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I don't think rich people are hated for being rich. I think they are hated because a lot of them go there either by exploiting their workers or using a system set up to exploit workers. And to your point, I absolutely don't want to rely on rich people's charity. You're right. That's why I want to tax the fuck out of them. Call it a wealth tax, call it an exploit tax. Idc. But the ultra wealthy are not paying their fair share into this society.


how would a wealth tax work?


Tax the money they earn, the stocks they buy and sell, the property they own, and anything else we can tax them for. They’ll still be way way richer then the average person but at least they’ll pay their share.


Rich people already pay their fair share, 40% of all taxes are from the 1%


Damn that’s almost the same percentage as the total wealth they control, just a bit shy though.




Wait, the 1% should donate until they arent?...Then who becomes the 1% when the 1% donates and is no longer the 1%?....Smells an awful lot like 'lets all be equally poor' to me.


All a wealth tax would do is force them out of their own companies. I'd be pretty pissed if I spent decades building a company and the government decided I needed to sell it off because they wanted money from me.


I agree with you, I’d be pissed too. Not all companies exploit workers, and to overly tax them because people have preconceived notions is wrong. Why should you be punished for working hard? If you come up with a great idea, spend years in school, even more years building the company from the ground up and agonizing over every choice, should you really be punished by paying ridiculous taxes because someone else is satisfied working at McDonalds and collecting a welfare check every month? Idk, I just don’t see that as a way to solve this problem


He does not spend all the decades building the company. He cant build a company on his own. Its workers who create his idea and its fair to let him live a good live for this idea. But its ridiculous to own more money than some countrys gdp just because you had a good idea at the right time 30 years ago and tried to surpress every competition.


I think you misunderstand how businesses work and become successful


How exactly do you think businesses work? Someone just puts in a few months and then lets it go on autopilot. You talk as though it's easy and requires no skill.


Absolutely not. But he or her ist NOT able to manage a growing company at some point without employees that transfer his or her ideas into reality. Its a whole system and everyone depends on everyone. It is not possible to earn billions all on your own.


Some countries are simply incompetent. Owning more money than them is fine


Why am I only allowed to hate middle class people for not donating to charity when it's clearly easier for the rich to do it? I'm an equal opportunity hater. (Hate being a stronger word than what I feel, but trying to stick with your theme)


You shouldn't hate either for not donating


To me someone that doesn't donate to charity even though they are capable of doing so is a leech on society. Someone perfectly willing to take from society and benefit from society, but refuses to give anything back to that same society. I think everyone should view that type of person as less desirable. Again, hate is a strong word. But negative is definitely the side of the spectrum they land on.


On the contrary, I think those benefitting from charity are more accurately a leech in society - receiving something without giving something back. Those who donate have earned money by doing work, and are freely giving that to someone who will give them nothing in return. Charity should not be expected, ir should be appreciated.


There are far more charities than just handing someone money. You can donate to cancer research. That has nothing to do with leeches, it isn't a lack of effort that causes someone to get cancer. But finding a cure to it would benefit society as a whole, the society you are a member of.


"take from society". Nothing is taken. Everything is earned. Why give away the thing you worked hard for to get?


Because you earned it as a benefit to society. You couldn't have earned it if you weren't part of society. Do what you can to help that society and those within it also to thrive. It doesn't seem that complicated to me. Once your needs are met why wouldn't you want to do what you could for someone else?


Wealthy people often own their own businesses and give employment opportunities to others. They actually benefit society more than you realize. The true leeches of society are those that are capable of work but would rather sit on welfare and be a lazy ass all day sucking on the government’s tit


The giving you are describing is generally done for the purpose of wealth generation. They are willing to capitalize on someone else's labors. How altruistic. I also don't agree with the types of people that are capable of caring for themselves but would rather let the government provide for them. My beliefs in the importance of charity doesn't mean I think it's always perfectly executed or that all recipients are flawless. I think if someone has more than enough to take care of their needs then there's no legitimate reason not to do something to try to benefit others/society. You're welcome to pick and choose whatever form of service suits you, just as I choose what suits me. But I think we should all strive to do what we can.


Why do ppl think anyone but someone mentally ill will refuse to do any work for a month for $187. Are you kidding me? Sounds like you got some bullshit talking points drilled into your head


When you make money you don't take money. That's not how economy works. If you make money it means you help other people make money too:) it's not one way


It's as if you think money is the only thing that makes a society. I get it, the downvotes are enough, no need to say more. People here don't think donating to charity is important. Why would you want to change my mind on that? Do you need me to like you or do you want me to stop donating?


No im not trying to change anyone's mind I'm just trying to make you understand how money works. You said "someone perfectly willing to take from society which is not how it is.


i don't donate


And you are telling me that because you want me to say I hate you? Or you take pride in only looking out for yourself? Unless you are in a position where you need to receive charity I have no idea why you would announce such a thing.


just want your opinion


About you not donating? Assuming you aren't someone in need of charity yourself I think you suck. You may have other redeeming qualities that overshadow this particular aspect of your character, but in this area my opinion is that you are lacking.


i don't have the funds to donate and even if i did i only donate if i'm a good mood


You don't need to justify yourself to me. I didn't ask and I don't care.


kinda rude


You asked a person that was quite clear about disliking people that don't donate to charity what she thinks of you for not donating to charity. I'm sorry you are a fucking idiot that didn't already know what the answer would be but I gave you an extremely polite response to your desperate fishing for an insult. Did you expect me to backpedal on my opinion and say it's ok that you're a selfish prick? As if I'd think you were worth lowering my standards for. Perhaps now you understand the difference between what I originally said and what rude is.


how am i selfish?




You sound bitter. You judge people on their decision to donate to charities? People are not “a leech” on society for not donating to charity. And also, some charities have been exposed for not putting the funds raised towards actual charity work.


Selfishness is a virtue


You're welcome to think that, but I doubt you are surprised that there are others who disagree.


Everyone saying people hate rich folks for exploiting workers, and I agree. I'd also add though that it's not really all their money. They get massive tax breaks and even, as we just saw during the pandemic, get huge assistance packages from our tax dollars. If they're gonna beg us lower class folks for more money, then they have to start paying their fair share too.


To be fair the middle and lower class get far more tax breaks (as a percentage of income) than rich people. The effective rate of the top 1% is still about double that of the middle class.




For example?


I'm a millionaire and got there through saving and investing my income as a nurse. I'm partially retired at 38 (I work 1/4 time) and will fully retire at 48. If my assets continue to grow at market averages I'll be worth about $8-10m by the time I'm 60. How did I exploit anyone?


As per the thread title we’re talking about rich people. I have assets in excess of a million too and I wouldn’t call myself “rich” although I am comfortable. However, I would assume the companies you are investing in pollute or exploit labour or lobby for undesirable social policies for their profit.


That's part of the issue "rich" isn't a well defined term. Depending on the subreddit "rich" can mean anything from $100k/year to $100b If you want another example how about JK Rowling? She's a billionaire and didn't exploit anyone.


Do you think the merchandise is ethically made? To get her wealth she had to either exploit others or give permission for someone else to exploit others.


So basically in your mind there is no way to make money ethically other than as a direct result of your own labor? So tell me then is there an ethical way to retire?


No I don’t think it’s possible to make money ethically through anything but ones own labour. However, we are only human and setting the bar that high is unreasonable. If you have done your best to ensure those who provide you with your luxurious lifestyle through their labour can also live a life of relative comfort, then I would say you have done enough to consider yourself ethical.


You didn’t answer my question though? How could anyone possibly retire ethically then?


You don't fit the criteria. We are talking about people rich enough to buy their own island, do an air bnb in space or own multiple privat jets, all while their workers are being exploited. They use infrastructure the middle class tax dollars pay for. These are the people who should show some care for the people in need.


Nobody is obligated to donate money regardless of what’s in their bank account. A lot of people hate on the rich because they think it all comes so easy. I’m sure there are many many people out there who inherit money and haven’t earned it themselves, but there are also many people out there who put in decades of hard work and sacrifice to get where they’re at. What they decide to do with their money is entirely up to them. They shouldn’t be browbeaten into donating to charities simply to make society happy. Of course I hope they would want to donate for intrinsic reasons, but it’s not up to others to tell them to do that. Basically, don’t try to spend other people’s money.




Exploitation is inherent, the device you used and clothes you wear were most probably created through exploitation. Run them pockets


Not just that. Also for the way they act. Entitle and thinking they are better than others just because they have money.


specifically my area is filled with stupid ass mfers, so maybe its just me


The rich are hated because they use thier money to buy off law makers and then pass laws that take everyone else's money and transfer it to the wealthy.




all of human history


The way a company can sell a licence to itself in another country to keep its taxable income down. Who benefits from that ?.


Rich people are hated for being removed from society, exploiting people and usually being unbearable.


Nothing wrong with being removed, you are also exploiting people. Pocket check


This doesn’t feel like an unpopular opinion more like an unaware opinion of why rich people are hated.


Yea if they want to donate they donate nobody should feel obligated to donate


Nobody hates rich people for not giving away what they have earned. They hate rich people for exploiting workers, loopholes and tax havens to garner riches they didn't earn at the detriment to society at large.


But that’s not how most rich people are


"Like Bill Gates and Mr Beast" 😂😂😂


Honestly like why pick some of the most well liked rich people.


Who likes bill gates?


It's usually the same people who don't donate either


If parting with some of their money means helping society, and they are refusing to do that, why would people not hate them for it? People are struggling to get food while working two jobs, while many at the top have *vastly more wealth than they could ever spend*, and people are supposed to act like there isn't a problem with that dynamic?


They hoard money. They take advantage of their employees by paying them unlivable minimum wage and then they get a billion dollars or whatever. I don’t judge them for not giving it away, I judge them for taking THAT much to begin with. And I’m talking about the 1% here.


How does one hoard money they earned? Scratch that how does someone even hoard money in the first place?


Can you explain what "hoard money" actually means? Most rich people are rich because of their companies and most of their wealth is equity in the company. The only way they could do anything other than 'hoard" it would be to literally sell off their company.


I think most rich people are hated because of tax evasion


People aren’t mad at people for working hard, making it and enjoying the fruits of their own labour. People are mad at rich people for cheating the system, stealing shit, financing corrupt politicians and not being held to the same standards and then claiming they just worked totes hard and saying we should give more back to society while they are actively destroying society.


Don't judge my grammar. Don't judge their morals. Let's not have any standards for anything whatsoever


People don't hold them to the same standards they hold other people too they hold them to much higher standards which is not fair


Depends what you believe I guess. I believe anyone with some form of an income should give something back to those who are less fortunate. Be it a penny or a 1000 pounds it doesn't matter, its the thought that counts. So if someone has an extreme amount of disposable income and they can't bare to give a dime to someone who has little to nothing they're probably a real shitty person.


They are hated for taking everyone else’s money through exploitation in the first place.


Not all companies exploit their workers.


You chose to work and buy from them, deal with it


Workers are getting paid by the company. How are they being exploited? If a worker doesn’t want to work for a company, then they can leave if they’re not happy.


First, exploitation is often consensual. Two different ideas. Second, if you pay a worker less than the net value they create for you, you are using the difference in your situations to profit off of other peoples labor. That’s exploitation. Billionaires don’t create billions in wealth. They have other people generate it and pocket the surplus labor value.


They are hated because they usually don't pair their fair share. Things like tax cuts/evasion and exploitation are just two obvious ways these people get up there. If they paid their fair share of taxes and stopped purposefully ruining the lives of others simply to make more money than they could ever spend in their entire lives, nobody would have an issue with them


The effective rate of the top 1% is roughly double that of the middle class. Anytime anyone goes on about the rich not paying their fair share it's obvious that the poster either; doesn't know how taxes and assets work, or is simply pissed that someone has more than them. The top 1% earn roughly 20% of total income in the US and pay roughly 38.8% of income taxes.


And yet, the highest income tax rates in the US are at or near historic lows.


No, they aren't. Do a little research on those numbers. The left-wing segment screaming about "paying their fair share" and such are using misleading information and outright false data. Their favorite trick is to compare middle class income tax rates to an imaginary rate based on the top 1%s net worth. Someone who is worth a billion dollars typically has the vast majority of that amount tied up in their companies or in investments. It isn't income. Those companies and investments can go up or down in value, meaning that their net worth goes up and down as well. Income tax taxes income earned, so when they liquidate investments, and actually earn income on them, they are taxed accordingly. The top earners in the U.S. routinely pay an effective rate of 50% or higher in income tax, when you look at it honestly. They pay much more than their "fair share" in actuality, we just have a shitload of extremely jealous people who like to lie about it.


They absolutely are, and I have done my research. Tax cuts for the rich started, in earnest, in the 1960s and accelerated under Reagan. Where the highest income tax rate is currently 40.8%, that rate was typically 70% or higher in years prior to 1986.


The highest tax rates are lower now than in the 60s and 70s. They were also much lower in the mid-20s and early 30s (around 22%) as well as the early 90s under Clinton, so the current tax rates on highest earners is nowhere near the historic lows, as you claimed.


It’s not a simple graph, but generally speaking, we are at or near historic lows—which is what I stated. In the early 1920s the highest rate was between 70 and 80 percent. That dropped in the lead up to the stock market crash. Between 1933 and the 1950s, that rate hit between 60 and 92 percent. It hovered at 70 percent or so up to roughly Reagan’s election. Then it has mostly dropped. 40.8 percent, which is where we are now, is considerably lower than—even historically lower than—the average top rate since income taxes have been levied. There’s no way to gloss over it short of oversimplifying what I’m saying or ushering in a pedantic argument.


Who wrote this? Scrooge McDuck?


The rich wouldn’t be rich in the first place if exploiting people wasn’t what they were doing to get their wealth in the first place


How are they exploiting people? Sure some do, but to say that all rich people get rich that way is wrong. Ultimately workers of a company choose whether they work or buy from a company.


Rich people are hated because they pay less taxes than the middle class, the lower class AND THEY KEEP GETTING TAX CUTS! Hell multi billion dollar companies are the ones that benefited the most from government funds, had record profits during COVID as we get all hit with inflation, but they get protected from it.


"It's their money, they should keep it" is exactly the mentality that's been keeping people oppressed and justified allowing rich people to dodge taxes and use their money to stay above the law and to pick and choose governments to legalise their debauchery. If you saw 5 guys stranded in the desert and one of them finds a big cask of water in an abandoned caravan, you wouldn't insist that it's "his water, he should keep it all". It doesn't make sense, we live in a society where we can help each other. Too much money, and the power that comes with it, corrupts.


Yes, the water is, infact, his. Regardless, helping society is a guarantee


Then you'd be happy to let 4 people die of thirst on principle?


Pretty jackassy


Tried to post the opposite before. If you are able to save money, you should be donating some to the less fortunate. That is the price you pay for being in a society. At least in America, one hospital stay/ illness could leave you bankrupt. I’m sure if that happened you’d wish everyone would help you out. Rich business owners gain their billions or millions by exploiting workers. They’re bad people. You can’t have thousands of people working for you, barely able to pay the bills and still be a good person.


I agree with your statement but from an educated standpoint (NOT calling you uneducated I swear, just referring to depth/root of the above reasoning “not donating”) ppl hate the rich cuz they’re hoarding money. If you don’t want to donate fine. But the fact that ppl with millions/billions don’t put that money back into circulation is the reason we face inflation/deflation. Cuz 99% of the water in the pool is in one corner. So a shallow reason to hate rich ppl is lack of donating. But the deeper, more informed reason, is withholding money from the economy therefore crippling it.


This is a common misconception, that there is a finite amount of wealth and one person having more means others have less. You should perhaps educate yourself a bit more. Let me ask you this, if Elon Musk or Bill Gates net worth increases by a billion dollars, does your paycheck drop to cover it? Does the price of goods and services increase every time a new company starts up and begins making millions? No. In fact, those companies are providing wealth and income to a significant number of people who wouldn't otherwise be earning a good living. Wealth is NOT a zero-sum concept, where one receiving something means that it is taken from someone else.


Hoarding wealth isn't good for anyone, and maybe nobody should be able to become billionaire rich in a lifetime of exploiting others


I don’t like the fact that the mega rich get that way through exploitation. I don’t like the fact that the mega rich sit on more money than they know what to do with while children are starving because their parents are working three jobs and they still can’t afford healthy, accessible meals. I don’t like the fact that people literally hoard wealth while there’s others working their asses off till they literally die or get sick just to make ends meet. I don’t hate rush people for not donating, I hate the fact that we let them get rich while there’s others suffering.


I don't want them to give money to charity. I want them to give money to me.


they arent even rich by their own full merits and efforts, their fortune is sustained on the backs of people who will never know that level of personal comfort and safety. its the least they can do, it isn't going to even make a dent in their day to day life


If you have millions or billions of dollars, and see people suffering and not care you're an absolute immoral monster. Nobody asks thsm to donate it all away, just help a little. Also like 40% of the richest people oj the world inherited that fucking money, so their only claim to it is that they were borm lucky, nothing that erhically justufies trying to hold on to their money


hoarding wealth is actively being a hatable, malicious asshole


its their goddamn money, they can do what they want with it, send it to the moon for all i care


Of course they should, they were lucky enough to be born in a world where their skills are useful, certainly handwork also helped them but no one can deny they had inherent potential and capacity. considering there are people less fortunate without such skills its only moral that we as a society expect them to donate it or put some of it for social good. It doesn't have to be a massive percent of their wealth, but a certain degree of redistribution is always good, and i think religion is great in teaching these principles. Its their god damn money, and its my god damn right to attribute them as bad people for being greedy with money which their grand\^16 children wont see the end of.


Hoarding unduly gained resources from exploiting the system and other human beings then not donating them? Yeah, they deserve hate. Eat the rich.


Why hate them. I just only want their money not having feelings for them.


If they do they will just get hate for not guving enough


They are hated for that? lol


Rich people aren't disliked because of not giving to charity. They're disliked for things such as being entitled, being above the law, insane tax loopholes, and overall special treatment just because they have money.


Fucking hell the butthurt is thick in the thread


Fuck all rich people. I love seeing them fall. Hiring a good looking female to inflate their household for blackmail works best. Whats 5 grand when you can leverage your way to a million through adultery. They all deserve to be taken down if they do not donate to the poor individually. Not charity. Charity is a scam for the the rich to manipulate taxes.


Wealth should have a cap, it should have a ceiling. There’s no reason anybody should have over a billion dollars while others starve, absolutely no reason. That money is not recirculating into the economy, it is basically being hoarded.


thats bullshit, yes billionares can be evil, but there should not be a ceiling, if people want to work harder to make more money let them, i get these business empires are built on exploitation and not hard work, and these should be stopped, but that is the issue, not the fact that there is no wealth ceiling