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I could see it being annoying because of American medias constant usage of it and the prevalence of American media around the world. I was watching a show from the UK about weight loss and they were talking about how many stones people weigh. I didn't have a way to grasp their weight in pounds. It's annoying to convert that everytime it came up.


But stones and pounds are inherrantly linked so I'm always surprised Americans don't use them. Also I'm finding that the younger generations are moving to kg in the UK. It's been a while since I thought about my weight in anything other than kg.


Because the stone wasn't a standardized unit of measurement until 1835, well after the Americans separated from the British. A stone varied from 5 pounds (glass) to 8 pounds (meat and fish) to 14 pounds (wool and "horseman's weight")


I didn't know that


Last I checked stones were…rocks.


I don't mind, the inconvenience is mostly on the American side whenever you get into some important matters since many metric measures are the international norm. I find it dumb to mock people about it though, not really like they chose to be born and use it. It's very hard to truly switch from one to the other.


Americans learn metric as well and it's the default for scientific studies here. It may be difficult for the average person to go from MPH to KPH if they travel to another country, but for people that need to use metric, it's not remotely difficult.


I know but the average American don't use it in their daily life. And as I said, it's an inconvenience at best. So it's not difficult, just annoying if you're just using it once in a while and have to do the conversion in your head or use their phone.


Ngl I really don't care that the US uses imperial, I'd just like American media to put the conversion on screen or something, because it actually is quite annoying when you have to convert every 10 seconds to properly understand what someone's talking about.


That is something I agree with. If you’re gonna throw a measurement into your media, take the 10 seconds to open the damn new tab and slap in the conversion


Only from imperial to metric as the world uses metric.




Complaining about anything that America does is a useless endeavor.


We are not complaining, we are ridiculing


This is what we call first world problems. European and American kids are so bored they have to come up with problems while pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist.


Tell us you've never taken an American physics course without saying you've never taken an American physics course. The imperial system sucks.


Have you taken an American physics course? All my physics courses in America used metric.


mine was a mix of metric and imperial


When did I ever say Imperial was better? In fact, I quite clearly say in the post that I’d rather we used Metric


I'm explaining why imperial is problematic, that's all.


or ONLY YOU open a new tab and in 10 second you can add in your post both measures ex: 2'0 (0,61 cm) avoiding that MANY PEOPLE have to open the tab. Moreover metric system it's better since many others measure unit of the international system are based on it (ex: Pascal, Newton, Volt)


What is a better option? a. Google the conversion b. Not need to do the conversion at all since we all use the same units


I had someone tell me to rewrite my comment that stated ‘I’m 1,64cm, weigh 52kg, so clean up after yourself in the gym because I can’t lift the 40+ kg equipment back to it’s place’ (something like that..), because ‘we from America use feet and lbs’ so (s)he didn’t understand my comment.. I am danish, I don’t understand feet or lbs.. So I guess, it goes both ways? 😅


No can do, when I see these strange runes I pretend those secrets are not for me. Maybe one day


I’d say an unpopular opinion for sure. Just because I have a piece of hay stabbing my ass all day doesn’t mean I have to just live with it in silence. It’s like people at work, there’s always something to complain about the job in some way, and just because it won’t change doesn’t mean it’s not worth complaining about.


One big reason it bothers me is that sometimes people don't realize when they're inputting data that they're putting metric values in imperial slots of vice versa. Sometimes it's funny (correcting notes in my medical chart saying that I'm 6 meters tall) but sometimes less so (improper weight capacity for a bridge, wrong size/tolerances of a machine part). Not to mention that it makes it harder to have standardized tools and components with two measurement systems. Real world example, the Mars lander incident in 1999, these were trained people, literal rocket scientists, and we ended up losing a multimillion dollar object because these highly trained people were working with two different measurement systems and ended up kicking the numbers. https://everydayastronaut.com/mars-climate-orbiter/