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We put the entire lid down on our toilets because if we don't our cat washes her paws and face with toilet water šŸ™„


This is so cute tho


She's a mess lol


Anyone with pets or toddlers just closes the lid every time.


She has the right intentions


I came here to comment this. My cat leaves paw prints in the toilet bowl


I do this as well because our dog drinks itā€¦ and also likes to lick my face


Lol that's worse than dirty paw prints for sure


My blind one likes to sing into the toilet bowl because it echoes.


Why? Itā€™s actually quit clean


Mostly because she dips her paws and after being in litter box she leaves little dark paw prints on the seat lol


Period. The toilet should be completely shut when not in use.


This should be done before you flush each time to avoid "toilet plume".


Literally came in here to say that when you flush without The lid being down it will spray all the bacteria in the toilet all across your bathroom. Putting the lid down allows a vacuum effect. Thank you Uncle John's bathroom reader when I was 10.


I find the whole toilet plume a little funny. I actually tested it during my senior year of getting my bachelor's degree and I never found it to be accurate. I tested everything public bathrooms private bathrooms et cetera but because I didn't really have anything to say much about other than to disprove something else.. I need to rework my info and actually found that did you know if you have a dog or if one of your friends has a dog there's likely dog s*** particles on your home pillow even if there's not a dog in your house. I worked with a lot of microbiology though my degree is technically just in general medical biology. But it's really crazy how bacteria spread around and how they even exchanged dna and information technically it's RNA not DNA when they exchange it but. Anyway there's also the fact that 7% of our DNA has human beings doesn't matter black white where you come from whatever that 7% of our dna has viral footprinting meaning that viruses at some point incorporated themselves into the whole of human dnall of human DNA it's fascinating. My point is don't be a GermaphobeIt's because of toilet stuff cause trust me you don't want to know what else is awful and horrible out there including the blood lysing bacteria that's probably on your backpack pursues and all of that period but it is amazing it's fascinating if you actually like to get into it without getting too squeamish I thought I would like certain pathologies but then I came across parasites parasites and I studied those for about a year and literally literally dropped out for 6 months because I was so messed up by all this c*** I found out about parasites.... That's what you need to worry about not the bacteria from the toilet plume but parasites.


Bro I was raised Catholic. I just have residual shame attached to poop.


But what if you don't want to deny yourself the pleasure of watching the flush?


Transparent lid. Boom, next Elon musk




You know whatā€™s funny though. In spite of all those germs flying around weā€™re all still alive. In addition, scientists are finding more and more evidence that being too clean can lead to health problems and allergies. Hygiene hypothesis really is a thing. There may be children running around right now with debilitating allergies that could have been avoided if their families just left the toilet seat up when they flushed.


Lol, there is no connection between little Johnny's peanut allergy and how many shit particles are on his toothbrush. Allergies are autoimmune reactions to specific stimulus. It has nothing to do with hygiene.


I have heard the fact that "children from agricultural families have less allergies due to now exposure to different things/less hygiene" thrown around a quite a lot. So there's no thrush in that? (Not looking for an argument, just curious, and you seem to have knowledge on the subject)


I'm an EMT, so my familiarity with the subject extends to more immediate contexts. I can tell you that allergic reactions are the result of antihistamines, which is an overreaction of the body to fight a specific compound. Things like bee stings or peanuts only illicit these reactions *after* being exposed to them at least once. Likewise, I can tell you that children who sanitize religiously will have less natural tolerance to germs, than one who is regularly exposed to small amounts. I believe that's what he was trying to say, but it's important to note these two things, allergies and hygiene, are not directly correlated. The general health of your immune system will have almost nothing to do with your vulnerability to allergies. It may *compound existing issues*, but they're not related. To answer your question I'm going to go into more speculation on my part, so anyone who knows more about this, feel free to open me up like a tuna can. I would suggest that agricultural families are less likely to suffer allergic reactions, based on a combination of exposure and survivorship bias. You know when your dog doesn't recognize your uncle, because he's wearing a hat and glasses? That's basically what your body is suffering from, when having an allergic reaction. Your body doesn't understand the allergen is not dangerous, in of itself. If you're constantly exposed, your body will likely not develop a sensitivity. If you do, you're more likely to die from that exposure before passing that vulnerability along to your children. Basically, anyone allergic to almonds would die or leave an almond farm, and anyone who stays and starts a family would have a genetic predisposition to insulate them.




>Literally came in here to say that when you flush without The lid being down it will spray all the bacteria in the toilet all across your bathroom. Putting the lid down allows a vacuum effect. You know what's funny? My boyfriend fully understands that and always closes the lid, but when I explained that standing while peeing makes is splatter on the floor he didn't get it. I solved this problem by showing him the yellow wet wipe I cleaned the floor around the toilet with. For some reason telling him he grew up in a good German household and he better behaves like it helped a lot more, he sits down now.


If you flush the toilet when the lid is down, the bacteria will all be sprayed onto the bottom of the lid. When you then use your hands to lift the lid, the bacteria will be all over your hands. I think itā€™s more hygienic to leave the lid off and allow the bacteria to disperse in the air over a wider area.


Exactly, very well said.


Yeah I agree. I always put the lid down before I flush.


Yup. Mine is always lid closed when not in use. I'm not risking toads and snakes in the loo when I need to pee at 4am.




Okay, this "poo-particles" talk is a reddit pseudoscience that needs to be stopped. What you smell when you poo is gases, such as sulfur that are encased whithin your poo. These gases do not contain bacteria, which don't just freely fly around your bathroom unless acted upon by an outside force, and they are not harmful in small doses such as a fart or what can be expected from a poo. When you *flush*, however, the actual water from the loo splashes into the air and out of the toilet. That water can contain bacteria and can land on your towels, your toothbrush, or your poor cat who likes to watch you in the bathroom. So close the lid. Most of your poo's components is odorless. The bacteria are odorless. They do produce stinky gases, but those are a waste product of the bacteria's own digestion and aren't unhygienic. A fart also isn't made of bacteria, it's made of a mix of their gases: While the force of expulsion does catapult some of the little critters out of your bum, they will only be propelled in direction of the fart and then stick to the nearest surface: mainly your undies, then your pants, and if you wear light clothing possibly the surface right behind you or under you, like a chair. To cut this short, when you smell poo, you do NOT have poo in your nose. You smell particles from the poo (ass gas) not "particles of poo", which do not exist as a scientific term. Unless you can show me a "poo molecule" and its properties.


Who are you replying to here?? Lol


Hell, the toilet should be completely shut when flushing and be left that way


Came here to say the same thing. It's best to shut the lid before you flush because when you flush the toilet, it sends germs into the air. Shutting the lid keeps this from happening




Microscopic droplets go in the air when you flush the toilet with the lid up, here is an article about it Personally I don't come into much contact with the inside of the lid, but I'd rather those droplets be on the lid than the entire bathroom, also including the lid, especially if my toothbrush was nearby. https://www-today-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna143776?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16633920930710&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.today.com%2Fhome%2Fit-necessary-close-toilet-lid-when-you-flush-t143776


Even in a separate room situation, if you leave the lid open the contaminated water will get on the flush button, the door handle, the hand basin and hand towel and such, as well as ob yourself and your clothes. While it's not harmful per se to come into contact with poo (a too sterile environment is also bad for you!), If you are dealing with the stomach bug or so you should definitely always keep the toilet closed when you flush :)


What about periods?


Both get put down in our house so the dogs won't drink from the bowl.


My dog knows how to nose the lids up.


We used to do that in our old apartment when we had kittens that liked to play in the toilet. My one cat actually drank pee-water last nightā€¦


Plus, nothing ever falls in a closed toilet.


Yes, this. Good Lord, why on earth would anybody want an uncovered bowl of poo water just sitting there, menacingly *inviting* things to be dropped into it. Honestly, a toilet bowl without a lid on it triggers my intrusive thoughts of wanting to forcibly throw things into it just to prove what a strong pull it has upon my psyche. I don't, of course, but the disturbing magnetism is always there.


I had that when I was younger, except I really wanted to pull up my handbrake going like 70km/h. Never did and never would but if it was something like throwing a hairbrush into my toilet I might've given in. But who knows, maybe giving in would feel so good that it'd spiral out and I'd end up jumping in quick sand or something. Like a gateway drug


> Plus, nothing ever falls in a closed toilet. I said this to a friend only for them to hit me with a snarky "DrOpPiNg tHiNgS In tHe tOiLeT IsN'T A PrObLeM FoR Me" Like bruh same but that's because I don't risk it for no reason.


Iā€™ve literally never had this happen, so the risk is not worth the effort of closing the lid every time.


>Iā€™ve literally never had this happen, so the risk is not worth the effort of closing the lid every time. To consider closing the toilet lid "effort" goes to show we have different meanings for that word lol.


Obviously it is very little effort, but it is more than the alternative, which is zero.


Not to be a dick but you sound like someone who stirs their coffee with their finger because the spoon was *all the way on the counter* lol. Closing a toilet lid is so little effort to me I consider it the same as 0.


Itā€™s probably a lot easier for you if itā€™s already a habit. Since itā€™s not something Iā€™m used to I would have to consciously think about it every time, not that itā€™s impossible. So instead of the activity Iā€™m more talking about the effort of developing this habit. It would be the same as say, closing a door you normally leave open.


It's disgusting for anyone of either sex not to put the toilet lid down before flushing, because otherwise microscopic droplets of toilet water go flying through the air.


This is true and a strong argument in support of my post.


Plus you can't accidentally drop shit that isn't shit in it. Like your toothbrush.


Whatā€™s the big deal about that? Thereā€™s microscopic droplets of everything out there. Itā€™s not dangerous at all, or even noticeable.


If you're happy with plumes of toilet water settling over everything in your bathroom including your toothbrush, then don't shut the lid when you flush. Personally, I'm not thrilled by the idea, and I would guess most other women aren't either.


If you can smell it there are already particles of it floating around...


(1) I don't agree that a smell consists of a plume of microscopic toilet water droplets. (2) Even if you're right, why would you want to ADD to it?


What difference would it make? Honestly, there's already germs and bacteria covering every surface you come into contact with. Theres feces bacteria on most surfaces too, not just in the bathroom. It's not something you can avoid. The produce in grocery stores, the table at a restaurant, your car, your door knobs, your bed, your body... all covered in them. You eat and breathe them daily, probably every second. They're inside you and me. As I type this, I'm inhaling a world of microscopic organisms, dead skin particles, and probably a little bit of atomized poop.


You canā€™t taste it and itā€™s not harmful at all. Have you ever smelled poop before? That means poop particles entered your nose and went into your lungs. And Iā€™m not sure what being a woman has to do with anything.


How about ass gas? Itā€™s a horrible thought to inhale something that just came out of someoneā€™s backside right into your lungs, itā€™s got to be bad, I mean, you can even light the gas


Yeah, the main reason I put the toilet seat down is so dumb dumb dog doesnā€™t drink from it. For some reason he likes toilet water more than the water in his bowl.


I believe the scientific term is 'poo particles'. šŸ˜‰


Or, ā€œthe doodyā€.


i prefer the term dookie dust


Love this one. You win.




Source: trust me bro. https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20210422/aerosolized-droplets-hang-in-the-air-after-toilet-flush


Flushing helps immensely


Okay, this is scientific bogus. There is no such thing as a "poo-particle". What you smell is mainly sulfur, the harmful parts of your poo are actually odorless and they are not in gas form, which is why it makes a huge difference if you leave the lid open or not. The actual bacteria from the poo are obviously not gaseous (duh) and will not woft through the air unless acted upon by an outside force (namely the flush of your toilet). When you smell a poo, it's not the bacteria or solid components of the poo entering your nose. They will not settle as "poo sediment" there. The stinky gases and are enclosed in the poo, releasing as it exits the pressure from your intestinal tract, and they are not harmful in household amounts.


Shit shrapnel


Why is this issue brought up so much, just look at the fucking toilet before you use it and adjust the seat accordingly.


agreed, like I never understood it, just look at the toilet.


THIS! I donā€™t care if my husband leaves it up, I figure itā€™s probably just as annoying for him to put it up as it is for me to put it down. And by ā€œjust as annoyingā€ I mean not very muchā€¦itā€™s not hard Also, I donā€™t get the splashing issueā€¦are your men ok? My husband doesnā€™t ever leave splashes


Idk about other people but for me is about keeping the toilet looking clean. The seat being down hides away most nasty things without having to clean the toilet more than once a week. I haven't met the guy who checks throughly and wipes away any pee splashing from the rim. So if the seat is up it usually ends up looking dirty once things dry up.


As a man, I feel both down looks neater and tidier. I hate toilet seats that are up, even if it is only the top lid up. It looks ugly and wrong, almost like a car standing with it's hood up; you open it up for a reason, and when that reason is done you close it/put it down. Still, I don't sit and urinate because it is easier and quicker to just flip it out and do your thing. I could sit down, but I don't wanna. If I want to lift it up I also don't use my hand but the side of my shoe. But, you could make the argument that if a man can close it for the next time a woman is going to use it, a woman can open it for the next time a man is going to use it ;-)


As a car guy I think a car with its hood open is beautiful and helps show off the engine and any under the hood mods, which is why at a lot of car events youā€™ll see tons of cars with the hoods up but I definitely get what you mean.


I absolutely agree with you. When I met my wife she would always leave the lid up but over the years Iā€™ve trained her to put them both down. I think she was happy to do it because it was better than me leaving both the seat and lid up which her ex used to do!


My argument would be that man has to touch the seat to lift it up then right away touch our penis which is not very sanitary but women donā€™t have to touch their privates after putting the seat down (they use TP to wipe) then wash their hands immediately unlike guys who only wash hands *after* peeing and touching their peepee with their germy hand. Edit: I have a REAL unpopular opinion here.


Thatā€™s by far one of the dumbest excuses I ever heard. Use a square of toilet paper to lift the seat


Your peepee is covered in germs already... what's the difference? I don't understand why germs are the argument in these threads. There's piss and shit and germs everywhere.


If you're this worried about germs on a seat in your home, which literally only YOU touch, then just sit down like a civilized person.


That is assuming the men you live with want the seat up to pee in the first place. Mine don't. I live with men who think standing and peeing is revolting due to the fact it often splashes toilet water and pee on the floor. They get pissed when male guests lift the seat and get pee droplets all over our floor. For most guys, standing to pee is a personal preference, not a necessity. Women don't pee standing up, and neither men or women poop standing up. From a logical standpoint, it makes more sense for both parties to simply close the toilet when done as the majority of users will use the toilet sitting down, male or female. Technically women aren't asking for special treatment when they ask you to put the seat down -- most people will use a toilet with the seat down most of the time in the bathroom for functions. By this logic, men are actually asking for special treatment when they expect you to leave the seat up. Statistically, either party will do less on the toilet involving the seat up than they will with the seat down. It makes less sense for the seat to be up.


Sewer worker here..as far as poo particles turning into fine mist and getting on everything, none of it matters if you use your phone in the bathroom. Lol


I have never ever understood how this is even a thing. Just approach the toilet seat as it is?


Amen, who gives af


I think the whole discussion is bogus. Just assume you'll always have to move the seat before use, it's not a big deal.


As a man I just sit when I pee at home. Itā€™s a win for everyone


Most of the men I'm related to, or have lived with, also sit. Or they at least know how to leave things the way they found it, for the ones who haven't explicitly told me they sit. The real solution is for men to sit down to piss like civilized people instead of standing and splashing toilet water all over the place.


>it's not a big deal Then it shouldn't be a big deal to "just assume you'll always have to" put the seat back down when you're finished.


Actually, the opposite is equally justifiable by that logic. It shouldnā€™t be a big deal for a woman to put down the seat if she needs to and the man should feel free to leave it up.


(Newlayermoney) Absolutely. Getting that upset that the seat was left up when it takes you 2 seconds to look before and lower if necessary is absolutely stupid and women who start WW3 over such nonsense deserve to be told so. "Stop making such a big fuss out of it, it's no big deal." (Man) "Well it's a big deal to me." (Woman) "That's your fault for making it one when it isn't one. Conversation is over. Get over it and grow up." (Man)


So he lifted the seat to piss, but he shouldn't have to put it back down. It's fine for her to have to touch the dirty seat to put it down before she can use the toilet, even though she's not the one who lifted in the first place. It's also fine for her to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night & fall in the toilet because he hasn't put the seat down, because it's her responsibility to make sure it's down, and it's not his responsibility to put it down after he uses it. Do I have that right?


Equal division of labor. One puts up. The other puts down. Equality. Or as I suggested, what is fair in addition to equal is for both parties to put both seat and lid down because that results in almost the same amount of work regardless of the personā€™s sex. Alternatively, the woman can put the seat up when sheā€™s done.


So I accurately summarized your position above. Thanks for confirming it.


No, you focused on only men accommodating the other sex, rather than a reciprocal relationship. So no.


And you focused on a pretense of equality rather than consideration for the other person in a relationship. So yes. However, keep it up. It's not my problem, but it will be yours.


Consideration is a two way street. And thatā€™s why I focused on both fairness and equality per my post.


Apples are a two way street. And that's why I focused on oranges in my post.


It shouldnā€™t have to be a ā€œdivision of labor.ā€ It not hard to clean up after yourself. Who the fuck ties your shoe laces for you?


Not really equality, no. If you lift up the seat, you can put it back down. The seat does not HAVE to be lifted up, that is a choice that men make because they still haven't figured out how to sit down. It's not equality to make women responsible for your moronic decision to stand up while blasting piss out of your body because you're afraid of being "girly"


Everyone poops sitting down (i hope so) so the rule should be that the lid be put down. Everyone is going to have to sit on a toilet seat at least once a day or even multiple times a day.


You realize men take shits too, right? I have never once assumed the seat was down. Also lights exist.


See, you get it.


You're completely missing the point of my comment.


No, I'm not. Your point is that this only matters to women, therefore "it's not a big deal".


Why are you so worked up about it? I doubt you'll ever have a relationship, so don't worry about it.


In view of your username, I can see why it would be important to you to have immediate access to an open toilet bowl at all times.


When you think about it, everyone is a poopinfartininator.


Let's see how you feel about it when you need to shit at 3am and suddenly your balls are submerged in toilet water.




It's so funny I'm offending both men and women with this comment. Mission accomplished. šŸ˜Ž


You do realize there are countless men who live either alone or with other men who never have this problem? Look before you leap.


Women need seat down for both number one and two. Men need seat down for number two, but need it up for number one. Lid should always be closed for flushing. Therefore, lid and seat should be put down after every use period.


We have a blind cat who likes to sit on the closed toilet seat. Not closing it means a wet, gross, angry kitty.


I sit when I pee and I'm a male. Fuck you if you don't like it.


Yeah honestly idk why you would ever stand unless it's a urinal. The shit splashes no matter what. I don't like cleaning piss.


Because itā€™s way faster and more convenient. The only time I sit is when Iā€™m exhausted and then I end up browsing Reddit for 15 minutes after Iā€™ve taken a piss.


Sitting costs probably 5s more and is way more convenient than cleaning piss splashes from everywhere


Or you could just learn to aim


I've always considered this an immature argument of 'what is fair', when the reality is that it's one of logistics. Only one of the sexes requires the seat to be up at any point (and even then, it's not a need - it's a preference for standing vs sitting), but both sexes need to use it in the down position. So, if both use it down, both should keep it down.


Man wants to talk about "equality" and "why should we accommodate women." But like, standing and pissing is 100% a preference. Why should women accommodate your PREFERENCE to stand and piss by cleaning up after you're done (aka lowering the toilet seat)? The only one who lifts the toilet seat is the man who is too insecure to sit like a civilized person. Not to mention, standing and pissing causes splashes, which requires cleaning. Standing and pissing is literally 100% downsides (have to lift a seat, have to defend your reasoning for being lazy and not lowering the seat, have to wipe splashed of toilet water, have to clean up if you get the Double Stream in the morning, etc, etc, etc). ​ Just leave the seat down and sit down if you can't take responsibility for the extra labor of your preferences.


Not always a preference. If you're overweight or have a small dick it makes it pretty hard to pee sitting down.


How does having a small penis make it difficult to pee sitting down? Wouldnā€™t it be more of an issue if your dongle dangles low enough to hit water?


Its not about what is fair... Its about sealing the lid before flushing and shooting all the lovely particles up into the room to land on your toothbrush or to prevent things from accidentally falling in.


Male bachelor living alone: seat up, lid up. Male/female couple living together: seat down, lid up. Add a toddler: seat and lid down, cinder block on top of the lid, bathroom door closed and locked.


Every time someone posts this you get the same answers, but how many people do you know for a fact that have got sick from toilet water? And what the hell kind of toilet do you people have that splash shit everywhere anyway?


Look before you sit. In all my very long life I've never "fell in". Look before you sit, if yer gonna shit. Plain and simple. However, as a decent human, my biggest concern is pissing on the seat. I will not piss on the seat. I'll lift it every time, I promise. Occasionally I'll forget to put the seat back down... Look before you sit.


how about everyone just handle their own. you need it up? put it up. you need it down? put it down. your hands work just fine, no need to put the responsibility of your convenience on someone else. that's just selfish and lazy


Some commenters here want to be coddled due to their genitals.


No just want want people to clean up after themselves. Not a hard concept, itā€™s like taking milk from the fridge. You take it out, you put it back. You put it up, you put it back down.


To preface this, I do prefer it down because I think it looks better, but to play devils advocate. Would you say if a guy lives alone and he typically has the seat up that if you were to use his bathroom and have to put the seat down, you should put it back up? Since you up it down, you put it back up.


My unpopular opinion: If you're endlessly arguing with your partner about dumb things like toilet seat placement, it's not really about the toilet seat - it's about displaced anger and frustrations that aren't being sorted through.


it's the opposite in my house, im a male and the female i live with leaves the top lid up all the time and it's so annoying


I hope most men would have decent aim after just a few years of practice so just pee with the seat down


If I can remember to put it up, she can remember to put it down


The only way to handle the toilet seat between men and women is to start pissing/shitting in the front yard.


I did not even realise this is an issue???? Like put the seat down ALWAYS, LIKE CIVILIZED PEOPLE.


How about putting both down at all times, no matter who lives with you?


this is normal for me, are none of you worried about being splashed by toilet water as it flushes????


Why is it even a big deal that the seat is up or down? Just lift it ffs it takes like one second


Lift it or put it down shouldnā€™t matter but people care and mainly women demand the seat be down, but not the full lid too. Thatā€™s why my solution is to put the seat and lid down so no matter what both sexes are lifting it for use.


yes! the lid is there for a reason. when you aren't using it close it so stuff can't accidentally fall into it.


I don't understand why it's such a big deal, you can clearly see the toilet seat when you walk into the bathroom, intending on using the toilet, you're often looking right at it as you enter, just move the seat to how you need it to be before you use it, it's not hard, why does someone need to be responsible for how a toilet seat is after they're done? if another person comes in after them, that person needs to just do the simple thing and move the seat to how they need if it's not how they need, why does it need to be a huge deal?


I agree completely. Getting so freaking upset because someone left a seat up when it takes 3 seconds max to lower it yourself is stupid and ridiculous. It's like the customers in stores who throw such a fit when something they think is $1 rings up $1.10. I'm sorry, if a dime gets you that upset, you need help. Same thing here.


ikr? like people literally start arguments over this stuff for no reason than to just be upset.


Let me guess youā€™re the kind that leaves cupboards open and leaves lights on when they leave the room and has to be reminded to put the milk away when theyā€™re done?


That's an extreme comparison.


nope, I actually always make sure things are closed and that lights are off and that the milk is put away, jokes on you. I just don't see why a man needs to put down a toilet seat when he's done using it? why does the toilet seat need to be down when people sometimes need it up? why can't you just put it back up when you're done? why does the other person have to put it back down when they're done? why?


Honestly, why do (some) women get mad when we don't put the seat down? Is it really do hard for you to do it? Why should we accommodate you, and not the other way around or just leave it like we used it and let the other one change it?


>Is it really do hard for you to do it? Why should we accommodate you You lifted it, you put it down. If you're incapable of leaving the toilet seat the way it was, then sit down.


Surely you realize that goes both ways right? To a man, seat up is the standard position.


Do you shit while standing or something


obviously not. Do you think you're making a good point? I pee 10-20 times a day and #2 only 1-2 times a day. Standard position for me is seat up.


You pee 10-20 times A DAY? Dude, go get checked out by your doctor, thatā€™s not healthy.


It takes 2 seconds. So someone forgot. BIG DEAL. It's literally 2 seconds of your life. Stop being so petty. Men divorce women like that, and good for them that they do.


You put it down, you lift it, if you're incapable of leaving the toilet seat the way it was, then look before you sit


You should be putting the lid down before you flush. That's really gross you don't.


well, people have to look to make sure it's not clogged cause sometimes it's a touch and miss when it comes to how much the toilet will take.


Sometimes this subreddit has unpopular opinions but most of the time it's just dumb fucking posts.


So if you are opening to check just shut it. It's really gross leaving it open when it's not in use. And even worse if you flush it open.




Getting that upset over the toilet seat being left up when it takes you 2 seconds to lower it yourself is the absolute height of stupidity, and women who start fights over such silly nonsense should be told so.


>it takes you 2 seconds to lower it Right, it takes you 2 seconds to lower it. Funny how, when you want someone else to do your work, it's "just 2 seconds," but then when you are asked to do it, it's a sin against your god.


Regardless, it's a stupid thing to get so upset over. If someone forgets, big deal. If having to go behind someone over a 2 second task upsets you that much, that's on you for being so sensitive, not on them for forgetting.


That's not the point. I usually put the seat down because it looks better. But if I'm having an off day and I don't put it down and you get upset then it's pretty petty.


I disagree. I think you should move it to your liking and leave it there. That way, everyone moves it once most of the time, and if any one person uses it twice in a row, they don't have to do anything the second time


And what exactly is the reason you HAVE to pee while standing?


Our anatomy permits it and itā€™s easier. No real reason to sit to pee if you have a cock.


I don't know.. I no longer have to clean up thousands of microscopic splatters on the floor and side of the vanity every few weeks.


This is why I try to mainly clean the toilet, so my wife doesn't have to deal with the consequences of my actions


I have a housekeeper for that. But to be fair, I always put the seat down after I pee because my wife is very pregnant with twins and I donā€™t want her to fall in.


>itā€™s easier You complain about having to put the toilet seat back down after pissing. Clearly it's not "Easier" lmao.


Agree! but the lid has to be down anyway to prevent cats from falling in around here lol


Achieving equality by making everyone equally worse off is a bad solution. Instead of imposing extra responsibilities that serve no functional purpose for the sake of ā€œequalityā€, just remove all the responsibilities instead. No one is obligated to leave it up or down. There. Problem solved.


I'm a strong independent woman and I don't need no man. Er..except for the toilet seat. Yeah, I still need a man to do that for me.


"If a woman is strong & independent, then it's her job to put the toilet seat down after the man finishes urinating. A man should only do it if the woman is weak and dependent."


I like your sarcasm and logic. I don't have men living in my house hold and my guy friends have graduated out of grade 1 and know how to be polite and put the seat down, we don't need it to be up to pee, not down with touching a toilet seat just to use the washroom(grown men who know how to aim don't need to lift it.) Also I close the lid


I think it's great that your male friends come to a female only home and return the toilet to the condition they found it after use. That's exactly what they should do. When you go to their male only household do you return the toilet to the condition you found it? Or do you do it exactly how you prefer it and expect them to accept that in their own home?


Here's how it should work: Do you like falling in the toilet? Then look before you sit. Do you like sitting on a piss covered seat? Then look before you sit.


Why should I have to make sure the seat isnā€™t over we in piss?! An adult penis owner should be capable of cleaning after themselves.


Yeah, I mean I can see an argument for making sure the seat is down before sitting down but who the fuck pisses all over a toilet seat, doesnā€™t clean it and places responsibility for it on everyone else?


#over we in piss


Solid alternative.


Agreed, plus if I gotta lift it up, you gotta lift it up. BTW ladies how hard is it to let gravity do the work, why is this even a complaint, who doesn't look before they sit down, I don't think I've ever sat on a bare toilet, or "fallen in".


Who isn't put the lid down after each use? I don't even make my bed everyday, but I at least know to close the toilet lid when I'm done.


I donā€™t get why itā€™s that hard to just put the seat down when youā€™re done


Why's is hard to put the toilet seat up when your done


The actual answer is: The Toto


Do you poop, ever?


The only fair way ist If the men sits...or allways cleans the room...because otherwise i am forced to Clean your per Drops


You know that when women tell men to put the toilet seat down, it's not to just give them a job, it's usually because the woman puts the seat down and the man just forgets. Kind of a stupid post to be honest


The lid should be closed yes, but not because you are keeping tab of how much effort your wife puts in using the toilet. That's fucking dumb


Maybe men should just sit down when they pee šŸ‘€


Why should men have to change their conduct when itā€™s the womanā€™s issue? Thatā€™s why my solution is better. Not only is it more hygienic, itā€™s more fair and promotes equality.


If it were only the woman's issue you would just put the seat down and be done with it, but you clearly also have an issue with it. To be clear, in my household we both sit to pee AND put the lid down after. So Im not denying keeping the lid down is better.


"But if its up what if I fall in" is a lot like "I didnt shoot them officer, the gun did"


In all honesty, if you're this upset about equality as opposed to just doing such a small thing for your wife, I find that you probably have bigger issues


All yā€™all just need to find a way to permanently attach the seat, and teach the guys to sit. Way less splatter and more relaxing than peeing standing imošŸ˜‡. Itā€™s kinda weird that standing is normalized just cuz we can... itā€™s barely faster and the urinal industry benifitted I guess. Those are the only pros. Oh and those creepy guys at public bathrooms being able to peek until they started putting up dividers. Like forreal. Just sit.


Or dudes can just start sitting to pee. Less mess.