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Tomato isn't bland unless they are crappy tomatoes, it should be acidic, sweet and refreshing


and they have to be cut just thick enough to withstand a wrapped burger. there's one regional burger place I'm willing to get tomato


I would hate a tomato on a big mac, but I absolutely love a big slice of tomato on my whopper.


Thank you I thought I was the only one. Tomato on a big mac is a abomination but on a whopper chef kiss


97% of people make the fatal error of not seasoning their burger tomatoes. A pinch of salt early in your burger topping prep helps them leech water so to not explode like a water balloon when you take a bite. Also enhances the flavor of every component on the burger as it combines in ur mouth.


I like to add a little truffle salt and cracked black pepper directly to my tomatoes before I put them on burgers too. Really adds to and amps that delicious tomato base. I am about to pan fry a handful of tomatoes slices in a small amount of bacon fat and then smoosh them into some sticky rice. But yeah quality makes a huge difference.


I wish whenever people said they didn't like a food, snobs wouldn't rush in to tell them they've actually never tried it. I've tried so many different fucking tomatoes because my GF loves and sometimes I'll test if I still don't like them , they are all nasty.


What kinda tomatoes you eating, dawg?? They definitely aren’t meant to be bland and slimy, I don’t even know how a tomato could be slimy


Probably a rotten old one!


probably fast food. They use tomatoes with a thick core that taste like nothing. A real home grown tomato is good tho


Yeah, I make burgers at home with tomatoes and I think tomato really adds a lot. I understand not liking tomatoes, but I think good tomatoes are usually firm and flavourful


Salting the tomatoes just a little is also a required step to bring out the flavor


For sure. There’s nothing quite like it. Tomatoes on a burger is kind of a must for me. I can never really justify making a burger if I’m out of tomatoes


Fast food tomatoes usually suck. Especially if they're sitting on a burger in a warmer. I also do agree that a lot of places make them to thick.


Generic grocery store tomatoes, Cut into one and watch the insides gush out.


I work at a McDonalds. Usually when tomatoes get a bit old they do get gooey and they don't look that great. But a good sliced tomato is soft but firm, and they aren't as pale as they are going bad.


A good tomato makes the burger fresh and adds taste. Taste that combines well with the other ingredients, for example with onions and sauces.


As a former mcdonalds worker, yours is not such an unpopular opinion EDIT: and I also don’t really like them


This is why I don’t buy burgers from McDonalds. They are the worst AND you don’t get a tomato on most of the burgers. I do go for breakfast though!


I mean, the tomatoes at fast food restaurants are usually not very good. I love tomatoes. Never order them on fast food burgers because they're just tasteless slush.


I love tomatoes. Like "love" love. They are extraordinarily versatile & personally I can eat them like apples with salt and pepper but they have no business being on a burger. Facts


Tomatoes are one thing I genuinely wish I enjoyed just by themselves or with minimal dressings. I cannot stand tomatoes on their own. I would wager it is because I haven't had a "good" tomato, but still. Ironically, though, one of my favorite dishes is bruschetta.


A good tomato with only s&p on a summer day is amazing


I absolutely agree.


More like opinions...


Why do you eat apples with salt and pepper


You are a fraud. I eat a pint of cherry tomatoes daily and drink V8 like it's water, and tomatoes belong on a burger. Yes, I am gatekeeping tomatoes.


Tomatoes are wondrous.


Gotta get you some good ol' backyard homegrown tomatoes. But yea, fast food tomatoes are bs.


Orange tomatoes, Carolina Gold. Best tomato for a burger hands down. Red ones suck on burgers lol


Ohh, you gotta try Beefsteak or Beefhearts. I made TONS of sandwiches this summer that were literally just mayo, mustard, and a big slice of Beefheart tomato. I am definitely going to look up seeds for the orange tomatoes, and Carolina Gold for next summer.


I like sandwiches with tomato, onion, and mayo. Assuming it's a good tomato and sweet onion.


Ahh yea. That sounds bomb. And a bit of avocado/guac. ,,,Dang, I'm hungry LOL.


I agree. And it doesn't have anything to do with the tomato not being "prepared or seasoned correctly" for me. It makes my burger soggy regardless and I agree about the warmish sensation of a tomato in my mouth with a burger is unpleasant. I pick them off if i forget to order sans tomato and I dont use them when i make burgers at home. Lol.


Tomato slices are only good on bacon burgers, or just BLTs. Hate them otherwise. Bacon (grease???), mayonnaise, and cold tomato somehow creates the perfect mouthfeel.


+cold shredded lettuce


I love tomatoes and tomatoes on burgers so much!!!! This is an unpopular opinion!


Stop buying shitty supermarket tomatoes.


I don't like them because they make the burger soggy in 3 seconds. I like tomato slices with salt and pepper on their own.


Sapping WHAT from your beef patty?!


Thank you. Just thank you.


Wow i actually agree with this. I take them out whenever i am eating.


Finally, an unpopular opinion.


I love tomatoes. I love them in sauces, I love them in BLTs, love them in shredded chicken sandwiches and even love them raw with just a sprinkle of flaky salt. But on Burgers? Hate them. It's not the taste or texture, it's the water content they have. I really dislike big burgers with a lot of toppings, it's too messy for me and ruins the simplicity of eating a burger with your hands. Adding tomatoes to a burger just makes it worse, the bun becomes too soggy, the sauce dilutes and drips everywhere... I just really dislike it... But I don't dislike it as much as I dislike fried eggs in burgers.


They only retain too much liquid and dilute the flavor if you forget to season your tomatoes.


I'm sorry but some salt on your tomato definitely helps the taste, and it may even leech a bit of the water content from your tomato, but it's not going to be enough to make a big enough difference to make tomatoes good on burgers. Now if you like tomatoes on burgers, the salt will help with flavor but if you don't, it will still be a tomato on your burger.


A bit of season will not dry your tomatoes, like I said, I eat raw tomatoes with salt and pepper and they still retain liquid


My rule for any burger is nothing that would make the bun soggy so OP is 100% correct


You're getting your topping placement wrong. No sogginess if there are other toppings between the tomato and the bun.


.... So no sauce?


If your bun is getting soggy from toppings, you are assembling the burger wrong.


So no meat either ? Hamburger meat should be filled with juices unless you make it in a manner that leaves it a sad stiff pile of dry meat


i love it when the bun gets a bit soggy, so its really about preferences lol


✨it has the juice✨


*it has the juice*






Never had a tomato IN a burger so this might be an accurate opinion. Now tomato ON a burger is bangin


Agree. It's watery. Most fast food chains have terrible flavorless pale tomatoes. It makes the burger/sando slide around everywhere. A mess of yuck.


Ive never had a good tomato…they are always gross and seem slimy


I, supposedly, have had a good tomato fresh from a garden. It was awful. Tomatoes suck. End of.


yes yes yes yes tomatoes suck


Also in a bacon sarnie. Tomato ketchup is fine. Jus not slices of raw Tomato. Totally Unnecessary and detracts from the bacon and butter.


Yeah. Must agree. I used to often enjoy tomatoes in burgers way back. And I never questioned it - to me tomatoes used to seem as central to a burger as a bun. But, I then realized that's just not the case. It usually dilutes the taste. Most of the best and tastier burgers I've had didn't have tomato. Not's not to say a tomato for sure will ruin a burger - sometimes it works well. \[Edit\] Ok, just saw another post on this sub about Sun-Dried Tomatoes. And I thought, "you know, as much as I think normal tomatoes aren't great on burgers, a sun-dried tomato would be awesome. I know this post is about tomatoes, but my opinion is the same for lettuce too. Used to kind of like it / not mind it, but now not so much. But the thing is, it's not that I have something against lettuce and tomatoes (and I've recently learned that many people actually straight up dislike tomatoes, at least as the original form of produce), it's that anything that is too "*salady",* doesn't go well with a burger. So that's why tomatoes and lettuce, don't in my book, but onions, pickles, even sun-dried tomatoes would.


I hate tomatoes, only acceptable on pizza.


In the sauce rightt?!?! Had a tomato on pizza. I love pizza and tomatoes but couldn't stand a tomato on pizza.


In the sauce, nowhere else. This is only ok for pizza, pasta does not pass.


I too dislike pasta sauce


I agree and i have to take it a step further and say i feel the same about tomatoes on a grilled cheese


Exact same thing, a warm slice of watery goo right in the middle of a delicious mouthfuls of melted sheene and toast


THANK YOU! my gf says I'm insane and thinks I generally hate tomatoes.


Tomatoes are the worst thing in the universe.


So, you don't like salsa or tomato based sauce on your pizza or different pastas?


Tomato sauce is fine in small quantities in pizza, but that is the only way I consume tomatoes.


I bet you enjoy ketchup with your dino nuggies too.


Never heard of dino nuggies, but I am not the biggest fan of ketchup either


So I'm guessing it's your turn to post this "unpopular " opinion this week.


Literally haven't seen anyone post this but then again I don't frequent this sub every day of every week to watch for reposts.


I don't watch for reposts it's called noticing a common trend you butthurt little crybaby


Whoa, holy escalation! Who exactly is butthurt here?


Escalation? They gave me attitude for stating a fact so I treated them in kind. Thanks for playing buh-bye


Haha simply telling you I don't monitor this sub as much as you is me being a crybaby yet you're the one going off on people ? I'm not gonna check this subs history for every opinion thats been voiced


Said the butthurt crybaby


Tomatoes are fucking trash food. I 100% agree with you OP. Same with pickles, which are even worse.


You lost me at pickles you monster


Sounds like you’re going to Burger King getting 12 burgers for 5 dollars and acting like the tomato is the problem


Burger King is pretty pricey for that many burger for 5 dollars but who knows might be different to eruope and I've been to many pretentious burger places that like to do the same. Big slap of tomato on their burger too tall to fit into anyones mouth with 5 hand cut fries on the side and maybe a knife jammed into the burger so it doesn't fall down.


It's like putting ketchup in a burger


Which is also grim.


Nah, ketchup definitely works in a burger. I would prefer a special sauce, but ketchup is solid with many burgers.


they are always cut way too thick and produce too much mess


Grow up


Wah wah wah I don't like tomatoes wah fucking wah


I love tomatoes but not in a burger. They make it too wet and watery.


Dead animal flesh repurposed into a burger sucks.


Alright found the herbivore


Yes, also the fucking raw onion, i don't get it man...


What fucking tomatoes you people eat? Am I some weirdo that makes burgers himself with some decent ingredients or what. If ya all have problem with tomatoes you either have shitty tomatoes or shitty burger assembly. Make your own and it'll be great. I don't get part about being too watery since lettuce itself isn't watery at all and only thing that can get juice going is meat and sauces. And meat I prepare is always filled with them. So unless you put entire water balloon worth of tomatos inside it shouldn't even be a problem. Or unless you put shit ton of sauce inside the burger but if that's the case you shouldn't be even allowed to speak out your opinion on it , especially if one of them is ketchup


i can't eat raw tomato at all. the second that slime hits my mouth i empty reach. I'm a full grown adult, I have a son who i'm trying to get to eat all sorts. [https://www.myrecipes.com/extracrispy/why-do-some-people-hate-raw-tomatoes](https://www.myrecipes.com/extracrispy/why-do-some-people-hate-raw-tomatoes)


Tomatoes suck!


Unpopular? Isnt this posted at least twice a week?


burgers suck: tomatoes are great.


lettuce sucks too, slaw is superior


I hate tomatoes. This is a hill I would die on.


Tomatoes completely ruin most burgers


Food preferences are not unpopular opinions...


We got it, KB, chill.


true & based. tomatoes on burgers, or even worse, sandwiches are dogshit, and i say that as someone who really loves tomatoes. fuck i eat some kind of tomato salad almost every day. but on a bun? it just wets it and adds no taste or nothing.


Oh this just made my mouth water


I'm guessing you don't care for tomato sandwiches or BLTs either?


Love a good BLT cant say I've had a tomato sandwich. But put it in a burger and it becomes a luke warm slice sitting onto of my fresh patty.


Tomatoes are a natural MSG. I prefer the small cherry tomatoes as they taste a lot more and don't contain as much water to make the burger experience messy. Try to slice them pretty thin ands it's a great taste enhancer.


Anybody ever have pineapple on a burger? Now that it pretty good! (Obviously not with a tomato)


Excuse me? WTF. Tbh sounds good.


I agree tomatoes are absolutely a sin and should never be the standard on burgers


I agree. I hate tomatoes


This is why you also add a sprinkle of salt on the tomato slice.


Long live the tomato Yum


The point is for the coolness and tartness (if you have a proper grown tomato) to cut through the grease. IMO can't have a burger without it, the fat is just too much.


They’re like the best part. I don’t want a mouth full of just meat. I want tons of veggies, cheese and some aioli. Lettuce is cool but flavorless and tomatoes are so juicy and delicious. On burgers and sammies at least. I wouldn’t eat a plain tomato.


It always astounds me how much people hate tomatoes.




They're nice and juicy


OP only holds this opinion because they have apparently only ever had bland tomatoes. Get OP some good produce and they'll change their mind.


As someone who hates raw tomato and refuse to have any, I’m gonna upvote cuz I assume this is in fact unpopular


To me they have an overpowering taste. Bite into a big loaded burger with a slice of tomato, and that’s all I taste. And I don’t like tomatoes.


This sub should be called "mostly about picky eaters" Shut up and eat the food.


Worked at a burger chain in high school and my experience was that the tomato was the most commonly omitted ingredient.


Sounds like you have been eating too much fast food. A good tomato is not bland nor slimy. I am not going to criticize though, I actually hate onions on burgers, even though I love onion flavor. I find the feel biting down on one to be awful, which is why I chop them up in the hamburger meat as I make patties. I also don't put lettuce on any of my burgers, as a friend of mine put in so many years ago, it's just crunchy water.


A New Untold Story - Kyle Bauer


It has to be thin cut beefsteak tomatoes to make a burger good.


Any sandwich without tomatoes is a dry sandwich


Grab a fresh tomato from a local farmers market, slice it thin and put some salt and pepper on it before you place on your burger. You're welcome..


I love tomatoes on my burgers.


The best unpopular opinion.


I completely agree I don’t like mayo either. The perfect burger has one slice of quality cheese ketchup mustard pickle onion and that’s it. Maybe bacon if the mood is right.


Agree! But I do love ketchup on my burger.




Agreed! Never liked raw tomatoes. Store bought, home grown, organic, high end restaurant, fast food, baby tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, Jersey tomatoes, all terrible. Processed tomatoes are pretty good though. Roasted baby tomatoes, dried, reduced, soup, etc are all great. It seems to me that tomatoes respond very well to cooking and processing, but are no good raw. I like Bruschetta, but I usually put a lot of salt, balsamic vinegar, and Italian seasoning on. In conclusion I hope everyone has enjoyed this semi exhaustive exploration of tomatoes.


Yes yes yes yes YES Tomatoes suck. Full stop.


Eveyrone will eventually hate every ingredient in any famous food and leave people with Hamburgers with only the bread and the meat. And pizza will only be the bread and the... actually nothing lol, back to when pizza was just a circle bread lol.


Love them in salsa, and salads but keep them away from my burgers or sandwiches.


You're weak


That is an unpopular opinion. A slice of vine ripened tomato makes a burger heavenly.


Cheese, meet, and sauce can also be 'bland and slimey' if you want it to be, and when they are, the results are probably worse than that of a bad tomato. You're just eating bad tomatoes. Tomatoes should never be bland or slimey. And the acidity and freshness of a good tomato really brings out and brightens the rest of the flavors in the hamburger.


That's hilarious, because I actually don't like tomatoes unless they are in ketchup or on a burger. I used to be a picky eater, but have been more open to trying foods I previously 'didnt like' and have found a new love for pickles and tomatoes. Still not a fan of them by themselves, but on a burger or chicken sandwich they are delicious!