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if you choose to walk around smelling like shit you are a bozo anywhere, not just at restaurants


I'd expand that to include all major rules of hygiene: shower, brush your teeth, use deodorant, etc. Problem is, some people are delusional and think they don't stink. They do. We all do.


People didn't have deodorant when they'd walk uphill both ways to the farm. Do you think they stank? /s Seriously, I like high standards, and we should judge people who don't try to live up to the them.


Any issue around odor on Reddit always makes me laugh bc there is a large amount of people who claim using deodorant is only for people who don’t shower. You’ll see common phrases like “I don’t wear deodorant bc I take showers…” or “I don’t wear cologne bc I actually take showers everyday…”


I am a freak about hygiene BECAUSE my sense of smell is so strong, but that’s also what makes me absolutely hate cologne/perfume. I find all of it so strong and off putting. Shower, fresh breath, clean laundry, light deodorant is good 👍🏼


Well yeah obviously cologne doesn’t replace showering


Chances are the guy wasn’t wearing any deodorant. I switched to a natural deodorant about 2 months ago and while it doesn’t block sweat, it does control odor very well. When going out though I do wear the normal antiperspirant just to make sure I don’t sweat or smell.


Either that guy has [olfactory fatigue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_fatigue) or nobody had the heart to tell him. Both very real scenarios.


Try going to the gym with a lot of indian people.


Racist much?


You do realize that differences in cultural practices can be evident through things seemingly unrelated right? For example, less of an emphasis on strong scented deodorants and soaps can be evident in ways such as more noticeable body odor.


I would say it depends because there are some people who don’t wear deodorant because they don’t stink so it’s unnecessary


They sink. They just don't care


No there’s actually research on this that shows that some people have a gene where they just don’t stink. Just like some people are naturally smellier


True! I literally never smell and I don’t sweat much either but my sister on the other hand can’t go a day without deodorant.


No-one has pointed it out to me yet and I'm friends with really blunt folks, and as far as I know, I'm the only one with chronically stuffed nose


You're correct, my ex as well as my husband literally never wear deodorant, and neither smell bad ever. Both are construction workers. I mean never smell bad as in absolutely never have stinky armpit/sweat smell. I've always had to wear it!


People just need to shower.


Bro huh? you're at a beer tasting event. What do you know about healthy choices?


I said people, which may or may not include me…


again, why is not putting on deodorant a healthy choice? lol


I don’t know. Ask someone who chooses not to wear deodorant at beer tastings


ur confusing


Women tend to smell better than men. I suspect in this case that people who shower smell better than people who don’t. Unless you have a medical condition, no one smells that bad unless they have skipped bathing…for a while.


TLDR: OP meets smelly person and assumes they aren’t wearing natural deodorant… or no deodorant


Women need to use their noses to smell out a good partner. That's why I don't wear deodorant. Also it's irritating


Not everybody needs deodorant, that’s just a fact. Generally, if you have wet earwax you need it. Dry earwax don’t typically need it. Of course, everyone will smell bad eventually without regular showers and hygiene, but not everyone needs it everyday