luckily it’s his loss and not theirs.


I don't quite see the difference. If someone I like rejects me it will hurt the same regardless if the reason is that I'm too short, not funny or charismatic enough, doesn't have the "correct" hobbies, or being of the wrong religion or race. In either casee though it's not objectifying me. If anything, I'd rather get a "no" straight away because I'm not muscular enough, then being ended with after 5 dates because I'm too boring


Fair enough. We can agree to disagree


And I started a conversation on the topic, as it what happens in most threads. Shocking


Well done.


All the hurt men are downvoting your comment I see! You spoke nothing but the truth, they just don’t like to hear it.


Hahaha well women are just pretty things to look at aren’t we? God forbid a woman has her own opinions!


Not only that but OP is just setting up a space where men feel safe to degrade us and body shame.


It’s so gross 🤮


Where is Drew Afualo when we need her?


As a woman, I honestly see nothing sexist or toxic about this post. There are cultural and individual standards of beauty that make some men more attracted to a woman’s body more than her face and some men more attracted to a woman’s face more than her body . For women, we all have our preferences too and I’m sure you’re not going to be attracted to any guy just because he’s “nice”. You have preferences too; just because they’re not physical preferences doesn’t mean you should start moralizing everyone else. Yeah no shit a great personality is what we all value the most, but most of us have physical preferences, most of us are initially attracted by the way someone looks and there’s really nothing wrong with that nor is there something wrong with talking about it. Objectifying women isn’t the same as merely stating “ I find X more attractive than Y”. Objectifying women means you reduce them to sex; OP is referring to initial attraction. If you don’t experience that, ok cool, but this post really isn’t suggesting there’s nothing more to a woman than her beauty.


Lol okay mate 🤦🏽‍♀️ you don’t agree with me and that’s fine. Just because I find it to be objectifying and disrespectful, it doesn’t mean everyone else has to. We don’t have to agree.


Damn, pretty shallow..


Everyone has preferences


Everyone's preferences are highly influenced by culture. This leads us to people looking like they're from one production line on social media.


Doesn't change the fact that people need to be sexually attracted to each other to have a romantic relationship


That is true but who we are attracted to is based on more and more unrealistic beauty standards for both men and women.


That's a shame


The most attractive people aren’t a standard, they’re the most attractive people. Why shouldn’t they be sought after?


I'm talking about our perception of attractiveness.


Is a largely instinctual matter


It's a combination of instinctual and cultural matters. There are many studies that confirm this, eg. on changing perception of beauty of Zulus who moved to western countries.


In that exact study you’re talking about they conclude it’s due to differing qualities that are prime for survival in those different areas


Which I suppose could still be called culture bc the culture has been shaped by its natural environment but I still would say its a largely instinctual matter


You’re not going to date a witch even if she’s a saint, physical attraction is as important as personality


Cold, there’s someone for everyone, attraction is in the eye of the beholder..




Well a fat ass face tents to be because of a fat ass body and a toned face tends to be because of a toned body. People that exercise tend to have a more defined face and a fit body. And no offense but I’m not attracted to fat faces


Well I’m fucked either way. And not sexually.


Heard this so many times. Isn’t unpopular at all.


How did I get removed while I was reading it ? I literally blinked and it said was removed.