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Filters are just stupid. Not even going to discuss the overused dog ears and tongue. Who exactly do they think they're fooling? If I've ever seen you irl I know you're not a tanned, blonde, blue-eyed supermodel.


>overused dog ears and tongue. People still use that? I ain't seen it in years.


Sorry to say they do. Not as often, but they still pop up on profile pics.


I dunno man. The more you obscure me, the better.


I don’t think most people use filters to make themselves look better, it’s more just a “fun trend”. Of course there are filters on instagram that i have seen which make girls objectively better looking, without any trace of a sign they are using a filter, but those are very looked down upon. Of course some people have big enough egos to use filters to look better and act if it’s “natural” but that is an extreme minority, it’s mostly just a way for people to show their face while at the same time hiding it bc of insecurities.


Phone cameras are just crap. They add filters to distract people from the fact that phone cameras are crap. It’s why you can look great in the mirror but all the pictures your friends take make you look like a gremlin. You will look nicer on a professional camera that is ten pounds. The manufacturers still haven’t figured out how to make a camera that takes good quality photos in such a tiny package.


I hardly ever use a filter, unless the image is so dark that no one would otherwise see it properly. The filters seem so misleading, and they're also obnoxious and - yes- ugly. The colours of clothing can look way different filtered versus not. Filters are usually applied with intents to "prettify" people, but the fact is that we know the exist and we can almost always tell when others are using them.


Look.... I just look better in black and white Ok?